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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY  Treadmill training

 is movement that is carried out by the skeletal  Swimming
muscles that requires energy. In other words,  Cycling
any movement one does is actually physical Anaerobic Exercise
activity. In this manner Exercise takes place into  features high-intensity movements performed
it. in a short period of time. It is a fast, high-
EXERCISE intensity exercise that doesn’t require the body
 However, is planned, structured, repetitive and to utilize oxygen to produce energy. It helps to
intentional movement intended to improve or promote strength, endurance, speed, and
maintain physical fitness. Exercise is a power; and is used by bodybuilders to build
subcategory of physical activity. Research workout intensity. Thought to increase the
provides significant evidence that ALL physical metabolic rate which, allows you to burn
activity positively contributes to overall health additional calories as the body recovers from
and well-being. exercise due to an increase in body
 Exercise also assists with the improvement of temperature and excess post-exercise oxygen
physical fitness, which consists of five specific consumption (EPOC) after the exercise ended.
components: Examples are
o Cardiorespiratory fitness,  Weight lifting
o Muscular strength fitness,  Isometric exercise
o Muscular endurance fitness,  Sprinting
o Flexibility fitness, and  Interval training
o Body composition.
 is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains Controlling blood pressure
physical fitness and overall health and wellness.  Physical fitness has proven to result in positive
 It is performed for various reasons, to aid effects on the body's blood pressure because
growth and improve strength, preventing aging, staying active and exercising regularly builds up
developing muscles and the cardiovascular a stronger heart. The heart is the main organ in
system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or charge of systolic blood pressure and diastolic
maintenance, improving health and also for blood pressure. Engaging in a physical activity
enjoyment. Many individuals choose to exercise raises blood pressure. Once the subject stops
outdoors where they can congregate in groups, the activity, the blood pressure returns to
socialize, and enhance well-being. normal. The more physical activity that one
 In terms of health benefits, the amount of engages in, the easier this process becomes,
recommended exercise depends upon the goal, resulting in a more ‘fit’ individual. Through
the type of exercise, and the age of the person. regular physical fitness, the heart does not have
to work as hard to create a rise in blood
LESSON 6: TYPES OF EXERCISE and ITS EFFECTS pressure, which lowers the force on the
arteries, and lowers the overall blood pressure.
 Cardiorespiratory fitness can be measured using Cancer prevention
VO2 max, a measure of the amount of oxygen  Centers for disease control and prevention
the body can uptake and utilize. provide lifestyle guidelines for maintaining a
 Aerobic exercise, which improves balanced diet and engaging in physical activity
cardiorespiratory fitness, involves movement to reduce the risk of disease. The World Cancer
that increases the heart rate to improve the Research Fund – International (WCRF)/
body's oxygen consumption. Also, it helps American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
increase stamina. published a list of recommendations that reflect
Examples are: the evidence they have found through
 Jogging consistency in fitness and dietary factors that
 Elliptical training directly relate to cancer prevention.
appropriate immune responses are factors that mediate
The WCRF/AICR recommendations include the metabolism in relation to abdominal fat. Therefore,
following: physical fitness provides weight control through
 Be as lean as possible without becoming regulation of these bodily functions.
underweight. Menopause and Physical Fitness
 Each week, adults should engage in at least 150 Menopause is often said to have occurred when a
minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity woman has had no vaginal bleeding for over a year
or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical since her last cycle. There are a number of symptoms
activity. connected to menopause, most of which can affect the
 Children should engage in at least one hour of quality of life of a woman involved in this stage of her
moderate or vigorous physical activity each life. One way to reduce the severity of the symptoms is
week. to exercise and keep a healthy level of fitness. Prior to
 Be physically active for at least thirty minutes and during menopause, as the female body changes,
everyday. there can be physical, physiological or internal changes
 Avoid sugar, and limit the consumption of to the body. These changes can be reduced or even
energy-packed foods. prevented with regular exercise.
 Balance one's diet with a variety of vegetables, Mental health (Neurobiological effects of physical
grains, fruits, legumes, etc. exercise)
 Limit sodium intake, the consumption of red Studies have shown that physical activity can improve
meats, and the consumption of processed mental health and well-being. This improvement is due
meats. to an increase in blood flow to the brain and the release
 Limit alcoholic drinks to two for men and one of hormones. Being physically fit and working out on a
for women a day. consistent basis can positively impact one's mental
Inflammation health and bring about several other benefits.
Studies have shown an association between increased  Physical activity has been linked to the
physical activity and reduced inflammation. It produces alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms.
both a short-term inflammatory response and a long-  In patients suffering from schizophrenia,
term anti-inflammatory effect. Physical activity reduces physical fitness has been shown to improve
inflammation in conjunction with or independent of their quality of life and decrease the effects of
changes in body weight. However, the mechanisms schizophrenia.
linking physical activity to inflammation are unknown.  Being fit can improve one's self-esteem.
Immune system  Working out can improve one's mental
Physical activity boosts the immune system. This is alertness and it can reduce fatigue.
dependent on the concentration of endogenous factors  Studies have shown a reduction in stress levels.
(such as sex hormones, metabolic hormones and  Increased opportunity for social interaction,
growth hormones), body temperature, blood flow, allowing for improved social skills.
hydration status and body position. Physical activity has  To achieve some of these benefits, the Centers
shown to increase the levels of natural killer (NK) cells, for Disease Control and Prevention suggests at
NK T cells, macrophages, neutrophils and eosinophils, least 30–60 minutes of exercise 3-5 times
complements, cytokines, antibodies and T cytotoxic
cells. However, the mechanism linking physical activity LESSON 7: PHYSICAL FITNESS and Its TYPE
to immune system is not fully understood.
Weight control Physical Fitness simple define as;
Achieving resilience through physical fitness promotes a  is a state of health and well-being and, more
vast and complex range of health-related benefits. specifically, the ability to perform aspects of
Individuals who keep up physical fitness levels generally sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical
regulate their distribution of body fat and prevent fitness is generally achieved through proper
obesity. Abdominal fat, specifically visceral fat, is most nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise,
directly affected by engaging in aerobic exercise. and sufficient rest.
Strength training has been known to increase the  refers to the ability of your body systems to
amount of muscle in the body, however, it can also work together efficiently to allow you to be
reduce body fat. Sex steroid hormones, insulin, and healthy and perform activities of daily living.
Being efficient means doing daily activities with fitness, is now classified as a health-related part of
the least effort possible. A fit person is able to fitness. A report by the independent Institute of
perform schoolwork, meet home Medicine provides evidence of the link between
responsibilities, and still have enough energy to physical power and health. The report indicates that
enjoy sport and other leisure activities. A fit power is associated with wellness, higher quality of life,
person can respond effectively to normal life reduced risk of chronic disease and early death, and
situations, such as raking leaves at home, better bone health.
stocking shelves at a part-time job, and
marching in the band at school. A fit person can To be healthy, you should be fit for each of the six parts.
also respond to emergency situations - for Totally fit people are less likely to develop a hypokinetic
example, by running to get help or aiding a condition – a health problem caused partly by lack of
friend in distress. physical activity – such as heart disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer, or a high
THE PARTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS body fat level. You'll learn more about hypokinetic
Physical fitness is made up of 11 parts - 6 of them conditions in other chapters of this book. People who
health related and 5 skill related. All of the parts are are physically fit also enjoy better wellness. They feel
important to good performance in physical activity, better, look better, and have more energy. You don't
including sports. But the 6 are referred to as have to be a great athlete in order to enjoy good health
contributing to (1) health-related physical fitness and wellness and be physically fit. Regular physical
because scientists in kinesiology have shown that they activity can improve anyone's health-related physical
can reduce your risk of chronic disease and promote fitness.
good health and wellness.
These parts of fitness are; Though most sports require several parts of skill-related
 body composition, fitness, different sports can require different parts. For
 cardiorespiratory endurance, example, a skater might have good agility but lack good
 flexibility, reaction time. Some people have more natural ability in
 muscular endurance, some areas than in others. No matter how you score on
 power, and the skill-related parts of physical fitness, you can enjoy
 strength some type of physical activity.
As noted earlier, health-related fitness offers a double
THE PARTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS benefit. It not only helps you stay healthy but also helps
As the name implies, (2) skill-related physical fitness you perform well in sport and other activities. For
components help you perform well in sports and other example, cardiorespiratory endurance helps you resist
activities that require motor skills. For example, speed heart disease and helps you perform well in sports such
helps you in sports such as track and field. as swimming and cross-country running. Similarly,
For example, among older adults, balance, agility, and strength helps you perform well in sports such as
coordination are very important for preventing falls (a football and wrestling, muscular endurance is important
major health concern), and reaction time relates to risk in soccer and tennis, flexibility helps in sports such as
for automobile accidents. Each part of physical fitness is gymnastics and diving, power helps in track activities
described in more detail in the two following features: such as the discus throw and the long jump, and having
The Six Parts of Health-Related Fitness and The Five a healthy amount of body fat makes your body more
Parts of Skill-Related Fitness. efficient in many activities.


Running is an excellent form of physical activity, but
being a runner doesn't guarantee fitness in all parts of
health-related physical fitness. Like the runner, you may
be more fit in some parts of fitness than in others.

Fit Fact
Power, formerly classified as a skill-related part of
LESSON 8: COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS equipment needed very few places are set up to
do this kind of measurement.
 are often used in our school systems, health
clubs and fitness centers to gauge how good a THE THREE KINDS OF FITNESS
shape we are truly in. The 5 components that
make up total fitness are: Aerobic fitness. Aerobic activities condition your heart
o Cardiovascular Endurance and lungs. Aerobic means "with oxygen." The purpose
o Muscular Strength of aerobic conditioning is to increase the amount of
o Muscular endurance oxygen that is delivered to your muscles, which allows
o Flexibility them to work longer. Any activity that raises your heart
o Body Composition rate and keeps it up for an extended period of time will
improve your aerobic conditioning.
 is the ability of the heart and lungs to work Muscle strengthening. Stronger muscles can mean
together to provide the needed oxygen and fuel either more powerful muscles that can do bigger jobs
to the body during sustained workloads. (such as lifting heavier weights) or muscles that will
Examples would be jogging, cycling and work longer before becoming exhausted (endurance).
swimming. The Cooper Run is used most often Weight training (resistance training) or simple exercises
to test cardiovascular endurance. such as push-ups are two examples of ways to focus on
muscle strengthening.
 is the amount of force a muscle can produce. Flexibility. Like aerobic fitness and muscle
Examples would be the bench press, leg press strengthening, flexibility is a result of physical activity.
or bicep curl. The push up test is most often Flexibility comes from stretching. Your muscles are
used to test muscular strength. repeatedly shortened when they are used, especially
when exercising. They need to be slowly and regularly
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE stretched to counteract the repeated shortening that
 is the ability of the muscles to perform happens through other activities.
continuous without fatiguing. Examples would
be cycling, step machines and elliptical COMPONENTS OF FITNESS
machines. The sit up test is most often used to  Depending on the source, the components of
test muscular endurance. fitness vary considerably. Below are common
FLEXIBILITY Cardiorespiratory endurance - typically measured by
 is the ability of each joint to move through the how long or fast a person can perform an activity and
available range of motion for a specific joint. how this impacts measurements such as heart rate and
Examples would be stretching individual oxygen consumption.
muscles or the ability to perform certain
functional movements such as the lunge. The sit Muscular endurance - typically measured by how many
and reach test is most often used to test repetitions of an exercise a person can perform.
flexibility. Common tests involve push-ups and sit ups.

BODY COMPOSITION Muscular strength - typically measured by how much

 is the amount of fat mass compared to lean weight can be moved in relation to repetitions.
muscle mass, bone and organs. This can be Exercises involving multiple joints and muscle groups
measured using underwater weighing, Skinfold such as squats or bench press are often used.
readings, and bioelectrical impedance.
Underwater weighing is considered the “gold Muscular power - typically measured by how much
standard” for body fat measurement, however force can be generated during a given activity.
because of the size and expense of the Advanced equipment used by bio mechanists are often
needed to measure muscular power.
More recent studies have confirmed these results. So, it
Flexibility - typically measured by how far a muscle is still important to try to meet current public health
group can be stretched or joint can be moved. The most guidelines for PA (at least 150 minutes of moderate
common tests involve the hamstrings and shoulders. intensity aerobic activity per week and at least 2 days
per week of resistance training). However, it is even
Balance - typically measured by how long a particular more important to get a good measure (or at least a
position can be held with or without some type of good estimate) of CRF, regardless of your level of PA.
activity being performed. Simple tests such as standing Those with low levels of CRF need to increase their
on one leg can be used to assess balance. More fitness level, even if they are already meeting the public
advanced tests may involve standing on an unsteady health guidelines for PA. Numerous studies have shown
object while trying to catch a ball. that an increase in exercise intensity is more effective
for increasing CRF than increasing the frequency or
Speed - typically measured by how quickly an individual duration of exercise.
can move from one point to another. The 40-yard dash
is often used to assess speed. LESSON 10: IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

Body composition - this is the amount of fat on the COVID-19 HAS TRULY CHANGED THE WAY THAT WE
body versus other tissues such as muscle, bones and LOOK AT WORK, HOME, AND PLAY.
skin. Measured using a variety of tests and devices. Being physically active is more important than ever. The
Simple tests using mathematical equations or calipers many short-term benefits of physical activity are critical
are common and inexpensive. More advanced tests at this time, including better stress management, sleep,
such as underwater weighing are far less common and mood, and maintaining a healthier weight.
much more expensive.
Physical activity (PA) is defined as any voluntary Physical activity is a different concept to physical
movement produced by skeletal muscles which results fitness, although the two are often related. Physical
in energy expenditure. activity has been defined as ‘any bodily movement
produced by skeletal muscles that result in caloric
Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is defined as the ability expenditure’. Therefore, physical activity is commonly
to utilize oxygen at the cell level, and can be measured described by the following four dimensions: (i)
objectively in a clinical setting via a maximal treadmill frequency – ‘the number of events of physical activity
exercise test (the gold standard measure). during a specific time period’; (ii) duration – ‘time of
participation in a single bout of physical activity’; (iii)
PA and CRF are related to one another, they are not the intensity – ‘physiological effort associated with
same thing. While PA is a behavior, CRF is an objectively participating in a special type of physical activity’; and
measured characteristic. In fact, you may be surprised (iv) type of activity.
to learn the correlation between the two is only
modest. Some individuals who don’t perform much PA In contrast, physical fitness comprises
will actually score quite well on an objective measure of cardiorespiratory endurance (assessed by either
CRF. Conversely, some individuals who perform quite a measured or estimated VO2max), muscle endurance
bit of PA will not score nearly as well as expected on a and muscle strength, both of which are specific to a
measure of CRF. Most experts feel that genetics is a muscle group and must therefore be measured
major reason for these discrepancies that we individually. Flexibility, balance, agility and coordination
sometimes see. are additional components of physical fitness.

This was the first study to prove that PA and CRF have Physical Activity: any type of movement that exert
significantly different relationships to CVD risk. physical function on a body/mass, like walking,
Although they are both extremely important, having a swimming, biking, dancing, stairs climbing etc. It does
high level of CRF results in a greater decrease in CVD need to meet any requirements (like achieving a higher
risk than simply having high levels of physical activity. Vo2 or max weight). Daily activities are also considered
physical activities.
Physical Fitness: It is a physical activity that has the aim Balance
to achieve a higher competency on a specific Balance exercises help prevent falls, a common problem
skill/physical/physiological domain like being able to in older adults that can have serious consequences.
complete a physical skill with less time (above the Many lower-body strength exercises also will improve
norms). Marathon runners are constantly targeting their your balance. Exercises to improve your balance include
fitness levels to achieve above normal capacity Tai Chi, a “moving meditation” that involves shifting the
(finishing the race in an efficient time). Other examples body slowly, gently, and precisely, while breathing
are swimming 20 laps in a short time or lifting heavy deeply.
weight s with minimal effort or with sustainable
effortless repetitions. Usually you must train/practice to Flexibility
achieve physical fitness. The physical fitness domains Stretching can improve your flexibility. Moving more
are usually classified as cardiovascular/respiratory freely will make it easier for you to reach down to tie
endurance, strength endurance, power, agility, your shoes or look over your shoulder when you back
flexibility, balance. There are several variations and your car out of the driveway.
other classifications for physical fitness but for the big
picture, I believe, this is a good one. WHAT IS FITNESS?
Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but
FOUR TYPES OF EXERCISE CAN IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH also refers to a person’s mental state as well. If a person
AND PHYSICAL ABILITY is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or
Endurance she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness
 Endurance activities, often referred to as can only be achieved if your body is functioning well.
aerobic, increase your breathing and heart You can help relax your own mind and eliminate
rates. These activities help keep you healthy, stresses by exercising regularly and eating right.
improve your fitness, and help you perform the
tasks you need to do every day. Endurance WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO BE PHYSICALLY FIT?
exercises improve the health of your heart, People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able
lungs, and circulatory system. They also can to maintain their most optimum weight, and are also
delay or prevent many diseases that are not prone to cardiac and other health problems. In
common in older adults such as diabetes, colon order to maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person
and breast cancers, heart disease, and others. should be physically active. A person who is fit both
physically and mentally is strong enough to face the ups
Physical activities that build endurance include: and downs of life, and is not affected by drastic changes
 Brisk walking or jogging if they take place.
 Yard work (mowing, raking)
 Swimming Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as
 Biking well. You will have to incorporate a regular exercise
 Climbing stairs or hills routine in your life and also eat healthier. By avoiding
 Playing tennis or basketball junk foods, fizzy drinks, bad habits like smoking and
alcohol and by getting adequate amount of rest, you
Strength will be able to become physically and mentally fit. Just
Your muscular strength can make a big difference. by eliminating all these food substances from your life,
Strong muscles help you stay independent and make no matter how temporarily, you will allow your body to
everyday activities feel easier, like getting up from a detox and become stronger. Make sure that you spend
chair, climbing stairs, and carrying groceries. Keeping more time outdoors in the sun, and fresh air and take
your muscles strong can help with your balance and part in healthier activities. Fishing, bicycling, swimming,
prevent falls and fall-related injuries. You are less likely hiking, and even playing football with your kids should
to fall when your leg and hip muscles are strong. Some be a part of your physically fit lifestyle.
people call using weight to improve your muscle
strength “strength training” or “resistance training.”


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