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U nit P a g e G ram m ar V ocabulary

To ibe; Have; There is/are;
Personal and object pronouns;
A Starter Unit 4
Possessive 's;
Countries and nationalities
Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Play the Game! Present simple; Verb + -ing; Sports

□ Math File Adverbs of frequency Compound nouns

^ The Big Picture Present continuous: affirmative, negative

Types of movies
20 and questions
UReal World Profiles Present simple/Present continuous
rgv Past Lives Past simple: affirmative and negative History
□ History File Past simple: questions and short answers Life events

Review 1 units 1 -# j
f t
~ ~ Wf
Is It a Crime? Past continuous: affirmative, negative
Breaking the rules
and questions
□ Real World Profiles PasJ*sj(nple/Past continuous
Prepositions of movement

Look at You Comparatives and superlatives Appearance adjectives

j Biology File Present continuous for future Personality adjectives

/£ \ It's Your World Going to; Should; Environment verbs

□ Real World Profiles Must/Mustn't A|' Materials and containers

Review 2 units 4 -6 74

A Make Music Music

78 Musical instruments
c-y □ Music File First conditional
Types of music


Adventure Present perfect: affirmative and negative The nature!) wodd
J Real World Profiles Present perfect: questions Cam pj4|

World of Work AlAn, some/any; Quantity Jobs

□ Literature File Indefinite pronouns Adjectives describing jobs

Review 3 units 7-9 108

B rain TVainers 112

C ulture 121
Irreg u lar V erb List 127


Reading and Listening Speaking and Pronunciation Writing

The Friends' Club Asking for and giving personal information A personal profile

The Olympic Games

Superstitious Sports Stars Opinions A description of a sport
( , Lucky charms Pronunciation: Verb endings: /s/, /z/, /iz / W riting File: Punctuation
i Dictation
The Film Museum
Extra Special Suggestions A movie review
, i Film ext£ Pronunciation: Word stress in adjectives W riting File: Linking words
, / Dicta
The London
William Shakespeare A biography
W riting File: Ordering
i , A history quiz Pronunciation: Verb endings: /t/f /d/, /id /
, Dictation

Paul's Problem Page

Supergranny Catches Thieves! interest
A short story
_____uncfation: Was and were;
(~ ) Police interviews W riting File: Sequencing words
strong and weak forms
O Dictation
Celebrity Look-Alikes!
Different Is Good Agreeing and disagreeing
A description of a friend
Pronunciation: Intonation in questions
( Personality types W riting File: Word order
and ansv
\ ) Dictation
Green Talk
Plastic Bag? No, Thank You! An information pamphlet
W riting File: Making your
( Dinosaur museum Pronunciation: Silent letter 1
writing more interesting
Q Dictation________________

The History of Music

The Choir Offers ^d profile
(~ ) Rock it! Pronunciation: 'll File: Paragraphs
Q Dictation________
Teen Adventures
Helen's Adventure An informal email
W riting File: Beginning and
(~ ) Dancing around the world Pronunciation: Syllables
e ndingafpgman
(~ ) Dictation___________________
Micropolix Theme Park
Forget Babysitting! Reacting A questionnaire
Pronunciation: Schwa + r M W riting File: Checking
O Summer jobs
your work
Q Dictation___________

Starter Unit

Grammar • To be Look at the pictures. Make questions and answers.

G Complete the dialogues.

1 A A re you (you / be) the new doctor?
B Yes, I inrf^m (I / be) Doctor Jones.
2 A A .... (Fred / be) a good soccer player?
B No, h e . . . . . . . . Jfe e / be) a bad soccer player.
3 A .... (the books / not be) on the desk, Lucy.
W h e r e ^ (th e y /b e )?
B Oh, ....^ tP re y /fl^ n my bag. Sorry!
4 A ....( y o u / b e ) hungry?
B No, w e ....... !> .(w e / be) thirsty!
5 A .... (w ho / be) the girl w ith the hair?
B Jennifer..... (she / be) a new stu
A .... (she / be) in your oass?
B Y e s ,.... (she / be).
6 A .... (this / not be) my CD.
B .... (it / be) Mark's.

G Choose the correct options.
1 My house has / have a small yard.
2 Does he have / He has a new cell phone?
3 W e doesn't / don't have the CDs. Does / Do you
have them ?
4 I have / has a pet cat.
5 Does / Do you have Lila's email?
6 She doesn't / Does she have a green bag.
Her bag is blue.
7 Do they have / They have a computer.
8 The car doesn't have /has tw o doors. It have / Picture A
has four. 1 she / short hair?
A Does she have short ha&
G Complete the sentences w ith the correct form
of have or he.
B No, she doesn't. She nW long hair.
2 he / an MP3 player?
1 Tom .... my best frienc. is 3 they / green bags?
2 T h e y .... three cats.
3 My ro o m .... tw o w indow s. Picture B
4 K a t e ....a police officer. 4 the chair / four legs?
5 T h o se .... new computer games. 5 the cat / green eyes?
6 That g irl.... pretty eyes. 6 the dogs / a house?
7 H e .... at the movie theater.

Starter Unit

• There is/are • Possessive adjectives and pronouns

Gy Complete the dialogues with the correct form
Gy Rewrite the sentences w ith possessive adjectives.
of there is/are. Then rew rite them again with possessive
1A Is there a TV in your room? pronouns.
B N o ,. . . . , b u t.... a TV in the living room. 1 My dad has a big desk.
2 A re e eggs on the table. His desk is big. The big desk is his.
B .... three eggs, Mom....... tw o. 2 I have a red T-shirt.
3 A .... foui^pens on the desk? ....... The red T-shirt is ........
Yes, 3 W e have a small car.
books on the table? ....... The small car i s .......
4 Am y and Liam have an old computer.
room? ....... The old com puter is .......
too. 5 Maria has a new cell phone.
....... The new cell phone is .......
three books. 6 You have a nice bag.
....... The nice bag is .......
Personal and o
Complete the sentences w ith the correct
< b Choose the correct
Gy possessive adjective.
1 Class, say hello to Ms.
your new teacher.
2 Your DVDs are here. Adam has the
3 I I M e like fruit.
4 Com e to the movies with we / us.
5 Jade's happy today. Look at she/her.
6 Liam is a nice boy. I like he/him .
7 This is Nick and this is Carla. Them / They are
in my class.
8 W e/U s get up at 6:3 0 a.m .

• Possessive 5
I t Complete the sentences with the words in
parentheses a n d 's or
1 This isn't Angela's (Angela) w atch.
It's Peter's (Peter).
2 W here are the ....(ch ild ren ) new toys?
3 W e're at o u r .... (grandma) house.
4 This is my ....(siste r) room, and this is
my ....(b ro th e r).
5 Is this t h e .... (m en) room?
6 Lily plays on t h e .... (wom en) soccer team.
7 It's my ....(frie n d s) birthday party.
They're twins!
8 Do you h a ve .... (Oliver) cell phone number?

Starter Unit

Vocabulary • Places
C , Match the places on the map to these words. G Match the words in Exercise 1 t0 the words 1" 9'
1 students, teachers school
^ cafe / library movie theater
2 animals
museum park school
3 trees, bike
shopping mall gym zoo
4 sports, basketball, tennis
movies, popcorn
books, study, read
history, paintings, art
stores, fast-food restaurants
coffee, juice, snack

Choose the correct options.

1 You take the train at the station / museum.
2 You play tennis at the zoo/gym .
3 You go to the movie theater to see a DVD / movie.
4 You buy clothes at a store / town square.
5 You have dinner at a library / restaurant.
6 You have class in a post office / school.

Match the pictures to these words.

camera computer dress sweater 1

notebook pencil radio shoes
shorts socks sunglasses watch

il Ill'll1
1 . !!

Read the sentences. What are these things?

1 You w rite your hom ework in it. notebook
2 You w ear them on your eyes w hen it's sunny
3 You take photos w ith it.
4 You w rite or draw w ith it.
5 It tells you the time.
6 You send emails and use the Internet w ith it.

Starter Unit

• Countries and nationalities

g What nationality are the people?
G Complete the sentences w ith the correct country
or nationality.
1 Irina is from Russia. She's Russian.
2 James is from Britain. H e's.......
3 Hanna is fro m .......She's Germ an.
4 Nadine is from France. Sh e's.......
5 Matias is fro m ....... He's Argentinian.
1 the US 3 Turkey 6 Sophia is fro m ....... She's Greek.
7 Marco is from Italy. H e's.......
8 Karla is fro m .......She's Mexican.

< 8 / What about you? Complete the sentences.

I am fro m .......I a m .........

4 Poland 5

1 She’s American.
G Read about Zak. Look at the photo below.
What does Zak have?
2 He’s .......
This is Zak. He is American. He is from Chicago,
3 She’s .......
a big city in the US. Zak and his fam ily are moving
to Texas. Today Zak is packing his things.
1 poster

Starter Unit

Read The Friends' Club.

The Friends Club

N ad ia

M y nam e’s N adia and

I’m fourteen. I love dancing,
music and fashion.This is a
photo of me. I have a sister,
Zahra. She w orks in a store.
She’s eighteen.

Hi, I’m Jody and I’m fourteen years
rlos and I love sports,
I have a brother, Harry, and a cat.
Carlos and Nadia are my friends. irteen years old. My dad’s nsSSHB
W e go to school together. I love my mom’s British.
movies. I have a video camera, and £ brother, Paulo. I’m
funny and good-looking. (O K ,
I make movies.
I’m joking!) My
is chocolate!

Gs Read The Friends' Club again. Are the statements

true (T) or false (F)?
Make your ds' C ub.
1 Jody's fourteen years old. T
2 She has a pet.
3 Nadia likes dancing.
4 She has a brother.
5 Carlos's mom and dad are Brazilian.
N e w M em ber
6 Carlos's favorite food is salad.
I’m .... and I’m .... years old.
Who is it?
Qj I have .......
1 Carlos has a brother. His name is Paulo.
I’m . . . . .
2 .... has a camera.
3 .... is funny. I lik e .......
4 .... has a sister, Zahra.
5 ....w o r k s in a store.
6 .... is thirteen years old.

Starter Unit

Speaking and Listening

( ? ) Listen. Choose the correct options. (^ C o m p le t e the conversation.Then listen and check.
Gabriella Hi, I'm G ab riella.1....... c
Jody Hi, Carlos. What do you have this Adam My name's Adam.
morning? I have art with Nadia. Gabriella
Carlos Lucky you 11 have 1 science / math. Adam I'm fourteen.
Zak 2 I'm sorry. / Excuse me. What
Gabriella 3
classroom is this?
Adam I'm from Poland. What about you?
Jody It's classroom 15.
Zak Gabriella I'm from Italy.
Oh, right! It's my first day and I'm lost.
I'm Zak, by the way. Adam
Jody Hi, Zak. i'm jp cy , and this is Carlos. Gabriella 'm an only ch ild .5.......
Carlos Are you from around here, Zak? Adam have a brother. He's sixteen
Zak No, I'm not. I'm 3J o r / from Chicago. years old.
Carlos Wow! T h at's4 cool. / OK. I was born a W here are you from ?
here, but my dad's Brazilian. b How old are you?
Jody Well, guys, I have art n o w .bSee you c W hat's your name?
later. / Goodbye. ^ <-
d W hat about you?
Carlos What class do you have this
e Do you have any brothers or sisters,
morning, Zak?
Zak Er, science. I'm in Room or are you an only child?
Where's that?
Carlos Follow me! We're in In pairs, practice the conversation in Exercise 7.
Replace the words in purple with your own
o Act out the conversation in groups of three.

My assessment profile: Workbook page 126

Starter Unit

the Game!
Vocabulary • Sports
1 Listen and repeat. Then match the photos to tw elve of these sports.
Present simple; Verb + -ing,
Adverbs of frequency 1.5
r archery basketball gymnastics horseback riding ice hockey
Vocabulary ice skating judo mountain biking skateboarding skiing
Sports; Conr snowboarding soccer swimming 7 tennis track ^
I Speaking
I Opinion:
A description

Word list page 43

Workbook page 104

Complete the sentences w ith play, go or do.

•ccer w ith my friends.
aul S a m .... track at school,
They imming in summer.
4- .... gymnastics in our free time.
5 My brothers ....skatebo ard ing in the street.
6 Claire and V icto ria.... iudo at the gym.
7 I .... ice hockey in the fall.
8 T h e y .... basketball in the park.
9 W e .... skiing in the winter.
10 I .... horseback riding iiH n e country.

In pairs, ask and answer. Do you like sports?

& Which sports in Exercise 1 are not in the photos? Yes, I do archery and I go play tennis and
mountain biking. I go snowboarding
What about you? in the winter.
( L Put the sports in Exercise 1 in the correct column.

go + -ing do
Brain Trainer
basketball horseback riding archery Activity 3
Go to page 112
Unit 1 • Play the Game!

G , Look at the photos a -c. Which one shows .. . What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
1 the Olympic flag? 1 W hat is your favorite Olympic sport?
2 the Olympic torch? 2 How many Olympic sports can you name?
3 the opening ceremony of the Olympic Gam es? 3 How many Olympic athletes can you name?

2 Read the magazine article. Answer the questions. What is your favorite My favorite Olympic sport
Olympic sport? is soccer. What about you?
1,6 1 How oftea^ re the Olympic Gam es?
Every four years. r
2 Are the Sum mer Olympic Gam es and the
W inter Olympic G jn e s in the same year?
3 Is archery an Olympic sport?
4 W hen are the Paralympics?
5 W hy are there five rings on the Olympic flag?
6 W hy are the colors o f jfae Olympjc flag blue,
black, red, yellow and

The Olym
Summer Olympic Games

1998 2002
Nagano, Salt Lake City.
Japan US

T h e O lym pic Gam es are an international sp o rts Africa and the A m cricas.Thc rings arc blue, black, red, yellow and
eve n t.T h e re are Sum m er O lym pic G am es and green because every country has one of these colors on
W in te r O lym pic G am es.They take place every its national flag.
fo u r years in a different co u n try.Th e Sum m er and Th e O lym pic Gam es begin w ith an
W in te r O lym pic Gam es do not happen in the opening cerem ony. In the cerem ony,
sam e year. a man o r woman lights the
A t the Sum m er O lym pic Gam es, athletes from O lym pic to rch .Th e fire fo r the
five continents com pete in many sp o rts, including torch always starts in Ancient
arch ery, tra ck , gym nastics, swim m ing, so cce r and Olym pia in G reece.Th e sun
basketball. A t the W in te r O lym pic G am es, the starts the fire in a m irror, and
sp o rts include ice hockey, skiing and snowboarding. then a woman lights the torch.
T h e Paralym pics take place in the same year as the A fte r that, different people
Sum m er O lym pic G am cs.Th c Paralym pics are fo r carry the torch to the opening
athletes w ith physical disabilities. cerem ony. Th e torch visits
Th e rings on the Olym pic flag are the symbol of the many countries and tow ns
Gam es.There are five rings because there are Olym pic before the opening cerem ony.
athletes from five continents: Europe, A sia, O ceania,

Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Grammar • Present simple

Complete the sentences w ith the negative form
Affirmative (b of the Present simple.
l/You/We/They watch
TV. 1 W e like soccer. They don't like soccer.
He/She/lt watches
2 I get up at seven. S h e .......
Negative 3 You study in the bedroom. I .......
l/You/We/They don't (do not) watch 4 She w alks to school in the morning. W e .......
He/She/lt doesn't (does not) watch 5 They go to the movies every Saturday. H e .......
6 He plays tennis every Tuesday. Y o u .......
Questions and short answers
Yss, l/you/we/they do.
Do l/you/y^^^watd ( d / Make questions with the Present simple. In pairs,
No, l/you/we/they don't.
ask and answer.
Yes, he/she/lt does,
1 you / w atch / sports / on TV?
he/it doesn't.
Do you watch sports on TV? Yes, I do.
Wh questions 2 your dad / w ear / jeans / to w ork?
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They ^ jg t ^ h o ^ jo you watch? 3 you / study / Japanese?
Time expressions 4 your mom / speak / English?
5 your friends / w atch / videos / on YouTube?
every day on Tuesday
6 your teacher / use / computers?
after school in the morning

Grammar reference Workbook page 86 Complete the text w ith the verbs in the
Present simple.
Watch Out! Leela's parents 1 play tennis every w eekend, but
play -♦ plays go goes study -*■studies Leela 2....(n o t like) tennis and she 3....(n o t play)
it. So w h at sport4 .... (she / do) to stay fit? She
5. . .. (play) soccer. Leela's older sister, Lisa, also
( i , Study the grammar table. Match the rules (1-2) 6. . .. (love) the gam e, and the tw o sisters 7 ....
to the examples (a-b). (get) up early every morning and 8.... (practice)
for half an hour before sch o o l.9 .... (their parents /
1 W e use the Present simple to talk about
join) them ? No, but they 10.... (not stop) them!
routines and habits.
2 W e use the Present simple to talk about
things that are true in general. Pronun
a My grandfather likes music.
b We play tennis after school. Verb endin

& Complete the sentences w ith the Present simple

( i6) Listen and repeat the sentenc
1.7 Pay attention to the verb endlr
form of these verbs.
1 /s/: Grace likes ice^sj ating.
f charge do get up go play study work J 2 /z /: Baz loves track.
3 / iz / : Liz w atches sports on TV.
1 W e do judo on Friday evenings.
2 T h e y .... skateboarding after school.
3 S h e .... in a hospital near Los Angeles.
4 The stu d en ts.... French and Germ an at school.
5 Y o u .... baseball on weekends.
6 I .... my cell phone every day.
7 Mom ....a t seven every morning.

12 }■ Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Verb + -ing Vocabulary • Compound nouns

Affirmative 1 Match the pictures to these compound nouns.
She enjoys/hates/likes/loves playing soccer. 1.9 Then listen, check and repeat.
r basketball court football field hockey stick
She doesn't (does not) like/doesn't (does not) ice skates ice skating rink judo belt
mind playing soccer. soccer cleats soccer field 1 swimming pool
Questions swimsuit tennis court tennis racket J

Does she like playing soccer?

G ra m m ar reference Workbook page 86

Q j Study the grammar table. Choose the correct

option to complete rule. the
A fter enjoy; hate, like, lovs^nd don't mind, w e
use the infinitive form l -ing form o f the verb.

&> Put these verbs in the corr
don't like

lo v e 1
don't mind

Make sentences with the verbs in the -ing form.

1 she / enjoy / read / books
She enjoys reading books.
2 I / not mind / clean up / my bedroom Word list page 43
3 you / like / go / to the movies? Workbook page 104
4 w e / hate / play / soccer / in the w inter!
5 he / enjoy / read / books? Choose the correct options.
(1 0 Complete the conversation with the correct form of 1 You play basketball on a basketball field/court.
1.8 the verbs. Then listen and check. 2 You play soccer on a soccer field /court.
3 You go ice skating at an ice skating rink / tracK.
Amy Why do you like 1going (go)
snowboarding, Ben? 4 You play tennis on a tennis court / rink.
Ben Well, I lo ve2.... (move) on the snow.
Complete the text with the words in Exercise 1.
Amy Do you e n jo y3.... (listen) to music when you (b
go snowboarding? Holly loves sports. She does judo on Mondays.
Ben Yes, I do. I like Linkin Park.
She is good at it, and she has a brown judo 'belt.
Amy Do you m ind4 .... (practice) every day?
On Wednesdays she goes swimming. She takes
Ben No, I don't, and I love 5....(w in )
h e r 2.... to the swimming 3....... On Thursday she
snowboarding competitions!
Amy What don't you like? plays ice hockey. She uses her hockey4 .......On
Ben I don't like 6.... (lose) competitions! Friday she plays tennis. She needs her te n n is5.......
On Saturday she w atches soccer on TV!
What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
1 W hat sports do/don't you like doing? Brain Trainer
2 Do you mind losing a competition or a game? Activity 4
Go to page 112

Unit 1 • Play the Game! ■( 13

Speaking and Listening Zak I quitl I hate playing this gamel

Carlos Cheer up, Zak! You can learn. Now come
( J J y Look at the photo. Answer the questions. and say hi to Nadia. She doesn't usually come
1 W here are Zak, Carlos and Nadia? to the soccer field on Saturdays,
but she wants to meet you.
2 W hy do you think they are there?
Zak Hi, Nadia. I'm Zak. I'm from Chicago.
3 W hat does Carlos have in his hands?
Nadia Yes, I know. So, what do you think of Texas?
4 W hat do you think Zak is doing? Zak Well, I think the people are great, but I don't
like soccer.
*2 LUisten ai e conversation. Check your answers. Nadia What sports do you like?
1.10 Zak Basketball! The Chicago Bulls is my
favorite team.
( » ) Listen and read again. Answer the questions.
Nadia Hey, I know the Chicago Bulls. My dad's a fan.
1,10 1 Does Nadia usually come to the soccer field Carlos I love them, too.
on Saturdays? Zak Then come to my house tonight. We can
No, she doesn't usuiUyromeVo the soccer field watch a game together.
on Saturdays. Nadia Good idea!
2 W hy is Nadia at the soccer field todav? Say it in your
3 W hat does Zak like IB o u t Texas? language ...
4 W hat doesn't Zak like about Texas? I quit!
5 What is the name of Zak's favorite;basketball Cheer up!
6 Does Nadia's dad like basketball?

<5/Act out the conversation in groups of

14 . Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Look back at the conversation. Who says what? Grammar • Adverbs of frequency
1 I hate playing this game. Zak 0% 50% 100%
2 W hat do you think of Texas?
never / hardly ever sometimes/often usually / always
3 I think the people are great.
I never see you here I sometimes get up I'm usually at home
4 The Chicago Bulls is my favorite team.
on the weekend. early. on Saturdays.
5 I love them , too.
Grammar reference Workbook page 86
o Read the phrases for asking for and giving
o Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
Asking for opinions Giving opinions options to complete the rules.

I think... is/are boring/ 1 Adverbs of frequency go before / after

What do yoc
>vOK/great/amazing. the verb to be.
2 Adverbs of frequency go before/after
other verbs.
Do you like...?

O Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct place

in the sentences.
( 7 Listen to the conversation^ 1 Pete gets up early, (usually)
1.11 conversations in pairs. Pete usually gets up early.
Zak What do you think o f 1 te 2 He plays com puter games before breakfast,
Carlos 1I2 love i t . 3 John Isner is my favorjj (sometimes)
4 player. 3 He meets Paul for a game of tennis on the
Carlos What do you think o f 1 basketball? w eekend, (often)
4 They play tennis in the park, (always)
Zak 12 like i t . 3 Taj Gibson is my favorite
5 Pete loses a game, (hardly ever)
4 player.
6 Their friend Maria is there to w atch them.
(b Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own 7 Peter and
< Paul are happy about that, (usually)
ideas. Act out the conversations.
(3 j Make questions with adverbs of frequency.
What do you I like it. Peyton Manning
1 w h e n /y o u / u su a lly /p la y /te n n is?
think of football? is my favorite player.
i When do you usually plALtennis?
2 you / sometimes / go / to football games?
3 you / alw ays / w atch f r v / after school?
4 you / often / play / computer games / at home?
1 track / basketball / soccer / ice hockey / 5 w here / you / usually / meet / your friends?
swimming / tennis

2 like / love / don't like / hate

<5/ What about you? Answer the questions in
Exercise 3.
3 Rafael Nadal / Peyton Manning / Taj Gibson / When do you usually
Usain Bolt / Dallas Cowboys I usually play tennis on
play tennis?
Fridays after school.
4 athlete / player / team

Unit 1 • Play the Game! ■( 15

Superstitious Sports Stars
any sports stars are superstitious.They believe in good and
& Look at the photos of sports stars. Answer
the questions.
M bad luck. Some have a lucky charm (som ething they have
w ith them fo r good luck) o r w ear lucky clothes. O th ers believe
special num bers are lucky, and som e do special rituals (things
1 W hat sports do they play?
they do fo r good luck) on the day of an im portant game.
2 W hat are their names?
Serena W illiam s, the tennis player, ties her shoelaces in the same
way before every match. She often w ears the same socks
at all the matches in a tournam ent She also has lucky shoes
and likes having an extra dress w ith her. A nother tennis star,
Rafael Nadal, places tw o w ater bottles in exactly the same
position next to the tennis co u rt before every match. W hen
he w ins a tournam ent he always bites the trophy!
Th e basketball player Jason Te rry, in addition to wearing
multiple pairs o f socks w hile he plays, always sleeps wearing
the shorts o f the opposing team the night before a game.
K o lo T o u re is always the last player onto the so ccer field
before a gam e. It’s his ritu al. Many so cce r players believe
num bers like 1 1 ,22 o r 33 on a player’s sh irt are
good luck, and they th in k it is bad luck to change
th e ir num ber w hen they go to ano ther team .
Form ula O ne racing driver, Sebastian Vettcl
doesn’t have a special ritu al, but he has lucky
charm s. H e has a necklace and a little m etal pig!

Key Words
superstitious (good/bad) luck J
lucky charm ritual
shoelaces trophy
v------------------------------------ y
d r Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.

; 3 Read the article again. V/ho has . . .

about lucky charms,
112 1 a lucky charm ? Sebastian Vettel order you hear about them.
2 a lucky number?
3 lucky clothes?
4 a special ritual?

4 Read the magazine article again. Answer

1.12 the questions.
1 W hat does Serena Williams do before a match?
She ties her shoelaces in the same way before ( * ) Listen to the radio show
every match. 1.13 correct options.
2 What does Nadal do when he wins a competition? 1 Speaker 1 uses his lucky charm at school/ home.
3 W hat does Jason Terry w ear the night before 2 His lucky charm realty helps / doesn't really help.
a game? 3 Speaker 2 never / sometimes loses her charm.
4 W hat is Kolo Tours's ritual? 4 She puts it in her bag / hand for good luck.
5 W hat numbers are lucky for many soccer players? 5 Speaker 3 says her lucky charm is not very/
6 W hat are Sebastian Vettel's lucky charms? very lucky.
6 She has her lucky charm w ith her every day /
on her birthday

Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Writing • A description of a sport

( h Read the Writing File. Put the correct punctuation in the sentences.
1 I have a tracksuit some sneakers and a football
Writing File Punctuation n _____ I have a tracksuit, some sneakers and a football.
W e use: 2 W hen do they w atch soccer on TV
a period . at the end of sentences. 3 Do you have a lucky number
4 Thats Jodys brothers skateboard
a comma , in the middle of a sentence before
5 Mikes brother is a great baseball player
a new idea^orjn lists.
an exclamation point ! to show surprise,
a question mark ? at the end of questions.
& Read about Isabella's favorite sport again.
Answer the questions.
an apostrophe f for possessives (Rose's MP3 1 W hat is Isabella's favorite sport? Snowboarding
player) .*1
2 2 W here does she do this sport?
3 W hat equipment do you need for this sport?
4 W hy does Isabella like the sport?
Read about Isabella's fa
1 a period. Think about a sport you like. Answer the questions.
2 a com m a.
(b Take notes.
3 an exclamation point. 1 W hich sport do you like?
4 a question mark. 2 W hen and w here do you play/watch it?
5 an apostrophe. 3 W hat is your favorite team ?
4 W ho is your favorite player?
5 W hy do you like the sport?

Write a description of your favorite sport.

Use "Mvfavorite sport" and your notes from Exercise 5.

nd where you watch/play it

/ly is (name).......
I pl watch it (w here).... with (w ho)....
IfsAy T-avori+e fpporf by l^ b e lU (w H
2 Your
I live in Sw itzerland, and my favorite sport is
snowboarding. It’s a w in ter sport, and it’s difficult
I really like ..
to do in the summer, but from Novem ber to A pril
My favorite . ▼
I go snowboarding every weekend w ith my friends. 3 Why you like the sport
There are many ski resorts in my country, but I usually .... is great.
go toVerbier. The snow is great there, and I hardly It's always ....... *•
ever go to other places.
The main equipment fo r snowboarding is a snowboard
and special snowboard boots. I always wear a helmet,
goggles fo r my eyes and gloves. My favorite snowboarder
is Shaun Roger W hite. He snowboards in the W in ter
Olym pic Games. He has two gold medals! I think he is an • Use periods, commas, exclamation
amazing athlete. points, question marks and apostrophes.
Snowboarding is a great sport. It’s fast and exciting. • Use the vocabulary in this unit.
I love snowboarding! W h at about you? • Check your grammar and spelling.

Unit 1 • Play the Game!


Grammar • Review Vocabulary • Review

< 5 , Complete the sentences w ith the verbs in the < 5 / Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.
Present simple. 1 Josh and Alex do archery on the w eekend.
1 Do you go (you / go) swimming on the 2 Sasha d o e s.... at school.
w eekend? 3 Max p lays.... every winter.
2 W e .... (play) tennis every Friday. 4 Ben and Katie g o .... in the summer.
3 .... (Jane / w alk) to school every day? 5 Hannah does ....o n Fridays.
4 G a d K . (go) snowboarding in the winter. 6 Fred g o e s.... on Saturdays.
5 I „ ..(n o t w atch) sports on TV.
6 W hat clothes (they / w ear) for judo?

( S Complete thehsentences w it h th e correct form

of these verbs.
f\ose play play watch win1

Luke loves 1playing baseba

His team usually w ins, but
Luke isn't happy! He h a te s3.... f § e lla ,
O f Complete the sentences w ith these words.
doesn't lik e 4.... ball games, but she doesn't mind
5.... them on TV. She also likes1
6.... her New England
2 ^court(x2) field pool rink J
soccer shirt. She thinks it's a great shirt!
1 You play soccer on a soccer field.
<b Put the words in the correct order. 2 They play basketball on a basketball.......
3 You ao ice skating at the ice sk a tin g .......
1 play / basketball / usually / after school / They
ay tennis on a te n n is.......
They usually play basketball after school.
1 He goes swim m ing at the sw im m in g .......
2 a soccer shirt / 1/ often / w ear
3 usually / are / Fast sports / exciting
4 eat / W e / never / before swim m ing Speaking • Review
5 He / his friends / often / on Sunday / calls
6 Complete the conversation w ith these words.
6 in the park / She / sometimes / studies
1.14 Then listen and check.

don't favorite think What

A What do you think of the Olympic Gam es?

B I .... like them . I think they're boring.
A But do y o u .... Usain Bolt?
B Yes, I do. I .... he's amazing.
A He's my ....a th le te , too.

7 i Listen and w rite in your notebook.

115 f r
\ S j My assessment profile: Workbook page 127

Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Soccer Ball Fact File

You ca n se e s o c c e r b alls on the street, in sto re s,
at sch o o l and in yo u r house. B u t w h at do you know
about s o c c e r b a lls? Here a re so m e fa c ts .

What shape average so c c e r ball?

It’s a sphen a circumference of 68 to 70 centimeters,
It usual n 410 and 450 grams.
o o
An avei s 32 p ieces of m aterial:
12 pentag :agons. Sphere Pentagon ( Hexagon

There are five differ ,t sizes o Dccer balls.


S ize 4

Size 1: This has a circumference of 43 : This ball weighs a maximum of 370 grams. It has
circumference of 66 centimeters. Boys and girls
Size 2: This has a circumference of 56 centimeters;
to 12 usually play with this soccer ball.
a maximum of 280 grams. This is a good soccer ball
young children. This ball is good for soccer skills Size 5 : This is the ball for adult soccer games and
the World Cup. It has a circumference
Size 3: This ball weighs a maximum of 340 grams. It has
maximum circumference of 61 centimeters.

Take notes out some sports
0 / Look quickly at the text. What do you think
it is about? equipme u use or your favorite
sports about:
1 The soccer W orld Cup.
2 The history of soccer balls. • size
3 The size and shape of soccer balls.
( 2 Read the text. Answer the questions. w eight

1,16 1 W hat shape is a soccer ball? A soccer ball is a sphere.

2 How many pieces of material are there in an average
<4/ W rite a fact file ab1 sports
equipment. Add pictures or photos.
soccer ball?
Use your notes from Exercise 3 to
3 W hat shape are the pieces of material in an average
help you.
soccer ball?
4 W hich soccer ball is good for young children?
5 W hat does a size 4 soccer ball w eigh?
6 W hich soccer ball do players use in the World Cup?

Unit 1 • Play the Game!

The Big Picture

V o cab ulary • Types of movies
1 Listen and repeat. Then match the photos to eight of these types of movies.
Present continuous;
Present simple 1.17
action animation comedy documentary fantasy historical
Vocabulary horror martial arts musical science fiction war________western 7
Types of movies;
I Adjectives O ' Which words in Exercise 1 are not in the photos? Think of a movie for each
I Speaki movie type.
I Suggest!) Comedy - Night at the Museum
A movie review Read the sentences. What type of movies are they?
1 Joe likes cartoons, animations
Word lis t page 43 e adventures.
W orkbook page 105
e songs in this movie are great.
I like movies with information about animals, people and places.
5 llra p s to rie s about the past.
>The aliens a re to o l I
^ ih e r e are w erewolves and zombies.
8 C ow boy movies are my favorite.
9 It's really funny. There are a lot o f jokes.
10 I love w atching kung fu and karate movies.

Aj In pairs, ask and answer. What type of movies do you like?

What type of movies I like action movies

do you like? and animations. Brain Trainer
What about you?
Activity 3
Go to page 113
20 a Unit 2 • The Big Picture

G > Look quickly at Ella's blog and the photos. 5 What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
What do you think her blog is about? 1 How often do you w atch movies?
1 Her family. 2 W hen do you go to the movies?
2 A visit to a museum. 3 W hat is your favorite movie?
3 Her favorite movies. 4 W ho is your favorite actor?
5 Do you like movies w ith special effects?
& Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.

( L Match each paragraph (1-4) to a photo (a-d).

4 Read Ella's blog again. Are the statements true (T)

1.18 or false (F)?

1 Leo is w earing science fiction makeup. F

2 Annika and M ax are ima science fiction movie.
Ella likes W allaceand Gromit.
•1 Jack and his friends are watching a historical movie.
The Charlie Chaplin rnovie has special effects.

* * Ella's Blog
<• -> c f t _______________________
Hi. I ’m E lla . W elcom e t<

Places to visit in my town: The film M)

Do you like watching w e ste rn s; Is
docum entaries or action movies' ou think
sc ie n c e fiction and fan tasy m ovies ool?
Then I know ju st the place for you, the Film M useum my town.
You can w atch m ovies, act in a movie or m ake your own five-minute
m ovies! Here are photos from my last visit with m y friends.

€ 1 W hat are Annika, Max and Dan doing in this photo?

They’re dancing in the musical Fame, and they’re having
a lot of fun! Max is singing, too, but he isn’t a very
good singer!

o Look at Leo. He’s wearing horror movie makeup in this

photo. He isn’t smiling. He looks serious and really scary!

Look at Jack in this photo. He’s sitting in one of

$ the museum’s movie theater seats, and he’s eating
popcorn. He’s watching a silent movie with our
friends. It’s a black-and-white Char lie Chaplin
comedy. It’s great, but it doesn’t have any dialogue
or special effects. (I’m not joking!)

o W e’re making an animation here. It’s taking

a long time! I’m a big Wallace and Gromit fan.
I love The Wrong Trousers. It’s really funny!

G ram m ar • Present continuous

3 Complete the sentences and questions w ith the
verbs in the Present continuous.
'm (am) making
a movie. 1 They are not waiting (not w ait) outside the
He/She/lt 's (is) making
You/We/They 're (are) making movie theater. They are sitting (sit) inside it.
2 D a n ie l.... (not eat) candy. H e .... (eat) popcorn.
3 W e .... (not visit) the Film Museum. W e .... (buy)
'm not (am not) making tickets at the movie theater.
He/She/lt ju \'t (is not) making a movie. 4 You .... (not finish) your hom ework. You ....
You/We/They IBiHUI_____________
(are not) making (watch) a horror movie on TV.
Questions and short answers 5 M a rk .... (not w atch) the documentary. H e ....
(call) a friend.
6 .... L ily .... (m ake) an anim ation? Yes..........
7 W h a t.... Mark and Paul.... (watch) at the movies?

It's nine o'clock and P a u l1 is waiting (wait) outside

the movie theater for Sam and Kate. A horror
movie. The Beasts, is playing, starting at 9 :1 5 .
Paul is trying to call
his friends, but they
2 .... (not answer).
I t 3 .... (rain) and it's
dark. Paul isn't happy.
Suddenly there's a
noise behind him.
W ho 4 .:.. (run) down
the street? It isn't the
fe a s ts . It's

Study the grammar table. Choose the correct

options to complete the rules.

W e use the Present continuous to talk about 5 Write que

actions in progress / in the past. answers about Exerc
W e make the Present continuous w ith the 1 it / raining / Is
Present simple of be /has + verb + the -ing Is it raining? Yes, it is.
form of the verb.
2 K a te /w a itin g /o u tsid e the, e a t e r / Is / ?
3 on the phone / talking /
< / What are the -ingforms of these verbs? 4 K a te a n d Sam / A re / ru n n in g / ?
1 begin beginning 7 run
2 carry 8 sit < ! / What about you? What are these people doing
3 dance 9 smile at the moment? Use your imagination!
4 joke 10 stop * your friends and fam ily
5 look 11 study • your favorite movie stars or pop stars
6 play 12 take

. Unit 2 • The Big Picture

V o c a b u la ry • Adjectives
1 j Look at the pictures and these words. Complete the sentences w ith the words in
1.20 Listen and repeat. Exercise 1.

^annoying awesome boring exciting 1 All my friends are crying because the movie
expensive funny romantic sad is very sad.
scary________ tasty_______ terrible weird > 2 This movie is a comedy, but it's not funny.
Word list page 43
Workbook 3 Johnny Depp is a really good actor. I think
he's . . . . !
4 You can pay $ 1 7.50 for movie tickets
in Los Angeles. T h a t's.. ..!
5 I don't understand this movie at all. It's.......
My friend alw ays arrives late. It's .......
It's annoying It's boring.

Word stress in adjectives
It's exciting! 5a Listen and repeat the adjectives.
1,21 boring exdting

b Listen. Where is the stress on the adjective?

^ 1-22 expensive 5 scary
It's romantic. It's sad. 2 funny 6 tasty
3 romantic 7 annoying
4 terrible 8 awesom e


It's tasty. It's terrible. It's weird!

2 Copy the table and put the adjectives from 6 Write your own examples for the words in
Exercise 1 in the correct column. Exercise 1. Read your sentences to a partner.

Positive Negative Can be both I love this movie.

It's funny!

b Choose the correct options.

1 The Ring is a horror movie. It's very
scary / romantic.
2 The songs in the musical are good, but the
actors are terrible / sad.
3 I like documentaries. They're awesome / boring.
4 It's a good action mov e. It's annoying / exciting.
5 Ben Stiller is often in comedies. He's a Brain Trainer
scary / funny actor. Activity 4
Goto page 113
6 Try the popcorn. It's really tasty / expensive\

Unit 2 • The Big Picture

(ffteftrorm Suggestions
Speaking and Listening
l 1 Listen and read the conversation. What type of ( i > Act out the conversation in groups of three.
1.23 movie do they like? Copy and complete the table.
Jody Hi, Nadia. Hi, Zak. W hy don't w e go to
Jody Nadia Zak the movies?
Romantic Nadia Hi, Jody. That's a good idea. Are there any
good movies playing?
Jody What about Jane Eyrel
Comedy __________ Nadia But that's a historical movie, and you never see
historical movies.
nswer the questions. Jody Well, I want to see this one! I'm reading
( 2 ) List the book at the moment, and it's so sad
123 1 W ha uggest? and romantic!
Jane Eyre. Great! I love historical movies. What about
2 W hy is NacJfa s you, Zak?
Does Zak w an t t No way! I think historical movies are silly, and
W hy?/W hy not? Carlos hates them, too. Let's see a comedy.
4 W hich type of movie <3o< What about Zookeeperl
No, thanks! I don't like comedies . . . They're
5 W hat does Nadia sugg
stupid. I like romantic movies.
6 W hat does Zak think of Nadi
I have an idea. Jody and I can see Jane Eyre,
and you and Carlos can see Zookeeper.
Great! I'm in!

Say it in your
language ...
No way!
'm in!

24 a Unit 2 • The Big Picture

4 Look back at the conversation. Who says what? G ram m ar • Present simple and
1 W hy don't w e go to the movies? Jody Present continuous
2 That's a good idea.
3 W hat about Jane Eyrel Present simple Present continuous
4 Great! Jody never watches She's reading Jane Eyre
5 No w ay! historical movies. at the moment.
6 Let's see a comedy.
Grammar reference Workbook page 88

& Read the phrases for making and responding to

suggestions. Study the grammar table. Complete the rules
w ith continuous or simple.
Making suggestions Responding

Let's... W e use the Present .. . for actions that are in

progress now.
W e use the P re se n t.. . for habits, routines or
things that are always true.

2 Choose the correct options.

6 Listen to the conversation. 1 Luke usually watches/is watching horror

1.24 in pairs. movies, but now he watches / 's watching
a comedy.
Carlos Why don't w e see 1 Night at the M}
2 Lisa usually goes / is going to her photography
It's 2 funny.
class on Saturdays, but this Saturday she works /
Zak No, thanks! I don't like 3 Ben Stiller.
is working at her mom's cafe.
Carlos How about watching 4 Star Trek?
3 Beth often goes / is going to the cafe after
T h e 5 special effects a re 6 great.
school, but she w atches/is watching a soccer
Zak I'm in! I lo ve 7 science fiction movies.
£ the moment.
Let's watch it at my house.
Carlos Good idea.
»k at the table. What do the people usually do?

Co Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in

Exercise 6. Use these words and/or your own ideas.
ire they doing at the moment?
Sally usuallylmesphotographs, but at the moment
Act out the conversation. she is dotrkia school project.

usually at the moment

Why don't we watch
Avatar? It's very exciting. No, thanks! Sally take photographs do ^school project
Ta Norah play soccSr watch / TV
Sam and Ben go / to a dance class sleep
1 Twilight / Avatar / One Day

great / fun / scary / romantic / exciting <4/ Imagine it's Monday, but it's a holiday. Say w hat
you usually do and w hat you are doing today.
Robert Pattinson / Zoe Saldana / Anne Hathaway
On Monday, I usually ..., but today I ...
Mamma Mia / Kung Fu Panda / Karate Kid
go / to school go / to the beach
songs / actors / costumes / fight scenes read / my textbooks read / a magazine
fantastic / amazing / cool / awesom e listen / to my teachers listen / to the radio

musicals / westerns / comedies / horror movies sit / at my desk sit / in the sun

Unit 2 • The Big Picture

1 Look quickly at the text. What kind of text do you
think it is?
1 A movie review.
2 A newspaper article.
3 An interview in a magazine.


This w e e k we 3 c the m ovie set of Twilight, but w e 're not talkin g
to Rober* .tinson Ve're in te rview in g student Tom D alto n.
Tom h jn am az; sum m er job this y e a r!

I'm a m ovie e xtra . It's fun, but I dofc't | AT THE MOMENT? MOVIE SET TODAY?
sp e a k . I'm in the b a ckg ro u n d . | T h e y're doing a scene in the castle W e ll, there's Robert Pattinson. H e 's
Yftil'Pr KinT the cjad nr the MnviE r I J?f **»
T u rlio
YolhjriT,he d irecto r is film ing
i the ending a n d it's v e ry e xcitin g .
E d w a rd C u lle n , the m ain c h a ra cte r.
But w e c a n 't talk to him a n d w e
THEN? c a n 't take p ictures of him.
N o , I'm not, but extras a re important. IS THE ENDING HAPPY OR SAD?
Th e y help to m ake the m ovie realistic. | I c a n 't tell yo u . It's a secret! WHY NOT? DOES HE BITE?
N o , he d o e sn 't, but w e c a n 't talk to
WHAT'S THE MOVIE ABOUT? i IS IT EXCITING WORK? him b e ca u se he's v e ry busy!
It's about v a m p ire s , but it's rot Yes, it is u su ally e x c itin g , but at the
sc a ry . It's ro m an tic. = mom ent it's b o rin g b e ca u se w e 're
| w a itin g for a n acto r. H e 's not here!
Yes, it is . W e 're a ll w e a rin g b la ck
clothes a n d w h ite m akeu p today.

Key Words
extra background star
scene director character
& Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.

nt. Listen to four people.

i 3 Read the text. Are the statements true (T), false t 1 *
1.26 Which s :o be an extra?
1.25 (F) or don't know (DK)?

1 Tom has an amazing job this summer. T
2 He talks in the movie.
3 Tom is one o f the stars.
4 The movie is scary.
5 The movie has a happy ending.
iMovie is making a new action movie,
6 Tom's job is usually boring.
and we're looking for extras NOW!
4 Read the interview again. Answer the questions. i
1.25 1 W hy are extras important in a movie?
They help make the movie realistic. 2 Listen again. Answer the questions.
2 W hat is Tom wearing today? 1.26 Which speaker:

3 W here does the ending of the movie happen? 1 talks about his/her favorite actor?
4 W hy is Tom's job boring at the moment? 2 is shopping?
5 W ho is the star? W hat part does he play? 3 sends a text message to his/her friends?
6 W hy can't Tom talk to him? 4 w ants free movie tickets?

Unit 2 • The Big Picture

W riting • A movie review

G , Read the Writing File. Choose the correct options.
1 Sarah likes horror movies, and / because she
W ritin g File Linking words ^ often w atches action movies.
• A d d itio n 2 Louise doesn't like documentaries, a n d / but
We can't talk to him, and w e can't take she likes anim ations.
pictures of him. 3 Mark enjoys comedies, and / but he doesn't
• C o n trast tell jokes.
The movie is about vampires, but it's not scary. 4 Jeremy loves science fiction movies, because /
and they're exciting.
• Reasc
5 My parents don't w atch musicals, but/because
W e'caCt talk to himj>ei
they think they're boring.

(b Read Claire's Read Claire's movie review again. Answer the

and because. questions.
1 W hat type of movie is Fame? A musical
2 W hat is it about?
3 W ho is Claire's favorite character?
4 W hy does she like this movie?

Think about your favorite movie. Answer the

questions. Take notes.
1 W hat is your favorite movie?
2 W hat type of movie is it?
3 W hat is the movie about?
4 W h a js your favorite character?
ur opinion o f the movie?

ite a review of your favorite movie. Use

y favorite movie is Fame. I have the D V D ,
M and I often watch it with my sister because we
love musicals! My mom sometimes watches it with
d your notes from Exercise 5.

My movit reviev
us, but my dad never watches it. He hates musicals!
Fame is about a group of American students at
M y favorifem ov^ ^ h ar 5 ).......
the School for Performing A rts in N ew Y o rk .
It's a(n) (type
T h e students at the school are actors, and they
2 Description o flto r y
also sing and dance. T h e re are a lot of songs. My about....
dad thinks they’re boring, but I think they’re great.
3 W hy I like the movie
I like Fame because the characters in the movie I like .... because .......
are really interesting. Th e main characters of the M y favorite character is . . . . because .......
movie are Denise D upree and V icto r Tavares. 4 Conclusion
I like Denise. She plays a romantic character, In my opinion, .... is a .... movie.
but she’s also very funny in Fame.
In my opinion, Fame is great because the story and Remember!
the characters are fantastic, and the songs + Use linking words: and, because, but
are amazing! M M Use the vocabulary in this unit.
Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Unit 2 • The Big Picture


G ram m ar • Review Vocabulary • Review

o Complete the sentences w ith these verbs in the & > Complete the adjectives.
Present continuous. 1 "I enjoy funny movies w ith a lot o f jo kes."
( do send sing study talk watch J 2 "I love sc_r_ m ovies."
3 "I enjoy watching _xc_t_n g movies about
1 Ym sending a text message to my friend the fu tu re !"
r ig h t J < ^ € k 4 "M y favorite movies are often _x p _n s_v _,
M ik e y a n d N ick .... T V a t th e m o m e n t. w ith special effects."
3 f w j K o m ^ o n the phone now. 5 "I think movies about real life are t_rr_b l_."
4 E lla !... in the musical. 6 "I think movies about people from long ago
5 W e .... English today. are _ w _ s _ m _ ."
6 T h e y .... their hpnne\^ork. 7 "M ost cartoons are really _n n _y _n g ."
8 " C owboy movie s a re b_r_n g ."
Make the sentences in Exerc 1 negative. 9 "Science fiction movies are really w _ _ r d . I like
1 I'm not sending a texW es to m m e n d movies about Japanese fig hters."
right now. 10 "W ar movies are very s_d. I like songs
in movies."
3 Complete the Present continuous questions.^,
match each question to an answer. (b Match the movie types to the sentences in
Exercise 5.
1 Are you watching (w atch) a DVD?
e Yes, we are. 1 action movies 4 6 anim ations
2 .... the m o vie.... (start) now? 2 comedies 7 documentaries
3 .... s h e .... (m ake) a movie? martial arts movies 8 historical movies
4 .... th e y .... (sit) at the back of the movie theater? .m ovies 9 w esterns
5 .... y o u .... (take) a photograph? 10 science fiction movies

a Yes, they are.

b No, I'm not.
c No, it isn't,
conversation w ith these words.
d Yes, she is.
1.27 Then lis
c Yes, w e are.
4 Complete the text w ith the Present simple or
James 1 Let's have popcorn.
Present continuous form of the verbs.
Lily 2. . ... thanks. I don't like popcorn.
Joe 1 usually watches (usually / watch) science
James 3.. .. don't w e have an ice cream?
fiction movies, but today h e 2 .... (watch) Black Wolf
Lily 4 .. .. way! It's too cold for that!
with his sisters, Daisy and Holly. It's a horror movie,
h ut it's a rom p dy, to o Io p 3.... (n o t likp) h o rro r James O K .5 ....a b o u t chips?
movies, but Daisy and Holly4 .... (always / enjoy) Lily 6 .. .. idea!
them. The movie is very funny. At the moment,
a boy in the m ovie5.... (look) for his family. He's sad, Dictation)
but Jo e 6.... (laugh). Why is he doing that? Because
Daisy7 .... (cry). Daisy anc H olly8 .... (often / cry) at l 8 Listen and w rite in your notebook.
sad scenes in movies! 1.28

My asse ssm e n t p ro file : Workbook page 128

28 Unit 2 • The Big Picture

Kishan Shrikanth's Profile

ishan Shrikanth is 14 years old. He lives in India, and he’s

K very famous there. Why? Because he’s a movie director!
His new movie is in theaters in India this year. It’s called
Care o f Footpath.
Care o f Footpath is very different from other Bollywood
movies. It isn’t a comedy or a musical. It’s the story of a
young street child in Bangalore. Street children in India are
14 years old very poor. They live on the streets of big cities. Their lives
are very hard. They don’t go to school, and it’s difficult for
My favorite ... them to change their lives.
movies horror, action
Care o f Footpath is very sad in the beginning, but it has
actors Keanu Reeves,
a happy ending. The main character is named Slummu.
director Steven Spielberg
has a dream. He wants to go to school and study, but
things sports and movies!
At the end of the movie, Slummu’s dream comes true!
to help street children in India and other countries.
o f Footpath is for street children all over the
The message of the movie is "nothing is impossible.”
& Read Kishan's profile. Are the moment, Kishan is making another movie. It’s about a
statements true (T) or false (F)? Indian teenagers and their different problems!
in teenager

1 Kishan comes from India. T

2 Kishan hates horror movies.
3 Kishan's tw o favorite things are
reading and movies.

I 2 Read the article. Answer the questions.

1,29 1 W hy is Kishan famous?
Because he's an Indian
movie director.
2 W hat is Care o f Footpath about?
3 W here do street children live?
4 W hy is it difficult for them to
change their lives?
5 W hat does Slummu w an t to do?
6 W ho is Care o f Footpath for?
7 W hat is the message of the movie? Class discussion
8 What is Kishan doing at the moment? 1 Are there problems like this in your country?
2 Do all the children in your country go to school?
3 What different problems do teenagers have in your country?

Unit 2 • The Big Picture ■ 29

Vocabulary • History
Past simple: affirmative ( T ) Listen and repeat. Then match ten of these words to the picture.
and negative;
r army castle / century die dungeon kill king knight
Past simple: questions
plague prisoner queen servant soldier sword war J
I History; Life e,
I Speak!
I Reasonin
A biography

Word list page 43

Workbook page 106

Which words in Exercise 1 an

(b Which of these words means
1 to stop living? die
2 to make a person or animal die?
3 a terrible disease?
4 a hundred years?
5 a time of fighting between countries?

0 / Complete the sentences w ith the words in

Exercise 1.
1 The king a n d .... live ir a big castle.
2 A .... is a disease that dlls a lot o f people.
3 W hen there is a war, many peop le.......
4 T h e .... has 10,000 soldiers.
5 T h e .... in the castle cook and clean.
6 This castle is from the fo u rte en th .......
7 The dungeon is f o r .......

( s , In pairs, talk about the things from history

you like and don't like.

like learning about kings.

What about you?

like learning about them, but

I don't like reading about wars. Brain Trainer V f c
Activity 3
Go to page 114

Look at the text quickly. Is it: 4 What about you? Think of a tourist attraction in
1 from an encyclopedia? your country. In pairs, ask and answer.
2 from a short story? 1 W hat is it?
3 an advertisement for a tourist attraction? 2 W here is it?
3 W hat can you do there?

Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.

St. George's Castle is
Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) a famous tourist attraction

Where is it?
1.31 or false (F)? in Portugal.
1 A t the London Dungeon you can only learn
about tw o horrible events. F
2 Rats carried the plague from London to
the ships.
3 In 1665 many rich people left London because
they didn't w a n rto die.
4 The plague killed about 8 0 ,0 0 0 pe
in London.
5 The Great Fire of London starte
year as the Great Plague.
6 During the fire there were many victj
in London.
7 You can meet horrible people from
in the Labyrinth.

London (Dunoon
W hat can you do at The London The Gr
Dungeon? After the G
Come and see London at the time of the Great in London,
Plague and the Great Fire! Learn about other the bakery of Thomj Pudding Lane,
horrible events in English history! Farriner and his family escaped, Duj eir servant
died in the fire. The fire started in this poor part
T he G reat Plague of the city and then burned die old City of London,
In the fourteenth century a terrible plague killed including 13,500 houses, 87 c h u fK m d St. Paul’s
many thousands of people in England. The plague Cathedral. The fire was terrible^.but there were not
came and went many times in the next three many victims, and only six people died. Is diis really
hundred years. Then, in 1665, rats from ships tme, or did more people die? It’s a mystery'!
carried the disease to London again. King Charles
II and many rich people went to the country O th e r th in g s to do
to escape the plague, but poor people didn’t Go for a boat ride in die dark, see the ghosts
leave the city. They stayed, and about 80,000 in the Labyrinth of the Lost Souls, or meet
people died. horrible people from history!

Unit 3 • Past Lives ■ 31

G ram m ar • Past simple

To be Affirmative d > What is the Past simple form of these verbs?

l/He/She/lt was 1 play played 7 do 13 see

old. 2 go 8 carry 14 like
You/We/They were
3 start 9 eat 15 w rite
To be Negative 4 read 10 give 16 take
l/He/She/lt wasn't (was not) 5 clean 11 listen 17 come
You/We/They weren't (were not) 6 drink 12 hear 18 sit

To be: Questions and short answers

( L Complete the sentences w ith the Past simple.
Yes. l/he/she/it was.
Was l/he/^B/i^ld? 1 She did (do) her history hom ework last night.
No, l/he/she/it wasn't.
Yes, you/we/they were,
2 The so ld ie rs....(fig h t) in the war.
Were y o u / w e w ^ m ^ ^ 3 The young m a n .... (become) a knight.
we/they weren't.
4 I .... (have) a terrible day yesterday.
Regular verbs: affirmative and negative 5 T h e y ....(s tu d y ) for a test last night.
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They in London, 6 You ....(m a k e ) a big mistake!
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They didn't (did not) stay in London.
4 Complete the sentences w ith these words.
Irregular verbs: affirmative and negative
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They left____________A The city. f give learn leave p la y read w a tch j

l/You/He/She/lt/We/They didn't (did not) le ^ T 1 W e played tennis on Saturday.

Time expressions 2 Luke and Ja s o n .... a horror movie last night.

yesterday yesterday even ng last year 3 H e .... me a present for my birthday.

4 I .... a text about ancient Rome. I .... about
three years ago in 1666
Julius Caesar.
Grammar reference Workbook page 90
5 Y o u .... school early yesterday.

Watch Out! IKnun^l

m u n itio n Verb endings: aa m a aa /
cook cooked dance — danced
5a Listen and repeat the sentences.
stop stopped hurry hurried
132 1 /\./\ W e liked the castle.
2 /d/i V H eTraJeled to Lo n d o n .
/ id / : The fire started there.

,b Listen. Copy ut the verbs in the

G , Study the grammar table. Choose the correct 1.33 correct column.
options to complete the rules.
asked died ended happened
1 The past forms of regular/ irregular verbs
end in -ed. r lived visited wanted watched
2 The past forms of regular/ irregular verbs are
all different. It is important to learn them.
/t/ /d / /id /

o Listen, check and repeat.


Unit 3 • Past Lives

V o cabulary • Life events

<•/ Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. ( T ) Listen and repeat. Then match eight of these
1.35 words to the pictures.
1 W e w ent to London on the weekend.
They didn't go to London on the weekend. C be born 1 die fall in love
2 They visited a castle in Scotland. I ....... find a job get married go to college
3 He read a story about a fam ous knight. S h e ....... graduate have a baby leave home
4 I saw a sword at the museum. Y o u ....... move retire start school J
5 The museum opened at ten. The restaurant.......
Word list page 43
6 W e had a history test last w eek. T h e y .......
Workbook page 106
7 I w as in London tw o w eeks ago. H e .......

Qj Complete the email with the Past simple form of

these verbs.
' aTiTVt:
*\rrniA be khave learn
not buy not come not feel In o tjia v e see
stay visit

New Message K ®
Hi Barb ara! ^ ^
W e ll, w e 1arrived in London ten days ago. Last
Friday Dad and I 2 .... to the T o w e r o f London.
I t 3 .... fantastic, and w e 4 .... a lo t about English
history. Mom 5 .... w ith us because she 6.... w ell.
She ' . . . . at the hotel.
Yesterday w e 8 .... the Imperial W a r Museum.
Then w e 9 .... lunch at a fish-and-chip shop. In the
afternoon we w ent shopping on Regent Street.
I 10.... some beautiful clothes. I 11.... them because
I 12.... any money. O h well! N ext time.
See you soon,

Which words in Exercise 1 are not in the pictures?

3 Choose the correct options. Then listen and check.

1-36 Megan D a v ie s1 m e / had born in 1953.
She 2started / le ft school w hen she w ^ f'iv e and
3 sta rted / le ft school w hen she w as eighteen.
A fter school, she 4 w ent / retired to college.
She 5retired / graduated in 1974. She 6 g ot / left
home w hen she 7met / found a jub. She met
John and 8started / fell in love w ith him.
T h e y 9g o t/ had married tw o months later.
What about you? What did you do last weekend? Megan 10had / was a baby in 1977. A fter tw o
years, Megan and John 11 m oved / le ft. Megan
Write sentences.
12retired / graduated w hen she w as 60.
On Saturday I didn't get up early. I got up at ten.
I had breakfast, and then l met my friends Brain Trainer
downtown ... Activity 4
Go to page 114
Unit 3 • Past Lives ■ 33

Speaking and Listening Zak OK, guys. I want to take a photo.

Say "Cheese"!
( 1 t Look at the photo. Answer the questions. Nadia No, Zak. I'm tired. And my feet hurt!
1 W here do you think the four friends are? Jody Forget the photo. Let's visit the
Bloody Tower.
2 W hat are they doing there?
Nadia Why?
3 W hat's wrong w ith Nadia?
Jody Because there are ghosts in it!
Nadia Then I don't want to see it.
( 22 ) Listen
I and read the conversation. Check your
Jody Don't be silly, Nadia. Why don't you want
1.37 answers. to see it?
Nadia Because I'm scared of ghosts.
3 Listen and read again. Answer the questions. Mr. Jones Well, I'm not sure there are ghosts,
but King Richard III killed tw o young
137 1 W hy does Zak s a ^ S a y T C h e e s e '"?
princes there.
Because h&ti/ants to take a photo. Raven Good morning!
2 W here doe^lody w a r t to go? Zak Did you hear that?!
3 W hy does she w ant to go there? Carlos Yes, I did. It was that bird.
4 W hy doesn't Nadia w ant to go? Mr. Jones Yes, that's a raven. The ravens at the
5 W ho killed the y o u n f princes in tn S |b w e r? Tower of London are famous. They watch
6 W hat is a raven? over the Tower.
Jody And they can talk!
7 W hat can the ravens do?
4 Act out the conversation in groups of five.
Say it in your
language ...
Say "Cheese"!
Don't be silly.

Unit 3 • Past Lives

5 Look back at the conversation. Complete Grammar • Past simple: questions

the sentences.
and short answers
1 Say "Cheese"!
2 .... there are ghosts in it! Regular verbs: questions and short answers
3 I ....w a n t to see it.
Did l/you/he/she/it/we/they stay in London?
4 Don't ....silly.
Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they did.
5 .... don't you w an t to see it?
No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't (did not).
6 .... I'm scared o f ghosts.
Irregular verbs: questions and short answers
0 / Read the phrases for asking for and Did l/you/he/she/it/we/they leave the city?
givinc Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they did.

Asking for a reason Giving a reason No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't (did not).

Why?/Why not? Wh questions

Why do/don't you Where did you stay? When did they leave?
want to ... ? G ram m a r re fe re n ce Workbook page 90

7 Listen to the conversations. <0 Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
1.38 conversations in pairs. options to complete the rules.
Zak Let's go to 1the War Mu
1 In Past simple questions, w e use did + the
Nadia Why?
infinitive / the Past sim ple form o f the verb.
Zak Because2 it's interesting.
2 In Past simple short answers, w e use / d o n 't
Nadia 3That's a good idea.
use the verb after did and didn't.
Zak I want to go to 1the London Dungei
Nadia Why do you want to go there?
& Make questions with the Past simple.
Zak Because2 it's scary.
1 l took a photo of the castle, (you)
Nadia 3No way!
Did you take a photo o f the castle?
Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in / He studied his history notes, (she)
8 W e saw a ghost in the Tower, (they)
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own
4 ® u had lunch at one o'clock, (he)
ideas. Act out the conversations.
5 She got a good grade on the test, (you)
6 They visited the D un g eo |k(he)

3 Make questions with the words in columns A and B.

Did you visit your grandparents yesterday?
Because it's fun. J
visit your grandparents 0 ekend
—? — have English class lasfTiight
meet your friends last week
1 the castle / zoo / park / stores
walk to school this morning
watch TV yesterday
2 (it's/they're) interesting / exciting / boring /
fun / sca ry/te rrib le
<5/ In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3.
3 That's a good idea. / No w ay! / No, thanks. / Did you visit your
O K ./ A ll right. grandparents yesterday? Yes, I did.

Unit 3 • Past Lives

Reading.) William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

G , Look at the photo. Answer the questions. 7 M illiam Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon.
1 W ho is this man? England, In 1564. He probably went to school, but he
didn’t go to college. W hen he was eighteen,William married
2 W hy is he fam ous?
Anne Hathaway.They had a son named Hamnet and two daughters,
3 W hat do you kn ow about him? Susanna and Judith. Hamnet died of the plague when he was eleven.
In 1585, Shakespeare left his family in Stratford and went to
London.There he started a career as an actor, a w rite r and the
owner of a theater with some other actors. He retired in 16 13 and
died three years later.
W illiam Shakespeare w rote about thirty-eight plays: comedies
(e.g., A M id s u m m e r N ig h ts D re a m ), tragedies (e.g.. R o m e o a n d Ju lie t )
and historical plays (e.g., R ich a rd III).
Some people think that Shakespeare didn’t w rite his plays.They
believe that another mystery person w rote them.Why? Because in
the sixteenth century, w riters w ere often rich and went to college.
They usually traveled and spoke different languages. Shakespeare
didn’t come from a rich family o r study at a college, and he stayed
in England all his life. Most people believe Shakespeare was the
author of the plays, but there are questions about his life: W hy did
he m arry Anne Hathaway? W hy did he move to London? W hy did
he retire? H ow did he die?
Shakespeare’s plays are famous all over the world, but his life has
ly mysteries.
Key Words |

career owner play

tragedy mystery author
6 / Read and check your answers to Exercise 1

3 Read the text again. Complete the sentences w i Listening)

1.39 the correct years or numbers.
3d the questions. Guess the correct answers.
1 Shakespeare w as born in 1564.
Listen and check.
2 He got married in .......
3 He h a d ild re n . How old w as A nne Hathaway w hen she
4 Shakespeare moved to London w hen got m O Tea?
he w as ....y e a rs old. a s ix t A t b tw enty-tw o c twenty-six
5 He stopped w riting in ....... 2 How many w ives did Philip II of Spain have?
6 He died in ....... a tw o i^ m e c four
7 He wrote ....p la y s. 3 The father of the young princes in the
Tower w a s ...
a Richard III. b Henry VI. | Edward IV
(54 ) Read the text again. Answer the questions.
1,39 1 W here w as Shakespeare born?
Listen again. Complete the sentences.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.
1.40 1 Shakespeare and Anne Hathaw ay got married
2 Did he go to college?
3 W hat w as his w ife's name? on the 27th or 28th o f .......
4 W hy did his son die? 2 M ary and Philip got married in .......
5 Did Shakespeare's family go with him to London? 3 M ary of ....w a s Philip Il's second w ife.
6 W hat did Shakespeare do in London? 4 The names of the tw o princes in the Tower
7 W hat kinds of plays did Shakespeare w rite? w ere ....a n d .......
8 W hy do some people think that Shakespeare 5 Peter sco re s....o u t o f .......
didn't w rite his plays?

Unit 3 • Past Lives

W riting • A biography
G , Read the Writing File. 3 Read the biography of Sofonisba again.
Answer the questions.
W ritin g File Ordering inform ation^ 1 W hen w as Sofonisba born?
She was born in 1532.
Information in a biography is usually in this order: 2 W here w as she born?
1 Name, date of birth, place o f birth. 3 W ho did she study painting w ith?
2 Education and w ork. 4 W here did she study painting?
3 Other important information.*13
2 5 W ho gave her ideas for her paintings?
6 W hen did she leave Italy?
& > Match the paragraphs (A-C) to the correct
7 W here did she live in Spain?
8 W ho w as Elizabeth o f Valois?
categories (1 -3 ). . 9 W hy did Sofonisba become famous?
1 Name, date of o irth , place o f birth. 10 Where can you see her painting of Philip II today?
2 Education and w ork.
3 Other important inforf Think of a famous person from your country.
6/ Find information about him/her and take notes
Sofcrn/i^bci Atuju/yss/oici about the following:
1 his/her name, date of birth and place of birth
2 his/her education and w ork
3 other important information about him/her

Write a biography of your famous person.

Use "M y biography o f . . . " and your notes from
Exercise 4.

Q Sofonisba w a s fam ous because she w a s a

g reat painter, and she painted im p o rta n t people.
You can see a painting o f Philip II by h e r in the
P ra d o M useum in M adrid today. She also helped
o th e r w o m en in th e sixteen th c e n tu ry to becom e
a rtis ts . She died in 1625.

0 Sofonisba A nguissola w as b orn in 1532 • Organize your bi sections.
in Lo m b ard y in th e n o rth of Italy.
• Use the vocabulary in this unit.
• Check your grammar, spelling and
0 She studied painting w ith fo u r o f h e r siste rs punctuation.
in Italy. She m et M ichelangelo in R o m e in 1554,
and he gave h e r so m e ideas fo r h e r paintings.
In 1559, Sofonisba left Italy and m oved to
Spain. She lived and w o rk e d th e re in th e palace
o f King Philip II. She painted m any beautiful
p ic tu re s at th is tim e and becam e th e a rt
te a ch e r o f Philip’s th ird w ife, Elizab eth o f V alois.

Unit 3 • Past Lives a 37

G ram m ar • Review V o cabulary • Review

<Sj Complete the sentences with these words.
in the Past simple form.
castle centofy killed prisoners
r become do die have leave 1 servants sword wars
live read see stay stu d y]
1 Jeanne d'Arc lived in the fifteenth century.
Regular Irregular 2 Thousands of soldiers died in t h e .... between
France and England.
3 The king put t h e .... in the dungeon.
4 King Charles VII of France lived in t h e ....o f Chinon.
5 They were rich, and their ....c o o k e d and cleaned
2 Complete the sen th the Past simple the house for them.
form of the verb 6 The knight had a ....a n d a w hite horse.
7 The p la g u e .... many people.
1 She wasn't tall;
2 W h a t.... Shakespear
3 e re any people in tl (5/ Complete the text w ith these words.
I t .... an interesting place.
The buildings ....o ld ; they w e
Iff got graduated had left moved J
Barack Obama w as 1born in Honolulu, Hawaii,
& Choose the correct answer. in 1961. He w ent to school in Indonesia and
1 W hen ....s h e born? Hawaii. W hen he 2 .... school, he studied law
a did b does c was in New York. H e 3 .... from law school in 1983.
2 I d id n ' the museum on the w eekend, He and Michelle Robinson 4.... married in 1992.
a go b w ent c going T h e y 5 — their first child in 1998. When Barack
3 W e ....a movie about London yesterday, Obama became president of the United States
a see b saw c did see in 2009, he and his fam ily6.... into the White House
4 T h e y .... like the Tower of London, in Washington, DC.
a not b doesn't c didn't
5 S h e .... to school by bus yesterday, S p e a k in g tR e v ie w ___
a did go b w ent c go
6 "Did you learn about the kings and queens 6 Put the conversation in the correct order, 1-6.
o f England?" "Yes, w e . . . . " 1.41 Then listen and check.
a did b did go c w ent Let's go to the old castle today.
7 How many p la y s ....? Because I like castles. They're really cool!
a Shakespeare wrote W hy not?
b w rote Shakespeare W hy?
c did Shakespeare write Because castles are boring!
8 Shakespeare died hurdreds of y e a rs....... No, thanks. I don't w an t to go.
a ago b last c before

( ? ) Listen and w rite in your notebook.
1.42 ^
\/J My assessment profile: Workbook page 129

38 a Unit 3 • Past Lives

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient Egypt was a civilization in North Africa.

The Nile River ran through ancient Egypt. Two separate
kingdoms developed along the Nile River the kingdom
in Upper Egypt and the kingdom in Lower Egypt.
In 3200 BC, the pharaoh of the north conquered the
south, and Egypt became on«acountry. The pharaoh's
name was KingJ^^&Br, or M$nes.
'The Roman Empire began in Italy in 27 BC.
It was small at first, but it became very big. In the end,
North Africa, Spain, France, Germany and England
were all part of it. The Romans play an important part
in our lives today. Many of the things we do or have
are from the Romans. The RomalTs spoke^nd wgpte
in Latin, and many of our words come from Latin
words. Our calendar, for example, started with^ulii
Caesar, a Roman ruler. I

1The Aztec people were from central Mexic am

the 13th century, the Valley of Mexico was the center
of the Aztec civilization. In AD 1325, the Aztecs lived
in central Mexico City, a large, beautiful and powerful
city, on a small island called Tenochtitlan. The ancient
Aztecs believed in many gods and goddesses. Songs and
poetry were also very important to them. There were
poetry competitions at most of the Aztec festivals.
Reading) M y H isto ry File

( 1 Read the text quickly. Match the pictures (a-c) Take notes about a period of
& Think about:
to the paragraphs (1-3).
• w hen it began/ended, events
2 Read the text again. Write AE (Ancient Egypt), RE (a brief history)
1.43 (Roman Empire) or AZ (Aztec) for sentences 1-6. • facts about the culture, art, religion, etc.
1 Menes w as an ancient pharaoh. A E • any other interesting information
2 Gods w ere very important to them.
Their empire began in 27 BC.
They spoke and wrote in Latin.
G , Write a paragraph about the period of history.
Add pictures. Use your notes from Exercise 3
5 The Nile River w as important to them . to help you.
6 Tenochtitlan w as an island.

Unit 3 • Past Lives ■ 39

G ram m ar • Present simple • Adverbs of frequency

O Complete the sentences w ith the Present simple 4 Make sentences.
form of the verbs. late / Sandra / goes / always / to bed
1 I play (play) tennis with my friends on Sandra always goes to bed late.
the w eekend. 2 in the park / often / play / w e / soccer / don't
2 Sara ....(n o t read) sports magazines. 3 usually / coffee / do / your parents / in the
3 T h e ^ ^ j^ & ic e ) ice skating at the morning / drink / ?
ice skating l ink every w eek. 4 I / score / never / for my team / goals
4 Y o u .... (not listen) to the same music as me. 5 go/does/som etim es/to the g ym /h e /?
1 He ....(fin is h ) school at 3 p.m. every day. G hardly ever / Steve / goes / to the movies
6 W e ....(n o t live) in downtown Chicago.
My brother ....(stu d y ) history in college. • Present continuous
W e .... (w atch) DVDs of our faygrite action 5 Complete the text w ith the Present continuous
movies on Friday evenin^ s^ form of these verbs.
A lice.... (wear) special clothes in her nee class.
10 I .... (not w atch) sports on TV. d ave read not sit stay watch write

11 'm staying w ith a great fam ily here in Spain, and

2 Look at the table. Make questio 12.. .. a great time. At the moment I'm in the yard
and answers. and 13.... this email to you on my new laptop.
14 .. .. in the sun— it's very hot! My Spanish friend,
Jack Leo Alice \:
Am elia, 5....a book, and her brother, Javi, 6....T V .
like football
Mr. and Mrs. C ruz are in the kitchen.
walk to school y
6 Make Present continuous questions
play tennis y A ^ and answers.

1 Jack and A lic e /lik e /fo o tb a ll? 1 t h e y / w a it / f o r u s / a t the movie theater? /

Do Jack and Alice like football? A re they waiting for us at the movie theater?
Yes, they do. Yes, th e y tig r ' -,
2 Jack and Alice / w a lk / to school? 2 w h at / you / do? (my hom ework)
3 L e o / w a lk / t o school? 3 he / listen/ to his teacher? X
4 Jack and Leo / play / tennis? 4 w h at / they / w atch / on TVS? (a w estern)
5 Alice / p la y /te n n is? 5 she / have / fun / at the m useum ? %/
you and your friends / c h a t/ on the phone? /
Verb + -ing
• Present continuous and Presenteimple
Make sentences.
Complete the texts with the Present simple or
1 Ben / G O / play /football
Present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
Ben loves playing football.
I usually 1 walk (w alk) to school, but today i t 2 ....
2 I / — / w atch / horror movies (rain) and my mom 3.... (take) me to school in
your grandparents / C / go / for w alks / ? her car. W hat about you?
4 we / a / study / for exams W e 4 .... (usually / play) basketball on Saturdays,
5 you / s y £ ) / lose / games but today w e're at the swimming pool. W e 5....
(w atch) my little brother. He 6....(ta k e ) part in a
6 Lara / O / read / music magazines
swim meet.

Review 1
( y

Past simple: affirmative and negative Speaking • Opinions

8 Complete the sentences with the Past simple o Complete the conversation w ith these words.
form of the verbs.
fboring do tike loved think J
1 I read (read) a great book last w eek.
2 There.... (be) thousands of people at the concert. A W hat did you think of the new Transformers
Mom and A unt Isab el.... (do) judo w hen they movie?
.... (be) in school. B I d id n 't1 like it.
4 The jjLv. (not w atch) the football game last A Oh. 12.... it. Shia LaBeouf w as really good.
night. T h e v ^ (w a t c h ) a DVD. 3 ....y o u like him?
5 W e .... (visit) the old castle yesterday. B No, I don't. My favorite actor is Taylor Lautner.
I....(w a s h ) Daclfe ekend. A Did you 4 .... the story w as good?
B No, I thought it w as 5 .......
Complete the text simple form of
6/ the verbs.
A Oh w ell!

• Suggestions
< / Choose the correct options.

A Let's watch that Harry Potter movie tonight.

B Good idea! / No way! I love Rupert Grint.
2 A W hy don't / not w e go to the gym?
B No, thanks. I'm tired.
3 A How about go / going to the soccer field
after school?
Martha Biggs is ninety years old today. She says: B That's a good idea. W e can practice for
"1 1 didn't live (not live) in a big city w hen I was the game.
young. 12.... (live) in the country. My fath er3.... (die)
when I w as sixteen, and 14....(n o t finish) school. • Reasoning;)
15....(n o t go) to college, and 16....(n o t travel)
to other countries. 17.... (get) married when I was 3 Put the conversation in the correct order.
twenty-two. My husband and 18.... (not have) a lot Because I don't like museums. They're boring.
o f money, but w e 9 .... (have) a good life." W hy
No, t h a ^ | ^ '
Past simple: questions Because it's interesting. Do you w ant to come?
10 Complete the questions with the Past simple form 1. W hy do you w ant to go to the m useum ?
of the verbs in parentheses. Oh, OK.

1 I learned about the plague in history. W hat did

you learn (you / learn) about?
2 She came here by car. H o w .... (they / come)?
3 W e w atched a martial arts movie. W hat type
of m o vie .... (she / w atch)?
4 My brother played in a soccer tournam ent.
.... (your brother / play; in one, too?
5 I listened to my MP3 player this morning.
.... (you / listen) to your MP3 player?
6 They saw their grandparents on Saturday.
.... (you / see) your grandparents?
Review 1

V o cab ulary • Sports • Adjectives

G / Complete the sports with the missing letters. 4 Choose the correct options.
1 ice hockey 1 I don't enjoy football. I think it's expensive / boring.
2 j_ d _ 2 Mmm! This popcorn is weird /tasty.
3 t _ n ____ s 3 My best friend is funny / awesome. He always
4 b ____ k_ tells good jokes.
5 b 4 They got married on a beautiful island.
It w a s v e ry annoying / romantic.
5 W e visited the London Dungeon yesterday.
It w as terrible / scary\
6 That action movie last night w as exciting / tasty.
• Compoun
• History
( k / Match the words on the lef to the
words on the right (a-g). & / Complete the sentences w ith these words.

1 judo- uDttc century knight plague

2 swimming prisoners servants soldiers
3 hockey
4 tennis 1 The king o f England built this castle
5 football in the tw e lfth .......
6 ice 2 There w ere hundreds o f ,... in the dungeon.
7 basketball 3 There w ere thousands o f .... in the king's army.
4 T h e .... had a w hite horse.
• Types of movies T h e .... washed the clothes and cooked the foed.
The ....w a s a terrible disease.
(b Complete the sentences w ith these words.

f animations documentaries frOffOf

• Life events
musical science fiction westerns 6 Match the beginnings (1-6) to the endings (a-f)
of the sentences.
1 That n ew horror movie w as very scary!
2 I don't like w a tch in g .......You learn things, 1 My baby sister
but they're boring. 2 Jay fell
3 .... are not only about cowboys; they are about 3 Susan w ent
life in the Am erican West. 4 Maria had
4 The aliens in t h e .... movie are weird. 5 Rita and Ed moved
5 I enjoyed the songs in t h e ...., and the story 6 George found
w as good, too. a a baby w hen she w as thi?
6 . . . . a re n 't o n ly fo r ch ild re n . A d u lts en jo y b a job in New York w hen he graduated,
cartoons, too. in 2011.
d to a new neighborhood last w eek,
e in love w ith a beautiful girl,
f to college in Scotland.

42 Review 1

Word lis O
Unit 1 • Play the Game!
S p o rts Adjectives
archery /'artjari/ annoying /a'nai-iij/
basketball /'bceskit,bal/ awesome /'asam/
football /'futbal/ boring /'bang/
gymnastics /d 3 im'naesuks/ exciting /ik'saitig/
horsebacl /'harsbaeck ,raidig/ expensive /ik'spensiv/
ice hocke /'ais ,hciki/ funny /'fAni/
ice skating /'ais ,skeitig/ romantic /rou'nicentik/
judo doo/ sad /saed/
mountain biking .fn .baikig/ scary /'skeri/
skateboarding ordig/ tasty /'teisti/
skiing terrible /'terabal/
snowboarding weird /w ild/
swimming Unit 3 • Past Lives
tennis /'terns/
track /traek
/'arm i/
Com pound nouns
basketball court /'baeskit,bal /'sentfari/
football field /'futbal fild/ /dai/
hockey stick /'haki ,stik/ /'dAnd3an/
ice skates /'ais skeits/ /kil/ '
ice skating rink /'ais skeitnj ,ngk/ king /kig/
judo belt /'d 3 udou belt/ knigh /nait/
soccer cleats /'saka1klits/ plag /pleig/
soccer field /'saka' fild/ priso / ‘p rizana/
swimming pool /'swimig pul/ queen /kwin/
swimsuit /'swimsut/ servant /'savant/
tennis court /'terns kart/ soldier sould3a/
tennis racket /'terns .raekit/ sword
Unit 2 • The Big Picture L ife e v e n ts
T y p e s o f m o vie s be born /bi
action movie /'aekjan 'muvi/ die /d a i/,
animation /'aena.meijan/ fall in love / fa l
comedy /'kamadi/ find a job /,famd a ^ a b /
documentary /dakyo'mcntoii/ get married /get 'maerid/
fantasy /'faentasi/ go to college /gou ta 'kalid3 /
historical movie /hi'stankal 'muvi/ graduate /graed3 ueit/
horror movie / ‘hara^ 'muvi/ have a baby /haev a 'beibi/
martial arts movie /'maijal arts 'muvi/ leave home /liv 'houm/
musical /'myuzikal/ move /muv/
science fiction movie /^saians fikjan 'muvi/ retire /ri'taia/
w ar movie /war 'muvi/ start school /start 'skul/
western /'westaii/
Review 1

Is It a Crime?
Vocabulary • Breaking the rules
( ? ) Match the pictures to these phrases. Then listen, check and repeat.
Past continuous;
Past simple 2.1
Vocabulary be rude
Breaking the rul$ bully
I Prepositions cheat on an exam
| movemen- copy someone's homework

I Speaking fight
Showing i lie

Writing loud music

A short story*1

Word list page //

W orkbook page 107

Qj Match the phrases in Exercise 1 to the

1 My friends were at school, but I
skip school
2 M ax hit Leo and Leo hit Max.
3 I w rote the answers on my hand.
4 He wrote his name cn the classroom w all.
5 She took some CDs, but she didn't pay for them.
6 W e can hear our neighbors' stereo at night.
7 They didn't put the paper in the trash can.
8 Lucy didn't do her homework. I gave her mine.
9 She didn't speak nicely to me.
10 I sent her a text message during math class.
11 He took the little boys' money and they cried.
12 She didn't tell the teacher the truth.

In pairs, ask and answer questions about breaking

rules. Use always, often, sometimes or never.

Brain Trainer
Activity 3
Go to page 115

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

& > Look quickly at the text. What type of text do you What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
think it is? 1 Are you sometimes late for school?
1 A magazine interview 2 Do you or your friends ever skip school?
2 A letter in a magazine 3 Do you send text messages to your
3 An email to a magazine friends during class? Do your friends send
you text messages?
(b Read and check your answer to Exercise 1. 4 Are your friends rude to teachers?

f T ) Read the text. Are the statements true (T)f

2.2 false (F) or don't know (DK)?
1 The students were late for school. F
2 Oliver w as at Ip m e g ! X
3 Rob w as reading text messages from Oliver.
4 Isabel copied Maria's to m e ^ o iX
5 One of Rob's friends sprayed graffiti.
6 The school rules say students can'n&g^
cell phones in class.
7 The principal thought Rob's answ er w as rude.
8 The principal punished the students
in Rob's class.
Paul's Problem Page jk Letter Of The Week
H l P a u l*
I had a bad day at school yesterday. Let me tell you about it
My friends and I were in the classroom. It was nine twenty and we
were waiting for our teacher. She was late. I was alone at my desk
because my best friend Oliver was skipping school that day. I was
reading some text messages on my cell phone.Two boys from my
class, Dan and Marcus, were fighting. Maria was copying Isabel’s
homework because she never docs her own homework. One boy,
Carl, was even spraying graffiti on a wall.
Suddenly, Ms. Harris came into the classroom. She was very angry.
She stopped in front of my desk, looked at me and said, “W hy are
you using your cell phone in class? You’re breaking the school rules!”
“ But Ms. Harris, I wasn’t using my cell phone. I was only reading some
text messages,” I said.“W hy are you angry with me?" Ms. Harris
thought I was lying to her. “ Don’t be rude, Rob! You are using your
cell phone!” she said, and she sent me to the principal’s office.
The principal punished me, but he didn’t punish anyone else.
What can I do?

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Grammar • Past continuous

Affirmative & M ake questions w ith the Past continuous.

l/He/She/lt was reading 1 your friend / w ear / jeans / yesterday?

a text.
You/We/They were reading Was your friend wearing jeans yesterday?
2 your teacher / w rite / on the board / at the
beginning of class?
l/He/She/lt wasn't (was not) reading 3 you / w atch / TV / at 9 p.m . last night?
a text.
You/We/They weren't (were not) reading 4 you and your friends / w alk / to school /
0 ist ■'ns and short answers at 8 a.m . yesterday?
5 w h at / you / do / yesterday at eleven o'clock?
Yes. l/he/she/it was.
Was l/he/;
No, l/he/she/it wasn't.
Were you/we, Yes, you/we/they were,
(l In pairs, ask and an sw er the questions in Exercise 4.

a text? we/they weren't. Was your friend wearing

1/1/ questions jeans yesterday?

What were you doing last nighty cheating?

Time expr ?ssion'
yesterday morning last nigl^^ ^
Grammar reference Workbook page 92*1
was and were: strong and weak forms
o Study the gram m ar table. Choose th ^ 6a) Listen and repeat the sentences.
option to com plete the rule.
1 W as he listening to music? (weak)
W e use the Past continuous to describe an 2 Yes, he w as. (strong)
action in progress / that finished at a particul 3 W ere they cheating on the exam ? (weak)
tim e in the p ast 4 No, they w eren't, (strong)
5 They w eren't cheating, (strong)

Qj M ake sentences w ith the Past continuous. & Read the sentences. Is was/were strong (S)
1 at eight o'clock last night / my dad / w atch TV ^ or w eak (W)?
A t eight o'clock last night my dad was 1 W ere they playing football? W
watching TV. 2 Yes/they w ere.
2 you / cheat / on the exam! 3 They w eren't doing yoga.
3 I / sleep / at midnight 4 He w as w atching
4 Julie and C h r is / s tu d y / a t ten o'clock 5 W as she wafting for us?
5 w e / send / text messages / in class
( 7) Listen, check and repeat.
(l M ake negative sentences w ith the Past continuous. 2.4
1 You were lying to your parents.
You weren't lying to your parents.
W hat about you? W hat w e re you doing a t 8 p.m.
2 He w as stealing CDs.
last night? W rite sentences.
3 Our neighbors w ere playing loud music.
4 She w as skipping school.
5 I w as spraying graffiti on the walls.

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Vocabulary • Prepositions of movement

Match the pictures to these prepositions of Complete the sentences w ith a preposition of
movement. Then listen, check and repeat. movement. Then listen and check.

f across along around down into off

out of over through under up 1
Word list page 77
Workbook page 107

1 A t 8 :3 0 p.m. Bill Smith w as walking under a bridge.

2 A t 8 :3 5 p.m . he w as running road.
3 A t 8 :5 0 p.m . he w as walking .... a hotel.
4 A t 9 :0 0 p.m . he w as w alking .... a room.
5 A t 9 :1 4 p.m . he w as taking m o n e y ....a bag.
6 A t 9 :1 5 p.m . he w as climbing ....a w indow .
7 A t 9 :2 0 p.m . he w as clim b ing .... a ladder.
8 A t 9 :2 5 p.m . he w as ju m p in g .... a w all.
Brain Trainer 9 At 9:3 0 p.m. he w as riding a motorcycle ....a hill.
Activity 4 10 At 9 :3 5 p.m . he w as w a lk in g .... a w all.
Go to page 115
V 11 At 9 :3 7 p.m . he w as falling .... a w all.

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime? ■( 47

(fllrrftTOTTT) Showing interest

Speaking and Listening Jody Nadial Finallyl Where were you?
Zak was calling you.
Look at the photo. Answer the questions. Nadia You'll never guess! A thief took my
1 W here are the friends? cell phone— and my purse!
Zak Really? What happened?
2 W hat do you think Jody is saying to Nadia?
Nadia Well, 1was waiting at the bus stop
when a man bumped into me. When
( I ) Listen and read the conversation.
the bus arrived, 1didn't have my purse
2.7 Check your answers. or my cell phone.
Zak Oh no! What did you do?
Listen and read again. Answer the questions. Nadia 1walked to the bowling alley.
Zak Poor thing!
2.7 1 W hich tw o things did Nadia lose? Zak Is that your cell phone, Jody?
Nadienfct her ce/Zo/xo f l a y c/ her purse. Jody It is. Hello?
2 How does she think s ie lost them ? Nadia's mom Hello, Jody. It's Nadia's mom. Please tell
3 Did she take the bus t^ th e bowling alley? her she left her cell phone and purse
4 W ho calls Jody at home.
5 W here is Nadia Jody Of course. Bye. Nadia, that guy at the
bus stop wasn't a thief. You left your
6 How does Nadia
cell phone and purse at home.
Nadia Really? That's great!
<4/Act out the conversation in gro four.

Say it in your language ...

You'll never guess!

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Q i j Look back at the conversation. Who says what? Grammar • Past simple and
1 You'll never guess! Nadia Past continuous
2 W hat happened?
3 Oh no! when while
4 W hat did you do? I was waiting at the bus stop While I was waiting at the bus
5 Poor thing! when a thief stole my bag. stop, a thief stole my bag.
6 Really? That's great!
Gram m ar reference Workbook page 92

Read the phrases for showing interest.

Good news Neutral Bad news

G Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
options to complete the rule.
That's gre Oh no!
That's amazin' Poor thing! W e use while / when w ith the Past continuous
and while / when w ith the Past simple.

^7^) Listen to the conv

Choose the correct options.
2.8 conversation in p
1 W hile I waited / was waiting for the bus,
Zak Hi, Nadia.
I sa w /w a s seeing my friend.
1 at 4:00 p.m.?
2 W hile w e copied / were copying the answers,
Nadia I w a s *I2*leaving my Im ise ’
the teacher sa w / was seeing us.
3 Shakira.45She was walkii
3 They had / were having dinner w hen the phone
the street.
rang / was ringing.
Zak Really? What did you do?
4 W hat did you do / were you doing w hen they
Nadia 5 took a photo of her.
arrived / were arriving?
Zak That's amazing!
5 Maria came / was coming to the front door

G Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in

w hile she afe / was eating a snack.

Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own

Complete the sentences w ith the Past simple or
ideas. Act out the conversation.
the Past continuous.
What were you doing yesterday 1 W hile w ew os^ w im m ing (swim ), w e saw (see)
evening? I was waiting for you. some dolphins in the water.
2 The stu d en ts.... (have) class w hen they
r .... (h e a r)b n o ^ o u ts id e .
3 My sister ....(fa ll) out of bed w hile s h e ....
1 yesterday afternoon / yesterday evening /
at three o'clock 4 M a rk .... (sit) in the yard w hen a neighbor
....(c o m e ) to visit.
2 sitting in a cafe / walking in the park / 5 W h o .... (you / see) w hile y o u .... (stay) at
getting off the bus the beach?

c 3 J u s tin B io b c r / M a r k a n d S u e / a lo s t c h ild
G What about you? Write four sentences w ith when
4 talking on the phone / w aiting for a taxi / and while in your notebook.
stealing a w om an's purse / asking for help / was watching TV when the phone rang.

5 said hello / invited them to my party /

c took him/her to the police station

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime? ■( 49

Reading} IThe Daily Press Friday, September 30

Q j Look quickly at the text. What type of text is it?
1 A movie review
2 A newspaper article
3 A magazine interview

Catches Thieves!
'wo young thieves got the scare of their lives when Mrs. Emily Hill. 71: Supergranny!
T they tried to steal a woman’s bag yesterday morning.
Mrs. Emily Hill (71) of Boston wa^?sitting in the Public The boys ran across the park and into a hotel. Mrs. Hill
Garden with a friend, Mrs. Rosie W illiams (69). “We were followed them. A young waiter, Bruno Rossi (23), caught one
enjoying the sunshine and talkn^',’\said Mrs. Hill. “There of the boys. The other boy was not so lucky. He was trying to
weren’t many people in the park because it was early in the escape when Mrs. Hill stopped him with a judo throw.
morning. Two boys were looking at the ducks. They were “I have a black belt in judo.” Mrs. Hill told our reporter.
only about fifteen, but they weren’t in school. I guess they “And I also go jogging every day. I was a star athlete
were skipping school. One of the boys came up to us and when I was young.”
asked us the time. I was looking at my watch when the other Who needs Superman when you’re a Supergranny?
boy grabbed my bag. Both boys ran away.”
Mrs. Hill was shocked, but she jumped up and ran after
them. “I didn’t want to lose my money, my cell phone Key Words
or the photos of my grandchildren,” she said. scare guess
came up to us grabbed
a judo throw reporter
0 / Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.

Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) ( 7 ) Listen to the police interview s with three people.
2.9 or false (F)? 2 .1 0 Match each person (A—C) to the interview (1-3).
1 It w as early in the morning. T A Mr. W hite, the Parkview Hotel manager
2 There w ere many people in the park. B Robert Green, a teenager
3 The thieves tried to steal a w atch. C Bruno Rossi, a w a ite ra t the hotel restaurant
4 The boys ran into a hotel.
5 Mrs. Hill has a brown belt in judo. Listen again. Choose the correct
2.10 1 vvho took the bag?
r T ) Read the text again. Answer the questions. a the w aiter b Rob Sam
2 9 1 How old is Mrs. Hill? She's 71. 2 W ho stopped the first boy?
2 W hat were the boys doing w hen Mrs. Hill first a Mrs. Hill b the waiter c the manager
saw them ? 3 W hat did the m anager do?
3 How did Mrs. Hill feel w hen the boys stole a He called the police.
her bag? b He shouted at the boys,
4 W hat w as in M rs. Hills bag? c He sat on one o f the thieves.
5 W ho caught the boys?
6 W hat sports does Mrs. Hill do?

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Writing • A short story

Read the Writing File. Choose the correct options.
1 First, / Finally, I got u p .2 Then / First, I had
W ritin g File Sequencing words ^ b re a k fa st.3Next, / Finally, I w alked to school and
w ent to my c la sse s.4 Finally, / First, I came home
We use sequencing words to show the order and did my hom ework.
of events. We use them at the beginning of
sentences. Read the story about Ed Badman again.
& Answer the questions.
1 W hat tim e w as it w hen Ed arrived at the store?

;: 9 j- 2
It was midnight when Ed arrived at the store.
W hat w as the w eather like?
3 How did he get into the store?
Read the short story about Ed Badman. Find the 4 W hat did he try to steal?
sequencing words. 5 W hy didn't he leave through the back door?
6 W hy did Ed climb onto a chair?
7 W hat happened to Ed?

Think of your own short story. Answer the

questions. Take notes.
1 W hat tim e w as it?
2 W hat w as the w eather like?
3 W ho w as there?
4 W hat did they do?
5 W hy did they do it?
6 W hat happened?

story. Use "M y short story" and

The Unlucky Thief

It was midnight and it was raining when Ed
Badman arrived at the DVD store. First, Ed
climbed up the wall. Next, he broke a window,
went through it and jumped down into the store.
He stole DVDs, MP3 players and a DVD player.
Then he tried to leave through the back door,
but it was locked. Remember!
Ed had an idea. He climbed onto an old chair
and tried to climb through the broken window. • Use sequencing words.

Unfortunately, the chair broke. Ed fell off the • Use the vocabulary in this unit.
chair and broke his leg. Finally, the police • Check your grammar, spelling and
arrived. "I want to go home!" Ed told them. punctuation.
The police took him away in the police car—
not home, but to jail!

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime? .151

Grammar • Review Vocabulary • Review

G Make sentences and questions w ith the < £ , Complete the sentences w ith these words.
correct form of the Past continuous.
^"cepy litter fight lie spray were J
1 Luke and Jessica / play / basketball / at ten o'clock
Luke and Jessica were playing basketball at
1 I never copy my friend's hom ework.
ten o'c/o^ k
2 Do you .... w ith your sister?
2 Monica / not w atch / TV / at midnight last night
3 They d id n 't.... to their parents. They told the truth.
3 you / ride / your bike / in the park /
4 ....y o u rude to the teacher?
yesterday afternoon?
5 I so m e tim e s.... in the street.
4 I / listen to / my MP3 player / at five o'clock
6 My sister d id n 't.... graffiti on the walls.
5 w e / not w o iH rin the store / yesterday morning
6 Lily / do / fief hom ework?]
( b Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
7 I / not eat / a sandwic
w ith these words.

(2/ Complete the sentences w ith the corr across around into ever under up J
of the Past simple or Past continuous
1 She was standing (stand) on a chair w hen she 1 The dog is jum ping over a box.
fell (fall) and broke (break) her leg. 2 It's ru n n in g .... a bridge.
2 When the phone ....(ring), Jason....( 3 It's climbing ....a tree.
3 Sally and Mike ....(co p y) Jane's hom ?w? 4 It's climbing ....a car.
w hen the te a c h e r.... (come) into the rooj 5 It's ru n n in g .... the man.
4 W hile w e .... (wait) for the bus, a th ie f.... ($te 6 It's ru n n in g .... the street.
my bag.
5 I .... (meet) them w hile t h e y .... (w alk) home
from school.
6 While y o u .... (sleep), the c a t.... (eat) your dinner.
7 The b o y s....(sp ra y ) graffiti w hile Mr. James
....(w rite ) on the board.

d > Com plete th e sentences w ith when o r while. ( I T ) Complete the conversation w ith these words.
2.11 Then listen and check.
1 I w as studying for a test when Alan arrived.
2 .... she w as w alking in the park, she saw Lucy. f do really what when J
3 H a r l was
Dad iA /ac sleeping
c l n o n i n n on
n n the
t h o csofa....
rr fa fV/InrTT came
Mom n m o home.
h r 'i m o ‘ . ... —✓

4 It started to ra in .... w e were waiting for the bus. James 1 What were you doing at 3 p.m.?
5 ....w e arrived at the party, people were dancing. Lisa I was in the store. I was looking at some
6 ....w e were talking, the waiter brought our meal. b ooks2.... I saw a girl take a magazine.
7 L u c y w a s u s in g h e r p h o n e in c l a s s . . . . t h e Ja m e s Then what did she 3.... ?
teacher asked her a question. Lisa She put the magazine in her bag.
James 4 ?

( 7 ) Listen and w rite in your notebook.
2>12 f b = b s b s B B |
i */ j My assessment profile: Workbook page 130
52 Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Angelica Da Silva's Profile

ica’s Mural
Angelica Da Silva is 14 years old. She lives in Philadelphia,
in the US. From Monday to Friday Angelica goes to school,
but every weekend she becomes an artist! She works with the
Philadelphia Mural Arts Program.
Thirty years ago, horrible graffiti covered many buildings in
Philadelphia. The people of the city weren’t happy about this,
but what could they do? In the end, they found an answer to
Age the problem. They started the Mural A rts Program. Murals
14 years old are beautiful, big paintings on the walls of buildings. Many
teenagers from Philadelphia joined the Mural Arts Program.
Home country These young people often had problems at home and school.
US The Mural A rts Program helped these teenagers. Through the
My favorite ... program, they learned about art and became artists.

music hip hop joined the Mural A rts Program in 2011. Now she
beautiful pictures on the walls of many city buildings,
artists Picasso; Jane Golden she chooses a wall. Then she asks the owner’s permission
the Mural Arts Program) Next, she designs a mural with the help of the
things art and music!*1
2 the program. Finally, she paints the wall with her
t’s really exciting!
paints every weekend. She also teaches young
Reading to paint. The Mural Arts Program helped her a lot,
she’s helping other teenagers.
G Read Angelica's profile. Are the statements
true (T) or false (F)?
1 Angelica lives in New York. F
2 Angelica likes hip hop.
3 Angelica's favorite things are movies
and art.

^2 f Read the article. Answer the questions.

213 1 W hat does Angelica do on
the weekends?
She becomes an artist.
2 When w as graffiti a big problem
in Philadelphia?
3 W hat did the people of Philadelphia C lass d iscussion
do about it?
1 W hat big cities are there in your country?
4 W hat is a mural?
2 Is graffiti a problem w here you live?
5 W ho joined the Mural Arts Program?
3 Do you like the mural in the photo?
6 When did Angelica join the program?
4 Would you like a mural in your school or street?
7 W ho does Angelica help?

Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?

Look at You

V o cab ulary • Appearance adjectives

Comparatives and 1 Match the pictures to these words. Then listen, check and repeat.
superlatives; Present 2.14
continuous for future Body big short tall thin
Eye color blue brown gray 7 green
Hair color black blond brown dark
I Appearance
Hairstyle curly long short straight
| Personalit ives
Other features beard glasses mustache
I Speaking
Agreeing and disagreeing

Writing J P
A description of a friend*2

Word list page 77

Workbook page 108

2 jLook a t the pictures. Choose th ect options.

2.15 Then listen and check.
Jake i s 1 tall/short a n d 2 thin/big. He
3 short / long 4 blond / brown hair. He h a s '
blue eyes. Ana h a s6 short/ long7straight / <
8 blond/dark hair a n d 9 brown /blue eyes. She's
10 tall/ short and 11 thin /big.

3 In pairs, describe a classmate. Your partner

guesses who he/she is.

He's short and thin. He has

black hair and wears glasses.

Brain Trainer
Activity 3
Go to page 116

Unit 5 • Look at You

0 / Read the w e b site . M atch the p aragraphs (1 -3 ) ( k / W hat abo ut you? In p airs, ask and answ er.
to the photos (A -C ). W hich celebrity look-alikes do you kn ow ?
2 Do you o r any o f your classm ates look like
2 Read the w e b site ag ain . Are the state m e n ts tru e a celebrity? W h o are they?
2 .1 6 (T) o r fa ls e (F)? C o rrect the fa ls e sen ten ces. W h at do they look like?
1 BeckhamFan thinks Andy is a good look-alike. T 4 Do you look like anybody in your fam ily?
2 DanceQ ueen disagrees w ith Beckham Fan.
Beckham has a different hairstyle now .
4 T a tia n a ^ ffi^ g e lin a Jolieimpersonator.
TeresaG thinks Brad and Ryan don't look alike.
6 CooJBoy thinks th at Brad has d arker hair

7 M atthew th etter dancer than

George Sam psor
G oG irl thinks Ge8

Celebrity Look-Alikes! *
Do you know any celebrity look-alik^BKend us t hotos! m m n
Can you spot the difference between themj brities? Send
us your comments. i
rmer is a British actor
and peftormer. He is slim and has
Don't be silly! Beckham doesn't
blond h i t I think he looks like
have that hairstyle now! Andy is
David Bedcham, the B,
younger and shorter than Beckham.
soccer player. Isn't
He wears glasses and is big.
amazing look-alik
BeckhamFan Beckham is taller and thinner than
/. And he's more handsome!

© Tatiana Turner is an Angel

Jolie impersonator. Angelina's
more famous than Tatiana, but she I, but I think
has her eyes and long brown hair. utiful than her!
Ryan Fraley is a Brad Pitt look-alike. Ryan has dark*
I think he looks a lot like the actor. Ryan's hair is
TeresaG Cool Boy

© My dad Mark is 45. He

was a good dancer when he
You're right! Mark is older
was younger, and now he can
than George Sampson, but I
breakdance! Of course, George
think he's cooler than him.
Sampson is a better dancer, but my
Rock on, Dad!
dad is the best dancer in town!
Matthew GoGirl

fc j

Unit 5 • Look at You

G ram m ar • Comparatives and

superlatives 3 Make sentences with comparative adjectives.
Dina / be / young / Kelly
Comparatives Superlatives Dina is younger than Kelly.
2 Kelly / have / a big house / Dina
long longer (than) the longest 3 Dina / have / a small car / Kelly
thin thinner (than) the thinnest 4 Kelly / w ear / expensive clothes / Dina
nice nicer (than) the nicest 5 Kelly / be / a good singer / Dina
6 Dina / be / happy / Kelly
curly curlier £han) the curliest
Long 4 Look at the picture of The Wild Thornberrys.
Comparatives Superlatives
Adjectives Complete the text w ith the superlative form of
famous more famous (than) the most famous the adjectives.

beautiful mo<e beautifuPTBII^ the most beautiful

Grammar reference Workbook page 9^i

(V Study the grammar table. Choose the

options to complete the rules. The Wild Thornberrys are a very famous cartoon
family in America. Nigel Archibald and Marian
C o m p arative ad jectives Hunter are the parents, and they have three
W e usually add -er to sh o rt/ long adjectives. children. Debbie is 1 the oldest (old) child, and
W e use more w ith short / long adjectives. Donnie is 2 .... (young). I think the middle child,
Eliza, is 3A (funny) member of the family. The
S u p e rlative ad jectives family, has a very special pet named Darwin.
W e usually add -est to short / long adjectives. Darwin is a chimpanzee and is th e 4.... (special)
W e use the m ost w ith short / long adjectives. member of the family. He can talk! My favorite
character is Donnie. I think he's5.... (smart) member
Q y What is the comparative and superlative form of of the family, and he h a s6....(strange) hair!
these adjectives?
What about you? In pairs, give your opinion. Use the
1 big bigger (than) the biggest comparative or superlative form of the adjectives.
2 exciting
sport: mountain biking / basketball / walking
4 fat
school subject: history / math / English (bad)
5 funny
free-time activity: reading a book / watching TV /
6 romantic
playing computer games (boring)
family day out: going shopping / visiting a
8 young
theme park / going to the movies (good)

Vocabulary • Personality adjectives

1 Listen and repeat. Are these adjectives positive (P) or negative (N)?
r cheerful P friendly generous hardworking lazy
moody selfish shy smart stupid Intonation in questions
talkative unfriendly
_______ ) and answers
Word list page 77
Workbook page 108 4a Listen and repeat the
2.19 question and answer.

& Find the opposites in Exercise 1.

A Is Am y smart?
1 d } » f u l m ojm f . 3 friendly 5 generous
smlfft ^ hardworking 6 shy B Yes, she is.

3 Complete the sentences with adjectives from Exercise 1. b Read the questions and answers.
2 .1 8 Then listen and check. Where does the voice go up and
where does it go down?
A Is George cheerful?
B Yes, he is.
A Is Alex talkative?
B No, he isn't.
A Is Penny selfish?
B No, she isn't.
Diana isn't stupid. George is usually Sara
She's very smart. happy. He's about
a .... boy. people.
Qc ) Listen, check and repeat.
2 .2 0

What about you? Choose three

adjectives to describe yourself.
Read your description to your

Bea is very nice Sometimes Eric is Nicola isn't nice Joe talks all the
to people. happy, and then to people, time. He's
S h e 's....... he's sad. H e's....... Sh e's....... v e ry .......

'm friendly
, but I'm

Alex doesn't talk Penny often gives Cathy studies Spot isn't a ....
to people w hen things to her every day. dog. He's stupid. Brain Trainer
he doesn't know friends. She's....... S h e 's....... Activity 4
them . He's Go to page 116
v e ry .......

Unit 5 • Look at You

@Cb5ftj©niD Agreeing and disagreeing

Speaking and Listening
Look at the photo. Answer the questions. 4 Act out the conversation in groups of four.
1 W here are the friends?
W hat does Zak have with him? Nadia What's up, Carlos?
Carlos I'm waiting for Zak. He's always late!
2 Listen and read the conversation. Check your Jody That's not true. He's usually on time.
Nadia Hey, look at that guy over there with
2.21 answers.
the guitar. He's very good-looking!
Carlos I don't think so.
3 Listen and read again. Answer the questions. Nadia Oh! It's Zak!
2.21 1 V r a f is Carlos doing? Jody Yes, you're right!
Carlos is waiting for Zak. Nadia You know, Jody, I think Zak's really handsome!
Carlos says Zak is always late. Does Jody agree? Jody I agree.
Carlos Hey, Zak!
W hat is Nadia's opinion of Zak?
Zak Sorry I'm late. I was helping my dad.
Does Carlos think Zatais handsome?
Jody What are you doing this afternoon?
W hat is Jody's opinion o f Zal< Zak Nick and I are practicing for the "Best Band"
6 W hy is Zak l a t e ? ^ ^ ^ ^ contest.
7 Are Jody and Nadia goinq with Carlos Yes, and then Zak and I are playing soccer.
Do you want to come with us?
Jody Sorry, boys. Nadia and I are going shopping.
Zak Oh, OK. Have fun!

S a y it in y o u r
la n g u a g e . .
What's up?
Have fun!

58 a Unit 5 • Look at You

5 Look back at the conversation. Who says what? Grammar • Present continuous
That's not true. Jody for future
2 He's very good-looking!
3 I don't think so. We're (are) meeting our friends this afternoon.
4 Zak's really handsome! She's (is) visiting her cousins next week.
5 I agree.
Grammar reference Workbook page 94
6 Have fun!

6 Read the phrases for agreeing and disagreeing. & Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
option to complete the rule.
Agreeing Neutral Disagreeing
1agree, 1disagree. W e use the Present continuous to talk about
That's (That i$);s - 1don't (do not) think future/ past arrangem ents w ith time expressions
right. so. like at four o'clock, tomorrow, on Friday, this
evening, tomorrow morning and next weekend.
1think so, too. That's not true.
1 4 .^ A
2 Look at Zak's planner. Make sentences about
2 .2 2 conversation in pairs. his arrangements for next w eek.
Jody Do you think I lool On Sunday Zak is going to Nick's house in
t h e 2 movie star? the morning.
Nadia Hmm ... maybe. She has^Blond hair, Sunday G»° L .O N Le k/s Vouse Lr\ LWvC c r v o m lr g .
Jody We both have the sam e 4 face' P r a c t i c e fo r “ B e s t B ar\d” c o n t e s t .
Nadia I agree. And you both have 5 bine Monday
b u t6 she's taller and older than you Tc^ce pi-voto o f bar*d for sckoot cr»o0a^Lrve.

and she's more famous, too! Tuesday

Idork. orv rrv^ V-vLstooj p re fe c t.

8 Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in M e et C o rio s Lr\ tV-ve park, a f t e r scV ool.
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own tervM_s.
ideas. Act out the conversation.
a rro v le a t N a d ca ’s U o u se .

Do you think I look like o A j and fsladca. G o t o

Beyonce, the singer? Maybe.

Make questions about Zak's arrangements.

Orlando Bloom / Maria Sharapova / Beyonce 1 Zak / go / to Nice's house / on Monday?
movie star / sports star / singer Is Zak going to Nick's house org
2 Zak / work / on his I
dark / brown / black / red / curly / Carlos and Zak / go / skiing / o n W ednesday?
straight / long / short ‘ Zak / watch / movie / at Jo d y l house / on Thursday?
5 Carlos and Zak / go / to the park / on Friday?
face / hairstyle / hair / eyes

blue / brown / gray / green 4 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3.

short /yo u n g /th in /b ig Is Zak going to Nick's

house on Monday? No, he isn't. He's going to
Nick's house on Sunday.

Unit 5 • Look at You ■ 59

Reading} Different
1 Look at the photos. Guess the boys' personalities.
1 James / Harry is talkative.
2 James / Harry is shy.
Is Good
3 James / Harry is funny.

James and Harry arc thirteen years old. “ You mean boys and girls on the
They go to school together, they’re in same team?” I ask.
the same class, and they play basketball “ No, some players are in wheelchairs
together. They arc best friends. and some aren’t. James is our best
In some ways they’re very similar. player,” H arry says.
H arry is thin and has dark hair. James “ It’s not always easy in a wheelchair”
is thin and has dark hair, too. But in James says. “ For example, it’s difficult
other ways, theyVc very different. to open doors in a wheelchair, and
Their personalities are not the same. when I’m sitting in it, I’m shorter than
James is more talkative than Harry, my friends. I hate people talking over
and he loves making new friends. my head. When this happens, I feel
H arry is shy, but he’s funnier than angry, but Harry is great. He’s very
James.Thc biggest difference is that cheerful and that helps me,” he says.
James uses a wheelchair. H arry and James like their school.
Every Friday, the two boys play Some students have disabilities and
basketball for the school. don’t, but they all
“W e’re playing a mixed game this help each other.
evening,” Harry says. “ W e’r9 lifferent, but different is
Key Words
good,” ;} ley both say.
similar wheelchair mixed
game help disabilities
Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.

3 Read the article again. Are the statements true (T)

2.23 or false (F)?
i 1 ) Listen t inter r. Choose the
1 Harry and James are really good friends. T
2.24 correct ions.
2 Some basketball players at Jam es and Harry's
school use wheelchairs. Toby k is personality type.
3 Boys and girls play on the same team 2 Toby doesn't lik< Yes.
in a mixed game. Irena is happy lunha, en her fam ily and
4 Jam es is a better basketball player than Harry. friends are happy.
Jam es hates it w hen people talk over him 4 Irena enjoys giving / getting
in his wheelchair. Elsa always feels / doesn't always feel the same.
Carl doesn't like studying / going out with friends.
4 Read the article again. Answer the questions.
2.23 2 Listen again. Match the people (1-4) to the
How are James and Harry similar?
2.24 correct personality adjectives (a-d).
They are thin and have dark hair.
2 How are they different? 1 Toby a moody
W hy is it difficult for James to use a wheelchair? 2 Irena b generous
L W hy does James feel angry sometimes? Elsa lazy
S Is James and Harry's school only for people 4 Carl d shy
w ith disabilities?

Unit 5 • Look at You

W riting • A description of a friend

G , Read the Writing File. Put the words in the correct order.
1 th e y / me /o fte n /ca ll
W ritin g File Word order i _________ They often call me.
Subject pronoun verb object pronoun 2 more / her / is / generous / than / he
I her. 3 us / are / talkative / they / more / than
You older than me. 4 w e / h im / o ld e r/ a r e / t h a n
We them at school. 5 than / am / you / 1/ funnier
6 more / cheerful / Sam / than / is / her
me / more / brother / my / than / hardworking / is
of Ricardo. Complete 8 always / gives / he / them / presents
Think about you and one of your friends.
Answer the questions. Take notes.
How old are you? How old is your friend?
2 W here are you both from ?
W hat type of personality is your friend?
4 W hat type of personality are you?
5 W hat do you both like?
W hat are you doing together this w eek?

Write a description of your friend.

Use "M y friend" and your notes from Exercise 4.

My friend X

M y b e s t fr ie n a t i s R ie a r a lo . I m e t
him t h r e e y e a r s a g o . W e 're fro n t
P ra z - ii a n ot w e 'r e b o th f i f t e e n , b u t
h e ’s f a H e r th a n 1me . R ie a ra to h a s
a t a r k h a ir a n a l fr o w n e y e s . W hen
p e o p ie s e e 2.... t o g e t h e r , t h e y th in k
w e ’r e b r o t h e r s . R ie a ra lo o ft e n s m ile s ,
a n a l h e o f t e n la u g h s . H e ’s t h e m o s t
e h e e r f u i p e r s o n I k n o w . H e ’s v e r y
f a ik a f iv e , a n ot h e ’s fr ie n a t fy , to o .
R ie a r a io i s m o re f a ik a f iv e th a n m e.
I am s o m e tim e s s h y . R ie a r a lo i s
very popular. People always like
We- b o th iik e s p o rts . W e’r e on th e
sam e voiieybaii team , anal we piay
voiieybaii f o r o u r sehooi. Tom orrow
w e're playing a gam e a g a in s t a
v e ry g o oat team , b u t I think w e’r e
b e t t e r than 4......

Unit 5 • Look at You ■ 61

SisO CfO Q liD VOQ/J/T1


G ram m ar • Review V o cab ulary • Review

C u Complete the sentences w ith the comparative or (± > Complete the description w ith these words.
superlative form of the adjectives. r beard btg black curly glasses
1 I'm the tallest (tall) person in my class. mustache red straight thin j
In my opinion, science is.... (interesting) than math.
Is C a silla s..;.(g o o d ) goalkeeper in the w orld?
My friend Simon is ....(fu n n y ) than me. M r . £>iJi/ngs i s
5 l# iin k Seinfeld is .... (tunny) show on TV. 1 big. H e h a s
I think computer games a re .... (exciting) than TV.
2.... 3.... h a ir . H e a / s o
2 Complete the email with the correct comparative h a s a 4.... a n a t a 5....
or superlative form of the adjectives. M r s . &////n o s i s 6.........
S h e h a s 7.... 8.... h a ir .
New Message
-a - W S h e 's w e a r in g 9 .........
Hi Tania, ^Send
Rio is a great place for a vacation. It's rn u d v
1 bigger than (big) Santa Catarina. The buildings
a re 2__ (tall), and life is3....(exciting) here! It's 5 Match these adjectives to their opposites.
of t h e 4.... (big) cities in Brazil, and I th in U iri f lazy moody selfish shy stupid unfriendlyJ
5.... (beautiful) city in South America.
My mom and I are going back to Santa Catari 1 smart stupid 4 talkative
next weekend. I know it's5.... (small) than Rio, 2 generous 5 hardworking
for me it's7.... (good) place in the world because 3 friendly cheerful
my family and all my friends are there!
Marina S p e ^ ^ | | Review
e conversation w ith these words.

Luke 11agree. Shj aitA n n e Hathaway
Jane I don't th in k2. . . . ! W e ll,3i
Luke They have the same hair.
Jane You're4 .......Lisa's haini$ brown, like Anne s.
Luke Do you think Anne is #good actor?
6 / Complete the sentences w ith the Present I think she's great.
continuous. Jane I think s o ,5.......
On Wednesday 11 am getting (get) a haircut, and
then 12.... (meet) my friends for a coffee. D ictatio n^
On Thursday my cousin and 13.... (go) shopping.
W e 4 .... (not play) tennis. 7 Listen and w rite in your notebook.
On Friday 15.... (watch) a football game on TV with 2.26

my best frien d .6....(y o u / do) anything special? ( o My assessment profile: Workbook page 131

Unit 5 • Look at You

Genes and DNA

Some genes are stronger than other genes. For
example, darker colors are usually stronger than
lighter colors. This means a parent with blue eyes
and a parent with brown eyes usually have a child
with brown eyes.

Sometimes babies are born with blue eyes, and

their eyes change color when they become older.
What color are your eyes? What color are your parents' They change because a special protein changes
eyes? The answer to these questions is in your parents' one gene. Scientists are still trying to find out
genes. There is a strong connection between the color how genes and eye color really work.
of your iris and your parents' eye color.

0 w ^
Every cell in your body has chromosomes. These
contain DNA: our genes. Genes are pieces of biological
information from our parents. You have between 25,000
and 35,000 genes in your body. Half of the genes come
from your father. Half come from your mother.

o Read the text. Match the paragraph headings
(A-D) to the paragraphs (1-4).
A Changes in eye color C Eye color M y B io lo g y File
B Strong genes D Cells and DNA 2
( b Take notes about other biological information
2 Read the text again. Answer you have from your parents. Think about:
2.27 the questions.
other parts of your body— e .g ., hair color
W hat are genes? and style £
Genes are pieces o f biological information how DNA w orks ’ y
from our parents.
How many genes are there in your body? 4 Write a short report on your topic. Add a
: W hich colors are stronger than others in diagram. Use your notes from Exercise 3
the genes for your eye color? to help you.
4 The parents have blue and brown eyes. W hat
eye color does their child usually have?
5 W hy do babies' eyes change color w hen they
become older?
( W hat are scientists trying to find out?

Unit 5 • Look at You ■ 63

It's Your World

Vocabulary • Environment verbs
Going to; Should; ( T ) Match the pictures to these phrases. Then listen,
Must/Mustn't 2.28 check and repeat.

Clean this beach up. Don't cut that tree down.

Don't damage the environment. Don't pollute our rivers.
Don't throw that away. Don't waste water. 1
Plant vegetables. Protect our planet.
Recycle those cans. Reuse old things.
Save the whales. Turn it off when you finish with it. j

Word list page 77

Workbook page 109

four slogans about

& Complete the sentences with verbs from Exercise 1.

1 Don't waste w ater!
2 Don't ....o ld th in g s..............them again
and again!
3 Don't ....t r e e s ..............more o f them!
4 ....o u r planet. D o n 't.... the environment! Brain Trainer $
5 .... your co m p u te r. . . . , a n d .... batteries! Activity 3 **
6 A fte r the party, w e need t o .... the b e a ch ....... Goto page 117
7 Don't ....t h e ocean.......the whales!

64 Unit 6 • It's Your World

Look at the photo. What is Zoe's problem? What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
1 How often do you buy new clothes?
Read and check your answer to Exercise 1. 2 W hat do you do w ith your old clothes?
3 Do you think a sw ap shop is a good idea?
Read the article. Answer the questions. 4 W hat things w ould you like to swap?
1 Where is Zoe from? How often do you
Zoe is ft^ m ich m o n d , Virginia, in the US. buy new clothes? I usually buy new
2 How many tons of clothes do people in the U S clothes every month.

3 Wh environment?
4 How ycle clothes?
5 What is a
6 What things can a swap shop?

Zoe from Richm ond, V irg in ia , in th e US

has a lot o f old clothes, and she doesn't
w a n t them anym ore.
G re e n 'a t * .
I'm so bored w ith my old T-shirts and
jeans! I really, really hate them ! I'm
going to th ro w half o f them aw ay!
This week's green Now calm down, Zoe. That's a terrible idea.
Did you know that in the US, people throw
1.3 million tons of clothes every year?
lemicals in the clothes pollute the
ment. You should reuse old clothes
cle them.
ize a swap shop.
It's a party! First, find all your old clothes.
Then call your friends and invite them to your
house. Ask them to bring all their old clothes
with them because you are going to swap
clothes. It's easy, fun and free— and it recycles
the clothes. You can all get a new "look" and
save money! You should have swap shops
and recycle other things, too— computer
games, DVDs or magazines, for example.
That's a great idea—and a green idea!
Correct. So, Zoe, are you going to throw
old things away?
No, I'm not. From now on, I'm going
to have swap shops, and I'm going to
protect the planet!

Unit 6 • It s Your World ■( 65

Grammar • Going to
& Look at the pictures. Make questions and answers
about the people's intentions.
I'm (am) going to have a party.
He/She/lt's (is) going to have a party.
You/We/They're (are) going to have a party.
I'm not (am not) going to have a party.
He/She/lt isn't ( is j^ io in g to have a party.
You/W e/The^nm tam fa t) going to have a party.
Am I going
1 cut a tree down? 2 study English?
Is he/she/it going to (plant a tree) (study French)
Are you/we/they Is she going to cut
l/V, niestions a tree down?
No, she isn't. She's
What are you going to do tomorrow?
going to plant a tree.
Grammar reference Workbook

G Study the grammar table. Choo

option to complete the rule.
W e use going to to talk about our intenti
the future / present.

( i f Complete the sentences w ith the going to

of the verbs.
1 I'm going to dean up (clean up) my room. 4 throw the cans away?
2 W e .... (play) that Green W orld computer (recycle the cans)
gam e. It's great!
3 She ....(sa v e ) w ater. It's important for
the environment.
4 He ....(n o t buy) a new cell phone. His old
cell phone is OK.
5 I .... (turn) the TV o ff when I go to bed.
6 T h e y .... (not throw ) their clothes away.
T h e y .... (recycle) them.
7 W e .... (cook) dinner. W e're hungry!
8 My frie n d s.... (have) a party for my birthday.
9 I .... (clean) up this beach. 5 play basketball? S 6 go swim m ing?
10 W e .... (not w atch) a DVD. W e ....(s e e ) (go horseback riding)
a movie at the movie theater.
What about you? What are you going to do
<5/ this weekend? Make sentences.
I'm going to clean up my room on Saturday
morning. ...

66 Unit 6 • It's Your World

Should Vocabulary • Materials and containers

f T ^ Look at the picture. Complete the containers
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They should plant trees. 2.33 w ith these words. Then listen, check and repeat.

I/You/He/She/It/We/They shouldn't (should not) plant trees.

Should l/you/he/she/it/we/they plant trees?

C cardboard glass
paper plastic
W ord list page 77
Workbook page 109
wooden j

questions 1 a cardboard carton 4 a .... bag

What shoulcUdo? 2 a .... box 5 a .... bottle
Grammar reference Workboi3k page 96 3 a ....c a n 6 a ....j a r

Gy Study the grammar table. Choose the correct

option to complete the rule.
We use should and shouldn't to oive orders /
make suggestions.

Make sentences w ith should or shouldn't.

1 she / take / a show er / not a bath
She should take a shower, not a bath.
2 w e / recycle / books— w e / throw / them / away
3 he / leave / trash / in the street
4 you / buy / new clothes—you / reuse / old clothes

Silent letter /
( 7 a } Listen and repeat. made of? List the materials.

2 30 should, half, calm 1 a lightbulb 4 a gold ring

It's ma
( V ) Listen. Which word in each group has a silent 2 newspaper
2.3* letter/? 3 a com puter
1 calm old tell
2 recycle school shouldn't Gy What about you? In pairs, ask and answer
3 clean w alk clothes the questions.
1 W hat do you recycle?
f T } Listen, check and repeat. 2 W hat do you throw away?
What do you recycle?
recycle wooden boxes.
& What about you? In pairs, talk about w hat you
should and shouldn't do.
Brain Trainer
You shouldn't leave the TV on. &
Activity 4
You should turn it off.
Go to page 117

Unit 6 • It's Your World ■( 67

Speaking and Listening

Salesperson Can I help you?
G / Look at the photo. Answer the questions. Nadia Yes, please. Where is this bag from?
Salesperson South Africa.
1 W here are Nadia and Carlos?
Carlos It's cool!
2 W hat objects can you see?
Nadia Don't touch a thing, Carlos. There's
chocolate on your hands. You mustn't
y Z j Listen and read the conversation. Check your
eat or drink in here.
2.34 answers.
Carlos You're right. Where's the trash can?
A Nadia Don't throw that can away! Recycle it!
( ? ) Listen and read again. Answer the questions. In South Africa they recycle cans, old
234 1 W here is tb ^ p ic ^ fe m ? records, bottles and things, and they
make beautiful things from them.
Theoag is from Sotith Africa.
Carlos Awesome!
2 Does Carlos like the bag?
Nadia Do you have any other bags?
3 W hat does^farlos have on his hands? Salesperson Sure. Here you go. Take a look at this
4 W hat does Nadia think Carlos ould do one. They use bottle caps to make it.
w ith his can? Nadia Oh! That's beautiful! How much is it?
5 How much is the bag? Salesperson It's $12.
6 Does Nadia w an t to bu Nadia That's cheapl I'll take it.

< / Act out the conversation in gro of three. Say it in your language ...

Unit 6 • It's Your World

Look back at the conversation. Who says w hat? Grammar • Must/MustrTt

1 Can I help you? Salesperson Affirm ative and Negative
2 W here is this bag from?
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They must be careful.
3 Do you have any other bags?
4 Here you go. I/You/He/She/It/We/They mustn't (must not) eat in the store.
5 I'll take it. Grammar reference Workbook page 96

Read the shopping phrases.

^ l y Study the gram m ar table. Choose the correct
options to com plete the rules.

1 W e can use must and m ustn't to talk about

rules (obligation).
2 W e can use must / mustn't to say that it is
a good idea to do something (strong advice).
3 W e can use must / m ustn't to say that
someone can't do something because it
is not allowed (prohibition).
Listen to the co n versati
2.35 the conversation in pairs. (if Choose the correct options.
Salesperson Can I help you? 1 You must / mustn't leave trash in the street.
Zak Yes, please. Do yoi Put it in the trash can!
1 baseball caps? 2 It's late. I must / m ustn't go home now.
Salesperson Yes, w e do. W e have a lo5 3 W e must / m ustn't pollute rivers. It's bad for
Here you go. the environment.
Zak Great. How much is it? 4 W hen you are driving, you must / m ustn't stop
Salesperson It's 2 $8. at a red light.
Zak T h a t's3 cheap.4 I'll take it. Thanks 5 Shhl W e must / mustn't talk in the library.

W ork in p airs. Replace the w ords in purple in (if Look a t the store signs. W hat do they m ean?
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own M ake sentences w ith must or mustn't.
ideas. A ct out the conversation.

Yes, please. Do you

have any pens?

1 eat or drink
You mustn't eat or drink.

1 bags / notebooks / p ers / T-shirts

2 $ 3 4 / 9 5 c e n t s / $2.10/$12

3 expensive

4 I don’t want it. / 1don’t want them.

3 pay here 4 touch things in the stcre

Unit 6 • It s Your World 1169

G / Look a t the photo. W hat do you think the article
is about?
1 W asting w ater
2 Pollution in the Pacific Ocean
3 Saving the w hales

Plastic Bag?
Mo. Thank You!
Imagine a store and buys a T-shirt
The salesp shirt in a plastic bag. A t home
ocean. In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there’s an area
the boy puts on iws the bag away. Does
full of garbage, including plastic bags, botdes and cartons.
this sound famili;
It takes days to sail through it
Every day millions of
So what should we do? Well, for a start, we can ban
away. Australians throw year away
plastic bags. Coles Bay in Tasmania was one of the first
and Americans throw away al So how
plastic-bag-free towns in the world.Walk into a store
many plastic bags do people th there and try to find a plastic bag.You can’t! People put
in a year? Nobody really knows, but the n
their purchases in cloth bags, and they reuse the bags
1.2 trillion ( 1,200,000,000,000).That’s a
again and again. Coles Bay is a small town, but small
O f course, these bags damage the environ things can make a big difference.You can make
dangerous for animals, and they pollute bead difference. Just say N O to plastic bags! Key Words
familiar billion dangerous
beach area ban
Read and check your answer to Exercise 1.

Read the article again. Are the statements true (T) Listening!
2.36 or false (F)?
( 7 ) Listen to tw o friend s. Which picture are they
1 People throw plastic bags away. T
2.37 ra k in g about?
2 Plastic bags are good for the environment.
3 There is pollution in the Pacific Ocean.
4 Coles Bay is a city in Tasmania.
5 There are no plastic bags in Coles Bay.
6 The article says w e can all make a difference.

( 7 ) Read the article again. Answer the questions.

2 36 1 How many plastic bags do Australians throw
aw ay every year? 4 billion
2 How many plastic bags d o Am ericans t h r o w ( 7 ) Listen again. Choose the correct options.
aw ay every year? 2 37 1 The boy thinks the museum / the cafe is boring.
3 How many plastic bags do people use all over 2 The artist took about a month /a week
the world every year? to make the dinosaur.
4 W hy are plastic bags bad for the environment? 3 She used paper bags /plastic bags to make
5 What can you find in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? the dinosaur.
6 How is Coles Bay different from many other towns? 4 The dinosaur is made o f 1,500 / 15,000 bags.
7 How do people carry their purchases in Coles Bay? 5 People must die / change.

Unit 6 • It's Your World

Writing • An information pamphlet

G Read the Writing File. & Think about another material or container we throw
r away. Answer the questions. Take notes.
W riting File Making your v/riting 1 W hat do w e use it/them for?
more interesting 2 How much/many do w e use? Find out some
Pamphlets should be interesting and easy to read. interesting facts and figures.
When you write a pamphlet: 3 W hat should w e do? How can w e reuse and
• organize youLideas under headings recycle this material or container? Give advice.
4 W hat are you going to do to help?
• include surprising facts and figures
u se ____ Write an information pamphlet.
write short sentences or phrases Use "M y information pam phlet" and your
notes from Exercise 4.

& Which numbe My inform ation pam phlet

the sentences
T itle
12.5 1 1 W hat do w e use . . . for?
We use ....f o r ...., ....a n d .......
1 You need ....tre e s to m ake’one ton ot paper.
2 How much/many do w e use?
2 W e u s e .... million tons of paper every year.
We u se .... every day/year.
3 We cut d o w n .... million trees for paper
3 W hat should w e do?
4 People in the US recycle.... % of the paper
• We m ustn't.......
they use.
• We should/shouldn't.......
5 The Chinese made the world's first papery
4 W hat can you do to help?
in the year A D .......

& Read the information pamphlet. Check your

answers to Exercise 2.
You Know
What Do .About gs, bullet points, short sentences
Paper or phra nd surprising facts and figures,
Did you know? abularv in this unit,
In A D I05 th e C h in e se m a d e the w o rld ’s firs t
r grammar, spelling and
p a p e r. T h e y m a d e it fro m old clo th e s, n o t trees!
What do we use paper for?
W e use p a p e r fo r m a n y th in g s, fro m b irth d a y
ca rd s to p a p e r fu rn itu re .
How much paper do we use?
W e use 69 m illio n tons e v e ry ye a r! (24 tre e s
m a ke o n e to n , so t h a t ’s I.7 b illio n tre e s!)
What should we do to help the planet?
R ed uce w a s te : reu se a n d recycle!
• D o n ’t p rin t e ve ryth in g you w rite on a com puter.
• D o n ’t th ro w old p a p e r a w a y . Reuse it.
• Buy recycled p a p e r. In th e U nited S tates,
w e re cycle 6 5 % . But w e ca n do m ore!
What can you do?
H ere a re so m e id e a s:
• Send e m a ils , n o t ca rd s.
• W rite o n b o th sides o f pap er.

Unit 6 • It's Your World

Grammar • Review Vocabulary • Review

Make sentences w ith going to. ( Mat ch the beginnings (1-8) to the endings (a—h)
1 you / read / that pamphlet? X I / w atch / TV of the sentences.
A re you going to read that pamphlet? 1 Please clean- some flow ers here,
No, I'm not. I'm going to watch TV. 2 Can w e throw down!
2 they / bike / to the stores? X they / w alk 3 Please turn glass, paper and plastic,
3 he / btiy / a magazine? / 4 Don't cut that tree^ the environm ent?
4 she / call / her friend? X she / meet / her friend / 5 I'm g o in g to p la n t the kitchen up now
at the library 6 How can w e protect the ocean,
5 w e / buy / hirp irthday card? / 7 The garbage pollutes the TV off.
8 They always recycle those old magazines away?

Qy Give advice th should or shouldn't.

1 You shou/dn'f s w ^ s w im .) in the ocean today. 5
< / Make labels for the pictures.
It's dangerous.
2 They ....(le a ve ) now."They're-fete for school.
3 W e .... (pollute) the beach. W e .... (take) our
trash home.
4 She's very tired. S h e .... (go) to B e d .
5 He w as rude to me. He ....(s a y ) he 1 a wooden chair 2 a .... box 3 a g la ss....
6 Y o u .... (waste) water. Take a shower,

Look at the poster. Make rules for your class

w ith must or mustn't.
1 w o rk quietly We must work quietly.
2 use cell phones in class
4 a p la stic.... 5 a ....c a n
3 fight w ith other students
4 arrive on time
5 listen to the teacher
Speaking • R e v i e w
6 eat food in class < & , Who says what? Salesperson (S) or Customer (C)?
1 Can I help you? 5
In the classroom ... 2 Great. How much are they?
3 Yes, w e do. Here you go.
4 That's expensive!
5 Yes, please. Do you have an^ T-shirts?
6 They're $42.

( T ) Put the conversation in Exercise 6 in the correct

2.38 order. Then listen and check.

( I T ) Listen and w rite in your notebook.

My assessment profile: Workbook page 132

72 Unit 6 • It's Your World

Litia Protects the Planet!

I itia is an ordinary thirtecn-year-old girl. She loves

meeting her friends, listening to music and buying
clothes, but she also thinks about the environment. Litia
lives on the Pacific island of Fiji. Every day she bikes to
school, and every day she sees more and more trash
by the side of the road.“ People don’t think.They leave
plastic bags, cans and glass bottles here. O nce I saw an
old computer, too!” she says.

day Litia did something about it First she organized

Q j Read Litia's profile. Are the statements with her school. She wanted to clean the area up.
true (T) or false (F)? Then she designed a poster with the slogan ‘‘Trash is bad for
1 Litia lives in Fiji. T the environment W e must recycle old cans and bottles.”
2 Litia's favorite magazine is Green Teen. Litia’s poster was a big success.The poster told people what
3 Litia likes buying things. they should and shouldn’t do. Many people helped Litia, and
she won a contest for her recycling group.The first prize
was a place at an International Green Conference for young
C z j Read the article. Answer the questions.
people.Two hundred and twenty teenage boys and girls
2 40 1 How does Litia travel to school? from all around the world were thcre.They talked about
She bikes to school. how young people can protect our planet “Teenagers make
2 W hat does Litia see every day a difference,” says Litia.“ ln the future I’m going to make
by the road? more posters, so more young people can help!” *1 3
3 W hat did Litia do first?
4 W hat did the poster tell people? C la ss d iscu ssio n
5 W hat did Litia w in?
1 D o p e o p le a t y o u r sch o o l o r in y o u r c ity o r to w n
6 How many young people w ent to
help the environm ent?
the Green Conference?
2 How do they do it?
7 W hat did the teenagers discuss
3 Discuss the different ways you can help the environment:
at the conference?
• give a talk about recycling or planting trees
8 W hat is Litia going to do in the future?
• make a pamphlet
• w rite a song
• organize a cleanup group or a sw ap shop


G ra m m a r • Past continuous 5 Complete the sentences with when or while.

! W e were waiting for the bus when w e saw Jody.
G, Complete the sentences w ith the correct form of
the Past continuous.
2 The thief w as stealing some D V D s.... the pol ce
officer saw him.
1 A t nine o'clock yesterday morning I was talking 3 .... they were listening to the teacher, Amanda's
(talk) to my science teacher. cell phone rang.
2 A t three<o'|Jpck Sam and Lisa .... (play) soccer. 4 My mom heard a noise in the y a rd .... she was
At tw o thirty w e .... (walk) home from school. w atching TV.
4 A t fiv e o 'c lo c k y o u ....(s t u d y ) in th e library. 5 The cat w as climbing the tre e .... it tell down.
A t nine o'clock on Saturday M a rco .... (sleep). 6 They arrived ....w e w ere having dinner.
Make sentences w ith the Past continuous.
1 M atthew / listen / to music | last night /
• Comparatives
-h e /w a tc h /T V X 6 Complete the sentences with the comparatives.
M atthew was listening to music l^tj^ight. 1 The math exam w as easier (easy) than the
He wasn't w a tch in g l^ r history exam.
2 w e / have / dinner / at eight X - ’ 2 The movie w as interesting, but the book was
breakfast / ....(interesting ).
3 my parents /drive /hom e/ fn 3 My grades are bad, but your grades a re .... (bed).
- t h e y / c o o k / a meal / Ben is .... (thin) than his brother.
4 I / study / for my exam / yesterday 5 My hair i s .... (curly) than Lisa's.
- I / w rite / my blog X 6 Skiing is....(d a n g e ro u s) than swim m ing.
5 Della and Nancy / go / store / on Saturd^
- t h e y / v is it / t h e ir grandparents / • Superlatives
( k / Make questions and answers. 7 Complete the sentences with the superlatives.
Sonya / do / hom ework? / 1 The Antarctic is the coldest ( cold) place in
Was Sonya doing her homework? Yes, she was. the w orld.
2 Anya and Adam / fight? / W hat is^... (dangerous) animal in Australia?
3 Barbara / copy / her friend's hom ew ork? X The ...x (long) river in the world is the Nile River.
4 Danny and Freddie / play / loud music? X 4 I have ■J ( g o o d ) frie n ckin the world!
5 Ian / do / an exercise? / 5 Laura is .... (funny) person in my class.
6 Uncle Jim is nerousjjperson in the world!
• Past simple and Past continuous
Complete the text w ith the Past simple or • Present continuous for future
Past continuous. 8 Complete the phone conversation with the
Last night 11 was studying (study) for my exam Present continuous.
w hen my little b ro th e r2....(co m e ) into my room. M axHi, Eva. W h a t 1 ore you doing (y o u / do)
He 3 .... (w ant) to use my laptop, but tomorrow afternoon?
14 .. .. (use) it. W hile w e 5.... (fight), my mom Eva Hi, Max. Well, 12 .... (not study) for my exams.
6 .. .. (come) into my room. S h e 7.... (tell) us to 13.... (go) to the movies with Joel.
stop fighting, but w e 8.... (shout) and w e 9 .... Max 4 .... (Susanna / come) with you?
(not hear) her. She w asn't happy! Eva No, she isn't. She5.... (play) in a basketball game.
Max Oh, never mind. Can I come with you?
Eva Sure. W e 6.... (meet) outside the movie theater
at 2 p.m. See you then!

Review 2

• Going to Speaking • Showing interest

& Make sentences w ith going to. 0 , Put the conversation in the correct order.
1 It's Mom's birthday tomorrow and w e're going I hurt my leg w hile I w as running.
to buy (buy) her a present. W hat's w rong?
2 I .... (not throw ) those magazines away. Really? That w as a dangerous thing to do!
I .... (recycle) them. Oh no! Poor thing! W hat happened?
W h a t.... (you / do) when you finish school? Yes. I know.
4 The children ....(c le a n ) the beach up. A thief tried to steal my cell phone, but I ran
Dave -K. (ngjfplay) his computer game. after him and stopped him.
He ....(w a tc h ) a DVD.
W hat co lo r^ „(th e y / paint) the kitchen? • Agreeing and disagreeing
Complete the conversations with these words.
• Should/Shouldn't <
10 Complete the conversations fagree don't think maybe right
or shouldn't. A 11 think this is the nicest bag in the store.
1A I don't feel well. B Yes, 12. . . . , but it's also the most expensive.
B You should go to the doctor. 2 A Do you think my dad looks like Bruce Willis?
2 A I can't play that song on my guita B H m m ,3 .......He doesn't have any hair.
B You .... practice more. A They have the same face.
3 A I'm going to put the glass jar in the trasl B You're 4. . . . , but Bruce W illis is older than
B You .... do that. W hy don't you recycle your dad!
4 A I'm very tired. 3 A W ho's that boy?
B You .... go to bed earlier. B That's Jake. He's new in our class.
5 A It's midnight. I'm going home now. A W o w ! He's really handsome.
B You .... w alk home alone; it's dangerous. mm I 5. . . b o . I think Sam's cuter.
6 A I have a lot of old clothes.
B You .... throw them away. You .... Snlfcfgug^ w
recycle them.
Put the conversation in the correct order.

Must/Mustn't Great. How much is it?

Can I help you?
11v Choose the correct option. Oh, that's expensive! I don't nt it, thanks,
1 Shh! You must /m ustn't talk in the library. Yes, please. Do you nave a sj er shirt?
2 The students must /m ustn't study tonight. It's $85.
They have a test tomorrow. Yes, w e do. Here you go.
3 Our plane leaves at nine. W e must / mustn't
bo a t th e a irp o rt a t seven .
4 You must /m ustn't play loud music in your room.
5 W e must / m ustn't protect the planet.
6 You must /mustn't use your cell phone in class.

Review 2

V o cab ulary • Breaking the rules • Personality adjectives

o , Choose the correct options. 4 Match the adjectives (1-6) to the sentences (a-f).
1 Look! Those boys are stealing / spraying 1 unfriendly f
magazines from the store. 2 lazy
2 W ere you cheating / copying your friend's 3 cheerful
hom ework? 4 friendly
W hy is he spraying / playing graffiti on that w all? 5 moody
4 W hat were you fighting / stealing w ith your 6 g e n e ro u s
brother about? a She's usually happy and she smiles a lot.
Did you lie/play to your parents about the party? b He likes giving things to other people.
6 You m ustn't leave / bully trash in the street. She likes people and she is nice to them,
d He changes all the time. One minute he's
• Prepositions of movement happy and the next minute he's sad.
2 Complete the sentences with c She hates w orking and studying,
f He isn't nice to people and he doesn't help them.
r*tltlU off out of u n d e r)
• The environment
1 The thief w alked into the bank.
2 The cat clim b e d .... the tree. O r Complete the sentences w ith these words.
W e took the p re sen t.... the box.
r cleaned . . . up planted rvruhiton
4 The boat w e n t .... the bridge.
5 Mark jumped ....t h e wall. saved th re w . . . away turned .. . o ffj
6 The bridge is ....t h e river. 1 The fish in the river died because people polluted
• Appearance adjectives pw ers and vegetables in the garden
< & Complete the descriptions with these words. fast sprjj
3 The man didn't d ie because the d o cto r.... him.
f beard big brown curly glasses I'm sad because M o m .... my old to y s .......
green mustache straight fUm
mm 1 S h e .... the lig hts.... w hen she left the room.
They made dinner, an^Lthen they ....t h e
Gerry is short and 1 thin. He h a s 2.... black hair.
k itch e n .......
He has a 3.... and he w e a rs 4 ....... His eyes are
5 .......Gerry's best friend, Kevin, is tall and 6 .........
He has 7.... brown hair. He has a 8 .......His eyes
Materials and
a r e 9 ....... Make containers w ith one word from A and
one word from B.
A cardboard glass (x2) plastic

C B bag (x2) bottle jar

1 glass jar

Review 2

Word lis O
Unit 4 • Is It a Crime?
B re a k in g th e ru le s P e rs o n a lity a d je c tiv e s
be rude /bi 'rud/ cheerful /'tfirfal/
bully /'buli/ friendly /'frendli/
cheat on /t[it on an ig'zaem/ generous /'d 3 enaras/
copy someon /'kapi SAmwAnz 'houmwak/ hardworking /hard'w akig/
fight /fan/ lazy /'leizi/
lie /lai/ moody /'mudi/
litter /•lit 9/ selfish /'selfif/
play loud music laud 'myuzik/ shy /Jai/
skip school /skip 'skill/ smart /smart/
spray graffiti ra'fiti/ stupid /'stupid/
steal something talkative /'takaj iv/
use a cell phone in class unfriendly An'frendli/
P re p o sitio n s o f m o v e m e n t
across /a'kiDs/ Unit 6 • It's Your World
along /a'lorj/ E n v iro n m e n t v e rb s
around /a'raund/ clean up /klin 'Ap/
down /daun/ t down /|kAt 'daun/
into /'inta/ mage /'da?nnd3/
off h i/ plant /plaent/
out of /aut av/ pollute /pa'lut/
over /'ouva/ protect /pra'tckt/
through /0ru/ recycle /ri'saikal/
under A nda/ reuse /ri'yuz/
up /Ap/ /seiv/
/|0rou a'wei/
Unit 5 • Look at You /tan 'of/
A p p e a ra n c e a d je c tiv e s and n o u n s
beard /bird/
big /big/
black /bla?k/
/bland/ /baks/
/ —

/kaen/ m
blue /blu/ can
brown /braun/ cardboard /'kardbord/
curly /'kali/ carton /k a irn /
dark /dark/ glass
glasses /glaesiz/ jar /d3ar/
gray /grei/ metal /'met 1/
green /grin/ paper /'peipa/
long / b r j/ plastic /'plaestik/
mustache /'niAstaeJ/ wooden /'wudn/
red /red/
short /fart/
straight /streit/
tall " /tal/
thin /0in/
Review 2

Make Music
Vocabulary • Music
Listen and repeat. Then match the pictures to nine of these music words.
Will; First conditional
Vocabulary album
Music; Musical instruments; CD release
Types of r composer
I Speaking concert /
Otters digital music
download (v)
m Writing
A band profile*1
pop chart
Word list page 111
Workbook page 110 station

Qj Which words in Exercise 1 are n

0 / Match the definitions to the words in

1 a list o f musical selections playlist
2 someone w ho w rites music
3 someone w ho sings
4 a performance by musicians or singers
5 a very successful song
6 a group o f songs or pieces o f music on a CD
7 a list o f best-selling pop songs

& Complete the sentences with the words

in Exercise 1.
1 I really like listening to track tw o on this CD.
2 You can .... the song from our website to
your computer.
3 I never listen to th is .......They only play classical
music on it.
4 It is cheaper to b u y .... than music CDs.
5 The new Kings of Leon.... is great. I listen to
it every day.

( L In pairs, create your own top ten pop chart.

Let's put Adele's new OK, how about the

song at number 1. new Beyonce song at
number 2?

(3 Unit 7 • Make Music

Look at the photos. What do you think the article Read the article again. Are the statements true (T)
is about? or false (F)?
1 Famous musicians of the past 1 In the eighteenth century, all rich people had
2 Changing music technology orchestras. F
3 A new pop band 2 People listened to music on record players
for the first time in the nineteenth century.
Read the article and check your answer to 3 In the twentieth century, radio stations
Exercise 1. played music.
4 CDs w ere more popular than vinyl records
The Hi o of Music in the early twentieth century.
5 Alexander Ljung thinks that in the future, people
Until the en century, p eo p le w on't keep their music on their computers.
m a d e their ow n o live m usic. Rich 6 Moby thinks that in the future, media players
p e o p le som etim es n a DW chestras!
will understand us.
In the nineteenth ce n t to record 7 Albin Serviant thinks that in the future,
m usic, a n d for nearly a people w o n 't listen to music.
to it on the reco rd player.
In the early tw entieth century, p e o p le started Q j What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
listening to music on radio stations. 1 Is music important in your life?
In the la te tw entieth ce n tu ry, CD s b e c a m e m 2 How do you usually listen to music?
p opu lar than cassettes or vinyl records. 3 Do you download music or buy CDs?
In the early twenty-first century, p e o p le starte
d o w n lo ad m usic from the Internet. Today, p eo p le Is music important Yes, it is. I love music.
c a n h a v e thousands of songs on their playlists. in your life? I listen to music every day.

But how will w e listen to music in the

future? Here are some predictions:
“We'll sp e ak toWie m ed ia players in our cars
"O ur clothes will p lay music w h e n w e
a n d n h & s , an d They’ll find the tracks w e
m o ve or w h en p eo p le touch them ." D an Riley
w a n t t^ W a r.,’^ K y ^ ^

"Peop le w o n 't d o w n lo ad music tracks. "Peo p le w o n ’t only W e n t ^ A s i c ;

They'll listen to music on the Internet. They remix it with computePsoftvdffe^
w o n ’t need to worry a b o u t w here to keep W e’ll ta ke a track, a d d drums mix
their music that w a y ." A le x a n d e r Ljung the words of another song.’

(tarty 20th century

Late] 20th century

(Earty) 21st century

Unit 7 • Make Music * ( 79

Grammar • W ill
1/You/He/She/ltA/Ve/They will listen to digital music.
G Make predictions w ith w ill about the year 2030.
1 People won't be (be) happier. They will have

Negative (have) the same problems.

2 P e o p le.... (live) in big houses. They ....(liv e )
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They won't (will not) listen
to digital music. in small apartm ents.
3 People.... (drive) cars. They.... (travel) in other ways.
Questions and short answers
4 Stu d e n ts.... (have) class online. T h e y .... (go)
Will l/you/he/she/j Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they will. to school.
listen to digit, No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they won't. 5 People.... (buy) books in a store. T h e y .... (read)
books online.
Ih ' 'stions
Make questions about the future.
How will peopil •future? G
Gram m ar referen 1 your favorite football team / w in / their
next game?

G Study the gramm a

option to com plete th
Will your favorite football team win
their next game?
2 you / make / new friends / this summer?
3 your p a re n ts / b u y / a new c a r/so o n ?
We use will and won't to make futi
4 your mother / make / your favorite meal / tonight?
predictions / plans.
In pairs, ask and a n sw e r the questions in Exercise 5.

Pronunciation 'll Com plete the text w ith the correct form o f will
and the verbs.
( £ ) Listen to sentences A and B.
3.3 Can you hear the 7/form?

A They give a lot o f concerts. nilhappen (happen) to the mu^ic

B They'll give a lot of concerts. m the •pjrtui'e? UJelL people
Listen to four pairs of sentences.
rrvisie releases The^
Which sentence, A or B, has the 7/form ?
■their m usic {Vom th e
Internet S in ^ rs * .... ^ °t lot^ |
Listen, check and repeat.

Study the rule. Then make offers w ith will. Internet

We use will to make offers.

1 "I ca n 't d o m y h o m e w o rk ." (help / yo u)

G W hat about you? M ake pre
the fu tu re w ith will.
ons about

I'll help you. 1 W hat job w ill you do in the future?

2 "I'm cold." (sh u t/th e w indow ) In the future, / think I will be a doctor.
3 "I don't have any money." (g ive/yo u /five dollars) 2 W ill you be rich?
4 "I'm hungry." (make / you / a sandwich) 3 W ill you be happy?
5 "I'm late for school!" (drive / you / there) 4 W ill you live in the same tow n or country?
5 W ill you have a big fam ily?
6 W ill you have the same friends?

^8^ Unit 7 • Make Music

Vocabulary • Musical instruments,

types of music o Look at the types of music. Think of a musician
for each type.
T T ) Match the pictures to these musical instruments.
1 pop Beyonce
3.6 Then listen, check and repeat.
2 country
drums guitar keyboard 1 3 heavy metal
piano saxophone violin 4 rap
5 reggae
6 techno
7 hip hop
8 classical
9 rock
10 jazz
11 opera

Complete the sentences w ith these words.

classical heavy metal jazz o p e ra j *1

rap reggae rock

1 In rap music, people talk. They don't sing.

2 He plays the piano and she plays the violin
in an orchestra. They lo v e .... music.
3 I play the drum s and my brother plays
the guitar. W e lo ve .... a n d .......
4 Julie and Max lo v e .......Max plays the
saxophone and Julie plays the piano.
5 Therf^^vyas fantastic! I loved the singers
and the orchestra played very w ell.
6 Do you lik e .... ? I do. I think musicians like
Bob Marley are great!

What abi^ Pyou? In pairs, ask and answer.

1 W hat types of music do you like?
Listen and repeat the types of music. 2 W ho is your favorite band/singer?
3 Do you play a musical instrument?
r classical country heavy metal hip hop
jazz opera pop rap
reggae rock techno j What types of music
do you like?
I like rap and hip hop.
Listen to the types of music. Choose the What about you?
3.8 correct word.
1 p o p /country
2 heavy metal / rap
3 reggae l techno
4 hip hop / classical
Brain Trainer
5 rock/ja zz Activity 4
6 pop / opera Goto page 118

Unit 7 • Make Music

Speaking and Listening

Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
Carlos Hey, there are about 300 people here tonightl
1 W here do you think the friends are? Nadia Don't say things like that, Carlos! You'll make
2 W hat do you think Zak is going to do? Zak nervous.
Zak I don't feel well.
f|? ^ L is te n and read the conversation. Jody Can I get you some water?
3.9 Check your answers. Zak No, thanks, Jody. Oh no! Where's my
lucky charm?
Nadia Can I help you?
^ F^ Listen and read again. Are the statements true (T),
Zak Yes, please. I can't find my ... No! Wait!
3.9 false (F) or don't kn o w (DK)?
Here it is. Sorry. I'm just nervous.
1 Jody thinks Z ak is thirsty / Carlos Now remember, Zak. Don't make any mistakes.
2 Nadia thinks Carlos is making Zak nervous. If you do, you won't win the contest.
3 Nadia finds Z a k 'sK c k v c h a rm . Jody Really, Carlos!
4 Carlos says that Zak will make mistakes. Nadia W hat's the first prize?
Zak Two tickets to a concert.
5 The first prize is tw o tickets to a rock concert.
Nadia W ho will you take if you win?
6 Zak is going to take Nadia to the concert.
Carlos Not you, Nadia! That's for sure!
7 There are four people in 2ak's band. Jody Look, here's the rest of the band.
Good luck, Zak. Go for itl
< £ , Act out the conversation in groups of four.

Say it in your
language ..
That's for sure!
Go for it!

Unit 7 • Make Music

G Look back at the conversation. Who says what? Grammar • First conditional
1 Can I get you some w ater? Jody Affirmative
2 No, thanks.
If I win, I'll (will) take you.
3 Can I help you?
4 Yes, please.
5 That's for sure! If I don't (do not) win, I won't (will not) take you.
6 Go for it! I won't (will not) take you if I don't (do not) win.
& Read the phn for making and responding
to offers If you win, who will you take?
Who will you take if you win?
Grammar reference Workbook page 98

o Study the grammar table. Choose the correct

option to complete the rule.

W e use the First conditional to talk about

C / j Listen to the conve something possible / impossible in the future.
3.11 the conversations in p
What are you locking for? & Match the beginnings (1 -6 ) to the endings (a-f)
I can't find my 1cell phon of the sentences.
Do you want some help?
1 If he doesn't play well, a he'll win the
Yes, please.2 Can you call it?
2 If she practices every day,' contest.
Carlos I'm 3 hungry. 3 If he's lucky, b you won't enjoy
Jody Can I get you a 4 sandwich? 4 If people like our song, the concert,
Carlos No. That's all right. 5 If you don't like c he won't win
heavy metal, first prize,
G Work in pairs. Replace the words in purple in mistake. d I'll be angry,
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own ideas. e she'll be a good
Act out the conversations. singer.
f they'll buy our CD.
What are you looking for?

y I can't find my MP3 player.

G Complet >nditional sentences w ith
the correct form of the verbs.
1 If you downfoad ^ jp w n lo ad ) that song for me,
17/listen (lis te n )^ ft. J
2 If I .... (call) h im ,.... (he / answer)?
3 W e .... (be) late if w e .... (not leave) now.
4 If y o u .... (learn to play) the pianoT-..
(you / play) classical music?
1 MP3 player / hom ework / book / CD b b h e .... (be) good if she .... (practice).

2 Can you look for it? / Can I copy your homework? / 6 / W hat about you? Complete the First conditional
Can I read your book? / Can I listen to your music? sentences for you.
1 If I'm lu c k y ,.......
3 thirsty / cold / hot
2 If I save some m on ey,.......
4 glass of juice / glass of w ater / sweater / jacket 3 I'll be happy i f .......
4 It'll be great i f .......

Unit 7 • Make Music ■! 83 1

& Look at the title of the text and the photos.
What do you think the text is about?
1 It's a newspaper article about teenagers in a choir.
2 It's an interview with a famous British TV presenter.
3 It's a movie review.

The Choir

he Choir is one of the most famous television shows
in Britain. In the sh A s, a young choirmaster, Gareth
Malone, teaches people to sing in a choir.
Gareth works as a teacher for three days every week at a school in
the UK. Gareths job is to start a choir, but it isn’t easy! This school is
for boys only. The students do a lot of sports, including track, tennis,
basketball and soccer, but they have no interest in singing. They don’t
think it’s cool: some of the boys tliink pinging is only for girls, and others
think it’s boring. They talk in class, m iss their singing lessons and make
fun of it all. But Gareth is a wonderful teacher and he loves music, hi the
end, there are 150 people in the school choir. More than 100 are students,
but forty teachers also want to take part. The choir is a great success.
Now Gareth has a big plan. He wants the cnoir to perform at a concert
in the Royal Albert Hall in London. Only very good singers and
musicians perform there, and the choir must practice very hard.
After nine months of practice, the choir finally sings at the Albe all.
It’s a triumph for Gareth, the boys and their school.

0 / Read the text and check your answer to Exercise 1. Listenings

f T ) Listen to an interview about a new rock musical.
S) Read the text again. Correct the statements.
3.i; What things does Annie talk about?
1 Gareth Malone isn't a fam ous choirm aster
Gareth Malone is a famous choirmaster. 1 w hen the show starts
2 The Choir is a movie. 2 the story
3 Students w ere very interested in singing. 3 the choir in the"st
4 The choir w asn't a success. 4 her school
5 the clothes in tf
Read the text again. Answer the questions.
o C l j Listen to the interview again.
3.11 1 How many days a w eek does Gareth w ork
3. 1; Answer the questions.
at the school?
Gareth works there three days a week. 1 W h a t is th p n a m e o f th e show"?

2 Are there any girls at the school? 2 W hat is the show about?
3 W hat sports can students do at the school? 3 Are the people sad or happy at the end
4 W hy don't the students w an t to sing of the story?
in the choir at first? 4 W hat color of clothing do the people w ear
5 W hat problems does Gareth have at first? in the show?
6 W ho sings in the choir? 5 How do the people in the show feel?
7 W hat is Gareth's plan fo r the choir?

' 8 4 J Unit 7 1 Make Music


Writing • A band profile

G Read the Writing File. Complete the band profile with the correct
sentences (a-d).
W ritin g File Paragraphs a If they do, I'll definitely go to a concert!
• Paragraphs are groups of sentences in a text. b Fergie and w also have solo albums,
• All the sentences in one paragraph are about c Is the band the same today as it w as then? 7
the same topic. d Their music has a good beat for the dance floor.


Read the band profile. Match the questions (A-D)

G Think about a band you like. Answer the questions.
Take notes.
to the paragraphs (1-4). 1 W hat is the name of the band?
A W hat type o f music do they play? 2 W ho is in the band?
B W hat does the w rite r think about the band? 3 W hen did the band start?
C W ho is in t » a j 4 W hat type of music do they play?
D W hat are their m< )ngs and albums? 5 W hat are their fam ous singles and albums?
6 W hat do you think of the band? W hat will
happen in the future?
Band P ro file
Write a profile about your favorite band.
Use "My band profile" and your notes from Exercise 4.

The B la ck Eyed Peas My band profile Qy

M y favorite band is (nam e).......
My favorite b an d is the Black Eyed Peas.
There are (number).... people in the band.
There a re four singers in the b a n d : Fergie, , a p l.d e .a p a n d Taboo, an d four The group started in (w hen).......
musicians: G e o rg e Pajon (guitar), Tim Izo Their m ost famous/best singles/albums
(saxophone, flute, a n d Music Production a re :*..,
Controller), Printz Board (keyboards, bass . . . . , you'll lo ve .......
guitar a n d trumpet) a n d Keith Harris
I th in kM ey're .......
(drums). The group started in 1998.1.......
Not e xa ctly . Fergie joined the band
in 2002.

The B lack Eyed P e a s’ songs a re a mix of unit.

p o p a n d hip hop. If you like fun music an d ing and punctuation.
if you like d a n c in g , y o u ’ll love the Black
Eyed P e a s .2.... L

The g ro u p ’s single “W here Is the L o v e ? ”

w a s a hit in 2003, a n d their album s
Elephunk (2003), M onkey Business (2005)
a n d The E.N.D. (2009) w e re also g re a t.3..

I think th ey're am azing ! They say they'll
tour my country next y e a r .4....

Unit 7 • Make Music 85

Grammar • Review V o cab ulary • Review

G Complete the sentences w ith w ill or won't and G Choose the correct options.
these verbs. 1 W e w ent to a classical music station / concert
be buy download enjoy
joy last night.
learn listen perforin watch
’tch 2 The songs on this album / digital music are grea:.
3 The great singer / composer w rote 600 songs
e tickets will be expensive. 4 Tracks / Hits 3 and 4 are my favorite songs
ie on te le visio n to m o rro w . on this CD.
) music on the radio in the future? 5 Their new song is in the pop chart / CD release
4 .... s h e .... to f ay a musical instrument? at the moment.
5 In the futur ....a ll their music 6 Do you think their new song will be a playlist /N tl
from the
6 The school c h o ir.... in|a concert next w eek. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.
7 T h e y .... the Katy Perry concert. They love 1 His favorite music is reggae.
her music. 2 She's an ....sin g er.
8 People.... CDs in storey 3 He plays t h e .... in an orchestra.
4 Anna w ants to play t h e .... in a band.
Complete the text w ith will or
5 Adrian plays the saxophone in a .... band.
the verbs in parentheses.
W M 6 He plays t h e .......He's very fam ous.
How 1will we listen (w e ! listen) to mt
future? Well, th e re 2.... (not be) any CDs thirty years
from now. A lot of people download music now.
In the future, maybe w e 3.... (download) all oc
music onto media players. Maybe w e 4....(n o t
pay) for the tracks w e download, but tickets for
concerts 5.... (be) more expensive. More people
6 .... (m ake) music at home, and some of u s 7 ....
(use) com puter software programs to remix music
in different w ays! W e 8.... (get) emails w ith news
about our favorite bands and singers from their
w ebsites. Speaking
& Make First conditional sentences. Put the conversation in the correct order.
1 if / they / miss / the concert / they / not see / 3.1; Then listen and check.
the band Sally I can't find Dad's jazz cm
If they miss the concert, they won't see the band. Matt What are you lookir 7
2 I / not dance / if / you / play / techno music Matt Sure. No problem.
3 if / his com puter / not w ork / he / not do / his Sally Yes, please. Can you look behind
hom ework the bookcase for me?
4 she / play tennis / if / it / not rain / tom orrow Matt Do you want some help?
5 they / help / you / if / you / ask / them
6 they / go / to the concert / if / they / find /
the tickets
7 if / it / rain / they / stay / at home ^ 7 ^ Listen and w rite in your notebook.
8 if / 1/ not leave / now /1 / be / late 3.14
My assessment profile: Workbook page 133
'8 6 Unit 7 Make Music


The Orchestra Brass

Bast Drum

his is a symphony orchestra. There are
usually between eighty and a hundred Trombones

musicians ixi an orchestra like this. French Homs


A chamber orchestra is smaller and has about

thirty-five to fifty musicians. Both symphony Flutes
and chamber orchestras play classical music,
but chamber orchestras often play music Clarinet

by eighteenth-century composers like Bach

and Mozart.
An orchestra has four main instrument families
in it: the strings (the violins, violas, cellos and
double basses), the woodwinds (for example, the Cellos

flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons), the brass


(the French horns, trumpets, trombones and

tubas) and the percussion (for example,
the timpani and the bass drum).
Perhaps the most important instrument in the
orchestra is the violin, the smallest of the string Most symphony orchestras work widi a conductor. Conductors
instruments. In a modem symphony orchestra, Study the music and decide the best way to play it. During
there are usually thirty violins. The violinists a conceit, they move their anus and hands to show the
work in two groups. The first violins (16 players) musicians when to start and stop playing, how loudly or
usually play die main melody of a piece. The softly to play, and how fast or slow the music should be.
second violins (14 players) play other melodies They stand at the front of the orchestra and use a thin stick
to support die first violins. called a “baton" Ufconduct the music.

c , Read the text quickly. Name two kinds of orchestras. M y M usic F
What is the difference between them?
You're going to research jazz bands.

C 2 ) Read the text again. Answer the questions. Answer the questions. Take notes.

1 Which tw o composers does the article mention? W here and how did ja zFb e g i|j?
Bach and Mozart • There are many different types of jazz bands.
2 W hat are the four main instrument families W hat instruments can you find in them ?
in an orchestra? • W hat instrument fam ilies ate they in?
3 Give one example for each instrument family. • W ho are some fam ous jazz musicians?
4 Which is the smallest string instrument W hat instruments do they play?
in the orchestra?
Write a short article for a music magazine about
5 How many violins are there in a modern & jazz bands. Use your notes from Exercise 3
symphony orchestra?
to help you.
6 W hat does a conductor use to conduct
an orchestra?


Vocabulary • The natural world
Match the p ictures to these w ords. Then listen, check and repeat
Present perfect:
affirmative, negative
and questions
Vocabulary glacier
m The natural ' island
^ Camping^^^^ lake
■ S p e a k in g ^ ^ ^ ^ mountain
Apologizing ocean 1

■ Writing

An informal email
Word list page 111
rain forest

Workbook page 111

Choose the correct options.

1 The Amazon rain forest/lake is in South America.
2 The Sahara is the biggest valley / desert
in the w orld.
3 The Pacific is the largest sea /ocean in the world.
4 Everest, the world's highest mountain / gfouer,
is in Nepal.
5 Lake / Island Titicaca is on the border between
Peru and Bolivia.
6 The Tham es River / Waterfall is in England.
7 The Perito Moreno beach/glacier is a tourist
attraction in Patagonia.
8 The Mediterranean Sea / River is between
Southern Europe and North Africa.
9 Yosemite Island / Valley is in the Sierra Nevada
mountains in California.
10 Niagara Falls is a big mountain / waterfall
between Canada and the United States.
11 M adagascar is a very large island / desert
in the Indian Ocean.
12 Copacabana rain forest / beach is in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

In pairs, how m any places do you kn ow ?

1 mountains The Alps
2 rivers Brain Trainer
3 islands A ctivity 3
4 oceans
Go to page 119

Unit 8 • Adventure

G Look at the two texts. Where do you think
they are from?
f j T ) Read the texts again. Are the statements about
3.1 Jessica Watson (JW), Jordan Romero (JR) or both (B)?
1 A geography textbook 1 This person lives in Australia. JW
2 A newspaper 2 This person is younger than eighteen.
3 A travel book 3 This person had an adventure alone.
4 This person had an adventure with a parent.
Q y Read the texts quickly and check your answer to 5 This person has visited almost every continent.
Exercise 1. 6 This person is going to w rite a book.

f \ 3 1) Read again. Answer the questions. Qy What about you? Think of a place you want to visit.
1 W hat is the name o f Jessica's boat? In pairs, ask and answer.
It's Ella 'sP in kJp^ . 1 W here is it?
2 How old w as Jessica on M ay 15, 2010? 2 W hat is it like?
3 W hat nationality is Jessica? 3 How can you travel there?
4 W hat nationality is Jordan? 4 W hat do you w an t to do there?
5 On w hich continent is Mount Kosciuszko?
i n m B
6 On w h at date did Jordan reach the top of
M ount Everest?

S yd ney T im es I M ay 1 5 .2 0 1 0

Jessica Watson, the Younges alifomia Times I May 23,2010

Person to Sail Around the Worl
Climbs Everest
Jordan Romero is the
youngest person in the
world to climb Mount
E v e r^ P ^ A !
Jordan, his father and
three Nepalese sheipas
reached the summit
of Everest yesterday.
Jordan's mother wasn't with him, but he used a
satellite phone to speak to her. "Mom, I'm;calling
you from the top of the world," he said.
Jessica Watson has become the youngest person to sail around
the world alone. Jessica and her boat. E lla ’s P in k L a d y , The young American has climbed the highest
have sailed across dangerous weans and seas. Her journey mountains on six of the world's seven continents:
lasted 210 days. But today, at 1:53 p.m., three days before her Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, Mount Elbrus in
seventeenth birthday, Jessica arrived back home in Sydney Europe, Mount Aconcagua in South America,
Harbour, Australia. About 75.000 people were waiting to meet Mount McKinley in North America, Mount
her. including her father and brother. Thousands more people Kosciuszko in Australia and Mount Vinson
were watching her on TV. Massif in Antarctica. He hasn't sold his stoiy to
The young sailor has sold the story of her journey to a newspaper a newspaper, but he is planning to write a book
for $700,000. She is also going to write a book about her about his adventures.
experiences. Now many people think she’ll win this year s
Young Australian of the Year Award.
Unit 8 • Adventure mV89

Grammar • Present perfect

Regular verbs: affirmative Complete the text w ith the Present perfect form
& of the verbs.
l/You/We/They 've (have) arrived
He/She/lt 's (has) arrived Jed Hunter is on vacation in the United States.
He 1 hasn't taken (not take) a lot of money with
Regular verbs: negative
him because he's skateboarding across Am erica—
l/You/We/They haven't (have rot) arrived and skateboarding is free! He 2.... (visit) many
He/She/lt hasn't (has not! arrived small towns on his trip. He 3.... (not visit) many
■ar verbs: affirmative cities and h e 4 .... (not stay) in hotels. "15.... (write)
some articles about this amazing journey," says
away. Jed. " A lot of peop le6.... (read) them , and they
say th e y 7.... (enjoy) them. 18.... (not feel) lonely at
«egi verb'-negative all on this trip because 19 .... (meet) a lot of people
l/You/We/They on the road!"
Gram m ar reference

C l/ Study the grammar table.

options to complete the rules.
1 W e make the Present perfect w ith
the past participle.
2 W e use the Present perfect to talk about
present /past experiences at unspecified ti

Look at the notes. What has/hasn't Jed

< b Copy and complete the table with the past d o r ---- “
participle form of these verbs. r
hasn't called his friends.
r crTTtVtr
rr ii //~v do eat feel go have V
read sail say start stop visit
watch win write
i_erv*5 X e aL a p L x x a /
Regular Irregular u*\Lch T V v<_Sl L Lhe ci-Lcj X
arrived felt La k e phoLoeT jP - U m y blOg /
read a book. Crewel ( 4 - 0 k ilo m e t e r s X

Make sentences with the Present perfect.

1 her journey / t a k e / 210 days What about you? In pairs, say w hat you have or
Her journey has taken 210 days. haven't done today.
2 he / not sail / across :h e Pacific Ocean
3 w e / not read / about Jessica before
4 I / arrive / on the island I've called my friends, but
I haven't taken any photos.
5 you / travel / around the world!
6 he / not w rite / a book about the rain forest
7 s h e / w in / an award
8 they / visit / the desert in Australia
9 I / not visit / Paris
10 W e / see / the new Orlando Bloom movie

90 W Unit 8 • Adventure

Vocabulary • Camping
^ l ) Match the items in the picture to these words. Complete the sentences w ith the words
3.u Then listen, check and repeat. in Exercise 1.

r backpack bug spray campfire compass 1 Let's read about the island in the guidebook.
flashlight guidebook hiking boots map 2 You have a red nose! Put some ....o n ,
sleeping bag sun hat sunscreen tent 1 j 3 There are a lot of insects here. Where's th e .... ?
4 Let's find the tow n on t h e .......Look! Here it is.
Word list page 111
5 It's hot today. You should w ear a .......
6 "I can't find my com pass." "Is it in your ....
7 It's dark and I can't see. W here's t h e .... ?
8 "M y feet hurt." "Take your ....o f f ."
9 "W hich w a y should w e g o ?" "I don't know.
Use t h e ....... "
10 "I'm tired. I need to sleep. Can you help me
put t h e .... up?"

Pronunciation Syllables
Listen and repeat the words.

1 tent 2 sun hat 3 hiking boots

& Copy the table and put these words

in the correct column.
f backpack bug spray campfire
g compass flashlight guidebook
^ m ap^ | sleeping bag sunscreen

• • • • •
tent sun hat hiking boots
map M
AI 1

I f Match the words in Exercise 1 to the sentences.

C c j Listen, check an
1 You sleep inside this, sleeping bag
2 You use it to keep insects aw ay from you.
3 You w ear these on your feet w hen you w alk.
4 You read this to learn about places you visit. What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
5 You use this to find north, south, east and west. 1 Do you go cam ping? W hy?/W hy not?
6 Yo u use th is to fin d th e road to a p la ce 2 W h a t d o yo u ta k e o n v a c a tio n ? W h y ?
7 You use this to see at night.
8 You use this to keep warm and you also cook Do you go camping?
food over it. Yes, I do. I go camping
9 You go into this when it is windy, rainy or cold. with my family.
10 You use this to carry things.
11 You put this on your head on a hot day. Brain Trainer
12 You need this to stop the sun from burning you. Activity 4
Go to page 119

Unit 8 • Adventure J 91

Speaking and Listening Zak Have you seen my vacation photos?

Carlos No, w e haven't. We've seen photos of your
^1j Look at the photo. Answer the questions.
band, but not vacation photos.
1 W hat do you think Carlos, Zak and Nadia Zak Well, this is the Sonoran Desert. We stayed
are doing? at a campsite there last year.
2 W hat do you think has happened? Carlos Hey, Nadia! Check out this photo!
Nadia Is . . . Is that a snake?!
Zak Yup!
( ? ) Listen and read the conversation.
Nadia Oh. Where was it?
3.21 Check your answers.
Zak I found it in my tent!
Carlos W ow! Who's the girl in this photo? She's
( ? ) Listen and read again. Answer the questions. really cute! Is she your girlfriend?
Nadia Can I see? Oh!
1 W hich desert d id ^ a l^ j^ t last year?
Carlos For crying out loud, Nadia! Did you delete
The Sonoran Dear the photo?
2 W here did z a k stay? Nadia Yes, I did. I'm really sorry, Zak. I didn't
3 W here w as the snake#] mean to.
4 Does Nadia delete the photo of the snake? Zak Don't worry. These things happen.
5 Does she delete the photo of the girl? Nadia So, is she your girlfriend?
6 W ho w as the girl in the photo? Zak No! She's my cousin Nicole.

o Act out the conversation in groups of Say it in your language ...

Check out th is.. .
For crying out loud!

Unit 8 • Adventure

Look back at the conversation. Who says what?

Grammar • Present perfect questions
1 Check out this photo! Carlos
2 For crying out loud!
3 I'm really sorry.
4 I didn't mean to.
5 Don't worry.

Read the phrases for apologizing and accepting

an apology

A p r' y(zing Accepting an apology Yes. l/you/we/they have. / No, l/you/we/they haven't.
I'm really Yes, he/she/it has. / No, he/she/it hasn't.

It was an Grammar reference Workbook page 100

I didn't mean to.

& Study the grammar table. Choose the correct
It won't happen again.
options to complete the rules.

Listen to the conversations . t In P rese n t p e rfe c t q u e stio n s, .. .

3.2; the conversations in pairs.*4 1 have and has come before / after the subject
(/, you; he, she, it, we, they).
Nadia Oh no! You 'deleted all
2 w e use contractions w ith have and has
Jody Oops! It was an accident.^
in the affirmative / negative.
Nadia That's OK.
Jody Hey! You ’turned the TV off.
Complete the questions w ith these verbs.
Carlos 'm sorry.
Then complete the answers.
Jody Don't worry. These things happen.
a>1r\tr 1nA
^ trvci
Zak Wait a minute! You ’took my drink! t yu ever / eat ever / find
Carlos Sorry. I didn't mean to. ever/make ever / sleep ever/take J
Zak That's all right.
I Have yo§0/er been (you) to the United States? /
'Jia v e ^ ^ ^ ^
& In pairs, replace the words in purple in Exercise 7.
2 .tTfffhey)!a s n a k ? in their tent? /
Use these words and/or your own ideas. Act out
3 ....(y o u ) a bad mistake? X
the conversations.
4 .... (she ) Mexican food? /
5 ....(h e ) in a tent? X
Oh no! You deleted my 6 ....(th e y ) photos w ith a cell phone? X
What about you? In pairs, ask and answer.
- r 1 you / ever / go / on vacation / w ith your cousins?
2 you / see / unusual an im als/ on vacation?
These things happen.
3 you / ever / go / to the desert?
1 4 you / ever / eat / food / from different countries?

1 break my glasses / turn off my computer / Have you ever been on vacation
delete photographs / take my sandwich with your cousins?

Unit 8 • Adventure bI 9 3

G Look quickly at the article. Find ...
1 the names of four countries. England,
2 three dates.
3 the name of a river.

O Helen S ritish television © The Amazon trip was difficult. Helen traveled
presenter. She^wa 1 9 ,1 9 8 3 , in alone, 97 kilometers a day, six days a w eek. She
Cum bria, in Engla orked on the B B C started out from Natua, Peru, on January 28, 2010,
childrens show Blu' and arrived 49 days later in Alm eirim , Brazil, on
February 28. She felt sick because it was so hot, her
O Helen is an amazing person. She hands hurt from the kayaking, and she had over 150
a 126-kilometer marathon across tl bug bites, but she finished the trip.
Namibia. She is the second woman in the
do this. She has also traveled over 3,000 kilometers © After Helen left her kayak in Brazil, w e asked
all the w ay down the Amazon River in a kayak. She her, "W hat are you going to do when you get home
did this to raise money for Sport Relief, a charity to England?" "W ell, I've missed my dog, Barney,
event for the world's poorest countries.*1 terribly," she answered. "So the first thing I'm going
to do is take him for a nice long walk!"

Key Words
| marathon kayak raise money

G Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.

| charity event hurt bug bite
__ ^

^ 3 Read the article. Which paragraph gives

3.23 information a b o u t. . .
1 some of the different places she has been to? 2 o Listen to two friends talking about an adventure.
2 her plans at the end of her kayak trip? 3.2< Which adventure do they talk about?
3 w h at she did on the Amazon River? 1 biking around the world
4 w ho she is and w h at she does? 2 dancing around the world
3 skateboarding around the
^ 4 *) Read the article again. Answer the questions.
3 23 1 W here w as Helen born? In Cumbria, in England 0 ) Listen again. Choose the correct options.
2 W hen did she start working on the show 3 24
1 Matt has been to 14 / 42 countries.
Blue Peter? 2 At the moment he is in Africa / the United States.
3 How many kilometers w as her journey down 3 A lot of people watch / laugh at him.
the Am azon? 4 He is / isn't a good dancer.
4 W hy did she travel down the Am azon? 5 Then they start to sing / dance.
5 Did she travel every day for 4 9 days? 6 People understand / don't understand Matt.
6 W hat problems did she have on the trip?

94 W Unit 8 • Adventure

Writing • An informal email

& Read the Writing File. Read the email again. Are the statements true (T)
(b or false (F)?
W ritin g File Informal emails 1 1 Jamie is camping alone. F
2 This w eek he had kayaking lessons.
When you w rite an email to a friend or someone 3 Jamie forgot his compass.
in your family, use these informal beginnings 4 He has put his sunscreen and sun hat in his tent.
and endings.

• Beginni Read the advertisement. Imagine you are at

Dear Beach camp. Answer the questions. Make notes.
• Endings
Bye for now.
?>each Cam p!
Lots of love.
See you soon. Activities available are: day trip to R o ck
Island, sailing in Yellow S a n d s Bay, volleyball
or so cce r on Yellow S a n d s b each.
& Read the email. Answer the questior
® Rem em ber your sunscreen and sun hat!
1 W ho is Jamie writing to?
2 How does he begin his email? 1 W here are you?
3 How does he end his email? 2 W hich activities have you done this w eek?
3 W hat did you do yesterday?
New Message
4 W hat are you doing today?
From: Jam ie email to a friend. Use "M y em ail" and
rom Exercise 4.
Subject: Asturias! ^ Sendg^

Dear Mom,
I’m having a great time in Asturias with my friends. jear
TTie school campsite is near a lake in the mountains, 1 Name or camp activities
and there are a bt of sports to do here. This week I’ve Beach camp is rNsyear the camp is....
had kayaking lessons, and I’ve climbed Picu Urriellu. (w h e re ?|r£ to £ e a l& o f (what?),
Yesterday we went for a long walk. We took a map This w ee s you have done).
and a compass, and we walked through a valley. It 2 W hat you
was a hot day, but I forgot to take my sun hat. When Yesterday we ..7. (adJw^y^ft (fun /
I got back to my tent, I had a very red face! interesting / boring). When f tfbygac^to
Today I’m going swimming. Don't worry, I've put my the camp, ....(w h a t
sunscreen and my sun hat in my backpack already! 3 W hat you are doing today
L o ts of love, ______________________________ T o d a y!.... (activity).
Jamie Bye for now / Lots of love / See you soon

Use informal email beginnings and endings.
• Use the vocabulary in this unit.
• Check your grammar, spelling and

Unit 8 • Adventure

Grammar • Review Vocabulary • Review

d > Complete the sentences w ith the Present perfect Q y Complete the sentences w ith these words.
form of these verbs.
beach desert island lake
^ help make play take use visitJ mountain ocean ram-forest river
1 Paul has played football w ith his friends. 1 The Am azon rain forest is in South America.
2 Lu cy.... som e photos of her cat. 2 The Sahara is the b ig g est.... in the world.
3 M ark and Sarah .^ th e ir grandparents' house. 3 The Pacific is the la rg e st.,., in the world.
4 I in the shop. 4 Everest, the world's h ig h e s t...., is in Nepal.
5 You ....frie n d s on the Internet. 5 ....T itic a c a is between Peru and Bolivia.
6 W e .... our<dictionaries at school. 6 The Mississippi .... is in the United States.
7 M adagascar is a la rg e .... in the Indian Ocean.
Make the sentences in Exercise 1 negative. 8 C o p acab a n a .... is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1 Paul hasn't played football w ith his friends.
Complete the sentences with these words.
Complete the questions and answers.
1 Has he finished (he / finish) reading his spor
^ bag campfire guidebook hiking spray J
magazine? / Yes, he has. rm 1 It's hot. You should take your sun hat with you.
2 .... (they / watch) the skateboarding competition? X 2 "Bugs are biting m e!" "You should use b ug ......."
3 .... (she / climb) a mountain? X 3 Let's cook some burgers on t h e .......
4 .... (the movie / start)? / 4 Oh no! There's a snake in my sleep ing . . . . !
5 .... (they / visit) the rain forest? / 5 Put on y o u r.... boots and let's go up the mountain.
6 .... (you / see) that DVD about the Am azon? X^ 6 W e can read about the tow n in t h e .......

o Complete the text w ith the Present perfect.

Sixteen-year-old Abby Sunderland 1 has sailed (sail)
Speaking • Review
across the Atlantic O cear, but s h e 2.... (not finish) ^ 7 ^ Complete the conversation w ith these words.
her trip around the worlc. Davo Karnicar from and ch
Slovenia 3....(clim b ) Mount Everest. He 4....(g o )
mean wait
skiing down it at ninety kilometers an hour, too! v
Alicia Hempleman-Adams, her father and three ------------------------
A 1 Careful\ You deleted my hom ework!
other travelers5.... (walk) to the Arctic. T h e y 6.... B I'm sorry. It w a ? a n 2
(travel) across snow and ice, and th e y 7.... (feel) the A That's O K .3.... w o rry .4 .... a r M u ^ t f b u took
cold Arctic winds on their faces, but th e y 8.... (not my dictionary.
see) any penguins! (Penguins live in the Antarctic!) B I'm sorry. I d id n 't5.... to.
^ 8 ^ Listen and w rite in your notebook.

My assessment profile: Workbook page 134


Unit 8 • Adventure

Jerara Malangi's Profile

Australian Aborigines are the original

inhabitants of A u stralia.T h e re are a lot
\ \ of differences among different Australian
> Aborigine com m unities. Each community
has its own culture, traditions and language,
r Jerara is an Aborigine boy, and he’s on
Age “ W alkabout.” “ W alkabout” is a special
Aborigine journey from boyhood to
13 years old
manhood. W hen Aborigine boys are thirteen
My favorite ... o r fourteen, they go and live in the desert
alo ne.They w alk along special desert paths
sports buroinjin (an^l fo r six to eight m onths.They call these paths
like basketbal), football “ songlines,” because old Aborigine songs
music Yothu Yindi, Linkin P, describe them . W h en you sing the song,
things wild animals, sports you know w here to go.
Aborigines on “ W alkabout” don’t
need tents, food o r m aps.The only
k things they need in the desert are a
Reading ^ boomerang and a spear. a

J k W h e n Aborigine boys are hungry, they J P

G , Read Jerara s profile. Are the look fo r food.They know the plants w
statem ents true (T) or fa lse (F)? [' W they can eat, and they also know w here 1
r to find w ater. T h e y can also catch a snake
1 Jerara is 14 years old. F
o r a lizard, make a campfire and co ok the
2 Jerara likes basketball and football.
\ L animal before they eat it.Th ey often w alk
3 Jerara doesn 't like anim als. V , 2,250 kilom eters across the desert and
>, come back home six months later.
Read the a rticle . A nsw er the questions. J Jerara knows “W alkabout” is difficult, but he
also thinks that it teaches boys about life.
327 1 W h a t is "W a lk a b o u t"?
A special Aborigine journey from
boyhood to manhood.
2 H o w old are boys w hen they
do "W a lk a b o u t"?
3 H o w long do boys stay in the desert?
4 W h a t do they w a lk along in
th e desert?
5 W h a t do boys take w ith them C la s s d isc u ssio n
into the desert? 1 W hen do children b ecom e ad u lts in yo u r co untry?
6 W h a t do they do w h en they 2 Do people in yo u r co u n try do som ething special
are hungry? at this tim e? W h a t?
7 W h a t an im als can the boys ca tch ? 3 W h a t do you th in k abo ut "W a lk a b o u t"? W ould
8 W h y is "W alkabout" good for Jerara? you like to do it? W hy?A/Vhy not?

World of Work
Vocabulary • Jobs
A/An, some/any, Quantity; ("l^ ) Listen and repeat. Then m atch the photos to tw e lve o f these jobs.
Indefinite pronouns 3.28
Vocabulary bus driver
Jobs; Adjectives electrician
I describing jc engineer
I Speak! fashion designer
I Reacting fitness instructor
Writing lawyer
A questionnaire lifeguard 1

Word list page 111

Workbook page 112

(b Which jo bs in Exercise 1 are not in the

( 3 , Who . . .
1 cuts people's hair? a hairstylist
2 designs buildings?
3 designs clothes?
4 builds roads and bridges?
5 designs w eb sites?
6 drives buses?
7 gives advice to peop e ab o u t th e la w ?
8 helps custom ers in a store?
9 saves people in the w ate r?
10 serves food and drinks in a restaurant?
11 w o rk s in a hospital?
12 w o rk s in a police station?
13 repairs electrical equip m ent?
14 tea ch es people to exercise?
Pronunciation Schw
In pairs, ask and answer. Which jobs in Exercise 1
L is te n a n d re p e a t . Pay a t t e n tio n to th e /& /
1 help people?
3.29 sound in these w ords.
2 use special e q u ip m e n :?
bus driver designer law yer
3 m ake n e w things?
nurse o ffice r w a ite r
Which jobs
help people? Lreguards help people.
Brain Trainer
A ctivity 3
Goto page 120

98 Unit 9 • World of Work

Look a t the title of the article and the photos. ( 4 Read the article again. Are the statem ents true (T),
W hat a ctiv itie s do you think people can do 3.30 false (F) or don't know (DK)?
at M icropolix? 1 M icropolix is 1 2 ,0 0 0 square m eters. T
2 There's a school a t M icropolix.
(b Read the a rticle and check your answ ers to 3 A d u lts c a n 't go to M icropolix.
Exercise 1. 4 T h e M icropolix b an k has special money.
5 W h en children w a n t m ore m oney, th e y go
Read the a rticle again. Match the headings (A -D ) to the M icropolix bank.
3.30 to the paragraphs (1 -4 ). 6 C hildren can learn to w o rk as salespeople
a t M icropolix.
A W h o w o rk s th ere? .
B W h a t and w h e re isrc? 7 Visitors to M icropolix b ecom e b etter citizens.

C W ho i
D W h a t activities c a n |6 u db th e re ? ( k / W hat about you? In pairs, ask and answ er.
1 Do you w a n t to go to M icropolix? W hy?/W hy not?
2 Is it im portant fo r children to learn about real life?

Do you want to go
to Micropolix?

© . . . . Micropolix is a theme park near Madrid in Spain. .... When children come to the theme park, first
It is 12,000 square meters, and it is like a small town. they become citizens of Micropolix. Next, they go to
It has a town hall, a supermarket, an airport, a theater, the Micropolix bank and get some Micfopolix money:
a police academy, a hospital, a TV studio, a library and the Eurix. Then they use their m oneyro do different
other buildings. activities. If they w ant more money, they get a job and
make more money.
© • • • • T h e theme park is for children. Adults can also
come here, but there aren't any activities for them. Children can take part in many different activities.
For example, they can learn to be police officers
© .... About 200 people work in the theme park. Some
at the police academy, they can learn to be nurses
people organize activities fcr the children, and others
at the hospital, they can sell things in the stores as
take care of the children while they are in Micropolix.
salespeople, or they can learn to fly an airplane.
Children have fun at the park, but the most important
thing is that they learn about real life.

Unit 9 • World of Work ■( 99

Grammar • A /An, som e and any Quantity

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Affirmative How many apples are
How much money is there?
I have there?
I have some money.
an apple/some apples.
There are a lot of apples. There's (is) a lot of money.
There aren't (are not) There isn't (is not) much
I don't have
I don't have any money. many apples. money.
an apple/any apples.
There are a few apples. There's (is) a little money.
Do you h a a ^ G ram m ar re fe re n ce Workbook page 102
>Do you have any money?
an apple/any apples?
G ram m a r re fe re n ce & Study the gram m ar table. Match the sentence
h alves to m ake rules.

1 W e use much and many

Study the gram m ar table. Choose the correct
& options to com plete the rules.
2 W e use a lot o f
3 W e use many and a few
1 W e use a / an before singular co untab le nou ns 4 W e use much and a little
starting w ith a vo w el sound.
a in a ffirm ative sentences,
2 W e use a /som e before uncountable noun
b in negative sentences and questions,
3 W e use som e/any in affirm ative sen
c w ith u nco untab le nouns,
4 W e use some / any in negative sen1
d w ith co untab le nouns.
and questions.

Choose the correct options.

0 / Are these nouns countable (C) or uncountable (
1 M y bab y brother has a f e w / a little hair.
r advice U building car child citizen food I _ There are a lot of/much lights in th is room .
hair help job place work j 3 Th ere isn't many / much sports equip m ent
! in th is gym ,
4 There are a few /a little restaurants on th at street.
Choose the correct options.
( i> 5 There's a f e w / a little fu rn itu re in the store.
1 There w e re n 't som e / any people at the park.
2 Does she drive a /an electric car? M ake questions w ith m a n y.
3 M y grandm other cooked any /som e food fo r us. 1 your m om / gi\^ abo ut studying?
4 C an w e see a n / a show ? Does your mor c /) a d v ic e
5 There isn't som e/any information on this website. about studying?
6 Did you visit some /any nice places on vacation? 2 your dad / ask / questions / ,
3 your teachers / give / you / h o m e w o rk ?
<4/ Com plete the sentences w ith a/an,someor any. 4 you / play / com puter gam es / in your free tim e?
1 He's a police officer. 5 you / w a tc h / T V sh o w s?
2 I c a n 't do this. I need ... help.
3 W e h aven 't e a t e n .... food today. W hat about you? In pairs, ask and an sw er
4 There a r e .... people ir the ocean. the questions in Exercise 7.
5 Do you h a v e .... advice fo r m e?
6 Is she ....e n g in e e r? Does your mom give you much
7 I d id n 't k n o w ....c h ild re n at th e party. advice about studying?
8 Do you h a v e .... tickets fo r th e co ncert?
100 ■ Unit 9 • World of Work

Vocabulary • Adjectives describing jobs

M atch the pictures to these w ords. Then listen , check and repeat. Choose the correct options.
3.31 1 Ursula is an artist. Painting
r boring creative 1 dangerous fascinating relaxing
pictures is creative / stressful.
satisfying stressful tiring varied well paid
2 Tom's a stunt m an. His job
Word list page 111 is boring / dangerous.
Workbook page 112
3 A na w o rks fifteen hours a
day. Her job is relaxing / tiring.
4 I learn new things every day.
M y job is fascinating / creative.
5 He's a yoga teacher. It's
tiring / relaxing.
6 I do the sam e thing every day.
It's fascinating / boring.
1 I w o rk w ith children. It's
satisfying / dangerous.
8 K a th y is a fam o u s actor.
Her jo b is well paid / boring.
9 People call me all the tim e.
M y job is creative / stressful.
10 I do d ifferen t things every
day. It's varied / well paid.

Work in pairs. Student A thinks

of a job and describes it.
Student B guesses the job.
Then sw itch roles.

It's a creative job.

I design buildings.

You're an architect!

Unit 9 • World of Work mt101

CffirftTOTTn Reacting
Speaking and Listening Zak Goall
Nadia Well done, Zakl You've become really good!
O Look a t the photo. A nsw er the questions.
Carlos You should be on the soccer team . Then w e
1 W h e re do you th in k the friends are? can practice together over summ er vacation.
2 W h a t are the boys doing? Zak Sorry, man. I'm not going to be here
3 W h a t has Zak done? this summer.
Nadia That's terrible! W hy not?
Zak Well, my dad's an engineer, and he's going
( T ) Listen and read the conversation.
to Chicago for his job. I'm going w ith him.
3.32 Check your answ ers.
Nadia W hen are you coming back?
Zak I'm not sure, but it'll be before school starts.
( 3) Listen and read ag ain . A nsw er the questions. Jody Oh w ell. Now come and have something
332 1 H a s z a k a lw a y s been a good soccer player? to eat before Carlos eats everything.
No, he h a s r t f Zak Is there any cake?
Jody Um .. . no, there isn't.
2 W h a t d o e lf e r li over sum m er
Nadia W hat a shame! Carlos, did you eat it all?
vacatio n ?
Carlos No! Maybe . . . Yes.
3 W h e re is Zak going this sum. Jody Honestly, Carlos!
4 H ow does Nadia feel abo Zak It doesn't matter!
5 W h e n is Zak com ing b.
6 W h o ate the cake?
Say it in your language
< 4 / A ct out the conversation in groups of Sorry, man.

102 ■ Unit 9 • World of Work

& > Look back a t the conversation. Who says w h at? Grammar • Indefinite pronouns
1 W ell done, Zak! Nadia People Things
2 Sorry, m an.
There's (is) someone there. There's (is) something there.
3 That's terrible! There isn't (is not) anyone There isn't (is not) anything
4 W h a t a sham e! there./There's (is) no one there./There's (is) nothing
5 Honestly! there. there.
6 It d o esn 't m atter! Is there anyone there? Is there anything there?
I can see everyone. I can see everything.
( Read the phrases fo r reacting to bad news,
Grammar reference Workbook page 102
neutral new s and good news.

Study the gram m ar table. M atch the sentence

Bad Neutral Good
o halves to m ake rules.
What a shamS^ Oh well. Well done!
That's terrible! It doesn't matter. That's awesome! 1 W e use someone, everyone, anyone and no one
2 W e use something, everything, anything
and nothing
( T ' ) Listen to the conversations. In p airs, act out
3 W e use anything and anyone
3.33 the conversations.
4 W e use someone, something, everyone,
Nadia W hat's the m a t^ ? everything, no one and nothing
Jody 11spilled juice on m
a to ta lk ab o u t things,
Nadia W hat a shame!
b to talk ab o u t people,
Zak 11 lost the tennis match! c in affirm ative sentences,
Nadia Oh w ell. It doesn’t matter. d in questions and negative sentences.
Carlos Hey, how are yo t?
Zak Good! Guess what? I cam e in Choose the correct options.
in the race! 1 I'm hungry. Let's buy something / anything to eat.
Carlos Really? That's awesome! 2 He is funny. Anyone / Everyone laughs at his jokes.
Is anyone / anything coming to the soccer gam e?
o Work in p airs. Replace the w ords in purple in 4 W e all w a n t o u r team to w in . Anyone / No one
Exercise 7. Use these words and/or your own w a n ts the other team to w in .
ideas. A ct out the conversations. 5 There's someone / everyone at the fron t door.
B — 6 Let's put nothing / everything in the cab inet.
It w ill be safe there.

& Com plete the text w ith th ese w ords.

C anything
no one*1

W e had a great tim e at the p ark yesterday.

7 1 Everyone in the class c a r n e t .... brought a ball
and w e played so c c e r.3.... scored a goal— the
1 b reak m y glasses / get 1 0 0 % on th e exam / score w a s 0 - 0 — but w e enjoyed th e gam e. W e
lose m y cell phone / lose m y MP3 p la y e r/ took sandw iches, fruit and cake w ith us. W e
w in the m atch / w in a com petition didn't b u y 4 . . . . ; w e made all the food at hom e.
W e w ere hungry, so w e ate 5....... In the evening,
w e put all our trash in the trash cans. W e didn't
le a v e 6 .... on the grass. Let's d o 7 .... nice again
next w eeken d !

Unit 9 • World of Work ■1103

<2, Look a t the photos. Answ er the questions.
1 W h a t are the people doing?
2 W h y do you th in k they are doing it?

OK, OK, it’s true^pH<Ul^S^r?%f the neighbor’s baby isn’t the most stimulating
job in the world. But« K a t other work can a teenager do?
House cleaning Pet care Cooking
Busy people don’t have much time for Do your neighbors have pets? Yes? Then Are you a good cook? Some people come
housework, so you can offer toclean you’re in luck! Talk to them and offer to home late in the evening They’re tired
their house or organize their garage. walk their dog, clean out the fish tank or and they don’t want to cook. You can
Yardw ork i feed their cat. You can even take care of offer to have dinner ready for them. You
People always need help in the yard. In I their pet when they go on vacation. can also sell cakes to your neighbors.
spring you can plant flowers, in summer Teaching com puting H elping w ith hom ew ork
you can water and mow the lawn, in Some older people can’t use a computer. Are you good at music, a foreign
the fall you can rake dead leaves and in Remember-—they probably didn’t have a language or math? Then you can help
winter you can shovel snow. computer when they were children. You younger children with their homework.
C ar cleaning can make money teaching them to use
their computers. Key Words
You can wash people’s cars weekly
or monthly. stimulating water (v) lawn
rake shovel foreign
C k y Read and check your answers to Exercise 1.

Read the a rticle again. Who do you think ( T ) Listen to a radio show about sum m er jobs.
3.34 the te x t is for? 3.35 Which topics does Tim ta lk abo ut?
1 busy people 1 W here he
2 teen ag ers 2 W h a t he does
3 parents 3 W hat time he starts anc
4 H o w m uch m oney he make^
(*4^ Read the article again. Answer the questions. 5 W h a t the job gives him .
3 34 1 Does th e w rite r o f the article th in k babysitting 6 His favorite thin g ab o u t his job.
is an interesting jo b ? No, he/she d oesn 't
2 W h a t kind o f people don't have tim e
to organize their garage?
(5) Listen again. Choose the correct answer.
335 1 Tim i s . . .
3 W h a t jo b can you do in a yard in spring?
a fifteen. b sixteen. c seventeen.
4 W h a t job can you do in a yard in the fall?
5 W h a t can you do w h en your neighb ors go 2 He has w o rk e d at th e W isehaven Pool f o r . . .
on vacatio n ? a tw o summ ers, b tw o m onths, c tw o years.
6 W h y ca n 't som e older people use a co m p u ter? 3 The job is never ...
a stressful. b busy. c boring.

104 ■ Unit 9 • World of Work

Writing • A questionnaire
G , Read the W riting File. Read the questionnaire again.
A nsw er the questions.
W ritin g F ile Checking your work \ 1 W h a t is th e questionnaire ab o u t?
When you have finished your w o rk , 2 W h a t in form ation com es a fte r the title?
rem em ber to check: 3 H o w m any questions are th ere?
4 H ow m any answ ers are there for each question?
1 w ord order
2 punctuation
Match the beginnings (1 -4 ) to the endings (a -d )
3 capital letters 6/ o f the questions.
4 linking words
5 use o f tenses 1 W hich school subject c
6 use o f question w ords 2 W h a t is im portant
3 W here
4 W h a t kind o f activities
d > Read the questionnaire. Match the m istakes in bold
a fo r you in a jo b ?
to a word or phrase (1 - 6 )from the W riting File.
b do you enjoy?
c is yo u r favorite?
d do you w a n t to w o rk ?
Are You Ready for v fork?
You are going to w rite a jo b questionnaire. Think

How rea d y for work are you? Find a o f three a n sw e rs fo r each question in Exercise 4.
Take notes.
our questionnaire.
How m uch d o y o u g e t o u t of b e d in th e m o rn in Write a job questionnaire. Use “ My questionnaire"
w ith n o h e lp fro m y o u r p a re n ts, and your notes from Exercises 4 and 5.
a I a lw a y s g e t o u t of b e d w ith o u t h e lp ,
b I so m e tim e s g e t o u t o f b e d w ith o u t h e lp .
C I n e v e r g e t o u t of b e d w ith o u t h e lp .

E v e ry o n e likes p eo p le polite. H ow o fte n did you say

“ p le a s e " a n d " th a n k y o u " e v e ry d a y ?
a I a lw a y s s a y " p le a s e ” a n d " th a n k yo u ."
b I u su a lly s a y " p le a s e " a n d “ th a n k y o u ."
C I u su a lly fo rg e t to s a y " p le a s e " a n d " th a n k yo u ."

E v e ry o n e c a n sta rt a jo b , b e c a u se not e v e ry o n e c a n

finish it. do y o u u su a lly finish th e th in g s y o u b e g in ,
a Yes, l d o .
b I so m e tim e s finish th e m . • Check your work: word order, punctuation,
C No, I d o n 't.
capital letters, linking words, correct
tenses and use of question words.
How ready for work are you? Check your • Use the vocabulary In this unit.
score here!

•e iq isu o d se j 8 J0 U J s t u o a s q
is n iu noA iq o f d jo j A p o o j j .u o j d noA s^uiod
*>JJOM JJD jS 0 | A p D 8 J A| JD8U 8J.OOA SftUIOd
■>|j o m jjD js o j A p c a j 8 J,n o A s ju jo d 6 - 8
ip C 8 J U .I0 d l SJ0M SUD D
q D D 8 SlU.IOd z SJ0M SU D q
U D D 8 S lU !O d e SJ0M SU D D

Unit 9 • World of Work a l l 05

R e it r e s h

G ram m ar • Review Vocabulary • Review

( b Choose the correct options. C b Match these w ords to the sentences.
1 Do you have an /a ny /a few oran ge ja cke t?
2 I d o n 't m ake many/a little/m uch money.
f architect engineer fashion designer

3 I ca n 't fin d a lot/any/an inform ation about

fitness instructor lifeguard nurse
th e to p ic. 1 "I build roads and b rid g e s." engineer
4 C an I have a little / a few / many apple ju ice? 2 "I design b u ild in g s."
5 W e re w e re much / little / a few students 3 "I w o rk at the beach in su m m er."
in the classroom . 4 "I design the most beautiful clothes in the w orld."
6 She doesn 't have an jm a ny / much frien d s 5 "I w o rk w ith doctors at th e h o sp ita l."
s c h o o l^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ 6 "I w o rk w ith people at th e gym all d ay."
7 W e b ought much l many fa lot o f fo o d .
8 Some / Any / Much jobs are borjflg,
Match these ad je ctive s to the d efin ition s.
but o thers are fascinating.
9 Harry has a beard, but he! dangerous boring fascinating relaxing
a few / a little / much hair.
10 Do you do any / some / much lis tin g
satisfying varied well paid ]
1 You do different things every day. varied
2 This jo b m akes you happy.
3 You m ake a lot o f m oney in this jo b.
a , Com plete the sentences w ith these w
4 You learn thin gs and it m akes you th in k.
anyone anything anything everyo 5 This jo b can kill you!
no one someone something 6 You do the sam e things all the tim e.
7 This jo b is calm and quiet.
1 A There's someone in the house. Call the police!
B D on't be silly! T h e re 's .... here. Only you
and me.
2 A I'm not hungry. I don't w a n t .... to eat. sations w ith these w ords.
B But you m ust e a t ....... You haven't eaten
all day.
3 A C an you hear a strange noise in the kitchen?
B No, I ca n 't h e a r ....... L ily W hat's the m atter, M a.«.
4 A W h ere i s .... ? M att I can't fincftny cell phone.
B They're all outside. There is n 't.... in the house. Lily 1 That's terrible! Can I do anything to help?
Sam Guess w hat? I'm going to New York.
& Rewrite the sentences with indefinite pronouns. Julia 2 .... Lucky you!
1 All the students in our class liked the n ew teacher. Lucy I'm bored. I have a lot of homework tonight.
Everyone in our class lired the new teacher. Ella 3 .... I have a lot of hom ework, too!
2 Paul liked all his birthday presents.
3 I k n e w none of the people in the room.
4 I d id n't see any friends at the m ovie theater.
5 Th ere w a s no food in the kitchen. Listen and w rite in your notebook.

& My assessment profile: Workbook page 135

1068* Unit 9 • World of Work

Fact File

Author From
Johanna Spyri Hirzel, Switzerland
Born Died
1827 1901
Book title Heidi
Published in 1880 in German and in over forty languages

Story summary

Heidi is a young Swiss girl. Her mother and father are dead.
One day she goes to stay with her grandfather. He lives alone
in a small wooden house in the Swiss mountains.
Heidi makes a new friend named Peter on the mountain.
Peter is a goatherd. He takes the goats up the mountain every
morning, and he gives the goats food and takes care of them.
eidi loves living with her grandfather. He makes furniture for
her from wood. But one day, Heidi’s aunt arrives. She works in
th|l city of Frankfurt. She takes Heidi to live in Frankfurt with
girl jg feed Clara. Clara lives in a big house in the city, but
h e js $fck and cannot walk, and she feels lonely. Heidi likes
Clara’s grandmother teaches Heidi to read. But Heidi
wants to go and live in the Swiss mountains again. When
she goes to live with her grandfather again, she teaches Peter
to reacT When Clara comes to visit her, she helps to make Clara
well again.

0 / Read the fact file quickly. Answ er the questions. My Literatu File
1 W h o w ro te Heidi?
2 W h e re is the au th o r from ? & Think about a book you have read. Take notes
fo r a fa c t file and a sto ry sum m ary. Think about:
^ 2 ^ Read the story summary. Answer • the au th o r and w h e re he/she is from
3.38 the questions. • the ch aracters
1 W h e re does Heidi's g rand father live? • the places w h ere the ch aracters live
He lives in the Swiss mountains. and w o rk
2 W h at's Peter's jo b ? • an y problem s the ch aracters have
3 W h e re does Heidi's aunt w o rk ?
W rite a fact file about the author and a story
4 W h y is C lara lonely? (is sum m ary. Add photos or pictures. Use your
5 W h o teaches Heidi to read?
6 H o w does Heidi help Peter? notes from Exercise 3 to help you.
7 H o w does Heidi help C la ra ?

Unit 9 • World of Work ■ 107

G ram m ar • Will/Won't • Present perfect
(V M ake o ffers w ith will. & Com plete the em ail w ith the verbs
1 It's hot in here! (open / the w in d o w ) in the Present perfect.
I'll open the window. Hi M om and Dad,
2 I w a n t to go to th e beach, (drive / you / there) Th e school trip is good, and a lot o f things 1 have
I'm thirsty, (get / you / a glass o f w a te r) happened (happen). A lf ie *12 .... (break) his arm and
4 I c a n ! o p en the door! (help / you) his p a re n ts 3 4
. ... (take) him hom e. ~ The w eath er
M y bag is very heavy, (carry / it / fo r you) 4.. .. (be) terrible. It's raining and it's cold! A) 15 ....
(do) som e am azing things. 16 .... (clim b) th e highest
Complete the predictions with will. m ountain in O regon.
1 Earth will be (be) w a rm e r and it won't have Love, Jim
(not have) m u c j« n o w .
2 P e o p le .... (not travel) to w o rk . T h e y .... (w o rk) Complete the sentences w ith these verbs
at hom e. in the Present perfect.

A lot o f a n im a ls ....
any rain forests.
(die) and

S tu d e n ts .... (use) com puters t

th ere ot be)
c not drink not eat not finish not send

1 I'm not happy. I haven't finished m y hom ew ork

T h e y .... (not go) to s c io o l. and it's alm o st ten o'clo ck.
E v e ry o n e .... (recycle) m etal, paper 2 W e 're hungry because w e ....a n y t h in g today.
and th e y .... (n o t w aste) w ater. 3 Mia is sad because her fr ie n d .... her an e m a i.
4 They're thirsty because t h e y .... any w a te r today.
W hat w ill happen in ten years' tim e?
M ake questions and answ ers. 7 Com plete the questions and answ ers w ith the
1 J u lia / g e t / m a r r ie d ? / Present p erfect form of the verbs in cap itals.
Will Julia get married? Yes, she will.
2 Roberto / b ecom e / fam o u s? X
3 Roberto and Silvia / play / in a b an d? / Message board
4 Ju lia / play / in a band? X
5 Roberto and Silvia / get / m arried ? X SEE
6 Silvia / be / rich ? X 1 Guy says: the new Iron Man movie?
Bonita sa I
• First conditional BUY
2 Sasha s a y s :.... yo
4 Com plete the sentences w ith the First co ndition al. fo r M arta?
Lizzie says:....... I bought her a CD.
1 If w e watch (watch) this movie, w e won't go
W hat about you? /
(hot go) to bed until midnight.
2 If y o u .... (listen) to their new album , y o u .... (love) it.
3 Jack says: ....y o u ....y o u r new T-shirt?
3 If t h e y .... (not w in ) the prize, t h e y .... (not be)
Leo says:.......I'm going to w ear it this weekend. X
very happy.
4 I....(p a s s ) my exam s if I.... (w ork) hard.
4 Emma s a y s :.... y o u .... to their new hit?
5 If s h e .... (learn) to play th e drum s, s h e .... (join)
Barry s a y s :....... It's fantastic! /
a band. : CO M M EN T
6 H e .... (take) a tent w ith him if h e .... (go) camping.

108 ■ Review 3

• Some, any, a, an Speaking • Offers

< 8 / Choose the correct options. & Com plete the conversation w ith these w ords.
1 A re there a / any vegetables on th at pizza?
( a ll right carYt help please thanks
2 I have an/some apple in m y bag.
3 Does Sue have any/a techno CD s for the party? Mom W hat's the problem, Sofia?
4 There are som e/any good tracks on this album . Sofia 11 can't find my backpack for the camping
5 T h e r e i w t ^ p n y sunscreen in m y bag. trip tomorrow.
Mom Oh no! Do you want som e2 .... ?
(b Complete the dialogue with a, an, some and any. Sofia Y e s ,3.......Can you look under my bed?
Mom Are you ready for vour trip? Is t h a t 1 a new I'll look over here.
backpack, Peter? Mom Oh, here it is!
Peter Yes, it is. I bought it yesterday. Sofia 4 .......Mom!
Mom Are you t a k if ii2 ...A p clw ith w o u? Mom Can I get you anything?
Peter Well, I've g o t3.. .. a p p le ,4 . . . . bottle of water Sofia No, th a t's5. . . . , I have everything now.
and 5.... sandwiches. I'm not going to take
6.... chocolate w ith me in this hot weather. • Apologizing
Mom Are you going to ta k e 7.... guidebooks with you?
Peter No, I'm not. I'm not going to t a k e 8 . 2 Com plete the conversations w ith these words.

things. I can b u y 9 .... guidebook*

^accident happen mean really rightJ
Mom OK!
1 A Oh no! I dropped the glass! I'm
• Quantity 1 really sorry. I d id n't2.... to.
B That's a ll3.......I'll get you another one.
( I S , Com plete the questions w ith How much or
deleted the photo from Maria's
How many Then complete the answ ers.
1A How many apples are th ere?
B There are a lot o f/ much apples.
2A .... bread is there?
B There's not much / a few bread. • Reacting
2 A .... tennis balls are there?
B There are much / a few tennis balls. 3 Put the conversation
4 A .... bug spray is there? .... Yeah, but o n ly ,
B There's a lot o f/ a few bug spray. .... I hurt my arm iy in the
5A ....w a t e r is th ere? game tomorrow.
B There's not many / a little w ater. .... Oh no! W hat a shame.
Hi, Jack. What's the m a tte d '
Indefinite pronouns .... Yes, and it's an important game.

Choose the correct options. .... Oh well, never mind. You can play next week!

1 Is something / anyone coming to the movie theater?

2 Everyone / Nothing loves Dancing with the Stars.
■There's nothing / anything for dinner.
4 No one / Everything in this store is very expensive.
5 I'm hungry, but I don't have anyone / anything
to eat.

Review 3

V o c a b u la ry • Music • Camping
G , Com plete the sentences w ith these w ords. & Com plete the text w ith these w ords.

C Eencert" composer download hit station track J backpack compass map

1 I'm going to a concert to n ig h t w ith m y friend s.

sleeping bags sunscreen tent
2 T h e f if t h .... on the C D is m y favorite. I'm going cam ping to m o rro w w ith my friend
3 I lo v a M s ’m usic. W h c is t h e .. .. ? A le x. Last night I put everything in m y 1 backpack.
4 Daffljrstens to Ijhis ra d io .... in th e car. I'm taking m y 2 .... and a 3 ....— w e don't w a n t
P le a se .... the song from the w eb site fo r me. to get lost! The w e a th e r is going to be hot this
Their last song w a s a p ig ....... It w a s num ber w ee ke n d , so I'm also takin g m y 4 ....... A lex is
one on th e pop ch art fo r w ee ks. taking a 5....a n d t w o 6.......

• Musical instrut • Jobs

2 Look a t the pictures, & > Match the sentences (1 -6 ) to the jo bs (a -f).
do the people play? 1 She designed th e bridge, a
1 A m a n d a plays the 2 He saved th e boy in the ocean.
2 Harry plays t h e .... 3 She helped the custom er.
3 Clarissa plays t h e . 4 She w o rked at the hospital in o u r to w n .
4 Kevin plays t h e .... 5 He designed all th e clothes in th e store.
6 He served us o u r food and drinks.
0 a en g in eer
^Hfrrailinw^ b fash io n designer
c lifeguard

4 f Adjectivi ing jobs
• The natural world 6 Com plete the sentences w ith these w ords.

3 Complete the text w ith these words. boring dangerous fascinating

beaches desert island lake mountain ocean

[ satisfying tiring well paid

£ j 1 He m akes a lot o f money. His job is well paid.

Last summer I w ent on vacation to the Spanish 2 He w o rk s w ith sn akes a t th e zoo. He has
1 island o f Tenerife in the A tlantic2....... One day w e a b .
climbed Teide, the highest3.... on the island. 3 She loves her jo b. She fin d s it v e r y ........
It's 3,718 meters high! Tererife has some wonderful 4 He w o rk s fo r fifteen hours every day.
4 ...., and w e w ent swimming almost every day. He has a b .
Tenerife is only 300 kilometers from the Sahara5...., 5 He does th e sam e th in g s all day every day.
and it's usually hot in the summer. One day I didn't go
He has a b .
swimming in the ocean— w ent swimming in a 6 .......
6 She learns interesting thin g s every day.
It's called Lago Martianez. I didn't w ant to go home!
She has a ....j o b .

Review 3

Word lis O
Unit 7 • Make Music
M u sic
album /'aelbam/ sea /si/
CD release /jsi 'di n'lis/ valley /'vaeli/
composer /kam'pouza^/ waterfall /'wot a^fol/
concert /'kansart/
digital mu /didjitl 'myuzik/ Cam ping
downloa /'daonlood/ backpack /'baekpaek/
hit /h it/ bug spray /'bAg spiei/
playlist ilist/ cam pfire /'kaempfaia/
pop chart /'pdptjait/ compass /'kAmpas/
radio station ,ou ,steijan/ flashlight /'flaejlait/
singer guidebook /'gaidbok/
track hiking boots /'haikig buts/
map /maep/
M u sica l in s tru m e n ts sleeping bag /'slipig baeg/
drums / d iA m z / , sunscreen / 's A n s k r in /
guitar /gi'tar, sun hat / 's A n h a e t/
keyboard /'kibard/ tent /tent/
piano /pi'aenou/
saxophone /'saeks^foun/ 9 • World of Work
violin /vaia'hn/
Jo b s
T y p e s o f m u sic
classical j s driv /'bAS <drsiv2r/
country /'kAiitri/ electri /i,lek'trifan/
heavy metal /|hevi 'met 1/ engi /|end3a'nir/
hip hop /'hip hap/ fashi / 'f a e ja n di'zaina*/
jazz /d3aez/ fitness /'firm s in'stiAkt^/
opera /'apra/ hairstylist /'hei(stailist/
pop /pap/ lawyer
rap /raep/ lifeguard /laifgard/
reggae /'regei/ nurse - //v m /
rock /rak/ police officer /palis ,:rfas*/
techno /'teknou/ salesperson /'seilz,p^san/
waiter /'weit \
Unit 8 • Adventure w eb designer /'webj
T h e n a tu ra l w o rld A d je c tiv e s d e sc rib in g jo b s
beach /bitj/ boring /'bong/
desert /'dezar/ creative /kri'eit iv/
glacier /'gleija-/ dangerous /'dein^aras/
island /'ailand/ fascinating /'faesa,neit ig/
lake relaxing /n'laeksig/
/ le ik /
mountain /'m aunfn/ satisfying
/'oujan/ stressful /'stresfal/
/'rein fanst/ tiring
rain forest
river /'nv& /
w ell paid /wel 'peid/
Review 3

Brain TVainer
Find the differencO Vocabulary}
< 2 / Look a t the photo on page 14 fo r one m inute. & Look at the letters. Guess the sport.
Now stud y this photo. What d ifferences can
you fin d ?

0 / M ake questions w ith words from the orange, 4a Read the item s in the box aloud three tim es.
purple and blue boxes and do/does. You have Cover the box. Read the list b elow aloud. Which
three m inutes! item is m issing?

Does our teacher play basketball? tennis racket

a ll c o u rt
your mom your dad our teacher your friends
skates soccer cleats

do play go watch call have field

soccer cleats hockey stick
archery basketball basketball court
judo hom ework
mountain biking skateboarding Now try again.
sports on television swimming
tennis court rink
judo belt soccer field

s w im m in g pool swimsuit

ice skating rink swim suit

soccer field swimming pool tennis court

112 Brain Trainer Unit 1 • Play the Game!

Brain TVainer
Find the differencO Vocabulary)
Look a t the photo on page 24 fo r one minute. & > Follow the letters to find seven types of m ovies.
Now study this photo. What d ifferences can You can go up, down or diagonally— from the left
you find? or from the right.

\R T u S I C A B Y K P
<>-M F O T L G W A O

u W U T R S T V U J
& Unscram ble the w ords. Then match the senten
to the photos.
1 I'm a g h tw n ic a rohror m ovie.
I'm watching a horror movie, c
M■ R R O H N R E

2 Th ey're g n atiw i outside th e um em su.

rd has three shapes.
3 He's ardnige a zagnim ae at th e m o m ent.
4 W e 're kinm ga a tairalm rats m ovie.
5 Suzy's digno her ngEilhs h o m ew o rk now .
6 She's tnagki photos at the krpa today.

Brain Trainer Unit 2 • The Big Picture . 1 1 3

Brain TVainer
Find the difference Vocabulary
Look a t the photo on page 34 fo r one m inute. In pairs, look a t the pictures. Say one history
Now study this photo. What d ifferences can w ord about the picture. Your partner says another
you fin d ? histo ry w ord about the picture.

Match the tim eline of Janet's life (1 -6 ) to the

Grammar p ictures (a—f). Then com plete the sentences.
1 1947: a Janet started school.
( k / M ake sentences w ith words o f the sam e
2 1 9 6 0 :.... Jan e t w e n t ....
Then m ake your own color puzzle. In pairs,
.... J a n e t ...
com plete your p artner's puzzle.
Jan e t got ....
You started school seven years ago. J a n e t ....

You We w e re se v en y e a rs

n ig h t ago m oved born You

y e a rs stu d y sta rte d ago fo u rte e n

la st I w a tch e d sch o o l la st

Yo u TV y e s te r c a y d id n't year

year night leave h er m o ved

d id We a They la st

d id n 't He last big th e

h o m e w o rk city m istake She m ade

114 Brain Trainer Unit 3 • Past Lives

Brain IVainer
Find the differencO Vocabulary^
Look a t the photo on page 48 fo r one minute. Read the phrases fo r tw o m inutes. C over the list
Now study this photo. What d ifferences can and w rite the phrases in your notebook. How
you find? many can you rem em ber?

f spray graffiti bully

be rude fight
lie steal something
litter use a cell phone in class
cheat on an exam copy someone's homework
play loud music skip school

4J Com plete the sentences w ith the correct

preposition o f m ovem ent.
a T h e dog ran 1 around th e tree,
b She clim bed 2.... the ladder,
c T h e y d id n't w a lk 3....t h e bridge.
T h e y w a lke d 4.... th e bridge,
d T h e ca t ju m p ed 5.... the w a ll,
e Lucy w a s takin g the p re s e n t6.... the box w hen
Grammar) h er mom w a lke d 7.... the room ,
f Dad w a s clim bing 8.... th e ladder w h e n th e cat
0 / Look a t the picture fo r two m inutes, then
ran 9.... th e road.
it. Now sa y a square. Your partner says w hat
person w a s doing.

The men
were fighting.

Brain Trainer Unit 4 • Is It a Crime? 115

Brain TVainer
Find the differencO Vocabulary)
<3/ Look a t the photo on page 58 fo r one m inute. < ! / Read the code. W hat are the m ystery w ord s?
Now study this photo. What d ifferences can
A B C j s .L
you fin d ?
D E F M- •o

G H i p 6 R
A =J B=U

L < F L < curly

3 < \ / > _ iL n n
1L__I v v D v
L IF E ^ H
> n r 0
v > F _ l l — in >
> _1 LU _

& Look at the p erso nality circle fo r one minute.

In pairs, take turns asking and answ ering three
questions. Change the w o rd s in purple.
What's opposite
What color is
Work in pairs. Student A covers his/her eyes. shy in the circle?
Student B m akes a statem ent about a classm ate
Student A says True or False.

Rosa has the

longest hair in our class.

False! My hair is
longer than Rosa's.

116 ■ Brain Trainer Unit 5 • Look at You

Brain TVainer
Find the difference)) Vocabulary^
( Look at the photo on page 68 fo r one m inute. Work in p airs. Student A acts out a phrase below.
Now study this photo. W hat d ifferences can Student B guesses the phrase. Sw itch roles.
you find?

Don't cut the tree down.

Don't pollute the river.

Don't w aste w ater.

Reuse old things.

Plant vegetables.
Turn it off.

Recycle your bottles.

<5, Work in pairs. Student A chooses a m aterial and

says tw o things th at are made from it. Student B
guesses the m aterial.
C / Look a t the picture. Sam has a history exam
tom orrow . M ake sentences about w h at he shoul
and shouldn't do.
Sam should go to the bookstore. He shouldn't
play soccer.

Brain Trainer Unit 6 • It's Your World

Find the difference Vocabulary

W ork in pairs. Student A chooses a m usic w ord .
G Look a t the photo on page 82 fo r one m inute.
Now stud y this photo. What d ifferences can Student B asks Student A the questions below.
you fin d ? Student B guesses the w ord.

r album concert composer

download hit playlist
pop chart singer track

How many letters are there?
How many syllables are there?
How many vowels are there?
How many consonants are there?

How many syllables

are there?

In pairs, say a w ord from the box. Your partner

says "M usical in strum ent" or "Type o f m usic."
Qj Look a t the picture puzzle fo r tw o m inutes,
cover it. Now say a square. Your p artner guesse classical country drums hip hop
w h a t the person is saying. guitar keyboard opera
piano pop rap reggae
rock saxophone techno violin

118V Brain Trainer Unit 7 • Make Music

Brain Trainer
Find the difference Vocabulary
Look a t the photo on page 92 fo r one minute. Look a t the photos. W hat are they? You have
Now study this photo. What d ifferences can tw o m inutes.
you find? a valley

& M ake questions w ith words from the purple,
orange and blue boxes. You have three m inutes!
Have you visited the Pyramids?
Has your best friend watched Twilight?

has have eaten played read

seen visited watched w on written

you your best friend

your brother/sister your mom and dad

a blog the drum s The Grinch

a prize the Pyramids sushi Which cam ping w o rd s are missi se e clues
Twilight the US London to help you.

backpack flashlight guidebook hiking hoots

sleeping bag sunscreen tent
1 You use th is to keep w a rm , and you also cook
food over it. campfire
2 You use this to find north, south, east and w est.
3 You use th is to keep insects a w a y from you.
4 You put th is on yo u r head on a hot day.
5 You use th is to fin d a place.

Brain Trainer Unit 8 • Adventure . I I 19

Brain TVainer
Find the differencO Vocabulary)
Look a t the photo on page 102 fo r one m inute. Look at the pictures. Can you guess w h at
Now stud y this photo. What d ifferences can the jo bs are? You have tw o m inutes.
you fin d ? a waiter

Look a t the picture. Work out the fe w e st num ber
o f m oves to get from A to B. Use the rules b elow
to help you.

Rule 1: You can't put a larger ring on a smaller ring

Rule 2: You can only move one ring a t a tim e.

have L
L * o m e mo ne^

In pairs, take turns choosing a letter. Your partner

has to say a job or an a d jective describing a job
beginning w ith that letter. The firs t person to get
three letters In a row Is the w inner.
s H
□ D

D w F
□ H

c D R B E F

120 ■ Brain Trainer Unit 9 • World of Work

Culture English-Speaking Countries

1 Read about the main English-speaking countries. 0 / In pairs, an sw er the questions.
3.39 Which country has the biggest population? 1 W h a t is the capital o f yo u r co untry?
2 W h a t is th e population and currency?
2 Read about the main English-speaking countries 3 W h a t is interesting ab o ut your co untry?
3.39 again. A nsw er the questions.
1 W h ich fam o u s people cam e from Dublin? 4 W rite a short fact file about your country.
W h ich place .in A m erica sees th e sun rise first? Use your an sw ers to Exercise 3 and the English-
3 W h a t is the cap ital o f A ustralia? speaking countries exam ples to help you.
4 W h ich co u n try has three capital cities?
W h a t w a s special about the 2 0 1 0 W orld C u p ?

Capital of Canada: O ttawa
Population of Canada: about 3 4 .0 19,000
cm vt Currency: Canadian dollar
ixriiuc * Extra interesting facts: They speak French
O flK W and English in Canada.

A ustralia
Capital of Australia: Canberra
Population of Australia: about 22,600,000
Currency: Australian dollar
Previous Extra interesting facts: There are more
ieep in Australia than people!
m M m
•f India: N ew Delhi
n iv m im • Population of India: 1.2 billion
Currency: Indian rupee
The UK T h e Republic of Ireland Extra interesting facts: India makes between
Capital of the U K and England: London Capital of the Republic of Ireland: Dublin 'ood movies every year.
(Edinburgh is the capital o f Scotlanc. Population of the Republic of Ireland:
Belfast is the capital of N orthern Ireland. 4.470.700 New
Cardiff is the capital o f W ales.) Currency: The euro Capital o f Ne* 'ellington
Population of the U K : about 63 mi lion Extra interesting facts: In the Republic of Population of New Z< about 4.300,000
Ireland, people also speak Gaelic. English is Currency: N ew Zeal
Full name: United Kingdom o f Great
the language of business. Ireland is famous Extra interesting fa first country
Britain and N orthern Ireland
for rts writers. James Joyce and Oscar in the w orld to se< sun rise:
Currency: British pound W ilde came from Dublin.
Extra interesting facts: The English like
South Africa
T h e US Capitals of South Africa: Pretoria,
drinking tea! An English person drinks
Capital of the US: Washington. D C Cape Town and Bloemfontein
m ore tea than anyone else.They drink
Population of the US: 3 10.000,000 Population of South Africa: 4 9,991,300
over tw enty tim es more than Americans.
Full name: United States o f Am erica Currency: South African rand
Currency: US dollar Extra interesting facts: The Soccer W orld
Extra interesting facts: The state of Maine Cup took place in South Africa in 2 0 10.This
sees the sun rise before the other states! was the first Soccer W orld Cup in A frica

Culture 1

Culture The US - City Life

, 1 Read about the US. How many states are there & r In pairs, a n sw e r the questions.
3.40 in the US? 1 W h a t is th e largest city in yo u r co untry?
2 W h a t is yo u r favo rite city in yo u r co untry?
2 Read about the US again. A n sw er the questions. ; W h a t o th er cities do you k n o w in Europe
3.40 1 Is the US a m ulticultural co u n try? W h y? and th e US?
2 W h a t is the capital o f the U S? W h y is this city
iq ^ R t a n t ? / W rite a short paragraph about your fa v o rite city
3 W h a t's the "B ig A j& le " ? in your country. Use your an sw ers to Exercise 3

4 W h ich fa m o u s buildings are in N ew York? and the US exam ples to help you.
W h at's the w e a th e r like in LA ?

T h e US has 50 states, an d they are a ll d ifferen t.

In th e US. there is g re a t variety in clim ate,
la n d sca p e, cities and culture.
People fro m a ll o ve r th e w o rld live th e re .
T h e US is v e ry m u lticu ltu ral.

DC I lo v e N YC C ity o f A n g e ls
W ash ing to n. T h e “ Big Los
DC, is the A p p le ” has pfs V
c a p ita l o f a p o p u latio n m ulticu ltural
th e US. It o f 8.2 m illion People from
is a very p eo p le. Th e a ll over the
im p o rtan t N ew York w o rld live,
city. T h e president and his fam ily skyline is fa m o u s . It h as som e v e ry w o rk and
live in W a sh in g to n , DC, in the W hite t a ll b uildings ca lle d skyscrap ers. enjoy the good w e a th e r in LA . The
House. T h e W h ite H ouse h as tennis T h e Em pire State Building and city has m an y im p o rta n t centers of
co u rts, a sw im m ing pool and a th e C h rysle r B uilding a re e asy to culture, science an d technolog y, and
m ovie th e a te r fo r the president’s recognize. T h e Statue o f Lib erty it is the m ovie c a p ita l o f the w orld!
fam ily. Insid e the W hite House is is in N ew York H arb or. It w a s a You can see th e fa m o u s Hollywood
the O v a l O ffice. It is the office o f p resent from th e p eo p le o f France sign in th e hills o f th e city. You
th e president. M any lead ers from to th e US. It is a sym b o l o f freed o m can a lso w a lk dow n H ollyw ood
aro u nd th e w o rld tra v e l to the O val an d dem ocracy. B o ulevard an d see th e handprints
O ffice to m eet the President. o f fam o u s acto rs.

122 - Culture 2

Culture Australia - Nature

1 Read about A u stra lia . Is A ustralia a continent, 3 In pairs, a n sw e r the questions.
3.41 a country or an island? 1 W h a t co u n try and co n tin en t do you live in?
2 W h at is special about nature in your country?
2 Read about A ustralia again. 3 Do you k n o w an old story ab o u t your co untry?
3.41 A n sw er the questions. Tell yo u r partner.

1 Do children go to school in th e O u tb ack?

< £ , W rite a sho rt paragraph about nature in your
2 the official nam e to r "Ayers R o c k "?
country. Use your answ ers to Exercise 3 and
H o w m an y b each es are th ere in A u stralia?
the A u stralia exam p les to help you.
4 W h a t ca n yo u see f rQ&QaSpace?
5 W h a t are the "T h re e Sisters','?

Australia is a continent, a country and an island. It is very
famous for its nature. It has 550 national parks ana 15 World
Heritage Sites. In Australia you can see mountains, saltjakcs,
deserts, rain forests, coral reefs and amazingijeachesJ
The Outback The coast
T h e O utback is a part of Australia w h ere few people here are over 10,000 beaches in Australia! T h e G re a t Barrier
live. It is often d ry like a desert. Many families w o rk on ef is on the northeast coast of Australia. It is a marine park
big sheep farm s and live hundreds of kilom eters away over 3,000 kilom eters long! It is longer than the G reat W all
from tow ns o r schools. Children in these families don’t of China, and you can see it from space. It is famous fo r its
go to scho ol.Th ey learn at home and speak to their natural beauty. Th e reef has many colorful corals and is home
teachers over the Internet! A famous natural beauty in to whales, dolphins, turtles and crocodiles!
the O utback is “ A yers Rock.” Its official name is U lu ru .
A lm ost half a million people visit U lu ru every year.
Mountains ■ AI
T h e Blue Mountains are in the southeast of Australia. In the
Blue Mountains, there are th re e famous rocks called the
“ T h re e Sisters.” T h e Aborigine people have a v e ry old sto ry
about the rocks. T h e sto ry is about three beautiful wom en.
T h e wom en fall in love with th ree b ro th crs.Th e brothers
are from a different
tribe, so they can’t
get m arried.
T h e brothers try
to catch the sisters.
To pro tect the
sisters, a magician
changes them
into rocks!

Culture 3

Culture South Africa - Wildlife

i 1 Read about South A frica. W hat are In pairs, an sw er the questions.
3.42 the "B ig F iv e "? 1 W h ich an im als do you like?
2 W h ich an im als are p opular in your co untry?
I 2 Read about South A frica again. 3 A re som e an im als becom ing extinct
3.42 A n sw er the questions. in your co untry?
1 W h ic h a n im als in South A frica are the most
< £ , W rite a short paragraph about anim als in your
2 m ore th an 15 hours country. Use your a n sw e rs to Exercise 3 and the
a "B ig F ive " exam ples to help you.
3 W hich big groups and
lives in
4 W h ich o f the
W h ich anim al is

Q ^ p p a rd
Leopards live alone. They can run 58 kilometers
Wildlife: The “Big Five per hour, and they are very good swimmers
and climbers. They live in many different
South Africa is home to 299 types of mammals environments—from the desert to the forest.
and over 850 types of birds. There are 20
national parks in South Africa. These parks B * L ic i
protect wild anim als, plants and natural Lions weigh around 250 kilograms. They are
environments. Many people visit these parks very social and live in groups called "prides.”
to go on safari and see the animals. T h e most They relax for around 20 hours a day!
famous animals in South Africa are the
Q E le p h a n t
"Big Five”— the buffalo, elephant, leopard,
African elephants are four meters tall and weigh
lion and rhinoceros. They are some of the
about 6.5 tons. They eat about 300 kilograms of
most impressive anim als in South Africa,
plants every day. Elephants are very intelligent
but also the most dangerous.
animals and have excellent memories.
□ B uffalo
E i R h in o cero s
Cape buffaloes are very dangerous anim als.
The horns on a rhinoceros are very valuable
They weigh around 900 kilograms and are
M any people kill these anim als to sell their
about 1.7 meters tall! They move in big groups
horns. In some places, rhinos are almost
and eat a lot of grass.
extinct. Most rhinos weigh around one ton
and are very dangerous.

Culture 4

Culture India - Culture

1 Read about India. How many people live in India? In pairs, an sw er the questions.
3.43 1 Do people speak differen t lang uag es
2 Read about India again. Answ er the questions. in your co untry?
2 W h ich religions are im portant in yo u r country?
3.43 i w h ic h is tk e largest city in India?
3 W h a t food is popular in yo u r co untry?
2 W h ich tw o languages are th e m ost im portant
in India?
( ± > W rite a short paragraph about your country.
3 W h y is 1947 a n im portant date
Use your an sw ers to Exercise 3 and the India
in India's history?
exam ples to help you.
4 W h ich tw o religions do m o st Indians p ractice?
W h a t can y o i/fin d in most Indian fo o d ?

% m i tn u n n n
I u tttt hw m m m m t. m n . u m m m n


India is the second-largest country in Asia and the

largest in South Asia. With more than 1.2 billion In India, religion p lays an im portant role. India is the
people, India has the second-largest population in hom e of tw o m ajor world religions: H induism and
Bud dh ism . O ver 80 percent of the population o f India
the world. Its capital is New Delhi, and its largest
p ractice H induism , but today only 0 .8 percent of the
city is Mumbai. population p ractice Bud dh ism . A nother important
religion is Islam —about 13 percent o f Indians are
M u s lim s In fn e t, In d ia h a s t h e s e c o n d - la r g e s t p o p u la tio n
India h as m any different cultures, and people sp e a k over
of M uslim s in the w orld, after Indonesia.
1,600 languages and d iale cts there. T h e official language
of India is Standard Hindi, but English is a lso im portant Food
in b u sin e ss and education. The reason for this is that Indian food va rie s from p la ce to p la ce , and different
India w a s o n ce part of the British Em pire. It b ecam e cu ltu res have different cu isin e s. Indians eat a lot
independent in 1947. O ther important languages are of rice, and m ost Indians u se s p ic e s in their food.
Beng ali, G ujarati, Kashm iri, Punjabi and Urdu. Typical sp ice s include pepper, chili pepper, black mustard
seed, cum in, turm eric, ginger and coriander.

Culture 5

Culture New Zealand - History

I 1 Read about New Zealand. Where is it? ( k / In pairs, a n sw e r the questions.
3.44 1 W here is your co untry?
I 2 Read about New Zealand again. A nsw er 2 W ere there fam o u s explorers in your co u n try
3.44 the questions. in th e past?
3 W h a t are som e im portant dates in your
M aoris com e from ?
country's history? W h y are th e y im portant?
European to sail to

& W rite a short paragraph about the history o f your

3 o f N ew Zealand?
country. Use your a n sw e rs to Exercise 3 and the
4 W hy A m erican ships
New Zealand exam ples to help you.
co m e to
5 In w h ich becom e
part o f the

N ew Z ealand is a country in the
so u th w este rn Pacific O ce a n . It
has tw o large islan ds, the North
Island and the South Island, and
its capital is W elling to n.

Th e first p eo p le in N ew Zealand In the

cam e from Polynesia in boats about nineteen th
a thousand years ag o . W e d o n 't cen tu ry,
know e xa ctly w hen th e y cam e. Th e y m any British
d e ve lo p e d th e ir own cu ltu re , and p eop le cam e
to d ay w e call them M aoris. to live in
F o r a long tim e the M aoris w ere the N ew Z e ala n d ,
only p eo p le in the country. T h en , and they
in 1642, th e Dutch e xp lo rer A b el bought land from V
Tasm an arrived w ith tw o ships. the M aoris. In 1840,
U n fo rtu n ately, th e re w as a fight the British governm ent
b etw e e n th e Euro p ean s and the signed an ag reem en t with the
M ao ris, and m any p eo p le died. M aoris, the Tre aty o f W aitangi,
Tasm an left, and Euro p eans did not and N e w Z e a la n d b e ca m e p a rt o f
co m e again fo r m any years. the British Em p ire. In 1893, N ew
Zealand b ecam e the first country in
In 1769, the British exp lo rer Jam e s
the w orld to give wom en the right
C o o k sailed to N ew Zealand and
to vote.
m ade the first m aps o f its coastline.
A fter that, m any European and North Today, N ew Zealand is a quiet
Am erican ships arrived. They w anted country with a high standard o f living.
to hunt for w hales in the Pacific and
trade with the Maoris.

Culture 6

Irregular Verb List

Verb Past Simple Past Participle Verb Past Simple Past Participle
be w as/w ere been know knew known

become became become leave left left

begin began begun lose lost lost

break broke broken make made made

bring brought brought mean meant meant

build built built meet met met

buy bought bought pay paid paid

can could * ^ been able put put put

catch caught caught read / r id / read /re d / read /re d /

choose chose chosen run ran run

come cam e come say said said

cost cost ^ t see saw seen

cut cut cut ^ e ll sold sold

do did done send sent sent

drink drank drunk sing sang sung

drive drove driven sat sat

eat ate eaten sleep r slept slept

feel felt felt speak spoke spoken

fight fought fought swim swam swum

find found found take took taken

fly flew flow n teach taught taught

forget forgot forgotten tell told

get got gotten think thought thought

give gave given throw threw thrown

go w ent gone/been understand understood understood

have had had w ake w oke woken

hear heard heard w ear w ore worn

hold held held w in won won

keep kept kept w rite wrote written

Irregular Verb List

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