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Granary Storage Limited

Broad Farm Hellingly East Sussex BN27 4DU

Company Registration Number: 14687958

Self Storage Licence Agreement

1. Licensor

Company: Granary Storage Limited

Address: Broad Farm, Hellingly, East Sussex BN27 4DU (Facility)

Robert Lee: 07792618934

Richard Mortimer Lee: 07860250998


2. Licensee Details


First Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Surname: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………..… Mobile:…………………………………………………………………….……..

Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Alternative Contact:…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………

I consent to receiving correspondence from this Granary Storage Limited by SMS to the mobile number above:
❏ Yes, I consent to SMS notification. ❏ No, I do not consent to SMS notification.

I consent to receiving correspondence from this Granary Storage Limited by email to the email address above:
❏ Yes, I consent to email notification. ❏ No, I do not consent to email notification.

3. Storage Details

Reference (Unit):………………………………………………………………………….

Storage Period From (Date): ………………………………………………………………….


Reason for Storage: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Storage Costs

Storage Fee: £…………………………………………per…..………………………………………………………………….payable in advance

Payable on: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Payment Reference:.........................................................................................................................................

Conditions of Agreement Storage Limited. Interest will be charged on the balance until
payment in full has been made.
9. Any items left unattended in common areas or outside the
1. So long as all fees are paid up to date, Licensee: (a) is Licensee’s Unit at any time may at Granary Storage Limited’s
licensed to store Goods in the Unit allocated to Licensee by discretion be moved, sold or disposed of immediately with
Granary Storage Limited and only in that Unit; (b) is deemed no liability to Granary Storage Limited.
to have knowledge of the Goods in the Unit.
2. Granary Storage Limited ) does not grant any lease or
tenancy of the Unit. 10. Licensee has the right to access the Unit during Access
Hours as posted by Granary Storage Limited and subject to
COST: the terms of this Agreement.

3. Licensee must pay the Deposit on signing this Agreement. 11. Granary Storage Limited may refuse Licensee access to
The Deposit will be refunded by electronic transfer within 21 the Unit and/or the Facility where moneys are owing by
days of expiry or termination of this Agreement. Licensee to Granary Storage Limited, whether or not a formal
demand for payment has been made, or if Granary Storage
4. Licensee is responsible to pay: (a) the Storage Fee Limited considers the safety or security of any person, unit or
payable in advance on the first day of each storage period. goods on or at the Facility will be put at risk.
No refunds will be given for prepaid rental payments. (b) the
Cleaning Fee, to be invoiced at Granary Storage Limited’s 12. Licensee authorises Granary Storage Limited and its
discretion in circumstances described in this Agreement; (c) agents and contractors to enter the Unit in the following
a Late Payment Fee each time a payment is at 10% from the circumstances and to break the lock if reasonably necessary
Due Date to the date of actual payment; (d) any costs to gain entry: (a) on not less than 7 days’ notice to inspect or
incurred by the Granary Storage Limited in collecting late or carry out repairs or alterations to the Unit or any other part of
unpaid Storage Fees, or in enforcing this Agreement in any the Facility; (b) without prior notice (but with notice as soon
way and (e) any government taxes. as practicable after the event) in the event of an emergency
(including for repair or alteration) or to prevent injury or
DEFAULT: damage to persons or property; or if Granary Storage Limited
believes the Unit is being used to store prohibited goods or
5. Granary Storage Limited takes the issue of prompt
for a prohibited purpose; or if Granary Storage Limited is
payment very seriously. If any sum owing to Granary Storage
obliged to do so by law, by the Police, Trading Standards, HM
Limited is not paid when due, Licensee authorises Granary
Revenue & Customs, competent authority or by a Court
Storage Limited without further notice to: (a) refuse Licensee
and its agents access to the Goods, the Unit and the Facility
and overlock the Unit until the amount due and all interest LICENCEE’S RESPONSIBILITIES:
and other fees related to it (Debt) have been paid in full; (b)
enter the Unit and inspect and/or remove the Goods to 13. Licensee must not store (or allow any other person to
another unit or site and to charge Licensee for all reasonable store) any of the following in the Unit: (a) food or perishable
costs of doing so on any number of occasions; and (c) apply goods; (b) any living creatures; (c) combustible or flammable
the Deposit against the Debt. substances such as gas, paint, petrol, oil, cleaning solvents
or compressed gases; (d) firearms, explosives, weapons or
6. On expiry or termination of this Agreement, if Licensee ammunition; (e) chemicals, radioactive materials, biological
fails to remove all Goods from the Unit, Granary Storage agents; toxic waste, asbestos or other potentially hazardous
Limited is authorised to treat the Goods as abandoned and substances; (f) any item that emits fumes, or odours; (g) any
may sell or dispose of all Goods by any means in accordance illegal item or substances or goods illegally obtained
with the conditions of this agreement. including illicit (counterfeit/smuggled) tobacco or alcohol
and unlicensed or unsafe goods (such as toys, electrical
7. Before Granary Storage Limited sells or disposes of the
goods, medicines, cosmetics, fireworks); (h) goods which are
Goods, it will give Licensee notice in writing directing
environmentally harmful or that are a risk to the property of
Licensee to pay (if Licensee is in default) or collect the
any person; and (i) currency; (j) jewellery; (k) furs; (l) deeds;
Goods (if they are deemed abandoned). This notice will be
certificates or other similar legal documents;(m) paintings;
sent by registered or recorded delivery to the address last
(n) curios; and (o) works of art.
notified by Licensee to Granary Storage Limited in writing
and by email if you have elected not to receive traditional 14. Licensee will use the Unit solely for the purpose of
mail. If Licensee fails to pay the Debt and/or collect the storage and shall not (or allow any other person to): (a) use
Goods (as appropriate) within one month of this notice the Unit as offices or living accommodation or as a home,
Granary Storage Limited will access your space and begin business or mailing address; (b) use or do anything at the
the process to sell or dispose of the Goods. Facility or in the Unit which may be a nuisance to Granary
Storage Limited or any other person (including the escape of
8. Sale proceeds will be applied first against the cost of
any substance or odour from or generation of noise or
removal and sale of Goods and second to pay the Debt. If
vibration which may be heard or felt outside the Unit); (c) use
sale proceeds do not discharge all of these costs and the
or do anything at the Facility or in the Unit which may
Debt, Licensee must pay Granary Storage Limited the
invalidate or increase premiums under any insurance policies
balance within 7 days of a written demand from Granary
of Granary Storage Limited or any other person; (d) paint or NOTICE:
make alterations to or attach anything to the internal or
external surfaces of the Unit; (e) connect or provide any 24.Notices to be given by Granary Storage Limited or
utilities or services to the Unit unless authorised in writing by Licensee must be in writing and must either be delivered by
Granary Storage Limited; or (f) cause damage to the Unit or hand or sent by pre-paid post. Granary Storage Limited may
any part of the Facility (which includes by removal, haulage also give Notice to Licensee by SMS or email.. Notices shall
or delivery contractors) or create any obstruction or leave be deemed received at the time of delivery by hand, one hour
items or refuse in any common space within the Facility. after sending by email or SMS or 48 hours after posting.

15. Licensee must (and ensure that its Agents) use TERMINATION:
reasonable care on site and have respect for the Facility and 25. Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving the
other unit users. other party Notice of the Termination Date in accordance
16. This Agreement does not confer on Licensee any right to with the period indicated on the cover sheet ending on any
exclusive possession of the Unit and Granary Storage Due Date. In the event of illegal or environmentally harmful
Limited reserves the right to relocate Licensee to another activities on the part of the Licensee or a breach of this
Unit not smaller than the current Unit (a) by giving 14 day’s Agreement (which, if it can be put right, Licensee has failed
notice during which the Licensee can elect to terminate their to put right within 14 days of notice from Granary Storage
agreement. Limited to do so), Granary Storage Limited may terminate the
Agreement immediately by Notice. Granary Storage Limited
17. Licensee must ensure the Unit is suitable for the storage is entitled to retain from the Deposit, or make a charge for,
of the Goods intended to be stored in it. Granary Storage apportioned Storage Fees if less than before the close of
Limited makes no warranty or representation that any unit is business on the Termination Date and leave the Unit in a
suitable for any particular goods and accepts no liability in clean condition and in a good state of repair to the
this regard. satisfaction of the Granary Storage Limited.

18. Licensee must give Notice to the Granary Storage Limited GENERAL:
in writing of the change of address, phone numbers or email
address of the Licensee within 7 days of any change. 26. Granary Storage Limited may vary the Storage Fee or
other terms of this Agreement and add new terms and
RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY: conditions as long as such modifications are notified to
Licensee in writing and signed by one of Granary Storage
19. Granary Storage Limited will not be liable for any loss or Limited’s Date occurring not less than 28 days after the date
damages suffered by Licensee resulting from an inability to of Granary Storage Limited’s notice. Otherwise, Licensee’s
access the Facility or the Unit, regardless of the cause. continued use of the Unit will be considered as acceptance
20. The Goods are stored at the sole risk and responsibility of and agreement to the amended terms.
of Licensee who shall be responsible for and bear the risk of
any and all theft, damage to, and deterioration of the Goods
caused by any reason whatsoever.
I/We confirm that I/we have read and
21. Granary Storage Limited does insure the Goods.
agree to be bound by the conditions of
22. In respect of circumstances outside Granary Storage this Agreement:
Limited’s reasonable control, Granary Storage Limited shall
have no liability under or be considered to be in breach of
this Agreement for any delay or failure in performance of its
obligations under this Agreement or any resulting loss or Signature:……………………………………………………
damage to Goods.
23. Granary Storage Limited collects information about
Licensee on registration and whilst this Agreement Date:……………………………………………………………
continues, including personal data (Data). Granary Storage
Limited processes Data in accordance with the Data
Signed on behalf of Granary Storage
Protection Act 2018 and uses it to process payments,
communicate with Licensee and generally maintain Limited
Licensee’s account. Individuals have the right to request a (Licensor):………………………………………………….
copy of the information that Granary Storage Limited holds
on them and requests should be emailed or sent to the
addresses on the cover sheet. Privacy policy available on

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