International Relations MCQs Solved

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According to which theory it is said that cooperation is possible

among nation states, and saying that acting in self-interest will

bring about your own demise and also said that nations need to
abide by internationals rules and norms.
(a) Capitalism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Realism
(d) Globalism

Machiavelli was a statesman during the early 16th century who

acted an advisor and diplomat throughout Europe. He belonged to
which country?

(a) Italy
(b) Germany
(c) France
(d) Spain

Who is considered the father of modern realism?

(a) Thucydides
(b) Machiavelli
(c) Jermay Bantham
(d) None of these

Which theory is considered the base of international relations?

(a) Capitalism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Realism
(d) Globalism
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According to which political theory National missile defense is
necessary because it will deter possible missile attacks from rogue
(a) Capitalism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Realism
(d) Globalism

According to which political theory „Nation-states are the most

important actors in international affairs‟?
(a) Liberalism
(b) Capitalism
(c) Globalism
(d) Realism

The UN is used by nations to promote their own self-interests.

This theory is called

(a) Neo-Communism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Realism
(d) Dependency

The United Nations (UN) promotes world peace, and its

authority should not be underminded by individual nation-states.
This theory is called

(a) Dependency
(b) Realism
(c) Liberalism
(d) Globalism
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According to which political theory industrialized nations cause
the under-development of poorer countries.

(a) Dependency
(b) Liberalism
(c) Globalism
(d) Realism

According to which political theory Poor countries can develop

their economies if they open their markets and de-regulate their
(a) Liberalism
(b) Dependency
(c) Realism
(d) Globalization

According to which political theory social class defines the

relationship between nation states?
(a) Communism
(b) Globalism
(c) Socialism
(d) Liberalism

According to which political theory cooperation between nation

states is possible, and desirable?
(a) Liberalism
(b) Realism
(c) Globalism
(d) Socialism

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his

needs‟. This lies at the heart of which of these theories?
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(a) Capitalism
(b) Fascism
(c) Federalism

(d) Communism
According to which political theory all nation-states act in self-

(a) Liberalism
(b) Realism
(c) Globalism
(d) Socialism

According to which treaty that sovereigns had no internal equals

within a defined territory and no external superiors as the ultimate
authority within the territory‟s sovereign borders?
(a) Peace of Westphalia
(b) Treaty of Utrecht
(c) Treaty of Paris
(d) None of these

What was the significance of the Treaty of Westphalia?

(a) It marked the defeat of the Habsburgs
(b) It marked the beginning of a shift from religious orthodoxy to international diversity based on secular states
(c) It attempted to organize Europe on an anti-hegemonic principle
(d) All of the above

Peace of Westphalia was signed in

(a) 1642
(b) 1643
(c) 1644
(d) 1648

Which of the following treaty is considered the base of modern

history of international relations?
(a) Peace of Westphalia
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(b) Treaty of Utrecht

(c) Treaty of Paris
(d) None of these
Ancient Sumerian city-states are considered the states of first
fully-fledged international system? Sumerian city-states were
located in

(a) Rome
(b) Egypt
(c) Iraq
(d) Syria

What is/are studied in International Relations (IR)?

(a) relationships among countries, the roles of sovereign states,

(b) roles of inter-governmental organizations (IGO), international non-
governmental organizations (INGO)
(c) roles of non-governmental organizations (NGO), and multinational
corporations (MNC).
(d) All of these

——— is suitable for welfare state

(a) Monarchy
(b) Democracy
(c) Communism
(d) Aristocracy

Objectives of International relations are to safeguard ———-

(a) National Interest
(b) Morality
(c) Religion
(d) Economy

————- is base of welfare state.

(a) Supremacy of law
(b) Supremacy of tradition
(c) Economic security
(d) None of these
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———- decentralization is characteristics of welfare state.
(a) Economic
(b) Political
(c) Social
(d) None of these

Welfare state gives importance to….

(a) Economics decentralization
(b) Political Centralization
(c) Importance to religion
(d) None of these

Modern age is an Era of…….state

(a) Totalitarian
(b) Welfare
(c) Colonial
(d) Communist

State is necessary evil is the view held by

(a) Socialist
(b) Marxists
(c) Individualist
(d) Liberals

The state exists within society but it is not even the form of
society. These words are attributed to
(a) MacIver
(b) Laski
(c) Gilchrist
(d) “A. V.” Dicey

According to ———- welfare state solves many problems

(a) Lipset
(b) Marx
(c) Plato
(d) Lenin
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Which one of the following is the most acceptable theory of the
origin of state?
(a) Social contract theory
(b) Divine origin theory
(c) Force theory
(d) Evolutionary theory

The idealist theory about the functions of state is also known as

(a) Social theory
(b) Welfare theory
(c) Anarchist theory
(d) Metaphysical theory

Modern State System is believed to have started with:

(a) End of Second World War
(b) Versailles Treaty
(c) End of Cold War
(d) Peace of Westphalia

Consider the following statements and identify the one which is

not a correct representation of Morgenthau‟s ideas?
(a) Morgenthau presents a realist theory of international relations
(b) Morgenthau maintains that national interest and morality must
determine State action
(c) Morgenthau argues that national interest transcends all principles of
(d) Morgenthau claims that national interest must guide the foreign policy
of a State

Preemptive Strike Doctrine confers upon states the:

(a) Right to attack any potential threat to its security.
(b) Right to attack when they are actually attacked
(c) The responsibility to intervene in the domestic affairs of other states for
humanitarian protection
(d) Duty to respond to the calls of UN.
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The subordination of the individual to the State is an essential
feature of which one of the following?
(a) Socialist doctrine
(b) Feudal doctrine
(c) Conservative doctrine
(d) Fascist doctrine

Emmanuel Kant and John Locke provides the philosophical

basis for:
(a) Realism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Post Modernism
(d) Behaviouralism

Which one of the following is the correct statement? In the

Pluralist Theory:
(a) The State is one among several associations
(b) The State is the sovereign association
(c) The State is subordinate to other associations
(d) The State includes the whole society

Theory and Practice of International Relations is written by:

(a) Padelford and Lincoln
(b) Palmer and Perkins
(c) Hans Joachim Morgenthau
(d) None of these

Which one of the following is the correct statement? Totalitarian

State is the one which
(a) Commands unquestioning obedience to the authority of the ruler
(b) Guarantees conditions In which the individual can realize his true self
(c) Claims to regulate every sphere of individual’s life and activities
(d) As a natural organism possesses a will of its own to promote a good life

International Relations during 1648—1945 were characterized

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(a) Bi-polar system

(b) Multi-polar system
(c) Unipolar system

(d) None of these

Which one of the following is least relevant to the welfare view
of functions of the state?
(a) Reasonable amount of social and economic equality
(b) Predominance of group interests over priorities of individuals
(c) Policies conducive to equality of opportunity
(d) Minimization of areas of conflict to maximize conciliation

The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:

(a) Europe
(b) Middle East
(c) Africa
(d) None of these

The treaty of Westphalia established modern nation states

system in:
(a) 1684
(b) 1648
(c) 1664
(d) None of these

“The state exits merely because crime exists and its principles
function, therefore is to protect and restrain, not to foster and
The above statement best reflects the ideas of:
(a) Liberalism
(b) Socialism
(c) Anarchism
(d) Fascism

According to Quincy Write the approaches to the study of

international politics are:
(a) 18
(b) 21
(c) 23
(d) None of these
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The term nationality is derived from a Latin word:
(b) Nation
d) None of these

Congress of Vienna took place in:

(a) 1648
(b) 1815
(c) 1899
(d) None of these.

Who among the following held the view that the “State comes
into existence for the sake of life and it continues for the sake of
good life”?
(a) J. Bentham
(b) T.H. Green
(c) Aristotle
(d) Plato

Rousseau wanted smaller communities so that it would be easier

for people to attain____
(a) Enlightenment
(b) The general will
(c) The state of nature
(d) Perpetual peace
(e) Cleos

The two great rival states in the Peloponnesian War were

(a) Athens—Persia
(b) Athens—Sparta
(c) Athens—Corinth
(d) Sparta—Corinth

The study of the interactions among the various actors that

participate in international politics is____________
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(a) International relations

(b) Geostrategic relations
(c) International society

(d) International organization

Constructivists trace how ideas shape identities by studying
(a) Culture
(c) Procedures
(d) All of the above

Of the more prominent theoretical approaches, is most

concerned with economic class
(a) Realism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Social constructivism
(d) Behavioralism

In The Republic, Plato argues that the ideal ruler is

(a) The people
(b) A tyrant
(c) A philosopher-King
(d) A high priest

Which of the following is NOT a critique of behavioralism?

(a) The basic questions of humanity and society are neglected.
(b) The attention to methods has overwhelmed the substance of the
(c) The focus is only on quantifiable aspects of international relations.
(d) The lack of funding and time for research limits the behavioralist

Which of the following actors is not part of the focus of

international relations?
(a) states
(b) International organizations
(c) Nongovernmental organizations
(d) All of the above are part of the focus of international relations.

The ——- is an example of an application of behavioralism

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(a)Correlates of War Project

(b) Idea for a Universal History
(c) United Nations

(d) Peloponnesian War

Kant‟s solution to international conflict is
(a) A super-Leviathan
(b) A world of small farming communities
(c) An international federation of states
(d) The rule of the general will

——— is the author of History of The Peloponnesian War

(b) Xenophon
(c) Anaximander
(d) Thucydides

In the international system, the state live in what Hobbes called

(a) State of nature
(b) State of balance
(c) Balance of power
(d) Perpetual peace

Which of the following is NOT one of the more prominent

theories of international relations?
(a) Realism
(b) Liberalism
(c) Behavioralism
(d) Social constructivism

About how many states exist in the world today?

(a) 50
(b) 200
(c) 194
(d) 201

Of the more prominent theoretical approaches, concerned with

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(c) Social constructivism
(d) Behavioralism
A nongovernmental organization such as____________ is an
organization you could join to have influence in international
(a) The United Nations
(b) Amnesty International
(c) The Organization of American States
(d) The African Union

_____________proposes that individuals act in patterned ways

that can be studied by empirically testing hypotheses about those
(a) Social constructivism
(b) Behavioralism
(c) The comparative method
(d) Radicalism

Which one of the following theories held that the State is a

product and manifestation of the irreconcilability of class
(a) Evolutionary Theory
(b) Anarchist Theory
(c) Marxist-Leninist Theory
(d) Guild-Socialist Theory

Elements of international society can be found in:

(a) Medieval Islam
(b) Medieval Christian Europe
(c) Medieval Christian Europe, Medieval Islam, and Ancient China
(d) None of these

In international Relations, a global system containing two

dominant powers is labeled with which of the terms?
(a) Bipolar
(b) Nationalist
(c) Isolationist
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(d) None of these

A Vassal State is:
(a) One which is completely under the suzerainty of another State
(b) One which is supposed to exist in every vessel of the State, on the high
(c) A Protectorate
(d) A State which is a member of common wealth

International society is regulated by:

(a) A benign form of cosmopolitan democracy
(b) Imperial expansion
(c) Diplomacy, law, and the balance of power
(d) None of these

Important Subject of International Relations is _______

(a) Protection of Human rights
(b) Study of sovereignty
(c) Study of world Govt.
(d) International Co operation

International relations is a _______

(a) Pluralistic
(b) Antagonistic
(c) Esoteric
(d) Stoic
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