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1. I and my friends … in the library. We 11. I………to the school alone yesterday
read some books a.walk
a. am b.walked
b. is c.walks
c. have d.walking
d. are
12. we……in this restaurant 2 days ago
2. She … not work because she has the flu. a.ate
a. is b.eaten
b. does
c. do
d. be 13. I……in this sofa with him
3. Alina … song every night. b.sleep
a. sings c.slept
b. sing d.sleped
c. is
d. does 14. We…… each other 2 years ago
4. My father … tea every morning. loving
a. drink c.are love
b. drinks d.loved
c. drinking
d. is 15. I……this scissors to cut the grass
5. They … a test every week. a.cuted
a. does b.cuting
b. has c.cut
c. are cutted
d. have
16………he read novel last night?
6. Dolph: Please call me if you need.
Jack : No. I … need your help. b.did
a. do not c.done
b. does d.are
c. not
d. am not 17. We….. to aceh two weeks ago
7. She is a student. She … at school. c.went
a. studying d.go
b. study
c. studies 18.They……. this musc two hours ago
d. does a.listened
8. We … soccer match. c.listening
a. doing listen
b. watching
c. watches 19.Anita……me in this market yesterday
d. watch a.meeting
9. Gina cooks fried rice. It … amazing. c.met
a. does
b. do
c. are 20.Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1
d. is hour ago
10. My brother rides a bike to school … b.cooked
a. everyday c.cooks
b. last day d.cook
c. next week
d. next time 21. It is now 11.00 pm. Iriana ….. sleeping in
her bedroom.
a. is
b. am
c. were
d. was
32. I have not……a delicious food for them
22. I need an umbrella because it’s a. cooked
...............… right now. b. cooks
a. rain c. cooking
b. rains d. cook
c. raining
d. Rained 33. We have…….this film since last night
a. watching
23. Please be quiet. I …… trying to b. watched
concentrate. c. watches
a. am d. watch
b. is
c. were 34. They have…….me about this story
d. are a.tell
24. what ……. you …….. ? c.telling
a. is – doing d.tells
b. are – doing
c. am – doing 35. Diana…….sung this song
d. were – doing a.had
25. … Mary reading a book in her classroom c.have
now? d.having
a. is
b. am 36. We have…….in Bandung since 2004
c. was
d. were b.lives
26. They …… ……….. a cup of coffee, but d.lived
a. is not collecting 37. Rachmat . . . . . all of his friends to the
b. are not drinking celebration day.
c. is not drinking a. Will invite
d. are not collecting b. Invites
c. Invited
27. I……studied for two hours d. Invitation
a. have
b. been 38. Yongki and Yoga will not . . . . . in music
c. has competition at school next month.
d. had a. Participates
b. Participate
28. We…….here since yesterday c. Patcipation
a. has been d. Participated
b. have been
c. had been 39. Ami : Hey! Look at those dark clouds!
d. has Kiki : Woow! It is . . . . . rain soon
a. Will
29.I have……a letter for 2 hours b. The
a. write c. Coming
b. wrote d. Going to
c. written
d. writing 40. . . . . . Rama give back Dayat’s phone?
a. Is
30. I have……music for 15 minutes, it’s very b. Will
good c. Do
a. listen d. What
b. listening
c. listened 41. My grandmother has four _____
d. listens a. Child
b. Childs
31.We have……. this new novel together c. children
since yesterday d. childrens
a. read d. readed
b. reads
c. reading
Rubah lah kalimat berikut ke dalam
bahasa inggris:

42. Kami membebeli sebuah buku:

43. Ini buku kami :
44. Buku ini dibeli buat kami:
45. Apakah ini buku mu?:

Buat lah kalimat negatif (menidakkan) dan

introgatif (bertanya) dari kalimat berikut:

46. (+) They read a book everyday

(-) ............................................
(?) ...........................................

47. (+) He goes to school by car everyday

(-) ..............................................
(?) .............................................

48. (+) we played football yesterday

(-) ..............................................
(?) .............................................

49. (+) I will help you

(-) ...............................................
(?) ...............................................

50. (+) she is a smart student

(-) ...............................................
(?) ..............................................

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