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Guided Problem Solving - 4

AM2530 Foundations of Fluid Mechanics

1. Streaklines are traced out by neutrally buoyant marker fluid injected into a flow field from a fixed point
in space. A particle of the marker fluid that is at point (x, y) at time t must have passed through the
injection point (x0 , y0 ) at some earlier instant t = τ . The time history of a marker particle may be found
by solving the pathline equations for the initial conditions that x = x0 , y = y0 when t = τ .
The present locations of particles on the streakline are obtained by setting τ equal to values in the range
⃗ = ax(1 + bt)î + cy ĵ, where a = c = 1s−1 and b = 0.2s−1 . Coordinates
0 < τ < t. Consider the flow field, V
are measured in meters. Plot the streakline that passes through the initial point (x0 , y0 ) = (1, 1), during
the interval from t = 0 to t = 3s. Compare with the streamline plotted through the same point at the
instants t = 0, 1, and 2s.
⃗ = atî + bĵ, where a = 0.4m/s2 and b = 2m/s. At t = 2s, what
2. A flow is described by a velocity field V
are the coordinates of the particle that passed through point (2, 1) at t = 0? At t = 3s, what are the
coordinates of the particle that passed through point (2, 1) at t = 2s? Plot the pathline and streakline
through point (2, 1) and compare with the streamlines through the same point at the instants t = 0, 1,
and 2s.

3. A conical funnel of half-angle θ = 15◦ , with maximum diameter D = 70mm and height H, drains through
a hole√(diameter d = 3.12mm) in its bottom. The speed of the liquid leaving the funnel is approximately
V = 2gy , where y is the height of the liquid free surface above the hole. Find the rate of change of
surface level in the funnel at the instant when y = H/2.
4. Water enters a two-dimensional, square channel of constant width, h = 75.5mm, with uniform velocity,
U. The channel makes a 90◦ bend that distorts the flow to produce the linear velocity profile shown at
the exit, with Vmax = 2Vmin . Evaluate Vmin , if U = 7.5m/s.

Figure 1

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