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Background of the study

Knowing this displaced Meranao women about their struggles and hardships

during the 2017 Marawi siege and story behind every drop of their tears, faiths, pain and

hope also the live before the war, life in evacuation center and life changes in their

temporary shelter in Boganga.

According to the 2019 Marawi Humanitarian Response, Early Recovery and

Resources Overview for the Displacement Caused by Conflict in Marawi City. People

displaced by armed conflict, crime and violence in the Philippines. The majority of the

displaced people are from the Marawi conflict. As of October 2018, 73,266 displaced

persons are living in evacuation centers, home-based with relatives and in transitional

shelter sites waiting to return home to rebuild their lives. Displaced people are also not

receiving adequate information on their status or when they can return home. Regular and

meaningful consultation with displaced communities and provision of information

remains an important component of the return and recovery process1.

In terms of the sources had gathered some of researcher and journals about the

2017 Marawi siege they always describe and relay the cause and effect of the Marawi

also tells about the stories and of victim or civilian during that time and it will have

covered also the recovery and rehabilitation after the war. Somehow researcher

According to the 2019 Marawi Humanitarian Response, Early Recovery and Resources Overview for the
Displacement Caused by Conflict in Marawi City.
mentioned the hardship of women experience during the war, life condition before and

coping mechanism give broad understanding in which women sacrifices during the war.

The impact of Marawi Siege affected different aspects of human lifestyle,

particularly in the human behavioral aspects. Human behavior is subject to constant

change in which children experience trauma. Therefore, the researcher desired to know

the lives of Meranao women before the 2017 Marawi siege broke out, and also to

describe and relay about the struggle of Meranao women during 2017 Marawi siege. So

that it contributed to know about the Meranao women whom to sacrifice their life and

their struggle during the 2017 Marawi siege.

Statement of the Problem

This study is entitled “The Struggle of Meranao Women during the 2017

Marawi siege” sought to answer the following questions:

1. What were their life of these displaced Meranao women before the Marawi siege?

2. What were the struggles and hardships of Meranao women during the 2017

Marawi siege?

3. What were the coping mechanisms of the displaced Meranao women as they

move forward with their lives after the 2017 Marawi siege?

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This research was guided by Theory Namely the Variety of Feminisms and

their Contribution to Gender Equality. Each perspective has made important

contributions to improving women's status, but each also has limitations. Feminist ideas

of the past 35 years changed as the limitations of one set of ideas were critiqued and

addressed by what was felt to be a better set of ideas about why women and men were so

unequal. The main point feminists have stressed about gender inequality is that it is not

an individual matter, but is deeply ingrained in the structure of societies. Gender

inequality is built into the organization of marriage and families, work and the economy,

politics, religions, the arts and other cultural productions, and the very language we

speak. Making women and men equal. Therefore, necessitates social and not individual

solutions. I have grouped the feminist perspectives of the last 35 years into three broad

categories that reflect their theories and political strategies with regard to the gendered

social order. These are gender reform feminisms, gender resistant feminisms, and gender

revolution feminisms2.

In additional, political potential the gender revolution feminisms need to spell

out what precisely has to be done in all the institutions and organizations of a society,

family, workplace, government, the arts, religion and law to ensure equal participation in

every group. Gender revolution feminists have said that there are multiple voices in this

world even today, they have to figure out how to ensure that every voice can be heard in

the production of knowledge and culture and in the power systems of their societies3.

In relation to this study had mentioned above, this research also bases on the

idea of women and their struggle so that can be understand both women and men are

equal not only in the society, and the separation in term of functions because some areas

women and men are separated when it come of leadership but the organization often

minor social connection of gender. The perception viewpoint of people will transform.

Lorber, Judith. “The Variety of Feminisms and their Contribution to Gender Equality”, › full.PDF accessed: December 12, 2019.
Tong, Rosemarie. 1989. “Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction”. Boulder, CO: Westview
Press. PDF accessed: December 13, 2019.

The life of the displaced before

Struggle and hardship during

2017marawi siege

Coping mechanism
after the siege

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Conceptual Framework

The diagram elaborates the condition of Meranao women before the war broke

out and what happened during the battle started and it will describe the situation in the

evacuation until now at the present day involved the value of their sacrifice and hardship

and how their life coping and lives after the traumatic experience. the researcher had to

observe the area and gain information by asking the respondents. In additional it will help

to understanding and provide an idea about what women sacrifice also their struggle

during the war.

Significance of Study

This research about the struggle of Meranao women during the Marawi siege,

this study provides more information, knowledge and understanding of the lives Meranao

women before, during and after the Marawi siege,

Readers- This study will help the readers to know the struggles of Meranao

women as well as their sacrifices.

Students/youth- This will help the students to know the real situation in war

and understand the sacrifices the Meranao women that used them to motivated their

selves to be strong and be the next of the them.

Teachers- this study will somehow give the teachers a guide the inside their

schools or class as an encouragement that women must be always positive so that the

children around them will avoid negativity in their mind and to prevent the trauma.

Researcher- this study gives additional background and information that should

be learned by those future researchers who desire to write about the struggle women

during the 2017 Marawi siege involving their sacrifices, contribution, function and roles.

Official of the Government- this study will provide an idea to the people who

working at the government and will help them also to understand the hardships of

Meranao women during the battle so that they will give a thing such as the financial and

the food for them to survive and recovery.

Military- this study will understand that the bravery in not just about the

responsibility but by the own choice to defend our community and also it will have led to

protect and prioritize the children as well as the women during the war to avoid


Scope and limitation

This study is focused on the struggles sacrifices and hardships experienced by

Meranao women during the 2017 Marawi siege. Especially their living condition in

resettlement area.

The researcher will be looking some written records on this topic and will

observed condition of Meranao women in their temporary shelter in Boganga relocation

Marawi city after the war because there are the difficulties in gathering data from the

respondent due to distance, the transportation, time and financial aspect, the number of

meranao women.

Definition of terms

For the purpose of clarity and better understanding, the following terms were

conceptually and operationally defined.

Meranao- also spelled as Meranao, Meranaw and Maranaw is the term used

officially by the Philippine government in reference to the southern tribe who are now the

people of the lake called Ranao in the Iranaon language a predominantly Muslim region

in the Philippines island of Mindanao. Maranao means to be lake and the real term is

IRANAON which when pronounced fluently is IRANON meaning "People of the Lake4.

Maute group- it is a group known as the Islamic State of Lanao, was a radical

Islamist group composed of former Moro Islamic Liberation Front guerrillas and foreign

Meranao people (accessed on January 10, 2020
11:30 pm)

fighters led by Omar Maute, the alleged founder of a Dawlah Islamiya or Islamic state

based in Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines5.

ISIS- which mean Islamic State of Iraq and Syria also known as ISIL Islamic

State of Iraq and the Levant, the Islamic state which popular known as terrorist

organization is a Sunni jihadist group with a particularly violent ideology that calls itself

a caliphate and claims religious authority over all Muslims. It was inspired by al Qaida

but later publicly expelled from it. RAND terrorism experts have analyzed the group's

financing, management, and organization; its savvy use of social media for recruitment

and fundraising; and the instability that spawned the group as a regional problem in the

Middle East6.

Martial law - is a law administered by the military rather than a civilian

government. Martial law may be declared in an emergency or response to a crisis or to

control occupied territory. It is also a rare and momentous decision for a civilian

government to make and for a good reason. When martial law is declared the civilian

control of some or all aspects of government operations is ceded to the military. This

means that in the case of elected governments, the representatives chosen by the voting

population are no longer in power. Civilians have thus ceded control of the country in

exchange for the potential restoration of order with the possibility that control may not be

given back in the future7.

Siege- A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building,

cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender. An
The Islamic state terrorist organization
organization.htmlx (accessed on January 6, 2020 2:37 am)
Matial law (accessed on January 6, 2020 3:01)

operation in which a police or other force surround a building and cut off supplies, with

the aim of forcing an armed person to surrender8.

Padian- A merino term for market place or market are in marawi city near at

peres street.

Malong- This is kind of cloth, it just like a landap that some of mearano used

this to cover their body when they go to bed and most of the time the mearano women

used this as cradle for their baby.




The society today had been recognized and acknowledged the importance of

women in the community, the schools and university they started promoting women

advocacies awareness as motivation of young women. In additional, woman nowadays

make us consider that women and men are not differ much. It is seen by leadership and

roles of women in various areas. Which Equality between men and women will not be a

waste of time effort if women act upon her ability to be competitive with men to their

womanhood. This Reacher gaining an objective topic such as books, articles that help to

support the study in term of ideas, opinions, concepts, recommendation and findings

Related Literature

A work of Pilar Estébanez Estébanez entitled Women in Armed Conflict and

War. State that suffering inequality and gender discrimination, in armed conflicts or war

women also suffer an added burden of violence arising from the conflict situation and

reduced access to health and healthcare facilities, to food and to the resources needed to

ensure their survival and that of their children. In this chapter we will explain the

consequences for women who find themselves in these situations, which also tend to

occur in countries with endemic poverty, a history of discrimination against women, high

rates of infectious diseases, serious deficiencies in health systems, systematic violence

and an absence of freedom9

In additional, the work of Rachel Moussié entitle Struggles for Women’s

Rights, Economic and Gender Justice. Women and other oppressed peoples have been,

and continue to be, at the forefront of struggles worldwide to challenge inequality and


economic and political systems based on natural resource extraction, labor exploitation

and multiple forms of discrimination. The rising power and extended reach of

corporations in the current era of globalization and extreme inequality is an urgent

challenge confronting women and oppressed peoples today. Women and other oppressed

peoples faced with deepening inequality and the widespread impact of corporate power

on their lives continue to fight for their rights and for their own vision of development

and progress. Through their struggles they are protesting against human rights violations

and the ecological damage brought on by large corporation’s in search of rising profits

and influence10.

In relation to this study it will also or elaborate the struggles of women during

the 2017 Marawi siege and lives before and after and it will also tell about the face of

discrimination between their right and struggle about inequality by them women faced

and fight their rights and goals to save, develop and progress the community.

Moreover, a journal entitled Women’s Rights and Human Rights United

Nations Human Rights. Women around the world nevertheless regularly suffer violations

of their human rights throughout their lives, and realizing women s human rights have not

always been a priority. Achieving equality between women and men requires a

comprehensive understanding of the ways in which women experience discrimination

and are denied equality so as to develop appropriate strategies to eliminate such


Rachel Moussié, “Struggles for women’s rights, economic and gender justice” Published by
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) in Toronto and Mexico City. 215 Spadina Ave,
Suite 150, Toronto, Ontario M5T 2C7. CANADA WEBSITE:

Designed and Printed at United Nations, Geneva 1404379 (E) - November 2014 - 3,350 - HR/PUB/14/2
United Nations Publication Sales No. E.14.XIV.5ISBN 978-92-1-154206-6

Furthermore, the book of Nayeem Showkat entitled women: problems and

empowerment. The role of women is hardly being acknowledged. Cultural values,

tradition, and other religious practices are being misused to curtail women s rights.

Historic imbalances in power relations between men and women, exacerbated by growing

inequalities within and between societies and countries, are leading to greater

discrimination against women and girls. Women have been the inevitable victims of war

and conflict. Violence against women in an armed conflict is the extension of violence

that is present in the society even before the conflict erupts. The violence affects women

in ways that leave them relatively powerless to respond. Violence against women was not

acknowledged as a human rights violation by the domestic and international community

for a number of years12.

Related Studies

Those unpublished studies about local history that discussed about traditional

women and their roles and functions. These were two undergraduate theses that were

utilized in encircling this study.

12 Nayeem
Showkat, ‘’Women: Problems and Empowerment’’ Aligarh Muslim University. Chapter (PDF
Available) · March 2017 with 1,254 Reads. In book: Contemporary issues in Indian Society, Edition:
First, 2017, Chapter: Women: Problems and Empowerment, Publisher: Goyal Publication Varanasi,
Editors: Prof. Tej Pratap Singh, pp.3.

The undergraduate thesis of Najeb C. Abdul-Rahman entitled “Manga Bae a

Labi sa Baloi: roles and functions to the Meranao Society”, Basically Bae a Labi as a

head organizer of various events and social gathering. further, Bae a Labi plays either a

major minor in not affairs in the community. In relation to the study of Meranao women

and their struggle which Bae a Labi identically as a woman who had a roles and function

including their duties or responsibility of the meranao society13.

Moreover, the undergraduate thesis in 2017 by Alaizha D. Abuat entitled

"Womens Participation in the Bangsamoro Struggle the Case of Bangsa bai in

Marawi City". These women we now participating in international and national

institutions advocating peace. In the past however, women were often not given as much

as opportunity to participate in the peace process, women has really contributed a lot in

Bangsamoro struggle since the start of the struggle. They have done a lot for the

movement as nurse, cooks, messengers, collectors of financial contributions to the

organization and other auxiliary rules. In relation to the study were traditional women

also had a power's to advocating peace and leading the community. In which basic roles

of women as a mother, wife and other also basic jobs of women are cooking, nurse and

others so that traditional women provides necessary function to the group14.

In relation to this study describe that women now a day they participate on

MILF by the training of using guns some of them are allowed to join in the Battle and as

a woman they experience struggle being Conservative in term of dress. By then this study

it provides that some of women will ready to depend their land.

Najeb C. Abdul-Rahman entitled “Manga bae a Labi sa Baloi: roles and Functions to the Meranao
Society”, undergraduate thesis, Mindanao state university main campus, Marawi city.
Alaizha D. Abuat entitled "Womens Participation in the Bangsamoro Struggle the Case of Bangsa Bai in
Marawi city". Undergraduate Thesis, Mindanao State University Main Campus, Marawi city.



Research Designs

Qualitative research design varies depending upon the method used participant

observations in depth interviews and to gain a richly detailed understanding of a

particular topic, issue or meaning based on first-hand experience 15. This is achieved by

15 qualitative research design (accessed on February 2, 2020 12:43 am)

having a relatively small but focused sample base because collecting the data can be

rather time consuming; qualitative data is concerned with depth as opposed to quantity of

findings. A used of descriptive and narrative research to explain the that data gather 16.

In relation to the presentation of data, the researcher utilizes, descriptive and

narrative approach in which the researcher studied the struggle of Meranao women

during 2017 Marawi siege. Moreover, the researcher used secondary sources such as

books, articles, journals that contain helpful information in the conduct of this study.

Locale of the study

The data gathered from oral interview at barangay Boganga Marawi city, a

temporary shelter over 900 house build for the displaced Meranao people who had an

opportunity to live temporarily in barangay Boganga Marawi city with estimated year for

5 years only.

Respondent of the Study

The researcher took some key informants of this study will from the Meranao

women in Boganga Marawi City, Lanao Del Sur. selected respondents that range from

the age 20 to 60 years old and above. The researcher also gave the set of questionnaires

and one-on-one interview so that they can explain what happened during the siege and

relayed their lives before and after the war, so they can also share their stories and their

condition at this present day and it gives an idea or information about their sacrifice and

16 gualitative research (accessed on February 3, 2020 1:14 am)

hardship and to get some perceptions with regard to Meranao women and their struggle

during the 2017 Marawi siege.

Research Instrument

The researcher prepared a set of questions that is related to the objectives of the

statement of the problem. Somehow the used interviews purposes that help the researcher

to get details and idea for the research. Moreover, the researcher took survey in the area

so that the information has collected it help the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

In the method of gathering data the researcher conducted personal interviews

and field of observation. A narrative and descriptive used that will help to gain

information. The researcher used available books and other published and unpublished

materials found in MSU Main Library, CSSH. Furthermore, the researcher used to look

for some possible sources from the history department collections such as thesis and

readings materials related to the study. Also the used the electronic sources of

information such as online journals and articles, portable documents format (PDF).

In addition, the researcher will use of the smartphone camera, audio recordings,

and journal notes for documentary purposes. To secured the copy of the data gathered,

the researcher used the technology of google drive app which automatically stores the

data gathered in the researcher e-mail, also the researcher used to save the softcopy of the

data in other personal gadgets like laptop and smartphone. the electronic sources of

information such as online journals and articles, portable documents format (PDF).

Data analysis

The researcher had used qualitative research that describe what happen before,

during and after the 2017 Marawi siege. it also helps to use of narrative and observation

also direct one on one interview including providing a set of questionnaire. In additional,

researcher interprets the gathered data and analyzed the recorded interviews, and during

the conducted of the study the researcher used to analyze the notes had taken down and

information gathered by their story, experience, thoughts, ideas and opinions.




Since May 23, 2017 the Philippines army has been fighting Islamist militants in

the southern city of Marawi on the island of Mindanao. As of June 4, the conflict has

resulted in the death of 218 people, including 20 civilians, and more than 290,000 people

(more than 58,000 families) have been displaced, according to the Autonomous Region in

Muslim Mindanao-Humanitarian Emergency Response Action Team (ARMM-HEART),

the local coordinating body on the humanitarian response. Displaced families are seeking

refuge in evacuation centers managed by the Department of Social Welfare and

Development, or are seeking shelter with their relatives and friends in adjacent areas. It is

expected that displaced families will be unable to return home for at least the next three

months due to the destruction inside Marawi City and surrounding areas. According to

government authorities, the number of displaced people is expected to increase as the

conflict and resulting economic fallout continues. Marawi City is currently inaccessible

to humanitarian organizations17.

Live of the Meranao Women Before the Marawi Siege

Aside from being a carrier of their culture, it serves as their means of livelihood

this is a small business that Meranao women called Palapa it is a side dish that usually in

disposable box18. In Poon a Marantao mostly women are still selling malong and landap.

the primary source of livelihood is agriculture, including the production of such crops as

rice, corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts, papayas, bananas, and betel nuts. Lake fishing is also

a traditional source of livelihood. The Maranao have a very rich cultural heritage which

they seem to enjoy sharing with those outside their culture. Textiles, metalwork,

woodcraft, and architecture are all important cultural expressions. The AWANG, or

dugout boat used in Lake Lanao, is possibly the most unique and ornate of dugouts.

18 craft and culture: the
budding livelihood of Meranaos

Maranao textiles, which indicate the status of the wearer, are known for their very ornate

designs and colors19.

Most of the Meranao women experienced miserable life because of unstable

work and some of their husband hard to find the job and the other is fisherman, tricycle

diver and security guard. In term of food and financial they couldn’t even sustain their

daily need and by that some of Meranao women find other way to support their financial

so that they decided to sell everything such as fruits, vegetable, shoes, cloth, malong and

etc. in the Samira function hall in every Tuesday and Thursday.

Sako da pud so marawi siege na ayabo a galbuk ami sako

guwani na kandagang sa suda roo sa Bario Naga. Duwa akoy wata a

di klas sa college sa mga gawee oto na giyoto a kandagang ami sa

suda na giyoto e miyaka suporta ko mga wata akun sa ka klass iran

ago so mga kinanglan ami uman gawee adun puman a gawee na

madakul so dimapusa na adun puman a gawee a igira di ami mapusa

so mga suda sa solud a 3 gawee na iplubad ami dun20.

[Free translation: We just had a simple life before the siege I

had with my daughter and my husband was selling fish at the time.

Two of my children were in college and because of our hard work

19 Joushua project profile for the Maranao, Lanao in
Interview with Maisa Macubah lunaw 63 years’ old who live Barrio Naga Rizal park (address before
siege), house number in Boganga: block 25 / lot 11, housewife and his husband name is Saidar Macadato
they have 6 kids.

we were somehow able to support my children's education and our

daily living. Sometimes I help out and sometimes fortunately to

earned lots of money and sometimes some of our merchandise is

unpolished so my husband and I decided to throw it away without

even it was hard as we could because it will also be money when it is


So walay ami sako guwani na sii sa kilid a ig na si karoma

akun na galbuk iyan na di dadakup sa mga suda sa ranao na igira

adun a puka dakop iyan na diniyan di pusaan sa mga siringan na

igira puman a malo so matodtod so puku dakup iyan na diniyan di

paniredjoon sa padian. O so ka oyagan ami sako guwani na mala

midaan iyan sangkae a imanto ka tanto ko margun so masusaman

ami guwani ka igira di dalum a ig na so atag a walaya mi na puka

uma niyan, na igira pumun a di bagul odi na adun a bagyo lagid o

lagid sako bagyo Pablo a tanto ko mabagur so miyasowasowa ami

ka sa kabagur o ando na so atup ami na mingitalon niyan na sii

kami miyaka pagapas siko mga siringan ami sii kami kiran

miyakapagapas taman sa dapun makapiya a dunya21.

[Free translation: Our home was near at lake Lanao so

sometimes our stairs were flooded. My husband was a fisherman

Interview with Norhaya M. Muti, 50 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege), house
number in Boganga: block 25 lot 5 a housewife and his husband name Mata Mama Jabbar and he is a
fisherman they have 2 kids.

who was catch fish in Lanao then sailed it to our neighbor and

sometimes if we had a many of fish catch we immediately took to

Padian. Life is poor when we compare our lives to evacuation and

here in the Boganga because every time the water in Lanao reaches

our home so that we had to ride a boat when go to padian to buy a

meal. during the hurricane season our home affected and damaged

by high winds and strong winds. Thanks to our neighbors who

decided to stay there for a while.]

The War Began

On May 23, 2017 around 2pm when the gunfire started to heard in Basak

Malutlut near at Masjid of Markas. Knowing that this people who started the trouble are

terrorist or popular known as ISIS and after an hour they moved farther and they

occupied the Amai Pakpak Medical Center Hospital while they replacing the Philippine

flag and raise their black flag and said Allahu Akbar and stayed in main gate of that

hospital. A few minutes, some of them went in Banggolo and Raya Madaya and they

decided to blocked the whole way and nobody want to enter nor escape and everyone got

panic and they want to go home but some of them failed to went home because of this

ISIS or known as Maute fighter blocked the main road and bridges. On that night around

6pm they burn the DC and city jail while the light was gone and at this time announced in

the television and radio and also spread in social media that President Duterte declared

martial law in the Mindanao.

Sii ako sa hospital sako oras a pitimbakaan sa basak

malutlut, miyamisita ako oto ko pinsan akun a sisi sa inoperaan ka

si auntie na sii oto sa Zamboanga ka miyamakitabang roo na sako

manug akun giyoto a timbak na tanto ako a miyaluk ka so mga wata

akun na sii sa walay na da pud iran. 7 akoy wata sa oras oto na

miyapikir akun a kaypun akun a baba sa first floor na sako

makababa ako na tanto a miyakadul so tao roo a tanoto siran oto a

maaluk sagiyoto a timbak, na adun isa kiran a tigyan a mga ISIS

kon na giyto pun a makatiguyas so mga tao a oman isa na baling na

minggagaan ako sumong sa poro a piyangowa akun so mga gamit

akun na sa operating room sako maka uma ako puroman sa baba na

da kami iyogi o mga doctor go security guard a makliyo kami.

Kailay nga a so mga tao na kabaya iran a makaliyo bapiya pun so

mga pasente na imbaling iran badun pabiya dapun maka discharge.

Na mipato ako puroman sa poro na go akun masorong a giya di iran

di taron a ISIS na sii siran sa liyooto a gate sa public na pakisuk

siran sa matanok sa allahu akbar na mataan ka miyaka goraok ako

dun na tiyawagan akun so mga wata akun roo sa walay. Migagan

ako pun manok sa baba ka kabaya akun na makabaling ako dun. na

sako maka tupad ako puroman na miyaka dakul a tanto a tao sa

baba na kay tanto ko delikado oba kami iran pamaka liyowa na

minayanaw kami pasin sa dibo mati ka imbitira iran so mga ISIS sa

uba kami iran iyogi a makabaling kami. Na dibo mati na

kiyapayagan kami a maka baling sako mga oras dun oto a 5 sa


[Free translation: I was in the hospital at the time of hearing

the gunshot in Basak Malutlut, I visited my cousin who was

currently in the operating room at the time, my auntie was in

Zamboanga to ask our relative a favor to help my cousin's expense in

hospital. I had 7 kids so I was in the operating room when I heard

that gunshot so I thought its normal but I was wrong so I decided to

go down at the first floor then I saw people in the hospital panic so I

immediately went back to the operating room to pick up my things

and able to go home but when I got back to the main door on the first

floor many people at the door wanted to get home some of them with

their patients who even though they were not discharged they would

still like to go home a few minutes ago you could hear the fear in

their eyes and tears. there were some of them shouting the ISIS.

When the Isis invaded the main gates at the Amai Pakpak medical

center in order to avoid anything that might be happen the doctors

and security guards we didn’t allow the people to go home so I went

to the operating room again and was even more afraid when I could

see the black flag rising in the main gate at the same time they were

Interview with Bainary M, Imam, 36-year-old, who live in Tuca Marawi City (address before siege)
housewife, current address: Lapu-lapu City, Cebu and his husband name is Bocary Iman who has a small
vendor in Cebu they have 7 kids.

shouting the word Allah Akbar. I was afraid at those time so I went

to the first floor again and in that case we were allow the people to

go out around 5pm.]

The 103rd Brigade of the Philippine Army stationed at Camp Ranao was also

attacked by at least 500 Maute group militants. A number of militants were then seen

waving their ISIS black flags as they roamed the streets of Marawi. The whole city was

put on lockdown as several buildings and houses were set ablaze by members of the

Maute group. Dozens of gunmen occupied the Marawi City Hall as 107 inmates escaped

from the Marawi City Jail and the Malabang District Jail 39 after the Maute attacks.

Power and communication lines were also shut down due to the continued hostilities.

Roads leading to Marawi were blocked by both government security forces and Maute

militants. Civilians were reported to have been abducted by the Maute group, including a

priest and several parishioners of the Cathedral of Our Lady Help of Christians as the

group demanded that the government stop its offensive against them23.

Maugat ako oto sa walo ulan sako mititimbaka siran oto sa

basak malutlut tanto ako oto a miyaluk ago miyaka awida akal ka di

akun katawan tunay sowan akun. na sii kami oto sa walay ko mga

wata akun na si mister na dimamasayro na sako marawt iyan a

giyoto a mga isis na sii siran matatgo sa banggolo ago raya maya

na langon a okita sa marawi taman ko mga lantay na diran

pimikisuld maawid siran sa maitim a flag na langon siran ki

philippines addressing islamist militancy after battle marawi (accessed on February 22, 2020 10:22pm)

mamask a maawid siran sa timbak na sako manggola ola oto na

miyaluk so mga driver oba siran maling na si mister akun na sii

pasin miyakapagapas ko mga bolayoka iyan.

Taman sako kagagwee ron oto mga 6pm na tiyotong iran a

iskowelaan a dansalan go giya a city jail rakus a miyada so layt sa

marawi na sa mga oras oto na dadun a miyakan ami na aya a lamba

a margus ami sa walay na isaka kilo ka si mister na da pun oto

maka uma. na initinda akun oto para kami gabe na baa kun bo kiran

ptokid ko mga wata akun. Mapad na miyanug akun sa facebook a si

duterte na miyag declared sa martial law na tanto kami a miyauk

ago miyakagurawk ako ka aya akun miyapikir na oba malagid iyan

so martial law sako si marcos e president na makaliyoliyo roo na ini

text rakun a kailngan kon na maka awa a tao sa marawi ka kapitaan

roo na pumakauma so mga sundaro na ipoon roo na piyaninimo

akun so mga gamit ami go mga bangala ami24.

[Free translation: I was pregnant for 8 months at the start of

the shoot in Basak Malulut so I was terrified because with my two

children were stayed home and also with my mother-in-law in the

somehow my husband was currently on his work at that time and

when the ISIS blocked the road and Bridge the highway was no

Interview with Diamond Dima, 28 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege) and
housewife, house number in Boganga: block 25 lot 5 and his husband name is Saidamen Dima a tricycle
diver and they have 4 kids.

longer possible to escape and enter. So my husband decided to

stayed with his friends.

At that night they burn the school of Dansalan College

Foundation Incorporated and the City jail at the same time lost the

light throughout and then people afraid of that happen so that none

of them stayed inside their house from 4pm until that night neither of

us didn’t take dinner. at that point we didn't have any rice and I only

had one kilo of rice so this was the only thing we had to eat. And

after the news broke on Facebook, spread in the text and announce in

television and radio that our president Dudrego Duterte declaration

of the martial law all over Mindanao, I cried for my children because

the first thought comes in my mind is what if this martial same like

when the former president Ferdinand Marcos declare martial before.

When we heard the news that we have to evacuate in the home

because the soldiers are coming and the war is about to begin so that

I prepare and pack the things.]

In armed conflicts or war women also suffer an added burden of violence

arising from the conflict situation and reduced access to health and healthcare facilities,

to food and to the resources needed to ensure their survival and that of their children

The Struggle and Hardship During the War

On exactly 6am, day 24 on May Meranao people in Marawi had decided to

leave the city most of them commute from their home until they reach Saguiran on 9am

and it seem like the whole area was too crowed that cause of width traffic because of too

many people and transportation around.

Sako kapitaan ko mga alas sinco a tarotop na inawan ami a

walay miyag evacute kami dun liyalag ami ipoon sa walay taman sa

miyakauma kami sa saguiran na sa kaluk ami na miyawid si mister

sa maputi a flag a piyang ba alan ami na sako maka uma kami oto

sa saguiaran na tanto a miyaka dakul dakul so tao rakus a ipud ron

so mga barang barang a mga track suwsaw dun. na sa kadakil iyan

na tanto mambo a miya katatas so traffic.

Na maugat ako pun sa gawee roo mga lima ulan dun, matan

ka tinigur akun so kayaw a dunya so dokaw ago so kaor. na

mapasad oto sako mauma ami a municipio a balo-I na miya ilay ami

a madakul a tao roo katawi akunon na ba dun a pamamugayan roo

na sumiyog kami roon mambo na ino bus ito ka roo kami dun

miyakataros so mga tao na da mati na miyaka uma giyapanabang a

miyamakakan kami iran so madakul a tao25.

[Free translation: Early in the morning about 5:00 we left the

house but we didn't know where we could go but we just escaped.

We started walking from Mocando Colony while some of us raising

the white flag to make sure that we were safe in the street until we
Interview with Liling for Minor 24 years’ old who live in Moncado Colony (address before siege) and
she is housewife, house number: Block 45 lot 6 and his husband name Subo Omar Lubay a tricycle driver.
They have 4 kids.

reached the Saguiran and at that point unexpected that many people

are also evacuated and many vehicles that why it caused of traffic

and even the roads are crowded still people continued walking and

some of us helped by the fellow Meranao and Army.

I was pregnant for about 5 months but I endured heat, fatigue

and hunger because all I could think is to save my children. We kept

walking and after we reach the municipality of balo-I we’ve noticed

that many people who were in the gym were thinking to go there also

to find out and people thought to stay there. And they immediately

gave us something to eat.]

Aya akun dun oto kiyapakaliyo sa hospital ka mimbawata

ako oto mga 3 gawee sako dapun so kiya timbaka iran na sako

gawee oto a kailangan kon a amaka evacute so mga tao na sako

kapitaan ko May 24, oras alas sinco na miyawa kami sa walay o

miyag evacuate. sa ogop o mga siringan ami na miya-pakada ako

iran bapiya di ako kamin na initigul iran rakun, na tanto mambo a

miyaka ligut-ligut sa sold a track go miyaka-yayaw pun. Ogad na

mitulimbagak si mister ka di kamin pud iyan so mga 2 a kaka ko

mga wata ami na sii rakun so tampar ron sa ari a pat.

Na sako maka uma kami sa saguiran na tanto dun a

miyakatatas so traffic na miyakatupad kami sa track sa kayaw ago

so driver ami na miputo sa marawi ka adun a mga lolot iyan roo a

inibagak a dakon a kudaan iran na domika kami pasin rook a

ipnayaw ami bo ki mister na sako maka uma siran na di bo kati na

initaros ami so kalalag taman sa miyaka oma kami sa Balo-I sako

oras a 2:40 sa kagagbe26.

[Free translation: I was just recently discharged in the

hospital about 3 days before that day when the shooting in masjid

started at the headquarters, the following day on 24th of 2017,

exactly 5:00 pm when we thought of escaping and with the help of

my neighbors they drove me to their car even though I couldn't fit in

but at least I couldn't walk because of my new born child and so

crowed inside so that my husband decided to commute with my two

oldest child while the 4 youngest was with me.

Later on we arrived at the saguiran where we were hit by long

traffic because there were so many people and vehicles after hours we

were still here and a while ago my neighbor decided to stayed me

there because he want to go back in the Marawi take their relatives

who still at the city. So that we stayed there besides while I’m waited

to my husband times. after an hour my husband got come and we

continued walking to the streets. and finally we reach the

municipality of Balo-I about 2:40 pm.]

Sii kami sa marawi sako madakul dun a miyamaka evacute

miyaraot ami so kiya lockdown o langon a okita sa marawi na para

Interview with Juhaina Awal Macabidar 29 years’ old who live in Dagudaban (address before siege),
house number in Boganga Block 24 lot 4 she is housewife and his husband name Jamel Macatana a tricycle
diver. they have 7 kids.

kami bo maka awa sa marawi na sii kami miyokit sa lasureco ka

song kami sa remain na mga 3 months’ kami roo na miyapamikir

ami ki mister a sii kami talukon ko mga lulut ami sa maguindao

ogaid badun na naba roo sigisigi so relief na giyoto e kiyapaka puto

ami paroman sa remain27.

[Free translation: Were still there at Marawi when all

highways and bridged locked I’m so scared that we didn't had way to

escape but we decided to go Lasureco and passed by Ramain Lanao

Del Sur and after 3 months of staying there we decided to move in

the Maguindanao but seems that we have not receive any relief good

so we decided to go back in the Ramain.]

During the day of evacution many of them are stubring and thirsty the children

carried, men and women are also even they are tired they still continue walking.

However, aside from other families who evacuated some of them choose to stay in the

Marawi City because they believe that military conflict well end after 3 days and Marawi

city will the situation will be back to normal.

Sako mimbabakuwit so mga tao sa marawi na madakul sa

ruk ami a da Bakuwit lagid ami ka aya a pagay a miyapikir akun na

anda kami bo pagantap ka dabo a katawan akun a kusungowan

Interview with Sohailah Ongca Aminola 20 years’ old who live in Timber (address before siege), house
number in Boganga: Block 24 lot 2 and she is housewife and his husband name is Hasnor Pumbya
Mamintal a tricycle diver.

akun ka da mga lolot ami sa iligan a mababaling roo ago katawi

ami ron pun na 3 gawee bo na kuda giyoto a miyaula-ula ogaid na

miyaka tulo gawee na di siran parin di timbaka. Tanto kami pun a

miyaluk sako manug ami a adun a piyotaan iran sa olo na maranibo

sa ruk ami a Cristian kon ago di ran di dadkapun so mga mama

para maka shahada na ankiran mapud ogaid na da siran bo maka


Taman sa kiyaomaan kami roo a Ramadhan na tanto ko

katipid ka dadun a kukan na giyoto a so barrio ami roo na sii kami

niyan miyaka taros sa walay niyan na igira na pukakan kami niyan

pero sa kadakul ami na di kami niyan parin kugaga kuran parin so

di niyan rukami di pangalinggawn na ipoon roo na pusung so mga

mama rukami sa kababaan a padian para maka panguwa roo sa

kakan ogad na di oto kibayan lagid bo kapamankuw a miyasuwa


Na sako miyapira gawee na tanto kami amiyaluk sako aya

iran pigampuaan a atag sa walay siki barrio miyak duwa gawee na

dalumiyo rukami ago miyakduwa gawii mambo a dadun a miyakan

ami kambabaito na sako katokawan o mga ISIS a dooroo kami na

madidi ka da kami iran tulika ogaid na sako miyaka isa alongan na

adun a di magalibut a air copter na giyoto pun miniki banabang

kami ini puro ami so mabuti a flag para bo ma rescue kami iran na

sako katokawan o mga ISIS giyoto a siwa ami na kiyararangitan

siran na ipoon roo na sako kiyapitaan roo na piyakaliyo kami iran

piyabayaan kami iran a makaawa sa marawi.

Pero naba malbod a kiyapaka liyo ami ka pamumulowan oto

a bugolod siran sa bomba ago so katitimbaka na aya miyasowa ami

na katapotabok ka amay ka kiya ilay iran rukami na mga pud ko

ISIS na uman rukami maka atag so air copter na iporo ami so mga

maputi a flag na sako makauma kami sa masjid abato na giyoto pun

a ma rescue kami iran na miyamakada kami iran ko mga track a

sundaro na sii kami iran ini taros sa gymnastion sa balo-i28.

[Free translation: On the day when everyone evacuated we

choose to stay in our village because we didn't know any relatives

that could help us or even our barangay captain encouraged us that

we would not be afraid and advised us not leave our house because

we think war is just a bad thing and believing that in just 3 days we

back to normal. But some days later we heard of the news of the

Christian killed by the ISIS and all men in the area claiming to be

members of their group but they failed to recruit men.

A months of Ramadhan a fasting month and still were here in

our home so we thought of being alone so we stayed temporarily in

Capitan’s house, in terms of food we had difficulty because the

groceries are so far away and sometimes men go to padian or nearby

Interview with Saida Angni sultan 65 years’ old who live in Moncado colony (address before siege),
house number in Boganga Block 25 lot 3 she is currently have sari-sari store and solo parents his husband
name is Pangandaman Hassan work before as farmer, they have 4 kids.

stores to get food because we are running out of money so we had to

steal it. because the money and food that Capitan’s gives are not

enough to support needs. After a few days we were terrified of the

next mass of land because of the bombs they had dropped in the area

where were hiding.

On day the ISIS came to our village and we panicked but

none of us got hurt after a day when we couldn't eat because none of

us wanted to go outside because we were surrounded by aircraft so

when we heard the air copter passing or wandering around the city

raise our white flag so that we could be rescued and when ISIS knew

about that things they were immediately angry with us so in the next

day they decided make us free or allow us to leave the area.

When we got out we tried to find the way to the side where

we were passing by to make as save and the soldiers could not see us

because if they think that were ISIS too and when we passed in war

zone most of us are careful because of bomb dropped into that area

and as we reached the Amana bank we immediately rescued by the

soldiers and they took us to the track to take us to the evacuation


Sako mag evacute a tao na sii kami miyakapagapas ko mga

lulut ami sa lidasan na roo kami pasin kiran miyakatalokon sa sold

a 2 ka pito gawee na ramadhana dun oto na so walay ami roo na

mawatan sii sa marawi ogaid na bapiya mawatan kami ron na

taman sa walay ami na pakanug ami so mga timbak ago igira

pogolog siran sa bombo. na di kan oto pag evacute oda ami manug

a so mga pud ko mga isis na sisii siran ko sa obay ami bo kay so

walay ami na marani sa mga palaw palaw na banda giyoto na

miyaka dowa gawee siran kon roo na ipoon roo na giyoto e

kiyapaka awa ami roo. Na sako pagawa kami roo na dilikado

puman oba kami sii mokit sa marawi ago di ran pun piki okitan na

dadun a okit na ayabo a miyapikir ami na sii kami mamanik sa mga

palaw palaw otoa para sii kami makauma sa Rorogagus. Ogaid

naba malbo a kiya panabid ami sa palaw ka salakaw so aawidan

ami a mga gamit na kailangan ami pun awidan si in aka di

pakalalakaw na sako mga lima ka oras dun a kalalakaw na

miyauma ami giyoto a maito a agos na dadun okit warbo oba kami

pulanong na para di mabasa so mga gamit ami na ipoporo ami sako

lumalangoy kami na so mga mama rukami na si ina i ipoporo iran.

Ttito ko margun ka makaliyoliyo sagiyoto a kiyaplangoy ami na

piyangbot kami pun a mga kaput na mangasasak igira di am iron di

pangowan. Na da bo mati na miyaka uma kami sa rorog a

Rorogagus kami mambo miya awt o mga lolot ami29.

Interview with Amerah M. Abdulbashet, 20 years old, Aapantaran Marinaut Marawi City (before the
siege), Lidasan, Kapai Lanao Del Sur (current address) and taken BS-Forestry Major in Agro-Firestry at
Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Marawi City.

[free translation: We evacuated to Marawi move away from

city and we decided to stay there in our relative at Lidasan we’ve

here about 2 weeks and since that place far from warzone but even

that the gunshots and bombs were still heard from us. and we’re not

intention to leave our place but because of we heard that the

terrorists killing Christians just near and since our area was

surrounded by mountains so they stayed over 2 days and from there

we decided to evacuated and as we had no way to escape our place

because the highways and main road out of Mwas blocked and it too

dangerous for us to get there so we had no choice but to climb a

nearby mountain so we could get there a way to reach a place of

Rorogagus. It not easy for us to climb the mountains because aside

from we had this baggage but we also need to carry my grandmother

who could not walk. About 5 hours later we reached the small River

and as we had no way to go we need to swim but first we find a way

to make our things didn’t fell into water so while we swim on that

water o carried our thing used our hand to hold it up and we need

again to carried my grandmother so that our men carried her used

their hand and hold it up and aside from this struggle there is a

leeches were cleaved in our body. And after those 10 hours we safely

came to Rorogagus and rescued by our relatives.

During the conflict, militants regularly targeted civilians and carried out

numerous extrajudicial executions. The civilian victims were nearly all Christians, and

most – if not all – were targeted because they were not Muslim. Many – likely most – of

the hostages were captured during the first few days of the battle. The vast majority of

those held hostage by militants were Christians; although both media and witnesses

reported that Muslim residents were also held hostage. The government and journalists

have reported that hostages were also forced to make improvised bombs, fight and loot,

and were used as sex slaves.60 Hostages were also killed by government air strikes,

according to witness accounts;61 the government has not clarified if its official civilian

casualty toll includes such casualties30.

In addition, the clashes sparked a mass evacuation of the city with residents

fleeing by the thousands, causing traffic congestion on the highway to Iligan and

Cagayan de Oro. At least eleven civilians had been killed in the ongoing firefight, two of

which the Lanao del Sur Provincial Disaster Office identified as ambulance drivers who

were stopped by Maute militants while responding to an emergency call. Nine of those

civilians were on board a truck when they were stopped by Maute militants at a

checkpoint and shot dead with their hands tied. A police officer was also reported to have

been beheaded by the militants31.

The Life Changes in Evacuation Center

Over 300 families who live in temporarily stayed in evacuation center at Balo-I

Lanao del Norte Gomampong Gymnasium. The area was too small for them but even too
A journal titled, the battle of Marawi: death and destruction in the Philippines.

crowed they choose to stay and after 3 days the DSWD gives this displace Meranao a tent

in each families and in terms of food they receive 2 times in a week from DSWD and

with the help of the Meranao live in Balo-i.

Oba so kauyag-uyag ami guwani ago sako babaling kami sa

evacuation center na tanto a miyakalala so midaan Iyan ka sako

guwani na oman gawee na aya ngabo mapipir tunay mapgasto amay

ka giya kawma gawee ago tunay kakan puman mapita ago didun

pun toon so pakukuwa e mister ko motor ka pera pun so oman

gawee a ipremet iyanon na sako puman o babaling kami sa

evacuation na dikapuman kaparo ka katawengan na oba adun a

miilay ruka odi na sa kadakul o mga tao roo na dikadun mapapro

miyaka yayaw pun na dikapukanug sa mga wata a disogay. na

makaliyoliyo roo na dakami mamoplema ko kakan ka maka duwa ko

pito gawee na puka kowa sa mga relief ago sii puman ko ig na mala

go mabur so ig roo a ini supply iran rukami ogaid na sa kadakul a

tao sa evacuation na igira na isa gawee na dadun a kapigo. Na igira

puman a kagagawee ron na dikatorog ka salakaw so mga rungit,

kayaw, so disugay a mga wata ago so mga pugorawk a wata. na

sako maka 3 gawee na bigan kami a DSWD sa tent oman ni isa a

familya para mambo oto sa tig iran a privacy32.

Interview with Saima M. Muting 41 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege), house
number in Boganga: Block 25 lot 10 she is housewife and his husband name is Alexander Lomantong a
tricycle driver and they have 2 kids.

[Free translation: If I were to compare our life back to the

evacuation center it would be a huge difference from now because

then there is no guarantee if we will eat the next day you never feel

any hard to get job because 2 times in a week we get a giveaway so

we don't think if we will suffer or even eat the other day. But you

can't avoid getting bored with the noise of the people around you and

the heat of that place, it too crowded so that you can't even passed

by. In terms of water supply it seems goods but sometimes once a

day without a bath because of the many people were take the

advantage. Also its hard for me when you change your cloth and

some of us who are feeding their baby. Also you can't sleep every

evening because of the heat, mosquitoes, noise of children and

babies crying. However, in just a few days later we were given the

opportunity to provide a tent per family for our privacy.]

People displaced by armed conflict, crime and violence in the Philippines. The

majority of the displaced people are from the Marawi conflict. As of October 2018,

73,266 displaced persons are living in evacuation centers, homebased with relatives and

in transitional shelter sites waiting to return home to rebuild their lives. Displaced people

are also not receiving adequate information on their status or when they can return home.

Regular and meaningful consultation with displaced communities and provision of

information remains an important component of the return and recovery process.

Women, children and new born are suffered in evacution center many of them

are children who brought them into a nightmare of that happen so that their mother brief

explain their situation about their lost home. Eventhough the new born heard their cries in

the evacution by that their mother feed them. Being a mother is not easy for them but still

they fulfill their responsebility as a mother they always shows the car, love and


A life in evacution center is just a bad dream because some of the displaced

Meranao Women live in Capitol, Pantar, Saguiran and Balo-I, Iligan City. One of them

relay that they faced the supper heat climate in Iligan City. and the other one is they

didn’t had a supply of water espicifically in pantay. Before DSWD provides a tents for

the displaced meranao women to make them had a privacy each of them tried to cover

their area.

Coping Mechanisms in the Temporary Shelter in Boganga

The good thing is they had this shelter even if it temporary and also it useful for

them. Most of them tried to look for job further and started a new life with new home and

new trade. But some of them are not in good conditions because they didn’t receive any

beneficiary for those families not included in the list and called them sharer which mean

they are the families who didn’t give the opportunity to had shelter and now they stayed

or share with their relative in the said shelter.

Paganay roo naba ako mapud ko kiyapugan sa reward odi

na walay saya sa Boganga mga sharer kami so nakiki share badun

ko mga relative sa isa walay, sako pagay kami saya a maling na pat

kami ka pamilya a babaling saya na tanto ko di kami dun kumin ka

naba tanto mala giya walay na dibo mati sako mga dowa ulan na sii

siran mitalokon ko mga pinsan iran na samanaya sukami ki omie go

giya mga wata akun e tao saya na bago lang kami miyakambulak ki

mister na langon awata ami na kinuwa akun. Igira man oto a sharer

ka na tito a margun ka di ako ron kapud igira adun a

mamumugayan saya ka giyoto ban a naba sakun e ki ngaran sagiya

walay bapiya sukta e babaling saya na dabo sa akal ka naba ta

mapupud ko list a kabgan. Na da pun a galbuk ta da pakabala rakun

ko mga gasto ka kaba-bulagan ta na dita puman making gigiloba sa

galbuk ka si ina na di buka gaga na di akunon isana so mga wata

akun na igira man oto a sung so mga wata akun sa eskuwelaan na

ba iran badun pakulalag ka da kibgay akun kiran a kisukay iran aya

a kibgay akun kiran na so loto iran a duwalad na tanto ako a

pakuawida akalan igira man oto a adun aproject iran ka di akun

katwan anda ako kuwa ka da sukatan ta ogaid na igira adun a

pukibgay o mga tungay ta na giyoto e diko di sagintonun oman


[Free translation: First of all, I’m one of those women who

was not rewarded a house or had the opportunity to live here in

Interview with Janorah M. Campong 33 years’ old who Bubong Lilod Madaya (address before siege),
house number in Boganga: Block 3, lot 11 she is separated with his husband name Nasif Cali Gampong a
security guard and they have 4 kids.

Boganga in other words I am just here with our relatives and called

us sharer. At first, four families lived here and it was very crowded

and after 2 months they moved with their cousins and now were

stayed here with my mother. I’m single mother it’s almost 6 months

when I got separated from my husband and it's hard for me to find a

job because my mother doesn't have no longer able to look my

youngest child. It’s really hard to find money for our needs and since

we lived here I didn't receive any benefits except the five thousand

pesos when we first came here because I was only a sharer so I was

not included in the list of those who will given a settlement. he even

if you wanted to complain cannot do anything. There was time when

my two children went to school I could not afford to give their

transportation so every day they have to walk. But sometimes I give

them 2 pesos each with the help of my relatives.]

Ana miyakalala ogod rakun sako mapud ako ko mga

kiyabgan sa reward o walay saya ka igira man aya a mingitolod so

idad ta na dita puka gaga sosokat odi na gigiloba sa kawyagan na

sako panganay kami saya maling a miyaka kuwa kami sa 5k na aya

akun dun pi capital na giya adun a sari-sari store akun saya na aya

ami dun di paguyag ko wata akun a imanto na di klas sa senior high

bapiya maito so di akun di mapusa na madidi pun sa adun a sukatan

a ki ogop iyan ago adun mam puka routine so dagangan akun

bapiya maito a laba akun ago di akun di mapusa na mala dun so

200 oman gawee dun oto na adun puman a gawee na pukasalak a


[Free translation: It was a big help when I was included in the

rewards here in the Boganga because it is difficult if you are staying

with relatives. I too old and even though my daughter and I were the

only one in this house and because of I’m too old there were a lot of

things I couldn't do so. when I receive the five thousand pesos I

opened a sari-sari store so it provideded for our daily needs. I earned

maximum 500 pesos per day and it was a big help.]

The beneficiaries are families affected by the infamous five-month long Marawi

Siege which occurred in May to October 2017. These families have been living in an

evacuation site in Barangay Boganga since the siege erupted.

Said units will be awarded to the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of the

Marawi Seige who endured the confines of various evacuation centers in Balo-i, Pantar,

Saguiran, and Sarimanok Tent City, whereas another 950 units are expected to be

awarded to “Home-based” IDPs or those who opted to stay with relatives instead of the

evacuation centers. The beneficiaries will be provided with a 24-sqm. floor area housing

unit in Lake View Boganga Transitional Shelter which is named as such because the site

overlooks Lake Lanao.

Interview with H. Faisah Guinara Pandi 55 years’ old who live in Sabala Manao (address before siege),
house number in Boganga: Block 2 lot 7, she has small vendor in Boganga a sari-sari store and his husband
died cause of stroke. His name is Gamor H. Solaiman, they have one child and sari-sari store.




Even before the war began one of the Meranao women had miserable life

because of unstable work and income they couldn't sustain their daily need sometime

they eat twice in day. The most challenging for them is during the time of typhoon

specifically for those families live near at lake and due to the heavy pain and wind, their

house was the first affected and also some of them have an ordinary life because thgeir

small business it could help wih their daily needs.

During the war Most of all Meranao women experience the hardship and

challenges when the battle began especially a day where people going to escape or

leaving in the Marawi city they take the risk only to save their family and because of that

happen some of this Merano women lost their hope and home but they remain strong and

fight the fear inside their minds. The day when they decided to commute they get

stubbing, thirsty and tired while stocked in Saguiran. All this sacrifices they still remain

strong and faced the challenges and their fears.

Aside from thousands of Meranao leave the Marawi city some of women

choose to stay in their home hoping that war will end after three days but their

expectations failed but after a week they finally decided to leave their place with other

fellow Meranos and they were rescued by the military.

Mostly Meranao women change their life when they start to move in the in their

temporary shelter in Boganga some of them had no stable work and they couldn't receive

any benefit from government and DSWD but still they tried to adopt the changes in their

lives as they live in their new resettlements area.


During the 2017 marawi siege most women experienced extreme penetration.

Many families have lost their homes and many have lost their lives. There are also some

families who are not evacute yet leaving marawi because they believe the fighting will

end in just three days but they failed in their decision. However, a few weeks later they

were rescued by the military. Many challenges were also tested on their resilience from

the time they evacuated and settled in the evacuation center until they were given the

opportunity to live in a temporary shelter in boganga.

Generally, even though the Meranao women experience the trauma, fear and

suffered in the changes will came they still with brave heart to face any trials, hardships

and struggles in their life. Shown their face the bright smile in every situation and

whatever what their condition is they remain positive.


In the view of forgoing, the researcher was able to relay and describe the

conditions of Meranao women during the war and life changes in the evacuation center

also elaborate their situation in their temporary shelter in Boganga.

However, since this is preliminary study, the researcher would like to recommend the


1. A further study about the Marawi siege in which how it’s started and aftermath.

2. A study of characteristics of Meranao women.

3. A study of the struggles of other Meranao women during the war.

4. A study about the condition of other Meranao women when the war began.

5. The researcher recommends to further study about situation of the Meranao

women a day where Meranao people evacuated.


Lunaw, Maisa Macubah, 63 years’ old who live Barrio Naga Rizal Park (address
before siege), house number in Boganga: block 25 / lot 11, housewife and his
husband name is Saidar Macadato they have 6 kids.
Muti, Norhaya M., 50 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege),
house number in Boganga: block 25 lot 5 a housewife and his husband name
Mata Mama Jabbar and he is a fisherman they have 2 kids.
Imam, Bainary Manalundong, 36-year-old, who live in Tuca marawi city (address
before siege) housewife, current address: Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu and his
husband name is Bocary Iman who has a small vendor in Cebu they have 7
Dima, Diamond, 28 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege) and
housewife, house number in Boganga: block 25 lot 5 and his husband name is
Saidamen Dima a tricycle diver and they have 4 kids.
Minor, Liling, 24 years’ old who live in Moncado Colony (address before siege) and
she is housewife, house number: Block 45 lot 6 and his husband name Subo
Omar Lubay a tricycle driver. They have 4 kids.
Macabidar, Juhaina Awal, 29 years’ old who live in Dagudaban (address before
siege), house number in Boganga Block 24 lot 4 she is housewife and his
husband name Jamel Macatana a tricycle diver. they have 7 kids.
Aminola, Sohailah Ongca, 20 years’ old who live in Timber (address before siege),
house number in Boganga: Block 24 lot 2 and she is housewife and his
husband name is Hasnor Pumbya Mamintal a tricycle diver.

Sultan, Saida Angni, 65 years’ old who live in Moncado colony (address before
siege), house number in Boganga Block 25 lot 3 she is currently have sari-sari
store and solo parents his husband name is Pangandaman Hassan work before
as farmer, they have 4 kids.
Abdulbashet, Amerah M., 20 years old, Aapantaran Marinaut Marawi City (before
the siege), Lidasan, Kapai Lanao Del Sur (current address) and taken BS-
Forestry Major in Agro-Firestry at Mindanao State University-Main Campus,
Marawi City.

Muting, Saima M., 41 years’ old who live in Raya Madaya I (address before siege),
house number in Boganga: Block 25 lot 10 she is housewife and his husband
name is Alexander Lomantong a tricycle driver and they have 2 kids.
Gampong, Janorah M., 33 years’ old who lived in bubong Lilod Madaya (address
before siege), house number in Boganga: Block 3, lot 11 she is separated with
his husband name Nasif Cali Gampong a security guard and they have 4 kids.
Pandi, H. Faisah Guinara, 55 years’ old who live in Sabala Manao (address before
siege), house number in Boganga: Block 2 lot 7, she has small vendor in
Boganga a sari-sari store and his husband died cause of stroke His name is
Gamor H. Solaiman, they have one child and sari-sari store.

Rachel Moussié, “Struggles for women’s rights, economic and gender justice”
Published by Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) in
Toronto and Mexico City. 215 Spadina Ave, Suite 150, Toronto, Ontario M5T
315714386_Women_Problems_and_Empowerment Nayeem Showkat,
‘’Women: Problems and Empowerment’’ Aligarh Muslim University.
Chapter (PDF Available) · March 2017 with 1,254 Reads. In book:
Contemporary issues in Indian Society, Edition: First, 2017, Chapter: Women:
Problems and Empowerment, Publisher: Goyal Publication Varanasi, Editors:
Prof. Tej Pratap Singh, pp.3.


Designed and Printed at United Nations, Geneva 1404379 (E) - November 2014 -
3,350 - HR/PUB/14/2 United Nations Publication Sales No. E.14.XIV.5ISBN
The battle of Marawi: death and destruction in the philippines.

According to the 2019 Marawi Humanitarian Response, Early Recovery and
Resources Overview for the Displacement Caused by Conflict in Marawi

Lorber, Judith. “The Variety of Feminisms and their Contribution to Gender

Equality”, › full.PDF accessed: December 12, 2019.

Tong, Rosemarie. 1989. “Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction”.

Boulder, CO: Westview Press. PDF accessed: December 13, 2019.

Najeb C. Abdul-Rahman entitled “Manga bae a Labi sa Baloi: roles and Functions
to the Meranao Society”, undergraduate thesis, Mindanao state university
main campus, Marawi city.

Alaizha D. Abuat entitled "Women’s Participation in the Bangsamoro Struggle

the Case of Bangsa Bai in Marawi city". Undergraduate Thesis, Mindanao
State University Main Campus, Marawi city.




Philippine map



Mindanao map



Lanao del sur map



Boganga Marawi City map



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