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Shukis 1

Jackson Shukis

Ginger Mcclendon

PCIS 8th


Analysis of Angela Lee Duckworth’s TedTalk about Grit

In PCIS, we like to pull from various resources and indulge in new readings and videos to

enhance our knowledge and understanding of the world. This is to broaden our experience and

soak in as much information and learning as we can to better ourselves for the future. I recently

watched a TedTalk from Angela Lee Duckworth about the importance of grit and passion in your

endeavors, and how success cannot come from raw talent or intelligence alone and the hard work

aspect needs to be there. This relates to my interest and future hope to pursue a life in the field of

law and is a great insight into what it takes to be successful.

In her TED Talk titled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance," Angela Lee

Duckworth discusses the significance of grit in achieving success. Duckworth, a psychologist,

shares results from her research, emphasizing that beyond talent and intelligence, it is the

combination of passion and perseverance that leads to results. Drawing from various studies,

including her own experiences as a teacher in challenging environments, Duckworth emphasizes

the importance of working on grit in individuals, particularly in educational settings. She argues

that grit can be developed and improved over time, offering strategies for parents, educators, and

individuals themselves to foster this trait. Overall, Duckworth's talk underscores the critical role

of grit in overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term goals. Something my Father always

says, “Talent is what gets you in the door, but hard work is what keeps you there.”
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In the field of law, Angela Lee Duckworth's concept of grit is highly relevant and

impactful. Grit, characterized by passion and perseverance, plays a crucial role in various aspects

of legal practice. It helps law students excel academically, lawyers navigate demanding

workloads and high-pressure situations, and advocates persistently for clients' interests. Grit also

contributes to career advancement, professional development, and the building of strong client

relationships. Overall, Duckworth's ideas underscore the importance of determination and

resilience in achieving success in the legal profession.

Duckworth, Angela Lee. “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance.” TED Talks,


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