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Species Composition, distribution and diversity of Sea grass (Halophila thouars) in sunrise

boulevard, Dapa, Surigao del Norte

Nhezthanne Gel S. Estobo
Ramje Brent K. Polvorosa
Robert Anton G. Roculas

Key words: Sea grass, Habitat, Freshwater, Distribution

In Sunrise Boulevard, Dapa, Surigao Del Norte, a study was conducted to compare and
contrast the various species of sea grass that can be found in disturbed and undisturbed areas.
Despite frequently being confused with seaweeds, sea grass is a different species of plant that
is crucial to the preservation and protection of ecosystems. Due to the wide range of species
diversity patterns, places where sea grasses are as of yet undocumented, as well as the fact
that sea grass habitat is ever-changing, investigating the distribution of sea grass in sunrise
boulevard is a challenging and confusing endeavor. As a result, it has been unclear for a very
long time where they fall under the monocotyledonous group taxonomically.


A flowery plant called seagrass thrives in the ocean. It is a vascular plant with real roots,
leaves, and a stem. More over a quarter of all known sea grass species belong to the most
diverse group of sea grasses. From the tropics to the Arctic Circle, sea grasses can be found
in shallow salty and brackish environments. Because the majority of species have long, green,
grass-like leaves, sea grasses get their name. Although they are frequently mistaken for
seaweed, they are actually more closely linked to flowering land plants. Sea grasses produce
flowers and seeds in addition to having roots, stems, and leaves. Although they frequently go
unnoticed, they are one of the world's most productive ecosystems. A staggeringly wide
range of creatures, including small invertebrates, huge fish, crabs, turtles, marine mammals,
and birds, find shelter and nourishment among seagrasses. Additionally, sea grasses offer
many valuable benefits to humans, but due to human activity, many seagrass meadows have
been lost. Around the world, efforts are being made to restore these significant ecosystems.
Seagrass species distribution is, first, a baseline for understanding these complex habitats and
their distinct bioregional characteristics. Additionally, knowledge of distribution allows
comparisons of geography and evolution and provides a foundation for evaluating past and
present human impacts to the global seagrass ecosystem.
Significance of the study

Sea grass Halophila plants are exceedingly delicate, unlike other sea grasses, and lack the
large leaf blades with stripes. Sunrise Boulevard is home to a variety of seagrass species,
some of which are difficult to distinguish from one another. Conducting this study could help
us distinguish the types of sea grass and their differences.

Statement of the Problem

1) What are your basis that saltwater plants can be distributed to freshwater?

2) What are the types of sea grass that are diverse in sunrise boulevard, Dapa, Surigao
Del Norte?

3) How possible is it for sea grass to be distributed to freshwater?

4) What are the effects of the new habitat for the freshwater fishes?

5) What chemicals does sea grass contains that can be good and bad for the freshwater

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