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Ballot Box/Booth

Controller - Roles &


Ballot Box/Booth Controller should:

Direct the voters to the ballot box when they
leaves the voting booth.

Check if the voter has folded the ballot papers

If the voter did not, they should send the voter back
to the voting booth to refold the ballot papers.

Ask the voter to hold the folded ballot papers so that he can see whether
they have the official security stamp of the Electoral Commission.

If a ballot paper does not have the official security stamp of the Electoral
Commission, they should call the Presiding Officer.

Direct the voter to place the ballot papers in the ballot

box if the stamp is visible.

Direct the voter to the exit after the voter has placed the ballot in the ballot box.

Regularly check the voting booth when it is vacant to ensure that the pen to
mark the ballot papers is still attached, and that nothing was left in the
voting booth or written on the booth which may influence voters about how
to mark the ballot papers.

Ballot Box/Booth Controller should alert the Presiding Officer if:

The voter remains in the voting booth for too long; or
The voter asks for assistance in marking the ballot paper; or
The voter indicates that he/she has spoilt the ballot paper.

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