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Acuña Escalante Dylan

Technology, a dream come true?

‘‘Technology’’ is a word that many years could’ve sound like something from the
future, something out of reach. However, in the world we live in, its meaning has
changed a lot. We can say without a doubt that nowadays it sounds like
something routinary. It has allowed us a series of changes in a way that we
cannot even imagine how would life be like without it. It has a tremendous
power to adapt according to our needs and its ability to transform the
As impressive as it may sound, it is a truth that we must accept sooner or later.
Technology is the engine of change and evolution of our society that will allow
us to achieve objectives that were only dreamed before, but even with a
favorable outlook we must be aware that this doesn’t work like a magic wand to
solve our problems, all of a sudden, just like that. The path of technology is
slow, progressive but rewarding in the end, It has been bringing happiness to
We could say that one of those great reasons for joy is the possibility of
international communication. Two people who are miles apart can now chat as
if they were on the same continent, country or city. But all this was a long
process of trial and error, first there were international telephone calls and now
the most common are messaging applications such as Whatsapp or Telegram.
In another area of study, the importance that technology has acquired in the
world of medicine is a fact. The future of medicine goes hand in hand with the
technology, a more detailed analysis of
patients’ conditions makes medical
practices much more effective and faster.
Think of a huge digital book that have
had a large volume of very useful and
relevant patient data stored but unable to
use it properly, until now. With that
amount of information, it is much easier
and more reliable to know exactly what treatment to apply to each patient.
That is why technology has been playing a fundamental role in our evolution
as a society, from fields such as telecommunications to promote relationships
between all people in the world to medical engineering that favors the detection
of diseases and the effectiveness of treatments in patients. There is always
something we can improve on, and even if it is a slow change, when it comes,
we know that we will all benefit.
Acuña Escalante Dylan

It’s a Surprise!... Why de angry face?

I used to think that surprise parties were one of the best ideas you could come
up with, if you wanted to give a nice gift to someone. For example, surprising
the birthday boy with a well-deserved celebration, showing how much you care,
should be a universal way of the type of parties that everyone is eager to have
but impossible to organize yourself. Right? I didn’t think it would ever have a
negative meaning. Well...sometimes reality says the opposite.
It was April 1, 2022, I was renting a place near to the university to avoid the
unnecessary expenses of bus tickets that I would have to pay. My roommate
named Roman helped me with it and we both divided the expenses to help
each other. Even though we didn't study the same career we had a lot of
chemistry in our friendship. He was almost like a brother to me.
I thought that I hadn’t been giving him enough appreciation for that. Throw him
a surprise party for his birthday could be the best way to. We used to get
together with other college friends, nothing ever so exaggerated but quite
fraternal. From going for a walk through the mall to private meetings at
someone's home…We would talk for hours about our problems every
But we had never celebrated a birthday party. It was something new but I
never thought it could be something bad, I suggested to the others that we
meet at night in the room that Roman and I rented. 8 at night was the indicated
time and by then, the sounds that would emanate from said room should be
nothing more than laughter and comments of gratitude for such a beautiful
However, I will never forget Roman's face when he entered the room at night.
In total we were 6 guys and only 5 of us with happy faces. You can guess who
was the one who wasn't.
With an angry face, Roman tried to contain his displeasure but he couldn't
stand it. It seems that he panicked and hurriedly left the place in the direction of
the nearest park. He was upset but embarrassed and we didn't understand
why. I tried to follow him but he made his intention clear when he turned around
only to look at me.
That day I
understood...surprises are not
always pleasant, it is a gamble, a
double-edged sword that can turn
out very well, leaving it as a
memorable event or with your
best frie nd running away from

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