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Effort – “the Flow of Weight in Time and Space”

Motion Factor Fighting Indulging

Weight Strong Light
Firm /increasing pressure, Delicate, decreasing pressure,
grounded, determined, air borne,
Space Direct Indirect
Focused, pin-pointing, linear, Flexible, multi-focused, all-
narrow, round attention,
Time Sudden Sustained
Accelerating, catching a glass Deceleration, sinking
before it falls, impulsive luxuriously into a warm bath
Flow Bound Free
Precise, control, careful, held, Carefree, peripheral,
limited, central expansive, uncontrolled,

Psychological aspect: Functions of Consciousness and Attitude/’powers of’

Motion Factor Function Attitude
Weight Sensing Intention
Space Thinking Attention
Time Intuiting Decision
Flow Feeling Precision

Action Drive clusters

Action Drive combination Sensation
Float Light, Indirect, Sustained Suspended
Punch Strong, Direct, Sudden Dropping
Glide Light, Direct, Sustained Elated
Slash Strong, Indirect, Sudden Collapsing
Dab Light, Direct, Sudden Stimulated
Wring Strong, Indirect, Sustained Relaxing
Flick Light, Indirect, Sudden Excited
Press Strong, Direct, Sustained Sinking

Your Notes:

Dr JCC 2022

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