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Test on Part 1 of Things Fall Apart.

Directions: Write 3 paragraphs about why the Igbo are civilized. Each of these paragraphs must be in
ACEECEE format and a minimum of 200 words each. You should write to the following definition : A
civilized society or country has a well-developed system of government, culture (think of how we defined
culture a few weeks ago), and way of life and that treats the people who live there fairly. Also, a civilized
society denotes a society that has elements of civilization which are defined as Cities – centers of trade,
Government, Social Structure, Religion, Writing/ record keeping, Art (artisans/toolmakers), Technology.
If you would like to do a paragraph how the Igbo are NOT civilized, you may do one paragraph of
qualification to explain how some might not see them as civilized.

Topic/Paragraph #1 (ACEECEE min. 200 words)

The Igbo can be considered civilized because they have a structured government that allows them to
decide on things accordingly. For example, when Ezeudu, the oldest man in Umuofia, asks Okonkwo to
talk to him alone, he says “Yes Umuofia has decided to kill him. The Oracle of the Hills and the Cave has
pronounced it.” (pg.57) The Oracle has pronounced that Ikemefuna must be killed. The citizens of
Umuofia listen to the Oracle of the Hills and the Caves and if there is an agreed problem among the
village, they ask the Oracle as if it was king. This shows that the Igbo are civilized because they have a
government that tells them what to do or they go to for help, like a king does. Another example of the
Igbo being civilized through their government is by the egwugu. In fact, “Each of the nine egwugwu
represented a village of the clan.” (pg.89) The nine egwugwu sit on stools during a trial and their leader,
Evil Forest, approaches and listens to two sides, then makes a decision in the end. The Igbo system uses a
set of appointed officials to hear and decide cases based on facts and testimony, like our judicial system.
This shows that the Igbo are civilized because the egwugwu settle the disputes between two groups to
avoid violence and make decisions that would benefit both groups.

Topic/Paragraph #2 (ACEECEE min. 200 words)

The Igbo can be considered civilized because they have traditions that are part of their culture that are
done every year on behalf of what they believe. For example, Achebe explains that the Feast of the New
Yam “was held every year before the harvest began, to honor the earth goddess and the ancestral spirits of
the clan.” Umuofia believed that they should honor the earth goddess before the harvesting season. This
tradition is done every year and something they believe in. This shows that the Igbo are civilized because
it shows some of their religion and the feast is a part of the village’s whole culture. Another example of
the Igbo being civilized through their culture is the Week of Peace. In fact, when Ezeani, the priest of the
earth goddess, was talking to Okonkwo he says that their forefathers ordained that they should observe
the earth before they plant any crops “in which a man does not say a harsh word to his neighbor” and
“live in peace with [their] fellows to honor [their] great goddess of the earth.” If they are not nice to each
other or live in peace during the Week of Peace, the earth goddess will not give Umuofia’s crops the
blessings to grow. The Igbo take a week to relax and refrain from violence and visit their neighbors while
drinking palm-wine. This shows that the Igbo are civilized because it is another belief of their religion
where they should be nice to each other and relax for their crops to grow.
Topic/Paragraph #3 (ACEECEE min. 200 words)
The Igbo can be considered uncivilized by the way women are treated unfairly in the families. For
example, during the New Yam Festival, Okonkwo asked his family who had killed the banana tree. His
second wife said she cut a few leaves to wrap up some food. “Without further argument Okonkwo gave
her a sound beating and left her and her only daughter weeping.” The wives of Okonkwo were treated
badly over things that were not such big deals. This shows that the Igbo are uncivilized because the
women should not be beaten up because of small things they did. Another example of the Igbo being
uncivilized through the treatment of women is threats. In fact, after the beating of the second wife, she
mumbled under her breath as Okonkwo walked away, but unfortunately Okonkwo heard. He “ran madly
into his room for his loaded gun” and aimed it at her. He pressed the trigger followed by a loud bang with
wails of his wives and children. He threw the gun down with “the woman, very much shaken and
frightened and quite unhurt.” Although, Okonkwo did not shoot her, the second wive was threatened and
scared for her life. This gives even more reason the Igbo are uncivilized because the wives should not be
threatened and treated in a way where the husbands can just do whatever they want to them.

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