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Sims 1

Social Policy Analysis Part 3

Shyterria Sims

College of Social Work, University of South Carolina

SOWK 322: Social Policy Analysis

Melania Popa-Mabe

March 19, 2023

Sims 2

Social Policy Analysis: Part 3

1. Your chosen policy goals/objective: What is the policy and what are its goals?

 The McKinney Vento Program is a federally funded program that aims to “ensure

that each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access

to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool

education, as provided to other children and youths.”

2. How the policy goals relate to the problem/need it aims to address?

 The goals relate to the problem they aim to address because the allocated funds

are used to:

1. provide services and activities to improve the identification of homeless

children and youths (including preschool-aged homeless children) and

enable such children and youths to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school,

including, if appropriate, in preschool programs

2. develop and implement professional development programs for liaisons

designated and other local educational agency personnel—

1. (A) to improve their identification of homeless children and

youths; and

2. (B) to heighten the awareness of the liaisons and personnel of, and

their capacity to respond to, specific needs in the education of

homeless children and youths.

3. Target population: Who is eligible to receive policy benefits? What types of

eligibility criteria are used? (selective/universal; right/charity)

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 The states and schools who meet the criteria listed under §11432, subparagraph 3

of the act are eligible to receive funding. The act uses a selective criteria-based

model to identify what schools are eligible.

 The schools in each state must:

1. provide written notice, at the time any child or youth seeks enrollment in

such school, and at least twice annually while the child or youth is

enrolled in such school, to the parent or guardian of the child or youth (or,

in the case of an unaccompanied youth, the youth) that—

2. (I) shall be signed by the parent or guardian (or, in the case of an

unaccompanied youth, the youth);

3. (III) specifically states—

1. (aa) the choice of schools homeless children and youths are

eligible to attend, as provided in subsection (g)(3)(A);

2. (bb) that no homeless child or youth is required to attend a separate

school for homeless children or youths;

3. (cc) that homeless children and youths shall be provided

comparable services described in subsection (g)(4), including

transportation services, educational services, and meals through

school meals programs; and

4. (dd) that homeless children and youths should not be stigmatized

by school personnel; and

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5. (IV) provides contact information for the local liaison for homeless

children and youths and the State Coordinator for Education of

Homeless Children and Youths

4. Form of benefit: What is (are) the benefit(s) that the policy provides?

(minimal/optimal, enhance or restricts choice)

 The benefits are determined by the school. Based on the answer to question 3, the

grants given to the schools are used to create services and activities to decrease

the number of unidentified, unaccompanied youth.

5. Financing/administration: How is the policy financed? At what level of

administration? (public/private, central/local, lay/professional)

 The McKinney Vento Act is federally funded by the U.S. Government. The

Secretary of Education writes grants that are dispersed to the states. The Secretary

is authorized to allot to each State an amount that bears the same ratio to the

amount appropriated for such year under section 11435 of the act. More

information is thoroughly explained in Section 11432 subparagraph c. To my

understanding no state is given no less than $150,000 unless there were

insufficient funds during the fiscal year.

Sims 5


42 USC Ch. 119: Homeless assistance - house. (2015, December). Retrieved March 20, 2023,

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