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The given pie chart illustrates the proportion of their destination of anthropology graduates from
one university after the graduate their school. On the other hand, the table demonstrates fee of
anthropologists in work after five years. When take a glance at the chart and table, we can see
the distrubition between students and type of employment.

The majority rate of full time work after finish degree course 52% in destination of anthropology
graduates. Contrary the proportion of part time work + postgard study only 5%. Moreover, both
full time postgard study and not known have even rate that 8%.

When we can look other table, as the proportion of employment in any sector rises, wages are
also increase. While anthropology graduates working as freelance consultants work only 5% for
$25.000 - $49.999, others that anthropology graduates working as freelance consultants has
40% work for more than $100.000

In conclusion, when we see types of employment, private company fees less than other
employment that government sector and freelance consultant.

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