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LCC- English 3rd Semester-------PR7 of tragedy, and highlights the Islanders’ deep-seated belief in the

Q. What role does Superstition Play in “Riders to the Sea”? supernatural.

Ans. Superstition is a concept that runs throughout John
Millington Synge’s play ‘Riders to the Sea’. The play is set in the In conclusion, ‘Riders to the Sea’ presents a haunting picture of
Aran Islands, off the west coast of Ireland, and examines the life on a remote Irish island, where superstition reigns supreme.
impact of superstition on the lives of the islanders. The The play’s characters are depicted as powerless against the forces
superstitions held by the characters often influence their decisions of nature, but equally unable to resist their compulsion to appease
and actions, ultimately shaping the narrative of the play. In this fate. Despite the fatalism of the play and the inevitability of
article, we will explore the role of superstition in ‘Riders to the Sea’ Maurya’s tragic fate, the play ultimately implies a certain degree
and its impact on the characters. of individual will and agency in the face of the supernatural.
Superstition in "Riders to the Sea": Superstition is a central theme of the play and provides a
Superstition is evident from the opening lines of the play, which compelling insight in the beliefs of the Islanders, who saw
establish the atmosphere of fear on the island. The line ‘they’re all themselves as at the mercy of both the sea and the unseen forces
gone now, and there isn’t anything more the sea can do to me’ of fate.
sets the tone for the play, as the characters are depicted as Q. Character Analysis of VASU in The Man-Eater of Malgudi?
powerless against the wrath of the sea. The character Maurya, the Ans. R.K. Narayan professes to set forth the eternal conflict
matriarchal figure of the play and mother of seven sons, embodies between good and evil in ‘The Man-Eater of Malgudi’. There is no
the superstitions of the islanders. She believes fervently in the attempt at originality of thought, the novelist’s aim being mere to
power of the sea to take what it wants, as evidenced by her tragic reinstate the triumph of good or evil. This he does by drawing
life experiences of losing her husband and five of her sons to the upon a mythological tale in which Bhasmasur destroys himself.
sea. Her belief is exemplified in the scene where she tells her son Vasu is the prototype of Bhasmasur who like this demon no wishes
Michael that he should not go out to sea, as he is fated to die the illusion of becoming omnipotent. The placid world of Malgudi
there. is beset with his deeds. The taxidermist plunge this world in
The symbolism of the supernatural elements in the play also serve disorder, as a result, the restlessness is large on his face. There is
as a means to convey the importance of superstition. The ghostly no respite in Vasu’s devilish activity until it completes the circle in
presence of Maurya’s dead sons also serves to accentuate the his self-annihilation.
ultimate power of the sea. Each of her sons is associated with an Vasu is an epitome of Demonic power and mercilessness. His fist
object or element, such as the cloak, which the sea used to bring is strong enough to pulverize granite into small pieces. The
Michael’s body back to the island. The cloak is seen as a sacred matchless might and muscular feature of Vasu is an amazing
object, imbued with the power and strength of the son it achievement and a specimen of the skill of Suleiman and
represents. The symbolism of the objects serves as a reminder Pahalwan utterly callous to the positive aspects of a virtuous life.
that the islanders believe in the power of the sea, and that the Vasu had no hesitation in kicking his master out. It was brazen
elements themselves are privy to the fates of the inhabitants of ungratefulness but Vasu trampled all values displayed a
the island. wholesome disregard for the goodness of life. The attic of the
The character Bartley is another example of the influence press is rented out but no longer does he begin to live these, he
superstition has in the play. Although Maurya expresses her fear back out from paying any farthing as rent devoid of all moral and
for each of her sons, it is Bartley that is the most superstitious of ethical consideration, Vasu appears to personify all that restricts
all of them. He is fixated on the idea of needing a new horse for the flow of goodness in life. He is anti-life and anti-faith. The
the fair, believing that his success is dependent on obtaining the collection of money to celebrate the religious ceremony is duped
horse. His superstitious beliefs highlight the almost compulsive by him. He stuffs dead animals for he rejoices in it. On the other
need to please fate, and his concern for the future is evident when hand, it is a means to quench the lust for lucre for the sensual
he worries about the way the sea will look when he goes to the excitement he being women of all reputation. Vasu is evil-
mainland. incarnate and he is bent on defeating all that supports life.
However, it is important to note that superstition is not always Vasu is anti-nature, anti-religion and anti-god. He believes in
portrayed as a means of controlling fate. Synge also depicts the extinction and this deserts one and all to serve his purpose. He
concept of free will as a catalyst for the ultimate fate of the procures gun-license but betraying the bond of friendship to kills
characters. The character Cathleen, for example, constantly innocent wild creatures in Mempi forest. He lets loose a reign of
asserts the need for free will in order to influence the outcome, terror in the immediate surroundings. Unfortunately, the world of
saying “It’s the will of God, and I’m thinking you weren’t going to Natraj is too good to resist his heartless misdeeds. Thus, Vasu
have an easy life with him, or with any man.” Cathleen’s relishes in his trade and there is anarchy is Malgudi. A foul smell
acknowledgement of the importance of individual will in the face continuously emanates from the attic and the brute enjoys himself
of overpowering forces such as the sea contrasts with the heavy in the suffering of humanity. Being a bully, he reacts menacingly
emphasis on superstitious fatalism in the play. even at the slightest protest. Not only the law-protector but his
Superstition ultimately shapes the narrative of the play, as the benefactors also suffer humiliation at his hands and at times get
characters’ beliefs become self-fulfilling prophecies. Maurya’s thrashed. The blessed soil of Malgudi turns into a cursed place and
fixation on fate leads to a tragic outcome, as each of her fears are the ordinary mortals are reduced to silent spectators. Vasu
realized in the loss of each one of her son’s bodies. The final scene through a challenge even to God and kills ‘Garuda’ a mythical bird
in the play, where the women of the island are left mourning their associated with Lord Vishnu. On being accosted by Natraj, he
sons, is a poignant reflection on the powerlessness of the islanders shows his blasphemy and says “I want to try and make Vishnu use
against the forces of nature. The undercurrent of superstition that his feet now and then.” Vasu is a wrecker of life, a pitiless
runs throughout the play serves to heighten the tension and sense messenger of death. On the day of a religious procession, he
makes up his mind to shoot Kumar, the temple elephant. But the
elephant becomes ‘Gajendra’ for bringing about salvation not only Pharao’s riders are destined to die as Maurya’s ‘riders’ are fated to
for himself or Malgudi but for humanity at large. To quote Dr. D.V. meet their death in the sea.
Raghavacharya, Narayan schematizes the mythological motif by The title has also a supernatural element. One of the riders is the
employing the metaphysical triangle of Gunas as a model for ghost of Michael who pursues his living brother and takes him
analyses and projection of human character. It is an asuric strength from this world. To quote T.R. Henn-
and disoriented energy which spring from bethal combination of “It (the sea) is the killer of the young, the breadwinners, whose life
Tamas and Rajas and compounded by lack of self-knowledge is to be upon it. The fishermen are all its riders, mysteriously linked
egotism, like Bhasmasur, he seeks to stay God and destroys himself to the human and super-human riders, here and in tradition.”
by Tamasic logic and punishing casualty of his own drive for Rajasic The title also emphasizes the mythic and supernatural elements.
power. He is destroyed by the fetishism of his own strength and It indicates the manner in which the final tragedy overtakes
his elimination is brought about by the unvanquishable faith of the Maurya. The sea has devoured all the males of Maurya’s family. All
traditional community. are the riders to the sea. The lives of the Aran islanders are
Q. Justify the title of “Riders to the Sea” by J.M.Synge? determined by the sea. Their fates are destined by the hungry sea,
Ans. ‘Riders to the Sea’ literally means people venturing out into whereas Pharash’s horsemen were punished by their misdeeds.
the sea. In this play, Riders to the Sea the life of the Aran Islanders Synge with his tragic scheme pushes the riders into the sea. So all
is represented through one family. The death of all its male the riders have taken shelter under the sea after their death.
members shows how the sea acts as an agent of fate. The sea Hence the title is very suggestive and symbolic.
sustains these people; it also swallows all the earning members of Q. Life of Aran Islanders as depicted in Synge’s ‘Riders to the
Maurya family. But Synge suggests the cruelty of the sea and Sea’?
human helplessness before its omnipotent power. Synge’s choice Ans. Synge’s ‘Riders to the Sea’ (1904) is undoubtedly a regional
of title is the superb brainwork of his genius. play with a local colouring. It gives a vivid account of the life and
The title “Riders to the sea” is the most significant and symbolic to manners of the poor islanders off the West-Coast of island. Synge’s
the thematic journey. The main theme of the play, Riders to the deep and intimate acquaintance with the life of the poor, innocent
Sea is the conflict between man and the sea. The title is very and simple nearted peasantry has enabled him to re-capture the
attractive and thought-provoking. The readers are curious to know beauty and poetry of their life.
who the riders are. They will deep into the sea with the riders. Born and brought up as they are in the island their life has
Then the mystery will be revealed and the readers will shed tears. been inextricably tied up with moorlands, rugged chiffs, windy
The two riders Barthey and Michael represent the whole riders of heaths and howling seas. They cultivate their small plots of land,
the peasant families of Aran Islanders. Real beauty will come out but land, being rocky as it is alone cann’t give them the necessary
with the fragrance of the title. subsistence. Hence, they take to fishing in the sea around. They
In the play there are two riders rides on the grey pony and Bartley cann’t do, they cann’t subsist without venturing out on the sea.
riders on the red mare. They ride on their horses to the sea. The Maurya seeks to prevent her only surviving son from crossing over
Sea is the source of their living and dying. The Sea is the giver and the stormy sea saying—
taker of their lives. Through the riding of Michael and Bartley, we “he wasn’t go this day with the wind rising the south and
see the Aran islanders. Happiness and enjoyment bid them west.” But Bartley will have to go to the mainland for selling the
farewell. Sorrows and sufferings are the part and parcel of their horses.
riding. They have to fight constantly against the stony soil from The dark landscape, the monotony of the wave, the simple
which they will produce food grains after the hard toil and sweat dignity of the Islanders and their customs, dresses, festivals have
of their body. And the hungry sea is ready to devour the riders. in them, the elements of a fairly tale, yet the tragic overtone is
Firstly she tempts with the bait of their source of living and lastly, unmistakable even the most ordinary things of life are made to
she snatches away every fisherfolk of the islanders. have tragic implication life for them in a unending sorrow. They are
The title helps us to go deep into the text and the sea. The story is in horrible economic plight. The women folk work at the spinning
about the tragic fate of Maurya an old woman of the island. She wheels, mend torn pieces of cloths and cook their simple food.
has her father-in-law, her husband, and six sturdy sons. They are The men folk rear sheep, pigs and horses and make ashes out of
all riders to the sea. But all of them except Bartley were devoured the sea weeds for the manufacture of soda and potash. They make
before the curtain rises. The play is about the last rider, Bartley. fuel out of the decomposed vegetable matter because they cann’t
Maurya’s fifth son Michael was drowned in the sea nine days afforeded carthy fuel.
before the play begins. Bartley wants to go to the sea. Maurya Poverty and sufferings are then the part and parcel of life of
dissuades but Bartley says Cathleen “It’s a life of a Youngman to these people. Man jet drowned and die every now and then. The
be going to the sea.” The sea devours him also. peculiarity of the circumstances of their life is that whether they
The title has a biblical significance. If we have a look at the Book like or not they can’t but take risk in sailing ever the perilous sea.
of Exodus in the old testament we will realize the symbolical If they do not take risk they will have to starve at home. There in
meaning. When the horses of Pharaoh with his chariots and his lies the predicament of their life. The sea by delivering the
horsemen went into the sea, the Lord brought back the waters of successive blows to them has made them fatalist. Maurya realizes
the sea upon but the people of Israel walked on dry ground in the in the end that which is totaled for them can’t be blotted. She has
midst of the sea. Then Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, learnt from her own experience that what can not be cured must
took a tumbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her be endured.
with timbrels and dancing. Miriam songs- Thus, Synge in his ‘Riders to the Sea’ (1904) has faithfully
“Sing to the Lord, for he has reproduced the inner beauty and harmony in the life of these
Triumphed gloriously; primitive people who have not yet lost the poetry of an
The horse and his rider he had imaginative life by sophistication.
Thrown into the sea.”
another guest, telling the stranger that “this man Gatsby sent over
his chauffeur with an invitation,” but that he “hasn’t even seen the
Q. Why did Gatsby organize parties? host” yet. Gatsby announces himself and apologizes for being a
Ans. Jay Gatsby is Nick Carraway's extremely wealthy neighbor. He poor host. Now knowing that this stranger is Gatsby, Nick notes a
lives in a magnificent mansion in the West Egg, directly across the subtle contradiction in the man’s behavior. On the one hand,
sound from the Buchanan estate. When Jay Gatsby returned from Gatsby has an earnest smile that exhibits “a quality of eternal
the war, he became business partners with Meyer Wolfsheim and reassurance.” Yet Gatsby’s “elaborate formality of speech” also
amassed a fortune in the illegal bootlegging industry. He never lost indicates “that he was picking his words with care,” and hence may
his love for Daisy, and he purchased an extravagant mansion not be as earnest—or honest—as he first appears.
directly across the water from her home. Gatsby knew that Daisy Q. Why did Daisy marry Tom?
had married Tom Buchanan, but he still held onto his dream of one Ans. Even though she was still in love with Gatsby, Daisy most likely
day marrying her. In an effort to reconnect with Daisy, Gatsby married Tom because she knew he could provide her with more
hosts elaborate parties, where strangers from all over the East and material comforts. In Chapter 4 Jordan recounts how, the day
West Egg are invited. Interestingly, Gatsby does not participate in before the wedding, she found Daisy drunk, sobbing, and clutching
the revelries taking place at his home but passively watches over a letter. Daisy has thrown away a pearl necklace Tom gave her – a
his parties as a host, hoping that Daisy will attend. At the end of necklace that cost $350,000. Presumably, the letter is from Gatsby,
chapter four, Jordan Baker explains to Nick how Daisy and Jay who most likely has learned of the wedding and is begging Daisy
Gatsby originally met. Gatsby throws huge parties because he to reconsider. While Tom has just given her an insanely expensive
hopes Daisy will hear of them and someday show up at one. He necklace, Gatsby is still a student, living abroad, and has yet to
also hopes that someone who knows her will show up at the make his fortune. Daisy must know Tom will be far more likely to
parties and perhaps offer him access to her. He has purchased his provide her with the lifestyle she’s accustomed to. Once Daisy
mansion because it is across the water from hers, in close takes a bath and calms down, she consents to marry Tom, and
proximity. Although he lives close enough to Daisy to watch the appears, initially at least, happy with her decision.
green light at the end of her pier, and although he has become Q. Why does Gatsby arrange for Nick to have lunch with Jordan
wealthy, Gatsby is hampered by not being in her social class (the Baker?
"old money"). He is also hampered by not wanting to recognize Ans. Although Nick doesn’t realize it at first, Gatsby arranges for
that Tom is part of her life. When he learns that Nick is her cousin him to have lunch with Jordan as part of his plan to get close to
and has full access to her—and also that Nick lives next door to Daisy. More specifically, Gatsby wants to arrange it so that Daisy
him—a plan to reconnect with Daisy without including Tom begins will come to West Egg, where she can be reunited with Gatsby and
to form in Gatsby's mind. witness his wealth firsthand. Having Daisy come to West Egg has
Q. In The Great Gatsby, why does Gatsby throw huge expensive the advantage of isolating her from Tom, and also makes it
parties for people he does not even know? possible for Gatsby to stage an apparently accidental encounter
Ans. To a large extent, it's a sign of insecurity. Like a lot of members with her. In order for these events to happen, Gatsby needs Nick
of the new rich, Gatsby is acutely aware that the old money to invite Daisy over under the pretense of having tea. Instead of
families look down on those who worked for their wealth rather asking Nick to do this himself, Gatsby employs Jordan to convince
than inherited it. As someone from a humble Midwest background Nick. The meeting between Nick and Jordan in Chapter 4 is part of
who made his fortune from various criminal enterprises, Gatsby a longer-term plan that Gatsby initiated before Daisy moved to
feels like he doesn't truly belong among the social elite, no matter East Egg. According to Jordan, Gatsby has kept tabs on Daisy for
how much money he has. Lavish parties and other ostentatious years and followed her when she and Tom moved from Chicago to
displays of wealth are a way for Gatsby to try and find a place for the east coast.
himself in high society, even if it's all just on the surface. If he has Q. How does Tom find out about the affair between Gatsby and
to buy his way in, then so be it. Although the East Eggers may look Daisy?
down on Gatsby and his kind, many of them will still attend his Ans. Tom finds out about the affair between Gatsby and Daisy in
parties. Then as now, money talks. Chapter 7, just before the three of them, along with Nick, take a
trip to New York. Although no one explicitly communicates this
His parties are also an outward sign to Gatsby that he's made a fact, Tom picks up on suspicious body language. Specifically, he
clean break in life. The parties, and all the other trappings of his notices Gatsby and Daisy exchange glances: “Their eyes met, and
enormous wealth, allow him to place a veneer of respectability they stared together at each other, alone in space.” Nick watches
over a life that, up until now, has been anything but. Throwing Tom as he, in turn, watches the exchange between his wife and
lavish parties and playing the gracious host confer a sense of Gatsby. Nick writes: “She had told [Gatsby] that she loved him, and
respectability on Gatsby, making people think that he's just like Tom Buchanan saw. He was astounded.” Even though Tom realizes
any other legitimate businessman with a taste for the finer things the nature of Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship early in Chapter 7,
in life. For Gatsby, as with many people in this materialistic age, it he does not confront Gatsby until later in the chapter, in a room at
doesn't matter what you are; what matters is what people think the Plaza Hotel. Nevertheless, the moment Tom sees what’s going
you are. on marks the beginning of the end.
Q. How does Nick Carraway first meet Jay Gatsby? Q. Why does Myrtle run out in front of Gatsby’s car?
Ans. Nick is Gatsby’s neighbor, and he first sees him out on the Ans. At the end of the Chapter 7, Myrtle runs out in front of
lawn one dark night, reaching his arms toward a green light across Gatsby’s car because she mistakes it for Tom’s car. The mistake
the water. However, despite seeing his silhouette, and despite occurs because, earlier in the day, Tom suggests that he and
hearing many rumors about him, the two men do not meet until Gatsby swap cars for the drive to New York. Gatsby drives straight
Nick attends one of Gatsby’s summer parties. The actual moment to New York, but Tom, driving Gatsby’s car, stops for gas at the
of their acquaintance proves awkward. Nick mistakes Gatsby for Wilsons’ garage. Myrtle sees Tom from the room where her
husband has locked her up. Later that night, Tom and Gatsby drive
their own cars back from the city. When Myrtle sees the yellow car
coming down the road, she assumes it’s Tom, breaks out of her Q. Why is Nick the narrator of the story?
room, and runs out to seek his help. Myrtle’s mistake proves fatal Ans. As the narrator, Nick offers a unique and revealing point of
when Daisy, who’s driving Gatsby’s car, accidentally hits her, killing view. Coming from a “prominent, well-to-do” yet humble family
her instantly. from the Midwest to the comparatively riotous East of the 1920s,
Q. How does Gatsby make his money? Nick is able to look at the debauchery and brazen displays of
Ans. Although Gatsby himself never explicitly says how he became wealth with fresh eyes. Viewing the story through Nick’s point of
wealthy, readers could assume his money comes from illegal or view allows one of the novel’s main themes—the hopelessness of
nefarious practices, working as either a German spy or a gambler. the American dream—to shine through. Had the narrator been a
Readers know from Gatsby’s relationship with Meyer Wolfsheim, character who enjoyed wealth, like Tom, or aspired to it, like
the character in the novel who fixed the 1919 World Series, that Myrtle, readers may not have been able to see the emptiness of
Gatsby was involved in criminal activities. During Tom and Gatsby’s their dreams and values.
fight in Chapter 7, Tom brings up Gatsby’s business with Q. Why does Daisy cry over Gatsby’s shirts?
Wolfsheim, saying he heard that they “sold grain alcohol over the Ans. As Gatsby shows Daisy around his house, she sees the “Marie
counter” at drug stores in New York or Chicago. Gatsby responds Antoinette music-rooms and Restoration salons” and “period
to the accusation with “What about it?”, suggesting that Tom is bedrooms swathed in rose and lavender silk and vivid with new
right, and that Gatsby likely made the majority of his money flowers,” but Daisy does not react until Gatsby shows Daisy the
through bootlegging. shirts that a man in England sends to him each season. Upon
Q. How are West Egg and East Egg different? seeing the shirts, Daisy cries and explains, “It makes me sad
Ans. Nick explains that West Egg is “the less fashionable of the because I’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before.” One
two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and reason for Daisy’s reaction could be that she only cares about
not a little sinister contrast between them.” While readers know material goods, and so something like fine clothing can make her
that Gatsby’s house is huge and opulent, West Egg is considered feel affection for Gatsby. However, the shirts more likely symbolize
less fancy because the people who live there, including Gatsby, are how far Gatsby has risen since she last knew him, and she may feel
“new money.” While those in West Egg are eager to show off their emotional that she doesn’t have the chance to marry him now.
money, like Gatsby, the residents of East Egg are more private Q. Why does Tom bring up race so often?
about their wealth. Ans. During Nick’s first dinner with the Buchanans, Tom responds
Q. What is the importance of the character Owl Eyes? to Nick’s comment about Daisy making him feel “uncivilized” by
Ans. Before readers are introduced to the more prominent eyes in starting a conversation about how “civilization’s going to pieces,”
the novel—those of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg—Nick meets a character referencing a book titled The Rise of the Colored Empires and
he knows only as “Owl Eyes” at the first party he attends at insisting that the white race is becoming “submerged.” Later in the
Gatsby’s house. Nick comes across a drunk Owl Eyes in the library, novel, he finds a way to shoehorn in the topic of race by saying the
in disbelief that all of the books in Gatsby’s library are real. Owl institution of marriage is being so disrespected that “next they’ll
Eyes is the only character, perhaps besides Nick, who is curious throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between
about Gatsby and wants to see him for who he truly is. Readers black and white.” Tom’s racism reveals his belief that there are only
may note that Owl Eyes is also the only character apart from Nick a few people in the world—himself included—who deserve
to attend Gatsby’s funeral, a detail that reveals that Owl Eyes cares wealth and power and that he feels threatened by the idea of
for Gatsby beyond his wealth. others rising to his level.
Q. Does Daisy love Gatsby or Tom? Q. Why is Myrtle attracted to Tom?
Ans. Daisy seems unhappy with her marriage to Tom from the Ans. Although George Wilson seems to be a caring, hardworking
outset of the novel. Even the night before their wedding, she got husband, Myrtle claims to have regretted marrying him from the
drunk and told Jordan to tell everyone she had changed her mind. day after their wedding. Since George did not have a suit of his
She tells Gatsby, “You always look so cool,” and everyone else can own to get married in and had to borrow one from a friend, Myrtle
see that “[s]he had told him that she loved him.” However, Daisy thought that “he wasn’t fit to lick [her] shoe.” Tom, on the other
chooses Tom in the end and even lets him tell George that it was hand, is powerful and wealthy and promises the lifestyle Myrtle
Gatsby who killed Myrtle. Although Daisy may have loved Gatsby craves. Despite her own modest background, Myrtle believes she
once, she does not love him more than the wealth, status, and deserves more without actually working for it, and as Tom’s
freedom that she has with Tom. mistress, she can at least act as though she is of a higher social
Q. Why does Tom insist on switching cars with Gatsby when they class.
go to the city? Q. Why does Gatsby stop throwing parties?
Ans. The group decides to go to the city shortly after Daisy “told Ans. Early in the novel, when Jordan explains Gatsby’s relationship
[Gatsby] that she loved him, and Tom Buchanan saw.” Wanting to with Daisy to Nick, she says that Gatsby “half-expected [Daisy] to
belittle Gatsby, Tom insists that he take Gatsby’s car while Gatsby wander into one of his parties, some night.” After Daisy and Tom
takes his car, knowing that the suggestion would be “distasteful to finally attend one of Gatsby’s parties, Gatsby abruptly stops
Gatsby.” Tom also expects Daisy to ride with him, thereby proving throwing them, for there no longer is a reason to hold such events.
to Gatsby that she would choose him, her husband, over Gatsby. Now that both Daisy and Tom have seen proof of Gatsby’s wealth,
However, Daisy chooses to ride with Gatsby, and Nick and Jordan he doesn’t feel the need to show it off anymore.
ride with Tom, setting off the night’s tragic events.

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