Writing Newspaper Reports Knowledge Organiser - Ver - 7

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Newspaper Reports

Does your newspaper report include... Punctuating

Direct Speech Linking Ideas
the name of the newspaper?
Use inverted commas at after also although because
a headline?
the beginning and end but therefore despite however
the reporter’s name? of direct speech.
in addition in the end so
an introductory paragraph that Start the speech with a
includes the 5 Ws? capital letter.
Word Bank
pictures with captions? End each piece of direct
speech with a comma, alongside damaged reported
facts about the main events?
full stop, question mark alternatively described responded
quotes written as direct speech? or exclamation mark. apparently following source
a conclusion paragraph to explain Punctuation comes at the commented identified stated
what might happen next? end of the speech and before concern insider unfortunately
the inverted commas. confirmed official witness
The Five Ws Use a comma after the considerably recently
who? what? where? reporting clause.

Barry said, “This is a

when? why?
brilliant report!”

Sentence We have received reports that...

In the early hours of the morning...


Many people believe that...

Late last night,... As I’m sure you will agree,...

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Newspaper Reports
Key Features THE FAIRYTALE TIMES Key Vocabulary
the name of the caption: A title or brief
newspaper MISSING GRANDMA FOUND SAFE AND SOUND explanation that goes alongside
a photo, illustration or cartoon.
a headline Beloved Grandma, Who Had Been Missing For a Week, Found Safe and Sound inside Wolf’s Stomach.
By L R R Hood direct speech: Direct speech
the reporter’s name Following her disappearance last Tuesday, The Fairytale Times is pleased to directly repeats what has
report that Grandma has been found safe and sound. Although she had spent been said by the speaker.
an introductory the week lodged inside a wolf’s stomach, Grandma is in excellent spirits. Direct speech needs to follow
paragraph that special punctuation rules.
includes the 5 Ws It was a local woodcutter who first heard Grandma. “I was walking past
the wolf’s cave and I could hear this strange, grunting sound,” he told us. fact: Something that is known
pictures “At first, I ignored it but then I realised that it sounded like someone calling or proven to be true.
with captions for help. Obviously, I immediately called for backup.”
past tense: Writing about something
As soon as the backup arrived, the woodcutter was able to make his way that has already happened.
facts about the The wolf shortly after
into the cave where he saw an unusually large and bloated wolf. “It was
main events Grandma had been saved. quote: Repeating or copying
clear that the wolf was uncomfortable. He just pointed to his stomach and
looked very regretful.” At this point, the team worked quickly to free Grandma and the wolf was arrested. the exact words that were
direct speech written or said by a person.
Just days after she was freed, Grandma offered The Fairytale Times an exclusive statement. When
quotes written asked what it was like inside the wolf’s stomach, she had this to say, “Well, it’s exactly what you reporter: The person who is reporting
as direct speech might think it was like! Smelly, dark and rather wet. I’m just so happy to be out.” on the event. This is the person who
has written the newspaper report.
a conclusion While Grandma is happy to be out, there may be others who live in the woods that are worried about
paragraph the same thing happening to them. At the moment, the wolf is being held by police and has not been third person: Writing from
allowed out. Keep reading The Fairytale Times where we will publish updates as soon as we get them. another person’s point of view
or as an outsider looking in.

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