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1. She said, "I am tired." → She said that she ______ tired.
2. "We will go to the park," they said. → They said that they ______ go to the park.
3. He says, "I do my homework every day." → He says that he ______ his homework every day.
4. "I can help you," she offered. → She offered that she ______ help me.
5. They said, "We have seen the movie." → They said that they ______ seen the movie.
6. "I was walking when you called," he explained. → He explained that he ______ walking when
you called.
7. She said, "I will be waiting here." → She said that she ______ waiting here.
8. "We are studying for the test," they mentioned. → They mentioned that they ______ studying for
the test.
9. He told me, "I have been feeling unwell." → He told me that he ______ feeling unwell.
10. "I must leave now," she said. → She said that she ______ leave then.
11. "You should try harder," he advised. → He advised that I ______ try harder.
12. "I may join you later," she noted. → She noted that she ______ join us later.
13. They shouted, "We won the game!" → They shouted that they ______ the game.
14. "I had finished my project," he claimed. → He claimed that he ______ his project.
15. She whispered, "I am afraid of the dark." → She whispered that she ______ afraid of the dark.
16. "We were going to the market," they explained. → They explained that they ______ going to the
17. He confessed, "I did not know the answer." → He confessed that he ______ know the answer.
18. "I would help if I could," she said. → She said that she ______ help if she could.
19. They warned, "It might rain today." → They warned that it ______ rain that day.
20. "I could see the mountains from my window," he recalled. → He recalled that he ______ see the
mountains from his window.
21. She announced, "I have been chosen for the team." → She announced that she ______ been
chosen for the team.
22. "I was reading when the lights went out," he said. → He said that he ______ reading when the
lights went out.
23. They exclaimed, "We have never been happier!" → They exclaimed that they ______ never been
24. "You must finish your work," she insisted. → She insisted that I ______ finish my work.
25. He replied, "I shall handle the situation." → He replied that he ______ handle the situation.

Answer Key
1. was
2. would
3. does
4. could
5. had
6. had been
7. would be
8. were
9. had been
10. had to
11. should
12. might
13. had
14. had
15. was
16. had been
17. didn't
18. would
19. might
20. could
21. had
22. had been
23. had
24. had to
25. would

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