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Fallout Northwest Setting

In October 2077, US power armor reaches Beijing. Facing defeat, China launches its nuclear arsenal. A
two hour nuclear exchange reduces most of the world’s population centers to cinders. Automated
defenses ringing Seattle are mostly effective against the barrage of incoming missiles, sparing much of
the surrounding area from direct impacts. However, 2 get through, in Everett and Seattle, and the
resulting air bursts amplify the effect of airborne radioactive fallout from other impact sites, creating a
‘radioactive storm’ over the metropolitan area. Millions die or slowly become ghouls.

Washington has become a muddy, radioactive wasteland. The initial nuclear exchange set off a massive
geological chain reaction in the region, with both Mt. Rainer and Mt. St. Helens erupting, sending mud
flows across the area. The two volcanoes are still somewhat active, occasionally sending ash plumes into
the air and causing further earthquakes and radioactive acid rain is common.

Our timeline is Fallout 3 and Project Purity is currently happening.

Puget Sound, the Luminous Sea- Underneath the perpetual haze of irradiated mist, the utter desolation
of the Luminous Sea is the result of the direct impact of a nuclear weapon during the Great War. Anyone
looking to travel close to the center of the impact zone or, in-fact, anywhere within the region would do
well to stock up on chems or wear the appropriate equipment to prevent long-term effects from the
invisible killer of radiation emanating from what has come to be known as the “Seas of Atom” by the
Children of Atom (both Everett and Seattle).

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