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Remedial Assignment

Subject: Electronics Circuit

Instructions: Total Marks: 10
 The assignment consists of eight questions and each question carries equal marks.
 The assignment is to be submitted on the due date only and no submission thereafter would fetch
the full marks under any circumstances.
 Assignment should be written on the A4 pages with the first page dedicated only for student’s details
such as assignment no, subject, students name, roll number, section, etc.
 Each answer should be preceded by the corresponding question.

1. The 714C opamp having following parameters is configured as a noninverting amplifier

with R1 = 500 Ω, Rf = 5 KΩ.
A = 400000, Ri = 33 MΩ, Ro = 60 Ω, UGB = 0.6 MHz, supply voltage = ± 15 V, Maximum
output voltage swing = ± 13 V.
Find out all closeloop parameters AF, RiF, RoF, fF & VooT.
2. Design a first order Butterworth active low pass filter having 10 KHz cuttoff frequency &
passband gain of 6. If the cutoff frequency is changed to 1 KHz with passband gain of 10,
what modification has to be done in the designed circuit?
3. Design an audio frequency sinusoidal oscillator with a frequency of oscillation of 1 KHz.
Explain its working principle with a neat circuit diagram and necessary derivations.
4. What is the name the circuit shown in figure below. Derive an expression for output
voltage. If a 1V peak sine wave of 10 kHz is applied as input to the below circuit with R1 =
10 KΩ, Rf =100 KΩ & Cf =10 nF, draw the output waveform.

5. Design a Mod-9 asynchronous counter using positive edge triggered JK Flip-flop.

6. Design a synchronous counter that goes through state 0,1,3,4,7,0 using T Flip-flop.

7. What is the need for biasing in a transistor

amplifier. What are the different sources of
instability of collector current & define three
stability factors.
For the circuit shown in figure below, RC = 2.7
KΩ, RE = 1.2 KΩ, R2 = 8.2 KΩ, Vc=10.6 V, IB = 20
μA, β=100. Find out IC, VE, VCC, VCE, R1 &
stability factor S.

8. Implement the function F(P,Q,R,S) = ⅀ m(0,2,3,5,6,7,8,12,14,15) using 8 x 1 mux.


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