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1 Vocabulary

Use a word from the box to complete these sentences.

deny expand extract remote rural sensitive unregulated

1. Builders shouldn’t be allowed to damage environments like rivers and forests.

2. I’m sure he’s going to cheating on the exam. He knows that no one saw him do it.

3. If the university decides to student numbers, they will have to build more

4. People living in areas often have the space and knowledge to grow some of their
own food.

5. Plans to more fossil fuels have been met with widespread objections.

6. The area they live in is so that they can’t even get a good phone signal.

7. development of the historic town centre has made it much less interesting to

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Complete these words with their missing endings.

1. Both sides are anxious to avoid conf and are willing to make an agreement to avoid
violence and loss of life.

2. Coffee beans and chocolate are important comm for many countries.

3. Comm groups have asked the local government to install more street lighting in
this neighbourhood.

4. Consumers have got a lot of conc about rising food and fuel prices.

5. I wish I didn’t have to comm to the city on the train every day - I’d much rather
work from home.

6. The cons industry uses a lot of sand for buildings and roads.

7. Tourism makes an important cont to the economies of many countries.

Add the missing vowels to the nouns in these sentences.

1. The first dr _ ft of your essay is really very good, but there are a few corrections you need to make.

2. The essay meets the r _ q _ _ r _ m _ nts for a pass mark, but you could do better.

3. Your essay would be improved if you explained the m _ th _ d _ l _ g _ of this research more clearly.

4. I don’t think you’ve gone into enough detail about the importance of the tourist _ nd _ str _ .

5. In paragraph 3, can you say exactly what the _ _ t c _ m _ s of this project would be?

6. What’s the _ lt _ rn _ t _ v _ if this plan doesn’t receive approval?

7. Do you think the country will go to war in order to defend its t _ rr _ t _ r _ from its enemies?

8. I have a few r _ s _ rv _ t _ _ ns about the conclusion - I feel that there’s something missing.

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Choose one item from column A and one from column B to complete each sentence. Note that some
pairs are written as one word or joined by a hyphen.

column A column B

best background

eco campaign

economic crowded

impact decline

in on

marketing place

over practice

work tourism

1. Do you have a coffee machine in your , or do you have to go out for coffee?

2. brings many benefits to local communities without the environmental damage.

3. It’s important to attend conferences and training events to share ideas about in
your profession.

4. The buses are both expensive and .

5. The economic crisis had a really strong unemployment rates.

6. The natural environment is due to plastic pollution and other stresses.

7. We need a new to bring in more tourists to this destination.

8. We should be aware that some students are the first to attend university in their family. Students
from this type of may need extra support with their applications.

2 Grammar

Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or infinitive form of the verb you are given in brackets.

1. How can he afford a new car on his salary? (buy)

2. I can’t say that I support new rules. (introduce)

3. It’s impossible to resist all those biscuits if I know they’re in the cupboard. (eat)

4. The explorers attempted the peak, but they ran into bad weather. (reach)

5. What’s the best way to avoid mistakes in your writing? (make)

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Find and correct one mistake in each of these sentences.

1. Our team has lost a lot of games this season. nevertheless, their performance has improved since
the year before.

2. The window wasn’t closed Therefore, the carpet got wet when it rained.

3. Tourists often leave a lot of litter behind them. On another hand, their spending supports local

4. His attendance in class is very poor. Farthermore, his recent mark on the test wasn’t good.

5. The local trains are very expensive. Moreover they’re not very safe.

3 Pronunciation

Circle the /æ/ sounds and underline the /e/sounds.

"This text said many valleys with interesting features are located nearby."

4 Language in context

Complete the sentences with one missing word. You are given the first letters of the missing items.

1. I can’t even take time off work for a mini break, let a a two-week trip to New York.

2. This argument is okay as f as it goes, but I think it needs a stronger conclusion.

3. Unfortunately, this meeting is starting a few minutes late, so let’s get d to it.

4. We’ll have to order this part for you, but I’m afraid these items are in s supply, so
you may have to wait.

5. What do you think are the main causes of this situation? / I don’t know, that’s a t

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5 Speaking assessment - part 3

Use these materials to practise for the speaking exam and reflect on your performance. You can
practise in pairs or with your teacher.

After you do the assessment, complete the evaluation - there is space for you to score yourself and
for your partner or teacher to score you. Then think about how you can improve in your weak areas.

Let’s talk about travel and tourism.

1. Why do people enjoy travelling to different places?

2. What are some of the positive impacts that tourists can have on the places they visit?
3. Some destinations have experienced negative effects from tourism. Describe some of
these. Do you think the positives outweigh the negatives?
4. What are some problems that tourists might encounter when they travel?
5. How do you think travel and tourism will change in the future?

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6 Writing
Use this task to practise for the writing exam and reflect on your performance. You can complete the
task under timed conditions. A marking framework is provided. Write about the following topic. You
should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think cars cause so many problems that they should be completely banned
from city centres. Other people think there are better ways to solve these problems.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and
experience. Write at least 250 words.

7 Marking framework for writing

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