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Department of Computer Science

DIPET II Proposal structure

Description of sections Length
Theme: (Recommendation: less than 70 2 lines
Supervisor Minimum of 1 and maximum of 2 teachers
Problem statement 1/4th of page – half page
Objectives (General and Specific) 1/4th of page – half page
Methodology, Tools, Equipment 1/4th of page – half page
Basic skills needed Few lines
Awaited results Few lines
Chronogram Few lines
References 4 to 10 references in APA model

DIPET II Thesis proposal
A DICOM Network for distance training of students in radiology
Supervisor: Jean-Pierre LIENOU
Problem statement
In many under developed countries, skilled radiologists worked in main towns meanwhile in small
towns there are a lack of well trained specialists. Sometimes, hospitals have good equipment either
bought by the government or given as an aid from the diaspora for instance. There are two problems
then. How to do maintenance on those equipment and who is going to interpret the images generated by
tomographs, echographs …. In this proposal, we tackle the second problem. Is it possible to build a
network that can both allow radiologists to access securely the images and do their diagnoses and the
students to access the same images and do second diagnosis that could be compared later? In order to
achieve such task, the images should be “Undicomized” to handle properly the training. This kind of
network may lead to better diagnostic both in research area and in medical clinics.
Objectives (General and Specific)
The main objective is to build a network that can either transfer images from one hospital to a datacentre
or permit the external specialist to access the extranet of the hospital. Once on the site, he may review
the images that are awaited to be diagnosed and propose an interpretation. The physician can therefore
use that information for the curing process. The PACS should no more be mysterious .
The specific objective is to let students do the same or improve the diagnostic by accessing the same set
of images( Bidgood & Horii, 1997).
Methodology, Tools, Equipment
The candidate have to build a network by using common facilities Access Point router, switches,
DicomWeb server(Jodogne, 2016) that could be filled with images from Internet. He / She must be
aware that the topic may lead to some moderated financial investment. Some third-party software as
orthanc may be used.
Basic skills needed
The candidate must demonstrate his ability in networking tasks and PHP / .NET programming, Rights
management under a relational database management system.
Awaited results
A secured network of computers on top of which a specific software is designed or configured in order
to access and make some interpretations that are stored with respect to the DICOM protocol. A rights
management system to let students access and interpret their own and a comparison schema is to be
proposed. The “Undicomized” images should be “redicomized” with a specific software tool (Roni ,
Study of the DICOM network and protocols 1 month
A comparative study of opensource third-party software for managing DICOM images(Medfloss, 2010)
1 week
Configuration, Modification of the database and upgrade of the software retained 1 month
Test of the solution 1 week
Report writing 1 week
Bidgood, D., & Horii, S. (1997). Understanding and Using DICOM, the Data Interchange Standard for
Biomedical Imaging. JAMIA:Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association(4), 199-
Jodogne, S. (2016). Orthanc Open-source, lightweight DICOM server. Retrieved 09 25, 2017, from
Medfloss. (2010). Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software. Retrieved 09 25, 2017, from
Roni , B. (2011, 11 11). Introduction to DICOM - Chapter 1 - Introduction. Retrieved 09 25, 2017, from
Dicom is easy :

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