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Lab Report : Electroscope Computer Simulation Rubric

Teacher Name: ________________________________________

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Participation Used time well in Used time pretty Did the lab but did Participation was
lab and focused well. Stayed not appear very minimal OR
attention on the focused on the interested. Focus student was hostile
experiment. experiment most of was lost on several about participating.
the time. occasions.

Drawings/Diagrams Clear, accurate Diagrams are Diagrams are Needed diagrams

diagrams are included and are included and are are missing OR are
included and make labeled neatly and labeled. missing important
the concept easier accurately. labels.
to understand.
Diagrams are
labeled neatly and
Journal/Notebook Clear, accurate, Dated, clear, Dated, notes are Notes rarely taken
dated notes are accurate notes are taken occasionally, or of little use.
taken regularly. taken occasionally. but accuracy of
notes may be

Scientific Concepts Information given Information given Information given Information given
illustrates an illustrates an illustrates a limited illustrates
accurate and accurate understanding of inaccurate
thorough understanding of scientific concepts understanding of
understanding of most scientific underlying the scientific concepts
scientific concepts concepts activity. underlying the
underlying the underlying the activity.
activity. activity.

Score: ________________________________________

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