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25th January 2024

24th January
14th June 2022
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Topics of the day

GS Paper II
● Indian Polity-National Voters Day
● International Relations-Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO
GS Paper III
● Indian Economy-Direct listing to GIFT IFSC
● S&T- Mpemba effect
● Arambai Tenggol
1. National Voters Day
● GS Paper II-Indian Polity
● Prelims

Source-The Indian Express

1. National Voters Day
What is the news?

● The Election Commission of India is celebrating

the 14th National Voters’ Day on 25th
January 2024.
National Voters’ Day
● National Voters’ Day has been celebrated on
January 25 every year since 2011.
● Objective-to mark the foundation day of the
Election Commission of India, i.e. 25th
January 1950.
● The main purpose of the celebration is to
create electoral awareness amongst citizens
and encourage them to participate in the
electoral process.
● The theme for 2024: ‘Nothing Like Voting, I
Vote For sure’
1. National Voters Day
Article 326
● The elections to the House of the People
and to the Legislative Assembly of every
State shall be on the basis of adult
UPSC Prelims 2017
suffrage; that is to say, every person who
Q1. Right to vote and to be elected in
India is a is a citizen of India and who is not less
a. Fundamental Right than eighteen years of age on such date
b. Natural Right as may be fixed in that behalf by or under
c. Constitutional Right any law made by the appropriate
d. Legal Right Legislature and is not otherwise
disqualified under this Constitution or any
law made by the appropriate Legislature
on the ground of non-residence,
unsoundness of mind, crime or corrupt or
illegal practice, shall be entitled to be
registered as a voter at any such election.
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership

● GS Paper II-International
● Prelims

Source-The Indian Express

2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership

North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO)

The US bloc
● After WWII that ended in 1945, the world The USSR
became bipolar. bloc
● Bipolar- The world was divided in to 2 power
blocs- USSR bloc, The US bloc.
● Some newly independent countries like
India remained non aligned and started
NAM( Non- Alignment Movement).
Basis of Collective defence
● The US bloc made a military pact named
● Article 5 of the Washington Treaty states
NATO to counter the USSR bloc.
that an attack against one Ally is an
● The USSR bloc signed Warsaw pact amongst
attack against all.
its member countries to counter the US bloc.
● This article forms the core of the Alliance, a
● But by 1991 the USSR bloc collapsed, the
promise of collective defense -one for
Warsaw pact ended.
all,all for One.
● But the NATO is still continuing.
UNSC works on the principle of Collective
● NATO is based on the idea of Collective
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership

Recent developments I will not

allow former
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine USSR
● Russia has invaded Ukraine on the countries to
pretext that NATO is expanding join NATO!
eastward by bringing erstwhile
USSR countries like Ukraine.
● And Russia cannot allow its former
USSR allies to join NATO bloc.
● Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has
become counterproductive.
● It has provoked other European
countries to join NATO who otherwise
were outside it.
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership
Changing approach of Sweden
Sweden and Finland
followed neutrality
Sweden’s neutrality approach policy. But Russian
● Sweden declined to take sides during both aggression has
world wars and throughout the Cold War, prompted them to
embracing neutrality as core to its security join NATO.
policy and even its national identity.
● As late as November 2021 — three months
before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine
— then-Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist
promised that Sweden would never join
Recent change
● Then the war started.
This would be a crushing blow for the Russian
● Public opinion shifted in both Finland and
President, who had wanted to divide and weaken
NATO in Europe but is now witnessing the exact
● Sweden and Finland jointly applied for NATO
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership
Obstacles in Sweden’s membership

● When long-neutral Sweden applied for

NATO membership together with Finland,
both expected a quick accession process.
● More than a year later, Finland is in, but
Sweden was still in the alliance’s waiting
● New entries must be approved by all
existing members and as NATO leaders
meet for a summit in Vilnius, Sweden is
missing the green light from:Turkiye
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership
Why Turkiye’s objected Sweden’s entry so far?

● Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

declared he cannot allow Sweden and
Finland to join NATO due to their alleged
support of Kurdish militants that threaten
its national security.
Who are Kurds?
● Kurd speaking ethnic group living in border
region of Turkey- Syria- Iraq- Iran
What is Kurdistan?
● Proposed separate country for Kurds.
For the purpose of creating a separate
independent country Kurdistan, Kurds have
created a militant group called PKK.
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership
Current news?

● Sweden’s attempt to join NATO cleared

a major hurdle after Turkey’s parliament
supported its membership.
● Sweden set to become the 32nd member
of the NATO Alliance in the coming weeks
subject to approval by Hungary.
Why Hungary opposes Sweden’s
● In the past Sweden has very often
criticised the kind of democracy in
● Sweden claims Hungary’s democracy is
more authoritarian in the name of
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership

UPSC Prelims 2016

Q2. Consider the following pairs :
Community sometimes In the affairs of
mentioned in the news
1. Kurd : Bangladesh
2. Madhesi : Nepal
3. Rohingya : Myanmar

Which of the pairs given above is/are

correctly matched?
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 only
c. 2 and 3
d. 3 only
2. Turkey allowed Sweden’s NATO membership

Q. NATO has shown its solidarity in face of the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In this context should
India join NATO+ as recently proposed by the US? 15 marks/250 words

● Give Background of NATO- Cold war- US bloc- based on the idea of Collective defence(Washington
● Global dynamics changed- 1991-disintegration of USSR
● NATO continued
● Russia under Vladimir Putin- revive its lost glory-Crimea annexation(2104), invasion on Ukraine 2022.
● This has increased solidarity of NATO-Sweden,Finland also joined(earlier neutral)
● NATO becoming more significant.
Recent- A US Congressional Committee recently recommended strengthening Nato Plus by including
India in the five-member grouping-including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea.
● Benefits for India-Strengthen its security against hostile neighbours Pak and China, protection against
● Issues-lose autonomy, against India’s vision of multipolar world
Conclude with Dr S Jaishankar-India has “never been part of an alliance system, nor will it ever be”. India
will maintain its strategic independence
3. Direct listing to GIFT IFSC
● GS Paper III-Indian Economy
● Prelims

Source-The Indian Express

3. Direct listing to GIFT IFSC
Stock Exchanges

● In Stock Exchanges Companies can raise capital through the

issue of new shares or through initial public offerings ( IPOs) to
fund its operational activities and expansion projects.
Important Stock Exchanges in India
1. Bombay stock exchange (BSE)
● The Bombay stock exchange (BSE) is by far Asia’s oldest stock
exchange which was established in 1875, Sensex is its index.
2. National stock exchange (NSE)
● The national stock exchange(NSE) is the first dematerialized
electronic exchange in the country, established in 1992, Nifty is
its index.
3. NSE International Financial Services Centre (IFSC)
● NSE IFSC is a fully-owned subsidiary company of the National
Stock Exchange of India, a stock exchange initiated as a global
trading platform in the International Financial Service Centre in
Gujarat International Finance Tec city
● IFSC in GIFT city has been opened in line with London Stock
Exchange,Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
3. Direct listing to GIFT IFSC
Current news?

● The government allowed direct listing of

securities by public Indian companies on
the international exchanges of GIFT
International Financial Services Centre
● The move is expected to give Indian
companies access to cheaper foreign
capital, boost foreign investment, and
broaden investor.
Where to use in mains?
● If a question comes on Crowd out of
private investment because of rising fiscal
● Mention the current step that allows Indian
companies to raise fund from foreign
3. Direct listing to GIFT IFSC

Prelims Practice Question

Q3. Consider the following question regarding ‘Crowd Out
1. It may happen when government increases its
2. It may happen in case of rising Fiscal deficit.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
4. Mpemba effect

● GS Paper III-S&T
● Prelims

Source-The Hindu
4. Mpemba effect
What is Mpemba effect?

● The effect is that hot water can freeze faster

than cold water in similar conditions.
● It is named after Tanzanian student Erasto
Mpemba, who brought attention to this
counterintuitive phenomenon in 1969, making
for curious observations.
● This was also observed by philosophers like
Aristotle, Francis Bacon, and René Descartes.
● After many experiments, we still don’t have a
clear agreement, on what causes this puzzling
● But recently scientists have proposed some
possible reasons behind Mpemba effect.
4. Mpemba effect
Recent developments

What are the recently proposed causes for this

phenomenon by scientists?
1. Microbubbles
● One of the proposed causes is the presence of
microbubbles that remain suspended in water
after boiling. These microbubbles promote
convection and facilitate faster heat transfer.
2. Evaporation
● Another cause is attributed to evaporation. As
warmer water evaporates more, it takes away
the heat more quickly.
3. Presence of Frost in Cold Water
● The presence of frost in cold water acts as an
insulator which impedes/slows down the process
of heat loss.
4. Mpemba effect

Prelims Practice Question

Q4. The wet bulb and dry bulb
temperatures of an air sample will
be equal when:
1. Air is fully saturated.
2. Dew point temperature is
a. 1 only
b. 2 only ● The Dry Bulb temperature, usually referred to as "air
c. Both temperature" around.
d. None ● Wet Bulb temperature can be measured by using a
thermometer with the bulb wrapped in wet muslin.
● The Wet Bulb temperature is low as compared to Dry Bulb
due to evaporation of moisture from the muslin.
5. Arambai Tenggol

● Prelims

Source-The Indian Express

5. Arambai Tenggol
Who are the Arambai Tenggol Group?

● Arambai Tenggol started in 2020 as a cultural outfit,

but soon transformed into a radical organisation.
● It is one of the two hardline Meitei organisations (the
other group is Meitei Leepun).
● The group is suspected to be involved in a large number
of Meitei-Kuki clashes, which broke out in May 2023.
Why in news?
● Almost all the Meitei MLAs as well as Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha MPs representing valley areas of Manipur
were at Kangla Fort of Imphal to meet the leaders of
radical Meitei group Arambai Tenggol.
● The development came after Arambai Tenggol issued
“summons” to all the ministers and MLAs belonging to
the valley districts.
Q2. With respect to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Prelims Practice Question Climate Change (IPCC), consider the following
Q1. Which of the following statements are statements:
true? 1. It is an intergovernmental body of the United
1. Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana Nation (UN) that publishes Assessment Reports
aims at standalone rooftop solar once in every five years.
power systems for one crore 2. It was established by the United Nations General
households. Assembly (UNGA) and the World Meteorological
2. Wind energy has the largest share Organization (WMO) in 1988.
in overall renewable energy 3. Participation in the IPCC is open to all member
production in India. countries of the WMO and UN.
a. 1 only Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
b. 2 only a. 3 only
c. Both b. 1 and 2 only
d. None c. 2 and 3 only
d. 1, 2 and 3
UPSC Prelims 2014
Q3. Consider the following pairs:

Protected Area: Well-known for

1. Bhitarkanika, Odisha — Salt Water

2. Desert National Park, Rajasthan —
Great Indian Bustard
3. Eravikulam, Kerala — Hoolock
Which of the following pair are correctly
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 only
d. 1,2 and 3

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