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Copyright Act, 1957

Copyright under the Indian Copyright Act:

Copyright is a legal concept that provides creators with exclusive rights to
their original works, allowing them to control how their work is used and

Types of Protected Works:

Literary works: Including books, articles, and computer programs.

Dramatic works: Such as plays, scripts, and choreographic works.

Musical works: Compositions and accompanying lyrics.

Artistic works: Including paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs, and

architectural designs.

Cinematographic works: Visual and audiovisual recordings.

Sound recordings: Recordings of sounds.

Broadcasts: Radio and television broadcasts.

Duration of Copyright:

Copyright duration varies by type of work.

Generally, for most works, it lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 60 years.

For certain works like cinematographic works and sound recordings, it's 60
years from the year of publication.


Copyright Act, 1957 1

Infringement occurs when someone violates the exclusive rights of the
copyright holder without authorization, such as reproducing, distributing,
performing, adapting, or displaying the work.

Examples of Infringing Acts:

Reproducing the work without permission.

Distributing unauthorized copies.

Performing the work publicly without permission.

Adapting the work into another form without authorization.

Displaying the work publicly without the copyright holder's consent.

1. Fair Dealing:

Limited use of copyrighted material for purposes such as research, private

study, criticism, review, or news reporting, without infringing copyright.

2. Educational Use:

Permits the use of copyrighted material for educational purposes,

provided it's not for commercial gain.

3. Benefit of People with Disabilities:

Allows reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material in accessible

formats for people with disabilities.

4. Backup of Computer Programs:

Lawful possessors of a copy can reproduce or adapt computer programs

for backup purposes.

5. Acts by Libraries and Archives:

Allows libraries and archives to make certain copies of copyrighted

material for preservation and research purposes.

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Criminal Remedies
1. Imprisonment:

The Indian Copyright Act specifies imprisonment of up to 3 years for

certain copyright offenses, such as piracy and commercial-scale

2. Fines:

Fines are imposed based on the severity of the offense and can vary.
While the Copyright Act doesn't specify a maximum fine, courts can
impose substantial fines as deemed appropriate.

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