OxyClassifieds v8 Administration Manual

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OxyClassifieds Handbook

OxyClassifieds Team <Email: office@oxyclassifieds.com >

OxyClassifieds Handbook
by OxyClassifieds Team
by .
Copyright © 2006 - 2014 www.oxyclassifieds.com


This book provides informations about installation and configuration of OxyClassi-
fieds script. We made efforts to make this book as complete and as acurate as possible
but not warranty or fitness is implied.



This book includes configuration instructions for OxyClassifieds version 8

To see the script in action, please visit Live Demo section at:


Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................. v
1. Administrator Panel Interface ..................................................................... 1
1.1. Statistics ...................................................................................... 1
1.2. Listings ....................................................................................... 2
1.3. Users .......................................................................................... 8
1.4. Orders ....................................................................................... 16
1.5. Security ..................................................................................... 18
1.6. Tools ......................................................................................... 20
1.7. Banners ..................................................................................... 33
1.8. Settings ...................................................................................... 37
1.9. Modules ..................................................................................... 81
1.10. Templates ................................................................................. 95
1.11. Logout .................................................................................... 101
2. FAQ ................................................................................................... 103
3. Extended information ............................................................................ 107
3.1. Search Engine Optimization Features .............................................. 107
3.2. Pending Approval Explained ......................................................... 110
3.3. How to setup fieldsets, categories and fields - Example ........................ 111
3.4. Steps to set up your script ............................................................ 112
3.5. How to configure your site for Location Filter and Location Subdo-
mains. ........................................................................................... 113
The script we describe in this document is a PHP and MySQL application (script) that can
be installed on a Web server, allowing you to quickly setup your own Classifieds website.
Installation of the script can be done in few minutes. Also our team can help, installing the
script, for free. After the installation process you will have to configure the script with the
aid of the Administrator Panel. This documentation describes in detail the configurations
you are able to change in the script using this tool.
Chapter 1. Administrator
Panel Interface
To login as administrator use the Login link from frontend navigation bar. Same link will
be used to login as user and as administrator. The difference is that when you login with
administrator user you will be redirected to the Administrator Panel. Also, when you are
logged in as administrator, the site front-end will show a link towards the Administrator
Panel interface on the navigation bar. This link is not visible unless you are logged in as
administrator user.

We will continue describing each of the Administrator Panel sections.

1.1. Statistics
Will show you some quick information on your system.

Current version - Will show you your current version and last update date, as well as latest
available version on our site.

Last Login - Last login date and IP from which administrator logged in. A more detailed
login history can be seen in Security / Login History section.

Listings - Some stats on current listings. You will find the number of listings for differ-
ent listing classes: active, expired, pending, featured, highlighted, listings with a priority,
video listings and the total hits for all listings.

Users - Some stats on the users that are in the system: total users, active and inactive
users, users with ads, with dealer page or bulk uploads enabled.

Latest Registered Users - If there are users registered on your system, latest 6 registered
will be shown here.

Latest Subscriptions - If you have defined subscription based plans, here will be listed
latest 6 registered subscriptions.

System Info - Some information about current script version, PHP, MySQL and GD graphic
library installed versions. You have also the possibility to see php settings by clicking on
the link next to View PHP Info

Latest Added Listings - If there are listings added to the system, latest 6 listings will show.

Latest Orders - Latest 6 operations that were made in your system.


1.2. Listings
1.2.1. Manage Listings
Will show the current listings in the system. It contains some elements that help you
browse selectively or in a certain order, search or make operations on the listings. Same
system will be found on other pages and we will not repeat these explanations for each
of them.

Action buttons

When selected multiple listings, the action that represents the button will apply to all
selected listings. Exception makes the Add listing button which will take you to a new list-
ing form. You can select multiple listings by selecting the left side checkbox on the cor-
responding row.

• Add Listing - Will take you to listing submit form. Please see a description below.

• Delete All Selected - Selected listings will be deleted

• Deactivate All Selected - Selected listings will be deactivated (disabled).

• Activate All Selected - Selected listings will be activated (enabled) if not already active.

Pages navigator - navigate through listings pages if more than one

Selective browsing and ordering form

• Listing type - you can choose a class of listings, for example Active listings - all listings
that are active, Expired Listings - expired listings or listings that have an option en-

• Order - you can choose to order the listings by: date, listing price field, listing title and
the number of hits.

• Order direction - choose ascendant or descendant order direction

Listing search form - You will need to click on the Search button to display the search
form. You will be able to search by certain fields like: id, keyword, username, email, ip,
category, plan and date. The results will appear in the listings table.

Listings table

For each listing will be shown some base information including an image thumbnail, some
status buttons and you will have a set of icons that will perform actions on the corre-
sponding listing.

Status Buttons - show information about the listing status

• Active - the listing is active

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• Inactive - the listing is inactive. Inactive listings are only visible for administrator and
listing owner, but are not appearing for visitors or other users than the owner.

• Pending - the listing is pending or a pending action exists for the listing.

When you mouse over the Pending button, a box will appear and show you information
to which case Pending button refers to. There are some distinctive cases here:

Only the listing is pending: the mouse over info box will show you just Pending Listing
message. In this case, you can accept (activate) the listing by clicking either on the
Pending status button, or on Enable icon

Other actions refering to the listing are pending - if a user chooses to add an extra option to
a listing, which by system settings requires to be manually accepted by administrator,
that pending option will appear here as a pending action related to this ad. The name of
the action will be added to the information box : Pending Featured, Pending Highlighted,
Pending Priority or Pending Video

When pending actions exist, when clicking on the Pending status button you will be
taken to a modal window where you will have to choose (by checking a checkbox next
to the action) which action you want to accept or reject.

By accepting the pending action, the option that the action represents will become
active for the listing. So if there is a Pending Featured action, the listing will become
featured after accepting the action.

The pending button will not disappear, even if the listing is active
when pending actions exist.

• Featured - appears when the listing has Featured extra option enabled.

• Highlighted - appears when the listing has Highlighted extra option enabled.

• Video - appears when the listing has Video extra option enabled.

• Priority - appears when the listing has Priority extra option enabled.

Action icons

There is a set of icons that appear for each listing to the right side of the table. Here is
a list of these icons:

Manage Listings

• Send Email - will open a window with an email form. Send email to the listing owner
using this form.

• Edit - will take you to Edit Listing page

• Edit Photos - will take you to Edit Photos page

• Delete - delete the listing

• Enable / Disable - enable or disable the listing

• Modify Ad Settings - will open a modal window where you can change some listing set-
tings: category, listing plan, expire date, username, and you can edit the extra options

• Mark as Sold / Unmark as Sold - mark the listing as sold or remove sold mark

• Mark as Rented / Unmark as Rented - mark the listing as rented or remove rented mark

• Renew - will only show for expired listings. This icon allow you to renew a listing.

• Block Ip - You can block the ip which this ad was posted with.

Select number of listings to show on page

By default only 10 ads will be shown on a page. Use this select box that is positioned below
the listings table to choose a different number. Submitting a new listing as administrator

Click on Add button on top of listings table of Listings / Manage Listings section. You will be
taken to a form with 2 steps. Choose Next button when you completed the current step.

• Choose Ad Settings - You must choose a category for your listing, a plan and a user to
post the listing for. These fields are mandatory.

• Enter Ad Details - Fill in the form for the listing. The mandatory fields are marked, usually
with a red star.

• Add Photos - Upload photos for your ad.

• Extra Options - You can choose extra options for the ad like Featured, Highlighted, Priority
or Video Classifieds if these options are enabled and if they are not already included in
the plan features. The options that are included are grayed and you will not be able to
select them.

• Finish - After these 2 steps your ad submission is completed. You can review your ad
details or options and go back to edit them if you want by clicking on the buttons Edit
Listing, Edit Ad Options or Edit Photos.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

1.2.2. Listing Plans

This section allows you to set the listing pricing system. Every ad must be attached to a
listing plan. Here you will define if you want your ads to be paid or free, if you want your
users to choose a listing plan every time they post ads or to post more ads after they attach
a plan to their account (this system is called subscription). The listing plan will also define
ad characteristics, like number of photos and words allowed, time until the listing expires,
whether the ad should start with some extra options (Featured, Highlighted, Priority or
Video Classifieds ) or not.

If you have only one listing plan defined, when posting ads this plan
will be always considered by default and the section for choosing
listing plans will be skiped.

There are 2 types of ad plans that can be added: Ad Based plans and Subscription Based plans.

Ad Based plans - are plans that are either free or paid plans, and when choosing this plan
for their ads, the users can only add a single listing for this plan. If this plan is paid, then
the result is that the user must pay every time when posting an ad to this plan.

Subscription Based plans - once a user will buy a subscription, they can post multiple ads
for that subscription. Use this type of plan for users that have large amounts of listings
to post, like dealers.

For both types of plans you can set the ad characteristics: description length, number of
pictures, days until the ad expires (set 0 if you don't want the ad to expire). You must also
set the amount that the user will be charged with, or 0 if you want to make the plan free
(only for ad based plans). You can also choose that the plan includes some extra options, if
you have them enabled: Featured, Highlighted, Priorities or Video Classifieds. The ads posted
for this plan will have these features enabled by default and are included in the plan price.

Another option that you have for both plan types is to set a number of times a plan can be
used. For this, use the field Allow usage. Set this value to the number of times one listing
plan can be used by one user, or by one ip address (in case this plan is used by not logged
in guests ). This feature is useful if you want for example to give free the first listing on
your site, but the next listinsg posted you want to be paid for. In this case you create one
listing plan with the value for Allow usage set to 1. This value is set to 0 by default, which
means that it can be used unlimited times.

For subscription based plans you must also choose:

Listing Plans

No Ads - a number of ads for the plan (users will pay once and be able to set this number
of ads until the subscription becomes inactive). Set this number to 0 for unlimited ads.

Subscription Time - a number of days until subscription expires (do not mistake it for
the other option, Number of Days. Number of days is the time until each ad expires, while
Subscription Time is the number of days until the subscription expires). Set this to 0 for
unlimited days. The subscription will expire when one of the 2 values reaches the limit:
the number of ads reaches 0 (if it was not unlimited in the first place) or the time expires.

If you have set in Settings / General Settings the option Send notification to user - Before listing
expires with X days, then the user will be notified before the subscription expires, and will
also be notified after expiration if the other option Send notification to user - When listing
expired is set.

Subscription based plans must have a price greater than 0. These
ad plans are always paid, and you will be given a warning if setting
a 0 price.

Subscription based plans cannot be used for not logged in guests,
only Ad Based plans can be used in this case.

For both ad plan types you have the possibility to add plans for all categories, for only one
category or more than one categories. To choose for which categories the plan applies,
when editing or adding a plan, next to Use plan for, choose Choose Categories radio button
instead of All Categories - the default setting, and choose the categories you want from the
list. When a user places an ad, based on the category the user chose for the ad, the list
of available plans will be built with the plans that are set for all categories, or the ones
that have the current category selected within the categories list. This way you can set
different prices for different categories.

You can also build plans special for some groups of users only. To do this, proceed like with
the categories and choose from the groups list after choosing Choose User Groups option.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

1.2.3. Coupons
Coupons are a way of offering discounts to your customers, and are in fact small codes that
once entered in the form when submitting an ad or buying an option from your site, the
total to be paid will reduced with the value of the coupon.

Coupons are a way of marketing your site. You can promote your site by offering coupons
so people will try your services for free or a reduced price. You can send coupons by mail
to a list of emails that belong to possible clients, by posting banners or announcements
to other sites containing the coupon code, and so on. Adding a new coupon or editing an existing coupon

To add a new coupon click the Add button on top of the coupons table.

In case you want to edit an existing one, use the Edit icon in the coupons table.

Here is the description for the form that follows:

Code - you must enter the coupon code that users will enter on your site. The code should
be simple to be easily remembered by your clients.

Discount type - you can opt for either a fixed discount or a percent discount. When you
choose Fixed discount, the exact amount that you enter in Discount box will be reduced,
for example if you enter 2, $2 or EUR 2 or 2 units of whatever currency you use for your
site will be subtracted from the total sum. If you choose Percent, then the value in percents
will be subtracted, for example if you enter 50, 50% of the total will be dropped.

For a percent discount type, you must NOT enter the percent sign
in the box, just the number!

Discount - the discount value that represents the fixed amount or percent of total sum.

Available for - choose whether this coupon is valid for listing related operations (submit-
ting ads, renewing ads, buying subscriptions or adding extra options) or for adding Dealer
Page option to an account, or for both.

Use by - you can choose here the user groups that you want this coupon to be valid for. If
you want it to be used by any group, then leave the default option All User Groups checked.
If you want only some user groups to use it, then choose Choose User Groups option and
then from the multiselect box that will open choose the user groups. You can choose
multiple groups. If you enabled posting ads without an account by checking Enable post
without user account in Settings / General Settings section, then you will see appearing as a


group Not logged in guests. This group refers to posting ads without an account, and if you
check this special group, then the coupon will be able to use by a not logged in ad owner.

Allow usage - you can limit the number of times a coupon is used by a certain user if you
want that. If you want to allow using it as many time as a user wants, then leave 0 in this
box. Browsing existing coupons

The existing coupon codes will be listed in a table. The operations you can perform on the
existing coupon codes are Delete and Edit. Using coupons

When a user uses a discount coupon, the discount value will be substracted from the total
value to pay. If the discount is an 100% discount, or the discount value is a fixed value
greater than the total amount to pay, then the user will not be charged. The discount will
be mentioned in email and info texts after the operation is completed. Also, for a payment
operation where a coupon is used, the coupon code will appear in Orders / Order History
section of Administrator Panel, and in Order History section of user account.

1.3. Users
1.3.1. Users List
There are 4 types of user accounts you can login with in our script:

• Administrator account - There is only one administrator account, which has access to
administrator panel and can perform all operations.

• User accounts - These are the normal user accounts which can post ads. They will access
only the site frontent, which includes special pages when they are logged in, in order to
allow them to manage their own listings, account information and password, messages,
saved searches, email alerts and order history.

• Moderator accounts - These are user accounts with privileges which are meant to help
the administrator managing the site without allowing them full access to the admin-
istrator panel. They also can post ads as normal users do, and have partial access to
the administrator interface. When you create a moderator account you can choose to
which sections of the administrator interface you want to allow access to. Note that the
settings section of the administrator panel are not among the possible choices, these
configurations should be done only by the site administrator.

• Affiliate accounts - Affiliate accounts are not normal user accounts. They cannot post
ads as normal users, and they also don't have access to the administrator panel. Their
account is only used to view information about the revenue they gain from refering
your site to other people. More information about affiliate accounts here.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

The following section describes User accounts and Moderator accounts. Adding a new user

To add a new user account click the Add button on top of the users table.

If your system has more than one user group, you will be asked to choose one on first
step of this operation.

Next you will need to fill in a form similar to user registration form. The required fields
will be marked with a red star.

The fields in this from can be customized for your needs, for each
of user groups. To customize registration forms you must edit user
fields list in Settings / User Custom Fields.

If you want to allow this user moderator rights check the Moderator checkbox. A new part
of the form will open allowing you to choose the operations the moderator should be
allowed to perform in the administrator interface to certain sections. For each section in
the list you can allow the following operations: View, Add, Modify, Delete

After finishing filling the form hit submit. The user will be created and you will return
to Users List page.

When a user is created by administrator no email is sent, not to new
account email and not to administrator.

You have the option to add a number of credits to the user when
you create it by filling the box Credits. If you don't want to add cred-
its, leave the box empty. See here more information about cred-
its [64].

Users List Browsing existing users

You can see here all users that are currently in the system. Like on Manage Listings page,
you will have Action Buttons, Selective browsing and ordering form, Pages navigator , Search form
and Select number of listings to show on page. We are not going to explain these parts, since
they are similar to those used on Manage Listings page. But we will explain the icons that
appear for each user row on the table.

Action Icons

• Info - Opens a popup window with complete account information

• Send mail - Opens a popup window with a send message form. Fill in the form with a
title and content and this message will go to the email set for this account.

• Edit - Edit user details - a form similar with the registration form will show up and you
will be able to change account details. A similar form will appear in the user account

• Login as This User - Clicking on this icon will log you out as admin and log you in as
this user instead. You will be redirected out of administrator interface, to the frontend.
Note that you cannot login as users that are not active. For those users this icon will
appear grayed.

• Change Password - Change password for the user.

• Delete - Delete user account.

• Block IP - Blocks the IP address from which the user has registered. Someone accessing
the site from this IP address will be redirected to an Access Restricted page.

• Disable - Will disable the account - make it inactive without deleting it. The user will
not be able to login with this account.

• Enable - Appears only for disabled accounts and allows enabling them.

• Enable Dealer Page / Disable Dealer Page - Adds or deletes Dealer Page option to the account.
See below more information in this concept.

• Enable Bulk Uploads / Disable Bulk Uploads - Adds or deletes Bulk Uploads option to the
account. See below more information in this concept. Some new user account related concepts

Dealer Page

Dealer Page is a feature that you can use as a source of income from your site. You can
choose to allow users to buy this feature for their accounts when you choose for a user

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

group settings Allow to buy for Dealer Page. It can also be enabled by default for a group and
not require payment when you choose Enable by default in group settings (you can change
the group settings when adding or editing user groups from Users / User Groups section,
please see User Groups section).

Dealer Page is similar with More Listings of this user feature, a page where user profile and
all user ads are listed. The difference is that users can add a banner that will replace the
top banner on that particular page. Configuring the top banner for the accounts that have
Dealer Page enabled is made from MyAccount / Modify Account Info section when logged
in as that user, Dealer Page Banner field. It can also be configured by administrator when
editing the user profile.

As the rest of paid features, for Dealer Page feature can be set a price and a time to expire.
This is done from Settings / Extra Visibility options / User Account Options Dealer Page Price and
Dealer Page Availability. If you don't want this feature to expire you must set 0 for Dealer
Page Availability.

Since this feature is very similar to More Listings of this user feature, the latest feature can
be disabled for regular users when using Dealer Page for a certain type of account. This
is done from Settings / Listing Settings section, uncheck the checkbox Show More ads for this
user link .

If you have both Dealer Page feature and More Listings of this user enabled, then for listings
that belong to users with Dealer Page enabled, only the Dealer Page link will show.

Bulk Uploads - This feature allows your users to upload more than one listing at a time.
Use this if you have users that upload many ads at a regular bases, perhaps on more sites
than one, and they need a way to add those listings in a single operation. Adding Bulk Ads
is made by uploading a csv or xml file which contains all data needed for the listings.

1.3.2. User Groups

This section allows you to define more than one user group. When the script is installed
you will have only one group added to this section. You must have at least one user group
in the system. Adding a new user group or editing an existing one

To add a new user group you will need to click on the Add button on top of user groups
table. You will have to fill in the following form:

Name - name of the group

Description - description for user group. The name and description of the group will ap-
pear only if there is more than one group added. Then there will be a pre-register page
where the guest can choose what type of account he/she wants. The title and description


of each group will appear on this page. You should point out here why somebody should
use a certain group for an account, the benefits of choosing one group and so on.

Auto Register - the groups that have this checkbox enabled will accept registration from
site frontend. To groups that are not Auto Register, only administrator can add users from
the administrator interface. If there is no Auto Register account, no registration link will
appear in site frontend.

Activate Account - if you enable this option, when users choose to create an account for
this group they will be sent an email after registration, to the email address they regis-
tered with. In that email there is an activation link. They must click on the link to activate
the account. If they don't activate their account, the account will be inactive (the user
will not be able to login with it). This option allows you to verify that the emails users
register with are valid and owned by these users.

Admin Verification - if you enable this option, users that create an account in this group
will remain inactive until you manually activate them from administrator interface. You
will receive an email when such user registers if you have enabled Send notification to admin
- When user registers in Settings / Listing Settings section.

Dealer Page - choose the level on which Dealer Page will be accessible to this user. You can
choose one of the following:

• Do not allow - these users will not have the possibility to add a Dealer Page to their ac-

• Allow to buy - these users will have a link that will allow them to buy a Dealer Page

• Enable by default - these users will have Dealers Page enabled by default in their accounts.

Allow Bulk Ads - users will have in their accounts menu a page from which they can upload
bulk ads.

Listing Pending - if you enable this option, all listings posted by this group users will be
made pending (awaiting administrator approval)

Plan Pending - if you enable this option, all plans bought by this group users will be made
pending (awaiting administrator approval)

1.3.3. Affiliates
As it was explained earlier, affiliates are a special type of users. For this reason they are
not listed along with the other user accounts, but in a separate section, here.

Affiliates are users which register with your account, and when they register they receive
an affiliate id ( looking for example like this: 19125477 ) and an affiliate link (ex: http://
yoursite.com/aff-19125477), which is a link towards your site with an additional part in the

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

url to identify the affiliate id. Affiliates will promote your site using their affiliate link,
and receive a share of the revenue your site makes from the visitors which landed on the
site using the affiliate link.

We will explain how this works: when a visitor reaches your site using an affiliate link,
a cookie will be created remembering the affiliate account on that computer / browser.
If that same guest will purchase something on your site, the affiliate will receive a per-
cent of your income. You can configure that percent in Settings / Affiliate accounts Affiliate
percentage. The time until the cookie is deleted can be configured using Affiliates cookie

The payment towards the affiliates is sent to the PayPal account assigned to the affiliate
account after a period of time which you configure in the same mentioned section as
Affiliate payment cycle.

Part of the Affiliates section is similar to the Users list section. Aside from the main view,
which contains an user table, there are two more views, which can be accessed by clicking
on the tabs on the top of the page: Revenues and Payments. We will explain below each
of them as well as the process of adding an affiliate as administrator. Revenues

This section lists every paid operation which is assigned to an affiliate. For each opera-
tion you can view the affiliate id and username, the amount which should be paid to the
affiliate for that operation (which is calculated using the procentage you configure, as
explained above), some details about the order and also, for each of them it is mentioned
if the revenue was released, and if it was already paid.

When the Affiliate payment cycle passes, all revenues belonging to
one affiliate for that time period are summed up into a Payment for
that particular affiliate. The revenues which were summed up are
marked as released. The Payment will appear in the Payments view
of the Affiliates section.

When the administrator acts on this new payment and pays it, or
marks it as paid, then all revenues which were added to that pay-
ment will also be marked as paid. Payments

Payments are released revenues for each affiliate every payment cycle. For each payment
you will see: the affiliate id and username, the amount, date when payment was issued,

User Subscriptions

the affiliate PayPal account it was paid or it should be paid to and some status and action

• Not paid - it is a status button which appears when the payment was not paid to the
beneficiary. You can pay it by clicking on the Not paid button.

• Paid - it is a status button which appears when the payment was paid.

• Mark paid - it is an action button which allows you to mark the payment as paid. If
you use other manual payment methods with your affiliates and need to be able to set
payments as paid you can use this button.

• Mark not paid - it is an action button which allows you to mark the payment as not paid.

Note that you need to manually make the payment for each of the
entries listed in Payments section. There is no way to pay them all at
once, or multiple at once. So you will need to click on all Not paid but-
tons, and you will be taken to the payment form to pay the amount
of money using PayPal. At the moment PayPal is the only payment
implemented to be used in order to pay affiliates. Create an affiliate account

This process is similar to creating an user account with some differences. There is an extra
field named Affiliate PayPal account which holds the PayPal email to which the affiliate will
be paid. This is a mandatory field. Also, you cannot allow moderator privileges to this type
of account. And also, note that affiliates cannot post ads.

The fields contained by the affiliate registration form can be cus-
tomized just like the fields for normal user accounts from Settings /
User custom fields section. To add a custom field for affiliate accounts
select at the bottom of the form Use Field For: Affiliates group.

1.3.4. User Subscriptions

If you have subscription type listing plans in the system and there are users that have
subscriptions, you will see them in this section.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

You can perform the following actions on the listed subscriptions:

• Delete - Delete the subscription

• Disable / Enable - Disable the subscription if active or enable if not active.

If a subscription is pending, then a Pending button will appear in the table. This means
that the subscription is not yet active and can be activated by clicking on this button.

A subscription can be pending from two reasons:

• Plan Pending is enabled for the group the user belongs to.

• The payment is set to be pending (in this case you must check if the payment was com-

You have the possibility to add a new subscription to an user by clicking on Add button on
top of subscriptions table. To add a new subscription you just need to choose the username
and the subscription plan.

Users have the possibility of owning more than one subscription, which they can manage
from their accountSubscription section. This way, if you define different subscriptions for
different listing categories they can have a subscription of each type.

1.3.5. Send Bulk Emails

Use this section to send emails to all or a group of users at once. You have the following
options to choose the users to send the email to:

Group - choose a certain user group

Send to - choose between: Active users, Users with active ads, Users with active for sale ads and
Users with active for rent ads. The last two options will choose only those users that have
ads that are active and not marked sold or rented.

To send a message fill in the Subject and Message fields and click Send button.

1.3.6. Saved Searches

If you have Enable save searches option enabled in Settings / Listing Settings section, you will
find in this section all searches saved by all users.

You can perform the following actions on the listed searches:

• Delete - Delete the search

1.3.7. Email Alerts

If you have Enable Email alerts option enabled in Settings / Listing Settings section, you will
find in this section all email alerts created by your visitors.


You can perform the following actions on the listed alerts:

• Delete - Delete the alert.

• Enable - Enable the alert, if not active.

• Disable - Disable the alert, if active.

1.3.8. Messages
If you have Enable internal messaging option enabled in Settings section, all messages set and
received from your site forms by your users or guests will be registered in the database.
All these messages will be found in this section. A similar section will be found in each
user account.

You can view more information on each message displayed:

• View complete message - In the table you can see only a part of the message, you can see
the complete message by clicking on this button.

• Send message - For pending messages, use this button to send the message to the rightful
recipient. Messages will wait for administrator approval when you enable the option
Messages wait admin approval in Settings section. In this case you will need to use the
Send message button after checking the message, or select a number of messages and
use the button Send all selected messages which you will find on top of the messages table.

• View Thread - For messages that are linked one with another, following a discussion, the
full thread / discussion will be shown here.

• Reported as spam - If a user considers a certain message as spam, he/she can flag it as
spam. A red button will appear to the left of the message, and you can act accordingly
if you think it is correctly flagged and block the ip using the Block IP action icon.

You can perform the following actions on the listed messages:

• Delete - Delete the message.

• Block IP - Block the ip.

• Unblock IP - Unblock the ip if already blocked.

1.4. Orders
1.4.1. Order History
You will see on this section each operation that has been made on your site, each with the
following details: the id (this is used as invoice number), processor, amount, username,
status, some details and the date when has been registered.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

This section will hold paid operations as well as free operations. Free operations will ap-
pear with the amount 0.

The Details column will hold informations on what actions are attached to this order. One
order can be for multiple actions. For example, when a user places an ad and chooses
Featured and Highlighted extra options for his ad, the details will appear like this:

Listing id: #34 [View]

Feature Ad: #34 [View]

Highlighted Ad: #34 [View]

You can click on the [View] link go to ad details page.

The possible actions that can appear in details string are:

• Listing Id - a new listing was added

• Featured Ad - Featured extra option was chosen for the listing

• Highlighted Ad - Highlighted extra option was chosen for the listing

• Video Classifieds - Video Classifieds extra option was chosen for the listing

• Priority_Name Priority - Priority extra option was chosen for the listing

• Subscription No - a new subscription was bought

• Dealer Page - a dealer page extra option was bought for an account

An order can have the status completed or not completed. A completed order means that the
payment was finalized successfully. An order appears incompleted when the user starts
an operation on your site that requires payment, and at a certain point, before clicking on
payment link or after somewhere on the payment site, it stops the process. This way, the
payment is not completed, but it still appears on your site as an attempt. If this order is
for submitting a listing, the user has the possibility to finish the payment from the listings
page, this way it won't have to fill the forms again, the listing is kept as inactive. For other
orders types, there is the possibility to finish the payment for a not completed order from
user account orders page.

Manual payments will always appear as not completed, you will need to accept them man-
ually. But online payments like Paypal payments will send after the payment is made a
notification to your site that the payment has completed successfully or that the payment
failed. The script verifies the validity of the notification and performs the needed opera-
tions: activates the ad, subscription or extra option, or makes it pending, sends email to
administrator and user if needed.


If the payment was not completed or if the type of payment is marked as pending, then the
order will show as not active. By activating an order you can accept the actions that were
performed with this order. To activate an order you must click on Accept icon. Depending
on the number of actions for that order, there are 2 possibilities:

1. There is only one action attached to this order - when you click on the Accept button,
the action is accepted. For example, if the action is a new listing submitted, then the list-
ing will be activated, an email will be sent to the user to announce that the listing was
activated. In the same time, the payment for this order is marked as Completed.

2. There are multiple actions attached to this order - when you click on the Accept button
a modal window will appear. From this window you can choose which of the actions you
wish to accept. The actions that were already accepted are grayed. Additional to the ac-
tions there is a possibility to mark the payment as completed.

The actions that appear on the order page can be enabled from other pages, depending
on the type of the action:

- Ad related actions like new ad and extra ad options can be also accepted from Listings /
Manage Listings section. They will appear in this section as Pending using the Pending but-
ton. Listings can also be enabled using the Enable icon in this section. All these are possible
ways of enabling this type of actions.

- Subscriptions - can be also enabled from Users / User Subscriptions section using the Pending
button or Enable icon.

1.5. Security
1.5.1. Login History

This section shows the data registered when there has been a login attempt and has 2

First and the one it shows when you enter this section is Users Last Login. You will see
here every user in the system, and next to the user last login date and IP address he/she
logged in from.

This is in fact last successfull login. Failed login attempts will not
show here.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

When you click on a username you enter the second view, where you see for that partic-
ular user the history of logins and login attempts. A successful login will be marked with
a Succeeded string in the Status column and a failed one with a Failed string.

1.5.2. Blocked IPs

We will start by defining some notions used in this section.

IP Address - is an unique identification that is assigned to every computer on the Inter-

net. An IP address is formed by 4 numbers between 0 and 255 separated by a dot (.) Ex:

When a guest accesses your site, you can determine the IP address of the computer from
which is connected. If you consider that this guest performs malicious operations on your
site like spamming ( adding many listings with improper content or sending spam mails
to your users ), then you can block that IP address. If you know the IP address from which
he is connected, then you can enter it in this section in Add IPS box. If you don't know
it and the guest has an account, then the same operation can be performed from Users /
Users List section by clicking on Block User icon for that user.

Blocked users will be automatically redirected to an Access restricted page.

This is not a full security measure, it is possible to bypass this pro-
tection by using web proxy servers to connect to your server. This
way, the IP of the malicious user will be seen as a different one and
he will not be blocked anymore.

You should take care when you use this option not to block your
own IP. Also, sometimes a single IP is used for a entire network, not
just a computer, so you might block more than one person comput-

1.5.3. Blocked Emails

This section allows you to define a list of email addresses and domains that will be re-
stricted to perform the following actions:

• Using the email for a user account

Change Password

• Using the email to post a listing as a not logged in user.

This should be used together with the previous security measure
Block IPs to minimize the spam problem on your site. You can block
emails that have been used for spam on your site.

Some spammers use addresses belonging to the same domain name, for example:
email123@domain.com, email463@domain.com. In this case, you will need to block all domain
name. To do this, enter the a string like the following: *@domain.com, where domain.com
is the domain you want to block.

1.5.4. Change Password

You can change administrator password in this section.

1.5.5. Forbidden Words

You can set a list of forbidden words in this section. If you enabled badwords usage
from Settings / Listing Settings - Check for forbidden words, then every ad description will be
checked for this words list.

You can add multiple elements to the list in Add Forbidden Words box separated by comma
or each on a separate row.

The existing forbidden words will appear in Forbidden Words List box.

To delete multiple items from a list use CTRL and SHIFT keys on PC and OPTIONS key on

1.6. Tools
1.6.1. Custom Pages
With Custom Pages you can add new links and content to your site. Custom pages types

There are two types of custom pages: Custom Content or External Link

Custom Content - you can add a content to that custom page and edit it with a HTML

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

External Link - you can only add a link towards an external page. Usually you use this
if you want to add a link to your navigation bar towards an external page. Use this in
conjunction with Navigator Bar Link, otherwise there is no point adding it.

You can choose to place a link to your custom page in your site navigation bar. You
can choose between the main navigation bar, and a secondary navigation that is usually
placed in the footer of the page. Set this using Navigation Bar Link field. If you will choose
Not Linked here, the link for this page will not appear on any navigation bar.

Some custom pages are already defined when you install the script and they are read only,
you cannot delete them, you can only enable or disable them. There are 3 such pages:

• First Page Content. This custom page type exists by default, you cannot add another
and you cannot delete it, and it is actually a content that will appear on the first page,
on top of categories list, or, depending on the template, on other place designed for
this purpose.

• Affiliates. This is a custom page used to give information about affiliates accounts. If
affiliate accounts are disabled this page will also be disabled because it is not needed.
Otherwise, edit its content and add here your terms and information for the affiliate

• Bulk uploads help. This should give information to your users about how to use bulk
uploads feature. It is always best to include an example with your explanations. Adding a new custom page

To add a new custom page, click the Add button on top of Custom Pages table. You will need
to fill in the following form:

Title - the title of the browser page. This title will also be used as link title on the navigation
bar if you choose Main Navigation Bar Link or Secondary Navigation Bar Link.

Type - choose the type: Custom Content or External Link

External Link - this field will only appear if you choose External Link type. Enter here the
external link you need to add.

Navigation Bar Link - choose if you want this page or link to appear in one of the two
navigation bars possible: Main Navigation Bar or Secondary Navigation Bar, in the page
footer. Choose Not Linked if you don't want the link to appear.

Submenu for - this field appears only if you choose Main Navigation Bar for Navigation Bar
Link field. Choose a parent for this link and it will appear as a drop down option for the
parent link. You can have more levels of links: navigation bar children links can have
other child links of thir own.

Custom Pages

Open in new window - if the previous checkbox is enabled, use this one to make the link
from the navigation bar open in another window.

Meta Keywords - will only appear for Custom Content type. Enter here meta keywords that
will appear on this custom page.

Meta Description - will only appear for Custom Content type. Enter here meta description
that will appear on this custom page.

After you submit the form, if you added a Custom Content page, you will be redirected to a
HTML editor. Use this editor to edit the contet of your new page. You can later come back
to edit your page by clicking on Edit Content icon from Custom Pages table. Managing custom pages

You can perform certain operations on your existing custom pages on Tools / Custom Pages

Changing custom pages order - can be done using Order buttons. Order is important only for
the custom pages that are added to a navigation bar. They will appear after the default
links of navigation bar, in the order you set here.

Searching for a string - you can search for a string that exists in one of your custom pages
content using the Search box on top right of the table.

Action icons:

• View Content - view custom page content

• Edit Content - edit custom page content. This icon will only appear for Custom Content

• Enable / Disable - enable or disable the custom page.

• Edit - edit the custom page

• Delete - delete the custom page Custom pages usage

You can use custom pages for the following situations:

• custom information pages for your site added in your main navigation bar, like Contact
pages, FAQ pages and so on. For this type you will choose Main Navigation Bar Link for
Navigation Bar Link option. You can have sublevels of links for this type that will show
as a drop down menu.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• custom information pages for your site added in your secondary navigation bar, like
Privacy Policy pages, Terms of Use pages and so on. For this type you will choose Secondary
Navigation Bar Link for Navigation Bar Link option.

• internal pages that appear in the content of other pages like Submit Listings Howto pages.
You choose Not Linked in Navigation Bar Link for this type. You will have to take the link
that appears in Link column in custom pages table and use it where you want that page
link to appear.

• links on your navigation bar towards an external page - choose External Links type and
select Navigation Bar Link option.

1.6.2. Database

This section allows you to easily backup or restore the database used for the current script

On a script installation, all the configurations that you make to the script, excepting up-
loaded files and images, are kept in a mysql database. To have a complete backup of your
site at a given moment you have to have the files of the script and the database backup.
You can usually make backup to your database using the tools from the hosting control
panel, but we've added a similar tool to the script to make it easier, and also with our
script you can automate the process.

Existing backup files. You can see in the table at the top of the page the existing back-
ups in the backup folder. The backup files are saved in the folder db_backup and can be
downloaded to your computer by clicking on the Download link or directly with FTP.

Backup - when you hit the button Backup, a new backup for the database will be saved on
the server and will appear in the upper table. You can choose to save the backup in the
compressed (gzip) or uncompressed version.

Import - If you want to reverse to a previous version that you have saved before, you can
use the Import feature (this will restore the database from the file you upload). Same result
can be accomplished by clicking on the Restore icon for an existing backup from the table.

Scheduled backups - If you want the database backup to be made automatically, you can
enable Scheduled Backups. Choose one of the options Daily, Weekly or Monthly. If you con-
figure a number in Keep Only box, only that number of backups will be kept, the older ones
will be deleted. This is to save space on your server.

1.6.3. Google Sitemap

Sitemaps are XML files that have a certain format, and serve the purpose of giving search
engines informations about the URLs on your site that are available for crawling. For each


URL you can attach informations like when it was updated, how often the page on the link
changes, the importance related to the other pages. These URL maps should help search
engines index your site better. Please keep in mind that this does not guarantee that the
links will be indexed by the search engine.

To create a sitemap for your site you need to check the Enable checkbox, then make the
changes to the settings as you think it is more fit for your site: which links you want
present: categories links, listings (details pages links) and custom pages links. You can set
for each the importance (priority) and the changes frequency. These informations will
be submitted to the search engine in XML format. For the ads you can set a maximum
number of ads links to be listed, because when your site will grow and have lots of ads,
the dimensions of the sitemap file will grow considerably. You can also set a frequency
for auto generating the sitemap file - daily, weekly or monthly.

Once you created a sitemap for your site you should submit it to the search engine ( not
only Google accepts the sitemaps of this sort, also Yahoo, Ask.com and Live, but we will only
explain the procedure for Google).

To submit the sitemap to Google you must follow the steps:

1. Sign it to Google Webmaster Tools (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools ) with

your Google account (create one if you don't have it already)

2. Add your site to the Webmaster Tools account

3. Under Sitemaps section for that site enter the path for the sitemap and hit Submit
Sitemap button. You can get the URL for your sitemap from the script, next to Your
Google Sitemap Link tag.

1.6.4. RSS
RSS (short term for Really Simple Syndication) is a web format used to publish web con-
tent that is updating often, in our case, the latest listings added to your site. RSS feeds
can be read with software called RSS reader or feed reader or agregator, which can be desk-
top based, web based or mobile based. People will be able to subscribe to theese feeds by
clicking on the top RSS icon and add it to their favorite RSS reader. When there are new
listings on the site, they will be updated.

To configure your site to generate RSS feeds you will need to add new RSS links. Click the
Add button and you will be taken to a form. You will be able to configure:

Short Title - The title that will appear on your site, next to the RSS icon

Title - the title of the feed as will appear to subscribers

Description - the description of the feed as will appear to subscribers

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

FeedBurner Link - Feedburner is a web tool for RSS feeds owners. If you have created an
account and added your feed there, configure here the Feedburner link.

Link - the link to your site

Language - 2 letters language code for your language

Parameters - you can choose only some listings to appear to a feed, for example only the
ones from Auto category, or ony the ones belonging to a certain plan. This way you can
add multiple feeds to your site and make them different.

Number of Listings - The number of last listings shown on the feed. Remember that you
don't have to add them all, only the latest ads, otherwise the file will become too big to

You can add multiple RSS feeds that you will make them differ with the Parameters field.
All RSS links will appear in the top of frontend interface, with the title you chosen for it
(Short title).

1.6.5. Import/Export

This section allows exporting and importing data from your site (listings and users data
only) in CSV and XML formats.

Some possible applications for this are:

• exporting your listings in a specific format and upload it to other classifieds site.

• import listing in these 2 formats from other sites to your site

• if you administer multiple classifieds sites that allow this feature, you don't want to
add the listings on each site, you can instead import the listings on each site

• import ads from other sites priodically automatically, by configuring Scheduled imports

• allow your users to upload bulk ads - useful when you have as users dealers that have
to upload their ads to multiple sites (similar to previous point)

• if you want to save the data on your computer for your reference and you want to be
able to view it in a spreadsheet viewer. Both these formats can be read by spreadsheet

A short description of each format:

CSV (Comma Separated Values) - is a simple format where the values are separated by a
specified sign. This can be comma, as the name suggests, but not necessarily, you can use


other character like ;. Sometimes, when your values can contain comma, it is better to use
a character to surround your fields values, usually the double quotes are used. You can
configure this in Import/Export / Settings / CSV Settings section.

An example of a listing exported as CSV (considering only the following fields:

id,category_id,date_added,title,description,price,currency ):

"1","4","2011-05-24","This is the title of the ad","This is the ↺

description of the ad","10000","$"

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) - is a specification for formatting and storing data.
XML allows the user to define its own markup elements (tags) that will store the data ( an
example of XML format is HTML). Each data element will be contained between a start
tag and an end tag:

<title>Title of the ad</title>

Each element (listing or user) will be contained also between start and end tags:

<listing></listing> for listings

<user></users> for users

An example of a exported listing in XML format, including the start tags of the document:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

<title>This is the title of the ad</title>
<description>This is the description of thet ad</description>

Defining templates. Templates are useful in the following cases:

• you want to export data but you don't need all the fields - then you will create a tem-
plate with only the database fields that you need

• you want to import data but you don't have / don't want to upload all fields.

When you import data, when using CSV format, you need to have a template defined. The
reason is that CSV format is not self explanatory like XML format (does not have tags that
explain for each element to which fields it belongs to), it is just a series of data separated

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

by a character and the script needs to know the exact order how to assemble them back.
So, the order in a CSV import file is very important and must exactly match the template.
For the xml template, the order is not important

You can view the format for CSV and XML for a template by clicking on the View Templates
icon. Use this templates as a model how you should create your import files.

There is a similar feature available to users, to allow them to import data, if you allow Bulk
uploads for the group they sign up for. Using this feature they will be able to add bulk ads
to your site in one of the 2 formats. You can configure which format your site accepts for
Bulk Uploads (CSV or XML) in Import/Export / Settings / Ads Bulk Uploads section. You can
also configure there the template for the importing ads files, and to which plan will the
ads be automatically assigned. Scheduled imports

This section allows you to configure imports which don't need to be manually uploaded,
but are downloaded from a location periodically and imported without administrator or
user intervention. The import files can be downloaded from a given URL or from a FTP
account (see below details).

Important: each task you add in this section needs to be triggered
using a cron task configured in your hosting control panel. In the
section regarding cron tasks of your hosting control panel config-
ure one task for each scheduled import, as many times a day as you
want, using the command given under "Cron configuration com-
mand" column.

The following settings are possible for each scheduled import:

Name - the name of the import. This name is only for internal use.

Type - the format of the import file, either XML or CSV

Template - You can choose one template to be used for the imported files. While for xml
templates this is not necesary, you should define and choose a template for CSV imports.

Import from - choose between File URL or FTP. Depending on what you choose you can
configure different fields below.

File URL - if you selected URL as "Import from", then you will need to enter here the url
of the import file. The url should be valid, including http:// in front.


FTP server - if you selected FTP as "Import from" then you will configure the FTP infor-
mation necesary to download the import file. Enter here the server name or ip address of
the ftp server. Do not add ftp:// in front. Ex: or ftp.domain.com or domain.com.

FTP login - the login username for the FTP server

FTP password - the password for the previous login

FTP filename - the filename to import. Include the path if the filename is not located in
the root of the FTP login. For example, if the name of the file is "ads.xml" and it is located
in /imports folder, then use "imports/ads.xml" value.

Username - imported ads will be assigned to this user.

Default category - if the import file does not specify the category for an ad, this will be
used instead as category. Note that if you set a default value for category here, and in
the import file another category is set, then the category considered will be the category
from the import file.

Default plan - set a default listing plan for the imported ads. If no listing plan is set here,
then you should use the "package_id" field in the import file instead.

Note that the default plan configured here will be considered first,
even if another listing plan is given in the import file! Only if no
plan is configured here, then the listing plan given in the import
file will be used.

Use ID as unique field - The "id" field will be used not as the value for the id field in the
database, but as a unique id of ads that are imported. When ads are imported, if an ad with
the same unique id already exists in the system, the ad will be modified instead of adding
a new one. The values of the unique field in this case can be alphanumeric (ex: z^sT18J0 ).

Important: when you configure this option make sure you use the
"id" field in the import file.

Delete inexisting ads - When Use ID as unique field option is selected, when an import is
made, ads which are not contained in the current import (based on the unique id field)
will be deleted.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Only download inexisting ads - When Use ID as unique field option is selected, when an
import is made, only ads which were not previously imported (based on the unique id
value) are imported.

Active - If the current scheduled import is active or not. Configuring Bulk Uploads

To configure CSV or XML bulk uploads you need to configure the following in Tools / Im-

1. Add one template in Templates subsection. Choose the fields that you want your users
to enter information for, ex: title, description, price, currency, city and so on. Do not choose
id, user_id, package_id, usr_pkg, date_added, date_expires, as these will be filled in automat-
ically by the script with the proper information. Title and description are mandatory
so you should choose them. The category (category_id field) can be chosen by the user
at the moment when he/she uploads the CSV or XML file. If you will like to offer the
possibility to upload ads to different categories in the same file, then you will need to
include category_id field in the template. In this case you should provide to your users
a list of categories and the corresponding category id to use in the bulk upload file.

To import listing images you need to include the pictures field in
the import/export template. An image must be represented with
an Internet accessible url that points toward an image (Ex: http://
www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/images/bv_image1.jpg ). Multi-
ple images can be imported for the same listing, and in this case
they must be separated by comma.

When you add the Import/Export template choose as Type: Listings and as Purpose: Import.

2. In Settings subsection configure Ads Bulk Uploads part: choose as type CSV or XML, which
file type you prefer, choose the template that you just added in Templates drop down,
choose the default plan to use with the bulk uploaded files and save changes.

In you will use CSV file type, then lower in the page you can configure column sepa-
rator and field separator.

3. Having these configurations made, you can go to Templates subsection and click on the
View Templates button for the template you added. Copy the proper format from that
info file (if you will be using CSV, copy the CSV template, otherwise XML format).

We will explain below, how each format needs to be used to built the bulk upload file.


CSV format:

"title" ,"description" ,"price" ,"currency" ,"country" ,"region" ,"city" ,"zip",


This is the format for one listing in the CSV import file. For multiple listings you have to
add multiple lines like this, one for every ad. If one of these fields separated by comma
does not have a value, or does not apply for this type of listing (ex: fields that are only
for some categories), empty quotes will be placed. It is important that each line has same
number of elements, even if some are empty quotes. Here is an example for a CSV import
file for the upper defined template design:

"First ad title" ,"Description ↺

1" ,"12" ,"$" ,"UK" ,"London" ,"London" ,"12345", "http://example.↺
"Second ad title" ,"Description for second ↺
ad" ,"100" ,"$" ,"USA" ,"CA" ,"LA" ,"98278",""
"Third ad title" ,"Description for 3rd ↺
ad" ,"" ,"" ,"USA" ,"NY" ,"New York" ,"", ""

This should be the content of a text file saved with the extension .csv, and this file can
be uploaded by every user having Bulk Uploads enabled from the Bulk Uploads section
of each user account.

In this example, the comma is the column separator and double quote is the field separa-
tor. These can be changed from CSV Settings subsection. If for example, you want to use
semicolon as column separator and single quote as field separator the line will look like


An example of csv file can be downloaded from the following location: http://
www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/csvsample.csv Note that this file might work or
might not work correctly to be imported on your system. You must have the same custom
fields as in this example and you must have an import template that matches our example.

You need to instruct your clients how to proceed when generating upload files. We have
written some samples that will help you in this task. Note that you cannot use these sam-
ples exactly as they might not apply exactly in your case. You should use them as exam-
ples only.

Sample 1 (for a real estate classifieds): http://www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/csvim-


Sample 2 (for an auto classifieds): http://www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/csvim-


XML format:

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

<title>This is the title of the ad</title>
<description>This is the description of the ad</description>

A bulk upload XML file is build by placing for each listing <listing> block containing all
fields defined in the template. One file with multiple listings to upload will look like this:

<?xml version='1.0' ?>

<title>This is the title of the first ad</title>
<description>This is the description of the first ad</
<title>This is the title of the second ad</title>
<description>This is the description of the second ad</
<title>This is the title of the third ad</title>
<description>This is the description of the third ad</


<city>New York</city>

In XML case, fields that don't have any value can be written or they can miss from the
<listing> block, the syntax will still be valid even if you don't represent them. See in the
example how price and zip files are missing. Only mandatory fields (title and description)
cannot miss from the block.

If html characters are used within a tag, then the content should be enclosed between <!
[CDATA[ ]]> tags, as in the following example:

<description><![CDATA[ Description that contains <b>HTML characters</

b>. ­]]></description>

If you use ISO-8859-1 character set for your site, then make sure use this encoding for the
file and you specify it as encoding attribute in xml tag on top.

An example of XML file can be downloaded from the following location: http://

Sample files for instructing clients about bulk upload feature:

Sample 1: http://www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/xmlimport1/xml_import.html

Sample 2: http://www.oxyclassifieds.com/bu_samples/xmlimport2/xml_import.html

How to create bulk uploads information page

On a user bulk uploads page there is a Help icon at the bottom of the screen. When a user
clicks on the Help link, an info text will appear. Below is described how you can configure
this info to point to a page with extensive bulk uploads description.

1. Create a new custom page to hold this information: in Tools / Custom Pages section, add a
new custom page. Make sure you choose as Type "Custom Content" and for Navigation Bar
Link "Not linked". Click Submit to create the page, and you will be taken to a page where
you can edit the page content. Compose the content using the samples given above.

2. Link the newly created page to the bulk_uploads_info info template in Templates / Info
Templates. To link it, just add a text like the following as a content of the info template:

Information regarding <a href="[[PAGE_LINK]]" target="_blank"> upload format</a>.

In the text above, replace the part [[PAGE_LINK]] with the actual link towards your new-
ly added page. You can take this link from Tools / Custom Pages, from column Link.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

1.6.6. Image Tools

This section offers you the possibility to perform some operations on all your images on
your site: Regenerate thumbnails

If you already have images added in your system and you realize that you want the thumb-
nail image size different, then you can change it from Settings / Listing Settings / Images
section. But this change will be applied starting with the following uploaded images. To
apply the new changes to existing images use this current section, Regenerate Thumbnails.

You will see the image sizes that will be applied. If your system uses a watermark, then
you will be able to choose if you want to apply watermark or not when reprocessing the
images. This last feature is useful if your images already have a watermark added, and
you would not want to add it second time.

When clicking on Regenerate now button, all existing thumbnails will be deleted and new
ones will be generated. This process may take a while, depending on how many images
your system has. Remove unused images

Normaly, images belonging to a listing will be deleted once you delete that listing. But
in special cases, if you delete listings directly from database, not using the administrator
interface, of for some reason there are other images present in your images folder aside
from the ones that belong to listings, then you can use this section to clean the folders
from unused images.

1.7. Banners
There are a number of banner positions that can be used when you add banners to your
script. To be able to add successfully a banner to a banner position you must first check
if that banner position is active in Banners Settings section, and check the positioning in
the template using the Banners Chart. Positions may vary from one template to another,
this is why you must use the banners chart.

The positions possible in the script are:

• header - the position appears on every script page, usually in the top of the page, just
below the navigation bar.

• footer - the position appears on every script page, usually in the footer of the page, just
before site footer bar.

• left - the position appears on every script page, usually in the left of the page


• right - the position appears on every script page, usually in the right of the page

• firstpage1, firstpage2, firstpage3 and firstpage4 - appear on the first page (index.php file)
only. Check the Banners Chart from Banners / Banners Settings section for the exact po-

• details1, details2, details3 and details4 - appear on details page (details.php file) only. Check
the Banners Chart from Banners / Banners Settings section for the exact position.

• listings1, listings2, listings3 and listings4 - appear on pages showing listings (listings.php
file) and possible Recent Ads page. Check the Banners Chart from Banners / Banners Set-
tings section for the exact position.

• background - this is a special type of banner which appears as the background, behind
the actual page. Note that you should use a special size for this banner, to assure it is
seen behind the actual page.

• footer-mobile - due to the small size of the mobile screen, this is the only possible banner
for mobile templates.

You can add as many banners you want in a position, there is no limit and there is no
recommended number. The banners will show the number of banners that you set under
Display Banners column from Banners / Banners Settings section at one time, randomly, from
the total of banners for that position.

For a banner, impressions and hits are counted. You can set a limit for the number of
impressions or clicks if you want. Note that administrator clicks are not counted!

For code banners counting impressions and clicks is not possible
since you don't have control over the elements that are contained
in the banner code.

For the positions that are not used at a certain time, it is best to
disable those banner positions from Banners Settings section. This
is an optimization measure, and will assure no additional database
check is made for those banner positions.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

1.7.1. Manage Banners

This section will show the existing banners in your system. Adding a new banner or editing an existing one

To add a new banner, click on the Add button above the banners table.

To edit an existing banner, click on the Edit icon on the corresponding table row.

The following form will appear:

Banner Type

You can add 2 types of banners:

• images banners - (.gif, jpg, jpeg or png extensions) or flash (.swf extension files)

• code banners - (for example Adsense banners - the code that you generate in Adsense
account you will paste it in Code field).

Title - you can add here a title for the banner to recognize it easier.

Image - this field will only appear if you choose to create an image banner. Browse and
upload the image to use for your banner.

Code - this field will only appear if you choose to create a code banner. Enter here the
code for the banner.

Template Position - choose the position for the banner you want to add. Don't forget to
consult banners chart to clarify banner positions.

Link To - this field will only appear if you choose to create an image banner. Enter here a
link where you will be taken when clicking this banner.

Starting Date - you can set a starting date for your banner, and the banner will start show-
ing with this date.

End Date - you can set an end date for your banner, and the banner will stop showing on
this date.

Max impressions - if you want this banner to show only a number of times, set the number
here. Leave this field to 0 for unlimited impressions.

Max clicks - if you want this banner to show until being clicked a number of times, set the
number here. Leave this field to 0 for unlimited impressions.

Manage Banners

Use Banner For - you can choose to assign banners to listing categories. Default selected
value is All Categories, but if you switch to Choose Categories, then you will be able to choose
the categories you want this banner to show under. This means that when a user browses
that category, makes a search for that category, or views a listing belonging to that cate-
gory, this banner will show.

Sections - for some of banners positions you can also choose the sections you want that
banner to appear to. The possible sections are: firstpage, details, listings, recent, user_listings,
custom, account, login-register, other. These sections are actually groups of pages for which
you can choose your banners to show. You can see below an explanation for each of the

• firstpage - only first page or subcategories page.

• details - only details page.

• listings - only listings.php page: page where you browse or search listings.

• recent - only Recent Ads page.

• user_listings - User listings page and Dealer Page.

• custom - pages added as Custom Pages.

• account - pages belonging to an user account: New Ad, Edit Ad, Subscribe and other
pages where only a logged in user has access.

• login-register - login and register pages.

• other - payment return pages and favorites page.

If there are more banners that match the condition to show on a page than the number
of banners to show simultaneous, then the banners will be shown randomly from the
possible ones.

Location field - if you enabled module Banners Location, then and only then, this extra
field will appear, with the name of the selected banners location field. When you select
a location here, search pages will only show this banner if the search is made for that
particular location. On listing details pages, the banner will show if the current listing has
that particular location. Managing existing banners

You can view banners in Manage Banners section table. The actions that you can perform
on banners are the following:

• Categories List - view assigned categories list

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• Edit

• Delete

• Clear Hits & Impressions - set the number of impressions and clicks to 0 for this banner.

1.7.2. Banners Settings

You can view in this section banners positions and perform some settings on them.

Changing number of banners shown - can be done using the Increase Banners Number and
Decrease Banners Number in Display Banners column. This number is the number of banners
shown simultaneous for this position. For example, if you want to show to the right side
3 banners at once, then you will use the Increase Banners Number arrow to increase the
number to 3. After this, if you have at least 3 banners added to that right banners category,
then 3 banners will show one below another. For top and bottom banners, if multiple
banners added, they will show on the same line on the horizontal.

Total Banners - represents the number of banners that currently exist in the system for
this category.

Enable / Disable - you can disable or enable a category of banners. If a category is disabled,
even if you have banners added to a category the banners will not show.

View Banners Chart - will show you the graphic position for the banner in the current
frontend template.

1.8. Settings
1.8.1. Settings General Settings

You can configure here some general script settings:
Admin name - administrator contact name. It will be used mainly when sending emails
from the site as the name for email sender, next to the Admin Email as sender email.

Admin username - The username you login as administrator with. You can change the
password for this user from Security / Change Password section.

Admin Email - the email used to send notifications to administrator, like notifications
for pending users, listings or listing options. This email is also used as sender email for
messages sent to user accounts.


Contact Email - the email used to receive emails that are sent using the contact form. You
can set this email to be the same as Admin Email.

Site name - is used:

• as default browser window title if there is not title set in Settings / Seo Settings section.

• when sending emails, the variable {$site_name} is replaced in the mail template with the
values set for Site Name. You can read more about mail templates in Mail Templates.

Enable verification images on - Enable anti-spam image verification (captcha) for each of
the pages: Register Page, Contact Page and Login Page

Use Recaptcha for image verification - When this is enabled, Google's Recaptcha is used
as image verification. This requires a public and a private key, don't forget to enter these
as well if you enable this option. Use this link in order to create the keys for your site:
https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create .

Users Can - Choose if users will be allowed to Delete Ads, Upgrade Ad Options or Request
account removal

Enable internal messaging - Keep all messages exchanged by users and guests using your
site forms in the database. These messages will be visible in Users / Messages section by
administrator, and in each user account Messages by each user.

Messages wait admin approval - If you enable this, messages will not be sent, by email or
otherwise unless approved by an administrator. Post without user account

You can allow in this section posting ads without first registering. Your clients will not
need an account anymore to post an ad. Instead, to be able to manage the ad or to be
reached by administrator or people that browse the ad, when posting an ad, the owner
must enter an email address and a name. The listing can be managed after posting using
a special link received in the email, that contains a certain code that allows performing
operations on that listing.

You can use this system of posting ads and the system using user accounts at the same
time. To do that make sure you have a user group that has Auto Register enabled. When
the two posting ads types are supported, with and without an account, when choosing to
post a listing you will be taken to a pre ad posting page where you will choose if you want
to login or place an ad without an account.

Enable post without user account - Check this box to enable posting ads without login.

Activate listings - If you enable this option, when posting an ad, one must click on an ac-
tivation link for the ad to be activated. If not, the listing will remain inactive. This method
will ensure that the poster email is valid.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Listings pending - Listings posted with this method will remain pending until the admin-
istrator checks them.

Allow to edit listing - The listing owner will be able to edit the listing by using a manage
listing link that he/she receives in the confirmation email.

Allow to delete listing - The listing owner will be able to delete the ad.

Allow to add listing extra options - The listing owner will be able to choose paid extra
options for the listing.

Enable image verification - Enable image verification for listings posted without an ac-
count. Affiliate accounts

Enable affiliate accounts - This option enables affiliates accounts. More information about
the affiliates you will find in the affiliates section

Affiliates cookie availability - When a visitor accesses your site following an affiliate link,
the affiliate id is remembered in a browser cookie. As long as this cookie is active in the
browser, when a user makes a purchase on your site, the affiliate will receive a share for
this purchase. Configure here how long is a cookie active after being created.

Affiliate percentage - The share from the total amount which is paid to your site which
is assigned to be paid to the affiliate.

Affiliate payment cycle - The total due to the affiliate is paid after a cycle comprised of
this number of days.

Auto Register - Check this box if you want to allow your affiliates to register their own

Activate Account - Check this box if you want affiliate accounts to require activation by
clicking on a link received in an email.

Admin Verification - Check this if you want affiliate accounts to wait for administrator
aproval. Periodic operations

Simulate scheduler - There are some tasks that need to be ran daily for the script to func-
tion correctly: check if ads or subscriptions expired, delete expired items, send notifica-
tion mails. When you have this checkbox checked the script will simulate a scheduler for
these tasks by running once a day when a user accesses your site. However, when you
have many ads in your system, running the periodic script will visibly slow down the con-


nection when running (once a day). This is why it is advisable when the system has many
ads, to create a cronjob on your hosting instead, if the hosting supports it. Make sure you
set the time to run the script on a not busy hour.

The script will show you in the information to the right of this checkbox, the command
you should set the cronjob with, for example:

"php /usr/home/username/public_html/periodic.php"

Do not include the quotes in the command you enter on your host-
ing cron jobs page!

Delete Auth Info Older Than - When there is a login attempt on your site, it is registered
in the database. You can see that information - the status of the attempt (successful or
failed) and the IP address from which it was registered in Security / Login History section.
This data kept in the database will take up space and you will not need the information
that is very old. This is why here you can setup that information older than a number of
days to be automatically deleted. If you want that all records to be kept, then you should
set this value to 0.

Delete expired ads - You can choose when expired ads to be deleted from your system.
The classifieds gives the possibility to users to renew their listings after they expired, so
you should consider giving them this possibility by setting a number of days before the
expired ads are deleted. You can choose between the following options:

• Never - the listings will be never deleted automatically

• Immediately - the listings will be deleted in the moment it expires.

• After X days - the expired listings are deleted after the number of days that you set here
from the date it expires. Notifications
Send notification to admin - Choose if the administrator should receive notifications to
the email set as Admin email when some actions happen:

• When listing pending - send notification when a listing is posted and is pending (waiting
for admin approval)

• When user registers - send notification when a user registers and the account is pending.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• When new listing is added - send notification when a new listing is added. Note that the
system will not send 2 emails if the listing is pending, but only the pending listing email.

Send notification to user - Choose if the user should receive email notifications when
some actions happen:

• When item expired - send notification in the moment the item expired. This refers to
listings, as well as to listings options, subscriptions and dealer page.

• Before listing expires with X days - send notification before the listing expires with this
number of days. If you want this feature disabled, enter 0 as value. This option refers
only to listings. Google Maps

Choose default location - Choose on the map the location you want maps in your site to
show by default. Choose on the map the location your classifieds refers to. Users will start
from this point on the map, and of course they can change it to any location they want.

To display the map and choose the default location click on Display Map link. Place a pin
point to mark the middle of the map and change the zoom level.

Choosing the default location will not make maps automatically ap-
pear on your forms. You must configure them to show by adding
custom fields of type Google Maps. You can add Google Maps fields
in 2 places:

• to listing submit form - by adding a custom field from Settings /

Listing Custom Fields of type Google Maps. A map will appear in ad
listing form for the user to choose a location, and then on ad de-
tails page.

• to a registration form - by adding a custom field from Settings /

User Custom Fields of type Google Maps. A map will appear in a reg-
istration form for the user to choose a location, and then on user
profile. Location filter

Location filter allows you to configure one or more fields that can be chosen and will be
remembered as current location. All ads displayed will reflect that chosen location every


time you open the browser, until you change it again. For example: you configure Country
and Region as location fields, and when your users browse your site, they can choose their
default country and region. That country and region will be used as their default location,
so they can only see the relevant ads for them.

This feature uses cookies, and will not work in browsers with cook-
ies disabled.

Enable location filter - enable location filter feature explained above. When this feature is
enabled you will be able to choose a location on your site using the link from top right of
the page, just above navigation bar. The selection can be made from an overlay window,
in case you have multiple location fields selected, or from a drop down list, in case only
one location field is configured.

Location fields - choose fields that will be used to remember the location. You can choose
multiple fields, but use only fields related to location, for example Country, Region, City.

Choose location fields in the logical order if you wish to use multiple
location fields. For example, you will use the order: country, region,
city , and not city, region, country.

Only Menu fields and Depending fields can be used as location fields.

Enable location subdomains - Location subdomains feature allows you to configure one field
to be used as a subdomain every time you select it as a location. An example would be
to configure City as a subdomain field. When a user will select Paris for example, the site
http://yourdomain.com will become http://paris.yourdomain.com.

Important! Enabling this option requires extra configurations on
your server. Please read carefully before enabling this option the
documentation for Configuring your server for location subdomains!

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

If you use location subdomains you will not be able to use subdo-
mains of your domain for other purpose. All subdomains will link
to your main domain page.

Subdomain field - choose the field that you want to act as a subdomain field on your site.
Only fields of type Menu or Depending will be used. Configuring your server for location subdomains

This part will instruct you how you can prepare your domain name to use location sub-
domains. Note that these configurations are not possible for all hosting accounts, and are
usually possible for those that own a dedicated server or virtual server. The reason for
this is that some control panel softwares used by some hostings don't allow you to create
a wildcard subdomain. However, if you own a hosting account and this is not possible to
be done using the usual tools at hand ( hosting control panel ), then you can ask your
hosting provider if there is a chance that they configure this for you.

This configuration consists of 2 parts:

Step 1. Create a wildcard subdomain

A wildcard subdomain is a subdomain reprezented by the character "*" , that will match
all non existing subdomain names. For example *.yourdomainname.com will match for
key1.yourdomainname.com , key2.yourdomainname.com and so on.

You will need to go to your hosting control panel and look for an area where you can
define subdomains. Add one subdomain with the name * , pointing to your main domain.
Note that the path where it points is very important! When you create a subdomain, the
control panel will create it to point to the subfolder matching the subdomain name. Make
sure you remove that subfolder from the path, leaving it to point to the main domain path.

Step 2. Add rewrite rules to your .htaccess file

You will need to uncomment the following lines in your .htaccess file

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !www.yourdomainname.com$ [NC]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?([a-z0-9-_]+).yourdomainname.↺
com [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) %{SCRIPT_FILENAME}?crt_city=%2 [NC,QSA]

To uncomment these lines, remove the # sign that is initially placed at the begining of
the line.


Attention! You also need to replace the domain name
yourdomainname.com with your own domain name.

If you cannot find these lines in your .htaccess file (the file has been
created from a htaccess.txt file prior to version 7.05), then you can
add these lines to your .htaccess file just before the line:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.*)(/listings.html)(.*)$ [NC]

To test location subdomain functionality on a local server, you will need to have a DNS
server installed on your local computer. This can be easily done on UNIX environments
using for example BIND (named). We do not recommend trying this on Windows, as non
server versions don't have a DNS server application. Once you have the DNS server in-
stalled, you can just follow the above steps to achieve a location subdomains setup. Listing Settings Listings display settings

Enable Sold - by enabling this option, users or you as administrator will be able to mark
a listing as sold. A Sold corner ribbon will show on top of the small thumbnail picture on
short version of the ad, latest ads or featured ads.

To mark a listing as sold you must click on Mark as Sold icon from user Browse Listings
section or administrator Manage Listings section. The status can be reversed by clicking on
Mark as Unsold icon which will appear for a marked sold listing instead of Mark as Sold icon.

Hide contact info when sold - if this option is set, when a listing is marked as sold the user
contact information and profile will not be visible on details page.

Enable Rented - by enabling this option, users or you as administrator will be able to mark
a listing as rented. A Rented corner ribbon will show on top of the small thumbnail picture
on short version of the ad, latest ads or featured ads.

To mark a listing as rented you must click on Mark as Rented icon from user Browse Listings
section or administrator Manage Listings section. The status can be reversed by clicking

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

on Mark as Unrented icon which will appear for a marked sold listing instead of Mark as
Rented icon.

Hide contact info when rented - if this option is set, when a listing is marked as rented
the user contact information and profile will not be visible on details page.

Hide contact info for not logged in guests - if this option is set, only logged in users will
be able to see contact information and user profile.

Show Stock No - Stock number is in fact the unique id number used to store the listing in
the database. A listing can be uniquely determined using this stock number. If you enable
this option, the stock number will appear on details page.

Show "More ads for this user" link - A button called More ads for this user will appear on
listing details page when this is enabled. By clicking on this button, you will go to a page
where all listings for the same user are. You can also see there user profile. The user profile
visible on that page is composed by all fields the user enters in registration form and are
marked as Public by administrator.

Show ad date - Select if you want the date when the ad was posted to appear.

Enable "Time ago" format for date - If you enable this option the date when the ad was
posted will appear in the format: X minutes ago, X days ago. You can also configure a limit
number of days to use this option for, and ads older than the number of days you set will
appear in the usual date format (the format you setup as Short Date Format in Settings /
Localization section). Use 0 if you want date to appear always like this, no matter how old
ads are.

Days keep ads to Recent Ads - On Recent Ads page listings are shown ordered by posting
date in descending order (latest posted listings are shown first). You can set here the
number of days a listing is considered to be a recent listing and shown in this section.
Listings older than this number of days will not be shown on this page. To set that all
listings are shown, no matter how old they are, you can set this value to 0. Submit form settings

Check for forbidden words - Set here if you want the system to look in the ad description
when entered for forbidden words. You can set badwords list in Tools / Forbidden Words

There are 2 possible ways to deal with forbidden words, which you can choose from the
next radio buttons:

• Block listings with forbidden words - do not allow for an ad that contains forbidden
words to be posted. The script will show a note that the ad is not acceptable because
it contains forbidden words.


• Replace forbidden words with ***** - allow for the listing to be posted but replace the
forbidden words with * signs.

Add Meta info with listings - When you enable this option, 2 extra boxes will appear to a
listing submit form: Meta Keywords and Meta Description. These strings will be used for ad
details page meta information.

Translate title and description - When your site is in multilanguage mode (uses more than
one language for site frontend), use this option to allow entering a title and description
for each language. When this option is enabled, for each language will appear a separate
title and description box, with the language name or flag next to it. Latest Ads

Enable Latest Ads - check this if you want latest ads box to appear on the first page.

Latest Ads No - number of ads shown in Latest Ads box on the first page.

Latest ads on a row - number of ads on each row of Latest Ads box on the first page. Images
Here you can make some settings regarding images in the classifieds.

Image maximum dimensions - maximum dimensions allowed for an uploaded image. You
can set here image width, height and size in Kb.

Image Resizing - if you want images to be saved in a smaller version on your site than the
size the user uploads, you must check Resize image checkbox here. You also must set width
and height for the resized image.

These are not necessarily the final dimensions, these will be calcu-
lated so the proportion of the image is not different than the initial
one. So only one dimension, either the width of height will be this

Small thumbnail dimensions - The dimensions that are used for the small thumbnail. This
thumbnail will be used for the small version of the ad, ads from latest and featured ads
on first page, and smaller images on listing details image gallery.

Big thumbnail dimensions - The dimensions that are used for the big thumbnail. This
thumbnail will be used for bigger image on listing details image gallery.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Default small image - The image will appear instead of the small thumbnail when there
is no image added for the listing.

Default big image - The image will appear instead of the big thumbnail when there is no
image added for the listing.

Watermark - set an image to be used as watermark. Upload here an image of

type .gif, .jpg, .jpeg or .png. If no image is added, no watermark will be added to your pic-

A watermark is an image that is drawn over each images uploaded
for listings, generaly for the purpose of stopping other people from
using your images as resources for their sites.

You can delete the watermark image and with this disable watermark by clicking on the
delete icon next to this field.

Watermark position - set the position on the image the watermark will be drawn in. You
can choose one of the following: Top left, Top right, Bottom left, Bottom right or Center

Watermark transparency - you can set a transparency for your uploaded watermark im-
age. The transparency is set in percents, from 0% to 100%. If you set the transparency to
0% the watermark will be drawn as you upload it over the image. If you set it to 100%, the
watermark image will not be visible, because 100% transparency means actually invisible.

The reason for using transparency is if you want that the original
image to be visible behing the watermark. HTML Options

HTML editor for ad description - if you enable this option, the description field for posting
ads will be a HTML area. Users will be able to format their listings using html elements

Allowed HTML tags - No matter whether the option before is active or not, you can set here
the HTML elements (HTML tags) that are accepted in a description field. All HTML tags
that are not accepted will be automatically removed. You should allow here only harm-


less HTML tags like <br>(Line Break) <b> (Bold), <p> (Paragraph), <i>(Italic), <font> (Font),
<center> (Center). You should not allow elements like: <script>(Script), <style>(Style),
<frame>(Frame) Search
Search in fields - define here the fields to search in when entering a string in Word field.
By default you will have title and description selected. Add other fields if you want other
fields to be searched.

Keyword search type - choose the type of search for the keyword field. You can choose
between the following options:

• Exact search - will look for the exact match, in any of the fields chosen in Search in fields

• All words - will look for an all words match, in any of the fields chosen in Search in fields

• Any words - will look for any words match, in any of the fields chosen in Search in fields

Default search view - choose the default search view. You can choose between List View
and Gallery View. This will be the default view for anyone who has not searched on your
site before. Once another choice is made by a guest, the chosen type of view will be used
until changed again every time the user returns on your site and opens a search page.

Enable search map - if checked, a map will show with the search results marked on it on
every search page. It can appear opened or hidden, depending on the next choice Map

Map visible - this is used only when the search map is enabled. If checked, the search map
will be enabled by default, if not, users will need to click on show Map button to see it.

Search location fields - when Search Map is enabled, the methods of placing the ads on
the map are 2:

• When there is a Google Map field present and there is a value chosen on the map, then
this value is used

• When there is no Google Map field, or there is no value chosen on the map, then the
script will determine the approximate location using geocoding. The list of fields that
you choose for Search location fields is used to determine this position. So you must
choose from the list only the fields that are related to location like: address, city, re-
gion, and so on.

Enable save searches - Gives users the possibility to save searches to their accounts.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface Location
Location fields- Because you can customize your listing fields, you can set the fields that
specify the location differently. Using this setting you can choose which fields specify the
location for your site. Location will be shown in short version of an ad, latest and featured
ads. You can choose multiple fields here. If you choose more than one field, the location
will be generated with all location fields separated by comma. E-mail alerts

E-mail alerts is a feature that allows your visitors to be announced when listings that
match a certain search are added to your site. The visitor will be asked to enter an email
address and to choose the frequency to be announced with: Immediately, Daily or Weekly.

When enabled, a box will appear below a page where a search is in place: browsing by
category or searching pages.

Enable E-mail alerts - enable email alerts feature.

Require at least one advanced key - will ask that besides a category, at least one more key
to be chosen for the alert. You can see the search keys on the top of E-mail alerts box.

Require login - Users will need to login to use this feature.

Alerts require activation - For an alert to apply, the user needs to click on an activation
link that he/she receives in an email.

Delete alerts after - Alerts are automatically deleted after this number of days. Site Appearance

Template - the template for frontend interface. If more than one template exists, choose
here which one you want to use for your classifieds.

For the latest template Momentum you will also be able to select a colorscheme from a
drop down box which will appear next to the template menu.

Administrator Interface Template - the template for administrator interface. If more than
one template exists, choose here which one you want to use for your administrator in-

Administrator Interface Language - choose the administrator interface language

Show Top Header - if enabled, the image set in the field below Header Image will appear
on top of the site.

Header image - upload an image that you want to show on top of your site.


Header image link - if you want your Header Image to have a link attached, enter here that

Show Footer Logo - if enabled, the image set in the field below Footer Logo will appear at
the bottom of your site.

Footer logo - upload an image that you want to show on the bottom of your site.

Footer logo link - if you want your Footer Image to have a link attached, enter here that link.

Show footer categories - if enabled, a list with all your categories will show up at the
bottom of your site.

Footer text - the text that appears in your site footer.

Site Width - you can increase or decrease your site width by changing this value.

Display categories type - you can display categories in 2 ways:

• Browse Categories - includes categories image and description, and categories will show
up on different levels. So if you have subcategories, you will only see them by clicking
on top level categories. This is the default mode.

• Tree Categories - all categories will be shown on the first page, in a tree manner, and
for parent categories the icon image will be shown, if set. Use this mode if you have
many categories.

Categories on a row - number of columns with categories shown on each row.

Count ads for categories - choose whether to display number of ads for each category.

Number of listings on page - choose how many listings will appear in a page. Localization

Default Timezone - Use this setting to set the proper time. Choose the timezone that ap-
plies to your location.

This function will only work if your server has a PHP version 5.1.0
or newer.

Charset - change the charset used on your site. Change this only if your language requires
a different set of characters.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Short Date Format - The short format for date.

Long Date Format - The long format for date.

If you want to change date format, please see here format specifiers:


Price Format - define the format for price (used only for price field, for other numbers
Number Format is used):

• Decimals - number of decimals

• Decimals Point - decimals point sign

• Thousands Separator - thousands separator sign

Number Format - define number format:

• Decimals - number of decimals

• Decimals Point - decimals point sign

• Thousands Separator - thousands separator sign

The Numeric Format is used for numeric type custom fields. You can define a numeric type
field by entering numeric as Validation Type. This is only possible for textbox type fields.

Default Currency - choose default currency

Currency position - choose currency position, to the left or to the right of price.

Listing Currencies.

The price field for listings, if enabled, has attached a list of currencies the user can choose
from. You can edit here this list.

The list can be just one currency if your location uses only one currency frequently. In
this case the currency will appear simply next to price field, the user will not have to
choose it, it will be the default value. Extra visibility options

In this section you can make settings for extra visibility options. Listings Options

Enable Featured Ads - enable featured ads option.


Featured Ads will show on the first page under Featured Ads box. They are also marked with
the Featured Ads button on short and detailed version of the ad.

Featured Ads No - set the number of featured ads shown in Featured Ads box on the first

On templates that have featured ads in a scrolling box, this number
specifies actually the number of ads that are loaded at one page load
and rotated in the loop. The number of featured ads that show up
in one row is actually Featured ads on a row

Featured ads on a row - set the number of ads on each row for Featured Ads box.

On templates where featured ads are shown using a carousel cycli-
cal move, Featured Ads No will be the total number of ads to be loaded
at a page load. These ads will be rotated in the cyclical move until
the next load. Featured ads on a row means the number of ads that
shows on a row.

Featured Option Availability - choose how many days this option is available. After this
number of days the option expires (the listing will not be featured anymore). Set this
value to 0 if you want this to never expire.

Options that are set within a listing plan last until the listing ex-
pires. Only if you add an extra option after placing the listing, or
you buy it separate from the plan from step 5 of submit listing, then
the option will expire according to the settings from Settings / Extra
Visibility Options section. This rule is valid for all extra options (Fea-
tured, Highlighted, Video Classifieds and Priorities).

Featured Price - the price a user must pay if enables this option for an ad.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

This price only applies if the user chooses this option separated by
the options that already may be included in the ad plan. If this op-
tion is included in the ad plan for the current listing, then the user
will not be asked to pay again. The same applies for Availability. If
Featured option is contained in the plan options, then the option will
never expire. We will not explain this for the following ad options,
but this applies to the other also (Highlighted, Priorities and Video

Autoscroll enabled - on templates that support it, this will enable an autoscroll movement
for the featured ads, from right to left.

Enable Highlighted Ads - enable Highlighted Ads option.

Highlighted Ads will show with a different background color from the other ads on short
listing version. Set this color in the following form, Highlighted Color.

Highlighted Color - the background color on short listing for Highlighted Ads.

Highlighted Option Availability - choose how many days this option is available. After this
number of days the option expires (the listing will not be highlighted anymore). Set this
value to 0 if you want this to never expire.

Highlighted Price - the price a user must pay if enables this option for an ad.

Enable Priority Ranking - enable Priority Ranking option.

Priority Ranking allows you to define different levels of priority for your ads. When brows-
ing the listings, if not other type of ordering chosen, the listings will show up first the
prioritized ones, then the normal ones. If you have more than one priority defined, then
the listings with the lower priority order will show up first, for example first ones will be
the listings with priority 1, then priority 2 and so on.

You will set the prices for each priority in the lower section Priorities List.

Show priority ads randomly - if you enable this option, prioritized ads belonging to the
same level will not appear in the order of their posting date, but instead will be shown

Priority Option Availability - choose how many days this option is available. After this
number of days the option expires (the listing will not be prioritized anymore). Set this
value to 0 if you want this to never expire.


Enable Video Classifieds - enable Video Classifieds option.

Video Classifieds will allow the user to add a video to a listing. The video will show up on
details page, instead of the big image on images gallery.

If you use this option as an extra paid option, then you should not
add other Video type custom fields, or people will have no reason
to buy this extra option.

The difference between Video Classifieds and a video custom field is the place where the
video shows. While for Video Classifieds the video will appear on top of the listing, instead
of the bigger thumbnail, a video custom field will appear lower in the details page, below
ad description. You will have to choose between these two which is convenient to you. It
is not advised to use them both at the same time.

The Video Classifieds box will appear in submit listing form if enabled for the listing plan
that was chosen for the listing in course of posting, and Enable Video Classifieds is enabled
in Settings / Listing Settings .

If the user will choose as extra option for the current ad "Video Classifieds" option, then
the box "Video Classifieds" will appear when returning on "Enter ad Details" step, or when
editing the listing later.

Video Classifieds Availability - choose how many days this option is available. After this
number of days the option expires the listing will not have Video option anymore. Set
this value to 0 if you want this to never expire.

Video Classifieds Price - the price a user must pay if enables this option for an ad. User Account Options

Dealer Page - you can make some settings regarding Dealer Page. Note that Dealer Page
will not appear by default to any account and will not be allowed to be bought unless you
have it enabled in the user group settings. See a detailed description on Dealer Page in
User Concepts

• Dealer Page Price - the price that users must pay for Dealer Page, if Allow to buy is se-
lected for Dealer Page in user group settings (Users / User Groups section).

• Dealer Page Availability - after Dealer Page option is purchased for an account, this
option will be available for this number of days. Before this option expires the user
will be notified by email if Send notification to user Before listing expires with X days in the

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

section Settings / Listing Settings is greater than 0. The user is also notified when this
option expired if the option Send notification to user When listing expired is enabled.

This does not apply if the account has Dealer Page enabled by de-
fault, which is done by selecting Enable by default for Dealer Page
in user group settings (Users / User Groups section). In this case,
Dealer Page will not expire. Priorities List

If you use Priorities as extra ad options, then you should add here the priorities you want
for your site.

To add a new priority use the form on top of the table. You must enter a name and a price
for your new priority.

You can edit or delete existing priorities using Action icons in the table.

One thing important here is priorities ordering. Because listings with a higher priority
order will appear on top related to other listings, you must set the proper ordering for
priorities in this section. You can change order for priorities using the ordering buttons. Seo Settings

This section allows you to make some settings related to Search Engine Optimizations.
Please see Search Engine Optimization Features section for more information on site SEO

Enable search engine friendly URLs - check if you want to enable search engine friendly
URLs for site frontend. This is done with URL Rewriting

Google Analytics code - If you want to add Google Analytics to your site, then add here
the code you get from your Analytics account.

Pages meta information table - configure for each of the pages which should be indexed
by the search engines: title, meta description and meta keywords. You will see here a table
with the page name and an edit button. Click the edit button and a form will show up
to edit the meta information for that particular page. For each of the pages you will be
able to edit:

• Page title - The title of the browser page.

• Meta keywords - The meta keywords for that page.


• Meta description - The meta description for that page.

• Noindex, nofollow - Enable this if you don't want that page to be indexed by search
engine bots.

For each of the pages you will see mentioned on top the tags you can use, if any. The
tags are in the form %key, and are to be replaced by their correspondent, for example
%category_name will be replaced by the name of the category, on certain pages like search
page or listing details page where this makes sense. More information on possible tags
you will find below, for each of the pages.

You can configure meta information here for all pages, except cus-
tom content pages. For these pages you can configure the meta in-
formation directly when you add or edit them in Tools / Custom pages

If you use Location filter or Location Subdomains, then you can use on
any of the pages described below, the location fields as tags in the
following form: %city, %country ans so on. These are just examples,
you will use as tags the name of the field uses as location field in
your case. If a location is set, then those tags will be replaced with
the corresponding current location.

Site index page [index.php] - here you can configure meta information for the main index
page, and the page containing subcategories in case your site is configured to display
categories in Browse mode instead of Tree mode. For the subcategories pages you can use
the following tags:

• %category_name - will be replaced by category name followed by parent category name

• %category_meta_description - will be replaced by category meta description.

• %category_meta_keywords - will be replaced by category meta keywords.

Listing details page [details.php]

• %category_name - will be replaced by category name followed by parent category name,

if it is the case

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• %category_title - will be replaced by the title configured for the category

• %category_meta_description - will be replaced by category meta description.

• %category_meta_keywords - will be replaced by category meta keywords.

• %custom_field - any custom field database name preceded by a % sign, for example:
%country, %city.

Search page [listings.php]

• %category_name - will be replaced by category name followed by parent category name,

if it is the case

• %category_title - will be replaced by the title configured for the category

• %category_meta_description - will be replaced by category meta description.

• %category_meta_keywords - will be replaced by category meta keywords.

• %page - the number of the current search page.

• %custom_field - any custom field database name preceded by a % sign, for example:
%country, %city.

Contact details page [contact_details.php] - this page is for mobile pages only.

• %custom_field - any custom field database name preceded by a % sign, for example:
%country, %city.

Login page [login.php] - there is no tag for this page, except for the location tags

User registration page [register.php] - there is no tag for this page, except for the location

Pre-registration page ( user group choices ) [pre-register.php] - there is no tag for this
page, except for the location tags

Pre-submit ad page (choice between login or post wihtout a user accoun [pre-submit.php]
- there is no tag for this page, except for the location tags

Recent ads page [recent_ads.php]

• %page - the number of the current search page.

Refine search page ( mobile only ) [refine.php] - there is no tag for this page, except for
the location tags

Dealer page [store.php]


• %page - the number of the current page.

• %custom_field - any custom field database name preceded by a % sign, for example:
%company_name, %address.

Regular user page [user_listings.php]

• %page - the number of the current page.

• %custom_field - any custom field database name preceded by a % sign, for example:
%company_name, %address. Email Settings

Enable HTML mails - Send emails in HTML format. Enable this if you want to format your
emails with HTML. If you enable this setting, you shoud edit the mail templates accord-
ingly, and you should at least replace newline characters with <br> element .

By default the system sends emails using PHP mail() function. Some servers have this func-
tion disabled. For these cases there is another way of sending emails, using a SMTP server.
The following section refers to this case. The settings below are not mandatory.

Use SMTP authentication - check this option if you want to send mails using a SMTP serv-
er. The following fields must be also completed.

SMTP server - enter SMTP server name.

SSL enabled - check this option if you use a SSL enabled account. For example Gmail ac-
counts have SSL enabled.

Port - SMTP server port. The port is default 25. Do not change this value unless you know
it is different.

Username - the SMTP username

Password - the password for the user above

You cannot use as a SMTP account any email account. Do not use
free accounts such as Yahoo accounts or Hotmail accounts. Use only
accounts that have SMTP enabled, an account that you can use on
your computer with an email client to send emails.

Send BCC to - if you want that administrator to receive all emails sent from your site as a
duplicate on an email address, enter here that address.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface Payment Settings

In this section you have listed the payment methods that our script supports. You can
do some basic settings from the payment processors table, and you can configure each
payment with your data.

Payment processors table elements:

• Payment Processor - payment processor code.

• Payment Title - payment processor title. This name will appear to the user to refer to
the corresponding payment. Can be edited by clicking on the Edit icon.

• Tax - you have the option to define a fixed or/and a percent tax, different for each pay-
ment. For example, if PayPal tax is 3.4% + EUR0,25, you have the possibility to configure
this tax for PayPal payment on your account. In this case, the tax fee will be added to
the total sum to pay to your site. Note that this tax will be charged to all payments
towards your site.

• Recurring Payments can be used to automatically renew subscription plans. If a user buys
a subscription plan and chooses a recurring payment for this, then when the subscrip-
tion expires it will be renewed with a new payment automatically.

Note that not all payment types support recurring payments, at
the moment this option is implemented only for PayPal.

For payments that support recurring payments you can choose between the following

• Disabled - recurring payment is disabled,

• All subscription plans recurring - when a user buys a subscription plan, this payment
is made automatically recurring ,

• Users can choose if subscription plans recurring - when a user buys a subscription plan,
a checkbox appears to choose if this payment should be recurring.

• Edit icon - edit payment title and recurring settings for payments that supports it.

• Enable/Disable buttons - use these buttons to enable and disable the payments.

• Pending/Not Pending buttons - use these buttons to make the payment type pending or
not pending.


When a payment is pending, all items paid with this payment method will become
pending and wait for administrator approval.

• Edit settings button - will open the settings form for that particular payment. Please see
below a description for each payment method settings.


Paypal email - the email for your PayPal account

Paypal Payment Title - the title for payment that will appear on payment page.

Paypal Currency Code - choose the currency used for PayPal, from the list of currencies
supported by PayPal.

Paypal Demo Mode - Use Paypal Sandbox for PayPal payment test. Note that a normal
Paypal account will not work for this, you must create a developer account on https://

Canceling Paypal recurring payments. Note that if a subscription that has recurring pay-
ment enabled is deleted, the recurring payment is not canceled. A recurring payment
can be canceled from the Administrator PayPal account, or from paying member PayPal
account. To cancel the recurring payment, search for a payment for that particular sub-
scription. This payment will have a referring link towards the original PayPal subscrip-
tion. Click on [Cancel Subscription] button on the PayPal subscription page to cancel it.


2Checkout SID - the vendor id for your account.

2Checkout Secret Word - 2Checkout Secret Word is used to check the MD5 Hash passback af-
ter payment for security purposes. You can set up the secret word in your 2Checkout ac-
count from Look and Feel page of your 2Checkout account. This should be a single or com-
pound word or group of letters and numbers with no spaces, of maximum 16 characters.

2Checkout Demo Mode - Use 2Checkout in Test Mode. Use this for payment tests only!

You must setup on your 2Checkout account Direct Return so that
after an order is completed the buyer should be automatically re-
turned to your site. This is important because this allows the ads to
be automatically accepted once the payment is completed.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface


Moneybookers email - the email for your Moneybookers account

Moneybookers Payment Title - the title that will appear on the payment page.

Moneybookers Currency Code - choose the currency used for Moneybookers, from the list of
currencies supported by Moneybookers.

Moneybookers Language - choose the language you want the payment page to be in, from
the language list supported by Moneybookers.

Moneybookers Demo Mode - use Moneybookers in test mode.

Authorize.net SIM - only Authorize.net SIM is possible to use from all possible
Authorize.net payments. The payment is done on Authorize.net site and the credit card
information is not kept on your site. You must configure the following with the informa-
tion for your Authorize.net account:

Authorize.net login

Authorize.net transaction key

Authorize.net MD5 Hash - if you have configured one for your account.

Authorize.net payment title - the title used in payment page.

Authorize.net test mode - if you set your account in test mode, you must enable this option.

ePay - You must configure the following settings that you get from your ePay account:

PBS Merchant Number



MD5 Key - if you configured it for your account.


Follow the next steps to configure your Fortumo account and the script settings for this
payment type.

• Configure in classifieds Fortumo settings page:

- Currency - the currency you will receive payments in

- Test - enable this while your Fortumo products are not yet live, in order to make tests.
Disable it when you are ready to receive real payments.


• Create an account with Fortumo if you don't have one already.

• Add in your Fortumo account one Fortumo service (as explained below in steps 1-4) for
each price you need to be able to receive on your site, and configure each of those
services in Fortumo settings of your classifieds site as a new Fortumo product. Click on
the Add button next to the Fortumo Products title to do so.

Note that Fortumo only allows for fixed prices, so when a pay-
ment is to be made and Fortumo is chosen as a payment method,
the script will select from the Fortumo Products defined the one
which is equal in price or the next greatest one. Make sure you
define your listing plan or extra options prices in such way that
they match closely the prices you can configure in your Fortumo

Here is an explanation on how you define a Fortumo service in your Fortumo account:

1. Create a new service of type "Mobile Payments / Premium SMS API". You will be requested
to choose a keyword. Remember it, and enter it in the Keyword field when you add a
new Fortumo product in classifieds script site.

2. Continuing the payment setup you will be asked Which web address will the received re-
quests be forwarded to?. Enter the url that you find next to Web address to receive requests
in Fortumo Settings.

3. On the page where you need to enter your contact information you will need to also
agree to add a text that will promote this Fortumo service on your site. This will include
the price, your phone and email. Note that this text needs to be placed somewhere
where it can be seen on your site. The operators will check and they will not approve
your service if they cannot find it. So you can make a custom page where you give
details about payments, and you include this text. Until your new service is aproved
you will be able to use it in Test mode.

4. After you complete the setup, you will find among this payment details a) a shortcode
(short number where your users will send the sms to) b) a secret key. Enter both these
in the new Fortumo product configuration settings.

Fortumo payment works like in the following way: after the user makes an action that
requires a payment, the info message will contain the following info: to complete the
payment, the user needs to send a sms to the shortcode number, having as content the
keyword you choose, plus a random code that will determine the operation he/she makes

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

the payment for. The random code is important because it will be used to activate the
listing or option for which the user paid, once the sms was sent correctly.

ICEPAY - You must configure the following settings that you get from your ICEPay ac-

Merchant ID

Secret code




Description - enter a description for the payment

Success Url, Error Url, PostBack Url - use these values to configure in your ICEPay account
the coresponding values


PayTPV - You must configure the following settings that you get from your PayTPV ac-

Client code

User number


Terminal number

PayTPV currency

PayFast - You must configure the following settings from your PayFast account:

Merchant Id

Merchant Key

Item Name - enter a name for the payments.

Test mode - enable this if you want to test PayFast system with a sandbox environment.
If you do enable it, use the following credentials for test: https://www.payfast.co.za/s/


HiPay - You must configure the following settings from your HiPay account:

Member account - get it from your HiPay account: Account Overview page, Account Num-
ber column

Website ID - in your HiPay account go to Sell with HiPay / HiPay integration / Merchant Tool
Kit API and click Configure sites associated with the Hipay platform. Register a website for this
payment. Get the id of the Test Site and enter it as Website ID (the current option) and get
the Merchant Password and enter it in Merchant password field (following option).

Merchant password

Notification email - configure here the email where you want to receive payment notices

Category - configure this option in the following way: save payment settings once with the
Website Id configured. Then a link will appear next to the Order category box. Click it and
get the proper category from the xml document that will appear and set it as a value for
current Category option.



Robokassa - You must configure the following settings from your Robokassa account:





Payment description

Test mode

Result URL

Success URL

Fail URL

Credits - This is a special type of payment. It allows your users to pay a greater sum once
to buy credits, and then use the credits for any option that requires payment on your site.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

It also allows you as administrator give free credits for users, if you decide so. When this
payment is enabled you will see an extra column for Credits in Users list page, and when
you edit an user account you can modify the number of credits.

* Note that this type of payment can only be used by registered
users, since for guests there is no way to keep a record of existing
credits or old payments.

** It is adviced that this payment is used together with at least other
payment. This way users will be able to pay for their credits, and if
they don't have credits in their account they will be able to use an
alternate payment system.

To use credits you need to make the following settings:

One credit equals - the sum for which one credit stands. For example, if one credit is $2,
then to buy 2 credits a user needs to pay $4, and 2 credits can be used to pay once or
multiple times for options in value of $4.

Enable for groups - you can choose to allow credits for all user groups, by leaving selected
All User Groups, or you can only choose some user groups which are allowed to use credits.

Credit Packages - add as many credit packages, but at least one. Users will be able to buy
credits using these packages from their main user account page. For each package you
need to define a name, price, number of credits, and you can also configure each package
for a certain user group.

Manual Payment - can be any type of payment that is not an online payment: check, mon-
ey order, wire, even SMS payments. What these types of payments have in common is that
after the customer pays, you need to check that payment manually, and if you received
the money, enable the option the user paid for, from your administrator interface. Usu-
ally you set this type of payment as Pending. The listing or option or whatever the user
bought from your site stays pending until you check the payment and accept it.

Free - is added here as a payment method for consistency. So when you make settings for
the payment called Free, you make actually settings for not paid items. You cannot disable
Free payment type.

Manage Categories Mobile Settings

Enable mobile templates - Enable mobile templates for your site.

Template - choose the template you want to use for mobile version.

Enable mobile subdomain - When browsing with a mobile device, the site will redirect to
the m subdomain, eg: http://m.yourdomain.com. Also, you will be able to view the mobile
version with a normal device by accessing the m subdomain.

Important! Before enabling this option make sure you add the sub-
domain m for your domain and make it point to the same folder as
the main domain.

Number of listings on page - number of listings on a page for mobile version.

Show Top Header - check this option if you want an image to appear on the top of a mobile

Header image - use this form to upload an image to be displayed on top of your pages.

Header image link - enter a link for the top image. Leave blank if you don't want the image
linked to anything.

Small thumbnail dimensions - width and height for small mobile thumbnail

Bit thumbnail dimensions - width and height for big mobile thumbnail

Default small image - upload an image to be used instead of the small thumbnail in case
there is not image for the ad.

Default big image - upload an image to be used instead of the big thumbnail in case there
is not image for the ad.

1.8.2. Manage Categories Some terms explained

Parent Category and Subcategory - With our script you can display categories on more
than one level. For example, you can have a category Jobs and under that category 2 more

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

categories I'm looking for work and I'm offering work. In this case, the categories I'm looking
for work and I'm offering work will be subcategories, and Jobs will be their parent category.
You can have as many levels like this you want, for example the subcategories can have
subcategories of their own, and so they will be parent categories for those subcategories. Adding or editing an existing category

Click on the Add button to add a new category, or on an Edit icon to edit an existing one.

You will have to edit the following form:

Name - name of category. This field is required

Description - you may enter a description for this category, but it is not required

Picture - enter a picture for your category - optional. This picture will be used only when
you select Display categories type as Browse Categories in Settings / Site Appearance section.

Icon - enter an icon for your category - optional. This picture will be used only when you
select Display categories type as Tree Categories in Settings / Site Appearance section, and only
for main categories (first level categories).

Parent Category - if you want this category to be a subcategory, then choose here the par-
ent category. This newly created category will be added as a subcategory for the parent
category you choose.

Fieldset - you must choose a fieldset for each category. Please see Fieldsets section for a
more extended explanation for fieldsets.

Page Title - The title of the page for this category. If nothing is entered here, the value set
in Settings / Seo Settings will be displayed as title instead.

Meta Keywords - meta keywords for this category

Meta Description - meta description for this category

Allow to post ads to category - you can choose that only some user groups have access to
post to this category. If you want this, you must choose on the radio buttons that follow,
instead of All User Groups, which is default, Only selected groups. A new select box will appear
below. Select the groups that will be allowed to post ads in this category. You can choose
multiple groups by keeping CTRL pressed down. Browsing existing categories

You can view the existing categories in a table. You can edit, delete and view the allowed
user groups list for each category using the icons attached to every row.


You can also change categories order here by using the ordering buttons. The categories
will appear ordered by the order you see on this page.

1.8.3. Fieldsets

Fieldsets are a way to link categories with custom fields. If on your site you have categories
that need different fields each of them, then you can group those fields on fieldsets Ex:
you will have a fieldset for Auto and one for Real Estate. Both categories and fields must be
assigned to a fieldset (for fields you can choose to assign them for all fieldsets if you want
to, then they will appear for every category).

Fieldsets are supposed to ease the work when adding fields and categories. For example,
when you add a new category you will only need to choose the right fieldset for it, not to
edit the fields to make them show for that category. Please see an example for setting up
fieldsets, categories and custom fields in Setup Example. Adding a new fieldset or editing an existing one.

Click on the Add button to add a new fieldset, or on an Edit icon to edit an existing one.

You will need to enter in the form that follows a name (mandatory) and a description
(optional). Browsing existing fieldsets

You can view the existing fieldsets in a table on Settings / Fieldset page. You can edit, delete
and view the categories that are added to this fieldset using the icons attached to every

When you delete a fieldset, if you have categories added for this
fieldset, a modal window will popup and will ask you to move the
categories to other fieldset.

1.8.4. Listing Custom Fields

With Listing Custom Fields you can customize ad submitting forms. This is very important
for your classifieds site, so you should read the following carefully.

The fields you see in the table on this section will appear on the submit form, in the same
order, not necessarily all of them because you can set some fields to appear only to some
categories, as we will explain below.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

If you look in this table, there are a special type of fields: read only
fields. Those fields are marked with a different color (orange) and
you cannot delete them. Even if you cannot delete them, you can
still disable those fields if you don't want to use them, and you can
edit the name and settings. There fields are: Price and Zip. Adding a new custom field

To add a new custom field click on Add button on top of custom fields list. You will need
to fill in a form, and we will explain each field below.

Fieldset - you can choose to which fieldsets to link this field to. By doing this, you actually
link the fields with categories. If you want the field to appear for every category, leave
the default All Fieldsets value. Otherwise, choose Choose Fieldsets and then select from the
following list one or more fieldsets.

Type - there are some type of fields you can choose from, depending on how you want
to use this field:

• Textbox - a textbox field

• Textarea - a textarea field

• HTMLArea - a HTML editor will appear that will allow some basic HTML formatting

• Menu - a menu field

• Multiselect - a multiselect menu field

• Radio Buttons - radio buttons

• Radio Buttons Group - radio buttons grouped 3 on a row.

• Checkbox - a checkbox

• Checkbox Group - more checkboxes grouped 3 on a row

• Depending Field - a special type that is in fact represented by 2 up to 4 menu fields.

Fields starting with second one will have a list of values that depend on the selected
value for the previous field. An example of this field is Country & State default field. For
each country there is a list of states. When selecting a country in the first menu field,
the second field will only show the states for that selected country. Another example

Listing Custom Fields

will be Makes and Models list. See how you configure depending fields in Depending
Fields section.

• Url - a textbox field that when filled in, will be checked to be a valid URL

• E-mail - a textbox field that when filled in, will be checked to be a valid email address

• Date - a date field. It will appear as a textbox at first, but once you click it, a date selector
will appear and let you pick a date.

• File - a file type field

• Image - a file type field that will check the uploaded file extension to be an image (gif,
jpg, jpeg, png)

• Youtube - a textarea that will accept an Youtube Video embed code or a Youtube video
url. This will integrate in the listing details page an Youtube video.

• Google Maps - a Google Map will appear and users will be able to choose a location. This
map will show on listing details page.

Name - name of the field.

Error Message - the error message shown when the field is required and no value was
entered or if the user entered a wrong value.

A common issue here is entering a complete error message, which
expresses all possible errors. Please take care that this error mes-
sage will show in more than one cases: if the field is required and
the field has not been filled in, if the field requires a validation, for
example it verifies for a valid email and the string entered is not an
email form, if there is a minimum or maximum number of charac-
ters defined and that number has been crossed, for images and files
if a different extension has been uploaded or the file is greater than
the maximum accepted. If one of these restrictions are not met, the
Error Message is shown.

So when the following question is raised:

Why is the error "You did not filled in X field" appears

even if I fill in the field?

Then you should check what is the case for which the error appears
and edit the error message to express all the cases.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Ex: Please upload an image as your logo! The image should

have one of these extensions: gif,png or jpg and can have
maximum 1M.

Info Message - an info message that will help the user enter a correct value

List Top Value - (only for menu field type) - the first value that shows on a menu field and
that is visible without choosing anything in this field. This value usually is the same as
name of the field, or a value like Choose country for example.

Is Numeric - choose this if your field will contain only numeric values.

Validation Type - (only for textbox field) - you can set that the value entered in a field to
be validated. You can choose one of the predefined types: alpha, alphanum, digit, numeric,
price, email, url or enter a valid regular expression. Ex: ^[A-Z0-9._%-]+[A-Z]$

Validation types explained:

• alpha - one or more letter character Ex: abcde

• alphanum - one or more letter and number characters Ex: 0a1b2c3de

• digit - a single number character Ex: 1 or 0 ...

• numeric - one or more number characters. Numbers formatted as Number Format is

defined in Settings / Site Appearance section are accepted. Ex: 12534 or 12,534

• price - one or more number characters. Numbers formatted as Price Format is defined
in Settings / Site Appearance section are accepted.Ex: 12534 or 12,534.00

• email - a valid email address Ex: email@yoursite.com

• url - a valid URL Ex: yourdomain.com

Input Field Size - (only for some of field types: Textbox, Textarea, HTML Area, Url, Email,
Date, Multiselect, Youtube). This defines the field size. For the one dimensional fields
(Textbox, Email, Url, Date) you must enter a number. Ex: 30. For the 2 dimensional field
types like Textarea, HTML Area, Multiselect and Youtube, you must enter the number of
rows and columns for this field separated by X: CXL. Ex: 50X4

Minimum Characters - if you want a minimum of characters set in this field, then enter
it here. Otherwise leave 0 as value.

Maximum Characters - if you want a minimum of characters set in this field, then enter
it here. Otherwise leave 0 as value.

Listing Custom Fields

Minimum elements selected - this is a special setting only for Multiselect fields. If you want
a minimum number of elements selected from the list use this setting.

Maximum elements selected - this is a special setting only for Multiselect fields. If you want
a maximum number of elements selected from the list use this setting.

Default Value - if you want a default value set to this field you can set it here

Prefix - a string or a character that you want placed before that field. The prefix will also
show up on details page once set up before the value filled in the field.

Postfix - a string or a character that you want placed after that field. The postfix will also
show up on details page once set up after the value filled in the field.

Date format - (only for Date field type) - you can set the format for date.

Date format uses the following encoding values: d, dd, D, DD, oo, m, mm, M, MM, y, yy .
Please see below the explanation for each code:

• d - Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31)

• dd - Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01 to 31)

• oo - Day of year, three digits with leading zeros (001 -- 365)

• D - A textual representation of a day, three letters (Mon through Sun)

• DD - A full textual representation of the day of the week (Sunday through Saturday)

• m - Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros (1 through 12)

• mm - Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros (01 through 12)

• M - A short textual representation of a month, three letters (Jan through Dec)

• MM - A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March (January

through December)

• y - A two digit representation of a year (Examples: 99 or 03)

• yy - A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits (Examples: 1999 or 2003)

Maximum uploaded size - (only for File and Image types) - the maximum size allowed for
a file to be uploaded on this field.

Allowed Extensions - (only for File types) - you can allow only some file extensions to be
uploaded on this field. Use comma separated values. Ex: pdf,doc,txt.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

It is recommended for safety to use this field for File field types!
By using it, you control what users can upload to your site and you
avoid situations when a user can upload a malicious script to your

Resize Image to - (only for Image type) - the uploaded images will be resized to these
dimensions. Leave blank if you don't want the images to be resized! The image size should
be in the form: WXH, where W=image width and H=image height. Ex: 150X100 - the image
will be resized to a smaller image with 150px width and 100px height.

Elements - (for types: Menu, Multiselect, Radio Buttons, Radio Buttons Group and Check-
box Group) - enter here the values to select from. For example, for a Menu field type,
these values will be shown when you drop down the menu list as elements of the list, for
Radio Buttons will be the actual choices for the radio button and so on.

You can add multiple elements to the list separated by | sign or each on a separate row.

Accept other values - ( only for Menu and Depending Fields) - the user will be able to add
other values than the ones in the list, by choosing the "Other" value in the list and typing
in a textbox.

Refine Search - the field will appear in refine search box. This is not acceptable for some
field types: Image, File, Google Maps, Checkbox Group and Radio Group. For these types
of fields you will not be able to choose to appear in Refine search box.

Quick Search- the field will appear in quick search box. This is not acceptable for some
field types: Image, File, Google Maps, Checkbox Group and Radio Group. For these types
of fields you will not be able to choose to appear in Quick Search box.

Search type - you can choose what kind of search will be performed on this field:

• Exact Match - the search will look for an exact match of the searched term.

• Interval - will appear and can be used only for fields that contain numeric values (Is
Numeric is checked). The search form will display a Min field and a Max field for this
form, and it will be possible to search using a minimum and a maximum value.

• Keyword Search - the search will look for ads that contain the searched value, the value
does not have to be matched exactly.

Search Values - Will show up only when your field is a textbox field, you enabled Is Nu-
meric for it and you choose as Search Type Interval. Enter here the list of numeric search

Listing Custom Fields

values that you want to attach to this field. When this field will appear on a search box
(Quick Search or Refine Search), it will appear as two drop down list, one for minimum
value and one for maximum value, each drop list containing the values you enter in Search
Values field. You can add multiple elements to the list separated by | sign or each on a
separate row.

Required - the field is required / mandatory. If it is not filled in, the error that you fill in
Error Message will show.

Editable - choose if the field is possible to edit when editing a listing. If the field is not
Editable, then after posting the ad the field will not be possible to be edited by the listing

Non Editable fields can still be edited by site administrator!

Active - or enabled. If the field is not active, then it will not appear in the submit form or
on details page. You can use this if you want to disable some fields temporarily, without
deleting them.

When you delete a field, you miss all information that were previ-
ously set for this field in the site listings. If you are not sure if you
will use this field and you have listings that have values for this
field, then you can disable it until you know for sure. Editing an existing custom field

You can edit an existing custom field by clicking on Edit icon in the custom fields table.

When you edit a custom field, the only difference is that you will not be able to change
the field type. The type will remain the one the field was initially created with. All the
rest of the configuration fields are the same. Depending Fields

As we mentioned before, Depending Fields is a special type of fields that will show 2 or more
(up to 4) menu fields. Fields starting with second one will have a list of values that depend
on the selected value for the previous field.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

We will treat depending fields separately because they configure differently from the oth-
er fields and have separate configuration pages.

Adding a custom depending field - you add a depending field the same as other fields, by
choosing the Add button. Once you are on the Add custom fields page, you must select as
field type Depending Field. This will show you the following fields:

Fieldset, Type, Name, Info Message, Is Numeric, Accept Other Values, Refine Search, Quick
Search, Editable and Active - were previously discussed in the previous section so we will
not explain them again.

Depending Fields Number - choose how many fields you want one depending on another.
You can choose 2, 3 or 4.

Field no N - name for the N-th menu field (N can be from 1 to 4)

List Top Value N - top value for N-th field

Error Message for Field no N - the error that will show if N-th field is marked required
and no value is chosen

Field no N required - choose if N-th field is required

Edit depending fields - you can edit the settings for a depending field by clicking on Edit
icon in the fields table.

Edit depending fields values. Here is the page where you actually enter the values for each
of the menu lists. You will be always taken to this page after creating a depending field.
If you want to change the values later, then you can click on the Edit Depending Field icon,
or on the depending field name.

On edit depending field page you have an area for every of the fields. The first one is for
the first field, and you can add values separated by comma or newline. For the following
field, when you enter values, you can choose for which value of the previous field you
wish to add the values.

One special case is that which, when adding your depending field, you choose a number
of fieldsets for the field, not All Fieldsets value. In this case, you can add different values
for the first field for each fieldset.

One example for this case would be a depending fields used for Makes and Models. When
adding this field, you choose it for the following fieldsets: Cars, Motorcycles and Boats.
Because each of the categories for cars, motorcycles and boats will have different makes,
you would not want them mixed together. In this case, when editing the depending field
values list you will enter values for makes for each fieldset: first choose Cars from fieldset
list and enter the makes and models list for cars. Then do the same for Motorcycles and

User Custom Fields

Boats. As a result, depending on which category the user will choose, the correct makes
list will show.

The benefit in using this technique against the one where you add a field for each fieldset
(Cars makes and models, Motorcycles makes and models, Boats makes and models) is that
you will have a single field for Makes and Models, not one for each category type. So in
your search forms will not appear duplicate fields, but a single field that will change its
list of values with the proper one, depending on what category you choose.

If you want to enter values that are common to all fieldsets, then you can add values for
All fieldsets selection. Those values will appear for all fieldsets set for this field. View and manage listing custom fields

In the table from Settings / Listing Custom Fields section you can see and manage the ex-
isting custom fields. You will see some information about the fields on each of the table
columns. One column that we should explain is Database Field. This field shows the name
of the column where the information entered with a listing is kept on the database, in the
listings table. Use this value as reference if you want to set other searchable fields from
Settings / Listing Settings - Search in fields field, when setting the location field in Settings /
Listing Settings - Location fields. Or in case you want to define Import / Export templates.

Other action that you can make on custom fields here is changing order. Like in case of
categories, the order that you see here is the order used for the submit form. For the
details page it is a little different, all the fields that occupy more space are placed after the
ad description Ex: Youtube fields, Google Maps fields, HTML Area fields, Checkbox Group fields.

Using the Action icons you can perform the following actions on the fields:

• Edit - edit field settings

• Edit depending fields - this field was described above [75]

• Delete - delete a custom field

• Enable / Disable - make a field Active or Not Active. The fields that are disabled don't
show in submit form.

1.8.5. User Custom Fields

In the same manner as you can customize submit ad form from Settings / Listing Custom
Fields, you can customize the registration form in this section. These custom fields will
form the user profile, and are very similar to listing custom fields. This is why we will only
point out the differences between these two sections.

Here also read only fields exist, but here are different ones: Username, Email, Password.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

There is also a special field called Contact name field. It is not a read only field, but there has
to be one custom field at all times assigned as a Contact name field. It is strongly encouraged
to configure this field as a required field. The Contact name field is marked in the fields
table with a dark gray label. Clicking on that label a window will open which will allow you
to change the contact name field to other field. Also when you delete this field a similar
window will appear asking you to choose another contact name field.

On user custom fields there is an extra type of field: Terms and conditions. This field added
to the registration form will require that the user checks a checkbox (by which he agrees
to your site terms and conditions). When you choose this type of field, a box named Terms
and Conditions will appear. Place there your site terms. You should also place an error
message that will appear if the user did not checked the checkbox, and an info message
that should express that the field must be checked in order to register.

There are 3 more settings that appear for a field in Add or Edit area:

Not logged in guests only - use this to enable this custom field for not logged in guests
that post ads. The field will appear in submit ad form, in Your information section, section
containing information about the person posting the listing.

This option can be used only when Enable post without user account
is enabled in Settings section.

If one field has this option enabled, then it will not appear in the
registration form for no user group. It will appear only in submit
listing form when the listing is posted without an account!

Public - if the field is public or not. A public field will appear in the user profile on details
page or on Dealer Page or the similar More listing for this user page. In other words, the
field will be public for other users or guests. If the field is not Public, then it is only visible
for administrator and owner.

Use Field For - if you use more than one user groups, choose here the group you want
this field to appear for. You can customize like this the user groups to ask different infor-
mation. For example, if you run two different groups, one for private users and one for
companies, the registration form for companies could contain extra fields, like company
name, address, location on map, company logo, and so on.


When Not logged in guests only option is enabled it is not possible to
choose any user group because that field is only used for not logged
in guests that post ads. Logging in with username or just email address

You can allow your users to login using with their chosen username, or you can allow
them to login with just their email address. This can be configured only by enabling or
disabling the Username field.

The Username field is a read only field, so you cannot delete it. But you can disable it, and
when you do, the registration form will not require a username, only an email address.
The login process will also require an email address and a password. When this field is
enabled your users will need to use the username in order to login.

1.8.6. Languages
This script can be used as a multilanguage site. You can define multiple languages and
users can switch between languages from site frontend. What multilanguage adds to your admin interface

Changing a language does not refer only to changing the translation for the language file.
There are other elements in the database that need to be translated like: categories names
and description, field names and other elements related to fields, email messages and info
messages, and so on.

When adding a new language you will see duplicates of some fields in the admin area for
each of the languages. These fields are usually string fields that are visible from frontend.
Here is a list with these elements:

• some settings in Settings / General Settings section: Admin Name and Site Name

• Footer Text from Settings / Site Appearance section

• most of the settings from Settings / Localization section : Charset, Default Currency, Cur-
rency Position, Short Date Format, Long Date Format, number and price format settings

• priority names from Settings / Extra Visibility Options

• most of the settings in Settings / Seo Settings section: Default page title, Default meta de-
scription, Default meta keywords, Listing page title format, Listing page meta descrip-

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

tion format, Listing page meta keywords format, Search page title format, Search page
meta description format, Search page meta keywords format

• for each category: Name, Description, Page Title, Meta Keywords and Meta Description

• for each listing plan: Name and Description

• for each user group: Name and Description

• for each custom page: Title, Content, Meta Keywords and Meta Description

• for each RSS feed: Short Title, Title and Description

• for each listing custom field - Name, List Top Value, Error Message, Info Message, De-
fault Value, Prefix, Postfix, Elements, Date Format, Search Values

• for each user custom field - Name, List Top Value, Error Message, Info Message, Default
Value, Prefix, Postfix, Elements, Date Format

• for each depending field: fields names, List Top Value, Info Message and Error Message.
Also, all field values can be edited for each language.

• each email template in Templates / Email Templates section.

• each info template in Templates / Info Templates section.

• some modules section for the following modules: Comments, Loan Calculator, Tag Cloud,
Browse by Location, Browse by Make, Similar Ads and News.

When you add a new language, if a file with the name "Language Id.php" does not already
exist, one is created with this name by copying the default language file with a new name.
Ex: if you create a new language Spanish , with the Language Id esp, a file esp.php will be
created for this language. For the translations that don't already exist for our script, you
will need to translate this language file from Templates / Language Editor section. Adding a new language

You can add a new language by clicking on Add button from Languages page. You will have
to fill in a form:

Language id - must be unique, you cannot add two languages with the same id. Enter here
a short code for your language, without spaces. This id will be used for the language file
name and as id for your language in the database.

2 letters language code - use the proper 2 letters iso code for the new language. The
can be found in the following list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes.
This code is used to automatically select the proper language using the language set for
visitor's browser.


Language Name - The name for your language. If you don't set a language image, then this
name will be placed on frontend for users to choose from to switch between languages.

Language Image - as we stated above will be used on frontend to switch between lan-
guages. It will also be shown on administrator interface on fields that have different ver-
sions, one for each language.

URL special characters replacement set - URLs allow a limited set of characters. This is
why special characters need to be either encoded or replaced by a a-z equivalent letter.
Choose here the proper characters map set to be used to replace the special characters.
You should choose the all sets that are likely to be found on your site.

Choosing too many characters replacement set will have effect on
your site performance, so make sure you limit only to the ones that
are really needed for your site.

Text direction - you can choose either left to right or right to left text direction. The
templates will change accordingly when a right to left language is chosen.

Default - one language (and only one) must be set as default. That language will be the
default language when someone enters the site. After a visitor chooses other language,
the option will be remembered in a browser cookie and next time that visitor will enter
the site that chosen language will be set by default.

If a guest visiting your site for the first time has its browser con-
figured with a language that your site has enabled, then this lan-
guage will be considered as default, not your default language. The
default language is actually the second choice, if the browser native
language is not found.

Enabled - if the language is not enabled it will not appear in site frontend. Managing languages

You can see the existing languages in the table from Settings / Languages section. You can
perform a series of actions with Actions icons for each language:

• Edit

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• Delete

• Enable / Disable

• Set Default - set the language as the default language.

You can also change languages order with Order buttons. The order will be used on site
frontend, to display the languages visitors will choose from.

If you will build your site as a multilanguage site, then you should
do the operation of adding the extra languges among the first op-
erations that you make on the site. If not, you will have to return to
the settings you already made and see if you must enter the other
language variant for different fields!

1.9. Modules
Modules will add extra functionality to your site only when installed and enabled.

Modules can be already included in the script, or downloaded separately from our site. If
downloaded separately, you will need to follow the instructions in the readme file that ac-
companies each module. You might need to make some modifications to the script source
files, but it will all be documented in installation instructions for each module.

In Modules section you can view all modules in your system and their state. On a new
installation, the modules will be not installed and you will see an Install button for that
module. If you want to use this module you should click on this button and it will be
installed. With this installation process, some new data is added to your database and the
module is ready to use.

After a module is installed, some new buttons will appear: Settings, Enable/Disable and Unin-

Settings - will allow you to enter a page where you can perform certain settings for this
module. For each module the settings page is different and it will allow you to control its

Enable/Disable - you can enable this module if disabled or disable it if enabled. For a mod-
ule to work it needs to be enabled.

Uninstall - use this to uninstall a module. Keep in mind that this will delete all database
information related to this module, so if you will want to use it later it will be reinstalled

Adult categories

with the default data. If you want to keep the data use Disable button instead of Uninstall
and the data will be kept, but the module will not appear.

We will describe below the modules included in the script. These modules are already
added to the script souces, the only operation that you need to perform for these modules
is click the Install button if you want to use them.

1.9.1. Adult categories

This module allows you to ask your guests to agree a disclaimer when accessing a list of
selected categories. It is meant to make your site comply with different laws which ask
site owners to warn their viewers about possible adult content.

Possible settings for this module:

Categories list - list of categories which will ask for disclaimer agreement.

Cookie availability - The terms agreement will be remembered and not be asked again
until this time period passes.

Disclaimer text - The actual disclaimer text.

1.9.2. Area Search

This module allows you to add area search to your search forms. Area search means
searching ads that have the location within a given area in miles or Km from a zip/post-
code geographical location.

When this module is enabled, on Quick Search and Refine Search forms, instead of the field
Zip that is added with any installation will appear two fields:

• Zip/postcode - enter a zip/postcode code to which comparations will be made

• Distance - choose the distance from that zip/postcode you entered you want to look
for ads in your search. You can choose a distance in miles/Km, you can choose Exact
Location, and searches will be made only for that specific zip/postcode, or you can leave
the default option that is All Locations.

In order to work, this module needs a database with your country zip/postcodes that con-
tains geographical coordinates (longitude and latitude). By default the module contains
databases for USA and UK. If you want to use this module and your classifieds is for an-
other country you will need to search for one yourself. Keep in mind that you need to
search for one that contains longitude and latitude coordinates. You will find lower in
this section some information related to some places where you can find them.

When entering this module Settings section you will find a series of subsections:

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

• Settings - here you can make some appearance settings: Unit Measure - choose between
Km and miles, and you can enter the list of predefined values for search form distance
drop down menu.

• Import - use this subsection to import new zipcodes. We will describe this section be-

• Add - add a single zipcode/postcode.

• Delete - delete zipcodes/postcodes for one country or all of them.

• Records - browse zipcodes/postcodes database. You can here delete them one by one.

Importing new data

For importing zip data csv format is used. This is a widely used format, and if you purchase
or download zip data, usually you will find it in this format. The format assumes data
for each zip/postcode on a separate row, with data columns separated by a sign, usually
comma. You can specify a different sign if your database uses a different one in Column
Separator setting. Also, these columns can be enclosed in quotes or other sign, to make the
delimitation even better. This sign can be set as Field Separator.

Data fields that are needed for each zip are: zipcode/postcode, latitude and longitude.
Since databases come in different formats, with additional fields like city, district, state
and so on, you will need to specify the column number for each of the needed fields in
Columns Ordering. The order is usually found in the first row of the database, with a # sign in
front. Please write down the order for the fields you need, and then remove this first line.

After you filled in the upper information, browse the file that contains your database.
This file should have one of the following extensions: .csv or .txt. If it does not have this
extension, but you know it is csv format, you can simply change it to one of these.

Information about zipcode databases

The databases included in our script are for the following countries:

UK - free database thanks to freethepostcode.org team. You can see a coverage map
here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Free_The_Postcode_UK_Coverage. You can al-
ways download an updated list from the following link: http://freethepostcode.org/cur-

USA - free database thanks to boutell.com.

Other unincluded free data:

Canada - you can download a free database for Canada from http://

Banners location

Lots of countries databases: http://www.geonames.org

If our script does not have zip/postcodes data for your country, of you consider it incom-
plete or not up to date, you can purchase a commercial database from one of the follow-
ing sites:

• http://www.geopostcodes.com - databases for 88 countries, good prices.

• http://www.zipcodeworld.com - databases for USA, Canada and Mexico.

1.9.3. Banners location

This module allows configuring banners for a certain location only. Choose one field to
act as the location field for your banners, for example Region or City and you will be able
to configure each banner for a specific value of that location field.

Note that configuring locations for banners makes sense only for listings search page and
listing details page. For all other pages location is irelevant, so it will show banners re-
gardless of location. If you want the banners you're configuring with a location to appear
only when that location is selected, you will need to configure it only for sections details
and listings

You can make the following settings on this module:

Location field - choose the location field for banners. You can only select a single field.

Display any banner with no location set when there are no banners for a specific location
- For example you are on a search page searching for Paris, but you don't have any banner
configured for this city. If this box is checked, then the script will display any other banner
that wasn't setup for a specific location.

1.9.4. Browse by Location

This module will show on first page of the site a box with locations listed and linked to-
wards a search page for that location.

You can make the following settings for this module:

Title - is the title that will be shown on top of the box, if you choose Single type for this
module (see below more explanations).

Number of columns - number of columns shown in the first page box.

Mode - this module can work in two modes: Single and Double. In Single mode, you will
choose the Location Field to be a menu type custom field, and the values contained as this
field elements will show in the location box in the first page. In Double mode , you will

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

choose the Location Field to be a depending type custom field (for example Country & Region
field). As a result, the first field values (Country values) will show on top of the box as
tabs, and second field values (Regions) will show in the box as locations. When clicking
on the top tabs, you can choose a different set of locations, in our example regions for
another country.

Location Fields - you must choose here one of the custom listing fields that you defined
in Settings / Listing Custom Fields section. In in single mode, the fields that you can choose
from are Menu fields, if in Double mode: Depending fields.

Example1: you have a menu field defined for regions named Region. Choose Single mode
and this field as Location Field and the values you entered as field elements will be listed
in this module box.

Example2: you have a depending field defined for countries and regions named Countries
& Regions. Choose this field as Location Field and the values you entered for first field of
this depending field ( Countries ) will be listed in top of module box as tabs, for example
you will have one tab USA, one tab for UK, one for Canada. The values you enter in the
second field of depending field (Region) will appear in the module box. When clicking on
one country tab, locations list will change to regions belonging to that country.

1.9.5. Browse by Car Make

This module was meant to show on first page of the site a box with car makes linked
towards a search page for each make. But it can be used to display other information
instead of car makes if your site is not a car based classifieds and you need this module

You can make the following settings for this module:

Title - is the title that will be shown on top of the box, if the chosen field for this module
is not assigned to multiple fieldsets (see below more explanations).

Number of columns - number of columns shown in the first page box.

Make field - you must choose here one of the custom listing fields that you defined in
Settings / Listing Custom Fields section. The fields that you can choose from are Menu or
Depending fields.

Example1: you have a menu field defined for makes list named Make. Choose this field as
Make field and the values you entered as field elements will be listed in this module box.

Example2: you have a depending field defined for makes list named Makes & Models. Choose
this field as Make field and the values you entered for first field of this depending field
( Makes ) will be listed in this module box. If this depending field has different values


for different fieldsets, then instead of the module title will appear tabs with the fieldset
names, and when changing fieldset tabs you will see the values for that fieldset. For ex-
ample, if your field is assigned to both fieldsets Cars and Motorcycles, two tabs will show
on top of Browse by Car Make called Cars and Motorcycles. When clicking on Cars tab, cars
makes will show, when clicking on Motorcycles tab, motorcycles makes will show.


This module will add comment capabilities to each details page.

When entering this module settings page you can see two areas: first, Comments, where
you can view and manage existing comments, and second, Settings, where you can make
settings for this module.

Comments - you can view information about each comment: post date, user (if was posted
when logged in) , email address, and you can also perform some actions on them: Edit,
Delete, Enable/Disable and Block Ip it was posted from.

Settings - The possible settings are the following:

Require Login - If this is enabled, you must login first to be able to post a comment.

Admin verification - Choose if you want to verify each comment before allowing it to
show. You can choose between: Always, Never or When not logged in. If you choose the last
option, only comments that are posted by guests (not logged in users) will wait for your

Use image verification - Choose if you want to use image verification for posting com-
ments. You can choose between: Always, Never or When not logged in.

Email field - Choose if you want the email field added to comment submit form. You can
choose between: Required, Do not use or Optional.

Website field - Choose if you want the website field added to comment submit form. You
can choose between: Required, Do not use or Optional.

Use HTML editor - Check if you want the comments text box to appear as a HTML editor.

Check for forbidden words - Check if you want the content of the comments to be checked
for forbidden words. The list set in Tools / Forbidden Words will be considered.

Allowed HTML tags - Choose here which HTML tags to allow in your comments text.

Use as logo - If you have any image custom fields defined in your Settings / User Custom
Fields section, for example a logo image for each user, you might want to use it to show
next to each comment posted by that user. Use this setting to choose that field.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Comments terms - Add here a Terms and Conditions text that you would want shown next
to the comments box.

1.9.7. Compare listings

This module will allow you to add listings compare functionality to your classifieds site.
When installed, from each short version of the ad and from listing details page you will
be able to add a listing to compare list by clicking on an Add to compare link. If the listing
is already in the compare list, you will be able to remove it. You also will have a list con-
taining titles of the compare list on the left of listings search page and on the right of
listing details page.

When going to the compare listings page you will be able to see the compared listings one
next to other so you can compare the details for these listings.

There are no settings to be made on this module.

1.9.8. Connect

This module will add to your site the capacity to accept login using FaceBook, Google and
OpenID accounts.

You can make the following settings on this module:

Enable Facebook Login - check this box if you want to enable Facebook login.

If you want to enable Facebook connect you need to create a new
application in your Facebook account. See below the details for per-
forming this action.

Access the following page: http://www.facebook.com/developers. You will be asked for

permission to access your basic information. Accept this in order to move forward.

Use Set Up New App button in order to create a new application. You might need to confirm
your Facebook account using a phone or credit card confirmation. You also need to fill in
your Site Url under Web Site settings tab in Site URL field. To reach this settings page you
need to click on Edit Settings after creating the new application.

Facebook App ID - enter your Facebook API ID gained from the actions described above.

Enable Google Login - allow users to login using their Google account.

List Dealers Page

Enable OpenId Login - allow users to login using their OpenID account.

Contact Name field - when the authentication is made first time, the name is remembered
under this field.

Register as user to group - when the authentication is made first time, the user is regis-
tered as belonging to this group.

1.9.9. List Dealers Page

This module creates a page where all dealers are listed.

You can make the following settings on this module:

List all users with dealer page - lists all users that have dealer page enabled in their ac-

List Groups - list users belonging to this group.

Link to navigation bar - If this checkbox is selected, a link will appear in the navigation
bar taking to the dealers page.

Link name - If Link to navigation bar is enabled then you can set here the text you want to
show up in the navigation bar.

Logo field - If you have an image logo field setup for your users, choose it here, and it will
show up in the left side of each dealer box. If you have Dealer Page enabled you can choose
Dealer Page Banner as the dealer logo.

Name field - The field that will stand up as the main field (name or company) for dealers.

Details fields - Choose here other dealer details fields that you want to show up.

Group dealers in categories - If you check this box dealers will appear grouped by values
for the Category Field.

Category Field - Configure this with a menu type User Custom Field.

Number of categories on a row - Dealer categories on this many columns on the dealers

1.9.10. Loan Calculator

This module will display a loan calculator box on each details page which will calculate
monthly payment for a certain amount and considering other factors: Down Payment,
Trade in Value, Loan Amount, Sales Tax, Interest Rate and Loan Term.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

You can make the following settings for this module:

Module Title - the title shown above the loan calculator box.

Use "Trade In" field - choose to show a Trade In field in loan calculator box if this applies.

Default Down Payment - default value for Down Payment.

Default Interest Rate - default value for Interest Rate.

Default Loan Term - default value for Loan Term in months.

Default Sales Tax - default value for Sales Tax.

Currency - the currency used.

Text - add some explanatory text to the module box.

1.9.11. Meta extension

This module allows you to customize meta information for different search pages.

By default the search page will show meta tags set by you in Settings / Seo Settings page,
or a category meta information, if a category is chosen as a search term. This can lead to
many different search pages to have same meta information. This module helps you set
different meta information for as much search pages as you want. This way your site can
achieve higher search engine ranking.

The module functions in the following way: after installing this module click the Settings
button. From the page you're redirected to, add a new "search - meta information" pair
by clicking on the Add button on top. You can enter here page title, meta keywords and
meta information, and fill the parameters of the search: category, search word, and oth-
er fields that you have in your database. When the guests will look for these terms, the
meta information you enter here will show. When a search is made, the best match within
your added meta extensions is considered (the one with the best number of search fields
matched ).

For example: You have added in your meta extension module the following:

1. title = Title for first case

meta keys = Meta keys for first case
meta description = Meta description for first case

category = Real Estate

country = Canada
state = Ontario


2. title = Title for second case

meta keys = Meta keys for second case
meta description = Meta description for second case

category = Real Estate

country = Canada
state = Ontario
city = Toronto

For a search like this:

category = Real Estate

country = Canada
state = Ontario
city = Toronto

The second meta info is used because it matches more terms than for the first one.

1.9.12. News

This module will allow you to add news articles to your classifieds site. The news articles
will appear on the first page as a short version, and as full version when you click on Read
more button.

You can make the following settings on this module:

Title - the title that will appear over the new box on the first page.

Number of news on first page - number of short version news that will appear on the first

Number of news on each news page - when clicking on Read More button and you are taken
to a news list, on each page will appear this many news.

1.9.13. Promote listings

Some listings might not get the views they need. This module allows you to warn users
which listings don't get enough hits that they can use your extra options in order to pro-
mote their listings.

You can configure the following: the number of hits is considered a low number of hits,
the number of days for which the hits are calculated and an email template for the email
sent to the listing owner. If for any listing, in the configured number of days the total
hits does not reach the hits number you configure, then the listing owner will receive an

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

email. The email should contain as much information as you can about the extra options
you enabled on your site: featured, highlited, priorities, video classifieds.

1.9.14. Popular Ads

This module will make appear a box of most popular ads in the front page. Ads with most
number of views are shown here.

You can make the following settings on this module:

Title - the title that will appear over the popular ads box.

Number of popular ads - number of popular ads.

1.9.15. Ratings and reviews

Using this module you can enable ratings and reviews for users or listings.

You can make the following settings on this module:

Allow to rate - choose the behaviour of the module regarding rating same resource mul-
tiple times. You can choose between the following values

• Allow any number of times - no restrictions regarding number of ratings given.

• Allow only once per IP - allow only once to rate using the same IP.

• Allow once a day per IP - restrict rating using the same IP address to once a day.

• Allow once a month per IP - restrict rating using the same IP address to once a month.

• Allow once a year per IP - restrict rating using the same IP address to once a year.

Require Login - you will be required to be authenticated to be able to rate.

Rate listings - enable ratings for listings.

Rate users - enable ratings for users.

Users cannot rate themselves - if this is enabled one user will not be able to rate himself
or his/her own resource. User reviews settings

Enable reviews - check if you want user reviews enabled

Use for groups - you can select here the user groups you want to allow reviews for. Leave
unselected if you want this to apply to all user groups, or select all.

Similar Ads

Admin verification - you can configure reviews to wait for administrator approval or not,
or just in case a not logged in guest posts the review.

Use image verification - you can configure reviews to ask for image verification or not, or
just in case a not logged in guest posts the review.

Title field - choose if you want to use title field for the review and if you want it to be
mandatory or not.

Email field - choose if you want to use email field for the review and if you want it to be
mandatory or not.

Website field - choose if you want to use website field for the review and if you want it
to be mandatory or not.

Use HTML editor - choose if you want to use html editor or not for the review content.

Check for forbidden words - choose if you want the review content checked for forbidden

Allowed HTML tags - select here the html tags you want to allow in the content of a review.
You should only choose harmless tags like <b>, <br>, <span>, <p>, <em>, <font>, <i>, <strong>,

Use as logo - you can choose an image field to be used as a logo for the ones which post
the review using their user accounts. Note that the script will not shrink the image, you
should only use image fields which have a size limit or resize the images to avoid breaking
the design of the page by displaying large images.

Reviews terms - if you want to display terms for posting the reviews you can add them

Number of reviews on page - the number of reviews on a page, if more than one page
exists. Listing reviews settings

This subsection has similar settings like the previous one and will not be explained.

1.9.16. Similar Ads

This module will make appearing on each listing details page a box with similar ads.

You can make the following settings on this module:

Title - the title that will appear over the similar ads box.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Number of similar ads - number of similar ads.

Number of similar ads on row - number similar ads on each line. If this number will be
lower than Number of similar ads, then ads will appear on multiple lines.

Match category - if the similar ads need to be from the same category as the current

Match fields - select the fields that need to be matched when choosing similar ads. For
example, if you want ads to have the same make as current listing, then select the make
field in the box. You can choose multiple fields from the list using CTRL and SHIFT keys
on PC and OPTIONS key on MAC

1.9.17. Social Networks

You have the following settings on this module:

Settings - settings for Facebook and Twitter buttons that will appear lower in the page.
These buttons will take to your Facebook page and Twitter account.

Facebook Like button- settings for the Like / Recommend button which will appear on every
listing details page.

Tweet button- settings for the Tweet button which will appear on every listing details

Google +1 button- settings for the Google +1 button which will appear on every listing de-
tails page.

Facebook Recent Activity plugin- settings for the Facebook Recent Activity box that can be
enabled to show on the right side of first page.

Facebook Like Box- settings for the Facebook Like box that can be enabled to show on the
right side of first page. This box will be linked to your Facebook page you configured in
this module.

Tweet ads when posted- using this part you configure the script to tweet listings title
when posted on your site. To use this feature you will need to make some settings on your
Twitter account:

• If you don't have a Twitter account create one

• Go to this link and create a new application: https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new. Enter

a name and description for the app, and as Application Website and Callback URL the url
towards your site.

Tag Cloud

Then click on Create my access token button on the bottom of the page. This will generate
the Access Token and Access Token Secret information which you will need for configu-

Last thing that you need to do is go to Settings tab and configure the Application Type
as Read and Write.

• Get the following information and use them in the script form the Details tab: Consumer
key and Consumer secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret.

1.9.18. Tag Cloud

A tag, according to Wikipedia, is "a (relevant) keyword or term associated with or assigned
to a piece of information (e.g. a picture, article, or video clip), thus describing the item
and enabling keyword-based classification of information." This module will display in
the first page a box with tags from your site. The tags are chosen from keywords used for
search (in the search keyword field).

This tool is useful for:

• Creates visibility for search terms. Search terms will show in this box and your visitors
can just click on them to initiate a new search for that term.

• Are useful for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because they contain links on specific
keywords. So you have a way to add text links towards inner pages of your site with
good keywords.

You can make the following settings for this module:

Module Title - the title shown above the tag cloud box.

Number of tags to show - number of tags to show at a time in this box.

Keep searches for - We explained that the tags are taken from individual search terms
made by your visitors. These terms are kept in the database and every time the tags will
show, the list is processed to determine the strength of each term (which will reflect in
font size), and the most relevant terms will show in a random order. The relevance is de-
termined by the number of searches on this term. But these search terms should be delet-
ed periodically because otherwize the database will become too big and hard to process,
and this will add a delay in showing the tags. Also, this ensures that the tags are the ones
that people are looking for in this period of time, and not in the past.

Use only words with at least - you can choose not to consider words with less number of
characters than this number.

Exclude words - enter here words that you don't want to show, even if searches are made
by this term.

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

1.10. Templates
1.10.1. Templates Editor
Our script uses templates for the HTML part. This means that HTML code is completely
separated from the php code. For this reason it is easy to change its design.

You must have basic knowledge of HTML if you want to make
changes to this section. This section does not explain HTML princi-
ples, it is considered that you already know this. If you don't, and
you want to make changes to the template files, then you should
take the time to study some HTML bases, there are many resources
on the Internet regarding this area.

First of all, to view a template file that you want to modify, you need to choose the proper
template from Select Template menu (if there is more than one template). Then choose
from Select File menu the file you want to see and hit View. A box will appear with the
content of this file.

To be able to save modifications you make to the template file, that
file must have write permissions. If if does not, you will see a warn-
ing message like the following, and you should change permissions
to that file:

Warning! The template file is not writable! If you wish

to edit it, please change the permissions to 6xx!

After you finish editing your template files, you should consider re-
moving write permissions from those template files and set them
back 444 permission. Keeping your files not writeable is a security

Templates Editor

Some details regarding template syntax.

The template system that we are using for the script is Smarty (http://www.smarty.net/
). If you want to read extended syntax documentation, please view this page: http://

Basically, what you should know is that every template file uses HTML code and some
specific elements that will be replaced by the script with the proper value. Those elements
should remain intact, you should not replace them with normal text or other HTML ele-
ments unless you know what you're doing. Here are the types of syntax you will find:


Variables are defined by strings in the form:


This string will be replaced with the correspondent variable defined in the script.

Example: in the following sentence:

{$lng.useraccount.welcome} {$username}

The string {$lng.useraccount.welcome} will be replaced with the language variable for wel-
come, and {$username} with the currently logged in username.

Conditional Sentences

{if $var_name="value"}

Conditional sentences are used for parts in the template that will appear if the condition
is met. For example in the following part:

{if $listing.user.store>0}
{* show store button *}

The part {* show store button *} will appear only if the user has dealer account enabled.


Comments are part of the template that are not interpreted by the template engine in any
way, in fact those parts will not show in the generated html code. These parts are only

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

added for reference. You can recognize a comment by having {* *} signs around. Please
view in the earlier example, the string {* show store button *} is a comment.


There are two types of loops used: for loops and sections. Loops execute the code inside as
long as the condition is met, usually for all values in an array. Please see examples below:

{foreach from=$categories item=v name=cat}

{* ..... *}

{section name=loop start=0 loop=$no_latest step=1}

{* ..... *}

Adding javascript code or CSS code to a template

Since javascript code and CSS code can contain characters that can be mistaken as be-
longing to templates syntax (like the curly brackets or braces: { }), when you add code like
that to your templates you should place the code between {literal} {/literal} strings.

Ex: You want to add Google Analytics code to the footer of your pages. The code will look
similar to the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ?
"https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-
analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}</script>

Here is how you should enter it in the templates:

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ?
"https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-
analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

CSS Editor

<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
} catch(err) {}</script>

Including files

You can include another template file to your code with the following syntax:

{include file="header.html"}

This example will include the file that contains the header (top) of the template.

You will not be able to use visual HTML editors to edit these tem-
plates. The reason is that there is not one top - down html page that
a visual tool can display. You will need to edit the HTML code and
see the changes that result in a browser.

1.10.2. CSS Editor

CSS (Cascading style sheets) are used to describe the formatting of a HTML document. You
can control by editing this document things like colors, backgrounds, font sizes, elements
spacing. Use this section in addition to the previous section if you want to make changes
to your site look.

To make changes to this page, basic knowledge of CSS principles are required.

1.10.3. Language Editor

All site texts that appear on site interface, except for the ones that are kept in database
(all values that you can edit in administrator panel) are kept in a language file. If you need
the script for other language that the script does not have translated, or if you simply
need to change some of the texts on the interface, you can edit the language file.

In the section Language Editor you have a drop down list where you can choose the lan-
guage from, and a box, where the content of the language file is shown. The languages
shown in the drop down list are the languages from Settings / Languages section.

You can always edit languages files for certain modules that have a language file. To do so,
change next to the option Main file or module the menu and choose the module you want

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

to edit the language file for. The way you edit a modules language file is just the same as
when you edit the main language file.

To be able to save modifications you make in the language file, that
language file must have write permissions. If if does not, you will
see a warning message like the following, and you should change
permissions to that file:

Warning! The language file is not writable! If you wish

to edit it, please change the permissions to 6xx!

After you finish editing your language files, you should consider re-
moving write permissions from those language files and set them
back 444 permission. Keeping your files not writeable is a security

There is another way to edit a language file, use the method you find easier to you. This
second method is to edit the language file on your computer. You will need to copy it
using a FTP program on your computer. Then you can edit it using any text editor (PHP
files are in fact text files) like Notepad for example. After you finish making changes to
the language file, upload the file back and overwrite the old version.

The language file is actually a .php file. So it needs to follow a set of rules to be valid.
If there is an error in the language file, the HTTP server will show you an error like the

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /usr/home/

yourdomain.com/lang/eng.php on line X

If you do get this error, then you should check at the line specified what is the error. You
must follow these rules for not generating errors:

• You must have on top of the file a <?php string and at the end a ?> string

• A line will look like this:

$lng['navbar']['home'] = ' Home';

Mail Templates

What you must translate in this line is the string in second part of the sentence: Home

• Each line will end with a semicolon (;)

• The translation text is surrownded with single quotes (')

• If you have a text that contains a single quote, you must place a backslash (\) character
in front of it.

Ex: $lng['users']['errors']['passwords_dont_match'] = 'Passwords don \'t


If you follow these rules then you will be able to make a translation without a problem.

In this section you can only edit frontend language files. You cannot
edit administrator interface language files. If you want to translate
administrator interface, you will need to edit the language files on
your computer. You will find these files in /admin/lang/ folder.

1.10.4. Mail Templates

In this section you can edit the mails that are sent from your site in different cases. Please
take the time and edit these templates before lanunching your site.

Examples of mails sent are: mails sent when an ad is posted - to user and admin, notifi-
cations when listing expired or before expires, recommend ad mails, password recovery
mails, and so on.

The page shows two areas, a left select box and a right part where you can see the mail
template. You can choose in the left side the mail template you want to edit and it will
reflect in the right side. You can see a description for the current email template in red,
on top of the right side. After you made the changes hit Save.

Mail Templates use the same template system as HTML templates regarding elements
that will be replaced in the background by the system.

A mail template will look like the following:

Subject: {$sender_name} recommended you this ad!

Mail content: Hello {$name}
{$sender_name} thought you would be interested in the following ↺

Chapter 1. Administrator Panel Interface

Best Regards,

All strings in the form {$variable_name} are variable names and will be replaced with a
value. Please see a wider description here [96] for templates syntax.

So when the email is sent, it could look like this:

Subject: Matt recommended you this ad!

Mail Content: Hello John
Matt thought you would be interested in the following resource:

You really should check out this ad!

Best Regards,
Yoursite Administrator

1.10.5. Info Templates

When your site users perform certain actions there are certain messages that will be
shown to them. For example, after placing an ad, when buying a subscription, when up-
grading an ad and so on.

This section is similar to the previous section, Mail Templates. What we should point out
here is that the formatting here should be HTML since these informations will appear
directly in the HTML pages. So for example, to add a new line you should enter the newline
HTML character <br/>.

1.11. Logout
By clicking this link you will be logged out as administrator and redirected to site fron-

Chapter 2. FAQ
1. I have no Google map appearing in the submit ad forms.

In order to add a map to your forms you will need to add a custom field to your system
of type Google Maps. Depending on which form you would like to add the map to, you
will add a new custom field to:

- Settings / Listing Custom Fields - if you want the map to appear on submit ad form. The
map will show up on details listing page after submitting the ad.

- Settings / User Custom Fields - if you want the map to appear on user registration form.
The map will show up on user profile page after registration.

2. I'm trying to add google tracking code in the footer and I receive an error. What should
I do?

You should surround the code you try to add between {literal} and {/literal} tags. See
this section for more details and to see an example.

3. How can I change permissions to a file?

In order for PHP to be able to perform certain operations on files or folders, it needs
certain permissions.

You can change files permissions in 2 ways:

a. Using the FTP client that you use to upload and access script files on your server.
When connected with FTP to the location where the script is uploaded, select the
file or folder you must change permission for. Search for something in the menus
similar to Change permissions and choose the mode that the script tells you to choose.

b. Using a File Manager from your hosting control panel, if available.

The number that represents the permission means in Linux ( in
UNIX in general ) the “read”, “write” and “execute” rights for
this file or folder for owner, group and others. In order for PHP
to be able to write and access, it will need 644 permission for
a file and 755 permission for a folder. Exception make servers
where PHP runs as Apache module instead of CGI. These servers
will need 666 permission for a file and 777 permission for a fold-
er. The script checks the mode PHP is running on and shows you
the correct permission to set, so you don't need to worry about
this aspect.

4. Mails are not sent, what can I do?

Try to set emails to be sent using a SMTP server. To do this you must make settings in
the section Email Settings, please see that section for more details.

Please keep in mind that emails can also not work if you make wrong settings in Email
Settings section.

5. I edited the language file and I get this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected

You should review the language file again and check the line number that the error
string is telling you about. To do this easier you should use a text editor that shows
line numbers. Use the tips shown in the section that explains Language Editor.

6. Why is my header image not resizing? Why are my categories images not resizing?

The images that are set in administrator panel are not meant to resize. Only listing im-
ages are resized. The administrator should resize the images for categories and header
previous to uploading them to the site.

7. Can I allow users to post ads without having to pay online? For example if they pay
in my office by check?

There is the option for Manual payment which refers exactly to that, users paying man-
ually, not with an online system. You should enable this payment type from the section
Settings / Payment Settings, if not already enabled.

Usually you should set this type of payment to Pending. By doing this, all items paid
with a manual payment will remain pending until you receive your money and activate
them manually.

Please remember to make the proper changes to info templates
and mail templates (Templates / Info Templates and Mail Tem-
plates), so the users will know how to pay.

You will find comments in info and mail texts where you should
add this information, like in the following example:
Chapter 2. FAQ


---------------- *}

8. Can I add Google Adsense to pages?

You can add Google Adsense as banners. When adding a new banner you can choose
image type or html code type. You must choose HTML code when adding Adsense ban-
ners. Otherwise, they will be positioned like normal banners.

9. Where can I find the setting to activate 'Pending listings for admin verification'?

Please see the section Pending Approval Explained for an in-depth explanation in how
pending approval works.

Chapter 3. Extended
3.1. Search Engine Optimization Features
This part of the documentation describes the features related to Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) in this script. Describing the bases of SEO is not an object of this documentation, if
you are not familiarized with this terms you should do a basic research on this.

3.1.1. Meta information

Meta tags are HTML elements placed in the header of the HTML document and are used
to provide information about the HTML page. The title tag will appear as a title in the
browser window, as long as the other 2, meta keywords and meta description are not visible
to the end user. Those tags can be seen when choosing View / Page Source (or similar) from
the browser menu.

The title tag is not technically a meta tag, but is an HTML element
used for search engine optimization and will be described in this

Here is an example of how meta tags look like:

<title>Site name - New cars, used cars for sale</title>

<meta name="description" content="Find new and used cars, buy ↺
or sell your car in auto classifieds" />
<meta name="keywords" content="new cars,new car,automotive,used ↺
cars,used car,new car prices,used car prices,new car price,used car ↺
price" />

The importance of these tags is that they are used by search engines to get information
about each page of your site. These are not the only elements used by search engines to
categorize a site, but they have an important part. Also, title tag is used by some search
engines, like Google, as the title for that specific page on the search results list.
Search engine friendly URLs - URL Rewrit-
It is important that your site does not have the same meta information on all pages. This
way, more of your pages will be indexed by the search engines and will be found for dif-
ferent keywords searches.

This is why our script offers you the possibility to change meta information for almost all
your pages. You can modify them from section Settings / Seo Settings.

Some tips to guide you for each of these 3 elements:


• use 60 characters or less for the title

• keywords are also important in this field, and remember that this value will be shown
as the title on search engine results, so make it as attractive as you can for the people
to click on it.

Meta Description:

• use a description that relates to your page content and use keywords that you want
your site to be promoted for

• most of the search engines recommend to have a length shorter than 250 characters
for the description.

• sometimes, but not always this description is shown as a description on the search

Meta Keywords:

• use online meta tags generators tools to generate the keywords. If you search the In-
ternet you will find many free tools like this. One of them that you can use is Google
keywords generator tool:


• use 250 characters or less for this field

It is always useful to make some research on the competitors sites that are placed on top
of search engines results and get ideas for meta keywords and description from them.

3.1.2. Search engine friendly URLs - URL Rewriting

URL Rewriting is a practice that has been adopted for some time to make a site dynamic
links to look like static links to be easier to index by the search engines.

Dynamic links are links that are used for pages that generate their content on the fly, after
searching a database, based on the parameters set in the URL. Here is an example of such
a link:

Chapter 3. Extended information


This means in this case that we are sending the parameters to get the third page for the
category that has the id 2

This URL written as a static link could look like this:


Notice that the parameters names are missing and there is also the name for the category
added to the URL.

This practice will help in the following ways:

• make your links more readable for search engines (there are multiple opinions on this
on the Internet recently, some studies show that in fact static and dynamic links are
positioned equaly by search engines. )

• the keywords added in the URLs also may help in positioning your page

• make your links more readable for people - SEO friendly URLs will help users under-
stand what the page is about when they see a link.

• some search engines, like google bold keywords searched for in URLs in its results, so
people are more likely to click on your link if they see the keywords on the link.

• this is also a security measure because it hides the url parameters and the script ex-

To enable search engine friendly URLs on the script, your server needs to support mod
rewrite. You will need to check the box Enable search engine friendly URLs in Settings / Seo
Settings section and to rename the file htaccess.txt that you will find within the script files
to .htaccess (note that the dot in the name is important, do not miss it!). If you already have
a .htaccess file, just copy the content of htaccess.txt at the end of .htaccess existing file.

Please note that you might need to make some changes in the configuration of .htaccess

The line below is by default uncommented. This will enable mod_rewrite on your server.
If mod_rewrite is already enabled and the server does not allow this setting in .htaccess file
you might need to comment it.

RewriteEngine On

The line below is by default commented. If your server does not have the option Fol-
lowSymLinks enabled, then you might have to enable it (remove the comment sign # in
front of the line)

#Options +FollowSymLinks

URL normalization

You should uncomment and change the line below if your script is installed in a subfolder
of your domain. If so, change it to the path to the script install folder.

#RewriteBase /


RewriteBase /classifieds/

3.1.3. URL normalization

The script automatically performs URL normalization, meaning that links are generat-
ed in a consistent manner, no 2 different links exist with the same content. For the
few cases when this is impossible, our script specifies a canonical url. More informa-
tion about canonical links here: http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?

3.2. Pending Approval Explained

An item that is in a pending approval state will wait for the administrator to manually
check and approve that item.

3.2.1. Pending approval for listings

You can set that some or all of your classifieds listings to wait for administrator pending
approval. There are 2 factors that determine whether a listing will be pending or not:

• the payment type

• the group the user belongs to

If the listing meets at least one of the 2 conditions, then it will be marked as pending and
wait for admin approval.

To set a certain type of payment as pending you will need to go to Settings / Payment Settings
and click the button for pending to become active. Please note that Free is considered a
type of payment for the ease of configuration. Manual payments are advised to be set as

To set a user group to have always pending listings, no matter the payment type, check
the checkbox Listing Pending when adding or editing the user group in Users / User Groups.

3.2.2. Pending approval for plans (subscriptions)

You can set the pending approval for subscriptions in the same way as for listings, with
a small difference for the group setting: you will check the box Plan Pending from user
group settings.

Chapter 3. Extended information

Listings that belong to pending subscriptions will also be pending!
When the administrator activates the subscription, those listings
will be activated as well.

3.2.3. Pending approval for accounts

You can set an account to wait for administrator approval by checking the box Admin
Verification in user group settings.

If you enable posting ads without an account from Settings "Enable post without user ac-
count", then you can choose if these ads should be pending from the same section, Listings
pending option.

3.3. How to setup fieldsets, categories and fields -

We will describe below a situation where you will need different fields for different cate-
gories and how to set this up using fieldsets, categories and fields.

Let's presume you have the following categories:

Job Offers
Job Requests

For each of the categories you want to define different fields:

Auto: make, model, year, mileage, transmission, fuel, drive system

Estate: bedrooms, bathrooms, property type, Square area.
Job offers: Industry , City
Job requests: Industry , City

This is how you setup this case:

First you create a fieldset for each of the categories that need different fields (in the sec-
tion Settings / Fieldsets):

Steps to set up your script


Note that for the jobs categories we only created one fieldset, because there are the same
fields needed for both of them.

These fieldsets are not doing anyhing actually other then linking fields to categories. They
are not visible to the end user.

Then you need to create the categories and to choose the proper fieldset:

Auto - fieldset Auto

Estate - fieldset Estate
Job Offers - fieldset Jobs
Job Requests - fieldset Jobs

Next you can get to adding fields. For each field, also choose the proper fieldset, or you
can choose that the field should show up for all or more than one fieldset if you want:

- make, model, year, mileage, transmission, fuel, drive system - ↺

fieldset Auto
- bedrooms, bathrooms, property type, Square area. - fieldset ↺
- industry, city - fieldset Jobs

3.4. Steps to set up your script

1. Changing administrator password from section Security / Change Password

2. Set up multilanguage - if you want to setup a multilanguage site, you should do this step
first. Adding multiple languages will make some fields duplicates in your administrator
interface forms. Please see Languages section for more information.

3. Review Settings section - browse all settings screens from Settings section and change
the settings to what you need. See the Settings section for more details.

4. Change Localization Settings from section Settings / Localization. Change here the default
site currency, listings currencies, price format and so on.

5. Change Search Prices list by editing the Price field Search Values values in Settings / Listing
Custom Fields section

6. Change Countries & States list by editing Country&State field in Settings / Listing Custom
Fields section. You can also delete this field from the same location if you prefer other

Chapter 3. Extended information

setup for your listings locations. Instead you can add a simple Menu field for City for ex-
ample. If you change location fields, make sure you reflect this change by choosing the
proper location fields in Settings / Listing Settings for Location fields.

7. Set up fieldsets from section Settings / Fieldsets

8. Set up categories from section Settings / Manage Categories

9. Set up listing custom fields from section Settings / Listing Custom Fields

10. Set up listing plans from section Listings / Listing Plans

11. Set up user groups from section Users / User Groups

12. Set up user custom fields from section Settings / User Custom Fields

13. Set up custom pages if you need any from section Tools / Custom Pages

14. Set up site banners from section Banners

15. Change mail and info templates from section Templates / Mail Templates and Templates /
Info Templates

3.5. How to configure your site for Location Filter

and Location Subdomains.
Defining the terms

Location filter allows you to configure one or more fields that can be chosen and will be
remembered as current location. All ads displayed will reflect that chosen location every
time you open the browser, until you change it again. For example: you configure Country
and Region as location fields, and when your users browse your site, they can choose their
default country and region. That country and region will be used as their default location,
so they can only see the relevant ads for them.

Location subdomains feature allows you to configure one field to be used as a subdomain
every time you select it as a location. An example would be to configure City as a subdo-
main field. When a user will select Paris for example, the site http://yourdomain.com will
become http://paris.yourdomain.com.

In order to configure these two features on your script, you will need to complete the
following steps:

1. Decide what fields represent your location

You can configure your site to be used for a wide or a narrow location area, depending
what you want to achieve. You can use the script for one country only, or for a series of

How to configure your site for Location Fil-
ter and Location Subdomains.
cities only, but you can also use it for a number of countries. It all depends on how you
configure the location fields.

Location fields are nothing else but normal custom fields, of type Menu or Depending, that
are created in Settings / Listing Custom Fields section, and which after that are chosen as
Location fields in Settings / General Settings / Location Filter section. These fields must refer
to location, and some examples are: country, region, city, suburb.

You will find on point 4 some case studies. Use them to understand better how to config-
ure these location fields. You can configure your site using these examples, or in a similar

2. Configure your script for Location Filter and Location Subdomains.

These settings are located in administrator interface, Settings / General Settings page, sec-
tion Location filter.

To make use of Location Filter feature, you need to enable Enable location filter checkbox and
choose the proper Location fields from the fields list.

To use Location Subdomains feature, enable Enable location subdomains checkbox, choose a
Subdomain field from the fields list, and beside these settings, some extra server configu-
ration are required. These will be presented to the next point.

For more details on these settings please review this part of documentation: Location filter

3. Configure your server for Location Subdomains.

You will need to complete this step only if you want to enable Location Subdomains. If you
only want to use Location Filter, skip to the next step.

As mentioned above, Location Subdomains feature requires special configuration on your

server. You might not be able to make these configurations on a shared hosting, and in
this case we recommend you to move to a dedicated server or a virtual server.

These server configuration are presented in details in this part of the documentation:
Configuring your server for location subdomains

Location Filter can be used without Location Subdomains, but not
viceversa. If you enable Location Subdomains, you must have enabled
also Location Filter.

Chapter 3. Extended information

4. Case studies

We will present some case studies below. Use them as examples to configure your own

Case 1. Configure as location multiple cities.

Let's say that we want to create a classifieds for France, Burgundy region. This is a small
area, with a few cities, so the only location field needed in this case would be City field. To
configure it, we will go to Settings / Listing Custom Fields. If there are other custom fields
related to location ( by default our script comes with the default Country&Region and City
fields ), then you should just delete them. Go on and create a new custom field, of type
Menu, with the name City. You might want to enable the Required checkbox, and disable
Quick Search and Refine Search boxes, because this city will be selectable on the special
location selector. This selector will appear on the navigation bar to the right, in this case,
when the location field is only one, as a drop down list.

Continuing with the new field creation, in the Elements box enter the cities list, separated
by | or by a new line: Autun, Auxerre, Beaune, Chalon-sur-Saône, Dijon, Le Creusot, MÃ
¢con, Montceau-les-Mines, Nevers, Prémery, Sens. Save the newly created field.

After this, go to Settings / General Settings, enable Enable location filter checkbox and choose
the newly created City field from Location fields list.

If you want to use Location Subdomains as well, then also check Enable location subdomains
checkbox, and choose the newly created city field as Subdomain field. Don't forget, you
need some special configuration to the server in order for Location subdomains to work.

With these settings done, your guests will be able to choose a city on the right side of
your site, above navigation bar. The city will remain selected even after the browser
is closed and opened again. In addition to this (if you enabled Location Subdomains), the
city will appear as a subdomain in the site url. For example, considering your site as
http://yourdomain.com, when you will select the city Dijon, the site url will become http://
dijon.yourdomain.com .

Case 2. Configure as location multiple countries, regions and cities.

This is similar to the previous case, except that you will configure more than one location
field. You want your location fields to be represented by Country, Region and City. In this
case your site will serve for multiple countries.

First, you will need to configure the custom fields. You can just delete the default location
fields as before, or you can modify them. If you will delete the existing location fields,
then you will need to add a new custom field, of type Depending. Choose as Depending Fields
Number: 3, enter as Name: Country&Region&City or similar, then enter each of the 3 fields
names. For Field no1: Country, for Field no 2: Region, for Field no 3: City. Select all 3 fields

How to configure your site for Location Fil-
ter and Location Subdomains.
as required and disable Quick Search and Refine Search. Click Submit and the field will be

Next step would be to populate the newly created field with the values for countries,
regions and cities. You do this by clicking on the custom field name, Country&Region&City
in the Listing Custom Fields page. You will be taken to a page which has 3 divisions, one
for each field. The first one is for Country, and you should just enter the countries list
separated by a new line or by | sign. For the next fields, Region and City, the values will be
entered for a selection of the previous field. For example, you select the first country for
Regions, and enter in the box the regions for this country, and so on until all regions for
all countries are added. Do the same for cities, by selecting each country and each region,
and then enter the cities list for these values.

After this, go to Settings / General Settings, enable Enable location filter checkbox and choose
the newly created fields ( Country, Region and City ) field from Location fields list.

If you want to use Location Subdomains as well, then also check Enable location subdomains
checkbox, and choose the newly created City field as Subdomain field.

With these settings done, your guests will be able to choose the location from an overlay
window, which will appear when you click the Choose Location link. The location will re-
main selected even after the browser is closed and opened again. In addition to this (if
you enabled Location Subdomains), the city, if selected, will appear as a subdomain in the
site url.


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