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1. The graphical depiction of a quantitative comparation experiment is flawed.

Horizontal gridlines
have different numerical values despite equal distances. (Y-axis scale is incorrectly displayed).
Look at the example. The axis gridlines are marked 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 and then they jump all of a
sudden 1.1 just to revert to 1.3 again! How
can there be 0.2 units and then 0.3 units in
between two lines that are equidistant?
This fault is absolutely reproducible and
appears in every experiment.

2. There is a programming error listing bars

in the wrong order. The first bar displayed
is 10 then 11 then 12 and so on only then
comes bar #2. This is a classical mistake.
Please teach your program that two-digit
numbers are larger than one digit ones.

3. Exporting Quantitative Experiments into

Excel exports only values but not the
charts neither for bar charts nor for line
4. Thermal profiles cannot be imported
from saved files. There’s simply no option
for that
5. Although the software says to run the
uploaded program (our machine runs
through the network) by hitting the “run
button”, the machine does not have a “run”
button. Instead this option is hidden in a
sub-sub menu that needs to be found first.
6. Fine that somebody thought about passwords but where is the option to run it without? I bet 90+%
of all labs are small enough to enable all members access w/o passwords.
7. In the plate display for “plate setup” why do I have to toggle between “type” “name” and “sample” to
see the associated replicate, normalizer association and well names? This is confusing and there
would be enough space to display all that information at the same time simply because I need to see it
all the time. There’s absolutely no reason why this is not done.
Even worse: Only that well information appears in the final report that was chosen by touching the
respective button in the “plate set up”. I.e. if “sample name” is clicked in “plate setup” only the “A”, “B”,
etc. designation will show up in the final report but neither well names nor a legend for the well type is
8. Even worse: In the “raw data plot” screen the wells are represented without any associated
information. Neither “name” “type” or “sample” is displayed. How am I supposed to select wells for
analysis if I don’t know which is which.
9. Sample “name” is utterly non-intuitive. Why not call it as before “association”? That’s what it is, isn’t
it? It does associate a (group) of wells to the respective normalizer.
10. The run status display doesn’t show the actual thermal status (plateau), only the cycle number is
11. During a run it is impossible to add cycles (as it was possible with the Stratagene machine) Why
13. In “Analysis” “Graphical Display” view X-axis options do not “stay” when switching between “view
replicates as individual” and “view replicates as average” modes or when other wells are chosen for
display. The options switch back automatically to “automatic”.
14. Version 1.2 corrected NONE of this problems and on top it crashes on me every time if I
select individual wells more than 3 times in a row. Additionally they took away functionality
(high resolution melt analysis) which has to be regained by contacting Agilent for a pass-key.

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