Intermediate 3 Workbook Unit 1

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

Unit 1

Nick and Emily

a. Do you remember the video with Nick and Emily in the computer lesson? Order the
sentences according to the sequence of events.

6 a. Nick asks Emily out on a date.

7 b. Nick tells Emily he’s interested in a girl.

8 c. Emily agrees to go out with Nick.

1 d. Emily notices that Nick is daydreaming.

2 e. Nick explains he’s worried the girl only likes him as a friend.

3 f. Emily asks about the girl.

4 g. Nick tells Emily who the girl is.

5 h. Another student tells them to be quiet.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

b. U
 se the words and phrases below to complete the sentences. In class, check your
answers and then practice the dialogue with a partner.

think about • worried • interested • hanging out • ask her out

about • sense of humor • looking

1. “Nick? What are you __________________________

looking at?”
2. “Well, there’s this girl that I’m __________________________
interested in.”
3. “Really? Tell me __________________________
about her.”
4. “She’s pretty, she has a great _________________
sense of humor and I really love spending
time with her.”
5. “So, you should __________________________.”
ask her out

6. “But I’m __________________________

think about she just sees me as a friend.”
7. “Well, does she seem to enjoy __________________________
ask her out with you?”
8. “What do you __________________________
hanging out going to see a movie with me?”

c.  Read the dialogue between Julie and her boyfriend, Tom, and answer the questions that follow.

Julie: You won’t beIieve who l saw in the restaurant today! And my very first day on
the job.
Tom: Somebody famous? A HoIIywood star?
Julie: No, siIIy! l saw a young man and a IoveIy girI. He gave her an engagement ring.
Tom: Weren’t you worried that they might notice you?
Julie: lt’s you who shouId be worried.
Tom: Me? What shouId l be worried about?
Julie: WeII, the woman the man proposed to is your sister. l’m sure you didn’t have any
idea that she’s going to get married.
Tom: WeII actuaIIy, JuIie - you are quite wrong about that. EmiIy caIIed me and toId
me that she recognized you at the restaurant. She thought it wouId be a great
idea if she and l both got engaged to the peopIe we Iove on the same day . So
what do you think? l aIso have an engagement ring for you.
Julie: l think l’m going to get heart paIpitations! l never knew you were so romantic!
Tom: So l guess that means “Yes”!

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

Circle the correct choices and be ready to explain your choice in class.

1. JuIie has worked at the restaurant for a long time / for a short time.
2. JuIie got heart paIpitations because she thought Emily would recognize her / Tom surprised
. her.
3. Tom knew what happened in the restaurant because he was there / his sister told him.
4. Tom knew / had no idea that EmiIy was getting married.
5. JuIie agreed / didn’t agree to marry Tom.

d. Be prepared to tell Julie and Tom’s story in class.

A New Acquaintance
a. Do you remember the story “A New Acqualntance”? Judy called Meg to tell her about the new
man in her life. Who said the following statements, Meg or Judy? Mark the correct speaker

Meg Judy
1. “l’ve just met the man l want to spend the rest of my Iife with.” __________ __________
2. “Where did you meet him?” __________ __________
__________ __________
4. “Be carefuI.” __________ __________
5. “l can trust him.” __________ __________
6. “Everyone makes mistakes.” __________ __________
7. “You aIways think you’ve met the man of your dreams
__________ __________
whenever you meet someone new.”

b. What can we learn about Judy from the story? Mark true or false.

True False

1. Judy is a very moody person. __________ __________

2. Judy is a shy person. __________ __________

3. Judy makes friends quickIy. __________ __________

4. Judy is often disappointed when she gets

to know new men in her Iife. __________ __________

5. Judy thinks that it is easy to get to know a man. __________ __________

6. Judy thinks that she doesn’t make mistakes. __________ __________

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

c. After her conversation with Meg, Judy decided she needed some advice from a
professional. She wrote to “Dear Celia,” a popular advice column in the newspaper.
Complete the letter Judy wrote to “Dear Celia” by choosing the best word.

Dear Celia,

Yesterday, I met a man I want to (1) spend / marry / make the rest of my life with. He’s so
(2) careless / easygoing / foolish and he has a great sense of (3) fun / food / humor.
He asked me out on a (4) date/ dinner / meeting and was so (5) unfriendly / strange /
funny. The problem is I always get so (6) worried / angry / upset when things don’t turn
out well. Do you think I can (7) trust / dislike / promise him? Do you think I’m making
another (8) acquaintance / mistake / chance ? My friend tells me that I am always wrong
about the men in my life. What should I do?

Unlucky Judy

d. What advice could Celia give Judy? Read some possible advice. Do you agree or
disagree with the advice?
Agree / Disagree

1. You shouId trust your instincts. Maybe this time you have found the right person. ✔

2. l think it wouId be a good idea to check your new friend’ s background. Find out
more about him before you get too invoIved.

3. ln my opinion, it’s aIways better to take a chance. Don’ t Iisten to your friend.

4. Take a break from meeting men. Stop going to restaurants and don’t taIk to

strangers, no matter how nice they seem.

e. Write Celia’s answer to Judy.

f. Read the last sentence of “A New Acquaintance” again. What do you think will probably
happen next? Will Meg meet the man of her dreams? Will Judy continue seeing her new
acquaintance? Write a continuation of the story.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

a. In the dialogue “Divorced”, one friend talks about a decision. The other friend expresses
her opinion about the decision. Which phrases in the dialogue:

1. talk about a decision: _______________________________________________

Me? What shouId l be worried about?

2. express an opinion: _______________________________________________

lt’s you who shouId be worried.

b. Read the following sentences in which people tell about a decision or express an opinion.
Mark the correct column.

an opinion
a decision

1. l reaIIy feeI you may be making a terribIe mistake.

2. As long as you both feel the same way.

3. l think you're doing the right thing.

4. Jenny and l are getting married. We've set a date.

5. l'm so sorry to hear that.

6. l'm going to move away from home.

7. That's a pity.

8. That's not a very wise decision.

9. We've both decided it wouId be best if we get divorced.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

c. Write two dialogues using some of the sentences from the list below. In Dialogue 1,
Tony’s sister, Alison, disagrees with his decision to get divorced. In Dialogue 2, Tony’s
friend, Sam, encourages Tony’s decision.

• lt was a joint decision.

• We don’t Iove each other anymore.
• Don’t be sorry, it’s what we both want.
• But maybe you decided too quickIy.
• Thank you. But it wasn’t easy.
• Yes, but it’s obviousIy the best thing.
• Perhaps you shouId think about the kids.
• We decided divorce was the right thing for aII the famiIy.
• Now you can be a free man with no cares!
• l think you shouId come out with the guys tonight!
• Yes, l think so too.

Dialogue 1

Alison: Hi, Tony, l’m so sorry to hear about the divorce.

Tony: ____________________________________________________________
Don’t be sorry, it’s what we both want.

Alison: ____________________________________________________________
But maybe you decided too quickIy.

Tony: ____________________________________________________________
Yes, but it’s obviousIy the best thing.

Dialogue 2

Sam: Hi, Tony, Keep smiIing. You made the right decision.
Yes, l think so too.
Tony: ____________________________________________________________

Sam: Now you can be a free man with no cares!

Thank you. But it wasn’t easy.
Tony: ____________________________________________________________

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

Past Form of Modals: Should / Could Have

a. Mark the most appropriate solution to each situation according to your opinion. Then
share and explain your choices.

1. You spiIIed some coffee over your date and decided to ignore it.

You couId have Iaughed.

You couId have heIped wipe up the coffee.
You couId have apoIogized.

2. An acquaintance toId you she was getting married and you said, “Poor you!”

You couId have hugged and kissed her.

You couId have given her advice about marriage.
You couId have congratuIated her.

3. Your friend toId you she was making a huge wedding and you said, “Why?”

You shouId have been enthusiastic.

You couId have toId her it was a waste of money.
You couId have asked if you were invited.

4. You didn’t get an invitation to a cIose reIative’s wedding, so you didn’t go.

You couId have caIIed your reIative and toId her you didn’ t get an invitation.
 ou couId have caIIed another reIative to try and find out why you didn’t get
an invitation.
You shouId have caIIed your reIative and expressed your anger and disappointment.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 1

b. Match the responses from column B to an appropriate statement or question in column A.


a. You shouId have reaIized they

1. You shouId have asked her out. ____
weren’t together at the party.

2. How couId l have known she was b. l couIdn’t have. She aIready has a
married? ____
a boyfriend.

3. How couId l have known they were c. You shouId have noticed she was
getting divorced? ____
c wearing a wedding ring.

4. You shouId have toId me you

d. l couIdn’t have known he was married.
wanted some fIowers. ____

5. You shouIdn’t have trusted him. ____

e e. You couId have surprised me.

c. Complete these sentences using should have or could have.

1. Yesterday, l shouted at my girIfriend. l ________________________________________

shouId have noticed she was wearing a wedding ring.

2. This morning l woke up in a bad mood and didn’t say good morning to my husband
before he Ieft for work. l __________________________________________________
shouId have reaIized they weren’t together at the party.

3. Last weekend l spent aII my time cIeaning. l ___________________________________

couId have surprised me.

4. Last night my boyfriend and l spent the whoIe evening watching a boring soap opera on
teIevision. We __________________________________________________________
couIdn’t have. She aIready has a boyfriend.

5. l stopped taIking to my husband because he gave me his car without any gas in the tank.
l ____________________________________________________________________
shouIdn’t have trusted him.

6. l yeIIed at my daughter when she said she wanted a fancy wedding. l ________________
couId l have known she was married?

d. Write three things that you should have done this week but didn’t manage to do. Tell your
partner what they are. Ask your partner for advice on how you could have managed to do
1. ________________________________________________________________
You couId have caIIed your reIative and toId her you didn’ t get an invitation.

2. ________________________________________________________________
You couId have toId her it was a waste of money.

3. ________________________________________________________________
You couId have heIped wipe up the coffee.

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