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Today, our organization starts a new chapter. Today, we open a fresh pair of
eyes and see ourselves and our company with the vision of a leader. Today, we
start to peel back the layers and show the character, personality, and culture of
our business.
We’ve designed this assessment to specifically understand the inner workings of our organization.
We’re looking beyond surface operations into the culture, environment, and structure of our
business. This assessment is an all-hands-on-deck operation. It cannot be done by one person or
one group of people—no matter how driven. We need your help and your opinion to be
successful. We only ask two things from you: 1) honesty 2) commitment. We need your truthful
thoughts and experiences to best understand our company and to understand how well we are
doing. And second, we need your personal commitment to engage this assessment with gusto and
fervor. Your commitment encourages our team and helps create your dream workplace.

An assessment tells us what’s happening! Our assessment will also look at our
A thorough organizational assessment company’s culture and environment. We
(like we’re doing) helps us understand want to understand what makes us a
our company better. This assessment will good company and what mindsets hold
give you and your leaders data to us back from becoming a great one.
implement new, innovative ideas, Opinions matter! What do you think of
revitalize struggling departments, or the new sales manager? Do you like the
prepare new strategies. It will connect updated lighting system we’ve installed?
what our organization wants to do and Do you feel welcomed in your assigned
what we currently do. It helps your team or not? Answering questions like
leaders as they take steps and develop these helps us, your leaders, understand
plans to bridge the operational gaps in how your work environment and
our company and reach our goals workplace culture affect our company.
We’re constantly improving. Our
This sounds very nice, but it’s more than assessment helps us see where we are,
just data. Understanding the people so we know where to go next. We’ll
within our organization is our top look at data to develop new strategies,
priority. Afterall, you are the heart of our we’ll get to know the people in our
company. Without employees, an company, and we’ll understand the
organization is an empty building with culture and environments around us.
fancy words and missions’ statements.
We want to know how you think and
what works best for you.


WHY DO WE NEED AN Our assessment team is using the LESAT

2 assessment model. This assessment
ASSESSMENT? model looks for gaps between our
What’s the point, right? Why do we need company’s current state and our future
a fancy assessment to look at data and goals. Our company is always improving
get to know people? It feels like a waste and the LESAT 2 model can be repeated
of time and resources; however, it may and be reapplied to new goals as we pass
surprise you to learn an organizational old ones. This model uses a three-step
assessment is not optional! Our
company’s success depends on it! Failure cycle to get from here to there.
to understand our organization’s 1) The Strategic Cycle develops our
position, processes, and strategies will company’s strategic imperative and
weaken our company to the point of begins transforming leaders.
collapse. We’re avoiding disintegration of 2) The Planning Cycle identifies our
our internal structure while navigating current state and future goals,
our company’s market with relevant, develops a structure of behaviors,
informed strategies. How can a ship sail if and creates a transformation plan
it doesn’t first know where it sits in the for our company.
3) The Execution Cycle implements
and coordinates our
HOW ARE USING THIS transformation plan and nurtures
ASSESSMENT? our new behaviors and thinking.


As we conclude our brief introduction to
our assessment process, remember our
What, Why, and How:

Our assessment will look at our company’s

strategies and innovate new ones. We’ll
seek to understand our employees and the
people who build the business through their
hard work and dedication. We’ll assess our
company’s environment and culture and
seek to understand the ethos surrounding
our brand and organization.

Our company needs to understand itself as

it continues to grow and develop. Our
assessment is not optional. Without it, your
leaders are sailing blindly and, eventually,
our organization will internally collapse.
Furthermore, we must know how to
strategically corner our market and
outmaneuver the competition.

Our LESAT 2 assessment model helps our

business continually improve. The three-
cycle approach may be repeated and
adjusted to meet new goals and fill new gaps
in our ever-growing company.

Thank you for your time. And thank you for

your Honesty and Commitment.

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