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All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts

William Shakespeare

Jill took control of the bus. Jake was still fighting the albino for control of the revolver. "Jill--hard--left!" The bus twisted and the
two combatants wrangling in the middle of the empty bus flew to the right side, the weapon flying from both hands, the trigger
lightly brushing the seat setting off a flash of death in less than a second. The albino blinked. His grip lightened. His eyes glazed.

Research has shown that laughing for 2 minutes is just as healthy as a 20 minute jog. So now I'm sitting in the park, laughing at
all the joggers

Alexander was a Greek Prince. He lived in Greece a long time ago. Once when Alexander's father was king, a man brought a
horse to him. Alexander liked the horse. It was a fine horse - young and tall and strong. Why did Alexander ride a horse? Because
there were no cars at that time! "That's a beautiful horse!" thought Alexander. The king liked the horse too. "Who will ride this
horse?" He asked his soldiers. "I will," said a captain. He went near the horse but it kicked out and the captain fell. "Who else will
try?" asked the king. Another soldier tried. He was also thrown off. Then a third soldier tried and failed. "It's a beautiful horse,"
said the king. "But what's the use? It throws its rider off."

It was dark and hot inside the box. Funny didn't like it. There were lots of noises that Funny didn't understand. Thumps and
bumps that would slide Funny across the bottom of the box whenever Tucker moved. It was also very dark. Funny liked the
Sunshine. He had cold blood, and that was why he had been Sunning himself when Tucker found him.

Bashayr Aydh

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