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Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms in Chilean Aboriginal

Populations: Implications for the Peopling of the Southern
Cone of the Continent
Programa de Genética Humana, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas,
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago 7, Chile
Departamento de Gastroenterologı́a, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Human Genetic Center, University of Texas School of Public Health,
Houston, Texas 77225

KEY WORDS Amerindian mtDNA haplogroups; sequence analy-

sis; peopling of the southern cone

ABSTRACT The mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from individuals be-

longing to three Chilean tribes, the Mapuche, the Pehuenche, and the
Yaghan, were studied both by RFLP analysis and D-loop (control region)
sequencing. RFLP analysis showed that 3 individuals (1.3%) belonged to
haplogroup A, 19 (8%) to haplogroup B, 102 (43%) to haplogroup C, and 113
(47.7%) to haplogroup D. Among the 73 individuals analyzed by D-loop
sequencing, we observed 37 different haplotypes defined by 52 polymorphic
sites. Joint analysis of data obtained by RFLP and sequencing methods
demonstrated that, regardless of the method of analysis, the mtDNA haplo-
types of these three contemporary South American aborigine groups clus-
tered into four main haplogroups, in a way similar to those previously
described for other Amerindians. These results further revealed the absence
of haplogroup A in both the Mapuche and Yaghan as well as the absence of
haplogroup B in the Yaghan. These results suggest that the people of Tierra
del Fuego are related to tribes from south-central South America. Am J Phys
Anthropol 113:19 –29, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The analysis of mitochondrial DNA vari- and Central America. Of those studies con-
ation has been extensively used in the re- ducted with South American groups, almost
cent past, for genetic characterization of all have involved populations from the
contemporary aboriginal populations of the northern region of the continent (Torroni et
Americas. The primary goals of this analy- al., 1993; Easton et al., 1996; Santos et al.,
sis have been to determine the origins, re- 1996). Most of the data generated from
lationships, and migrational patterns of these studies were obtained through RFLP
New World populations. In this respect, the
study of the frequency distribution of the
four founding Amerindian haplogroups, Grant sponsor: FONDECYT; Grant number: 198-1111; Grant
sponsor: Ministero degli Affari Esteri d’Italia; Grant number:
suggested by Schurr et al. (1990) and de- 1091-G224/ICU/CILE; Grant sponsor: NIH; Grant number: GM
fined by Torroni et al. (1992), has proven *Correspondence to: Pilar Carvallo, Departamento de Biologı́a
useful. Celular y Molecular, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile.
The majority of these studies have fo- E-mail:
cused on aboriginal populations from North Received 23 November 1998; accepted 28 March 2000.



mapping, rather than by D-loop sequencing, To expand our knowledge about the ex-
although some D-loop sequence data from tent of mtDNA variation in southern South
these populations are available for analysis. America and to test the hypothesis of a sin-
Similarly, the mtDNAs taken from southern gle wave of migration to the southern part of
South American groups were primarily South America, we performed RFLP and
characterized by RFLP analysis (Merri- sequence analysis on three Chilean aborig-
wether et al., 1995; Lalueza et al., 1997). inal populations (the Pehuenche, the Mapu-
Thus, there remains limited D-loop se- che, and the Yaghan).
quence information from groups inhabiting
the southern part of South America.
Studies of South Amerindians using Population samples
RFLP and D-loop sequence analysis have The samples include three different Chil-
revealed a concordance between the distri- ean aboriginal populations: 105 Pehuenche
bution of haplogroups A–D, and haplo- from the community of Trapa Trapa in the
groups (lineage clusters) I–IV as defined by Province of Bio Bio, 8th region (37° 439 S;
Horai et al. (1993), based on the nucleotide 71° 169 W), 111 Mapuche from the Huapi
polymorphisms occurring in the D-loop of Island, Province of Valdivia, 10th region
each haplogroup (Torroni et al., 1993; Eas- (40° 159 S; 72° 259 W), and the 21 last sur-
ton et al., 1996; Santos et al., 1996). How- viving Yaghan from Puerto Williams, Na-
ever, Santos et al. (1996) found that 7% of varino Island, Province of Antartica, 12th
individuals belonging to tribes from the region (55° S; 67° 409 W). The three groups
Brazilian Amazon Region comprise unusual analyzed correspond to Amerinds showing a
haplogroups because of their lack of corre- percentage of admixture between 2–13%
spondence between RFLP and sequencing (Llop et al., 1993, 1994). The geographic loca-
analysis. There is also extensive informa- tions of the subjects are shown in Figure 1.
tion referring to RFLP analysis in these
populations. In addition, Bailliet et al. DNA extraction and PCR amplification
(1994) described a subdivision of the classi- Total DNA was prepared from peripheral
cal Amerindian haplogroups A, C, and D on blood lymphocytes (Gustincich et al., 1991).
the basis of the presence or absence of the DNA amplification of the four polymorphic
HaeIII np 16517 site. This division has led mtDNA regions, defining the four Amerin-
to the creation of haplotypes A1/A2, C1/C2, dian haplogroups, was carried out by using
and D1/D2. However, the HaeIII np 16517 the following specific primers:
site has been shown to be highly polymor-
phic in African (Chen et al., 1995), Euro- Haplogroup A:
pean (Torroni et al., 1996), and Asian (Ball- L604 GTAGCTTACCTCCTCAAAGCAA
inger et al., 1992) populations, indicating H708 AGGGTGAACTCACTGGAACG
that it may not be useful for distinguishing Haplogroup B:
within Native American haplogroups A, C, L8214 CACAGTTTCATGCCCATCGT
and D. Similarly, Forster et al. (1996) also H8294 ATGCTAAGTTAGCTTTACAGTGG
postulated subdivisions of founding haplo- Haplogroup C:
types, using D-loop sequence data. In this L13232 CGCCCTTACACAAAATGACATCAA
case, they divided haplotypes A1 and A2 by H13344 GGAGCACATAAATAGTATGGC
a C3 T transition at np 16111 and defined Haplogroup D:
D1 and D2 haplotypes by the presence or L5120 CCTAACTACTACCGAATTCCTA
absence of the 16271 T3 C transition, with H5255 ATTCTTCGATAATGGCCCATTTG
this transition being present only in North
American Indian mtDNAs. Hence, there PCR was performed in a final volume of
would appear to be specific nucleotide 50 ml, containing 300 ng genomic DNA, 1 U
changes in the D-loop, which distinguish Taq DNA polymerase (Promega), 25 pmoles
between North-Central and South Ameri- of each primer, 200 nM of each deoxinucle-
can populations. otide, and the appropriate buffer. Samples


labeled at the 59 end with g-32P-ATP. DNA
sequence analysis was performed by electro-
phoresis on high-resolution 6% polyacryl-
amide gels, followed by autoradiography.

Data analysis
Sequence alignment was performed by
using the Clustal W computer program
(Thompson et al., 1994). Substitutions and
deletions were inferred from direct se-
quence comparisons. The phylogenetic trees
were obtained through two different meth-
ods: neighbor joining (Saitou and Nei, 1987),
using the Clustal W program, and parsi-
mony analysis (Swofford and Olson, 1990).
Maximum parsimony trees were generated
through random addition of sequences us-
ing the tree bisection and reconnection
(TBR) algorithm, with the PAUP (Swofford,
1993) computer program.

RFLP analysis
Fig. 1. Map of Chile, showing the geographic loca-
tion of the three Chilean tribes included in the present All individuals analyzed showed one of
study. the characteristic haplogroups, A, B, C, or
D. As shown in Table 1, haplogroups C and
D were the most frequent in the three pop-
were processed under the following PCR ulations, appearing at very similar frequen-
conditions: 1 cycle at 95°C for 5 min, fol- cies in all of them. Haplogroup A was
lowed by 30 cycles at 95°C for 1 min, 55°C present in the Pehuenche at a very low fre-
for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min, and finally quency (2.8%), while both haplogroups A
one cycle at 72°C for 5 min. Haplotypes A, C, and B were absent in the Yaghan group. We
and D were analyzed by restriction diges- tested the gain of the HaeIII site at position
tion, using HaeIII for haplotype A, HincII 16517 only in individuals belonging to hap-
for haplotype C, and AluI for haplotype D. logroup B, since this is a specific marker to
The resulting restriction fragments and differentiate Amerindians from non-Amer-
the PCR product including region V, defin- indian B individuals (Torroni et al., 1992,
ing haplotype B, were analyzed by electro- 1993). The gain of the HaeIII site was
phoresis on 3% NuSieve-Agarose (2:1) (FMC present in all individuals exhibiting haplo-
BioProducts) gels. PCR amplification of the group B, including 8 Mapuche and 11 Pehu-
D-loop region was carried out with two enches.
specific primers, spanning a region of A 3 3 4 contingency table analysis sug-
1,021 bp: L15997, CACCATTAGCACCCA- gests that in terms of haplogroup frequen-
AAGCT; and H408, CTGTTAAAAGTGCAT- cies, these three populations cannot be sta-
ACCGCCA. tistically distinguished (chi-square 5 6.78,
exact P-value 5 0.32 with 10,000 permuta-
Direct sequencing of PCR products
tions). However, in terms of haplotype di-
DNA sequencing was carried out by us- versity (Nei, 1978) defined by these four
ing the PCR dsDNA Cycle Sequencing haplogroups, the Yaghan have the lowest
System (Life Technologies), with the prim- diversity (52.4%), and the Pehuenche the

TABLE 1. MTDNA haplogroup distribution in three Chilean aboriginal populations

Haplogroups (%)
Populations N A B C D
Mapuche 111 0.0 7.2 44.1 48.7
Pehuenche (Trapa-Trapa) 105 2.8 10.5 41.0 45.7
Yaghan 21 0.0 0.0 47.6 52.4
Total 237 1.3 8.0 43.0 47.7

highest (61.7%), with the Mapuche being quence diversity. The Yaghan, likewise,
intermediate (56.8%), the differences being showed the smallest sequence diversity of
statistically insignificant (P 5 0.11). 91.4%, although this was not significantly
smaller than the others.
Sequence analysis
Disregarding the phylogenetic relation-
The two hypervariable regions of the D- ships of the observed sequences, at the se-
loop were analyzed by direct sequencing of quence level, the Yaghan appear to be al-
the DNA from 73 individuals from the three most 3–5 times as distant from the
native populations, which were representa- Pehuenche and the Mapuche, (the standard
tive of the four haplogroups described pre- distance of Nei (1978) being 0.31 between
viously. As shown in Table 2, 37 different the Pehuenche and the Mapuche, 1.55 be-
haplotypes were observed, defined by 52 tween the Pehuenche and the Yaghan, and
polymorphic sites. It is important to note 1.09 between the Mapuche and the Yaghan).
that two haplotypes shared by individuals The contingency table analysis of sequence-
from different populations are shown sepa- lineage frequency differences suggests that
rately. This gives a total of 40 lines in Table the genetic distances among these three
2, corresponding to only 37 haplotypes. In populations are statistically significant (chi-
haplotype C, lineages PE3C, YA4C, and square 5 15.12, P , 1025, with 10,000 per-
HU4C are the same, as well as YA2C and mutations).
HU1C. Haplogroup D was the most diverse at the
Only nucleotide changes at np 73 and np sequence level, revealing 30 polymorphic
263 are shared by all haplogroups. One of sites, in contrast to haplogroups A with 13
these, transition A3 G at position 73, has changes, B with 14 changes, and C with 16
also been described in all individuals from changes. We also found that, from all indi-
an Argentinean Mapuche group (Ginther et viduals classified in the four haplogroups
al., 1993), as well as in half of the individu- A–D (Torroni et al., 1992), only haplogroups
als from a Huétar sample of Costa Rica A–C corresponded perfectly to 3 of the 4
(Santos et al., 1994). Two types of adenine clusters described by Horai et al. (1993).
deletions, an A at np 248 and an AA at The T nucleotide at position 16290 and A
286 –291, were found at hypervariable re- 16319 define haplogroup A/cluster III. Hap-
gion II (HVS-II). These A deletions have logroup B/cluster I is defined by C 16189
been found in all haplogroup C individuals and C 16217. Haplogroup C/cluster IV is
from the three Chilean aboriginal popula- defined by a C 16298 and T 16327.
tions, as well as the Argentinean Mapuche Regarding haplogroup D/cluster II, C nu-
sample (Ginther et al., 1993). Since these A cleotides at position 16325 and 16362 have
deletions have not been described for other been described by Horai et al. (1993) as
populations (Handt et al., 1998), they may characteristics of cluster II, since they were
be characteristic nucleotide changes at least shared by 72 native Americans, including
for South American aboriginal populations. 45 Chilean aborigines. From our study, one
In these three Chilean groups, as with Mapuche individual lacked the 16362 T3 C
haplogroup diversity, we found the highest transition, and the other 13 individuals be-
sequence diversity in the Pehuenche sam- longing to the three Chilean populations did
ple, showing 38 out of 52 total polymorphic not show the characteristic 16325 T3 C
sites at the D-loop, amounting to 93.2% se- transition. Hence, our results do not corrob-
TABLE 2. Polymorphic mtDNA D-loop sites in a sample of Chilean aborigines1




z z T A z z z z z z z z T z z z z z T z z z z z A z z z z C z z z T G z z z z C z z G C z z G z z G z z 3 PE1A
z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z A z z z z G z z 2 PE6B
z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z A z z z z G z z 1 PE5B
z z z z z z C z z z C T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z C z z A z z z z G z z 1 PE4B
z z z z z z C G z z C z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z C z z z z z G z z 1 PE1B
z z z z z z C G z z C z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 4 HU1B
z z z z z z C G z z C z z z z C z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 3 HU3B
z z z z z z C G z z C z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z G z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU2B
z z z z z z C z z A C z z z z C z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 PE2B
z z z z z z C z z A C z z T z C z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 PE3B
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z C z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 1 PE2C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z C z C T z G z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 1 YA3C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z C z z z — T G — — 1 PE1C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 6 PE3C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 1 YA4C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 7 HU4C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — z G — — 2 YA2C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z — z G — — 3 HU1C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z T z z z z z z — z G — — 1 HU2C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z T z z z z z z z z z z — T G — — 1 HU3C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z T C z z z z C T z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z C z z z — z G — — 2 YA1C
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z C z C z z z z z G z z 2 YA4D
z z z z z z z z z z z z T T G z z z z z z z z C z z z C z C z z z z G z z z z z z C z z z z z z z G z z 2 YA3D
z z z z z z z z z z z z T z G z z z z z z T z z z z z C z C z z z z G z z z z z z C z z z z z z z G z z 2 HU10D
z z z z z T z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU9D
z z z z z T z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z C z C z z z G z z z G z z 1 HU1D
z z z z z T C z C z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C z C G T G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 PE3D
z z z z z T C z C z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C z C G T G z z z z z z z z C z z z z z G z z 1 PE4D
z z z z z T z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z C z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 2 PE5D
z C z z z T C z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 PE2D
z z z z z T C z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 PE1D
z z z z z T C z z z z z T z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G T z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU7D
z C z z z T C z z z z z T z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C T z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU4D
z z z z z T z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C T z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU2D
z C z z z T C z z z z z T z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 3 HU5D
z z z z z T C z z z z z T z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G z z z A z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU6D
z z z z A z z z z z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 2 HU8D
z z z z z T C z z z z z T z z z T z z z z z z z z z z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 HU3D
C z z z z T C z z z z z T z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 4 YA2D
C z z z z T C z z z C z T z z z z T z z z z z z z C z z z C z z z z G z z z z z z z z z z z z z z G z z 1 YA1D
The number of individuals for each lineage is shown. In the right column each lineage is named by its corresponding population (PE, Pehuenche; HU, Mapuche (Huapi Island); YA, Yaghan) the
sample number, and the RFLP haplogroup. Individuals highlighted in bold share the same sequence and belong to different groups (PE3C, YA4C, HU4C, and YA2C, HU1C). The sequence
published by Anderson et al. (1981) was used as a reference.

orate the classification of haplogroup analysis. D-loop sequences from the 3 Pehu-
D/cluster II on the basis of these mutations, enche individuals leading to haplogroup A
but are in agreement with the results of correspond to one lineage, clustering obvi-
Ginther et al. (1993), who also observed the ously in one branch of 100% consensus.
absence of the 16325 T3 C mutation in hap-
logroup D mtDNAs from the Argentinean
Mapuche group. In the present paper we report on the
It is interesting to note that one of these results of a mtDNA RFLP and sequence
nucleotide changes, C 16325, is present in polymorphism analysis of three Chilean ab-
all individuals of haplogroup C/cluster IV original populations. The RFLP analysis
from our study, in the Argentinean Mapu- showed that all individuals belong to one of
che, and in Amazonian individuals (Santos the previously defined Amerindian haplo-
et al., 1996). Also, in our study, C in position groups, A, B, C, or D. In terms of haplogroup
16362 is present in individuals from cluster frequencies, the three Chilean aboriginal
III/haplogroup A. Therefore it seems that groups studied here cannot be genetically
there are no characteristic and exclusive nu- distinguished. However, as shown in Table
cleotide changes in either hypervariable re- 3, combining the present data with other
gion defining haplogroup D, at least for published haplogroup frequencies of South
these aboriginal populations from South American aborigines, it is noteworthy that
America. However, we found a C3 T change the frequencies of haplogroups A and B de-
at nucleotide 16187 which is present in the crease from north to south in meridian
majority of South Amerindians of haplo- South America, whereas haplogroups C and
group D, which is absent from haplogroups D tend to increase. This trend is most likely
A–C. This change is also present in 6/10 the result of founder effect, which occurred
Argentinean Mapuche (Ginther et al., during the initial peopling of the southern
1993), and in 14/18 native Americans (Horai cone of the continent. As Paleoindians
et al., 1993). From this analysis, we suggest moved south, new territory was probably
that this change is the most characteristic colonized by small bands that were carriers
one for South Amerindian populations. of a subsample of genes from the ancestral
populations they left behind. Haplogroups A
Phylogenetic analysis
and B probably got lost as a consequence of
The D-loop DNA sequences, spanning hy- this process. An alternative hypothesis, e.g.,
pervariable regions I and II from the 37 gene flow from migrant populations carry-
Chilean lineages, were aligned and submit- ing A and B into more ancient groups pos-
ted to phylogenetic analysis through neigh- sessing C and D, would imply that more
bor-joining (NJ) (Fig. 2) and parsimony than one migration event occurred during
methods (data not shown). In the NJ tree, the peopling of the southern cone of South
we can see that all lineages fall into four America. This hypothesis is not supported
differentiated branches, including haplo- by recently published gene geography maps
groups A–D. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy of South America (Rothhammer and Silva,
that three D lineages, HU8D, HU9D, and 1992; Rothhammer et al., 1997).
YA4D, cluster close to the C branch, while Turning now to the sequence data, we note
HU10D and YA3D cluster close to branch A. that the three Chilean aboriginal groups, can
All the other D lineages fall into one clade. be genetically distinguished at the D-loop se-
The majority rule consensus (data not quence level, making the Yaghan most dis-
shown) shows that two branches B and C tant (as well as least diverse) from the Pehu-
cluster independently in 100% of maximum enche and the Mapuche.
parsimony trees. Seven out of 19 lineages Further, the nucleotide changes described
corresponding to haplogroup D cluster in by Forster et al. (1996), including one base
one branch, with 74 % consensus from a substitution at nucleotide 16111 leading to
total of 500 maximum parsimony trees. The subhaplogroups A1/A2, and another substi-
remaining lineages, also corresponding to tution at 16271 defining subhaplogroups
haplogroup D, appeared unresolved in this D1/D2, have been tested in the present

Fig. 2. Tree obtained by the neighbor-joining method for 37 Chilean haplogroups. Individuals highlighted
in bold share the same sequence and belong to different groups (PE3C, YA4C, HU4C, and YA2C, HU1C). An
African sequence was used as an outgroup in order to root the tree. The alignment was performed over 549
bp, including hypervariable regions I and II. Letters on the side indicate respective RFLP haplogroups.

study (Table 2). All individuals from haplo- Forster et al. (1996). Indeed, all haplotype D
group A did have the C3 T transition at individuals lacked the T3 C transition and,
16111, and therefore are subhaplotype A2 of therefore, are haplotype D1.

TABLE 3. Frequency distribution of founding haplogroups in aboriginal populations of Chile and Argentina1
Populations N A B C D Others References
Aymara 172 0.06 0.68 0.12 0.14 Merriwether et al., 1995
Atacameño 50 0.12 0.72 0.10 0.06 Merriwether et al., 1995
Whichi 72 0.06 0.63 0.03 0.26 0.03 Bravi et al., 1995
Chorote 20 0.15 0.40 0.30 0.15 Bravi et al., 1995
Mapuche 1 58 0.05 0.31 0.21 0.30 0.14 Ginther et al., 1993
Mapuche 2 111 0.07 0.44 0.49 This study
Pehuenche 1 100 0.02 0.09 0.37 0.52 Merriwether et al., 1995
Pehuenche 2 105 0.03 0.10 0.41 0.46 This study
Huilliche 80 0.04 0.28 0.19 0.49 Merriwether et al., 1995
Tehuelche 29 0.21 0.24 0.55 Bravi (pers. Comm.)
Fueguian 45 0.42 0.56 0.02 Lalueza et al., 1997
Yaghan 21 0.48 0.52 This study
Populations are listed from top to bottom in order of distribution along Chile and Argentina, from northernmost to southernmost.

Comparison of the two hypervariable D- tinean Mapuche (Fig. 3). These findings are
loop regions reveals a high variability of noteworthy in relation to unconventional
haplogroup D, in comparison to the other speculations concerning the origin of the ab-
three haplogroups, and especially with hap- origines of Tierra del Fuego. More than half
logroup C, including a similar number of a century ago, it was proposed that people of
individuals, as shown in Table 2. This vari- Tierra del Fuego had direct ancestral links
ability is expressed by 19 different lineages to Australoid populations (Frenguelli, 1963;
defined by 30 polymorphic sites. We were Imbelloni, 1938). This hypothesis was based
unable to find any nucleotide change shared on the unusual morphological characteris-
by 100% of D individuals, as described pre- tics, particularly the cranial robustness
viously by Horai et al. (1993) in a similar (supposedly a sign of antiquity), of the ab-
sample. Nevertheless, our results indicate a origines of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego,
C3 T 16187 change which is present in the that is to say the Ona (Selk’nam), Yaghan
majority of D individuals, and is absent in (Yamana), and Alacaluf (Kaweskar).
haplogroups A–C (Table 2), concordant with In the interim, a consensus among an-
lineages found by Ginther et al. (1993) in an thropologists was reached in the sense that
Argentinean Mapuche sample, as well as Amerinds were derived from Mongoloids
Chilean lineages described by Horai et al. who, moving from Asia, crossed the Bering
(1993). However, this change seems to be Land Bridge as suggested by Hrdlicka
exclusive to Chilean and Argentinean (Frenguelli, 1963). There are, however, still
southern aborigines, since it is not present anthropologists with different views. Re-
in other populations from South America. cently, on the basis of the statistical manip-
As shown in Figure 3, it is noteworthy ulation of craniometric means, Neves and
that 26/26 individuals from this study be- Pucciarelli (1991) suggested the existence of
longing to haplogroup C, two lineages from a pre-Mongoloid migration to South Amer-
Chilean aborigines described by Horai et al. ica, coming close to reviving the old ideas of
(1993), and 7/8 Argentinean aborigine indi- Imbelloni (1938) in a more current context.
viduals (Ginther et al. 1993), are grouped in In contrast, our results indicate that the
one cluster. This extreme low diversity Yaghan do not exhibit divergent D-Loop se-
within haplogroup C for southern Chilean quences, clustering together with the corre-
and Argentinean groups could also be ex- sponding haplogroup sequences from other
plained by a founder effect. South Amerindian populations (Fig. 3), and
Comparing our findings with other Amer- presenting similar haplogroup frequencies
indian mtDNA sequences from South Amer- compared to the Mapuche and Pehuenche.
ica, we found that the retrieved sequences of In other words, our data do not support the
the three Chilean groups cluster into the hypothesis that the Yaghan descend from a
four basic mtDNA haplogroups, together different Paleoindian migration lacking
with the Amazonian tribes and the Argen- haplogroups A and B, as suggested by Lalu-

Fig. 3. Twenty-seven distinct Chilean haplogroups, puche (Huapi Island); YA, Yaghan; HOCH, Chilean ab-
as well as 105 previously published Amerindian lin- origine; HOCO, Colombian aborigine; HOBR, Brazilian
eages from 9 different South American populations, aborigine (Horai et al., 1993); WBR, Brazilian aborigine
were analyzed using the neighbor-joining method with (Handt et al., 1998); GMA, Argentinean Mapuche
a 254-bp fragment, including only the hypervariable (Ginther et al., 1993); SBR, Brazilian aborigine (Santos
region I. An African sequence was used as an outgroup et al., 1996); TARG, Argentinean aborigine; TBR, Bra-
in order to root the tree. Letters on the side indicate zilian aborigine (Torroni et al., 1993); EYA, Yanomama
respective RFLP haplogroups. PE, Pehuenche; HU, Ma- (Easton et al., 1996).

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