Chapter I

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1.1 Background of the Problem

Education is an important factor in obtaining the dignity of a country. With good

education, the next generation who are intelligent and competent in their fields will certainly
create. So that the condition of the nation will continue to experience improvement with the
presence of future generations of the nation who have various knowledge. As for Putri (2018)
explained that:

" The quality of education in Indonesia is currently very concerning. This is evidenced by
UNESCO data in 2000 concerning the Human Development Index, namely the composition
of the rankings of educational attainment, health, and per-head income which shows that
Indonesia's human development index is decreasing. Among 174 countries in the world,
Indonesia ranks 102nd (1996), 99th (1997), 105th (1998), and 109th (1999). According to the
Political and Economic Risk Concultant (PERC) survey, the quality of education in Indonesia
ranks 12th out of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam. Data reported
by The Wirl Economic Forum of Sweden (2000) shows that Indonesia has low
competitiveness, which only ranks 37th out of 57 countries surveyed in the world. And still
according to a survey from the same institution, Indonesia is only predicated as a follower
not as a technology leader from 53 countries in the world. "

The learning process can run well, the need for something new to help the learning
process. What is easy for students to understand is the concept of technological development
that is interesting and fun and most importantly is able to overcome obstacles that often occur
when learning in class, one of which is the space and time constraints because usually the
effective lecture time is only around 35 minutes. Therefore the need for a new learning
technology that can make the learning process can be done anywhere and anytime, without
being obstructed by distance.

Along with technological developments that are increasingly advanced and developing,
the development of information technology which is increasingly rapid in the era of
globalization cannot be avoided its impact on the world of education. The development

of information technology, especially internet technology, has made educators have many
choices in utilizing technology for learning. The innovative learning process can not be
separated from the use of ICT in the world of education. Web-based learning is
a learning activity that utilizes website media (websites that can be accessed via the internet

E-learning that is starting to develop at this time is Blended Learning, which is online and
direct learning in class to fill in material that has not been delivered in
the learning process and can be used for assignments. In the implementation process,
with involvement and participation in the learning process, Blended Learning can increase
the sense of responsibility of students . Blended learning is a combination of
direct learning and internet-based learning using information and communication
technology. Blended learning is not only done onlin e replacing the process of
learning directly in the classroom, but to mengis i and cope with content that could be passed
on to learning in the classroom. The learning process requires the right media, such as
supported media.

According to Riasari (2018: 814) in general, the application of blended learning can
improve the quality of learning, so that it has become a trend and is widely used in leading
universities in the world. This is in line with Heinze's opinion in Bibi and Jati (2015: 76) that
several research studies have found that blended learning can increase learning outcomes
equal to or higher than students studying conventionally or completely online, although the
success rate varies between disciplines. . Therefore it is not surprising that many schools or
colleges have implemented or considered this learning model.

According to Husanah (2014: 21), the purpose of developing blended learning is to

develop the best characteristics of class (face-to-face) and online learning to increase active
independent learning by students and reduce face-to-face time in class. The components that
support blended learning are: 1) face to face learning, 2) offline e_learning, 3) online
e_learning, 4) mobile learning.

Implementing a bleached learning model requires special effort . It

takes learning media as a means of organizing online learning activities . In addition, if the
blended learning model is applied to mathematics learning , media is needed that can
facilitate various online mathematics learning activities . Of the many types of learning

media, there is one medium that is able to facilitate various online learning activities , namely
the Learning Management System (LMS).

LMS is a piece of software or software used to facilitate online learning activities and
connect to the internet. Until now, there are various kinds of LMS products that can
be selected and used. One of the most popular LMS is Moodle (Modular Object Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment).

Moodle includes internet -based technology media and makes it easy for teachers to
organize and organize online learning. Thus, blended learning is carried out well when using
Moodle as an LMS.

Moodle is formally known as the media package used by teachers in presenting online
learning activities. In addition, the module has the function of managing students and
organizing learning activities in an online environment. In learning mathematics, Moodle can
be adjusted and used to organize online mathematics learning activities .

Moodle-based E- learning assisted learning will facilitate and smoothen not only students
but also lecturers in the learning process. The results of research conducted by Diantika
Rosalina and Lusia Rachmawati found that

Overall, the results of the practicality of Moodle-based learning media obtained an

average rating of 89.99% in the very practical category. E-learning will make learning easier,
more practical and flexible so that the learning process can get maximum momentum and
learning conditions.

Features - features essential learning support are noodles salnya assignment, quiz,
communication, kolaboras i, as well as the main features to me ngupload variety of creative
formats pembel doctrine (Surjono HD., 2011) .guru dit elephantiasis to create an atmosphere
of martial jar of effective, innovative , and fun. In the process pemb elajaran, teachers act
as motive ator and facilitator. The paradigm change based instructional learn ingmenjadi
Constructional based Learni ng make teachers must design defenders of horse that enable
participants learners to sharpen skills in independent practice. To mewu judkan learning
process effective, innovative, and fun that can enable learners then teachers can take
advantage of all sources of power y ang exist in schools, both sources of manpower,
infrastructure, and sumb er other resources to make the learner 's more effective, innovative,

and menyenan gkan.Kata key of e-learning are flexibility, convenience, and to hope to learn
anywhere without ha rus is in the same place. (Wahana Komputer, 2008).

Teaching and learning activities are essentially a communication process that occurs
between the introduction and the recipient. In a communication process, it can allow the
information provided by the lecturer to be interpreted differently by students so that they
can make mistakes in receiving concepts in the subject matter. Therefore, we need a tool
that can clarify the process of delivering the message which is called the media. Media
lessons are a tool used by educators to assist in delivering learning material to students in
stimulating thinking, feeling and attention as well as student interest to be more interested
and focused while studying.

Student learning motivation in every learning activity plays a very important role in
improving student learning outcomes in certain subjects. Student motivation to learn can
become weak and weak. Weak motivation to learn or lack of motivation to learn will weaken
activities, so that the quality of learning outcomes is low. Therefore, the motivation to learn
in students must be strengthened continuously. By using the blended learning
model equipped with the Moodle application , it is hoped that it can further motivate students
in learning mathematics.

Based on the information obtained, that the learning motivation of students is still in the
poor category, for example in terms of diligently working on assignments, repeating learning
and so on.

Meanwhile, the mathematics learning outcomes obtained by students have not fully
reached the KKM. This can be seen from the results of the tests, only about 50% of the
students have successfully reached the KKM. In addition, researchers see that the use of
technology-based learning media that is applied in mathematics learning has not been
maximized. Media technology that is applied only for power points and
projectors. Researchers also received information that students at the school had been
facilitated by a sophisticated smartphone by their parents.

Based on the description above, researchers are interested in conducting research with the
title: "The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Models in Moodle Applications on
Students' Understanding of Mathematical Concepts."

1.2 Problem Identification

From the background of the problems above, the following problems can be
identified :
1. Students still have difficulty understanding mathematical material.
2. The existing learning media still cannot attract students' interest in learning.
3. There is still a tendency for students to use the internet only for entertainment
4. Students' mathematical reasoning ability in learning mathematics is still low.

1.3 Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification above , the researcher needs to limit the problem
so that it is more focused and optimal in this study. This study is limited in terms of the level
of maturity g uru mathematics in applying the learning blended learning based on Moodle
and researching the availability of facilities and infrastructure untu k supporting the
application of mathematical learning e-learning based on Moodle application .

1.4 Problem Formulation

So the formulation of the problem in this study :

1. How is the appropriateness of Moodle-based blended learning media

for students' understanding of mathematical concepts ?
2. How do students and teachers respond to the blended learning model in
the Moodle application to understanding students' mathematical concepts?
3. How is the effect of the moodle -based blended learning
model on students' understanding ability in learning mathematics?

1.5 Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem, the objectives of this study are:

1. Knowing the appropriateness of Moodle-based blended learning media for

understanding students' mathematical concepts .
2. Knowing the responses of students and teachers to Moodle-based blended
learning media for understanding students' mathematical concepts.

3. Knowing the effect of the moodle -based blended learning

model on students' understanding ability in learning mathematics .

1.6 Research Benefits

The results of this study are expected to provide benefits including:

1. For readers, the research results can provide references about the effectiveness of
blended learning models using Moodle application in mathematical ability of
students of the students in learning mathematics. Then provide information about the
application of the moodle-based blended learning model in Mathematics learning
activities .
2. For the community, it can open insights regarding the application of the moodle-based
blended learning model in learning mathematics .
3. For teachers, the results of research can provide teaching skills and insights using
a moodle-based blended learning model to foster students' abilities in learning
4. For students through the blended learning model using the Moodle application, it
is hoped that students can more easily understand the material in mathematics, so that
it can improve students' mathematical understanding abilities .
5. For schools, it can be used as material for consideration and input for schools in
improving the quality of teachers and learning systems outside
the classroom .

1.7 Operational definition

The operational definition in this research is:

1. Effective is the achievement of results in accordance with predetermined

goals. Effectiveness shows success in terms of whether the targets have been achieved
or not. If the activity results are closer to the target, it means the higher the
2. Blended learning is a learning model that combines face-to-face learning and
computer-based learning (online and offline).
3. Moodle-based blended learning is a learning model that collaborates face-to-
face learning activities and online learning organized using Moodle media.

4. Motivation to learn is a force, encouragement or strength, both coming from

themselves and from outside that encourages students to learn.
5. Learning outcomes are changes in behavior obtained by learners after carrying out the
learning process. Learning outcomes are also the results achieved by students in the
form of numbers or scores after completing the given test.



2.1 Learning Effectiveness
Effective is the achievement of results in accordance with the initial goals as
planned. According to Badriyah (2015) effectiveness is the use of a certain amount of
resources, facilities and infrastructure that is consciously determined in advance to produce a
number of goods or services in the activities that are being carried out. Effectiveness shows
success in terms of whether the targets have been achieved or not.

The following will describe the definition of learning effectiveness according to

Rohmawati (2015):

a) Miarso said that the effectiveness of learning is one of the standards for the quality of
education that is measured by the achievement of goals.
b) Supardi argues that effective learning is a combination composed of human beings,
materials, facilities, equipment, and procedures directed to change student behavior in
a positive and better way according to the potential of students to achieve learning
c) Hamalik stated that effective learning is learning that provides learning opportunities
by themselves or doing activities as widely as possible for students to learn.

From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of learning
is a measure of the success of an interaction process between students and between students
and teachers in educational situations to achieve learning objectives.

The effectiveness of learning can be seen from student activities during learning, student
responses to learning and students' mastery of concepts. To achieve an effective learning
concept it is necessary to have a reciprocal relationship between students and teachers to
achieve common goals. In addition, it must also be adjusted to the conditions of the school
environment, facilities, infrastructure, and learning media needed to achieve all aspects of
student development.

2. 2 Learning Model Blended Learning

2.2.1 Definition of Blended Learning Learning Model

Blended learning is a combination of the advantages of traditional

learning and electronic learning ( e-learning ). This learning maintains a
balance between the accessibility of electronic learning knowledge and human
interaction with traditional methods (Mazloumiyan et al ., 2012). Blended
learning requires teachers with appropriate support, including technical
assistance, teaching assistance, professional development, teaching rooms, and
preparation time (Bower et al. , 2015; Catalano, 2014). Learning by
integrating constructivist and collaborative models into a blended
learning environment aims to educate more creative and curious students who
read, write and produce (Güzera & Canera, 2014). The teacher's perception is
not as a knowledge carrier and supervising the subject of knowledge, but as a
coordinator, organizer of children's independent informative
activities. Cooperative training, use of group forms, collectives and work
partners, joint reflection and discussion (Shaidullin et al ., 2014).

2.2.2 Characteristics of Blended Learning Learning Model

The characteristics of Blended Learning are:

• Learning that combines various ways of delivery, educational models,
learning styles, and various technology-based media.
• As a combination of direct education (face to face), independent
learning, and independent learning via online.
• Learning that is supported by an effective combination of modes of
delivery, modes of teaching and learning styles.
• Educators and parents of students have an equally important role,
educators as facilitators, and parents as supporters.

2.2.3 Purpose of using the Blended Learning Model

• Helping educators to develop better in the learning process, according

to learning styles and learning preferences.
• Provide realistic practical opportunities for teachers and educators to
learn independently, be useful, and continue to grow
• Increased scheduling flexibility for educators, by combining the best
aspects of face-to-face and online instruction. Face-to-face classes can
be used to engage students in interactive experiences. Whereas online
classes provide educators, while the online portion provides students
with rich multimedia content of knowledge at any time, and anywhere
as long as the educator has internet access.

2.2.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of Blended Learning Model Weakness of Blended Learning Model

• Learning occurs independently and conventionally, both of which have
complementary advantages.
• Learning is more effective and efficient
• Increase accessibility. With the existence of Blended Learning,
participants learn more easily in accessing learning materials. Disadvantages of Blended Learning Model

• The media required is very diverse, making it difficult to apply if the
facilities and infrastructure do not support it.
• Unequal facilities owned by students, such as computers and internet
access. Even though Blended Learning requires adequate internet
access, if the network is inadequate it will make it difficult for
participants to take part in online independent learning.
• Lack of public knowledge of the use of technology
• Unequal facilities owned by students, such as computers and internet

2.2.5 Development of Learning Steps in blended learning

In developing learning both by applying Blended Learning and
conventionally, educators need to develop appropriate learning steps in a
learning implementation plan (RPP) based on basic competencies - the
basic competencies to be achieved in learning.
The development of learning steps that apply Blended Learning also
needs to be well designed, so that in the implementation of learning
students do not feel technically difficult. Therefore, educators need to
prepare in advance all the things that are needed, such as materials to be
delivered or discussed, platforms to be used in learning with Blended
Learning, tutorials on using platforms used in learning by applying
Blended Learning and so on.
Before implementing learning by applying Blended Learning,
educators must first prepare all their learning needs, especially the use of
technology platforms that will be used in learning to be used without
implementing face to face. Several platforms that can be used in learning
with Blended Learning, such as Group Miling Lists (mailing lists, such as
Yahoo groups, Google+, and others), Teacher Web Blogs, Social Media
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, etc.), Learning Management
Systems or LMS applications (such as Moodle, Edmodo, Quipper,
Kelase, etc.) and so on. Furthermore, how the platforms that have been
determined by the educator are applied in learning by being prepared in
advance in the designed learning steps.

2.2.6 Blended Learning Implementation Process

The process of implementing blended learning requires a systematic
approach. This is important because planning, compiling, and utilizing
learning resources in learning activities creates a good quality learning
experience for students. More specifically, Steve Slemer and Soekartawi
suggested six stages in designing and implementing blended learning for
optimal results. The six stages are as follows:
1. Establish Teaching Materials and Materials
Determination of teaching materials is part of planning
before starting learning. The purpose of determining teaching

material is to make it easier for teachers to carry out learning

and have preparations for things to be conveyed. Because
blended learning requires technology-based media, it requires
teachers to prepare teaching materials and materials used in
face-to-face and online learning activities. So, in compiling
teaching materials and materials in the blended learning model,
it should be differentiated or designed for three types, namely:
Teaching materials that students can learn on their
Teaching materials that can be learned face-to-
Teaching materials yan g can be studied by means
of air- interaction through online means.
2. Establishing Instructional Models
After the learning material is available, the next step is
to establish an instructional model in blended learning. The
goal is so that the learning process can run smoothly and the
learning materials that have been made can be used
effectively. Blended learning has several instructional models
to choose from. There are various kinds of instructional models
in the blended learning, including the rotation model, the flex
model, the ala carte model, and the enriched virtual model. The
activities at this stage are the most difficult stages. In this stage,
the point is how to define a learning path that contains online
and face-to-face learning activities. Therefore, when designing
learning activities in blended learning, it is necessary to pay
attention to the following points:
 How the teaching materials are presented.
 Which teaching materials must be
studied and which ones are recommended, in
order to enrich students' knowledge.
 How can the student access the
two learning components .

3. Establish Teaching Material Format

At this stage the teacher needs to determine the type
of material format that will be studied by students. For face-to-
face learning, teachers can use manual learning materials such
as textbooks and manual media . Meanwhile, online learning
activities teachers need to make teaching materials that are
packaged in the form of technology-based media . The teacher
must also provide a place to access the material. So that
students can get material and participate
in learning activities that are held.

4. Determining the Media Used

Implementing Bleed learning requires media as a liaison
between teachers and students or students with each other and
implementers of learning in an online environment. Many
media can be selected to organize online learning
activities. The function of the media is none other than a
liaison, a place to deliver material, provide quizzes and
assessments as well as a place to communicate and interact.
Examples of media that can be used are Google Apps, I-
Tunes University, Lynda Online Li brary, Skillshare, and
Learning Management System. like Edmodo or Moodle.

5. Organizing with Mentoring

In fact, the Blen ded learning model can be
implemented independently by students. However, for
menunjuang learning activities in sycronious and activity to
learn face to face the teacher's role is still needed. In order to do
this well , blended learning should be done with mentoring by
an instructor or with a teacher. While playing a role in
delivering material, the teacher or instructor can be
professionals who provide instructions on using the online
learning media used.

6. Evaluating Implementation
There are several things that need to be considered
in evaluating blended learning, including:
a. Ease to navigate
How easily can students access all
the information provided will be in the learning
package prepared. With indicators, the easier it is to
access, the better.
b. Content / substance
How good is the quality of the material and
the instructional model used. For example, the
quality of instructions for studying the content of
teaching materials, the quality of
existing teaching materials , is it in accordance with
the learning objectives , and so on. The quality of
the content is said to be getting better if the content
of the teaching material is closer to the learning

c. Layout / format / appearance

Learning packages (teaching materials, study
instructions, or other information ) in blended
learning are presented professionally . With
indicators, the better the presentation of teaching
materials is the better.

d. Interest
The contents of the learning package (teaching
materials, study instructions , or other information )
that are presented are able to attract students to
learn. The criterion is that if the learning
package presented is able to cause students to
continue to be interested in learning, the better.

2.2.7 Model - Instructional Model Blended learning

Blended learning is actually a learning model that integrates
online learning activities with traditional / face-to-face
learning. Graham explains the growing interest in blended learning in
the world of education and penerapa nnya is widespread, resulting
in blended learning diaplikasika n in a wide range of variations. This is
because the availability of various types of online technology provides
a wide selection of media that can be used. In addition, the
various policies, curricula and different teaching methods that are felt
to be effective give rise to various modes of delivery
in learning activities both face-to-face and in an online
environment. From the various existing instructional models, it
is determined how many are the best models for conducting
blended learning effectively and systematically. Horn and Staker
mentioned the most frequently used models, namely the rotary on
model, the flex model, the ala carte model, and the enriched virtual
model. Of the four models specifically in the "Blended
Learning Implementation Guide" two main types of blended learning
instructional models are defined , namely the rotation model and
the flex model.
Rotation model is an instructional model where face-to-face and
online learning activities are carried out alternately within the scope of
material, type of activity, and time that have been systematically
planned. Meanwhile, the flex model is an instructional model where
students can participate in two online and face-to-face learning
activities at the same time. The rotation model is divided into 4 sub-
models, one of which can be chosen to become an instructional model
in implementing blended learning. Among them, station rotation, lab
rotation, flipped class , and individual rotation. In this study,
the instructional blended learning model used is the rota tion
model with the flipped classroom model.

2.3 Learning Media MOODLE

2.3.1 Definition of Moodle
Moodle is a name for an application program that can transform a
learning medium into a web form . This application allows students un tuk
into the "classroom" Digita l to access the materials p embelajaran. By
using Mo odle, we can make learning materials , quizzes, electronic journals
and others.
Cole and Foster (2008) define moodle as an acronym for
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment which means a
dynamic learning place using an object-oriented model. Moodle application
was first developed by Martin Dougiamas in August 2002 with Moodle
version 1.0. Currently, Moodle can be used by anyone open source.10 As
well as being an acronym, Cole and Foster (2008) also define Moodle as a
verb which means the process of doing something like a fun game and leads
to the addition of insight and creativity.
Moodle can be installed online or offline. The systems needed for the
Moodle application to run well offline are Apache Web Server,
PHP, MySQL or PostgreSQL databases. All three can be obtained by
downloading Xampp. Moodle, which is installed directly online, requires
hosting, domains, and Moodle files .
The control panel needed is no longer offline in the form of a xampp
control panel but is done through an online control panel, namely by using
cPanel. The Moodle installation was done on cPanel. Moodle has various
facilities that can be useful for supporting learning activities. Facilities
included in Moodle include assignments, chat, forums, quizzes, and
surveys. The explanation for each facility according to Amiroh (2012) is as
a) Assignments are used to provide assignments to students online. Students can
access assignment materials and submit assignments by sending files of their
work results .
b) Chat is used by teachers and students to interact with each other online by
means of text dialogue (online conversation).
c) The forum is an online discussion forum between teachers and students that
discusses topics related to learning materials.

d) Quizzes are used by teachers to do online test exams.

e) Survey is used to conduct polls.

2.3.2 Moodle in Blended Learning

Moodle includes internet-based technology media and makes it easy for
teachers to organize and carry out online learning. The Moodle application has the
function of managing students and organizing learning activities in an online
environment. Therefore, Moodle is formally known as the package used by teachers
in presenting online learning activities.
Based on this point of view, blended learning works best when using moodle
as an LMS. Implementing blended learning can take advantage of the facilities in
Moodle. The main facility found in Moodle is course management, which is creating
learning resources, presenting materials, and various learning activities. According to
Amiroh Moodle presents learning activities, including (1) Assignment, which is
used to provide assignments to students online. Students can access assignment
materials and submit assignments by sending files of their work results. (2) Chat, used
by teachers and students to interact and communicate online. (3) Forum, is an online
discussion forum between teachers and students discussing topics related to learning
materials. (4) Quiz, used by teachers to do online test exams . (5) Survey, is used to
conduct opinion polls . Various sources of learning materials can be presented in the
Moodle application. Sources of material can be written manuscripts in pdf format,
word document, and power point. In fact, multimedia media in audio and visual
formats can be included in the activities of learning activities. Thus, blended learning
can be carried out by utilizing various existing facilities in Moodle.

2.3.3 Moodle-Based Blended Learning in Mathematics Learning

It should be noted that learning mathematics cannot be separated from the
delivery of material in the form of equations with special symbols and mathematical
equations. When a blended learning model is chosen in learning mathematics, the
main thing that must be considered is how to organize an online mathematics learning
environment. Therefore , moodle's role is needed as a medium that is able to present
material in mathematics learning through the available features and facilities.
The following are some of the features and facilities components in Moodle
that can be used in learning mathematics in an online environment.

1. Math Notation Filter

The mathematical notation filter is an infrastructure component in
Moodle that can be used for writing mathematical symbols and equations
in each Moodle worksheet (text field). There are various kinds of filters
that are already available in Moodle such as atto and tiny mce. However,
these two filters can only write mathematical equations using the lateX
programming language . For that, you can install a third-party plugin,
namely the Wiris Text Filter. Wiris Text Filter is an easy- to-use online
visual editor for writing math symbols and equations . The following
shows the active Wiris Text Filter .

Figure 2.1 Wiris Text Filter

2. Compiling Mathematical Content with Text Fields.

The text field in Moodle is an HTML editor which is usually used to
organize content. Text Field / worksheet is a part of Moodle
architecture which is used to compile learning materials including
mathematics content. The following are various features in the text fields
that are commonly used, including:
a. Formatting text: To adjust the text format so that the material can be read by
students on electronic devices easily. There are various kinds
of command buttons that are familiar with Microsoft Word to make writing
material easier. The following shows the formating text section:

Figure 2.2 Formatting Text Panel

b. Insert: to insert other learning resources such as urls, pictures and videos. With
the insert feature, the teacher can list various sources of math material in
various formats. Here's what the insert looks like:

Figure 2.3 Insert Panel

c. Special Character: this section is used to format text in the form of copy, paste,
symbols and other characters. The following shows the special character

Figure 2.4 Special Character Panel


3. Organizing Mathematics with the Course shell

Course shell is part of Moodle as a place to organize material, discussion, and various
learning activities provided and arranged by teachers based on a certain format. The available
Course shell format is the topic format and weekly meetings. The topic format can be used to
categorize mathematical material based on the topic being discussed. While the weekly
format can be used to categorize material according to the time and date of delivery. The
following is a display of the course shell on Moodle with the topic format.

Figure 2.5 Course Shell Panel

In learning mathematics, the topic format is easier to use . Because, the course
displays on Moodle can be arranged sequentially starting from basic material to examples
questions, practice questions, and quizzes. In addition, each topic can be filled with
various learning activities available in Moodle.

4. Presenting Material Resources and Mathematics Learning Activities

Moodle is used as a place to learn through available activities and provides a source of
online mathematics learning material. To present learning materials and activities, through
the teacher account, the add activity and resource feature can be used on each course
shell. Activities that can be used include assignments and quizzes with multiple choice or
description questions. Meanwhile, material sources for learning mathematics can be through
resource facilities. Resources can be in the form of books (books), pages (material pages),
urls, and files in various formats. It can be concluded that every activity in
learning mathematics such as delivering material, understanding concepts, evaluating can be
done through Moodle. Examples of problem-solving exercises can also be included with the
material. In addition, mathematics material can be presented in various forms , both reading

and multimedia formats . Thus, every mathematics learning activity uses a

blended learning model using moodle assistance.

2.4 Learning Motivation

2.4.1 Definition of Learning Motivation
In the learning process, motivation is something that must be owned by every
student. Students' thinking abilities will develop well if students can receive
mathematics lessons. So that students can receive mathematics lessons, it is
necessary to instill learning motivation in these students.
Motivation comes from the Latin movewere which means motion or the urge
to move (Putri, 2015). Cleopatra (2015) argues that motivation is an impetus,
desire, someone's need to do certain activities. Meanwhile, Farhan and Retnawati
(2014: 229) argue that motivation is a stimulation that provides strength (energy) to
someone to carry out an activity that directs them to remain stable in what they
have done.
Motivation and learning are two things that influence each other. Students will
study hard if they have the motivation to learn (Kompri, 2016). In the learning
process, motivation is needed. Learning without motivation, will be very difficult to
succeed. Because, someone who does not have motivation to learn, will not be
possible to do learning activities.
According to Lestari (2014: 93) learning motivation is a power, encouragement or
strength, both coming from themselves and from outside that encourages students
to learn. Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that motivation
is an impulse that results in changes in one's energy to achieve goals. Meanwhile,
learning motivation is an encouragement that comes from within or outside of a
person so that it can lead to learning activities.

2.4.2 Elements of Learning Motivation

Some of the elements that influence learning motivation according to Dimyati
and Mujiono (2006) are as follows:
a) The ideals and aspirations of students.
Ideals will strengthen students' motivation to learn, both intrinsic and
extrinsic. Because the achievement of an ideal will bring about self-actualization.

b) Students' abilities
The desire of a child needs to be accompanied by abilities or skills in achieving
it. Ability will strengthen children's motivation to carry out developmental tasks.
c) Condition of students
Students' conditions which include physical and spiritual conditions affect learning
motivation. A student who is sick will interfere with learning
attention. Conversely, a healthy student will easily focus on learning.
d) Environmental conditions of students
Students' environment can be in the form of natural conditions, the environment in
which they live, peer group, and community life. The condition of a healthy school
environment, an environment that is safe, serene, orderly, and beautiful, will
increase the spirit of a stronger learning motivation for students.

2.4.3 Position of Learning Motivation in Learning

The position of motivation in learning does not only provide the direction of
learning activities correctly. More than that with motivation, someone will get
positive considerations in their activities, including learning activities. Kompri
(2016: 233) states that motivation is very important in learning. The importance of
motivation for students is as follows:
a) Awareness of the position at the beginning of the study, process, and
final results.
b) Informing about the strength of the learning effort compared to
c) Directing learning activities.
d) Encourage learning.
e) Awareness of a sustainable learning journey and then work.

2.4.4 Indicators of Learning Motivation


According to Handoko in SupRYin (2015: 75), to find out the

strength of student learning motivation, it can be seen from the
following indicators:
a) Strong will to act.
b) The amount of time devoted to studying.
c) Willingness to leave other obligations or duties.
d) Persistence in doing assignments.

While Sadirman in SupRYin (2015: 75) states that learning

motivation has the following indicators:
a) Diligent in facing the task.
b) Resilient in facing difficulties (not easy to give up).
c) Shows an interest in a variety of adult problems.
d) Prefer to work independently.
e) Quickly get bored of routine tasks.
f) Can defend his opinion.

The success of the teaching and learning process

according to Rajagukguk (2015: 17) can be seen in the
learning motivation aimed at students when carrying out
teaching and learning activities in terms of:
a) Student interest and attention to lessons,
b) The enthusiasm of students to do their learning
c) The responsibility of students in carrying out their
learning tasks
d) The reaction shown by students to the stimulus
provided by the teacher, and
e) Feeling happy and satisfied in doing the assigned

2.5 Relevant Research


1. Research conducted by R. Hafid Hardyanto and Herman Dwi Surjono with the
title development and implementation of Elearning using Moodle and Vicon
for web programming lessons at SMK. The results showed that: (1) the E_learning
portal product developed using the Moodle LMS is integrated with BigBlueButton,
allowing users to conduct video conferencing; (2) the feasibility of the Elearning
portal using Moodle LMS with vicon at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bambanglipuro,
alpha validation is categorized as good, beta test is categorized good, material
expert validation is categorized good; (3) the learning outcomes of students in
learning using the Elearning portal, the control class and the experimental class are
the same; (4) the motivation of students in learning using Elearning portals, the
control class and the experimental class are the same.

2. Research performed by Marya Gilang Putu Putra et al. With the title Moodle-based
E-learning development in social studies class VIII at SMPN 1 Selemadeg. The
results of the research are a) The subject content expert stated that the product
content was categorized as very good, with a percentage of 92%, b) the
instructional media expert stated that the media was in good category, with a
percentage of 88%, c) the learning design expert stated that the product design was
categorized as very good, with a percentage 90.66%, and d) individual trials, small
group trials, and field trials stated that the product was categorized as very good,
with the percentage of individual trials 92%, small group trials 93% and field trials
90.2%. e) the effectiveness of the development of moodle-based E-learning shows
that there is a significant difference in social studies learning outcomes of class
VIII students before and after using moodle-based E-learning (tcount = 9.633>
ttable = 2,000). Moodle e-learning products are very effective in improving the
learning outcomes of class VIII students of SMPN 1 Selemadeg.

3. Researchenelitian conducted by Des inta Dwi Nuriyanti entitled development

Moodle-based e-learning as a med he is learning the motion system in high
school. The expert's response shows that Moodle-based e-learning is very feasible
in terms of media and feasible in terms of material. The learning outcomes in large-
scale trials showed that all students in class XA and XB had the percentage of
completeness in classical class above 80%. The results of the student
response questionnaire on small and large scale trials showed that the majority of

students gave positive responses to learning activities using Moodle-based E

learning media . The final Moodle-based E-learning product contains modules,
videos, ppt, games, atlases, articles about Motion Systems, chat and discussion

4. In the 2016/2017 academic year, Ni Made Galih Arya Pramesti conducted a

research entitled "The Effect of Blended Learning Model Application to Increase
Learning Activities of Class X TKJ Students". The results showed that: 1) the
results of the validation of learning media obtained a validity value of 83.6% with
very valid criteria; 2) RPP validation results get a validity value of 88.5% with very
valid criteria; 3) the results of the validation of the items obtained a validity value
of 88.8% with very valid criteria; 4) the results of the students' responses to the
blended leraning learning model using e_learning Moodle media obtained an
average rating of 75.3% which is categorized as good.

5. In 2018 a research was carried out by Kawakibul Qamar and Slamet Riyadi with
the title 'The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Using Telegram Applications'. The
results showed that the participant's response to blended learning was shown in the
questionnaire given after lecture. The response of the participants in general had a
good level of acceptance based on the average response rate of participants of
81.54%. Mastery of participant concepts in Basic Mathematics courses with
blended learning using the telegram application is a good category. The category is
based on the final exam result score which has an average of 74.85% with a
standard deviation of 13.15. From these data it can be interpreted that there are
many values that are more than 74.85%, thus the conceptual mastery of the
participants is more than those who do not.

2.6 Framework
Blended learning model combined with Moodle learning media are used to make it
easier for teachers and students to do learning anywhere and anytime.
Moodle is an internet-based technology media and makes it easy for teachers to organize
and organize online learning. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of
blended learning in terms of learning motivation from student learning outcomes when
collaborated with Moodle learning media.

Moodle is a name for an application program that can transform a learning medium
into a web form. This application allows students to enter into a digital "classroom" to access
learning materials. By using Moodle, we can create learning materials, quizzes, electronic
journals and others. By using blended learning learning, it is hoped that it can help students'
understanding / mastery of the material through more intense learning / learning
communication. Even before starting learning in class, students can also study the material
first. Seeing some of these things, makes the quality of learning more optimal.



3.1 Types of Research

This type of research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is
research that is used to examine the condition of natural objects, where the
researcher is a key instrument. In this case, qualitative research departs from
data, utilizes existing theories as explanatory material and ends with theory
(Sugiyono, 2017).

3.2 Research Methods

The method used in this research is literature study. Library research is an
activity related to library data collection methods, reading and taking notes and
processing research materials. This is a study that utilizes library resources to obtain
research data (Zed, 2004). Literature research is research that has the same
preparation as other research but the sources and methods of collecting data are by
taking data from the library, reading, taking notes, and processing research
In this type of research, the knowledge, ideas, or findings contained in the literature
are reviewed so that they can provide theoretical and scientific information regarding
the effectiveness of the blended learning model in the Moodle application on students'
understanding of mathematical concepts. The research method used includes data
sources, data collection, and data analysis.

3.3 Research Location and Time

The research location is the internet. Where the data obtained is online data that has
many reference sources so that it can help researchers in analyzing data related to the
research title raised. This research was conducted in July - August 2020.

3.4 Types and Sources of Data

In this study, researchers used secondary data because the authors found it
difficult to find primary data sources, the authors used existing references and were
aware that this research was very important. Secondary data is data that is already

available so we just search and collect. To obtain secondary data, the authors read
various references related to this study in analyzing the effectiveness of the blended
learning model in the moodle application on students' understanding of mathematical
concepts. Secondary data sources used in this study are books, journals and other
sources related to the blended learning model with the Moodle application on students'
mathematical conceptual abilities.

3.5 Research Instruments

According to Sugiyono (2017), in qualitative research the main instrument is the
researcher himself (human instrument) which functions to determine the focus of
research, select information as a data source, assess data quality, analyze data, interpret
data and make conclusions about research. findings. In this study, researchers recorded
information to identify the effectiveness of the blended learning model in the Moodle
application on students' understanding of mathematical concepts and analyzed the
improvement of the blended learning model on student learning outcomes in

3.6 Research Procedures

This procedure is applied in the data analysis process in order to obtain an

overview of the research findings. In this study, to answer the first problem formulation,
namely: How is the effectiveness of Moodle-based blended learning media in
understanding students' mathematical concepts. To find out the answer to these
problems, what must be done is:
1. Collecting information from several sources, namely journals, theses and theses
relating to the modified model and its implementation which can affect students'
mathematical understanding abilities .
2. Analyzing the effectiveness of applying the modified model on student
learning outcomes .
3. Describe student learning outcomes, especially on students' mathematical
understanding abilities .
4. Summing up the results of student effectiveness in students' mathematical
understanding abilities from the modified model .

Then to answer the second problem formulation, how do students and teachers
respond to the blended learning media in the Moodle application to understanding
students' mathematical concepts, which are as follows:
1. Collecting information from several sources, namely journals, theses and theses
relating to the modified model and its implementation which can affect students'
mathematical understanding abilities.
2. Analyzing the effectiveness of applying the modified model on student learning
3. Describe student learning outcomes, especially on students' mathematical
understanding abilities.
4. Summing up the results of student effectiveness in students' mathematical
understanding abilities from the modified model
Then for the third problem formulation, namely how the influence of the
moodle-based blended learning model on students' understanding ability in
learning mathematics. To find out the answer, what must be done is as follows:
1. Collect information from several sources, namely journals, theses and theses
related to scaffolding in learning
2. Observe the information from these sources and determine the information
which is a blended learning model in the Moodle application which is
applied in learning.
3. Analyzing data sources, namely analyzing the blended learning model on the
Moodle application that is applied in learning.
4. Describe the results of the effectiveness of the blended learning model on the
Moodle application applied in learning.
5. Summing up the effect of the blended learning model on the Moodle
application applied by students in the learning process.

3.7 Data Validity Techniques

In qualitative research, researchers need to validate data and double-check the

data before it is processed in the form of a presented report. In order not to be mistaken,
researchers tested the credibility of the data. The data credibility test conducted by the
researcher here uses triangulation. Triangulation is a data collection technique by
combining various data sources that have been obtained.

3.8 Data Analysis Techniques .

In qualitative research, conceptualization, categorization, and descriptions are

developed on the basis of "events" acquired during fieldwork. Therefore, it is
impossible to separate data collection and data analysis from one another. Both take
place simultaneously, the process is cyclical and interactive, not linear. Miles and
Huberman (1992) describe the process of analyzing qualitative research data which
consists of three activities that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion / verification. Data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing are a series of analytical activities that follow one another or
are an interactive cycle process .

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