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... ~SHING-ro,., ... ~SHING-ro,.

D.C. D.C.
Internal Affairs Bureau
Internal Affairs Division


TO: Assistant Chief of Police/ 1 11 1 •~

Internal Affairs Bureau IJJ. riA~vr1 ~
!) 5/11/2021

THRU: Inspector )
Internal Affairs Division f/ ~

THRU: Captain \ __.

Internal Affairs Division ~~
THRU: Lieutenant
Internal Affairs Division
DATE: May 10, 2021

SUBJECT: Final Investigative Report Concerning the Use of Force by Members of the
Metropolitan Police Department on January 6, 2021 at the United States
Capitol and the Surrounding Grounds, IAD# 21-017, CCN 21-002-555, IS#
21-000049, IAB# X-P-O-21-027


On December 14, 2020, the Electoral College finalized their votes formally electing
President Joseph Biden as the 46th President of the United States. Individuals and
groups upset by the results immediately voiced their intention to "Stop the Steal" and
retaliate against those who did not join them in their fight to change the election results
before Congress met on January 6, 2021 , to formally recognize and announce the
electoral votes. 1

Five days later, on December 19, 2020, President Donald J. Trump posted on his
personal Twitter account, "Big protest in D.C. on January 6. Be there, will be wild!"
Following President Trump's tweet, the domain "" was registered, and
supporters such as Ms. Kylie Jane Kremer of the group "Women for America First"

See Attachment 1 - Key Dates of the Electoral College

announced her group's plan to hold a rally on January 6, 2021, stating in a tweet, "The
Calvary is coming, Mr. President! JANUARY 6 Washington, DC"

, Kylie Jane Kremer

The calvary is coming, Mr. President!

JANUARY 6th I Washington, DC

eon.. RSVP Yael lbovt ~

rion ll J. TrumpO
liMarchForTrump #Stop TheSteal
Peter Navariro releases36-page report allegingelection
fraud 'more th~nsufficient'' toswingvictory toin,m1p
wash reJ}ort by Peter.
•-·- - _; ::=-~= ~TRUMP
Statistically1impossi'b leto havelost the2020 ElijcUon, Big JANUARY6TH
protest i11 D.C.011 January 6th,Bethere, wilIbewild! THE PIESIDUfT IS CAI.UNO ON US TO COM£

(D hi! claim aOllllt fl!CMII lraiA r5 dl!p~ted Event goes from 10 AM • 5 PM JRUMPMARCH.CO .. ~-~
Figure 1: December 19, 2021 Tweet from President Trump, Figure 2: Online Flyer Advertising January 6 Protest, Figure 3:
Captured Tweet from Ms. Kylie Jane Kremer

Anticipating the large demonstrations, the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of

Washington, DC, issued an internal teletype canceling member's days off and restricting
leave between January 5 and January 7, 2021 .2 On December 22, 2020, the MPD
published an additional teletype fully activating the department on twelve (12) hour
shifts stating, "All members should be prepared to work extended tours as necessary." 3

As part of the activation, the MPD activated numerous Civil Disturbance Units (CDUs)
from the various Districts in addition to the Special Operation Division (SOD) and the
Domestic Security Operations Unit (DSO) for necessary crowd management and
control. Members activated for this event were in full uniform and equipped with body-
worn cameras (BWCs). In addition to their standard patrol equipment, DSO and CDU
platoons were equipped with crowd management tools to provide constructive force,
physical force, oleoresin capsicum force, mechanical force (levels I and 11), and
chemical force as appropriate.

Over the next few weeks, supporters of President Trump communicated frequently on
social media, openly discussing the possibility of violence against law enforcement
should it interfere with their intended goal of stopping Congress from counting and
certifying the electoral votes. Mr. Ali Alexander, a founder of ","
encouraged his supporters to bring supplies and avoid wearing masks, writing on the
social media site "Parler," "If D.C. escalates ... so do we." While the "wild protest"

2 See Attachment 2- Teletype 12-040-20- Restricting Leave

3 See Attachment 3 - Teletype 12-045-20- CDU Activation

location and details moved slightly, the overall plan was for supporters to meet in
Washington DC on January 5, 2021, and attend various planned rallies,
demonstrations, and protests.

On January 2, 2021, Ms. Kremer announced on Twitter that her group's event would
take place the morning of January 6, 2021, on the Ellipse, a 52-acre park just south of
the White House. The next day, President Trump stated that he would attend the event,
calling it a "Historic day!" As the week progressed, the initially uncoordinated "Wild
Protest" evolved into one coordinated event, titled by some as "The March to Save

Donald J. Trump $ @realDonaldTrump · 9h

I will be there. Historic day!

Kylie Jane Kremer @KylieJaneKremer - 23h


January 6th - arrive by 9AM

White House Ellipse


#MarchForTrump #StopTheSteal #DoNotCertify

l. Ten, [Ju<t In caoet

2 Slee-cmQ bil!I (shOlll:l a Poll 01 ,,....10
1 -ooa IDC s~u<dow~ 11-<iool d o,a~I

DD not 'NC.Jr a. m;r~k. J;m E:th. St.and ·n ,th Cil~rs- 1:Julhcd by st;i"t.
read less

Q 12.8K t.l. 34.8K <:'.) 127.1K c!.,

Figure 4: Captured Comments of Mr. Ali Alexander Figure 5: January 2, 2021 Tweets from President Trump and Ms.

As part of the planned events, the National Park Service issued three permits: "The
Rally to Revival," "The Silent Majority," and "March for Trump/Save America." The Rally
to Revival and The Silent Majority were scheduled for January 5, 2021. The March for
Trump/Save America was permitted to occur on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, between
0900 and 1630 hours, with an estimated crowd of 30,000. 4

According to reporting by the Washington Post, on January 3, 2021, an internal United

States Capitol Police (USCP) intelligence report warned of the violent possibility of an
attack stating, "Supporters of the current President see January 6, 2021, as the last
opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election. This sense of desperation
and disappointment may lead to more of an incentive to become violent. Unlike previous

See Attachment 4 - Permits issued by National Park Service

post-election protests, the targets of the pro-Trump supporters are not necessarily the
counter-protesters as they were previously, but rather Congress itself is the target on
the 6th." 5

On Sunday, January 3, 2021, MPD's Homeland Security Bureau (HSB) held a

mandatory briefing for all officials in charge of platoons designated to assist with the
department's CDU activation on January 5 and January 6, 2021. During the briefing,
officials were provided with their platoon's assignments and were briefed on the
positioning of MPD in support of their federal law enforcement partners that held
primary jurisdiction at the various event sites. 6

On January 4, 2021, United States Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund asked the Senate
and House Sergeant at Arms to put the National Guard on emergency standby. Chief
Sund's request was rejected out of fear that an overly authoritative presence would not
be esthetically ideal. 7

On January 5, 2021, the fully-activated MPD monitored the various rallies during the
day and acted as a barrier between the opposing groups at night. By the end of the
night, ten adults were arrested, three firearms were confiscated, and six MPD members
reported injuries as a result of the events. 8

In the afternoon of January 5, the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Washington

Field Office received an explicit warning that extremists from multiple states were
travelling to Washington, D.C. to commit "warlike" acts of violence. Specifically, agents
noted that they observed a message in an online thread that read (verbatim), "Congress
needs to hear glass braking, doors, being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and
Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a
protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will
achieve this goal." Despite the potential implications of the threat, the warning was not
directly passed to Chief Sund of the USCP or Chief Contee of the MPD. 9

January 6, 2021

In the early morning hours of January 6, 2021, a large number of people descended
upon the Ellipse. Members of the MPD's SOD, along with CDU Platoons 12, 13, 33, 34,
42, 43, 54, 61, 64, 71, and 74, were stationed in the surrounding areas and were tasked

5 Washington Post Article Published January 15, 2021

police-intelligence-warning/2021 /01/15/c8b50744-57 42-11eb-a08b-f1381 ef3d207 story.html
6 See Attachment 5 - Special Operations Division Event Manual
7 February 23, 2021- Senate Hearing on the Examination of the January 6, Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

8 See Attachment 6- JOCC Close out report from January 5, 2021
9 Washington Post's review of the January 5, 2021 Internal Report from the Norfolk FBI Field Office /12/30d 12748-546b-

11 eb-a817-e5e7f8a406d6 story.html

with facilitating the lawful assembly of persons while monitoring the crowds for unlawful
acts. The observed rally attendees ranged from impassioned individuals in full tactical
gear to families and senior citizens. As the day progressed, members of the MPD and
United States Park Police (USPP) responded to several calls for individuals observed
with firearms, arresting several individuals and confiscating weapons when located. In
total, five (5) individuals were arrested for firearms offenses and six (6) firearms were
recovered. 10

At or around 1000 hours, various speakers took to the stage at the Ellipse and rallied
the crowd behind the idea that it was their duty to "Stop the Steal." Donald Trump Jr., a
speaker, told the crowd, "If you're going to be the zero and not the hero, we're coming
for you, and we're going to have a good time doing it." 11 At 1056 hours, Assistant Chief
Jeffery Carroll of the MPD's Homeland Security Bureau voiced over the police radio
zone that approximately 300 "Proud Boys" were marching east on Pennsylvania Avenue
towards the US Capitol Building. The Joint Operations Command Center (JOCC)
replied that they would make sure that the USCP were made aware of the movement. 12

Figure 6: People waiting outside security perimeter for the rally at the Ellipse. {Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP}

At approximately 1150 hours, President Trump addressed the crowd at the Ellipse and
started his speech, which lasted approximately one (1) hour. As President Trump
spoke, groups of demonstrators started making their way towards the Capitol, gathering
on the western border of the Capitol Grounds near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. MPD
members stationed along Constitution Avenue, Northwest, observed a palpable shift in
the energy of the groups walking towards the Capitol. The members later noted that
people were becoming increasingly aggressive towards the officers, calling them

10 Previously referenced as Attachment 5 - JOCC Closeout Report

11 See Donald Trump Jr. Speech (Begin at 1:53 :43)
12 See Attachment 7 - Office of Unified Communications Recordings - which captured MPD's police

radio transmissions in real time.

"traitors" and warning them to "not get in their way." While USCP watched the gathering
crowds, both uniformed and plainclothes officers of the MPD immersed themselves in
the crowds in the area of 15th and Constitution Avenue, Northwest, in response to
multiple reports for individuals armed with firearms.

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Figure 7: Aerial image of U.S. Capitol grounds with red showing where USCP had set up barriers to establish a perimeter. Red
arrow shows the direction the crowd approached and the location of the barriers where the first rioters pushed through.

Over the next half hour, larger groups of people walked east from the Ellipse and joined
the quickly growing number of people at the Capitol Reflecting Pool. As more people
arrived, the crowd started to push against the temporary barriers set up by Capitol
Police. USCP had erected barriers consisting of metal bicycle racks and green plastic
netting along First Street Northwest, Constitution Avenue, Independence Avenue, and
the east entrance path in front of the Capitol Visitor Center. The initial demonstrators
taunted and jeered at the sporadically placed USCP officers, yelling that the Capitol was
"their house" and that the officers were "traitors" for keeping them from it.

Figure 8: Western Barrier where crowd eventually breaks through.

At 1221 hours, Commander Robert Glover13 of the MPD's SOD voiced over the police
radio that he observed a group moving towards the Capitol, right before an officer at
14th and Independence Avenue, SW observed individuals walking with what was
believed to be a rifle. The suspected armed individuals were stopped, and Commander
Glover ordered two squads from CDU 54 to the location to assist with crowd control.

While CDU 54 and other nearby MPD officers handled the stop, an MPD officer at 10th
and Constitution Avenue, Northwest, voiced over the police radio that a large crowd was
forming around a counter-protest, and requested additional units to assist.

At 1245 hours, USCP was called to respond to the Republican National Committee
Headquarters at 310 First Street, Southeast, for a possible explosive device, later
identified as a pipe bomb. At 1247 hours Commander Glover directed the MPD's
Explosive Ordnance Division (EOD) to respond to the location and assist USCP. Once
on scene, units evacuated the surrounding area and performed a protective sweep of
the vehicles in the area. During that sweep they observed a red pickup truck with
Alabama tags that was found to contain a handgun, an M4 Carbine assault rifle, and the
components needed to make Molotov cocktails. 14

Meanwhile the crowds at the Capitol Reflecting Pool swelled to the hundreds as the
disorderly subjects started pushing against the barriers. Ultimately, around 1253 hours,
individuals in the crowd began grabbing and thrusting the metal barriers into the USCP
officers as they chanted, "USA! USA!" 15 With the barriers lifted off of the ground, the
crowd surged forward and pressed the USCP officers back against the stairs.

13 On January 6, 2021, Robert Glover held the rank of Inspector. He was promoted to the rank of

Commander on January 12, 2021.

14 After discovering the unlawful items, the USCP surveilled the vehicle until the owner eventually

returned and was placed under arrest. Once arrested, the individual was found to have an additional
firearm on his person.
15 See Attachment 8 - (Video) Rioters Pushing Past Western Barrier (Part 1)

Significantly outnumbered, the USCP officers attempted to physically restrain the
onslaught of people, but were ultimately unable to stop the wave and were forced to fall
back to the base of the West Steps of the Capitol building. MPD's CDU 64 was directed
to move closer to the area of the Capitol and be ready to respond. 16

Figures 9 & 10: Rioters pushing past USCP at the Western barriers

As Vice President of the United States Michael Pence entered the House Chamber to
preside over the counting of electoral votes, hundreds of people poured past the
barriers and pressed against the line USCP had established on top of the first level of
stairs. Chief Sund determined that the USCP needed assistance and requested backup
from Chief Contee and the MPD. 17 At 1258 hours Commander Glover directed CDU
platoons 54 and 64 to respond to 3 rd Street and Maryland Avenue, Southwest, noting
that they were authorized to deploy to the western front of the Capitol. Commander
Glover was informed that CDU 54 was not nearby, but that CDU 64 would respond
shortly. Commander Glover requested that another platoon respond and stage nearby
in case they were needed .

As MPD began their response, a portion of the crowd surged towards the stairway near
the partially constructed bleachers on the south side of the inaugural platform.
Infrastructure, including bleachers and scaffolding, was in the process of being built in
anticipation of the upcoming Presidential Inauguration, and was in various states of
completion. The crowd continued to press against the USCP officers, as some rioters
began climbing the scaffolding .18 19

At 1259 hours, Assistant Chief Carroll voiced over the police radio that the group was
attempting to breach the Capitol. Commander Glover acknowledged the transmission,
and asked that the responding CDU platoons meet him at 100 Maryland Avenue,
Southwest, so they could approach together. CDU 74 was directed to respond and

16 See Attachment 9 - (Video) Rioters Pushing Past USCP on Western Lawn (Part 2)
17 See Attachment 10 - Chief Robert Contee's Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives
18 See Attachment 11 - (Video) USCP Forming New Line at Base of Western Stairs of the Capitol
19 See Attachment 12 - (Video) Rioters Climbing Scaffolding

began making their way from the area of 14th Street and New York Avenue, Northwest.
Assistant Chief Carroll then asked Commander Glover to provide an update on the
situation upon their arrival, and asked the JOCC if the Capitol had provided insight into
what was going on. The JOCC advised that the crowd was trying to breach the Capitol,
but had not made it inside yet.

Figure 9: Approach of first wave of rioters. Star is the location where MPD CDU units met before they responded.
Location of rioters indicated by

At approximately 1303 hours, Commander Glover reached the Capitol steps with CDU
64. 20 Lieutenant Ronald Wilkins of the MPD's SOD was also on the scene and asked for
the location of CDU 54. The platoon leader of CDU 54, Lieutenant Ryan Small, advised
that they were responding but were further out. At the same time, a unit asked for
assistance at 17th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW, where two opposing groups
were clashing. CDU 42 was asked to send two squads to the location, however advised
that they were spread out as high visibility and so would need time to regroup. CDU 34
was then directed to respond to assist.

At 1305 hours, a second pipe bomb was found outside the headquarters of the
Democratic National Committee, located at 430 South Capitol Street, Southeast. USCP
resources were dispatched again, drawing away much needed personnel from the
Capitol. At 1309, Lieutenant Peter Sheldon of CDU 51 voiced over the police radio that
they were coming into service and asked where they should respond. They were
directed to respond to a predetermined staging location away from the Capitol.

Finishing his speech around 1310 hours, President Trump voiced to the remaining
crowd at the Ellipse, "after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with

20 See Attachment 13 - (Video) MPD Arriving at the Capitol

you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave
senators and congressmen and women." 21
The crowd then split, with thousands walking north on 17th Street, Northwest, and
thousands walking east on Pennsylvania Avenue towards the Capitol Building. At the
Capitol Building crowds continued to grow as people amassed on the eastern and
western fronts. 22

At 1312 hours, Capitol police began deploying pepperball munitions as the crowd
surged towards the officers. 23 EOD officials announced that there were two confirmed
explosive devices, and that they needed officers at their location. Commander Glover
acknowledged the request and voiced over the police radio that MPD had deployed OC
Spray on the western front of the Capitol. 24 At 1313 hours, Commander Glover
authorized MPD members to don their protective hard gear at the Capitol. Lieutenant
Andrew Horos, of the MPD's SOD, advised that CDU 12 was standing by at MP D's
headquarters and was a hard-gear platoon. Commander Glover requested a DSO team
to respond, as Lieutenant Horos directed CDU 12 to restage at 3rd Street and Maryland
Avenue, SW. 25

Initial approach
of CDU 42

Figure 10: Map showing positions of MPD CDU and Clashes with Rioters.

21 A transcript of President Trump's speech can be found at ps-speech-at-ra Ily-before-us-
22 See Attachment 14 - (Video) East and West Crowds Around Capitol
23 See Attachment 15- (Video) USCP on Upper Terrace with Pepperballs
24 See Attachment 16- (Video) MPD OC Spray
25 See Attachment 17 - (Video) MPD at the Capitol Holding the Line


Still attempting to push past the police line, the rioters at the Capitol began throwing
bricks and the metal bicycle racks at the officers. Commander Glover asked for CDU 12
to respond to the west front of the Capitol to assist them in maintaining the line.
As CDU 12 and DSO worked to find a way to reach Commander Glover through the
crowd, MPD deployed an Electronic Control Device (ECO) twice at the assaultive
rioters. 26 Commander Glover requested additional munitions and voiced the first report
of an injured MPD officer.

Figure 11: USCP and MPD CDU fight to hold metal barriers Figure 12: Rioters use barriers against officers.

At 1318 hours, Lieutenant Shane Lamond, of the MPD's Intelligence Unit, observed a
group of approximately 50 individuals "charging up the hill" on the west front of the
Capitol. On the front line, rioters had begun dismantling the inaugural scaffolding and
using the dismantled parts as weapons against the officers. Commander Glover again
called for DSO, citing that they had multiple officers injured, as the CDU platoons
battled against metal poles, fireworks, and chemical sprays.

At 1322 hours, CDU 74 announced that they were just reaching 3rd Street and Maryland
Avenue and asked where they should respond. CDU 51 was then re-routed to the 900
block of 15th Street Northwest to assist with a large crowd approaching Black Lives
Matter Plaza. Commander Glover advised that, for the time being, they were able to
hold the line with multiple munitions deployments.

At 1326 hours, Commander Glover voiced that despite multiple injuries to officers, the
police lines were held, as they continued to be assaulted with improvised weapons and
thrown debris.

As the CDU units at the Capitol fought on, a large group of people with helmets and
sticks walked towards the Capitol and joined up with the larger crowd. Commander

26Incident Summary# 21-000048 was generated in reference to the Use of Force (ECO) by Sergeant
Daniel Thau. This investigation was assigned to Agent Maurice Macdonald of the IAD.


Glover asked for additional munitions, as the additional DSO members tried to make
their way to his location.
At 1330 hours, Commander Glover requested two additional hard-gear platoons to
respond to the front of the Capitol, while other units voiced their concerns for fights
between opposing protesting groups closer to the White House over the police radio.

With the two separate and large CDU movements, Commander Glover directed all
personnel who were not at the Capitol to switch their communication to a separate radio
channel. At 1243 hours, Commander Glover requested the assistance of the USPP,
voicing that the MPD was out of munitions. CDU 42 voiced over the police radio that
they were in their gear and asked where they should respond.

At 1349 hours, Commander Glover declared the event a "Riot" as people pushed
against barricades on the north side of the Capitol, creating an avenue for rioters to
flood the Capitol steps. 27 By 1350 hours, Commander Glover voiced that the Capitol
had been breached, as throngs of rioters slammed against the doors and windows of
the Capitol building attempting to gain entry. Lieutenant Shane Lamond of the MPD's
Intelligence Division voiced over the police radio that Mr. Alex Jones, a well-known radio
show host, was on the stairs of the Capitol rallying the crowd with a speech. Lieutenant
Lamond commented, "Be advised Alex Jones is actually helping us out. He is urging the
crowd to march around the Capitol, but to back off of from the line." Lieutenant
Lamond's message was repeated as Commander Glover again asked for CDU 42. CDU
42 advised that they were on the north side of the Capitol trying to make their way to the
west front. 28

A faction of the riot branched off and began walking around the Capitol to the east side.
The east side of the Capitol had significantly less police resources and was quickly
overrun by the mob. With few obstacles, the crowd easily moved past the last few

See Attachment 18 - (Video) Rioters Pushing Past Officers Under the Scaffolding
28 See Attachment 19 - (Video) Mr. Alex Jones Speaking to the Crowd


barriers and began pounding against the doors and windows, attempting to gain entry to
the building . 29

Commander Glover stated that the rioters were scaling the scaffolding and moving onto
the inauguration platform, where there were no MPD or USCP officers. Those that had
scaled the scaffolding now had the "high ground" and began throwing objects at the
officers below. Immediately after his transmission, the JOCC voiced at 1354 hours that
USCP were going to start moving their resources inside the Capitol, leaving the MPD to
maintain the exterior police lines.

SOD, DSO, and CDU platoons 21 and 64 battled metal poles, bats, wooden boards,
and other improvised weapons from the crowd. The mob used available objects to erect
a barricade, blocking officers from reaching the upper terrace. Greatly outnumbered and
having exhausted the supply of chemical munitions, Assistant Chief Carroll suggested
that Commander Glover move the MPD resources back and inside the Capitol building.
Commander Glover voiced his opinion that if they moved back, the crowd would have
direct access to the Capitol. At 1405 hours, Commander Glover requested and was
granted permission to deploy CS gas as they attempted to hold the bleachers.

At 1408 hours, CDU 42 made it to the Capitol after having to fight their way through the
crowd . By 1410 hours, rioters were able to scale the northwest stairs and pry open a
door, allowing hundreds of people onto the upper terrace. The MPD was once again
forced to move back and regroup at a higher level. 30 31

On the east side of the building, rioters broke through a window and forced their way
into the Capitol Building. United States Secret Service Agents rushed Vice President
Pence from the Senate chamber into an office, as the various senators and their staff
were ushered to offices and told to seek cover. Rioters tore through the Capitol building
as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was also quickly rushed from the chamber.

On the west front of the building, the rioters held the high ground and were on all sides
of the MPD line. The MPD was forced again to move back as the mob used their
improvised weapons to break through windows and doors. At 1414 hours, Assistant
Chief Carroll directed Lieutenant Haros to pull more resources to the Capitol, to include
extra CDU platoons from the Districts, leaving a small contingency near the White
House to deal with the crowd there. CDU units advised that their area was mostly clear
and asked where they should go to assist. MPD officials voiced their concern that they
were about to "lose the stairs" as CDU platoons continued asking where they were

29 See Attachment 20 - (Video) Eastern Side of the Capitol

30 See Attachment 21 - (Video) CDU 42 Fighting Through Crowd (Part 1)
31 See Attachment 22 - (Video) CDU 42 Fighting Through Crowd (Part 2)


With more people surging towards the Senate and approaching from behind the
faltering MPD line, Commander Glover directed all CDU platoons, regardless of their
assignment, to respond to the Capitol. The CDU platoons immediately voiced they were
responding and all asked where they should go. Commander Glover directed them to
the west side of the Capitol.

At 1428 hours, the MPD lost the stairway they were holding, leading Commander
Glover to call "10-33" and direct all MPD officers to fall back to the upper tier of the West
terrace. Inside the Capitol, USCP and staff members barricaded the doors leading to
the House floor with chairs, desks, and any other furniture nearby as hundreds of rioters
roamed the halls. Eventually, as rioters attempted to gain entry through a barricaded
door near the Senate Chamber, Ms. Ashli Babbitt climbed through a secured pathway
and was shot by a USCP member. Ms. Babbitt sustained a fatal gunshot wound. 32

In response to the city-wide request for emergency assistance, additional MPD

members from all districts and divisions responded to the US Capitol to assist. In
addition to the MPD, mutual-aid assistance from surrounding law enforcement agencies
began to arrive.

As the MPD continued to battle to regain control of the riot, multiple CDU platoons along
with Commander Ramey Kyle of the MPD Criminal Investigations Division positioned
themselves inside one of the doors on the west terrace of the US Capitol building to
prevent the rioters from accessing the building through that entrance. Quickly, the MPD
members found that the doors were not secure and instead found themselves fighting a
surge of rioters to hold the corridor. The struggle over the entrance became a protracted
battle during which there were numerous deployments of OC spray and chemical
munitions, much of which largely affected the officers due to the wind conditions. In the
aftermath of the day, the corridor was colloquially referred to as the "tunnel of death" by
MPD officers.

Upon learning that rioters had made it inside, MPD diverted some of its responding
officers to assist the UCSP with securing the building. MPD units quickly observed
hundreds of rioters in the halls and began forming lines to push them away from the
Senate floor and move them out the door.

Over the next two hours, the MPD members battled to hold their positions on the
exterior and interior of the Capitol Building. The officers were struck with weapons of all
manners and in at least two (2) instances members of the MPD were pulled into the
violent crowd and beaten. The MPD officers continued to fight until the influx of officers,
both from the MPD and mutual aid assistance arrived allowing them to push the crowds
back and off the west steps.

32The investigation into the police-involved shooting of Ms. Babbitt was investigated under IS 21-000046.
This investigation was assigned to Agent John Hendrick of the IAD.


At approximately 1740 hours, one hundred fifty (150) members of the D.C. Army
National Guard arrived at the Capitol and began to assist the officers in pushing the
crowd back. Several platoons formed lines and, using loud verbal commands, shouted
"Move back! Move back! Move back!" With their CDU batons in hand, the MPD officers
utilized Level I mechanical force and were able to advance the police line to First Street,
Northwest, clearing the rioters from the US Capitol building and grounds.

Under the authority of the Mayor, the District of Columbia enacted a citywide curfew at
1800 hours. Smaller groups of rioters continued to fight officers along First Street
Northwest and the west lawn of the Capitol. With the crowd size now manageable and
having adequate resources available, MPD began to arrest the individuals who refused
to leave and continued to defy the curfew. A secure perimeter was established around
the US Capitol at 1814 hours. With the Capitol grounds once again secured, the Senate
gaveled back into session and resumed the democratic process by 2000 hours.

A "closeout report" prepared by the JOCC listed 68 total adult arrests on the date of the
incident, which included curfew violators of the Mayor's order. Additionally, it listed Six
(6) firearms were recovered, approximately 60 pieces of police property either lost,
stolen or damaged, 56 MPD members reporting injuries and 180 use of force incidents
as a result of the protests and subsequent riotous activities. 33

On January 6, 2021, Central Complaint Number (CCN) 21-00255 was generated for
Felony Rioting in regards to the events that took place at the U.S. Capitol.

Following the events of the day, each CDU platoon or involved unit completed a PD
Form 901-M documenting the uses of force reported by their members. Additionally,
each CDU platoon lieutenant or element leader was tasked with the review of all body-
worn camera (BWC) footage capturing the events of January 6, 2021 by their members
to ensure that all uses of force were properly reported and documented, and the actions
of their members were in compliance with MPD policies and procedures. The following
is a summary of the information reported by each platoon:

CDU 12:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 12 was a platoon led by Lieutenant George Donigian,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 25 officers. CDU 12 started their tour of duty at 0730 and
responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1320 hours. While initially positioned at
the base of the western front, CDU 12 was confronted with assaultive rioters prior to the
line being overrun by the mob. CDU 12 was forced up the staircase leading to the
elevated platform. Attackers continued to kick, punch, launch projectiles, and assault
members with chemical sprays. During the course of the incident, all members reported

33 Previously referenced as Attachment 6 - JOCC Closeout Report


using Level 1 Mechanical Force, 8 members reported using OC Spray, and 18
members reported using their Asp as they attempted to hold back the assaultive and
riotous crowd. CDU 12 had eight (8) members report injuries from the incident.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Donigian completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 14:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 14 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 14 started their tour of duty at 1300 and
responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1430 hours. Between 1430 and 0430
hours members of CDU 14 were tasked with reinforcing the police lines around the west
terrace and west tunnel entrance. While holding the line members of CDU 14 were
assaulted with flagpoles, chemical irritants and projectiles. During the course of the
incident, all members used physical force to hold back the line, 6 members reported
using OC Spray, and 1 member reported using their Asp while attempting to hold back
the assaultive crowd. CDU 14 left the Capitol Grounds at 0430 hours and had no
members report injuries from the incident.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Steinhilber completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 16:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 16 was not an established CDU platoon; they were instead
an improvised platoon led by Captain Michael Pulliam, consisting of 2 sergeants and 27
officers. CDU 16 started their tour of duty at 1400 and responded to the US Capitol at
approximately 1510 hours. Between 1545 hours and 1935 hours members of CDU 16
were confronted with an assaultive crowd that attempted to breach the line CDU 16
held, while positioned on the upper western terrace of the Capitol building. During the
course of the incident, two (2) members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force and
two (2) members reported using their personal OC Spray.

On January 7, 2021, Captain Pulliam completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 23:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 23 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso,
consisting of 3 sergeants and 29 officers. CDU 23 started their tour of duty at

34 See Attachment 23- PD Form 901M CDU 12

35 See Attachment 24 - PD Form 901M CDU 14
36 See Attachment 25 - PD Form 901 M CDU 16


approximately 1300 and responded to the US Capitol after a city-wide call for
assistance was voiced at 1440 hours. CDU 23 was directed to respond to the Capitol
Building which they entered from the south entrance. Once inside the building USCP
directed CDU 23 to the second floor where a group of approximately 50- 100 rioters
occupied the various halls. CDU 23 was directed to remove the rioters who were
assaultive as they punched and kicked at the MPD members. After they were
successful in the hallway, CDU 23 moved into the Rotunda where approximately 200-
300 rioters had congregated. CDU 23 along with USCP systematically cleared the
room, forcing the rioters out of the building. After the Capitol Building was cleared, CDU
23 moved to the steps of the Capitol where they assisted other members in holding the
CDU line against the assaultive crowd. During the course of the incident, 29 members
reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force and four (4) members reported using OC
Spray against the assaultive crowd. CDU 23 had two (2) members report injuries from
the incident.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Mancuso completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 25:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 25 was an improvised platoon led by Lieutenants Bredet
Williams and Iris Beistline, consisting of 2 sergeants and 21 officers. CDU 25 started
their tour of duty at 1400 and responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1530 hours.
Once at the Capitol building, CDU 25 formed up and joined the established police line
on the western terrace that was battling back an actively assaultive mob. During the
course of the incident, 22 members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force and one
(1) member reported an injury.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Williams completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 31:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 31 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Riley Hong, consisting of
4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 31 started their tour of duty at 1300 and responded to
the US Capitol at approximately 1430 hours were they were tasked with forming a line
on the upper western terrace to push the rioters back. During the course of the incident,
the entire squad used Level 1 Mechanical Force and one member reported using their
personal OC Spray. CDU 31 left the Capitol Grounds at 1957 hours and had one (1)
member report injuries from the incident.

See Attachment 26 - PD Form 901 M CDU 23
38 See Attachment 27 - PD Form 901 M CDU 25


On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Hong completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or
Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU
31 _39

CDU 32:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 32 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Jimmy Thompson,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 32 started their tour of duty at 1300 and
responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1725 hours. CDU 32 was directed to
remove rioters from several construction trailers that were broken into. After they were
successful in clearing the trailers, CDU 32 formed a line and started to move the crowd
back, with 26 members using mechanical and physical force. CDU 32 had no reported

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Thompson completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 33:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 33 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Mark Lakomec,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 33 started their tour of duty at 0730 and
initially responded to the Capitol at approximately 1500 hours. Upon their arrival
members of CDU 33 were tasked with forming a line on the West side steps of the
Capitol Building and preventing the rioters from breaking the police line. During the
course of the incident, 5 members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force, 5
members' physical force resulted in unknown subjects falling to the ground (takedowns),
and 6 members reported using physical force (hand and foot strikes) to hold back the
assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 33 left the Capitol Grounds at 1800 hours and had
no members report injuries from the incident.

On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Lakomec completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 34:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 34 was a platoon led by Lieutenant John Terry, consisting of
4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 34 started their tour of duty at 0530 and responded to
the Capitol at approximately 1430 hours. CDU 34 was tasked with assisting in the
establishment of a police line and pushing back the riotous crowd. During the course of
the incident, 7 members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force and 1 member

39 See Attachment 28- PD Form 901M CDU 31

40 See Attachment 29 - PD Form 901 M CDU 32
41 See Attachment 30 - PD Form 901 M CDU 33


reported using their personal OC Spray. CDU 34 left the Capitol Grounds at 2200 hours
and had one (1) member report injuries from the incident.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant John Terry completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 42:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 42 was a platoon led by Lieutenant William Hackerman,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 25 officers. CDU 42 started their tour of duty at 0730 and
responded to the Capitol at approximately 1355 hours. Upon arriving on the US Capitol
Grounds, CDU 42 was forced to fight through the hostile crowd until they reached the
lower western terrace. Once on the terrace CDU 42 turned and worked with other CDU
platoons to hold the line against violent rioters. In defense of their person and in an
effort to hold the crowd back from the Capitol Building, all of CDU 42 used physical
force, with 7 instances where the force resulted in a rioter falling to the ground. During
the course of the incident, 8 members reported using OC Spray, 20 members used
Level 1 Mechanical Force, and 16 reported using hand or foot strikes against the
assaultive and riotous crowd. One (1) member deployed an ECD. 43 CDU 42 had nine
(9) members report injuries from the incident.

On January 7, 2021, Lieutenant Hackerman completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 45:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 45 was formed and led by Lieutenants Kenneth Taylor and
Patrick Schaut, consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. Lieutenant Taylor worked an
earlier tour of duty until 1330 before forming an ad-hoc CDU platoon with evening shift
officers and responding to the US Capitol at approximately 1820 hours. Upon the
platoon's arrival, CDU 45 was tasked with joining outside law enforcement agencies and
military personnel who were pushing a riotous group westbound away from the US
Capitol. CDU 45 used constructive and level 1 Mechanical Force to move the resisting
rioters back. CDU 45 had no members report injuries as a result of the incident.

Lieutenant Taylor completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or Demonstration Reportable

Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU 45. 45

42 See Attachment 31 - PD Form 901 M CDU 34

43 Incident Summary #21-000058 was generated for the Use of Force (ECO) by Sergeant Jin Park. This
investigation was assigned to Agent Ebony Merritt of the IAD.
44 See Attachment 32 - PD Form 901 M CDU 42
45 See Attachment 33 - PD Form 901 M CDU 45


CDU 51:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 51 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Peter Sheldon, consisting
of 4 sergeants and 27 officers. CDU 51 started their tour of duty at 1300 and responded
to the Capitol at approximately 1445 hours. CDU 51 entered the Capitol on the east side
and observed hundreds of rioters unlawfully occupying and destroying property within
the building. CDU 51 formed a line and obstructed the crowd from entering the Senate
Chambers as the crowd assaulted them with chemical irritants and club style weapons.
The rioters were eventually forced back towards the Rotunda where they were forced
out the east building entrance. During the course of the incident, all members reported
using Level 1 Mechanical Force, OC Spray, and physical force to include hand and foot
strikes to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. There were no reported injuries
from CDU 51.

On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Sheldon completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU
51 _46

CDU 53:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 53 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Brian Brown, consisting
of 4 sergeants and 29 officers. CDU 53 started their tour of duty at 1600 and responded
to the US Capitol at approximately 1630 hours. Upon their arrival CDU 53 was asked to
move the rioters from the Capitol lawn. The individuals who refused to leave were
warned that they would be arrested under the declared curfew and at 1925 hours
Commander Glover gave the order to arrest the remaining violators. When officers
approached a Mr. Christopher Alberts, they found that he was in possession of a
firearm. Mr. Alberts attempted to pull away and flee but was taken to the ground by
Officer Dalian Haynes of the MPD. Mr. Alberts was placed under arrest47 and
transported for additional processing. Later that evening, CDU 53 was tasked to
respond to the Hamilton Crowne Plaza Hotel at 1001 14th Street, Northeast to enforce
the curfew. CDU 53 members observed a group in front of the hotel and after three
warnings by SOD were informed that they would be placed under arrest. Three (3) CDU
53 members reported using Physical Force. CDU 53 had no reported injuries from the

On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Brown completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

46 See Attachment 34 - PD Form 901 M CDU 51

47 CCN 21-002723 Carrying a Pistol without a License, Possession of a Firearm on U.S. Capitol Grounds,
Possession of Unregistered Ammunition, and Possession of a Large Capacity Feeding Device.
48 See Attachment 35 - PD Form 901 M CDU 53


CDU 54:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 54 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Ryan Small, consisting of
4 sergeants and 25 officers. CDU 54 started their tour of duty at 0600 and responded to
the US Capitol at approximately 1409 hours. Between 1445 and 1830 hours members
of CDU 54 were confronted with rioters who assaulted officers with bear spray, blunt
weapons, and other improvised weapons while positioned at the hallway of the west
entrance of the Capitol building. During the course of the incident, Twenty nine (29)
members reported using force that consisted of Level 1 Mechanical Force, OC Spray,
and using hand and foot strikes to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 54
had two (2) members report injuries from the incident.

On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Small completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 61:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 61 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler, consisting
of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 61 started their tour of duty at 0530 and responded
to the US Capitol at approximately 1441 hours. CDU 61 members were confronted with
rioters who assaulted officers with bear spray, blunt weapons, and other improvised
weapons while positioned inside and outside the US Capitol. During the course of the
incident, six (6) members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force, three (3) reported
using OC Spray, and two (2) reported using hand and foot strikes to hold back the
assaultive and riotous crowd.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Tyler completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU
61 _50

CDU 62:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 62 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Brian Stacks, consisting
of 4 sergeants and 35 officers. CDU 62 started their tour of duty at 1600 and responded
to the Capitol at approximately 1615 hours. CDU 62 members were confronted with
rioters who assaulted officers with bear spray, blunt weapons, and other improvised
weapons while positioned outside the U.S. Capitol on the upper west terrace. During the
course of the incident, thirty-six (36) members reported using Level 1 Mechanical Force,
and two (2) reported using OC Spray. CDU 62 reported no injuries from the incident.

On January 7, 2021, Lieutenant Stacks completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

49 See Attachment 36 - PD Form 901 M CDU 54

50 See Attachment 37 - PD Form 901 M CDU 61
51 See Attachment 38 - PD Form 901 M CDU 62


CDU 63:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 63 responded and was led by Lieutenant Justin Roth,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 29 officers. CDU 63 were confronted with rioters who
assaulted officers with edged weapons, blunt objects, tasers, chemical irritants, and
fireworks, while positioned at the lower west terrace tunnel. During the course of the
incident, twelve (12) members reported using OC Spray, three (3) reported using hand
and foot strikes to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd, and five (5) members
reported utilizing level I mechanical force. 52

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Roth completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 64:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 64 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 64 started their tour of duty at 0730 and
responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1300 hours. CDU 64 were confronted
with rioters who assaulted officers with edged weapons, blunt objects, tasers, chemical
irritants, and fireworks, while positioned at the lower west terrace tunnel and on the
upper west terrace landing. During the course of the incident, thirty (30) members
reported using force that consisted of Level 1 Mechanical Force, OC Spray, and
physical force to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 64 had six (6)
members report injuries from the incident.

On January 8, 2021, Lieutenant Hawkins completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 65:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 65 was an improvised platoon led by Lieutenant Ronald
Bridges, consisting of 3 sergeants and 36 officers. CDU 65 started their tour of duty at
1430 and responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1600 hours. CDU 65 were
confronted with rioters who assaulted officers with edged weapons, blunt objects,
tasers, chemical irritants, and fireworks while positioned inside and outside the U.S.
Capitol. During the course of the incident, seven (7) members reported using Level I
Mechanical Force, three (3) reported using OC Spray, and four (4) members reported
using hand and foot strikes to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 65 had
no reported injuries from the incident.

52 Incident Summary# 21-000063 was generated to investigate the serious use of force (Baton- Head
Strike) by Officer Kevin Peralta. This investigation was assigned to Agent Christopher Tilly of the IAD.
53 See Attachment 39 - PD Form 901 M CDU 63
54 See Attachment 40 - PD Form 901 M CDU 64


On January 9, 2021, Lieutenant Bridges completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or
Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

CDU 71:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 71 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Christopher Dove,
consisting of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 71 started their tour of duty at 0730 and
responded to the US Capitol at approximately 1423 hours. CDU 71 were confronted
with rioters who assaulted officers with edged weapons, blunt objects, tasers, chemical
irritants, and fireworks while positioned inside and outside the U.S. Capitol. During the
course of the incident, thirty three (33) members reported using Level 1 Mechanical
Force, five (5) members reported using OC Spray, and five (5) members reported using
hand and foot strikes to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 71 had no
reported injuries from the incident.

On January 10, 2021, Lieutenant Dove completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU
71 _56

CDU 74:
On January 6, 2021, CDU 74 was a platoon led by Lieutenant Valerie Patete, consisting
of 4 sergeants and 28 officers. CDU 74 started their tour of duty at 0730 and responded
to the US Capitol at approximately 1330 hours. CDU 74 members were confronted with
rioters who assaulted officers with edged weapons, blunt objects, tasers, chemical
irritants, and fireworks while positioned inside and outside the U.S. Capitol. During the
course of the incident, eighteen (18) members reported using Level I Mechanical Force,
twelve (12) reported using OC Spray, and twelve (12) members reported using physical
force to hold back the assaultive and riotous crowd. CDU 74 had six (6) members report
injuries from the incident.

On January 7, 2021, Lieutenant Patete completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by CDU

On January 6, 2021, under the supervision of Lieutenant Zeb Barcus, the Electronic
Surveillance Unit (ESU) and Narcotics and Special Investigation Division (NSID) formed
a team of 2 sergeants, 22 officers, and 4 detectives. The NSID unit started their tour of
duty at 1500 and responded to the US Capitol at 1520 hours. Members of the NSID unit

55 See Attachment 41 - PD Form 901 M CDU 65

56 See Attachment 42 - PD Form 901 M CDU 71
57 See Attachment 43- PD Form 901M CDU 74


were tasked with clearing the west side of the Capitol of rioters. During the course of the
incident, ten (10) members reported using OC Spray. The NSID unit had no reported
injuries from the incident.

On January 6, 2021, Captain John Branch 58 completed a PD Form 901 M (Assembly or

Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force utilized by the
NSID. 59

On January 6, 2021, under the supervision of Commander Robert Glover, Special
Operations Division members utilized Level 1 Mechanical Force, Level II Mechanical
Force, Physical Force, Chemical Force, and OC Force. 60 SOD had 61 members report
using force during this incident. The Domestic Security Operations (DSO) unit reported
that a total of 253 munitions were deployed by SOD members. A breakdown of the
munitions utilized was compiled and prepared by Lieutenant Andrew Haros and is
attached to this report. 61

On January 15, 2021, Lieutenant Jason Bagshaw completed a PD Form 901 M

(Assembly or Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force
utilized by the Special Operations Division. 62

On January 6, 2021, Sergeant Johnnie Barnes of the Youth and Family Services
Division (YSFD) self-deployed to the U.S. Capitol. Sergeant Barnes reported utilizing
Level I Mechanical Force and Physical Force to clear the west lawn of the Capitol. He
was not part of a mobilized CDU platoon.

On January 9, 20201, Captain Michelle Williams completed a PD Form 901 M

(Assembly or Demonstration Reportable Force Report) that documented the force
utilized by the Youth and Family Services Division. 63


Commander Robert Glover Badge CO-44, CAD 4164

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 49 years old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225
Appointed to MPD: November 14, 1994

58 On May 7, 2021, Captain Branch was promoted to the rank of Commander.

59 See Attachment 44 - PD Form 901 M NSID
60 Incident Summary# 21-000048 was generated in reference to the Use of Force (ECO) by Sergeant

Daniel Thau. This investigation was assigned to Agent Maurice Macdonald of the IAD.
61 See Attachment 45 - SOD Munitions and OC Chart
62 See Attachment 46 - PD Form 901 M SOD
63 See Attachment 47 - PD Form 901 M YFSD


Assignment: Special Operations Division
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Lieutenant Andrew Horos Badge L-168, CAD 8328

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Asian Male, 36 years old
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200
Appointed to MPD: July 23, 2007
Assignment: Special Operations Division
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Sergeant Daniel Thau Badge S-0580, CAD 9062

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 36 years old
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160
Appointed to MPD: May 11, 2009
Assignment: Special Operations Division (Air Support Unit)
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes


Sergeant Anthony Alioto Badge S-0473, CAD 4568
Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 48 years old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 240
Appointed to MPD: January 27, 1997
Assignment: Special Operations Division
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Senior Sergeant Frank Edwards Badge S-0724, CAD 3481

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 55 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 295
Appointed to MPD: September 28, 2020
Assignment: Special Operations Division
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Tara Tindall Badge 4865, CAD 9165

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian female, 36 years old
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130
Appointed to MPD: October 26, 2009
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None


Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer James Crisman Badge 3214, CAD 6049

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 48 years old
Height: 6'
Weight: 200
Appointed to MPD: September 25, 2000
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Christopher Wickham Badge 2051 , CAD 3966

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 46 years old
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 225
Appointed to MPD: November 10, 1997
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Shawn Caldwell Badge 2832, CAD 3562

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 48 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 225
Appointed to MPD: October 13, 1998
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau


ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Justin Jordan Badge 3606, CAD 9539

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 37 years old
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 225
Appointed to MPD: June 18, 2012
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Georgy Rock Badge 354 7, CAD 5961

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: White Male, 4 7 years old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225
Appointed to MPD: May 21, 1998
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Richard Khoury Badge 2272, CAD 4680

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform


Personal: White Male, 51 years old
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 185
Appointed to MPD: November 14, 1994
Assignment: Homeland Security Bureau
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Anthony Campanale Badge 2457, CAD 7137

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 39 years old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 200
Appointed to MPD: July 26, 2004
Assignment: Special Operations Division (ERT)
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

Officer Nicholas Smith Badge 2458, CAD 8173

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 35 years old
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 180
Appointed to MPD: February 20, 2007
Assignment: Special Operations Division (ERT)
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None


Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes


CDU 11

Lieutenant Raul Mendez Badge L-245, CAD 5953

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Hispanic Male, 54 years old
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 250
Appointed to MPD: July 15, 2002
Assignment: First District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
BWC Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


Lieutenant George Donigian Badge L-213, CAD 9066

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 33 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200
Appointed to MPD: June 08, 2009
Assignment: First District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
BWC Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

64All CDU platoon commanders who were activated on January 6, 2021 are included herein. Not all
platoons reported the use of force.



Lieutenant Daniel Dyn Badge L-166, CAD 7820

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 40 years old
Height: 6'03"
Weight: 170
Appointed to MPD: August07,2006
Assignment: First District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber Badge L-326, CAD 6094

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 59 years old
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 160
Appointed to MPD: September 25, 2000
Assignment: First District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 22
Lieutenant John Pongratz Badge L-377, CAD 6224
Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 45 years old
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 185
Appointed to MPD: May 21, 2001


Assignment: Second District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A

CDU 23

Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso Badge L-218, CAD 8747

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Female, 38 years old
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 150
Appointed to MPD: September 22, 2014
Assignment: Second District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A

CDU 24

Lieutenant Marlon Ollivierre Badge L-264, CAD 6443

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 51 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180
Appointed to MPD: May 06, 2002
Assignment: Second District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None


Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A

CDU 25

Lieutenant Bredet Williams Badge L-312, CAD 4082

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Female, 48 years old
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Appointed to MPD: December 21, 1998
Assignment: Second District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 31

Lieutenant Riley Hong Badge L-160, CAD 8065

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Asian Male, 41 years old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165
Appointed to MPD: October 30, 2006
Assignment: Third District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 32

Lieutenant Jimmie Thompson Badge L-358, CAD 5895

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 50 years old


Height: 6'02"
Weight: 240
Appointed to MPD: March 15, 2000
Assignment: Third District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 33

Lieutenant Mark Lakomec Badge L-243, CAD 4748

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 46 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210
Appointed to MPD: August 2, 1999
Assignment: Third District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 34

Lieutenant John Terry Badge L-189, CAD 8138

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 36 years old
Height: 6'02"
Weight: 220
Appointed to MPD: January 22, 2007
Assignment: Third District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes


Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 35

Lieutenant Brian Hollan Badge L-171, CAD 7748

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 37 years old
Height: 5'08"
Weight: 150
Appointed to MPD: May 15, 2006
Assignment: Third District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


Lieutenant William Hackerman Badge L-242, CAD 8883

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 40 years old
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 255
Appointed to MPD: November 24, 2008
Assignment: Fourth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes



Lieutenant Sharde Harris Badge L-241, CAD 8729

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Female, 35 years old
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 120
Appointed to MPD: June 23, 2008
Assignment: Fourth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky Badge L-373, CAD 6315

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 52 years old
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 200
Appointed to MPD: November 05, 2001
Assignment: Fourth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor Badge L-199, CAD 4594

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 45 years old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180
Appointed to MPD: September 06, 2005


Assignment: Fourth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 51

Lieutenant Peter Sheldon Badge L-313, CAD 2229

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 45 years old
Height: 5'06"
Weight: 185
Appointed to MPD: May 29, 1998
Assignment: Fifth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 52

Lieutenant John Sprague Badge L-246, CAD 8426

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 38 years old
Height: 6'01"
Weight: 215
Appointed to MPD: September 17, 2007
Assignment: Fifth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None


Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A

CDU 54

Lieutenant Ryan Small Badge L-202, CAD 7331

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 38 years old
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185
Appointed to MPD: January 10, 2005
Assignment: Fifth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 55

Lieutenant James Chatmon Badge L-235, CAD 7494

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 49 years old
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150
Appointed to MPD: September 26, 2005
Assignment: Fifth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A


CDU 61

Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler Badge L-333, CAD 8139

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Female, 38 years old
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135
Appointed to MPD: January 22, 2007
Assignment: Sixth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: N/A

CDU 62

Lieutenant Brian Stacks Badge L-273, CAD 8092

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 43 years old
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 205
Appointed to MPD: November 27, 2006
Assignment: Sixth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 63

Lieutenant Justin Roth Badge L-345, CAD 8892

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 37 years old
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 195
Appointed to MPD: November 24, 2008


Assignment: Sixth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 64

Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins Badge L-151, CAD 5942

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Female, 47 years old
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 220
Appointed to MPD: May 22, 1996
Assignment: Sixth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 65

Lieutenant Ronald Bridges Badge L-198, CAD 9124

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Black Male, 49 years old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 255
Appointed to MPD: October 26, 2009
Assignment: Sixth District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None


Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 71

Lieutenant Christopher Dove Badge L-376, CAD 5394

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Male, 44 years old
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 188
Appointed to MPD: October 25, 1998
Assignment: Seventh District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes

CDU 74

Lieutenant Valerie Patete Badge L-221, CAD 9324

Duty & Uniform Status: On Duty, in Full Uniform
Personal: Caucasian Female, 33 years old
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 188
Appointed to MPD: October 3, 2011
Assignment: Seventh District
ASP Equipped: Yes
OC Spray Equipped: Yes
Soft Body Armor Equipped: Yes
awe Equipped: Yes
Legal Representation: None
Current Duty Status: Full Duty
Impairment: None
Statement provided: Yes
901m: Yes



Violations that led to Police Contact:

Crossing a Police Line 24 DCMR § 2100.1

Rioting DC Code § 22-1322
Violations during Police Contact:

Rioting DC Code § 22-1322

Assault on a Police Officer DC Code§ 22-405
Assault with a Deadly Weapon DC Code§ 22-402
Unlawful Entry DC Code § 22-3302
Carrying Concealed Weapons DC Code§ 22-4504


Due to the hostile environment that MPD members faced from protesters on the scene
of the incident, a proper witness canvass could not be conducted by CDU officials. The
rapidly evolving incident, spanning several locations, coupled with the time afforded
officials on the scenes of these incidents, left little opportunity to canvass and chronicle
force used. This was corrected in this investigation through first person interviews,
eyewitness statements, BWC videos, and a review of social media.


Subjects of the Force

It is unknown if any of the unidentified rioters suffered injuries during this incident as a
result of force used by the MPD.
MPD Members
There were (56) MPD members who reported injuries as a result of the events around
January 6, 2021. Eighteen ( 18) of these members were transported to the hospital.
Injuries included complaints of pain, chemical spray exposure, a broken nose, and
concussions. 65 Two MPD members were admitted to local hospitals in stable condition.

65 Previously referenced as Attachment 6 - JOCC Closeout Report


MPD Property Damaged / Destroyed
Approximately sixty (60) pieces of MPD equipment were reported lost, stolen, or
damaged as a result of this incident. 66

Other property damage reported:

The Architect of the Capitol, Mr. J. Brett Blanton, estimated that $30 million dollars
would be needed to repair damages to the U.S. Capitol as a result of the incident on
January 6, 2021. During Mr. Blanton's prepared testimony to the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on February 24, 2021, Mr. Blanton described how historic statues,
murals, lanterns, and furniture were damaged as well as special structures and
equipment set up for the inauguration.
Uninvolved Civilians
No uninvolved civilians are known to have reported any injuries to MPD related to this
use of force incident.

Commander Robert Glover MPD HSB

On March 15, 2021, Commander Robert Glover provided an audio recorded statement
to Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary
of Commander Glover's statement: 67

Commander Glover reported that on January 6th , 2021, he was the incident commander
for the events taking place known as the "Stop the Steal I MAGA" march. Commander
Glover reported that a traffic post officer called out over the radio that there were three
individuals walking in the 1400 block of Independence Avenue, Northwest, who were
armed with AR-15 style weapons. Commander Glover responded to this location shortly
before 1300 hours. While at this location, Commander Glover noted a large group of
"orange hats" with "Don't Tread on Me" flags heading east towards the Capitol.
Commander Glover was notified by Chief Carroll via telephone that the U.S. Capitol
Police were working a potential explosive device at the RNC. Commander Glover
directed EOD to respond to the area to assist U.S. Capitol Police. Commander Glover
responded to the area as well. While in route, Chief Carroll notified Commander Glover
that U.S. Capitol Police was requesting assistance from MPD CDU elements.
Commander Glover ordered three MPD CDU platoons to respond to the Capitol.
Commander Glover staged the three CDU platoons in the 100 block Maryland Avenue.
Upon staging at that location, Commander Glover repositioned a CDU platoon to 3 rd
and Maryland Avenue, and took the other two CDU platoons on foot to the Capitol.

Commander Glover and the two CDU platoons responded to the West side of the
Capitol and observed a large crowd of 10 to 15 thousand demonstrators. Commander
66 Previously referenced as Attachment 6 - JOCC Closeout report
67 See Attachment 48 - (Audio) Interview of Commander Robert Glover


Glover noted that there was virtually no U.S. Capitol Police presence. Commander
Glover and the CDU platoons found their way to the lower inaugural platform where he
made contact with a U.S. Capitol Police Deputy Chief. Commander Glover noted that
the U.S. Capitol police officers on the platform were mixed between a "hard" and "soft"
presence . U.S. Capitol Police officers were utilizing force to hold the crowd back. There
were numerous Capitol Police officers who were injured by that point. Commander
Glover ordered the third CDU platoon to respond. Commander Glover described the
crowd as being assaultive. Commander Glover noted that the crowd was deploying bear
spray, smoke, CS gas, and other unknown substances on the officers. The crowds were
using bike racks as battering rams against the police lines as well as pieces of
scaffolding from the inaugural stand. The crowd had also managed to obtain shields
from the Capitol Police officers and utilized them against the established police lines.
Commander Glover ordered the DSO teams to respond to the Capitol.

Commander Glover immediately authorized the deployment of OC spray and less-lethal

munitions. Commander Glover sought and received permission from Chief Carroll to
deployed CS gas. Commander Glover reported that "copious" amounts of CS gas was
deployed. Commander Glover noted that dozens of officers were injured. The crowd
had surged and began to encircle the police line. Commander Glover ordered the police
line to fall back to the upper terrace. Commander Glover decided to call a 10-33 at that
point. The police line re-established on the top platform of the inaugural stand. By this
point, rioters had gained a foothold on the inaugural platform, the press towers,
construction trailers, and had already breached the Capitol. Commander Glover noted
that every MPD CDU platoon working that day responded to the Capitol. During the
incident, Commander Glover requested that outside agencies who were on stand-by
respond. Prince Georges County PD responded to the north side of the upper terrace.
Arlington County PD, Montgomery County PD, and CDU 23 took the north stairwell of
the inaugural platform to prevent the inflow of rioters to the upper terrace. USPP and
MPD ERT members cleared the top deck of the inaugural reviewing stand.

Commander Kyle oversaw the middle terrace entrance way. Upon Virginia State Police
arriving at the Capitol, Commander Glover directed them to Commander Kyle. VSP
assisted with clearing the tunnel way. Commander Glover reported that he deployed his
40mm EIW multiple times. Commander Glover reported that he deployed 40mm sting-
ball munitions and baton rounds. Commander Glover estimated that he deployed his
40mm EIW on six occasions and threw approximately ten (10) sting-ball grenades.

Commander Glover reported that Sergeant Thau deployed multiple ECD's during the
incident. Commander Glover reported that Sergeant Thau also deployed hand thrown
sting-balls as well. Commander Glover decided to conduct a push of the crowd to the
north. VSP deployed a flash-bang munition inside the tunnel. This had great effect and
allowed the police line to advance out of the tunnel and clear all of the rioters from that
area. Commander Glover had instructed the outside agencies that all use of force
options were on the table and that the agency should operate according to their
respective use of force policies. Once Commander Glover saw that VSP had made it
out of the tunnel he decided to ramp up the push of the rioters. Once the police line


made it to the lower level of the reviewing stand the police line formed into a wedge due
to the high walls of the Capitol steps. The police elements had to extract rioters off of
this wall and direct them down to the next level. Once the police line reached the lowest
level, the line extended north and south. The push continued to 1st Street. Commander
Glover then decided to continue the push until the police line reached Pennsylvania

By this time, the curfew was established and warnings were given. Commander Glover
directed MPD units to encircle the rioters who violated the curfew order. Numerous
arrests were made and a handgun was recovered from one of the rioters. These arrests
occurred in the 200 block of Independence Avenue . Commander Glover utilized other
outside agencies to replace MPD members on the police line that was established
around the Capitol and on Pennsylvania. Commander Glover reported that a majority of
the crowd had on protective gear and utilized small team tactics to surge the crowd
against the police lines. Commander Glover reported that the force he observed being
used against the rioters was within the established MPD general orders. Commander
Glover also noted that in many cases the officers were fighting for their lives and he
believed that the use of deadly force may happen at multiple times throughout this
incident. Commander Glover believed that the crowd was trying to kill officers.
Commander Glover noted that MPD's function was not to make arrests as they cleared
the Capitol grounds. The arrests that were made were handled by U.S . Capitol Police.
Commander Glover noted that this was not a 1st Amendment Assembly; it was an
armed insurrection.

Lieutenant Andrew Haros DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Lieutenant Andrew Haros provided an audio recorded statement to

Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Haros' statement: 68

Lieutenant Haros and two DSO teams responded to the U.S. Capitol at the request of
Commander Glover. Lieutenant Haros arrived at the Capitol around 1300 hours and
responded to the west front of the Capitol. Upon Lieutenant Haros' arrival, a police line
had been established in front of the inaugural scaffolding. Rioters were attempting to
remove the bike rack barricades. Rioters were throwing rebar at officers as well as other
metal objects. The rioters were also deploying bear spray and wasp spray at officers.
Lieutenant Haros reported that rioters had climbed the scaffolding and were dropping
objects onto officers. This was an area of concern because it was the only area that a
CDU platoon could not be deployed because of the infrastructure. Lieutenant Haros
reported that he deployed a sting-ball grenade in this area to disperse rioters. However,
due to the density of the crowd it did not take effect. Lieutenant Haros reported that
based on the tactics used by the rioters he concluded that most of them had prior law
enforcement or military training. Lieutenant Haros reported that DSO members armed
with 40mm EIW's deployed aerial burst munitions, sting-balls munitions, QC skat, and

68 See Attachment 49 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Andrew Haros


CS skat. Hand-thrown munitions included sting-ball grenades, CS burners, CS blast
canisters, and triple chasers.

Lieutenant Haros reported that the rioters were pulling officers into the crowd, removing
their helmets, and striking them in the head with sticks and batons. Lieutenant Haros
reported that numerous MPD officers were injured. Lieutenant Haros reported that he
went through several MK-9 OC spray canisters at the initial police CDU line. Eventually
that CDU line gave way and the police elements fell back to the upper terrace of the
west side of the Capitol. Lieutenant Haros estimated that he deployed 5 to six hand
thrown sting-ball grenades throughout the entire incident.

Lieutenant Haros reported that he and other MPD members found themselves inside
the Rotunda of the Capitol. Numerous rioters were inside the Rotunda. Lieutenant
Haros and other MPD members deployed OC spray inside the rotunda to clear out the
rioters. Lieutenant Haros reported that no munitions were deployed inside the Rotunda.
Once the rotunda was cleared Lieutenant Haros responded back outside the Capitol
where police lines had been re-established. Once outside, the police line was pelted
with numerous objects by the rioters. A push of the rioters off of the terrace and the
steps of the Capitol occurred. During that push, DSO deployed approximately two sting-
ball grenades. Once the push halted at 1st street, Lieutenant Haros responded back
inside with other DSO members to the tunnel where Commander Kyle and other assets
were positioned. Once inside the tunnel, Lieutenant Haros observed numerous injured
officers. VSP responded to the tunnel to assist with clearing the rioters. VSP deployed a
flashbang inside the tunnel. Rioters were assaulting officers by punching them and
hitting them with flag poles. Lieutenant Haros deployed multiple sting-balls inside the
tunnel. Officers inside the tunnel were able to push the rioters out and eventually
cleared the tunnel. Once outside of the tunnel, additional police lines were established.

Lieutenant Haros reported that this was the most violent riot that he has been involved
in during his law enforcement career. Lieutenant Haros reported that at one point he
observed a rioter beating an MPD member over the head with a piece of rebar.
Lieutenant Haros described this action as someone hitting a pifiata.

Senior Sergeant Frank Edwards DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Senior Sergeant Frank Edwards provided an audio recorded

statement to Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a
summary of Sergeant Edwards' statement: 69

Sergeant Edwards reported that he and other members of the DSO were working the
0530 hours tour of duty until relieved. Sergeant Edwards reported that he and his DSO
team responded to the U.S. Capitol at the request of Commander Glover. Sergeant
Edwards responded to the west front of the Capitol. Sergeant Edwards reported that the
rioters were throwing objects at police officers. These objects included rocks, metal

69 See Attachment 50 - (Audio) Interview of Senior Sergeant Frank Edwards


couplings from scaffolding, and poles. Numerous rioters were deploying bear spray and
wasp spray at the officers.

Sergeant Edwards reported that he deployed aerial burst munitions, foam baton rounds,
rubber baton rounds, CS and OC skat rounds from his 40mm EIW. Sergeant Edwards
was not sure how many munitions he deployed throughout the incident. Sergeant
Edwards reported that he wanted to deploy more munitions but the wind conditions
were not favorable. Sergeant Edwards and several MPD officers succumbed to the
effects and the CS and OC that was deployed and relocated to inside the rotunda. Once
inside the rotunda and after they had a chance to recover, Sergeant Edwards and other
MPD officer assisted with clearing out the rioters from inside the Capitol. Once back
outside the Capitol, Sergeant Edwards supported the CDU line that pushed rioters off of
the upper terrace of the Capitol. Sergeant Edwards responded to the "tunnel of death"
to assist with that operation. Inside the tunnel, Sergeant Edwards deployed a skat
rounds and rubber baton rounds. The tunnel was eventually cleared of rioters and
additional police lines were established outside the Capitol. Sergeant Edwards reported
that he used physical force (push) to clear rioters off of the Capitol grounds.

Sergeant Anthony Alioto DSO, SOD

On Thursday March 4, 2021, Sergeant Anthony Alioto provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Pulliam. The following is a summary of Sergeant Alioto's statement:

On January 6, 2021, Sergeant Alioto was assigned to the Domestic Security Office
(DSO). As a member of DSO, Sergeant Alioto oversees the MPD's response to Hazmat
scenes and Civil Disturbances. During the morning, Sergeant Alioto and DSO were
standing by near Freedom Plaza where there was scheduled to be a demonstration.
Around 1300 hours, Commander Glover requested the DSO to respond to the US
Capitol. As soon as the Sergeant Alioto started approaching the Capitol, he observed
that a large and volatile crowd had amassed around the west lawn of the Capitol.

Sergeant Alioto reported that the crowd was throwing rocks, metal scaffolding, and hard
objects in addition to spraying bear and wasp spray at the officers. Sergeant Alioto
started trying to establish a police line while deploying munitions in an attempt to move
the crowds back. While the munitions were able to provide a brief relief, ultimately the
officers were forced to fall back to the upper terrace and ultimately responded into the
Capitol Building where they assisted in clearing the rioters from the building. Sergeant
Alioto believed that outside of additional munitions and manpower there was nothing
else the MPD could have done to hold back the crowd.

70 See Attachment 51 - (Audio) Interview of Sergeant Anthony Alioto


Sergeant Daniel Thau ASU, SOD

On Thursday March 4, 2021, Sergeant Daniel Thau provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Pulliam. The following is a summary of Sergeant Thau's statement:

On January 6, 2021, Sergeant Thau was assigned to operate a munitions team leader
with the Domestic Security Office (DSO) . As a munitions team leader Sergeant Thau
was tasked to oversee the DSO officers supply and use of munitions depending on the
various situations that might arise. On January 6, 2021 Sergeant Thau monitored the
later morning events, realizing that the US Capitol could potentially be a target after
listening to President Trump's speech at the Ellipse.

Accordingly, Sergeant Thau prepared a "Full Load Out" of munitions to include hand
thrown and 40mm OC, OC Spray canisters, and CS gas. At approximately 1300 hours
Sergeant Thau was at Third and Constitution with Lieutenant Ronald Wilkins, Captain
Daniel Harrington and Commander Robert Glover when Assistant Chief of Police
Jeffery Carroll relayed to Commander Glover that the Capitol was being breached and
that they would be calling a "10-33" to respond there.

Sergeant Thau stated that as he started to respond he did not understand the
magnitude of what was occurring until he arrived and observed USCP overrun,
barricades being used by the crowd against officers, scaffolding being torn down, hard
metal object being thrown at officers, officers bleeding from the head, and what he
described as an uncontrolled Riot.

Upon their arrival Sergeant Thau and the MPD's immediate objective was to form a
police line on the west lawn. Sergeant Thau stated that the only special weapon he was
initially armed with was an MK9 OC dispenser which held 9 ounces of OC spray.
Sergeant Thau immediately utilized the MK9 on the assaultive and violent crowd in an
attempt to disperse and distract them from their riotous behavior.

Sergeant Thau mentioned that throughout the past year OC spray was sufficiently
effective in dispersing unlawful and riotous crowds but that the OC spray and MPD
munitions were not working as an effective deterrent to this amassed group. Once
MPD's munitions were exhausted, Sergeant Thau turned to UCSP and asked them to
bring out any and all munitions they might have. When they did not supply Sergeant
Thau with any additional resources, Sergeant Thau started using physical force and his
ASP baton in an attempt to stop the onslaught of assaultive rioters who were still
pushing towards the Capitol Building.

71 See Attachment 52 - (Audio) Interview of Sergeant Daniel Thau


After an hour or so of holding the line at the west lawn, Sergeant Thau and DSO officers
were forced up the stairs, under scaffolding, and onto a lower terrace. Eventually
Sergeant Thau and the MPD held various points and lines on the US Capitol. Over the
next hours, Sergeant Thau used the following munitions:

• One hand-thrown smoke munition

• Three Stinger Grenades
• Multiple Rubber Ball Blast Grenades (exact number unknown)
• Multiple OC Blast hand-thrown munitions (exact number unknown)
• Multiple CS Blast hand-thrown munitions (exact number unknown)
• Two OC SKAT rounds

Sergeant Thau's stated intent for use of the munitions was to keep the rioters back from
the line of officers so that ideally the officers were not forced to use physical force. This
objective was not achieved and instead the officers were almost constantly forced to
push back against the crowd . Sergeant Thau expressed his observation that many of
the people in the crowd were wearing body armor and he feared that if he or the MPD
used deadly force (service pistols) it would have been more of an instigator than a

Sergeant Thau stated that the rioters were a crowd unlike anything he had experienced

He worried that police officers were going to be beaten to death, and the crowds were
going to gain full access to the Capitol. Eventually Sergeant Thau responded to the
doorway that was referred to as the "Tunnel of Death." The tunnel was eventually
cleared of rioters and additional police lines were established outside the Capitol,
ultimately leading in a mass arrest.

Officer Richard Khoury D5O, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Officer Richard Khoury provided an audio recorded statement to

Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Officer Khoury's' statement: 72

Officer Khoury reported that he and other members of the DSO responded to the west
front of the Capitol at the request of Commander Glover. Upon arrival, Officer Khoury
observed a large riotous crowd who were assaulting MPD officers. The CDU line was
established at the foot of the Capitol stairs. Rioters were attempting remove the bike
rack barricades that had been erected. Officer Khoury deployed multiple bursts of OC
spray from his MK-9 at that location. Officer Khoury reported that the rioters were
assaulting officers with metal poles and other objects. Officer Khoury reported that the
rioters were spraying the officers with bear spray and wasp spray. The CDU line broke
72 See Attachment 53 - (Audio) Interview of Officer Richard Khoury


and relocated to the upper terrace of the west front. Once on the upper terrace, Officer
Khoury deployed three to four sting-ball munitions from his 40mm EIW at the crowd.
Officer Khoury deployed OC and CS skat rounds at rioters who had climbed the
scaffolding and were throwing objects at officers.

Officer Gregory Rock DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Officer Gregory rock provided an audio recorded statement to Agent
Joseph Della Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of Officer Rock's
statement: 73

Officer Rock reported that he was working the 1500-2400 hours tour of duty and was
assigned to the DSO. Officer Rock arrived at the west front of the Capitol shortly after
1500 hours. Officer Rock linked up with PGPD and entered the Capitol grounds from
the south and worked their way around to the front. Officer Rock reported that the crowd
was hostile and assaultive and would not respond to verbal commands. A CDU line was
established and a push of the crowd was conducted to the north. Rioters were throwing
objects at officers. Officer Rock deployed multiple bursts of QC spray at rioters who
were assaultive. Officer Rock utilized mechanical force to push rioters off of the Capitol
grounds. Officer Rock responded the tunnel to assist with clearing rioters from that area.
Inside the tunnel, there were multiple injured officers. MPD and VSP pushed the rioters
out of the tunnel and onto the lower terrace of the Capitol. Rioters disassembled parts of
the scaffolding and assaulted officers with metal poles. Officer Rock deployed a single
QC skat round from his 40mm EIW at these individuals to disperse them which was

Officer Tara Tindall DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Officer Tara Tindall provided an audio recorded statement to Agent
Joseph Della Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of Officer Tindall's
statement: 74

On January 6, 2021, Officer Tindall and Officer Crisman responded to the U.S. Capitol
shortly after 1300 hours at the request of Commander Glover. Upon arrival, Officer
Tindall observed a large crowd at the U.S. Capitol. The crowd was assaultive towards
officers and were throwing objects. Officer Tindall noticed blood on the upper terrace on
the Capitol. Officer Tindall observed numerous injured officers who were bleeding from
facial injuries. Officer Tindall was there to provide munitions support to the MPD CDU
units. Officer Tindall deployed numerous sting-ball rounds and OC skat rounds from her
40mm EIW at the riotous crowd. Officer Tindall deployed these munitions at rioters who
were assaultive towards officers. Officer Tindall reported that many individuals in the
crowd were wearing protective gear and that the munitions were marginally effective.
Eventually, Officer Tindall responded inside the Capitol and helped clear rioters out of
the rotunda. Officer Tindall utilized physical force inside the Capitol to clear out rioters.

73 See Attachment 54 - (Audio) Interview of Officer Gregory Rock

74 See Attachment 55 - (Audio) Interview of Officer Tara Tindall


Officer James Crisman DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Officer James Crisman provided an audio recorded statement to

Agent Joseph Della Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of Officer Crisman's
statement: 75

On January 6, 2021, Officers Crisman, Coates, and Officer Tindall responded to the
U.S. Capitol shortly after 1300 hours at the request of Commander Glover. Upon arrival,
Officer Crisman observed numerous Capitol police officers who were injured and
bleeding. Officer Crisman reported that he observed around 300 officers engaged in a
"full out" fight with over 1000 rioters. Officer Crisman reported that at the time he arrived
at the Capitol, Commander Glover authorized the deployment of less-lethal munitions.
Officer Crisman reported that the use of deadly force would have been appropriate at
times. Officer Crisman reported that the crowd was throwing metal couplings from the
scaffolding. Officer Crisman deployed stingball grenades and OC stingball grenades.
Officer Crisman reported that he deployed 10 of these grenades in total. Officer
Crisman reported that the stingball grenades were of little effect because the crowd was
wearing protective gear. Officer Crisman reported that he was sprayed with bear spray
on at least 10 occasions.

Officer Justin Jordan DSO, SOD

On March 4, 2021, Officer Justin Jordan provided an audio recorded statement to Agent
Joseph Della Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of Officer Jordan's
statement: 76

Officer Jordan reported that on January 6, 2021, he was working the 1500 hours until
relieved tour of duty. Officer Jordan arrived at the U.S. Capitol around 1540 hours. Upon
arrival to the Capitol, Officer Jordan observed numerous injured officers and equipment
scattered everywhere. Officer Jordan was equipped with hand-thrown munitions and an
MK-9 OC spray canister. Officer Jordan made his way to the west side of the Capitol
where he observed MPD units and PGPD units holding a police line. Officer Jordan
reported that the crowd was throwing objects at officers and were actively breaching the
Capitol. Officer Jordan was struck with a metal flagpole in the head. Officer Jordan's
helmet absorbed the impact. Officer Jordan deployed multiple hand thrown stingball
grenades and OC blast grenades. Officer Jordan estimated that he deployed more than
4 but less than 10 total munitions. Officer Jordan reported that the munitions were
marginally effective at dispersing the crowd. Eventually, Officer Jordan made his way to
the tunnel under the terrace. Once inside the tunnel, Officer Jordan made his way to the
front of the police line and deployed stingball grenades and OC blast grenades at the
crowd . The police line was able to advance and push the rioters out of the tunnel.
Officer Jordan did not have any reportable force after this point.

See Attachment 56 - (Audio) Interview of Officer James Crisman
See Attachment 57 - (Audio) Interview of Officer Justin Jordan


Officer Christopher Wickham SOD

On March 16, 2021, Officer Christopher Wickham provided an audio recorded

statement to Agents David Chumbley and Sarah Mancuso of the IAD. The following is a
summary of Officer Wickham 's statement: 77

Officer Wickham reported that he responded to the Capitol shortly after 1300 hours on
January 6, 2021. Officer Wickham reported that upon his arrival he observed "total
chaos." Officer Wickham reported that there were many rioters who were attempting to
breach the Capitol. Officer Wickham reported that the rioters were hostile and
assaultive. Officer Wickham reported that throughout the incident he was hit with a
baseball bat, galvanized pipe, and audio speaker. Officer Wickham reported that the
rioters were spraying officers with bear spray and wasp spray. Officer Wickham
reported that the rioters had thrown many objects at officers. Officer Wickham reported
that he deployed stingball munitions, rubber baton rounds , and foam baton rounds from
his 40mm EIW on the west front of the Capitol. Officer Wickham reported that the 40mm
EIW rounds were not very effective against the rioters. Officer Wickham reported that he
deployed a total of three (3) MK-46 OC spray canisters on the initial police line at the
foot of the Capitol stairs. Officer Wickham reported that at one point, a rioter was
stabbing him in the back with a metal pole. Officer Wickham was out of less-lethal
options and started to retrieve his service pistol from his holster. However, another rioter
sprayed him in the face with bear spray. Officer Wickham's eyesight was compromised
and he made his way inside the Capitol to recover.

Lieutenant Raul Mendez First District CDU 11

On February 3rd , 2021, Lieutenant Raul Mendez provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent Rachel Pullium of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Mendez's
statement: 78

On January 5, 2021 Lieutenant Mendez was the platoon leader of CDU 11. CDU 11
was working the 2130 hours until relived tour of duty and provided security at various
hotels throughout the city. At 1300 hours on January 6, 2021, CDU 11 was relieved and
checked off. CDU 11 did not respond to the U.S. Capitol nor did they use any force.

Lieutenant George Donigian First District CDU 12

On February 17, 2021, Lieutenant George Donigian provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Donigian's statement: 79

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Donigian was the platoon leader of CDU 12. CDU 12
was working the 0730 hours until relived tour of duty and were staged in the 300 block

77 See Attachment 58 - (Audio) Interview of Officer Christopher Wickham

78 See Attachment 59 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Raul Mendez
79 See Attachment 60 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant George Donigian


of C Street, Northwest. At approximately 1315 hours, Commander Glover requested
that CDU 12 respond to the Southeast side of Capitol Plaza and proceeded to the west
side of the Capitol. Upon CDU 12's arrival they were to harden the CDU lines on the
west side of Capitol. CDU 12 was in full riot gear at the time they arrived. There was a
huge crowd that had gathered on the grounds. The crowd attempted to remove the bike
barriers that were put in place by the U.S. Capitol Police. The rioters assaulted MPD
officers with their hands, feet, bear spray, and by throwing objects at the police line.
Lieutenant Donigian reported that the rioters acted in concert to assault MPD officers
and to remove the bike racks. The rioters knocked over a lamp post that fell towards the
MPD CDU line. CDU 12 held their position for an hour and twelve minutes before falling
back to the upper terrace of the Capitol.

Once on the upper terrace, the rioters became more violent. The rioters attempted to
pull officers into the crowd. First District Officer Gould was choked by the chin strap of
his helmet as rioters attempted to remove it from his head. The rioters were successful
in stealing Officer Gould's riot helmet. The rioters continued their assaults on MPD
members with 2x4's, flag poles, fists, kicks, wasp spray and bear spray.

Lieutenant Donigian reported that CDU 12 utilized defensives tactics which included,
straight strikes, OC spray, and riot batons. CDU 12 also utilized level one mechanical
force to push the rioters back. The intent of the force utilized was to stop the assaults on
the MPD officers.

Eventually, CDU 12 members were split with a majority of them falling back into the
tunnel complex under the Capitol. Other members remained outside on the Upper West
Terrace of the Capitol. Inside the tunnel CDU 12 members encountered rioters who
pushed against and assaulted the MPD line that was formed inside the tunnel. The
rioters sprayed bear spray, wasp spray, and fire extinguishers at the MPD line. The
crowd assaulted officers with fists, kicks, shields, and flag poles. CDU 12 members
utilized defensive tactics and deployed OC spray inside the tunnel. The rioters acted in
concert and yelled, "heave-ho" each time they pushed against the MPD line. Lieutenant
Donigian felt that he was going to get trampled inside the tunnel. Virginia State Police
arrived and relieved CDU 12 inside the tunnel.

Once the situation was resolved inside the tunnel, CDU 12 regrouped and proceeded
outside to the west side of the Capitol and eventually re-staged at the Library of

Lieutenant Daniel Dyn First District CDU 13

On February 3rd , 2021, Lieutenant Daniel Dyn provided an audio recorded statement to
Agent Rachel Pullium of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Dyn's
statement: 80

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Dyn was the platoon leader of CDU 13. CDU 13 was

80 See Attachment 61 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Daniel Dyn


working the evening tour of duty and were staged at Black Lives Matter Plaza. CDU 13
remained at this location throughout the entirety of their tour and did not respond to the
U.S. Capitol.

Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber Fist District CDU 14

On February 2 nd , 2021, Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Joseph Della-Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Steinhilber's statement: 81

Lieutenant Steinhilber reported that on January 6th , 2021, at around 1330 hours, he and
his platoon responded to the Capitol. CDU 14 responded to the west side of the Capitol.
CDU 14 members were sprayed with bear spray as they made their way through the
crowd and to the upper terrace on the west side of the Capitol. A rioter snatched a
bicycle from one of the CDU 14 members. Upon reaching the upper terrace CDU 14
members secured their bicycles inside the Capitol. CDU 14 joined the police line on the
upper terrace. CDU 14 did not have any munitions with them. They were only equipped
with personal OC spray and ASPs. CDU 14 assisted with clearing the west side of the
Capitol of rioters and remained on the Capitol grounds until 0430 hours.

Capitan Michael Pulliam First District CDU 16

On February 10th , 2021 , Captain Michael Pulliam provided an audio recorded statement
to Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary
of Captain Pulliam's statement: 82

Captain Pulliam reported that on January 6, 2021, he and Captain Dorrough formed a
supplemental CDU platoon from the First District evening rollcalls and responded to the
Capitol. Captain Pulliam and his ad-hoc platoon arrived at the west side upper terrace of
the Capitol at around 1500 hours. The rioters were throwing objects at police officers
and had sprayed officers with bear spray. Specifically, Captain Augustine was covered
with bear spray. CDU 16 deployed OC spray at rioters who were assaultive towards
officers. Additionally, CDU 16 members utilized mechanical force against rioters who
were assaulting officers. CDU 16 joined the police line at the upper terrace. CDU 16 and
other law enforcement elements pushed rioters off of the Capitol grounds. CDU 16
members were replaced by National Guard units. Once replaced by National Guard
members, CDU 16 assisted with enforcing the curfew sanction.

81 See Attachment 62 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber

82 See Attachment 63 - (Audio) Interview of Captain Michael Pulliam


Lieutenant John Pongratz Second District CDU 22

On February 4th , 2021, Lieutenant John Pongratz provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent Rachel Pullium of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Pongratz's statement: 83

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Pongratz was the platoon leader of CDU 22. CDU 22
was working the power-shift tour of duty and were staged at Black Lives Matter Plaza.
CDU 22 remained at this location throughout the entirety of their tour and did not
respond to the U.S. Capitol.

Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso Second District CDU 23

On February 3rd , 2021, Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Rachel Pullium of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Mancuso's statement: 84

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Mancuso was the platoon leader of CDU 23. CDU 23
was working the 1300 hours until relieved tour of duty. CDU 23 responded to the 16th
Street, Northwest detail which had been their assignment all week. However, before
being able to relieve CDU 43, who was already on the detail, CDU 23 was tasked with
responding to the U.S. Capitol. Upon arrival to the Capitol, CDU 23 observed a large
crowd on the front steps on the Capitol. Lieutenant Mancuso met with a U.S. Capitol
Police Captain who requested that CDU 23 assist with removing rioters from the upper
inside terrace of the Capitol where a female had been shot by police. CDU 23
responded to this location and utilized physical force, OC spray, Level One Mechanical
Force, and straight strikes, to push the rioters out of this area. The rioters were not
responding to officers' commands, and actively resisted the officers' physical force and
ultimately assaulted officers.

CDU 23 responded to the Rotunda where they deployed OC spray to move rioters out
of the U.S. Capitol. Once outside, CDU 23 assisted with the push of the rioters off of the
Capitol grounds. CDU 23 did not utilized force during the push off of the Capitol
grounds. CDU 23 had two injured officers. Officer Jeffery Smith was struck with a metal
object in the face shield. Officer Michael Decruz was injured in a physical altercation
with a rioter. Officer Decruz sustained an injury to his shoulder.

Lieutenant Marlon Ollivierre Second District CDU 24

On February 4th , 2021, Lieutenant Marlon Ollivierre provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Ollivierre's statement: 85

83 See Attachment 64 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant John Pongratz

84 See Attachment 65 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso
85 See Attachment 66 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Marlon Ollivierre


On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Ollivierre was the platoon leader of CDU 24. CDU 24
was working the 1600 hours until relieved tour of duty and were staged at lot 6 at Union
Station. CDU 24 staged at this location and other locations throughout the entirety of
their tour and did not respond to the U.S. Capitol nor did they utilize any force.

Lieutenant Bredet Williams Second District CDU 25

On March 17, 2021, Agents Sarah Mancuso and David Chumbley conducted an audio
recorded interview of CDU 25 Lieutenant Bredet Williams at the office of the Internal
Affairs Division. The interview was uploaded to 86

Lt. Williams explained that on January 6, 2021, she had worked the daywork tour of
duty. Near the end of the tour, the incident at the Capitol began. Lt. Williams and Lt.
Biestline gathered the available personnel from the evening roll call (1400 hours) and
mustered CDU platoon 25. They were waiting at 2D for a bus to pick them up to
transport them when they were directed to go to Wisconsin Avenue to flag down a bus.
The platoon went to Wisconsin Avenue, flagged down a bus, and contacted a Metro
supervisor to advise that there was a national emergency and they needed emergency
transport to the Capitol. The bus transported the platoon down to the Capitol grounds.

When they arrived at the Capitol, they donned their gas masks, but had to remove them
in order to climb the hill to the grounds. When they arrived, they found the rear of the
police line. Lt. Williams met with Commander Glover and they began to assist in the
push of the crowd away from the Capitol. During that time, she observed the crowd
being violent towards officers, throwing objects and striking officers while continuing to
attempt to gain access to the Capitol. At one point one of her officers sustained an
injured elbow, but returned to the fight after being triaged on the scene.

They were called to assist in the "Tunnel", where they assisted the officers who had
already been fighting inside. Several munitions were thrown, one of which was thrown
back by the crowd. Eventually, the crowd was pushed out of the tunnel and they slowly
cleared to the grounds. Lt. Williams pulled her platoon back and they returned to the
bus once the push had subsided.

Lt. Williams did not personally use force and did not personally observe her platoon
using force. She did observe several members use level 1 mechanical force during the
BWC review.

Lieutenant Riley Hong Third District CDU 31

On February 10, 2021, Lieutenant Riley Hong provided an audio recorded statement to
Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Hong's
statement: 87

86 See Attachment 67 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Bredet WIiiiams

87 See Attachment 68 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Riley Hong


On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Hong was the platoon leader of CDU 31. CDU 31 was
working the 1330 hours until relived tour of duty and were staged in the 800 block of
Vermont Street, Northwest. At approximately 1345 hours, Commander Glover
requested that CDU platoons respond to the Southeast side of Capitol Plaza and
proceeded to the west side of the Capitol. Upon CDU 31 's arrival they were to harden
the CDU lines on the upper terrace of the west side of the Capitol. CDU 31 initially
approached the Capitol from the west but was unable to reach the upper terrace
because of the crowd. CDU 31 responded around to the east side of the Capitol and
finally reached the upper west terrace. CDU 31 and other law enforcement elements
formed a CDU line in the center of the terrace .

There was a huge crowd that had gathered on the grounds. CDU 31 and the other
elements conduct a push of the rioters to the west by utilizing level one mechanical
force with Officer Cabrello utilizing OC spray. The rioters were successfully removed
from the Capitol grounds. CDU 31 restaged at 14th and Pennsylvania Avenue,

Lieutenant Jimmie Thompson Third District CDU 32

On February 9, 2021, Lieutenant Jimmie Thompson provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Thompson's statement: 88

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Thompson was the platoon leader of CDU 32. CDU 32
was working the 1600 hours until relived tour of duty and responded to the U.S Capitol
immediately after coming in service. Upon CDU 32's arrival they were tasked with
clearing rioters from the front lawn of the Capitol. Rioters had gathered around several
construction trailers on the Capitol grounds. CDU 32 and other MPD elements utilized
Level One Mechanical Force and OC spray to push the rioters out of that area towards
3rd Street. Lieutenant Thompson reported that the rioters threw objects at MPD
members to include fireworks and physically assaulted MPD officers.

CDU 32 was in full riot gear at the time they arrived at the Capitol. Once the rioters were
pushed off of the Capitol grounds a fence was erected as CDU 32 held the rioters at
bay. Upon completion, CDU 32 stayed on the Capitol grounds until the following

Lieutenant Mark Lakomec Third District CDU 33

On April 26, 2021, Lieutenant Mark Lakomec provided an audio recorded statement to
Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Lakomec's
statement: 89

88 See Attachment 69 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Jimmie Thompson

89 See Attachment 70 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Mark Lakomec


On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Lakomec was the CDU Platoon leader for CDU 33.
CDU 33 was working the day-work tour of duty. At 1300 hours, CDU 33 responded to
the U.S. Capitol. Upon arriving at the Capitol, CDU 33 joined a police line on the upper
terrace of the Capitol's west side. Upon arriving, Lieutenant Lakomec observed a
riotous crowd that was actively assaulting police officers. Rioters were throwing objects
at officers and some were armed with batons and sticks. CDU 33 assisted with the push
of the rioters off of the Capitol grounds. CDU 33 utilized Level one mechanical force and
physical force against the rioters. CDU 33 was relieved by the National Guard.

Lieutenant John Terry Third District CDU 34

On February 1st, 2021, Lieutenant John Terry provided an audio recorded statement to
Agents Joseph Della-Camera and Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a
summary of Lieutenant Terry's statement: 90

On January 6, 2021, CDU 34 worked the 0530 hours until relieved tour of duty. At 1430
hours, CDU 34 responded to the Capitol. CDU 34 responded to the west side of the
Capitol. CDU 34 donned their CDU helmets and gas masks upon arrival the Capitol. A
thick cloud of gas covered the west side of the Capitol. The crowd was verbally abusive
towards the responding CDU 34 members. CDU 34 joined the police line on the upper
terrace on the west side. Rioters had climbed the inaugural stand and were throwing
objects down onto officers. CDU 34 members and other elements pushed rioters off of
the west line of the Capitol. CDU 34 utilized physical force and level I mechanical force
to move the rioters off of the terrace and the Capitol grounds.

CDU 34 Officer Marcus Floyd was assaulted by a group of rioters who ripped off his
helmet, stole his gas mask and riot baton. Officer Floyd sustained an injury to his knee
as a result of the assault.

Lieutenant Brian Hollan Third District CDU 36

On March 26, 2021, Lieutenant Brian Hollan provided an audio recorded statement to
Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Hollan's
statement: 91

Lieutenant Hollan reported that CDU 36 was an ad-hoc CDU platoon put together with
evening officers from the Third District. On January 6, 2021. Lieutenant Hollan and CDU
36 arrived at the Capitol shortly after 1600 hours on a metro bus. CDU 36 responded to
the east side of the Capitol. Lieutenant Hollan observed several thousand protesters
who were freely walking about on the Capitol grounds and in and out of the Capitol.
Once on the east side, CDU 36 and Capitol Police units established a police line. CDU
36 held their line and did not use any reportable force against the crowd. Lieutenant
Hollan reported that once the curfew announcement was made that the crowd cleared
out on the east side .

90 See Attachment 71 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant John Terry

91 See Attachment 72 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Brian Hollan


Lieutenant Matthew Fitzgerald Fourth District CDU 41

On February 9, 2021, Lieutenant Matthew Fitzgerald provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Sarah Mancuso and Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The
following is a summary of Lieutenant Fitzgerald's statement: 92

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Fitzgerald was the platoon leader of CDU 41. The
platoon began their scheduled tour at 1800 hours, and arrived downtown around 1900
hours. He stated that they had been assigned to "crowd control" on Pennsylvania
Avenue for a portion of the tour, and they assisted in effecting arrests on New York
Avenue at one point during the tour. He stated that he was present when those arrests
were made and no force was used. He confirmed that there was no reportable force
used by CDU 41.

Lieutenant William Hackerman Fourth District CDU 42

On February 4, 2021, Lieutenant William Hackerman provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Pulliam's statement: 93

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Hackerman and was the platoon leader of CDU 42.
CDU 42 was working the 0730 hours until relieved tour of duty. CDU 42 staged in the
1100-1400 block of Constitution Avenue, Northwest. CDU 42 was equipped with hard
gear and is typically utilized as a response platoon to riots activity. Lieutenant
Hackerman monitored the radio traffic concerning the events taking place at the Capitol.
Lieutenant Hackerman ordered his platoon to don their hard gear. CDU 42 responded to
the west front of the Capitol to assist with the 10-33. As CDU 42 attempted to push
through the rioters to make their way to the upper terrace they were surrounded and
pelted with projectiles. CDU 42 became engulfed in the crowd. Lieutenant Hackerman
reported that it was so tight inside the crowd that it was hard from him to breathe. CDU
42 finally broke through the crowd and made their way to the upper terrace. Lieutenant
Hackerman reported that he was sprayed with bear spray and physically assaulted with
punches during the push to the upper terrace. CDU 42 and other elements formed a line
across the lower west terrace. The officers were pelted with objects to include fire
extinguishers and metal poles. CS gas was deployed at some point which affected
some of the CDU 42 members. CDU 42 and the other MPD units began to be
surrounded by the crowd. The ends of the CDU line began to fail. CDU 42 and the other
law enforcement elements fell back further towards the upper terrace. CDU 42 and
other MPD elements re-established their CDU line on the upper west terrace.
Lieutenant Hackerman and the other MPD units held their line as rioters were cleared
out from the rotunda of the Capitol.

Lieutenant Hackerman relocated to the "Hallway of Doom" under the west terrace of the

92 See Attachment 73 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Matthew Fitzgerald

93 See Attachment 74 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant William Hackerman


Capitol. Inside the tunnel rioters were assaulting MPD officers with metal poles, shields,
and fireworks. Lieutenant Hackerman described the interactions inside the tunnel as
hand to hand combat. Rioters assaulted officers with punches and kicks. One MPD
sergeant was hit with a cattle prod. Lieutenant Hackerman believed that deadly force
would have been an appropriate force response in the tunnel. Lieutenant Hackerman
reported that one rioter was armed with a long pole that had a knife attached to the end
of it. Outside agencies arrived inside the tunnel and assisted with pushing rioters out of
the tunnel. Hand thrown munitions were deployed inside the tunnel in an attempt to
push the rioters out.

Lieutenant Sharde Harris Fourth District CDU 43

On February 4th , 2021, Lieutenant Sharde Harris provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Harris'
statement: 94

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Harris was the platoon leader of CDU 43. CDU 43 was
working the 0530 hours until relieved tour of duty and were staged at Black Lives Matter
Plaza and other high visibility posts throughout the city. CDU 43 remained at these
locations until they were directed to provide security at the Mayor's residence.
Lieutenant Harris reported that CDU 43 did utilize any force during this incident.

Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky Fourth District CDU 44

On February 8th , 2021, Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Zabavsky statement: 95

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Zabavsky was the platoon leader of CDU 44. CDU 44
was working the 1600 to 0030 hours tour of duty and were staged at Black Lives Matter
Plaza. CDU 44 remained at this location throughout the entirety of their tour and did not
respond to the U.S. Capitol.

Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor Fourth District CDU 45

On February 11, 2021, Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Joseph Della-Camera of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Taylor's statement: 96

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Taylor and was the platoon leader of CDU 45. CDU 45
was working the 0500-1330 hours tour of duty. CDU 45 was an ad-hoc platoon of patrol
officers that were formed into a platoon in order to respond to the U.S. Capitol due to
the riot. CDU 45 responded to the west front of the Capitol. CDU 45 arrived at that

94 See Attachment 75 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Sharde Harris

95 See Attachment 76 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky
96 See Attachment 77 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor


location at 1820 hours. Once there, CDU 45 and other MPD elements formed a CDU on
a large grassy area in front of the Capitol with the intent to push the rioters west off of
the Capitol grounds. After moving rioters off of the Capitol grounds, CDU 45 along with
other elements formed a line on Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, between the 100 and
300 blocks, where they encircled curfew violators. Lieutenant Taylor reported that while
the rioters were mostly cooperative they hurled insults at MPD members. CDU 45
utilized Level One Mechanical Force to move the rioters off of the grounds.

Once the situation at the Capitol was under control, CDU 45 was directed to re-stage at
the Embassy Suites in order to provide security and enforce the curfew imposed by the

Lieutenant Peter Sheldon Fifth District CDU 51

On February 25, 2021, Lieutenant Peter Sheldon provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Sheldon's statement: 97

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Sheldon was the platoon leader of CDU 51. CDU 51
was working the 1330 hours until relived tour of duty and were staged in the 800 block
of Vermont Avenue, Northwest. At approximately 1345 hours, Commander Glover
requested that CDU 51 respond to the 100 block of Maryland Avenue, Northwest, in
response to a crowd of rioters taking over the steps on the west side of the Capitol.
Upon CDU 51 's arrival they were to harden the CDU lines on the west side of Capitol.
However, due the large crowd and ongoing riot CDU 51 was not able to make their way
through the crowd. CDU 51 responded to the east side of the Capitol and were escorted
by U.S Capitol Police officers inside the Capitol.

Lieutenant Sheldon reported that once inside the Capitol there were hundreds of rioters
that had breached the Capitol and were inside wondering the hallways. CDU 51 formed
a CDU line across a hallway that lead to the Senate Chamber. Lieutenant Sheldon
reported that the hallway was approximately seven (7) feet wide and that CDU 51 had
two to three CDU lines formed behind each other. The rioters confronted CDU 51 and
attempted to breach the CDU 51 line. Lieutenant Sheldon reported that the rioters were
armed with poles, sticks, and bear spray. The rioters assaulted the members of CDU 51
with the poles, sticks, fists, kicks, and bear spray. CDU 51 utilized defensives tactics
which included, straight strikes, QC spray, and riot batons. CDU 51 also utilized level
one mechanical force to push the rioters out of the hallway.

Once the rioters recognized that they could not breach the CDU 51 line they retreated to
other areas of the Capitol. CDU 51 then relocated to the rotunda of the Capitol. Inside
the rotunda, CDU 51 encountered U.S. Capitol police officers that were attempting to
prevent rioters from breaching the windows and doors of the Capitol from the outside as
well as officers who were attempting to push rioters out of the Capitol. CDU 51
members utilized level one mechanical force to push rioters out of the rotunda of the

97 See Attachment 78 - Interview of Lieutenant Peter Sheldon


Capitol. CDU 51 formed two CDU lines and utilized physical force to prevent rioters
from breaching the windows and doors of the Capitol. Lieutenant Sheldon reported that
several officers were sprayed with bear spray.

Once the situation was resolved inside the rotunda, CDU 51 regrouped and proceeded
outside to the west side of the Capitol. By the time CDU 51 made their way to the west
side of the Capitol the rioters had already been removed from that location. CDU 51
regrouped outside and eventually departed the Capitol several hours later.

Lieutenant John Sprague Fifth District CDU 52

On February 3rd , 2021, Lieutenant John Sprague provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Sprague's
statement: 98

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Sprague was the platoon leader of CDU 52. CDU 52
was working the 1600 hours tour of duty until relieved and were instructed to respond
and stage at 2 nd and D Street, Northwest. CDU 52 remained at this location until they
were directed to 1st and Constitution to assist with pushing rioters off of the Capitol
grounds. However, upon arriving at that location the rioters had already been cleared
from that area. CDU 52 assisted with the westbound push of rioters off of the Capitol
grounds. Lieutenant Sprague reported that CDU 52 members did not util ize any
reportable force.

Lieutenant Brian Brown Fifth District CDU 53

On April 8, 2021, Lieutenant Brian Brown provided an audio recorded statement to

Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Brown 's
statement: 99

Lieutenant Brown reported that on January 6, 2021, CDU 53 responded to the U.S.
Capitol west side upper terrace. CDU 53 arrived at the upper terrace of the Capitol at
around 1800 hours. Rioters still occupied the lawn of the Capitol. CDU 53 joined the
established police line. The police line pushed rioters off of the lawn and Capitol
grounds. CDU 53 members did not utilize any force during this movement. CDU 53
assisted with encircling curfew violators near the Capitol. CDU 53 Officer Dalan Haines
encountered a curfew violator who was armed with a handgun in his waistband. Officer
Haines conducted a solo-take down during this encounter. There were no reported

Lieutenant Ryan Small Fifth District CDU 54

On February 2 nd , 2021, Lieutenant Ryan Small provided an audio recorded statement to

98 See Attachment 79 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant John Sprague

99 See Attachment 80 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Brian Brown


Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Small's
statement: 100

Lieutenant Small reported that on January 6th , 2021, CDU 54 responded to the U.S.
Capitol shortly after 1300 hours. Upon arriving at the Capitol, Lieutenant Small observed
a large riotous crowd that assaulted officers by punching officers and throwing objects
at the police line. Lieutenant Small described the scene as a "coup in a third world
country." CDU 54 joined a police line that had been established on the upper terrace of
the Capitol on the west side. Rioters utilized the bike rack barriers as battering rams
against officers. Rioters also threw bike racks at officers and other metal objects. CDU
54 utilized mechanical force, physical force, and OC force against the rioters. CDU 54
members found themselves inside the Capitol clearing the rotunda of rioters. Lieutenant
Small responded to the "tunnel of doom." Inside the tunnel rioters attacked officers with
bear spray, fire extinguishers, wasp spray, bike racks, and other objects. Members of
CDU 54 remained inside the tunnel for the next several hours until relieved by members
of the Virginia State Police. CDU 54 had two members who reported injuries. One
member sustained an injury to his ankle and another member sustained a laceration to
the face as a result of being struck with an object. This laceration required several

Lieutenant James Chatmon Fifth District CDU 55

On February 3rd , 2021, Lieutenant James Chatmon provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent Rachel Pulliam of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant
Chatmon's statement: 101

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Chatmon was the platoon leader of CDU 55. CDU 55
was an ad-hoc CDU platoon that was formed in order to respond to the Capitol. CDU 55
working the 1600 hours tour of duty until relieved. CDU 55 responded to the Capitol to
assist with clearing rioters off of the Capitol grounds. Upon arrival to the Capitol most of
the rioters had already cleared the Capitol grounds. CDU 55 did not utilize any force
during this incident.

Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler Sixth District CDU 61

On February 9th , 2021, Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler provided an audio recorded statement
to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of Lieutenant Tyler's
statement: 102

Lieutenant Tyler reported that on January 6, 2021, she was assigned to CDU 61 and
was working the 0530 hours until relieved tour of duty. CDU 61 was assigned to hotel
security at 14th and Independence Avenue, Northwest. CDU 61 responded to the
Capitol at 1330 hours. CDU 61 made their way to the upper terrace of the west side of

100 See Attachment 81 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Ryan Small

101 See Attachment 82 - Interview of Lieutenant James Chatmon
102 See Attachment 83 - Interview of Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler


the Capitol. Upon arrival to the Capitol, Lieutenant Tyler observed numerous rioters
ascending the upper terrace of the west side. CDU 61 was separated by squads due to
their assignment of hotel security. Lieutenant Tyler arrived with squads 3 and 4. Squads
1 and 2 arrived at the after the other squads and responded to the east side of the
Capitol. Lieutenant Tyler reported that CDU 61 deployed OC spray from MK-9 canisters
at rioters who refused lawful police commands and were assaultive towards officers.
CDU 61 also employed physical force to push rioters back away from the police lines.

Lieutenant Brian Stacks Sixth District CDU 62

On February 11 th , 2021, Lieutenant Brian Stacks provided an audio recorded statement

to Agents David Chumbley and Sarah Mancuso of the IAD. The following is a summary
of Lieutenant Stacks' statement: 103

On January 6, 2021, Lieutenant Stacks was the element leader for CDU 62. CDU 62
was scheduled to work the 1600 hours until relieved tour of duty. However, Lieutenant
Stacks responded into work once he saw what was happening at the Capitol. Lieutenant
Stacks gathered three 6D officers and responded to the Capitol. Officers Timothy
Hargrove, Robert Niewenhous, and Samuel Hahn responded with Lieutenant Stacks.
They arrived at the Capitol around 1545 hours. Upon arrival, Lieutenant Stacks and the
officers responded to the upper terrace on the west side of the Capitol. Lieutenant
Stacks observed several rioters on the west lawn of the Capitol. Lieutenant Stacks and
the three officers filled in on the police line that had been established. The CDU line
began to push the crowd off of the Capitol grounds. During that push, Lieutenant Stacks
observed rioters assault officers and actively resist the effort to push them off of the
Capitol grounds. Lieutenant Stacks observed rioters punch, kick, and push officers.
Lieutenant Stacks described the action as hand to hand combat. Lieutenant Stacks
deployed multiple bursts of OC spray from his Mk-46 at rioters who were assaulting
officers. Eventually, the remainder of CDU 62 arrived at the Capitol and formed a police
line near the inaugural platform. CDU 62 conducted another push of rioters off of the
platform CDU 62 utilized level one mechanical force to push these rioters off of the
Capitol grounds.

Lieutenant Justin Roth Sixth District CDU 63

On March 18, 2021, Lieutenant Justin Roth provided an audio recorded statement to
Agents David Chumbley and Chris Tilley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Roth's statement: 104

Lieutenant Roth reported that on January 6, 2021 , he and CDU 63 were working the
1300 hours until relieved tour of duty. CDU 63 staged in the 800 block of Vermont
Street, Northwest. CDU 63 responded to the Capitol shortly before 1400 hours. CDU 63
responded to the west front of the Capitol. CS was being deployed at this time and CDU
63 put their gas mask on . CDU 63 made their way to the top of the upper terrace.

103 See Attachment 84 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Bryan Stacks

104 See Attachment 85 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Justin Roth


Lieutenant Roth followed Commander Kyle inside the west exit hallway. Most of CDU
63 remained outside on the police line that was established. This was the same hallway
known as the "tunnel of doom." Lieutenant Roth reported that rioters were assaulting
officers with metal and wooden police, spraying officers with bear spray, and fire
extinguishers. Lieutenant Roth reported that several rioters were armed with shields that
they had stolen from Capitol Police. Eventually, Lieutenant Roth made his way back
outside and rejoined his platoon. Shortly after that, Commander Kyle called a 10-33.
Lieutenant Roth and CDU 63 responded to the tunnel. CDU 63 provided support to the
elements that were in the tunnel. Once the tunnel was cleared CDU 63 assisted with the
push of rioters off of the Capitol grounds. Lieutenant Roth and CDU 63 responded to the
First District and then to the Mayor's residence to provide security. CDU 63 had a total
of four injured officers.

Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins Sixth District CDU 64

On February 1, 2021, Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Hawkins' statement: 105

On January 6, 2021 Lieutenant Hawkins was the platoon leader of CDU 64. CDU 64
was working the day work tour of duty and were staged in the 700 block of
Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest. At approximately 1300 hours, Commander Glover
requested that CDU 64 respond to the 100 block of Maryland Avenue, Northwest, in
response to a crowd of rioters taking over the steps on the west side of the Capitol.
Upon CDU 64's arrival they were escorted by U.S Capitol Police officers to the upper
terrace on the west side of the Capitol.

Lieutenant Hawkins reported that there were thousands of rioters that had breached the
police line and taken over the steps of the U.S. Capitol. CDU 64 formed a across the
terrace as U.S. Capitol police attempted to erect bike rack barriers between the rioters
and officers. The rioters assaulted officers with fists , bottles, flag poles, metal objects,
pepper spray and bear spray. CDU 64 members deployed QC spray and utilized
defensive tactics such as straight strikes in response to the assaultive actions of the
rioters. Lieutenant Hawkins reported that she was sprayed in the face with an unknown
substance but suspects that it was bear spray. Lieutenant Hawkins reported that CDU
64 was not in hard gear and the only protective equipment they had were their mountain
bike helmets. CDU 64's hard gear was left in their vehicles.

Lieutenant Hawkins reported that the use of force utilized by CDU 64 was in response
to the actions of the rioters and not directed by Commander Glover. Lieutenant Hawkins
reported that upon her arrival she observed Captain Daniel Harrington deploying OC
spray from his MK-46 at rioters. Lieutenant Hawkins deployed QC spray from her MK-9
at rioters who had assaulted officers. Lieutenant Hawkins reported that the use of OC
spray was to push the rioters back and establish a police line. Lieutenant Hawkins
reported that the rioters were not responsive to police commands to "back up."

105 See Attachment 86 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins


Lieutenant Hawkins reported that after holding their police line for about 45 minutes,
Commander Glover gave the order to fall back towards the U.S. Capitol. By that time,
rioters had already breached the Capitol. CDU 64 fell back to the upper terrace and
formed another police line. However, at that point MPD units became intertwined and
that resulted in some CDU 64 members being inside the tunnel.

Lieutenant Hawkins reported that six (6) members of CDU 64 were injured during this
incident. Two of which required stitches to close lacerations to their face that was
caused by being stuck with metal poles.

Lieutenant Ronald Bridges Sixth District CDU 65

On February 17, 2021, Lieutenant Ronald Bridges provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Bridges' statement: 106

Lieutenant Bridges reported that on January 6, 2021, he was assigned to CDU 65 and
was working the 1330 hours until relieved tour of duty. CDU 65 was an ad-hoc CDU
platoon that was assembled from the Sixth District evening rollcall. CDU 65 arrived at
the Capitol shortly after 1600 hours. Two squads from CDU 65 responded to the "metro"
inside the Capitol and assisted with extracting Senators and Congressmen from the
Capitol. The other two squads of CDU 65 provided support inside the "tunnel of doom."
Those members utilized Level one and Level two mechanical force, physical force, and
deployed OC spray in the effort to clear the tunnel of rioters. CDU 65 had five officers
who were injured.

Lieutenant Christopher Dove Seventh District CDU 71

On February 17, 2021, Lieutenant Christopher Dove provided an audio recorded

statement to Agent David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a summary of
Lieutenant Dove's statement: 107

Lieutenant Dove reported that CDU 71 worked the 0730 until relieved tour of duty on
January 6th , 2021. At around 1300 hours, CDU 71 responded to the U.S. Capitol. CDU
71 joined the police line on the west side of the Capitol near the scaffolding for the
inaugural stage. Rioters were assaulting officers by throwing objects at the police line
including fire extinguishers. The rioters were not responsive to verbal commands. CDU
71 held the police line for hours until the decision was made to conduct a push of the
rioters off of the Capitol grounds. During that push, CDU 71 members utilized level one
mechanical force to move the rioters off of the grounds. Lieutenant Dove felt that all
force options were subject to use during the incident. CDU 71 Officer Dallas Bennet was
injured during the incident. Officer Bennet was trampled by rioters and sustained minor

106 See Attachment 87 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Ronald Bridges

107 See Attachment 88 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Christopher Dove


Lieutenant Valerie Patete Seventh District CDU 74

On February 4, 2021, Lieutenant Valerie Patete provided an audio recorded statement

to Agents Joseph Della-Camera and David Chumbley of the IAD. The following is a
summary of Lieutenant Patete's statement: 108

On January 6th , 2021, CDU 74 responded to the U.S. Capitol at the request of
Commander Glover. CDU 74 joined the police line on the west side of the Capitol. CDU
74 filled in the gaps on the line. The rioters were throwing metal objects at the police
line. Lieutenant Patete reported that the initial police line collapsed and the was
reestablished further up on the west side terrace. Rioters eventually made their way
inside the Capitol.


No subjects of force gave statements to MPD.


Chief of Police Robert J. Contee Ill MPD

On January 26, 2021, Chief Robert Contee Ill provided verbal testimony to the United
States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations. The following are
excerpts from that testimony: 109

"Good morning, Chairwoman Delaura, Ranking Member Granger, and members of the
Committee. I am Robert J. Contee, Ill, the Acting Chief of Police of the Metropolitan
Police Department of the District of Columbia, the primary police force in the District of
Columbia. I appreciate this opportunity to brief you on the events of January 6, 2021, a
dark day for our country. It is critically important that we - members of Congress,
District leaders and policy makers, D.C. residents, and all Americans - find answers to
questions about the 6th. I will relate to you the facts as we know them at this time,
based on the point of view of the MPD and the government of the District of Columbia.
As with any event with multiple agencies, thousands of people, and almost as many
cameras as people, there will inevitably be several perspectives and possibly
inconsistencies that will need to be aligned as we gather more information. That
process has been understandably delayed by the massive security operations around
the 59th Presidential Inauguration, but certainly will be a focus for all involved agencies
in the months to come.

108See Attachment 89 - (Audio) Interview of Lieutenant Valerie Patete

A full transcript of Chief Contee's Congressional testimony can be found at


Mayor Muriel Bowser and the Metropolitan Police Department take pride in protecting all
groups, regardless of their beliefs, who come to the Nation's Capitol to exercise their
First Amendment rights "peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances."1 The Metropolitan Police Department is a recognized leader in
protecting and supporting these peaceful assemblies. On the morning of January 6th,
MPD was prepared to support our federal partners with a First Amendment assembly
that was held primarily on federal land, while continuing to patrol and respond to calls
for service throughout city neighborhoods. Based on our experience with prior
demonstrations in the District after the election, we recognized that there was a
possibility of pockets of violence, especially after dark as smaller groups of protestors
gathered with malicious intent on city streets. In the aftermath of the December 12th
protests, MPD met with our federal partners to escalate planning for January 6th .

In preparation for the anticipated demonstrations, the Department was fully deployed on
12-hour shifts prior to January 6th, with no officers on day-off or leave. Our federal
partners each had their primary areas of responsibility: the U.S. Secret Service (USSS)
was focused on the security of former President Donald Trump and the White House
area, U.S. Park Police (USPP) was focused on the Ellipse and the National Mall, and
the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) had responsibility for the Capitol, including both the
building and grounds. At Mayor Bowser's request, and in advance of the scheduled
demonstrations, mutual aid was requested from several area police departments to be
on standby in the District, and more than 300 members of the D.C. National Guard were
deployed on District streets providing traffic control and other services to allow MPD to
support the First Amendment assembly and continue to provide services to our
neighborhoods. Other law enforcement partners such as the Metropolitan Transit Police
and non-law enforcement agencies such as the District's Homeland Security and
Emergency Management Agency and the Fire and Emergency Medical Services
Department, were also supporting our efforts.

However, these resources were barely enough to counter an event that had never
happened in the history of the United States: a mob of thousands launching a violent
assault on the U.S. Capitol - the seat of our government - in an attempt to halt the
counting of the electoral ballots, an essential step in the peaceful transfer of power in
our nation. The mob's sustained assault on the Capitol precipitated an equally
unprecedented response, with then Chief of the Capitol Police Steve Sund issuing an
urgent request for MPD to come defend the Capitol. Needless to say, when we received
the call for help, MPD responded immediately with several Civil Disturbance Unit
Platoons and proceeded to aid Capitol Police in defending the Capitol. What follows is a
brief outline of MPD's role in these events.

At about 12:45 p.m., the first of two pipe bombs were found, the first one at the
Republican National Committee headquarters. The second pipe bomb was found about
30 minutes later, at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. MPD responded
to the scenes for the pipe bombs to assist the Capitol Police. At 12:58 p.m ., Chief Sund
asked for MPD's assistance. Officers were immediately authorized to deploy to the west


front of the Capitol and arrived within minutes. Additional officers were on standby at
Third Street SW and Maryland Avenue SW.

Our members arrived at a chaotic scene. The violent mob overran protective measures
at the Capitol in an attempted insurrection, prior to MPD officers' arrival to the west
front. By 1:50 p.m., MPD had declared the assembly to be a riot. Upon arrival, the MPD
platoons immediately began working to achieve our objectives:

1) Stop rioters from entering the Capitol building and remove those that were
already inside,

2) Secure a perimeter, so that the Capitol could be cleared for lawmakers,

3) Enable Congress to resume their sessions to demonstrate to our country and the
world that our democracy was still intact, and

4) Lastly, only once the third objective had been accomplished, begin making
arrests of anyone violating the law.

At 2:22 p.m., a call was convened with, among others, myself, leadership of the Capitol
Police, the D.C. National Guard, and the Department of the Army. I was stunned at the
tepid response from Department of the Army, which was reluctant to send the D.C.
National Guard to the Capitol. While I certainly understand the importance of both
planning and public perception - the factors cited by the staff on the call - these issues
become secondary when you are watching your employees, vastly outnumbered by a
mob, being physically assaulted. I was able to quickly deploy my force and issue
directives to them while they were in the field, and I was honestly shocked that the
National Guard could not - or would not - do the same. On the call, in an effort to seek
clarification, I asked the Capitol Police Chief if he were in fact requesting the assistance
of the National Guard and then asked the U.S. Army representatives on the call if they
were refusing to deploy the Guard to assist. The Army staff responded that they were
not refusing to send them, but wanted to know the plan and did not like the optics of
boots on the ground at the Capitol.

In the meantime, by 2:30 p.m. the District had requested additional officers from as far
away as New Jersey and issued notice of an emergency citywide curfew beginning at 6
p.m. Just before 3 p.m., the District issued a citywide Wireless Emergency Alert
declaring a curfew in effect from 6 p.m. until 7 a.m. on January 7th . The alert can be
heard going off on the cell phones of insurgents in some of the videos taken on the
Capitol grounds. From that point, it took another three and a half hours until all rioters
were removed from the Capitol. Ninety minutes later, at 8 p.m., Congress was able to
resume its critical work and fulfill its constitutional duty.

Shortly after MPD officers arrived on the scene, I was able to stand on the west front of
the capitol to get a broad view of the riot as many of MPD's brave officers made their
way to the front line. Our police officers were under attack, the Capitol - hallowed


ground for our country - was under attack, and the constitutional electoral process - the
very foundation of our democracy - was under attack. MPD's police officers were
engaged in a literal battle for hours. Many were forced into hand-to-hand combat to
prevent more rioters from gaining entry into the Capitol. This was not a peaceful protest;
this was not a crowd trying to express their first amendment rights - rights which we are
proud to protect regardless of belief. At the end of the day, this was an assault on our
democracy, and MPD officers held the line.

Those seven hours, between the urgent call for help from the Capitol Police to MPD and
the resumption of work by both houses of Congress, will be indelibly etched on the
memories of every law enforcement officer who was on the scene, as it is undoubtedly
in the minds of the elected officials, congressional staff, and other Capitol employees
who were forced to seek safety behind locked doors. The costs for this insurrection -
both human and monetary - will be steep. The immediate fiscal impact is still being
calculated. The costs for this insurrection - both human and monetary - will be steep.
The immediate fiscal impact is still being calculated. During the height of the incident,
approximately 850 MPD members were at the Capitol, and by the day's end, an
additional estimate of 250 had been in the area to directly support the response and
aftermath. MPD's estimate for the week of the insurrection is approximately $8.8 million.
The Mayor's Budget Office will send more information next week about total District
costs. Looking forward, resources from MPD, Capitol Police, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia will be
engaged for years in the investigation and prosecution of the insurgents, which, in the
face of finite resources, will present opportunity costs for investigation and prosecution
of other crimes.

Five people lost their lives on January 6th - Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick and
four others. And tragically, two officers who were at the Capitol on January 6th, one
each from the Capitol Police and MPD, took their own lives in the aftermath of that
battle. We honor the service and sacrifices of Officers Brian Sicknick, Howard
Liebengood, and Jeffery Smith, and offer condolences to all the grieving families. Sixty-
five MPD members sustained injuries documented in injury reports. Many more
sustained injuries from the assault - scratches, bruises, eyes burning from bear mace -
that they did not even bother to report. People around the country and the world were
shocked and moved by the video of MPD Officer Michael Fanone being beaten by a
crowd of insurgents, including one wielding an American flag, and of Officer Daniel
Hodges in agony as he was crushed between a door and a riot shield. Their fellow
officers at MPD and elsewhere are proud of their bravery in the face of this unprovoked
and vicious attack. That bravery was matched that day by countless other unheralded
MPD officers.

Other harm from this traumatic day will be widely felt but possibly unacknowledged. Law
enforcement training neither anticipates nor prepares for hours of hand-to-hand combat.
Even brief physical fights are physically and emotionally draining. MPD is working to
support the emotional well-being of our officers who experienced this. The officers who
were deployed elsewhere on the 6th share in the trauma of their colleagues, many


frustrated that they could not rush in to stand on the line with them. And like everyone in
the Capitol that day, we all have families and friends who watched the violence
unfolding and worried about the safety of their loved ones.

In closing, I appreciate the opportunity to highlight the heroism of MPD officers who put
their bodies on the line to protect the Capitol, Congress, and our democracy. But to
ensure the continued safety of the District and its residents, the federal enclave, MPD
officers, and others, we must be frank in looking at several critical issues. This assault
on the Capitol has exposed weaknesses in the security of the most secure city in the
country. The federal police forces in DC will be reexamining their security protocols
given the risks of both foreign and domestic terrorism. As the Chief of the District's
municipal police force, I must think about our preparations not only for possible attacks,
but the daily impact of the changing operations of our federal partners. As they harden
targets in the federal enclave, other buildings in the city under MPD jurisdiction may
become more likely targets."

Assistant Chief Jeffery Carroll HSB,DSO

On March 15, 2021, Assistant Chief Jeffery Carroll provided an audio recorded
statement to Agents David Chumbley and Sarah Mancuso of the IAD. The following is a
summary of Assistant Chief Carroll's statement: 110

Assistant Carroll reported that on January 5th, 2021, he was contacted by U.S. Capitol
Police Chief Steven Sund who requested that MPD provided support to the USCP.
Assistant Chief Carroll directed Commander Glover and other MPD assets to respond
to the Capitol to assist USCP. Additionally, Assistant Chief Carroll became aware of two
(2) explosive devices that were located near the Capitol. MPD EOD was dispatched to
assist USCP with those devices. Assistant Chief Carroll responded to staging area
regarding the explosive devices. Upon his arrival, Assistant Chief Carroll recognized
that a blast area had not been cordoned off by USCP and directed MPD motor assets to
cut off traffic and establish a safety zone around the devices.

As Assistant Chief Carroll was dealing with the explosive devices, he was notified by
Commander Glover that additional resources were needed at the Capitol. It was
apparent to Assistant Chief Carroll that the situation at the Capitol was escalating.
Based on his conversation with Commander Glover, Assistant Chief Carroll decided to
authorize the deployment of OC spray and CS munitions. Assistant Chief Carroll then
responded to the west front of the Capitol and linked up with Commander Glover.
Assistant Chief Carroll was advised by the JOCC that USCP officers were pulling back
into the building. Assistant Chief Carroll reported that the decision to pull USCP officers
inside the Capitol caused MPD to lose ground and forced MPD to pull back their
resources because of the loss of manpower. MPD elements were forced to withdraw to
the upper terrace of the Capitol.

See Attachment 90 - (Audio) Interview of Assistant Chief Jeffery Carroll


Assistant Chief Carroll reported that rioters were throwing objects off of the top of the
Inaugural reviewing stand at officers. These objects included pipes and fire
extinguishers. Commander Glover briefed Assistant Chief Carroll on the situation.
Assistant Chief Carroll noted that there were several thousand rioters on the Capitol
grounds at that time. Assistant Chief Carroll described the event as the most violent riot
he has seen in his law enforcement career. Commander Glover and Assistant Chief
Carroll decided that the best strategy was to establish police lines with the incoming
resources and push the rioters off of the upper terrace. Assistant Chief Carroll received
a call from Major Mark Adamchik of the U.S. Park Police who advised that the USCP
did not have a clear plan of action and that he (Carroll) should respond back to the
unified command center. Assistant Chief Carroll responded back to the unified
commander center.

Assistant Chief Carroll meet with Major Adamchik, Chief Sund and other support
element leaders. The strategy was to assemble resources, conduct a push of the rioters
off of the terrace and clear the inaugural reviewing stand of rioters. The goal was to
push the rioters as far as pt Street to 1st Street and Constitution to Independence
Avenue. Once at that location, hold the line and reinforce the line with fencing. MPD and
other law enforcement elements were eventually able to clear the Capitol and
accomplish the strategic goals.


Mr. Markwayne Mullin

On January 8, 2021, United States Representative Mr. Markwayne Mullin provided an

audio-recorded statement to Agent John Hendrick of the Internal Affairs Division (IAD).
The following is a brief summary of Mr. Mullin's statement: 111

Mr. Mullin stated that on January 6, 2021, there were a number of Members on the
House Floor, to include the balconies, debating the Electoral College. Mr. Mullin
recalled hearing several radio transmissions over the US Capitol officers' radios and
then reported seeing several social media images coming over his mobile device. Mr.
Mullin then explained that a US Capitol Police Lieutenant approached the Speaker's
area and gave an update on what was transpiring outside and then inside the US

Mr. Mullin then began hearing noises that sounded like someone was beating on the
doors outside of the House Chamber. Mr. Mullin reported that he then began assisting
US Capitol officers with barricading the doors that led into the House Chamber. Mr.
Mullin advised that he had some more conversations with the US Capitol officers and
then he began to hear glass breaking. Mr. Mullin explained that the rioters may have
been using a "glass punch" to break the windows. Mr. Mullin further explained that this
sound can be misinterpreted as "gunshots."

111 See Attachment 91 - (Audio) Interview of Representative Markwayne Mullin


Upon hearing the glass being broken, someone on the House Floor began yelling,
"Shots fired," and a US Capitol police officer broadcasted that shots had been fired over
the radio as well. Mr. Mullin recognized that the sounds were not gunshots.

Mr. Mullin stated that as the rioters continued to bang and rattle the House Chambers
doors, a plan was being devised to try and evacuate the remaining members from
inside of the House Chamber. The House Chamber members subsequently went out
into the Speakers Lobby and were escorted down the west stairwell.

Mr. Mullin explained that shortly thereafter, he observed Lieutenant Byrd, who appeared
to be alone, in the Speakers Lobby utilizing a pillar as cover/concealment, pointing his
service pistol at the doors to the Speakers Lobby. This area was a main concentration
of where the rioters were attempting to breach the House Chamber. Mr. Mullin recalled
hearing Lieutenant Byrd giving loud verbal commands, stating that he (Lieutenant Byrd)
would "shoot." Mr. Mullin stated that Lieutenant Byrd was giving other commands but
he could not clearly understand what was being stated.

Mr. Mullin related that he again heard the sound of glass breaking and then heard what
sounded like two gunshots; however, he was not absolutely sure on the number of
gunshots he heard. Mr. Mullin felt that Lieutenant Byrd did everything he could do in an
effort to protect the remaining Members who were trapped in the balconies of the House
Chamber. Mr. Mullin stated that in his opinion, Lieutenant Byrd saved a number of
people's lives when he discharged his service pistol.

Mr. Mullin explained that if Ms. Babbitt would have breached the Speakers Lobby, a
number of other rioters would have followed Ms. Babbitt. Mr. Mullin felt that if this had
occurred the rioters could have easily taken Lieutenant Byrd's service pistol from him,
and utilize the service pistol not only against him (Lieutenant Byrd) but the other
Members who were still inside the House Chamber as well as additional rioters lives.

Mr. Mullin stated that after Lieutenant Byrd had discharged his service pistol, he was
definitely visibly shaken.


The following excerpts serve as a synopsis of those videos relevant to the force
investigated in this report. The time stamps represent the length of time that has
elapsed from the start of the video and not the actual time.

Lieutenant Jason Bagshaw had two (2) BWC videos:

Lieutenant Bagshaw's' first BWC video was 1 hour, 16 minutes and 58 seconds in
length. The video began as Lieutenant Bagshaw was on the scene of the Capitol to
assist. There was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a
synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01:16:58)


0:00:00 Approaching the West Front on foot.
0:01 :58 Sergeant Thau had a taser in his hand.
0:02:05 Blood visible on the ground .
0:03:38 Bike rack lines being placed .
0:05:16 Struggle over the bike rack between officers and crowd.
0:05:19 OC Deployed.
0:06:02 Subject pulled out by Capitol PD.
0:06:58 OC Deployed.
0:07:23 Injured officer on the ground, assisted by other officers.
0:11 :47 Clouds of smoke/gas visible in the crowd of officers.
0:12:08 Hand thrown munition visible.
0:12:09 "Pull the fence down!" can be heard on an amplified device.
0:13:23 Flashbang visible.
0:13:51 Object thrown from crowd.
0:15:00 Struggle over bike racks.
0:15:14 OC deployed.
0:15:19 OC Deployed.
0:16:41 Objects thrown from crowd.
0:18:26 Fencing being pushed over.
0:18:32 Bike rack line breached, OC deployed.
0:19:49 Object thrown from crowd.
0:24:45 People visible climbing the scaffolding.
0:36:55 Commander Kyle approached and identified a problem on the line with
bike rack sections taken by protestors.
0:38:27 Capitol official advised protestors were about to break through the line.
0:39:53 OC deployed at protestors attempting to break the line.
0:42:38 Attempts to break the line.
0:42:40 OC deployed.
0:46:27 Capitol officer advised the protestors were throwing metal poles.


0:49:59 Attempt to break line, OC deployed.
0:50:30 Officer in the crowd.
0:58:26 Lieutenant Bagshaw advised the Capitol officers that MPD was likely
falling back.
0:58:41 OC deployed at protesters refusing to release fence.
1 :00:58 Struggle over fence between officers and protesters, multiple OC
1 :01 :30 Officer down in crowd, OC deployed.
1 :02:45 Officers moving large wooden planks left on ground out of area.
1 :03:43 Sergeant Riley said, "I think camouflage hoodie has bear spray."
1 :04:00 CS gas visible.
1 :04:25 Officers pulling back under scaffolding.
1:06:10 Line breached to scaffolding, OC deployed.
1 :06:12 Unknown lieutenant struck by flagpole by protester.
1 :06:20 OC deployed.
1 :06:43 Officer stuck in scaffold, assisted out.
1 :08:05 Sergeant advised they were hit with CS.
1 :09:22 Capitol officer visible giving flags back to protesters in crowd.
1:10:02 OC deployed.
1 :10:46 OC deployed.
1 :10:53 Unknown officer visible issuing ASP strikes.
1:11:29 Lieutenant Bagshaw handed a pistol in a holster to Commander Kyle.
1 :12:15 OC deployed.
*Crowd continues advancing as line falls back.
1:16:09 Lieutenant Bagshaw entered the Capitol building.
Lieutenant Bagshaw's' second BWC video was 3 hours, 24 minutes and 27 seconds in
length. There was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a
synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 03:24:27)


Lieutenant Bagshaw was inside the Capitol at the back of the West Terrance entrance,
colloquially referred to as "The Tunnel" in the aftermath of the day by MPD members.
The crowd outside the building can be heard loudly yelling. Numerous officers are
visibly packed into the tight space. Chants of "Our house" can be heard from the crowd.
0:06:26 Gas/smoke visible.
0:08:38 Order to push the crowd. Officers are visibly covered in debris.
*Officers continually coughing from the effects of the munitions as they
hold the entrance. Officers continually step back to decontaminate.
0:24:54 Lieutenant Bagshaw rallied officers to return to help.
0:25:45 CS visible at the door.
0:32:17 Officer Ramadhan advised that she had CS canisters that they could
deploy if they could get closer to the front of the crowd.
*In the 36 th minute, Lieutenant Bagshaw's BWC was knocked off onto the
0:39:56 Lieutenant Bagshaw's BWC was recovered and placed into someone's
*The BWC remained in the officer's pocket and does not contain any
useable video past that point.

Lieutenant Andrew Horos had nine (9) BWC videos:

Lieutenant Horos' first BWC video was 1 hour, 8 minutes and 2 seconds in length. The
video began as Lieutenant Horos was parked near the Capitol to respond. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of the
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :08:02)
0:00:00 Lieutenant Horos gathered his equipment and donned his CDU helmet.
0:06:50 Lieutenant Horos approached the police line where a large crowd was
0:08:53 Sergeant Edwards deployed a 40mm Stingball munition.
0:09:17 Officer Khoury deployed a 40mm Stingball munition.
0:15:38 Commander Glover advised to hold off on deploying CS gas.
0:16:42 Repeated audible verbal warnings were given over a PA system to the
0:19:05 Rioters attempted to break through fencing.


0:21 :01 Commander Glover advised that long-range CS was deployed.
0:22:07 Sergeant Edwards deployed a 40mm munition
0:24:05 Officers were visible in the crowd, Lieutenant Haros yelled to form the line
and get the officers back.
0:25:10 The police line broke and officers engaged in hand to hand combat with
the rioters.
0:29:16 Lieutenant Haros called for all available SOD personnel to respond.
0:32:15 Lieutenant Haros called for all available munitions to be brought to the
0:38:30 Gaseous vapors were visible around law enforcement.
0:40:32 Lieutenant Haros said that the rioters released CS gas.
0:41 :58 Lieutenant Haros asked if the rioters were in the building and was told yes.
0:42:11 The line was lost and officers were ordered to retreat.
0:45:38 Cloudy gaseous vapors were visible and were said to be from a fire
0:46:07 Clouds of smoke and vapors were visible in the air.
0:47:35 Officers advised to push the crowd.
0:48:22 Commander Glover asked for CS gas to deploy.
0:53:44 Commander Glover ordered CDU to "fall back."
0:55:19 ERT members deployed munitions.
0:56:28 Commander Glover advised ERT to deploy munitions to clear the
1 :02:50 Lieutenant Haros entered the Rotunda to assist.
1 :03:49 Advised that only MPD was present and Capitol resources were needed.
1:05:19 Lieutenant Haros advised to send someone to DSO for munitions.
1 :08:00 Sergeant Thau said that there were reports of someone shot.
Lieutenant Haros' second BWC video was 13 minutes and 15 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of
the video:
0:03:31 Subject arrested inside the Rotunda.
0:06:27 Pushed the line back out of the Rotunda.


0:07:57 Subject fighting with officers over flagpole.

Lieutenant Haros' third BWC video was 5 minutes and 23 seconds in length. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Throughout the video, Lieutenant
Haros supervised and directed the push of the crowd out of the Rotunda.
Lieutenant Haros' fourth BWC video was 5 minutes and 4 seconds in length. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of the
0:00:20 Lieutenant Haros advised that he needed a minimum of officers to hold
the line.
0:03:35 Orders were given to leave or they would be arrested.
Lieutenant Haros' fifth BWC video was 3 minutes and 3 seconds in length. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of the
0:02:00 Sergeant Thau asked another person to give him his taser.
Lieutenant Haros' sixth BWC video was 56 minutes and 32 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video largely depicts the
push of the crowd. The following is a synopsis of the video:
0:01 :30 Line begins to push.
0:03:35 Advised to hold the line because the crowd had to be able to leave.
0:05:59 Sergeant Thau advised that they got them all out and were still pushing
0:07:05 The crowd continued to push back at the line.
0:13:35 Order to split officers to reinforce Park Police
0:36:56 Moved to West side to assist.
0:38:04 Moved inside to assist.
0:40:59 Sergeant Riley directed Virginia State to assist in the front.
0:45:22 Flashbang deployed.
0:55:26 Sergeant Edwards assessed medical needs.
Lieutenant Haros' seventh BWC video was 25 minutes and 43 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of
the video:
0:02:30 Approached the rear of a large police line.


0:03:15 Chants of "move back" are audible from the police line.
0:03:38 Flashbang visible over the crowd.
0:05:07 Light/smoke visible in the distance.
0:05:12 Unknown individual can be heard saying, "This is just the beginning. Just
the fucking beginning." Another individual said, "Just like the President
said, the fight has just begun."
0:06:30 Lieutenant Haros gave orders to CDU platoons to move to certain
positions on the line.
0:08:00 Lieutenant Haros consulted with Officer Tindall regarding how to push the
line and move the crowd.
0:08:50 Lieutenant Haros consulted with Sergeant Thau regarding how to push the
line and move the crowd .
0:09:27 "At a half step" order broadcast.
0:09:35 Sergeant Edwards advised how to move the crowd with outside agencies.
0:12:29 "At a half step" order broadcast.
0:16:55 Lieutenant Bagshaw advised that there were two people left on the wall
and the patio was clear.
0:18:40 Lieutenant Haros jumped the low wall onto the lawn and approached the
crowd, orders of "At a half step" given.
0:22:15 Physical struggle between officers and rioter refusing to move.
0:23:21 Lieutenant Haros advised that the line was at a retaining wall and holding
Lieutenant Haros' eighth BWC video was 18 minutes and 58 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of
the video:
0:00:00 Lieutenant Haros and members of DSO were on the lawn walking away
from the Capitol.
0:01 :55 Approaching large crowd near statue.
0:03:12 Lieutenant Haros gave an order to hold the line.
0:05:33 Advised that National Guard arrived, discussed movements.
0:09:43 National Guard advised to push.


0:18:21 Lieutenant Horos advised they were holding for bike racks to be set up on
First Street.
Lieutenant Horos' ninth BWC video was 20 minutes and 47 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of
the video:
0:00:00 Clearing area around reflecting pool area.
0:06:19 An MPD official advised that they had a weapon recovery.
0:09:44 Woman is advised she cannot leave the encircled crowd.
0:10:25 Press member asked to leave.
0:11 :34 Lieutenant Horos advised that an individual was in violation of the curfew
and was subject to arrest.
0:16:57 Lieutenant Bagshaw advised they were starting to move the crowd to the
0:18:41 The line is visible moving the crowd .
0:20:39 Officers escort individuals away.
Sergeant Anthony Alioto of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Domestic
Security Operations (DSO) had one ( 1) BWC video in relation to the incident. The
following is a synopsis of the video.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 02:14:40)

Sergeant Alioto was positioned in front of the United States Capitol Building, on the
west side of the building.

06:17 The crowd of protestors became assaultive towards the MPD members
who had established a police line. The protestors began to push towards
the front of the police line. Sgt. Alioto deployed multiple one (1) to two (2)
second bursts of OC Spray from his departmental issued MK-46 canister
into the crowd of protestors.

06:58 Unidentified protestors destroyed the metal fence that was being utilized
as a barrier. Sgt. Alioto deployed one (1), one (1) second burst of OC
Spray at the crowd of protestors to disperse the crowd.

08:13 Multiple projectiles were thrown by an unidentified protestor at the MPD

members. Sgt. Alioto deployed one (1) OC Spay at the protestor. The OC
Spray took effect, and the protestor retreated into the crowd.


11 :50 The crowd of protesters became assaultive and began to push towards
the front of the police line. Sgt. Alioto deployed one (1) burst of OC Spray
at an unidentified protester to disrupt their behavior.

15:25 Multiple projectiles were being thrown at the MPD members. Sgt. Alioto
deployed one ( 1) burst of OC Spray at the crowd of protesters.

17:17 Sgt. Alioto deployed one ( 1) burst of OC Spray at a protester who was
resisting arrest.

18:28 The crowd of protesters became assaultive and pushed against the police
line. Sgt. Alioto deployed one (1) burst of OC Spray into the crowd.

28:03 Sgt. Alioto deployed one (1) burst of OC Spray into the crowd of protesters
to disperse and move them back from the police line.

50:00 Sgt. Alioto used mechanical force, ASP strikes, to prevent protesters from
jumping over the metal fence barrier.

*During this time multiple projectiles consisting of metal poles and softball sized
objects can be seen being thrown at the MPD members from the crowd of

01 :16 From the second level balcony, Sgt. Alioto deployed one canister of the
chemical irritant CS tear gas into the crowd of protesters as a defensive
tool to help protect MPD members who were being surrounded by

01:49 Sgt. Alioto used physical force to push the protesters out from inside of the
United States Capitol Rotunda, while directing the protesters to back up.

01:50 The crowd of protesters became assaultive and started to push and pull
the MPD members. Sgt Alioto deployed multiple one (1) second bursts of
OC Spray into the crowd to disrupt the protester's behavior.

Sergeant Daniel Thau of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Special Operations
Division (SOD) had five (5) body worn camera videos of the incident. The following is a
synopsis of the videos:

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :54:33)

Sgt. Thau is positioned outside of the United States Capitol, on the west side of the

MPD members along with the United States Capitol Police have established a police
line to prevent protesters from accelerating closer to the entrance of the United States
Capitol Building.


13:30 The metal gate being used as a barrier between the MPO members and
the protesters gets destroyed by unidentified protesters. The protesters
start to move their way towards the MPO members who have are
positioned on the police line.

14:12 The crowd of protesters become assaultive to the MPO members and
started pushing the members. Sgt. Thau deployed 2 ECO rounds into the
crowd of protesters, striking a protesters.

21:00 Sgt. Thau deployed multiple bursts of OC Spray into the crowds of
protesters to disperse the crowd.

22:10 Sgt. Thau takes a taser from another MPO member. Sgt. Thau deployed
one (1) ECO round at an unidentified protester.

24:20 Sgt. Thau deployed (1) ECO round at an unidentified protester, refusing to
back up from the police line.

27:30 Sgt. Thau deployed multiple bursts of OC Spray to disperse the crowd of

32:55 Sgt. Thau deployed one smoke round to displace and manage the crowd.

34:25 Sgt. Thau deployed one Stinger Grenade to displace and manage the

46:37 Sgt. Thau deployed one Stinger Grenade to displace and manage the

01:12 Sgt. Thau deployed one round of CS gas I into the crowd of protesters.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00: 12:46)

02:06 Sgt. Thau deployed one (1) ECO round into the crowd of protesters.

02:22 Sgt. Thau deployed one (1) ECO round into the crowd of protesters.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:21 :46)

05:14 Sgt. Thau deployed one (1) Rubber Ball Blast Grenade into the crowd of

09:33 Sgt. Thau deployed (1) Stinger into the crowd of protesters.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:14:25)


10:49 Sgt. Thau deployed (1) SKAT round into the crowd of protestors.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00: 17:02)

03:48 Sgt. Thau deployed one (1) Stinger Grenade into the crowd of protestors.
Officer Christopher Wickham of SOD had four (4) BWC videos:
Officer Wickham's first BWC video was 1 hour, 34 minutes and 6 seconds. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video began when Officer
Wickham was on the scene at the Capitol. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :34:06)

0:01 :49 40mm munition deployed.

0:03:21 Officer Wickham directed the police line to move at a half step and back
the protestors up.
0:05:14 OC deployed.
0:07:52 40mm munition deployed.
0:08:10 40mm munition deployed.
0:13:37 Large push against police line.
0:14:21 40mm munition deployed.
0:16:44 Large pole thrown from crowd.
0:17:33 40mm munition deployed.
0:18:58 Flagpole thrown from crowd struck an officer.
*The officers continued to hold the line against the combative crowd.
Projectiles, including metal poles and fire extinguishers, were repeatedly
thrown at the officers. Bear spray was deployed against the officers and
officers continually had to leave the line to decontaminate.
0:41:48 LRAD warnings clearly audible.
0:51 :58 40mm munition deployed.
0:52:48 40 mm munition deployed.
0:53:07 40 mm munition deployed.
0:53:36 40 mm munition deployed.
0:53:57 40 mm munition deployed.


0:54:26 40 mm munition deployed .
0:55:00 40 mm munition deployed.
0:55:10 40 mm munition deployed .
1 :00:49 Officer Wickham entered the SOD truck to retrieve munition resupplies.
1 :07:36 OC deployed numerous times.
1 :09:19 Rioter threw a bike rack section at Officer Wickham. OC repeatedly
deployed at rioters. Individual in the crowd sprayed a substance at
*The crowd continued to push forward and overtook the police line .
Projectiles continued to be thrown and officers began to retreat.

1:11:22 Individuals visible climbing the scaffolding over the police line.
1 :12:00 The crowd began to overtake the line, climbing under the scaffolding and
causing the officers to retreat up the stairs to the upper deck.
1 :17:16 Officer Wickham went to the SOD truck to obtain CS munitions.
Officer Wickham's second BWC video was 6 minutes and 13 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicted a group of the SOD
officers planning how to move the crowd.
Officer Wickham's third BWC video was 14 minutes and 4 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video largely depicted the lines of
officers as they prepared to mount a push to clear the crowd.
Officer Wickham's fourth BWC video was 21 minutes and 53 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 0:21 :53)

0:01:10 40mm munition deployed.

0:03:43 40mm munition deployed.
*The officers physically pushed the line back when the rioters refused to clear. Aerial
munitions were deployed over the crowd.

Officer Justin Jordan of DSO had five (5) BWC videos:

Officer Jordan's first BWC video was 2 minutes and 54 seconds in length. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the DSO officers
meeting near the grounds of the Capitol and walking towards the building.


Officer Jordan's second BWC video was 25 minutes and 37 seconds in length. There
was a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of
the video
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:25:37)

0:01:16 Large group of officers begin to move crowd.

0:03:22 Citizen holding American flag appears to strike Officer Jordan.
0:05:15 Gas mask donned.
0:07:17 Hand thrown munition visible.
0:07:26 Object thrown back by crowd.
0:09:30 Subject in brown jacket and hat resisting officers.
0:17:45 Hand thrown OC blast deployed over crowd.
Officer Jordan's third BWC video was 12 minutes and 12 seconds in length and begins
when Officer Jordan was inside the building. There was a two minute buffer to the video
that has no audio. The following is a synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:12:12)

0:00:00 Large group of officers crowded in a hallway.

0:02:30 Officer in front of line deployed hand thrown munition.
0:02:38 Order given by unknown official: "After we throw, push."
0:02:40 Stingball deployed.
0:02:44 Order given to push.
0:03:16 Group pushed out of building.
0:03:36 Individual visible climbing out of window.
0:04:24 Burning munitions visible in front of crowd.
0:06:03 Hand thrown munition deployed.
0:08:11 Woman on stairs says she can't move and wants 911.
Officer Jordan's fourth BWC video was 10 minutes and 47 seconds in length. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the large group of
officers continuing to move the crowd back. The crowd remains combative.
Officer Jordan's fifth BWC video was 8 minutes and 43 seconds in length . There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the line of officers
continuing to move the crowd along the grounds.


Officer Tara Tindall of DSO had eight (8) BWC videos:
Officer Tindall's first BWC video was 2 hours and O minutes. There was a two minute
buffer to the video that has no audio. The video began with DSO members preparing to
respond. Below is a brief synopsis:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 02:00:00)

0:04:27 Removed canister after deploying 40mm munition.

0:04:34 40mm munition deployed.
0:06:01 40mm munition deployed.
0:09:22 40mm munition deployed.
0:14:14 Metal pole taken from crowd.
0:17:08 Officer Tindall yelled, "Gas, gas, gas!"
0:18:05 Officers were pushing the crowd that had surged forward.
0:22:48 40mm munition deployed - skip-fired stingball.
0:23:35 Officer Tindall and Sergeant Thau assisted Officer Chrisman with decon.
0:33:28 Sergeant Thau deployed a hand-thrown munition.
0:38:43 Officer Chrisman deployed a hand-thrown munition.
0:39:41 Officer Tindall handed Commander Glover a 40mm canister.
0:40:25 Crowd began to surge against police line.
0:41 :52 Officer Tindall advised Lieutenant Haros that the pepper spray was
contaminating the officers.
0:46:52 Officer Tindall handed Sergeant Edwards a 40mm canister.
0:47:38 Sergeant Thau asked for "a blast."
0:48:26 40mm munition deployed.
0:50:08 LRAD warning clearly audible.
0:50:38 Officer struggling over bike rack with crowd.
0:52:44 Sergeant Edwards deployed a 40mm munition.
0:52:57 40mm munition deployed.
0:53:15 Sergeant Alioto asked for "burners."
0:55:38 Sergeant Edwards advised Sergeant Bogner to go to DSO to obtain more


1 :08:14 Officer arrived with munitions resupply.
1 :09:35 Officer Tindall entered a stairwell.
1 :10:30 Officer Tindall entered the Capitol.
1 :12:38 Sergeant Bogner advised that the crowd had broken through the line and
the line was gone.
1:15:22 Rioters visible on the upper terrace.
1 :24:20 Officer Tindall gave verbal commands to rioters to leave the building.
1 :36:40 Rioter heard yelling, "This is our chance. This is our chance, if we don't
succeed it's over."
1:46:04 Officer Tindall entered the Rotunda.
1 :53:22 A struggle began between the rioters and police line clearing the Rotunda.
Officer Tindall's second BWC video was 4 minutes and 40 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video largely depicted officers in the
Rotunda decontaminating from the effects of chemical agents and did not depict any
use of force by Officer Tindall.
Officer Tindall's third BWC video was 11 minutes and 27 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video did not depict any use of force
by Officer Tindall.
Officer Tindall's fourth BWC video was 5 minutes and 13 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video did not depict any use of force
by Officer Tindall.
Officer Tindall's fifth BWC video was 12 minutes and 33 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video did not depict any use of force
by Officer Tindall. Below are points of interest:
0:06:41 Officer Tindall and Sergeant Edwards observed items on the ground
presumably left by rioters, to include "radios, comms."
0:06:58 Officer Tindall photographed what appears to be a canister of bear spray
on the ground.
0:07:06 Officer Tindall photographed what she identified as a "camcorder.
0:07:37 Sergeant Edwards advised officers to retrieve the items.


Officer Tindall's sixth BWC video was 12 minutes and 50 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the use of
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00: 12:50)

The video largely depicted the group of officers in the West Terrace Hallway attempting
to clear the crowd from the doorway.
0:04:08 The group was directed to "push" and pushed forward against the crowd.
0:04:45 Officer Tindall exited the building. The crowd was visible on the terrace
and the air was thick with visible smoke or fumes.
0:09:36 40mm munition deployed.
Officer Tindall's seventh BWC video was 4 minutes and 38 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the use of
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:04:38)

0:02:38 Sergeant Thau deployed a hand-thrown Stingball munition.

0:02:41 40mm munition deployed.
Officer Tindall's eighth BWC video was 6 minutes and 50 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video did not depict any use of force
by Officer Tindall.
Officer James Crisman of the DSO had 2 BWC videos

Officer James Crisman of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Domestic Security
Operations (DSO) had one (2) BWC videos in relation to the incident. The following is a
synopsis of the videos.

Officer Crisman is observed on the west side of the United States Capitol. In front of him
is a metal gate and an established police line. The police line is being used to prevent
the crowd of protesters from further encroaching onto United States Capitol territory.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :38:14)

03:50 Commander Glover advised DSO members to "break them up" referring to
the crowd of protesters.

04:05 Officer Crisman deployed single burst of OC Spray into the crowd of


04:13 Officer Crisman deployed multiple one second bursts of OC Spray into the
crowd of protestors, while screaming "back up."

04:36 Officer Crisman deployed single burst of OC Spray into the crowd of
protestors, while screaming "back up."

07:55 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

15:19 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

15:25 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

15:45 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

15:46 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

16:07 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

16:50 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

18:09 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

18:32 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

18:44 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

19:16 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

30:12 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

33:02 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

38:10 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

46:42 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

47:27 Officer Crisman deployed one Sting Ball into the crowd of protestors.

01 :32:14 Officer Crisman used mechanical force and pushed the protestors back
with his ASP.

(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:09:54)

02:49 Officer Crisman used mechanical force and pushed the protestors back
with his ASP.


06:06 Officer Crisman used mechanical force and pushed the protestors back
with his ASP.

Officer Gregory Rock of DSO had five (5) BWC videos:

Officer Rock's first BWC video was 26 minutes and 14 seconds in length. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video began as the DSO team
prepared to respond to the Capitol and largely depicts their walk to the west side of the
building. Upon arriving to the west side, they discussed the events and the weather
conditions as they related to deploying munitions.
Officer Rock's second BWC video was 22 minutes and 6 seconds in length. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the movement of
the crowd by officers and does not show any munitions deployments by Officer Rock.
Officer Rock's third BWC video was 15 minutes and 27 seconds in length and begins
inside the building in a hallway. There was a two minute buffer to the video that has no
audio. The following is a synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 00:15:27)

0:06:14 Officer Rock exited the building with the police line that pushed the crowd
0:07:54 40mm munition deployed.
Officer Rock's fourth BWC video was 20 minutes and 5 seconds in length. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the movement of the
crowd by officers and does not show any munitions deployments by Officer Rock.
Officer Rock's fifth BWC video was 12 minutes and 13 seconds in length. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicts the movement of the
crowd by officers and does not show any munitions deployments by Officer Rock.
Officer Anthony Campanale of ERT had five (5) BWC videos:
Officer Campanale's first BWC video was 12 minutes and 59 seconds long. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicted the members of
ERT responding on foot to the Capitol and meeting with officials.
Officer Campanale's second BWC video was 1 hour and O minutes. Below is a brief
synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :00:54)
0:05:07 Commander Glover called for a line formation.
0:05:55 40mm munition deployed at individual on stairs with fire extinguisher.


0:07:07 Commander Glover called the ERT members and advised that their
mission was to deploy OC, CS, Stingballs, or whatever munitions they had
to clear the scaffolding.
0:07:43 Another official advised that the crowd was taking apart the scaffold.
0:08:15 40mm munition deployed at individual on scaffold.
0:16:30 Individual refusing to go down the stairs, physically engaged by officers.
0:24:36 Officer Campanale advised Commander Glover that the bleachers were
0:29:27 Individual dismantling scaffolding underneath, brandishing pipe.
0:29:36 Individual throws object, possible coil of rope, at officers.
0:39:28 OC vapor canister deployed at group refusing to clear under scaffolding.
0:40:28 Officer Campanale advised that "it was a dud."
0:50:01 Another officer advised that he believed an individual in the crowd was
attempting to light something on fire.
Officer Campanale's third BWC video was 2 hours and 15 minutes. There is a two (2)
minute buffer during which there is no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 02: 15:48)

0:01 :55 Officers in line pushing against crowd to hold the line.
0:03:30 Man with a flag struck officers on the line with the flagpole. The crowd
continued to surge against the line and fight against the officers. 40mm
munition deployed.
0:04:18 40mm munition deployed.
0:08:40 Crowd pushed against the line.
0:08:54 40mm munition deployed.
0:09:03 40mm munition deployed.
0:10:03 Officer Hairston handed Officer Campanale 40mm foam baton rounds that
he stated were from Montgomery County.
0:12:36 Officer Campanale pushed men refusing to obey directive to go down the
0:20:21 The line pushed against another surge of the crowd.


0:42:40 Order given to move at a half step, line of officers began to move the
crowd back.
0:44:19 Physical struggle with rioter caused Officer Camapanale to fall briefly.
0:47:35 Crowd visibly refusing to move as the line of officers attempted to push the
crowd back.
0:48:03 An unknown officer fell to the ground during a struggle with rioters fighting
against the police line.
0:48:14 Flashbang munitions visible.
0:48:24 40mm munition deployed.
0:48:48 Individual in the crowd threw a stick at the line, 40mm munition deployed
in response.
0:50:22 Officers physically moved an individual sitting on a wall refusing to move
for the police line, while other rioters attempted to prevent this and
engaged the officers in a physical altercation.
0:58:28 A line of rioters was clearly visibly pushing back against the line of officers
as they attempted to move the crowd back.
1 :02:24 Officer Campanale advised an individual that if another individual on the
ground needed an ambulance he would have to be taken to the street.
The individual got up and walked away.
1:15:43 Commander Glover directed ERT members to clear the stairs.
1 :40:07 Commander Glover advised that the crowd was throwing chairs.
1 :40:40 40mm munition deployed.
1 :51 :02 Officer Campanale pushed an individual sitting on a wall as the line
moved. The individual said he had injured his knee and was assisted by
another bystander.
Officer Campanale's fourth BWC video was 8 minutes and 4 seconds. There is a two (2)
minute buffer during which there is no audio. The video did not depict any use of force.
Officer Campanale's fifth BWC video was 18 minutes and 26 seconds. There is a two
(2) minute buffer during which there is no audio. The video depicted Officer Campanale
and other officers assisting at the AC Hotel in serving an individual with a barring notice
and leaving the premises. The video did not depict any use of force.


Officer Nicholas Smith of ERT had four (4) BWC videos:
Officer Smith's first BWC video was 1 hour, 0 minutes, and 8 seconds long. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video began when Officer Smith
was on the scene at the Capitol. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 01 :00:08)

0:10:21 Sergeant Riley asked for "someone with a 40" and directed Officer Smith
to Captain Augustine. Officer Smith walked with the official to an area in
front of the crowd. The Captain advised that there were people with bear
spray in an elevated position and pointed them out.
0:14:14 Sergeant Miller advised the ERT officers not to waste their munitions
because of low supply.
0:37:06 Officer Smith ordered rioters to back up, who were under the scaffolding
behind the police line.
0:37:11 40mm munition deployed.
* The remainder of the video largely depicted Officer Smith holding his
position behind the police line.
Officer Smith's second BWC video was 6 minutes and 56 seconds long. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video depicted the crowd pushing
against the line of officers, and the officers holding the line.
Officer Smith's third BWC video was 40 minutes and 18 seconds long. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
0:06:47 CS burner visible after deployment into the crowd.
0:09:58 CS burner visible after deployment into the crowd. Crowd visible fighting
officers below Officer Smith's elevated position.
0:11 :29 40mm munition deployed.
0:12:27 "40mm stingball. Subject armed with a baton. Made effect."
* The remainder of the video largely depicted Officer Smith holding a
position on the scaffolding and stairs. Towards the end of the video, CS
gas was visible after multiple deployments into the crowd.
Officer Smith's fourth BWC video was 33 minutes and 58 seconds long. There was a
two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the video :
*The video largely depicted officers clearing the grounds across the lawn.
0:02:01 40mm munition deployed.


Officer Timothy Dumantt of ERT had three (3) BWC videos:
Officer Dumantt's first BWC video was 3 minutes and 18 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. The video began when Officer Dumantt
was on the scene at the Capitol. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 0:03:18)

0:00:48 Officer Dumantt entered the Capitol with Capitol Police and a man in a suit
with a radio.
0:01 :53 Officer Dumantt encountered a group of rioters in hallway. An individual in
a mask said, "we're not leaving" and "give us Pelosi's office." Officer
Dumantt left the group held by a line of officers.
Officer Dumantt's second BWC video was 22 minutes and 19 seconds. There was a two
minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the video:
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 0:22:19)

0:00:20 Officer Dumantt approached the entrance of the Rotunda, which was full
of people.
0:02:47 A woman in the crowd advised, "somebody's fighting, of they're fighting
over there."
0:03:14 The police line began to push the crowd out of the Rotunda.
*Officer Dumantt held his position behind the line as the crowd was
pushed out of the Rotunda.
Officer Dumantt's third BWC video was 1 hour, 34 minutes and 51 seconds. There was
a two minute buffer to the video that has no audio. Below is a brief synopsis of the
(Recording run time 00:00:00 - 1 :34:51)
0:03:15 Officer Dumantt was struck by an object thrown from the crowd.
*Officers donned gas masks and held the police line. Outside agencies
assisted and the line was reinforced.
0:34:48 A burning munition was thrown at the officers from the crowd.
0:35:10 A second burning munition was thrown at the officers from the crowd.
0:42:31 Officer Dumantt and other officers struggled with an individual with a large
0:47:03 Hand-thrown stingball munition deployed.
0:49:50 Object thrown at officers, crowd resisting push.


0:50:15 Hand-thrown stingball munition deployed. Object thrown at officers from
crowd .
*The officers continued to attempt to clear the platform. Eventually CS gas
was deployed at the large crowd on the lower platform and was successful
at moving the crowd that had otherwise been immoveable.

CCTV footage was provided by the USCP of the inside of the US Capitol Building and
the surrounding grounds. The footage that has been reviewed. Note that the time stamp
reflects real time. 11 2
On January 6, 2020, Agent Rachel Pulliam of the Metropolitan Police Department's
Internal Affairs Division (IAD) viewed several United States Capitol Police (USCP)
operated closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras that covered the area relevant to the
police-involved shooting inside of the U.S. Capitol Building. The following is a
preliminary summary of those videos with the noted times stamps representing the
actual time as listed in the CCTV system.

Camera title: 0102 uses 01 Senate Wing Door

Video starts at 2:23:00 PM

Video captured a number of rioters inside the US Capitol and further captured Ms.
Babbitt climbing up and entering through a broken out windowpane.

Camera title: 0251 USCH 02 Main Door Hall

Video starts at 2:40:40 PM

Video captured a number of rioters walking through the halls of the US Capitol to
include Ms. Babbitt who continues to walk by herself through the halls.

Camera title: 0176 USCH 01 South Door

Video starts at 2:48:04 PM

Captures some USCP activity at the door but nothing relevant to the force investigation.

Camera title: 0177 USCH 01 Hall of Columns South Door

Video starts at 2:48:01 PM

Captures USCP and MPD activity at the door and medics entering with stretcher for Ms.
Babbitt, but nothing relevant to the force investigation.

Camera title: 0181 USCH 01 South Door Vestibule

Video starts at 2:58:00 PM

11 2 See Attachment 92 - CCTV Videos


Captures USCP and MPD activity at the door and DCFEMS exiting with Ms. Babbitt on
stretcher but nothing relevant to the force investigation.


MPD in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has identified over
15,000 social media videos that are related to the events that occurred on January 5 th at
the U.S. Capitol. Special Agent Joshua Smith-Shimer of the FBI-Washington Field
Office has been coordinating with MPD elements and the MPD IAD to identify suspects
captured in social media videos at the U.S. Capitol on January 5th, 2021. The below
listed videos are a small sampling of the activity that was captured by video and posted
to various social media outlets. 11 3
Video #1 38 Seconds in Length. Titled "MPD Physical Force"

00:03 A rioter in a red shirt is observed attempting to remove the bike rack
barricades in front of MPD officers.
00:27 A rioter is heard yelling obscenities at MPD officers and calling them,
00:34 Rioters called MPD officers traders to their country.
00:36 A rioter in a green jacket attempted to snatch the bike rack from in front of
MPD officers.
Video #2 17 Seconds in Length. Titled "MPD Use of Force 2 QC spray"

00:04 An MPD officer issued a straight strike to a rioter.

00:05 Several rioters assaulted MPD officers. MPD officers deployed multiple
bursts of OC spray.
00:07 A rioter is observed deploying bear spray at MPD officers.
Video #3 19 Seconds in length, titled, "Protesters Scale Wall to Capitol"

00:02 A rioter is observed climbing the outer wall of the Capitol. The rioter
utilized a bike rack as a ladder.
00:11 Several rioters are observed scaling the outer Capitol wall.

11 3
ProPublica has launched a webpage with more than 500 videos from Jan 6th pulled down from Parler.
It is chronologically organized in DC, Capitol grounds, and in the Capitol. Many of these vides were
downloaded and stored by the IAD Technical Services Unit.
https ://projects .propu bIica. o rg/parl er-capitol-videos/


Video #3 Two (2) minutes and nineteen (19) seconds in length. Titled "Rotunda
MPD Involved Physical Force."
00:01 MPD riot officers are observed on line attempting to hold back a crowd of
several rioters inside the rotunda.
00:22 Rioters are observed pushing and assaulting officers.
01 :11 A large group of rioters forced their way past two Capitol Police officers
and entered the rotunda. Several hundred rioters then enter the rotunda.
Video#4 Eight (8) seconds in length. Titled, "Stop the Steal Chant."
00:06 Hundreds of rioter are observed inside the Capitol chanting, "Stop the
Video#S Nine (9) seconds in length. Titled, "Storm the Senate Floor."
00:07 Hundreds of rioters are observed pushing past U.S. Capitol police officers
and storing the inside of the Capitol.

9-1-1 Telephone Calls to Office of Unified Communications (OUC)

There are no 9-1-1 calls regarding this incident.

Police Radio Zone Transmissions

The OUC forwarded the SOD Events-1 radio zone transmissions that occurred during
this incident to the investigating agent. The recordings were reviewed by the
investigating agent, and are maintained within the IAD's main files. 114

The recordings are consistent with the statements of law enforcement members.

Upon reviewing the radio transmissions, the following is a paraphrased summarization

of the transmissions that may be relevant regarding this investigation: (The time noted
represents the time stamp on the recording)

1st Recording is eighteen (18) minutes and fifty-three (53) seconds in length. This
recorded covers the time frame between 1200-1300 hours.

06:21 Commander Glover advised that there was an ad-hoc group that began to
march eastbound on Constitution Avenue, Northwest.

114 Previously referenced as Attachment 7 - Office of Unified Communications Recordings


06:51 An MPD unit advised that three men armed with AR-15's were walking on
Independence Avenue, Northwest. GRU 1 advised that the suspects were

14:39 Commander Glover directed EOD to reposed to the 300 block of 1st
Street, Southest for a device.

17:19 Commander Glover ordered CDU units 54 and 64 to respond to 3rd and
Maryland Avenue, Southwest, to deploy to the U.S. Capitol west front
(12:59 hours).

18:41 Assistant Chief Carroll advised that rioters were attempting to breach the

2nd Recording is Thirty (30) minutes and sixteen (16) seconds in length. This
recorded covers the time frame between 1300-1400 hours.

00:40 CDU 74 was directed to stage at 3rd and Maryland Avenue, Southwest.

00:51 The JOCC advised that rioters were climbing the scaffolding in front of the

03:05 Motor-1 advised a 10-89 at the DNC.

06:28 Commander Glover reported that U.S. Capitol police were deploying

06:51 Commander Glover reported that MPD units had deployed OC spray
(13:12 hours).

07:21 Commander Glover ordered MPD units at the Capitol to dawn their "hard

07:31 Commander Glover requested the DSO to respond to the Capitol.

07:46 Commander Glover ordered CDU 12 to respond to the Capitol.

Commander Glover advised that the rioters were throwing bike racks at
the officers.

08:14 Commander Glover advised that the rioters were throwing bricks, bottles,
and bike racks.

08:52 Commander Glover reported that there were two MPD ECO deployments.

09:00 Commander Glover reported that there was an injured MPD officer.


09:07 Commander Glover reported that he needed munitions to the west front of
the Capitol.

09:36 Lieutenant Wilkins requested more MK-46's at the west front of the

10:13 Commander Glover reported that multiple Capitol Police officers were

10:46 An MPD unit advised that rioters were dismantling the reviewing stand and
throwing metal objects at officers.

11 :31 An MPD unit advised that fireworks were being thrown at offices.

13:16 Commander Glover reported that sting-ball munitions were deployed by


13:41 Commander Glover reported that munitions and mechanical force was
being used to push the rioters.

13:57 An MPD unit advised that a large group of rioters armed with helmets and
sticks were heading towards the Capitol.

14:05 Commander Glover reported that he needed more munitions at the west
front of the Capitol.

14:53 Commander Glover reported that the rioters were using munitions against
officers as well as bear spray.

16:15 Commander Glover requested that two more hard platoons respond to the

16:32 CDU 42 was dispatched to the Capitol.

18:00 Commander Glover reported that hand thrown OC was deployed by DSO
with little effect.

18:50 Commander Glover reported that more sting-ball munitions were deployed
with effect.

20:22 An MPD unit advised that smoke grenades were being thrown at officers.

20:39 Commander Glover reported that a 40mm exact impact round was
deployed and that the use of 40mm EIWs was authorized.


22:59 Commander Glover requested the assistance of U.S. Park Police and their
pepper ball guns. Commander Glover reported that MPD was out of
munitions at that time.

23:31 Commander Glover reported that objects were still being thrown at officers
to include metal objects, bottles, and fireworks.

25:01 Commander Glover requested that FEMS establish a triage point at the
west front of the Capitol (13:48 hours).

25:39 Commander Glover declared a riot. (13:49 hours).

25:58 Commander Glover reported that the Capitol had been breached.

27:15 lntel-1 reported that talk show host Alex Jones was discouraging the
rioters from engaging with police.

28:24 The JOCC advised that Capitol police had advised that they were going to
pull their officers inside.

30:15 Commander Glover reported that additional sting-balls were deployed

without effect and that objects were still being thrown at officers.

3rd Recording is Thirty-Five (35) minutes and ten (10) seconds in length. This
recorded covers the time frame between 1400-1500 hours.

00:31 An MPD unit advised that they were surrounded.

00:39 Commander Glover advised that rioters had breached the scaffolding and
are behind MPD lines.

02:50 Commander Glover request permission to deploy CS gas.

03:00 An MPD unit advised that rioters were attempting to snatch officers.

03:05 Chief Carroll authorized the deployment of CS gas.

04:57 The JOCC advised that Capitol Police reported that the East side of the
Capitol had been breached by rioters.

07:11 An officer reported that an MPD officer had been struck in the face with a
thrown object.

07:31 NSID-1 advised that reinforcements were needed or they were going to
lose the steps of the West side.


11:26 CDU 14 arrived on scene at the Capitol and were directed to respond to
the West front.

11 :53 CDU 71 responded to the West front of the Capitol.

13:50 The JOCC reported that shots were fired.

15:50 Commander Glover reported that they had lost the line and ordered all
MPD units to pull back to the upper deck of the Capitol.

16:11 Commander Glover voiced a 10-33.

18:05 The JOCC advised that the Senate floor was being evacuated by Capitol

18:07 Commander Glover reported that CDU units were inside the Capitol.

25:04 An MPD unit advised that rioters had broken out windows of the Capitol.

25:24 The JOCC reported that Capitol Police had fired shots on the House Floor.

26:48 The JOCC again advised that shots had been fired on the House Floor.

27:32 The JOCC reported that there were 300 rioters who were attempted to
breach the doors to the Capitol on the lower terrace.

28:49 CDU 51 advised that more MPD units were needed inside the Capitol.

4th Recording is thirty-seven (37) minutes and thirteen (13) seconds in length.
This recorded covers the time frame between 1500-1600 hours.

01:20 An MPD unit advised that assistance was needed in the rotunda.

02:28 lntel-1 reported that rioters commandeered a forklift and scaffolding.

03:02 Commander Glover declared a 10-33 for an MPD CDU platoon inside the

03:19 Sergeant Alioto reported that he was inside the rotunda and had
organized a CDU line to push rioters towards the exits.

05:21 Commander Glover requested assistance from PG County PD and

Virginia State Police. PGPD responded that they were in route.

06:14 Montgomery County PD acknowledged that they had arrived on the scene
of the Capitol.


11 :02 Commander Glover reported that the crowd was still riotous and
attempting to breach the Capitol.

11 :55 Commander Glover instructed the MPD members to dawn gas masks.

14:57 An MPD united voiced a 10-33 and advised that an officer was

16:25 CDU 25 advised that she was "coming in hot on a metro bus".

22:48 Arlington County advised that they were in route.

26:20 CDU 25 advised that they were on the scene.

26:41 Sergeant Daniel Thau voiced that ECD's were deployed.

27:22 Prince George's County Police Department (PGPD) voiced that they were
on the scene.
27:45 CDU 76 voiced that they were on the scene.

29:41 Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) voiced that they were on
the scene with their shields at the North corner/West front.

29:59 Arlington County Police Department (ACPD) advised that they were on the

32:06 CDU 31 advised that the crowd was attempting to breach the doors on the

33:12 Cruiser 50 (Commander Robert Glover) direct to ACPD, Virginia State that
he needed an ETA.
33:33 Cruiser 50 advised all MPD members to mask up for preparation for CS

35:31 CDU-12 advised that MPD members were injured on the line and
additional support was requested.
36:59 ICC 3 advised that ACPD was on the scene.
5th Recording is thirty-nine (39) minutes and three (03) seconds in length. This
recorded covers the time frame between 1600-1700 hours.

00:38 Virginia State Police advised that they were on the scene; Fairfax County
Police Department (FCPD) advised that they were approaching
Independence Avenue with twenty-five (25) officers.


01:32 An MPD unit advised that there was Drone activity on the south side lawn
on the west side.
02:20 Unit advised that subjects were attempting to breach; Virginia State Police
advised that they were in front of Headquarters.
04:06 Commander Glover requested numbers on the resources and advised that
he would be briefing ACPD and PGPD.
04:47 Commander Glover advised that additional resources were needed on the
Senate doors.
06:09 Motor 2 advised that he, a CDU Platoon and United States Capitol Police
(USCP) officers are at the Senate door and subjects were trying to breach
the door; CDU 32 advised that they were on post.
06:19 An MPD unit voiced a 10-33 voiced at the Lower, West Terrace Entrance.
11 :33 Cruiser 8400 voiced a 10-33 inside the Capitol at the lower terrace door.
13:11 Commander Glover advised that the push of the rioters off of the upper
terrace had begun.
17:39 An MPD unit advised that there was an unconscious officer on the upper
West terrace.
19:06 A unit asked for an AED to be brought to the upper West terrace.
19:54 An MPD unit advised that CPR had begun on a rioter.
25:25 An MPD unit advised that sting-balls were deployed. Commander Glover
requested additional sting-balls to the terrace.
27:28 Commander Glover advised that the rioters had been pushed back to First
Street on all sides and that the goal was to clear the entire Capitol
complex and to push all the way to Fifth Street.
27:58 Commander Glover requested Virginia State Police to respond to the
West terrace.
36:14 Chief Carroll advised that Virginia State Police was inside the Capitol.
39:03 Commander Kyle advised that he had Virginia State Police officers with
him in the tunnel.
6th Recording is thirty-four (34) minutes and forty-two (42) seconds in length.
This recorded covers the time frame between 1700-1800 hours.

04:34 lntel-10 reported that the rioters were pointing lasers at officers.

05:10 Chief Carroll advised that 150 National Guards troops were in route.


11 :01 Commander Glover requested that sting-balls be deployed on the north
side at rioters who were throwing chairs.

13:04 An MPD unit requested an ambulance at 1st and Independence for a rioter
that was trampled.

16:06 Commander Glover directed CDU 52 to clear the construction trailers of

rioters .

17:44 Commander Glover directed that the line formation conduct the push of
rioters off of the Capitol grass.

19:37 Commander Glover reported that CS gas was deployed and ordered the
CDU line to continue its push west.

30:23 Commander Glover reported that the rioters had been pushed to 1st


Why were no subjects of force identified in this investigation?

The use of force incidents under review in this investigation occurred during civil unrest
and riotous events in which police officers were vastly outnumbered. The use of force in
this investigation was meant to disperse rioters and prevent further assaults on law
enforcement, and to defend the U.S. Capitol and the lawmakers inside. The force was
not meant to incapacitate a subject in order to arrest them. Effecting an arrest, while
being surrounded by thousands of rioters, is not feasible. Those who were affected by
the force used in the incident often faded back into the crowd or ran off and left the
immediate vicinity. The totality of the circumstances left law enforcement unable to
identify the subjects of force.

What is the D.C. Code definition of a riot?

D.C. Code: § 22-1322: Rioting or inciting to riot: A riot in the District of Columbia is a
public disturbance involving an assemblage of 5 or more persons which by tumultuous
and violent conduct or the threat thereof creates grave danger of damage or injury to
property or persons.

Does the First Amendment of the Constitution allow for person(s) to assemble
and act in a manner that is tumultuous and violent under the guise of exercising
free speech?

No. The First Amendment of the Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or


abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of Grievances."


Due to the fact that this is an administrative investigation, this case was not presented
to the United States Attorney's Office (USAO).


Law Enforcement officers were vastly outnumbered by violent and tumultuous groups of
rioters that descended upon the U.S. Capitol with the intent to stop the certification of
the 2020 Presidential election. These groups were intent on wholesale destruction and
chaos as they freely assaulted law enforcement officers. These violent rioters
overwhelmed the U.S. Capitol police officers who were guarding the U.S. Capitol. MPD
was requested to respond to U.S Capitol to thwart the deliberate assault on the U.S.
Capitol. Members of the MPD are arguably the most experienced crowd managers in
the United States. However, this specific experience had not been encountered by the
MPD before. The MPD CDU response elements relied on their crowd management
training and our use of force policies. The members couldn't have been prepared for
what they experienced during these riots due to the sheer magnitude of lawlessness
and lack of conformity to societal norms displayed by the criminal riotous crowds. It was
clear from the onset of this encounter that the riotous crowd was organized, trained, well
equipped, and very determined to carry out their objectives. This incident differed from
the numerous riots that occurred over the summer of 2020. This was not a First
Amendment demonstration that turned violent as we saw over the summer of 2020.
This was a deliberate attack on the U.S. Capitol and our democracy. Violent criminals
assaulted officers, breached the police lines, and stormed the U.S. Capitol.

The weather conditions, specifically the high winds blowing in the direction of the
officers, rendered many of the chemical munitions ineffective. Many members reported
suffering from the effects of QC Spray and CS gas, which blew back at the officers after
being deployed. This significantly hindered the officers' ability stop the crowd from
forward advancement. Further, due to the tightly packed crowd of rioters, traditional less
lethal munitions, such as stingballs, did not have the dispersal range typically seen.

MPD SOP-16-01, Handling First Amendment Assemblies and Mass Demonstrations, is

the guiding policy concerning the use of force chronicled in this investigation. The
following force options were available to the CDU squads under this SOP and certain
criteria needed to be met for these options to be utilized by policy.

Attachment E of the SOP, Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) Use of Force, parts D. 6, a. & b.
states that: "On-scene commanders shall direct CDU use of force options", and
"Individual officials may independently direct CDU use of force options when their squad
is detached from the rest of their unit and when the isolated squad's safety or that of
other persons is jeopardized."


Part C of Attachment E, CDU Use of Force Options, details the types of force available
to members operating in a CDU environment. Under this section, the SOP states, "the
following definitions outline the use of force options that may be used by on-scene
commanders and officials (i.e., "official-directed use of force") in accordance with this

1. Constructive Force
2. Physical Force
3. Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Force
4. Mechanical Force
Mechanical force is broken into two levels:
(1) Level I: The use of tools or weapons, to include the riot baton, ASP, and riot
(2) Level II: The use of less-lethal projectiles (e.g., sting ball munitions, extended
impact weapons).
5. Chemical Force
6. Deadly Force

Part E of Attachment E, Civil Disturbance Use of Force Protocols, provides guidance on

members' actions during, "Non-Peaceful Civil Disobedience." Part A states, "During
non-peaceful civil disobedience members may: (1) to the extent reasonably possible,
disperse, control or arrest only persons who have engaged in unlawful conduct. (3) Use
force consistent with this SOP."

Part F of attachment E, Use of Force Framework during First Amendment Assemblies

and Mass Demonstrations, details the criteria needed to employ the available force
options during these CDU events.

During these chronicled incidents, members of DSO and ERT were sent to support
CDU platoons with dispersing large violent crowds and smaller groups of rioters that
were destroying property and assaulting officers. Commander Glover issued several
force authorizations during the course of this investigation. That being said, these
directives authorized CDU platoons officials to act as on-scene officials, and direct the
use of CDU force if they were faced with violent actions or had to immediately protect
property and disperse disorderly crowds.

The reported OC deployments chronicled in this investigation met the criteria outlined in
these directives and were reasonable and within policy. The deployment of Level I
Mechanical Force chronicled in this investigation was reasonable and within policy. The
employment of Level II Mechanical Force chronicled in this investigation was
reasonable and within policy. The employment of Chemical Force chronicled in this
investigation was reasonable and within policy.

With regard to the entire operational period, the other traditional force responses such
as cooperative controls, contact controls, and non-OC compliance techniques would not


have been appropriate or feasible for the mass demonstrations that turned into a riot.
Therefore, it has been determined that the utilization of the OC spray, CS gas, Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, Chemical Force, and the deployment of munitions
from a 40mm EIW (Level II Mechanical Force), as well as hand-thrown munitions, were
in compliance with both departmental policy and training.

During the investigative review process for this incident three distinct tactical issues
were identified. First, enhanced identification and unit markings are needed on our
officer's helmets. Over 800 MPD officers responded to the U.S. Capitol with most CDU
platoons intermingling. CDU Lieutenants and other leaders were unable to identify their
respective members because from the back all MPD CDU units are identical. The
current practice for enhanced identification is to have our members badge number on
the front of their helmet. This current practice prevents CDU leaders from being able to
identify their officers from behind the CDU line.

Second, over 50 officers were injured during this incident. Injuries ranged from
scratches to broken bones. During the summer of 2020, assaults on law enforcement
officers during these types of demonstrations has increased. In riotous situations, it is
often difficult for members to obtain basic medical treatment, and the establishment of a
medical station is challenging . It is recommended that each CDU platoon be issued a
medic bag . This would allow the immediate treatment of injuries sustained by officers
during these incidents.

Third, it is recommended that all CDU platoons be issued 40mm EIW and munitions.
During this incident, MPD element leaders were dependent upon DSO to deploy
munitions. This dependency caused unnecessary delays in utilizing these force
multipliers to combat the riotous crowds.


In order to asses this issue of force and determine whether or not the events comport
with applicable rules and regulations, several issues must be addressed and analyzed.
Moreover, this type of analysis allows for a review of policies and procedures with the
application of "hindsight vision," which lends itself as a teaching tool and helps
precluded unsafe or improper practices from occurring in the future.

In reviewing and considering this matter, it is helpful to note the Supreme Court's
decision in Graham v. Conner, 490 U.S. 386 (1989) as it relates to the reasonableness
of force used by police. The Court indicated that:

"The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the

perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision
of hindsight. .. The calculus of reasonableness must embody allowance for the
fact that the police officers are often forced to make split-second judgments in


circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving-about the amount of
force that is necessary in a particular situation."

In reference to the force used by the members involved in this incident, the following
question must be considered:

At the time of the use of force, did the members utilize force options for the purpose of
protecting themselves and in accordance with the Department's applicable directives?

Based on the physical and testimonial evidence obtained during this investigation, the
following facts have been established:

• In response to the actions of the insurrectionists, MPD members had to utilize

force. When MPD arrived to assist, the USCP was outnumbered and the crowd
had become violent. MPD struggled to regain control of the crowd, and the use of
force was immediately necessary.

• MPD members were violently assaulted by members of the crowd, who utilized
readily available objects as weapons against them. Members of the crowd
dismantled nearby bike racks and scaffolding, striking the officers with the metal
parts and throwing them into the police line. A large number of officers were
assaulted with the flagpoles carried by many rioters in the crowd. Further,
members of the crowd brought and used weapons against the officers, such as
bear spray or stun guns.

• Commander Glover authorized the use of Level I and Level 11 Mechanical Force
which included hand thrown munitions, as well as the deployment of munitions
from the 40mm EIW, physical force , and OC force.

• Eventually, as the outnumbered officers struggled to maintain control of the police

line, the deployment of CS Gas was authorized and executed.

• Weather conditions rendered OC Spray and chemical munitions ineffective, and in

fact caused injury and damage to the officers when deployed. Many officers, in
close quarters combat with the rioters, had to resort to any available force option,
including kicks, strikes, ASP baton strikes, and ECO deployments.

Upon reviewing the facts of this incident, the investigating agents have concluded that
each member's use of force on January 6, 2021, in the performance of CDU activities,
was objectively reasonable, and well within the guidelines of the Metropolitan Police
Department and comport with the MPD's Use of Force Framework.


It is the Investigating Agents' determination that the force options used by the listed
members on January 6, 2021, in the performance of CDU activities, was reasonable
and within the guidelines of the Metropolitan Police Department's Use of Force

Based on the evidence obtained during this investigation, the following is


This investigation recommends that the Use of Force (Physical Force, OC Force, Level I
Mechanical Force, Level II Mechanical Force, and Chemical Force) by members of the
Special Operations Division, to include the DSO and ERT, against unidentified
protesters on January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Department Policy.
This investigation recommends that the Use of Force (OC Force) by members of the
Narcotics and Special Investigations Division against unidentified protesters on January
6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Department Policy.
This investigation recommends that the Use of Force (Physical Force and Level I
Mechanical Force) by members of the Youth and Family Services Division against
unidentified protesters on January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within
Department Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-12 (Level I
Mechanical Force, OC Force, and Physical Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-14 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-16 (Level I
Mechanical Force and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021, be
classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-23 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-25 (Level I
Mechanical Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021, be classified as
Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-31 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, OC Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6,
2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.


It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-32 (Level I
Mechanical Force and Physical Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021,
be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-33 (Level I
Mechanical Force and Physical Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021,
be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-34 (Level I
Mechanical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021, be
classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-42 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-45 (Level I
Mechanical Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021, be classified as
Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-51 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-53 (Level I
Mechanical Force and Physical Force), against unidentified rioters on January 6, 2021,
be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-54 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-61 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-62 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-63 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-64 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.


It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-65 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-71 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.
It is also recommended that the Use of Force by MPD CDU Platoon-74 (Level I
Mechanical Force, Physical Force, and OC Force), against unidentified rioters on
January 6, 2021, be classified as Justified, Within Departmental Policy.


Before the completion of this final report, the undersigned Agent had a preliminary
conference with Inspector John Knutsen of the IAD. Inspector Knutsen concurred with
the investigating Agents' findings.

David Chumbley
Internal Affairs Division


1. Key Dates of the Electoral College
2. Teletype 12-040-20 Leave Restriction
3. Teletype 12-045-20 CDU Activation
4. National Park Service Permit
5. Special Operations Division Event Manual
6. JOCC Closeout Report
7. Office of Unified Communications Recordings
8. Video - Rioters Pushing Past Western Barriers (Part 1)
9. Video - Rioters Pushing Past USCP on Western Lawn (Part 2)
10.Chief Robert Contee's Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives
11. Video - USCP Forming New Line at Base of Western Stairs of the Capitol
12. Video - Rioters Climbing Scaffolding
13. Video - MPD Arriving at the Capitol
14. Video - East and West Crowds around Capitol
15. Video - USCP on Upper Terrace with Pepperballs
16. Video - MPD OC Spray
17. Video - MPD at the Capitol Holding the Line
18. Video - Rioters Pushing Past Officers Under the Scaffolding
19. Video - Mr. Alex Jones Speaking to the Crowd
20. Video - Eastern Side of the Capitol
21. Video - CDU 42 Fighting Through Crowd (Part 1)
22. Video - CDU 42 Fighting Through Crowd (Part 2)
23. PD Form 901 M CDU 12
24. PD Form 901 M CDU 14
25. PD Form 901 M CDU 16
26. PD Form 901 M CDU 23
27. PD Form 901 M CDU 25
28. PD Form 901 M CDU 31
29. PD Form 901 M CDU 32
30. PD Form 901 M CDU 33
31. PD Form 901 M CDU 34
32. PD Form 901 M CDU 42
33. PD Form 901 M CDU 45
34. PD Form 901 M CDU 51
35. PD Form 901 M CDU 53
36. PD Form 901 M CDU 54
37. PD Form 901 M CDU 61
38. PD Form 901 M CDU 62
39. PD Form 901 M CDU 63
40. PD Form 901 M CDU 64
41.PD Form 901M CDU 65
42 . PD Form 901 M CDU 71


43 . PD Form 901 M CDU 74
44. PD Form 901 M CDU NSID
45. SOD Munitions and OC Chart
46. PD Form 901 M CDU SOD
47 . PD Form 901 M CDU YFSD
48.Audio Recording - Interview of Commander Robert Glover
49.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Andrew Haros
50.Audio Recording - Interview of Senior Sergeant Frank Edwards
51.Audio Recording - Interview of Sergeant Anthony Alioto
52.Audio Recording - Interview of Daniel Thau
53.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer Richard Khoury
54.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer Gregory Rock
55.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer Tara Tindall
56.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer James Crisman
57.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer Justin Jordan
58.Audio Recording - Interview of Officer Christopher Wickham
59.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Raul Mendez
60.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant George Donigian
61.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Daniel Dyn
62.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Wayne Steinhilber
63.Audio Recording - Interview of Captain Michael Pulliam
64.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant John Pongratz
65.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Ashley Mancuso
66.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Marlon Ollivierre
67.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Bredet Williams
68.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Riley Hong
69.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Jimmie Thompson
70.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Mark Lakomec
71.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant John Terry
72.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Brian Hollan
73.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Matthew Fitzgerald
74.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant William Hackerman
75.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Sharde Harris
76 .Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky
77.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Kenneth Taylor
78.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Peter Sheldon
79.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant John Sprague
80.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Brian Brown
81.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Ryan Small
82.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant James Chatmon
83.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Lindsey Tyler
84.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Brian Stacks
85.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Justin Roth


86 .Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Jessica Hawkins
87.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Ronald Bridges
88.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Christopher Dove
89.Audio Recording - Interview of Lieutenant Valerie Patete
90 .Audio Recording - Interview of Assistant Chief Jeffery Carroll
91.Audio Recording - Interview of Representative Markwayne Mullin
92. CCTV Videos



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