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Playing The Kitsune

Deceptive, mischievous, seductive, trapped. The Kitsune is about being unable to

tell the truth, even when it would be the best choice to do so.

Nine Tales encourages you to lie by giving away Strings any time you tell the truth.
That isn’t all bad though, as people with Strings on you will use them, giving you
more screen time. Lie enough and people might offer you XP to tell them the
truth for once. This is the reason you don’t have a “mark XP” move. Use it to your

In Japanese folklore Kitsune are shape shifting tricksters, taking the shape of
beautiful women or young girls that seduce or waylay travelers. Skinchange allows
you to assume a human form that is distinctly yours, recognizable to everyone
else. With Sincerest Flattery though, you can take another person’s form and
Kitsunesuki allows you to take another person’s body. You don’t gain any of the
target’s knowledge or mannerisms though, so you might have to hold steady to
avoid raising suspicions.

Use common sense and the fiction when dealing with Conditions while wearing
someone else’s shape or skin. Physical and social Conditions will stay with the
body (whether yours or not), but emotional ones will stay with you.

The word kitsu-ne means “comes to sleep” while ki-tsune means “always comes”.
Because of this, many stories have the kitsune continuing to spend every night
with their lover, even after their true nature has been revealed. These fox-wives
often grant wishes or powers to their lovers (and offspring), both of which are
represented in your Sex Move.

The Kitsune
When you have sex, decide if you have a loud, dramatic, and
obviously fake orgasm. If you do, give your partner the
Move Condition infatuated with [your name] and they choose one:
 they awake the next morning with you in their arms,
The lies started out so small, so innocent. You told yourself they were nec-
with or without reason as to how you got there;
essary to keep playing at being a human. Cover your tracks. Double back on
 they may use a move from any playbook once before the
your trail. Mask your scent. Keep the hounds confused.
next sunrise or sunset (their choice);
 they give you the Condition faker and take a String on
But they kept growing, knotting up on each other like a tangled skein of
yarn. It’s impossible to separate one lie from another now, and you couldn’t
unwind this mess even if you wanted to.
People with the Condition infatuated with [your name] count
as having no Strings on you when using your Kitsune moves.
The only thing to do now? Keep lying.
 False Promises
Identity Kitsune Moves When you glamour worthless junk to
Name: Danny, Jess, Kumiho, Miho, Eyes: cunning eyes, honest eyes, sly You get Nine Tales and Skinchange and serve as a payment or a bribe for
Reynard Sionn, Tamamo, Todd, eyes, hooded eyes, playful eyes choose one more: someone who has no Strings on you, roll
Veronica, Voss with dark. On a 10 up, choose two. On a
Origin: curious about humans,  Nine Tales 7-9, choose one:
Look: opulent, sleek, fur trimmed, a century old, fox lover, nine tailed, Whenever you tell the complete truth,  the glamour is extremely flashy or
vulpine, red headed, beguiling, devoured a thousand livers, messenger without exaggeration, embellishment, or impressive (and the target reacts
obviously false of the kami Inari omission, give anyone listening a String appropriately);
on you.  the glamour lasts for a full scene

Your Backstory Strings  Skinchange rather than just a few minutes;

You chosen item is (circle one):  the target will assume they lost the
a flat broad leaf, a bundle of reeds, a item when the glamour fades.
Your compulsive lying hurt someone human skull, a discarded sandal.
you care about. If they confronted you,  Kitsunetsuki
take a String on each other. If not, they When you balance your chosen item on When you stare into the eyes of a side
take two Strings on you. your head, you assume human form. character who has no Strings on you,
Describe what you look like during your roll with dark. On a 10 up, you possess
You’re not shy about sharing other’s backstory; you’ll always assume this them; you are in full control of their
beds. Take a String each on up to three form while masquerading as a human. body and experience the world through
people that absolutely everyone knows Take the item off, and you’ll revert back their senses until you take harm or
you’ve slept with. to your fox form. choose to leave. On a 7-9, you still
possess them, but choose one:
 Sincerest Flattery
When you mimic the form of someone  you have a voracious appetite and
Darkest Self Harm who has no Strings on you, spend any must eat constantly;
number of Strings on them, then roll  you develop unmistakably vulpine
Every word that falls from your mouth Experience  with Strings spent. On a hit (7 up), you
look and sound like that person until the
facial features, gaining the Condition
is a brazen lie; a malicious falsehood fox-faced;
intended to destroy reputations and next sunrise or sunset (your choice). On
 Add +1 to one of your stats. a 10 up, you can revert to your normal
 you’re unable to speak intelligibly
relationships. You lie even in the face
of irrefutable proof and at great cost
 Take another Oni move. form any time you wish before then.
and can only babble gibberish.
to yourself. You escape your Darkest
 Take another Oni move.
 Take a move from any Skin.  Vixen  Blind Trust
Self when someone you care about When you tell the truth to someone with
is physically harmed by one of your
 Take a move from any Skin. When you successfully turn someone on
 Join an Onizoku family. the Condition infatuated with [your name],
many untruths. (7 up), they choose an additional option
you choose if you give them a String or
from the 7-9 list. not.

Hot 2 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 1 Credits

Hot 1 Cold -1 Volatile -1 Dark 2 This Skin designed by HyveMynd (Chris Stone-Bush)
Play this with Monsterhearts 2, available at

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