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Detailed Lesson Plan

English Grade 10
(Informative Writing Technique)

Detailed Lesson Plan

Informative Writing Techniques
I. Objective/s:
 Evaluate the effectiveness of different informative writing techniques
 Develop an appreciation for clear communication in informative writing
 Engage in peer activities to improve their writing skills with feedback
II. Subject matter:
Topic: Informative writing technique

Materials: Laptop, crafting papers

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity


Good morning, class!

Good morning, Teacher Pat.

Let us start the day by asking the Lord’s

guidance. Prayer leader please come in front.

(Prayer leader will start the prayer)

Thank you. Now, you may be seated.

Thank you, teacher.

Okay, class beadle. May I know if there are

any absentees today?

Class beadle: No teacher. There are no absent

Very good class.

Now, what were our last topic was?

(students raising their hands)

Yes, (name of the student).

Our last topic teacher was about

Okay, very good. Now, (name of the student) argumentative essay.
can you recall what is an argumentative
Argumentative essay is an essay that relies on
facts and evidence to argue in favor of a
certain thesis. Argumentative essays explore
both sides of a certain issue, ultimately trying
to prove the claim made in the thesis.

Very good, thank you. So, to elaborate

An argumentative essay is a type of academic
writing where the author presents a claim or
position on a specific topic and supports it
with evidence and reasoning. Its primary goal
of an argumentative essay is to persuade the
reader to accept the author's viewpoint or take
a particular course of action.

Okay, so what do you think is the purpose of

the argumentative essay? (students raising their hands)

For me teacher, the purpose of an

Yes, (student’s name) argumentative essay is to convince the reader
of a particular standpoint based on logical
reasoning, facts, and evidence.

Okay, thank you. You may sit down.

So, in addition, Argumentative essays are an
important form of writing as they allow the
author to advocate in favor of a certain claim,
interpretation, or cause. Being able to make a
good, well-supported argument is a key skill
for a person's academic, professional, and
personal life. Argumentative essays are a
central learning exercise in many academic

Okay, so, that is clear that you learned from

the last topic and you’d understand what is an
argumentative essay,

So, moving forward to our next topic, let’s

have a game,

B. Motivation

You have your specific groups, right? Three

(3) groups to be exact.
Yes, teacher.

Now, I want you to form a circle, quietly and

I will give you this small paper box by group.
Inside the small box are jumbled letters that
you need to arrange so you can get the word.
That certain word will be used later on.

I will give you 3 minutes to figure the word.

Time starts now…

(The class starts to solve the jumbled words

that is given)

Okay! Time’s up!

Now, I want you to pick your best
representative to be in front and bring with (Representatives comes in front)
them the jumbled words you’d arranged.

Okay, now you have five (5) words, right? Yes, teacher.

Now, there are definitions that will be flash in

the tv screen. Now, all you need is to identify
what is the answer. Okay? Okay, teacher.

Now, the first one to get the correct answer

will have the point. Understand? Are you Yes, teacher!

Okay, let’s start!

(Definition flashed in screen)

It is the process of using symbols like letters

of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces to
communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable

Answer: Writing (Each group representative analyzes the

3,2,1, Answer! (Representatives quickly answers)

Okay, very good! Group __, got it first.

Next definition.

It is the central argument or thesis statement

of the text.

Answer: Claim (Each group representative analyzes the


(Representatives quickly answers)

Group __, got it first. Good!

Next definition.

It means to give reasons for, or against


Answer: Argue (Each group representative analyzes the


(Representatives quickly answers)

Wow, group __ got it correct, again.

Other groups, keep up!

It means to impart information or knowledge.

Answer: Inform
(Each group representative analyzes the

(Representatives quickly answers)

Very good, group __! You got it first.

Last definition.

It means to make someone believe, or feel

sure about something, especially by using
logic, argument or evidence.

Answer: Convince
(Each group representative analyzes the

(Representatives quickly answers)

Okay, good! Group __ has the highest point
so, they are the winner. For the other groups,
just sit and relax, you will remain in your sits
and while we’re discussing. I’ll be asking
random questions, so you can add it to your
points. The points that you’ll get will be
added to your points later on in your quiz.

But also remember your points may be

reduced if you misbehave and too loud while

Do you understand? Yes, teacher!

Okay, so let’s start.

C. Lesson proper

Informative writing technique. Kindly read

(student’s name)

Informative writing largely based on facts and

statistics. Informative writing structure is such
that it presents opinion in an unbiased way.
informative writing gives the reader an
overview of all dimensions of an issue. From
these types of informative writing, a person
can draw his/her own inferences without
being influenced by the writer.

Thak you. So, to elaborate. Informative

writing is a form of writing that aims to
educate or inform the audience about a
particular topic or subject. It provides factual
information, explanations, descriptions, or
instructions. Informative writing can take
various forms, including articles, reports,
essays, guides, manuals, and research papers.
Its key characteristics include clarity,
accuracy, objectivity, and the use of evidence
and examples to support the information

Understand? Yes, teacher.

Now, what do you think is the purpose of

informative writing technique?
Kindly read, (student’s name)
The (5) five basic purposes:

 Sharing new information with readers

 Describing a process
 Clarifying a concept
 Giving an explanation of why or how
 Detailing parts of a greater whole

Now, these are all the basic purposes of it.

Now, why do you think that these 5 are the Sharing New Information- Introducing your
basic purposes of writing an informative
writing technique? Kindly read, (student’s reader to information he or she may not be
name) familiar with.

Describing a Process- Walking your reader

through a step-by-step process or procedure.

Clarifying a Concept- Looking at the

similarities and/or differences between
seemingly related topics.

Giving an Explanation of Why or

How- Introducing the reader to how or why
something works the way it does.

Detailing Smaller Parts- Offering details and

clarification on smaller parts of a greater
whole or topic.

Thank you very much.

(the teacher further explains)

Now, let’s proceed to the difference between

argumentative and informative essay

(the teacher start showing the graph and

starts explaining)

Now, do you understand the differences

between argumentative and informative

Very good, let’s proceed.

Kindly read what is on the screen, (student’s



Cause and Effect

- An informative writing structure based on
causes and effects describes how one event
So, Cause and effect informative writing in (the cause) results in another event (the effect)
general, improves comprehension by
emphasizing the connections between events
and their consequences.


Comparison and contrast

- Comparison and contrast study analyses two
informative writing topics by comparing,
contrasting or comparing them.
Comparison and contrast are factual in nature.
It is where two or more things, ideas,
concepts, items, sites, etc, are described as
differences and similarities.

Good. Next. Yes, teacher.

Sequence or process
- These are the kinds of informative writing
where the information is arranged in a certain
Thank you. So, informative writing structure
organizes all of the material that is presented
to the readers. This format is usually not used
to present an instruction or an event.

Problem and Solution
- Problem and solution types of informative
writing are pieces in which writers reveal
The purpose of problem and solution some problems at first. After that, they offer
informative writing is to inform readers about some potential ways and means to solve them.
a particular issue and to offer viable solutions
or strategies for addressing it. Overall,
problem and solution informative writing
aims to raise awareness about important
problems and to inspire action by presenting
viable strategies for addressing them.

Lastly, we have descriptive. Kindly read,

(student’s name)

The purpose of descriptive informative - Descriptive informative writing is a
writing is to provide readers with a deeper technique that focuses on describing a person,
understanding and appreciation of the subject place, object, event, or concept in detail.
by appealing to their senses and emotions.

Okay, did you understand the different types

of informative writing structure?

Okay. Now, let’s proceed.

Now, I want you to read the following

Yes, teacher!
paragraph that will be on the screen. Okay?

Okay good. Let’s start.

Okay teacher.


People travel for so many different reasons.

Some travel for business, some for pleasure,
and some for educational purposes. We travel
to places by car, by train, by boat, by air, and
even by foot.

In earlier days, people travelled on

foot or on horseback. Anima-drawn carts were
also used for going to places. Today, traveling
has become much easier. We can go to any
place in a short time and without any

There are many advantages of travelling.

Travelling helps us to know more about the
things which we did not know. It is a
wonderful experience to visit places of
interest and natural beauty. Travel broadens
our mind and takes away the monotony of
everyday. life. That is why travel is very much
a part of our education. When we travel, we
get to learn about the places that we visit. We
also know about the people and their cultures
and traditions. Visiting historical places help
us to learn about history.

The more we travel, the more we learn

about the world we live in. It is said that
traveling helps a man to discover himself.
Today traveling is easier and much more
Okay, thank you very much. Now, from what comfortable but it is not cheap, so many
you read. What do you think is the people can’t afford to travel and their dream
informative writing used? to visit different places is limited to dream

Why do you think so?

Very good!
Teacher, it is descriptive.
Okay, how ‘bout this one.

Because it is explaining the detail if what is

travelling all about.
Why are Cities becoming Overcrowded?

It is a well-known fact that the world’s cities

are getting more and more crowded. Cities
such as Tokyo, Mumbai, and Shanghai are
now considered megacities because of their
enormous size and huge population. There are
two main reasons why these and other cities
are becoming so crowded. The reasons are
economic and socio-cultural.

One of the primary causes of cities becoming

so crowded is economic. As a country
develops, its cities become the engines of
development; thus jobs are available in these
areas. People move to these cities because
they can find employment and establish
economic security for themselves and their
families. As a result, the population of a city

Another factor in the huge increase in urban

population is the socio-cultural factor.
Thousands of people migrate to the cities not
only for jobs but also for educationa; and
personal reasons. Better schools and
universities are always located in big cities
and this attracts thousands of students every
year. These students stay on and work in the
city after they graduate. Moreover, young
people move to cities because people in
villages are more conservative and follow the
old ‘custom and tradition’. Therefore, young
people believe this is an obstacle to their
personal freedom.

In conclusion, economic and cultural factors

are the major causes of huge urban
population. People will always move to areas
which provide opportunity and to places
which can give the freedom they desire.

Okay, thank you. Now, how about this one?

Teacher, the type of informative writing

structure used is cause and effect.

Because the essay is about why are the cities

Okay, that’s right. Because it states why

something has happened or occurred.

Very good.
Moving on. I’m going to show you the
transitional signals in writing informative
text/essay. So that you will know how to use
the (5) Five types of informative writing

Now, let’s proceed to how we are going to

write informative essay outline.

Kindly read, (student’s name)

Moving forward, let’s tackle the (4) four types

of informative writing
Kindly read. (Calls a student)

1. Definition Essay

- Provides detailed explanation of an idea.

2. Cause and Effect Essay

- Explains the connection/ link up of two or

more events. For example, cyberbullying.

3. Opposing Sides Essay

- Presents all sides of issue (pros and cons).

4. Process Essay

- Gives a step- by- step explanation on how


Okay. Thank you very much.

(the teacher further explains)

Okay, let’s proceed. Kindly read. (calls

student’s name)

How to write an informative essay outline?

 follow a series of roman numbers and

numbers to create an organized list of
ideas for an essay.

 The introduction section

should list a hook, and
background information.


 The body part of an outline

will list the subtopic to be
covered in that paragraph
followed by the details that
will be discussed.


 The conclusion includes a

rephrased thesis and a final
thought to live

Okay, thank you so much.

(teacher further explains)


Now class, we’re going to have another

activity with the same group.

Certainly! Here are five examples of

informative essays, each categorized with the
type of informative writing technique used,
along with the answer key:

1. Title: "The Impact of Climate Change

on Global Biodiversity" Content: This
essay presents factual information
about the effects of climate change on
various ecosystems and species
worldwide, discussing scientific
research findings and potential
consequences. Type of informative
writing: Cause and effect (Each group aims to answer quickly to get the
2. Title: "A Beginner's Guide to points)
Sustainable Living" Content: This
essay provides readers with practical
tips and strategies for adopting a more
sustainable lifestyle, including
information on reducing waste,
conserving energy, and supporting
eco-friendly practices. Type of
informative writing: Problem and
3. Title: "The History and Evolution of
Artificial Intelligence" Content: This
essay traces the development of
artificial intelligence technology over
time, exploring key milestones,
breakthroughs, and applications in
various fields such as robotics,
healthcare, and finance. Type of
informative writing: Descriptive

4. Title: "Exploring the Wonders of the

Solar System" Content: This essay
takes readers on a journey through our
solar system, providing fascinating
facts and insights about the planets,
moons, asteroids, and other celestial
bodies, as well as recent discoveries in
space exploration. Type of informative
writing: Descriptive

Answer key:

1. Cause and effect

2. Problem and solution
3. Descriptive
4. Descriptive

E. Generalization

To really show that you understand the topic.

I will ask you some questions.


1. What writing techniques are you going

to use if you are going to state the
process of a certain event?

2. What are the purposes of writing an

informative essay?

(a student answers the question based on

3. What are you going to consider in understanding)
writing an introduction?

(a student answers the question based on

4. Why do you need to learn the writing
techniques of an informative essay?

(a student answers the question based on


(a student answers the question based on


Now, I want you to get ¼ sheet of paper.

Write your name, your grade and section and
the date of today.

General instructions:
ANY FORM OF ERASURE IS WRONG. (students preparing)

1. What is the primary objective of

informative writing? A) To persuade
the reader B) To entertain the reader
C) To educate or inform the reader D)
To express personal opinions
Answer: C) To educate or inform the reader
2. Which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of informative writing?
A) Persuasion B) Clarity C)
Objectivity D) Factual information
Answer: A) Persuasion
3. What is the purpose of using evidence
in informative writing? A) To
entertain the reader B) To persuade
the reader C) To support claims or
assertions D) To create suspense
Answer: C) To support claims or assertions
4. What is the structure of a typical
informative essay? A) Introduction,
body paragraphs, conclusion B) Plot,
characters, resolution C) Thesis
statement, argument, counterargument
D) Exposition, rising action, climax
Answer: A) Introduction, body paragraphs,
5. What type of language is typically
used in informative writing? A)
Emotional language B) Subjective
language C) Technical language D)
Figurative language
Answer: C) Technical language
6. Which of the following is an example
of informative writing? A) A poem
expressing personal feelings B) A
news article reporting on recent events
C) A fictional short story with a moral
lesson D) A persuasive essay
advocating for a political candidate
Answer: B) A news article reporting on recent
7. What does it mean for informative
writing to be objective? A) It presents
only one side of the argument. B) It
includes personal opinions and biases.
C) It presents information in a fair and
impartial manner. D) It aims to
manipulate the reader's emotions.
Answer: C) It presents information in a fair
and impartial manner.

Okay, time’s up. Pass your papers forward!

(students passing their papers forward)
For your assignment, kindly study for the next
topic which is persuasive writing technique.

Okay class, that is all. Good bye, class! Okay teacher.

Good bye, teacher Pat.

Patricia Marie A. Fernandez

Prepared by

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