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Charting Our Course Together Our mission is to create a total learning experience, to strive for excellence in education, to support, respect, and inspire our students, staff, and community.

Po Box 29, Castine, Maine 04421 (207) 326-8608

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. -Aristotle

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Adams School. We look forward to working in a partnership with you to ensure a rewarding school experience for your child. This handbook is made available to you and your child to serve as an easy reference as you seek to learn about our school. We ask that you take the time to review with your child the material contained in this document so that this information is familiar to you. The review of this information can supply you and your child with answers to common questions about our school. We are happy you are part of our school community and we hope you have a great year!


Adams School Administration and Staff

Contact Information Ofce Telephone: 326-8608 School Ofce Hours: 7:15-3:15 PM Superintendents Ofce Telephone: 374-9927 Principal: Katie Frothingham Secretary: Elaine Bertrand Superintendent: Mark Hurvitt

Adams School Staff Tracy Lameyer Heather Trainor Cheri Pelletier Cameron Frothingham Bill McWeeny Katie Frothingham Deletra Schamle Julie ONeill Cheryl McFadden Nancy Gray Colin Powell Deb Belyea Bill Schubeck Don Menninghaus Kate Morse Toni Staples Denny Colson Charlie Deans Elaine Bertrand Dale Sweeney

Position Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten Instructor 1st/2nd Grade Instructor 3rd/4th Grade Instructor 5th/6th ELA and SS Instructor, Pre-Algebra Instructor 5th-8th Math and Science Instructor 7th/8th ELA and SS Instructor, Principal Special Services Speech/Language Services Math, Title 1, and RTI Instructor School Nurse Technology Consultant Art Instructor Chorus Instructor Band Instructor French Instructor Cook Custodian Bus Driver School Secretary Physical Education

School Hours and Daily Schedule:

Pre-Kindergarten 7:25-11:00 AM (Monday-Wednesday) Kindergarten-8th Grade 7:10 AM Bus arrives 7:25 AM Morning Meeting 9:25-9:40 AM Morning Snack/Recess 11:05 AM Lunch Serving Begins 11:40-12:00 PM Recess 2:10 PM Dismissal & Pick-up

Students may arrive between 7:10 and 7:25 in the morning. The playground will not be monitored by staff until 7:10; please do not send them or drop them off prior to 7:10 AM.

Drop Off:
Please do not leave your car idling and unattended. If you need to come in with your child, please park in an appropriate parking space. Witherle Memorial Library requests that you do not park by the book drop and beyond so those spots may be reserved for library patrons.

Students should always be in attendance unless they are ill or for reasons of a personal nature. School begins at 7:25 AM and ends at 2:10 PM for all students except Pre-Kindergarten. A student is considered tardy after the 7:25 AM bell rings and must check in the ofce before going to class. Tardiness can be extremely disruptive to the classroom/morning routine.

At the start of the school day, all doors, with the exception of the front door, will be locked. We ask all visitors, including parents, to check in at the front ofce. A visitors pass will be given at this time. Parents are permitted and encouraged to visit their childs class anytime that it is convenient for the teacher. Please contact the teacher in advance to arrange a good time for a visitation. Please refrain from walking into the childs classroom; this is very distracting to the classroom environment.

Bus Transportation:
Morning run: The bus will leave Adams School at approximately 6:30 AM and proceed to State Street and Rte. 166 picking up both High School and Adams School students along the way. The bus will then proceed back into town on Rt. 166A and on to Backshore Road. The bus will continue up Wadsworth Cove Road to Battle Avenue. It will then go down to Modockowando Road, up LaTour Street and back to Battle Avenue turning down Tarratine Street to Court Street onto Hatch Cove Road. Returning to the Adams School at approximately 7:10. The bus will then transport High School students to the Penobscot Community School for transport to George Stevens Academy (Penobscot bus) or Bucksport High School (Castine bus). Afternoon run: Adams School students will be picked up at school at 2:10 PM. The bus will turn onto Court Street, proceed to Perkins Street, then to Battle Avenue. It will continue to Water Street, up State Street, and proceed onto Battle Avenue to Wadsworth Cove Road and Backshore Road. It will continue to Routes 166 and 166A. After all elementary students are dropped at their homes, the bus will proceed to the Penobscot Community School to pick up all High School students. Both GSA and BHS students are transported to the Penobscot school from their respective High Schools in the afternoon.

Storm Days:
It is sometimes difcult for the superintendents ofce to gain an accurate appraisal of weather conditions. When traveling conditions appear to be such as to place the childrens safety in jeopardy, the school cancellation announcement will be given. However, in the event the schools are not closed, the nal decision concerning school attendance must rest with each individual parent based on local safety factors. School delays and cancellations will encompass all Union 93 schools. In the event of an early dismissal, an email will be sent to the Adams School batch. Additionally, every effort will be made to contact parents of students in grades Pre-K-4th.

Other School Closing Communications:

In the event of weather-related emergencies that do not effect the larger community, Adams School will notify parents of potential closings or early dismissals using our batch email and phone as applicable. This could range from power outages to trees down or no heat in the building.

Cell Phone and Digital Device Usage:

Student use of cell phones, camera phones, pagers, beepers, iPods, etc. and any other similar electronic communication devices, is strictly prohibited during the school day or at school-sponsored, after-school activities unless specically authorized by a member of the faculty or staff. They may be conscated by staff members if a student is found disobeying this rule.

There is no standard dress code at the Adams School. We ask students to exert good taste in dress and hygiene. Be proud of who you are. We do ask that shoes or slippers be worn at all times in and around the school and that hats not be worn during classes and assemblies. During winter season, it is wise to keep a pair of shoes or slippers at the school. The principal may ask students to change clothing that does not meet these standards.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Scheduled conferences will be held during the school year. Additional conferences may be made by contacting the teacher or calling the ofce. They will be held after school hours or at a convenient time for the two parties.

School Lunch Program:

The Adams School has an excellent hot lunch program. Prices for lunch are set at the August School Board meeting and the school will notify the community of any changes. There are also free and reduced lunches for those who qualify; please contact the school ofce with questions about the application. A menu is provided each week in the schools newsletter. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch money for the week on Monday mornings or the rst day of the week. Milk is available to purchase for snack and cold lunch. Students in the 7th and 8th grade may go off campus for lunch with written parental permission. A letter granting permission for this purpose can be signed once a year.

Lost and Found:

Any found articles will be placed in the morning meeting hallway lost and found bin. We recommend labeling your childs clothing, which will help with the retrieval of lost/misplaced items. Any unclaimed clothing may be given to a local charity at the end of the school year.

Class/School trips:
Throughout the school year, classes will often take eld trips, which may require overnight stay. If more parents wish to chaperon on a trip than is necessary, those parents may be asked to pay for their own expenses. Further, any parent who drives a vehicle with Adams School students will be responsible for providing the school with necessary paperwork documentation including, current license, registration, and appropriate insurance coverage. Field trip arrangements and agendas will be made by the classroom teacher(s).

Examples of Adams School Special Events/Celebrations:

Common Ground Fair~September Halloween Parade~October Thanksgiving Lunch~November Winter/Spring Concert~December, May or June Smorgs~Fall, Winter, Spring 100th, 1000th Day of School~Kindergarten/5th Grade, specically St. Castin French Trip~April (Every-other year), 7th & 8th Grade 8th Grade Class Trip~May or June Beach/Field Day~June Classroom Gardening~Year-round Graduation~June

Library Programming:
The Adams School partners with Witherle Memorial Library and librarians Anne Romans and Emma Sweet in order to provide our students with library programming opportunities. These include, for example, Brown Bag guest series lectures, Maine State Book Award read-alouds and author-directed workshops, and various seasonal calendar events such as the popular sheep-month where students sheared, spun, and dyed wool!

School Nurse:

Our school nurse is in the building one day per week. She conducts routine hearing and vision checks each year. The students records are checked by the school nurse and if additional immunizations are needed, the nurse will notify the parents. Emergency and medical forms will be completed at the beginning of each school year. Please inform the school if phone numbers or emergency contact information needs to be updated during the year. Medications: The parent should confer with the prescribing professional to request that the student receive all prescribed doses at home, when possible. However, when the prescribing professional deems medicating during the school day to be necessary for the pupils heath and attendance in school, it may be done in the school by the parent, or in accordance with the school policy by the school nurse or non-medically licensed staff as permitted by law. Medicine must be delivered to the school in its original container by the pupils parent/guardian. Only a limited, necessary supply can be kept in the school. Medicine no longer required must be removed by the parent/guardian. All medicine will be appropriately maintained and secured by the principal and/or school nurse. The nurse retains the discretion to reject requests for administering medication and for performing medical procedures which in her professional judgement or in the opinion of the superintendent and/or the school physician are not appropriate to the school setting, are not in the best interest of the student(s) involved, or are not feasible to perform. The written order of a prescribing physician/dentist shall include: name of patient, dosage, time and special circumstances, the length of time for which the medicine is prescribed, and possible side effects of the medication. (Please refer to policies Administering Medicines to Students: #5503 and Dispensing of Medicine: #4009) Students should not come to school if they are not feeling well. If a child has a fever of 99 degrees fahrenheit or greater, they should stay home from school or be sent home from school. If the child is fever free, without taking any feverreducing medications for 24 hours, then they may return to school. Anytime a person has a fever, they may be contagious to others. A fever-reducing medication will lower the fever, but does not eliminate the illness, and therefore, the person may still pass their illness on to others. In an attempt to protect everyone from contracting contagious illnesses, it is important to follow these guidelines.

Students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to play an instrument in the band. Students in grade 4 are encouraged to try an instrument. They may rent/purchase one through Northern Kingdom Music in Bangor, if they wish. Each student is given individual or small group instruction. The Adams School has two bands, beginner and advanced--band membership is an important commitment!

Physical Education Programming:

Adams School students participate in physical education classes at Maine Maritime Academy, Emerson Hall, and in good weather, on the school grounds, area forts, and town common in Castine. Bus transportation is provided as needed. From time to time in any physical activity program, it is necessary for a student to be a non-participant due to illness or injury. Any student who wishes to be excused from participating in scheduled physical education classes must be excused in writing by his/her parents or the medical doctor. They will still be required to attend class as an observer unless exceptions have been made by the building principal and/or classroom/physical education teacher. A written excuse must be presented to both the Adams School principal and physical education teacher on or before the day the student wishes to be excused.

Union 93 Sports and Extra Curricular Participation:

Students in 5th-8th grade are required to be passing (C or above) in each subject before being allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities. Inappropriate playground, school/classroom behavior or failure to demonstrate proper school representation at home and away games may be grounds for removal. (Please refer to policy #6500)

Examples of Possible Adams School, After-School Activities:

Readers Theater Calvineers: 7th & 8th Grade Dribble Kids, Volley Kids Witherle LIbrary Programs Jazz Band Fall Sport: Soccer Winter Sports: Basketball & Cheering Spring Sport: Club Tennis Local Little-Leagues Homework Club

Student Computer & Internet Policy:

The Adams School provides computers, networks and Internet access to support the educational mission of our school and to enhance the curriculum and learning opportunities for students and school staff. All school computers remain under the control, custody, and supervision of the school. The Adams School reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by students. Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers. While reasonable precautions will be taken to supervise student use of the Internet, the Adams School cannot reasonably prevent all inappropriate uses, including access to objectionable materials and communication with persons outside of the school in violation of Board policies/procedures and school rules. Before a student is allowed to use school computers and Internet services, the student and the studentss parent/guardian must sign and return the Computer/ Internet Access Acknowledgment. The signed acknowledgement will be retained by the school and signed yearly. Students who violate the policy and/or the rules may have their computer privileges revoked and may also be subject to further disciplinary and/or legal action. (Please refer to Student Computer and Internet Policy: #6305).

Annual Notication: Student Records

Parents and legal guardians, as well as eligible students 18 years of age or older, are entitled to certain rights and protection under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). A complete copy of school policy relating to the law may be obtained by contacting the building principal. The following outline your rights: Access to inspect and review the students records upon request of the building building The right to an explanation and interpretation of the contents of the students records The right to a copy of student records at a reasonable cost The right to request an appeal if you challenge the contents of the student record You are entitled to le a written complaint concerning alleged violations under the law by the school with: Family Policy and Regulations Ofce U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202

The school is required to give public notice of what information has been designated directory information. Parents, legal guardians, or eligible students may choose to refuse to permit the release of this information. Directory information means information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes the students name, major eld of study, participation in ofcially recognized activities and sports, diplomas and awards received. Directory information may be made public without the consent of the parents, legal guardians, or eligible students. Any parent, legal guardian, or eligible student attending the Adams School who does not want the school system to release directory information without the prior consent of the parent, legal guardian, or eligible student must notify in writing the building principal at P.O. Box 29, Castine, ME 04421, no later than one week from the receipt of this notication.

Legal Custody:
Today, schools are becoming increasingly concerned about cases involving questions of legal custody. According to the Family Rights Act of 1974, Custody or other residential arrangements for a child do not, in themselves, affect the rights of the childs parents under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Parents who have sole custody rights must le with the school a copy of of the court order. Unless the school has such an order on le, we cannot deny either parent from requesting the child be dismissed into his/her custody. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact the school ofce.

Notication of Eligibility for Special Education and/or Title I Services, Including Home-School and Private School Students:
Federal and State special education regulations require local school districts to locate, evaluate, identify, and serve all students residing within their geographical jurisdiction who may be in need of special education services, including those who are parentally placed in private or parochial schools or home schooled. It is also our responsibility to notify parents of school age children that they may be eligible for Title I services. If you believe your child may be eligible for special education and/or Title I programming, please call Steve Peer, Director of Special Education, School Union 93, 374-9927.

Bus Procedure:
The right of students to ride a school bus is contingent upon their good behavior and their observations of established regulations. The driver of a school bus will be responsible for the safety of the students on the bus, both during the ride and while the students are entering and leaving the vehicle. Students riding the bus must comply with the requests of the driver: Students must be on time Students should wait at the side of the road until the bus has come to a complete stop before moving toward the bus Students shall not eat on the bus and shall speak in quiet voices The bus aisle must be clear of any object(s)

Grading System:
The philosophy of the Adams School is pragmatic in its approach and is founded on exibility of teaching strategies. The school recognizes the importance of attitudinal and social growth as well as acquisition of knowledge. Academic strength comes from a sound curriculum and a professional staff that can implement its goals and objectives while recognizing differences among their pupils. In grades Pre-K through third, the intent of the grading system is to improve and tailor instruction to the individual needs. Each student will be assessed through observation and through recorded information on student progress and regular intervals. Student progress will be reported to parents in terms of academic/social development and work ethic. The report will include a narrative; letter grades will not be used. Progress will be reported in comparison to the students previous performance as well as the class as a whole. In grades 4th-8th, grade reporting will include a narrative as well as a letter grade in the areas of English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science. Grades will be based on the teachers assessment of student performance. The faculty uses assessment information to adjust teaching styles and materials to improve student learning. Homework is part of the instructional process and is therefore left to the professional judgement of teachers. Students in the grades 5-8 have the opportunity for public recognition for their grades through earning honors or high honors status. Students earning all As and Bs for subject grades will be identied as honor students. Students earning all As and Ss for grades will be identied as high honor students. (Please refer to Grading System policy: #5700)

Recess Guidelines:
Students have the opportunity to participate in outside recess three times a day: before school as well as during morning snack and lunch recesses. Each recess is supervised by a minimum of two staff members. Students come together to play, create, explore, and have fun! It is important for everyone to follow the recess rules to ensure the safety of all. Swings: For sitting and standard swinging only. Participation: Outdoor recess applies unless weather (or teacher/staff) dictates otherwise. Please pack spare clothing for those wet and dirty days. Boundaries: Students must be on school property at all times. Town common may be used per duty-teacher discretion. Clean-up: Students are responsible for picking up their playground supplies and trash.

Adams School Soul of Discipline:

Our Code of Conduct The Adams School prides itself in fostering socially responsible students who care about themselves, their surroundings, and their role in our school culture and community. As such, we believe that whole-school cooperation, collaboration, and respect is contingent upon the mutual trust and positive relationships we develop and maintain at the Adams School. We recognize that each student reaches developmental milestones differently, and believe that consistent, fair expectations are critical in their personal exploration of interpersonal and intrapersonal skill growth. The Adams School community values the importance of safety, respect, responsibility, and trust in all we do as the foundation of our school code of conduct: We will honor the personal safety of all individuals (Safety) We will respect the value and dignity of each person (Respect) We all need to take responsibility for our choices and actions (Responsibility) We will be truthful (Trust)

We recognize that students may require further support in order to comply with desired school rules and expectations. Students will be provided time with school staff working on social skill development and replacement behavior strategies, as needed. In the event that a student requires time in the ofce for violating classroom/school expectations, disciplinary responses will vary depending on the level of infraction and particulars of the given situation. Possible school violations are as outlined: Safety Violations -Assault and Fighting -Threatening with gestures or objects -Drug and Alcohol Use -Harassment -Hazing -Smoking Refer to policies: #5103, #5601, #5601.1, #1320.2, #2132 Respect Violations -Disregarding adult directives -Verbal behaviors: namecalling, put-downs -Vandalism: damaging or destroying property -Disrespectful non-verbal gestures (eye-rolling, sighing, etc.) -Bullying Responsibility Violations -Disruptive conduct, talking out, disregarding school/classroom rules -Disrespect towards others and/or property Trust Violations -Lying, deception, incomplete truths, etc. -Cheating -Plagiarism

Level 1 Infractions: Fall under the jurisdiction of the classroom teacher and rarely, the principal or designee. Parents are not necessarily notied. Behaviors may be highlighted in a students behavior plan, if applicable, and consequences may involve additional time spent working on social skill development and replacement behaviors during non-class time with teacher/staff, mentor, and/or classmate(s) such as recess, etc. Questions or clarication regarding the incident should be addressed directly to the teacher and/or principal. If a student is sent to the ofce, the student will complete a behavioral incident form (this is what happened and this is what I will do differently next time) and contact their parent. The form will be given to the parent and classroom teacher; a copy will remain with the principal. Students will contact their parent with the principal (or designee) present in the room. Follow-up conversations with parents (from administration or classroom teacher) may be required. The principal will respond to each violation, after investigation and consultation with those directly involved, to determine appropriate consequences.

Level 2 Infractions: Any disruptive behavior which warrants immediate intervention from the building principal. The aforementioned steps apply once the student is sent to the ofce. Follow-up conversations (by phone, email, in person, etc.) with parents will be required. Possible consequences may include in-school/out of school suspension and other responsive initiatives as directed by the principal. Questions or clarication regarding the incident should be addressed directly to the principal. In the case of in/out of school suspension, a re-entry conference will be conducted with the student which may include, school staff, parents, union personnel per principals discretion.

Policies that may be of interest to parents are in the school ofce and the Superintendents ofce/webpage.

Bomb Threat: #2201

Communicable/Infectious Disease: #5501 Child Abuse & Neglect: #5600

Student Dances: #5000

Student Substance Abuse: #5103

Harassment & Sexual Harassment of Students: #5601 Suspension of Students: #5800 Immunization of Students: #5903

Hazing: #5601.1 Expulsion of Students: #5801

Grading System: #5700 Questioning & Searching of Students: #5802 Policy Concerning School Commitment to Learning Results: #6121.6

Graduation Requirements: #5905

Pest Management in School Facilities and on School Grounds: #2203

U.S. Department of Education Ofce for Civil Rights 33 Arch Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02110-1491

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