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Készítette: Mező Csaba Tel.: (30) 958-6667 E-mail: Honlap: www.mezocsaba.atw.


Feltételes mondatok

(Conditional Sentences)



Képezzen jövő idejű feltételes mondatokat a zárójelben lévő igék felhasználásával:

1. If you eat all the pancakes, you will be ill.

2. Your boss will be very angry if you don’t finish the report today.
3. You will pass the exams if you learn very hard.
4. What will you do if your father gets old?
5. If it is sunny at the weekend, we will go on a picnic.
6. Our teacher will tell us off if we are late for school.
7. I will repair your TV if it doesn’t work properly.
8. If she asks me, I will tell her the truth.
9. If you have nothing to declare, you may go through the green channel.
10. What will happen if we don’t catch the bus?
11. If my daughter doesn’t feel better tomorrow, I will take her to the doctor.
12. We can get to the airport in time if we take a taxi.

Képezzen jelen idejű feltételes mondatokat a zárójelben lévő igék felhasználásával:

1. I would buy a new car if I drew the first prize in lottery.

2. If you drank less coffee, your blood pressure wouldn’t be so high.
3. I would try to lose some weight if I were you.
4. If they visited us, we would show them around the city.
5. Who would you ask for help if you got into trouble?
6. I would be very grateful if you sent me a brochure about your products.
7. If she were here, I would tell her the story.
8. You might find a good job if you looked through the newspaper advertisements.
9. If I didn’t have to stay here, I would leave for home.
10. You wouldn’t make so many mistakes if you didn’t do your work in haste.
11. What would you do if you lost your passport in a foreign country?
12. If I knew his telephone number, I could ring him up.

Képezzen múlt idejű feltételes mondatokat a zárójelben lévő igék felhasználásával:

1. I wouldn’t have punished him if he hadn’t told me a lie.

2. We would have gone to the party if they had sent an invitation card to us.
3. If you hadn’t overslept, you wouldn’t have been late for school again.
4. We all would have been very glad if our teacher hadn’t made us write a test last Friday.
5. If I had known about your illness, I would have visited you.
6. You would have enjoyed yourself if you had been there.
7. What would you have done if you had seen the robbery yesterday?
8. If it had been rainy, we would have taken our umbrellas with us.
9. You could have avoided the accident if you had been more careful.
10. If he hadn’t closed the window, we would have caught a cold.
11. If we hadn’t had a map, we might have lost our way.
12. Where would you have taken your car if it had broken down when you were abroad?

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