Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders A Systematic Review

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Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders: A Systematic Review of
Epidemiological Studies to Deconstruct the Complex Web
Atul Kotwal,a,b Ritu Priya,b and Imrana Qadeerb
Management Information Systems Organization, Integrated HQ Min of Defence (Army), New Delhi, India
Center for Social Medicine and Community Health, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Received for publication May 6, 2006; accepted August 21, 2006 (ARCMED-D-06-00185).

A systematic review of the available literature on goiter and other iodine deficiency disor-
ders (IDDs) was carried out with the aim of analyzing available evidence and providing in-
puts to the policy makers and program formulators regarding the entire issue. The findings
point to major issues such as the following: methodological issues in epidemiology of goiter
and other iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs); lacunae in causal linkages; inadequate atten-
tion to multicausality; flawed assessment of the impact of intervention, i.e., iodized salt; and
harmful effects of iodine not given due cognizance. Most of the research to date has been
unidirectional and does not provide comprehensive data on all aspects of IDDs. To further
compound the issue, many independent researchers, on finding something different from the
existing dominant paradigm (iodized salt as panacea for goiter) have tended to ignore these
in their final conclusions and recommendations. Thus, evidence from this systematic review
demonstrates enough basis to start a debate on the entire issue, recognizing opposing re-
search findings while continuing with the present strategy. This imposes specific problems
and necessitates area-specific solutions instead of a universal solution, which apart from be-
ing less effective may be harmful in the long run. Ó 2007 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Key Words: Goiter, Iodine deficiency disorders, Iodized salt, Micronutrient, Health policy.

Introduction tion of IDD is within reach and would constitute an

unprecedented global success story in the field of noncom-
Goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs) have
municable diseases, but continuing vigorous action is
been known since antiquity and much has been written
required to attain this goal (6).’’
about the subject. The existence of endemic goiter in an ex-
Across the world, some countries have resorted to uni-
tensive belt along the southern slopes of the Himalayas,
versalization of iodized salt (USI), whereas others have
Alps and Andes has long been described. The early pio-
not done so and instead focused on making it available as
neers in the study of endemic goiter included Sir Robert
a community choice. Although the Government of India
McCarrison (1,2) and Stott (3). Both pointed to the complex
initiated the National Goiter Control Programme (NGCP)
etiology of goiter and commented on various causative fac-
in 1962, the program, however, faltered on many accounts
tors. The role of iodine in the causation of goiter was elu-
and various reviews of the program specified different as-
cidated by various researchers working in these areas.
pects and reasons for not achieving the aim. Whatever the
The results from different geographical areas and few stud-
strategies adopted for the control of goiter and other IDDs,
ies formed the basis of control and prevention activities of
the problem has increased rather than showing any decline,
goiter (4,5). As per a recent review ‘‘Sustainable elimina-
as shown in Table 1 (7,8). The scientific backbone of uni-
versal iodization has also been challenged by pointing out
Address reprint requests to: (Lt Col) Atul Kotwal, MD, Classified the weaknesses in the science and politics of the interven-
Specialist, Preventive and Social Medicine and Epidemiologist, Joint Di- tion to control IDDs. Few papers have also challenged the
rector (Medical and Health), Management Information Systems Organiza-
tion, Integrated HQ Min of Defence (Army), West Block-III, RK Puram,
research forming the basis of the information on the magni-
New Delhi-110066, India; E-mails: atuljyoti2710@hotmail.com and tude of the problem and effectiveness of the intervention
dratulkotwal@gmail.com (9,10).

0188-4409/06 $esee front matter. Copyright Ó 2007 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
doi: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2006.08.006

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
2 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

Table 1. Total goiter prevalence in various regions of World Health Collection. In addition, we searched for unpublished and
Organization over a period of time on-going studies and also publications of International
Total goiter prevalence (%) Percentage change Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IC-
between 1993 CIDD). All available studies were included in this review.
WHO region 1993 1997 2004 and 2004 None of the available studies was excluded as we wanted
to capture the diversity of methodology and interpretations
Africa 15.6 20.0 28.3 þ81.4
Americas 08.7 05.0 04.7 46.0
being used in research on goiter and IDDs. Due to the het-
Southeast Asia 13.0 12.0 15.4 þ18.5 erogeneity of the study methodologies in this review it was
Europe 11.4 15.0 20.6 þ80.7 not possible to apply the meta-analysis techniques; thus,
Eastern Mediterranean 22.9 32.0 37.3 þ62.9 a systematic review was conducted. The studies were clas-
Western Pacific 09.0 08.0 06.1 32.2 sified based on their study design (community based/hospi-
Total 12.0 13.0 15.8 þ31.7
tal based, cross sectional/longitudinal, nonexperimental/
Adapted from WHO documents (7,8). experimental) and also the focus (assessment of the prob-
lem, assessment of program, intervention) to assess the four
major issues mentioned above. The Indian scenario was
This prompted us to carry out a systematic review of the analyzed in detail in the overall global context.
available literature with the aim of initiating a healthy
debate and providing input for a mid-course correction.
The objectives were to highlight the lacunae in research Magnitude of the Problem and Evidence
on etiology; efficacy/effectiveness of the intervention; eval- for Multicausality
uation strategy adopted; the direction in which the program
Issues in Epidemiology of Goiter and Other IDDs
is progressing; the problems when one solution is supposed
to be a panacea for all regions/communities rather than giv- The problems encountered by epidemiological studies of
ing due recognition to multicausality while planning any in- thyroid disorders are those of misclassification (e.g., overt
tervention; and the contrasting views of organizations/ and subclinical hypothyroidism); mode of sampling in pop-
individuals involved in various aspects of IDDs control over ulations; various confounders (age, gender, environmental
a period of time. This review in no way tries to belittle the factors, etc); different classifications (Perez, WHO, Stan-
importance of iodization in preventing the spread or bury, etc.) used for the measurement of thyroid size; diffi-
reducing the problem and of the research carried out on var- culty in carrying out certain tests leading to lack of data
ious aspects of IDDs. Because rational measures for the on thyroid function; and focus on monocausality or ignor-
prevention and control of any disease depend upon the ing multicausality on finding. Thus, results of epidemiolog-
adequacy of knowledge about its etiology and pathogenesis, ical surveys carried out in various states, countries and over
the availability of an effective intervention, appropriate a period of time within the same community or country are
conceptualization, implementation and subsequent evalua- often difficult to compare. This is further compounded by
tion and feedback/review of the program, as the acolytes different methods to present the results and investigators’
of evidence-based medicine, we must take steps to prevent interpretation of classification criteria in their own way.
our medical successors, using the long lens of history, from
judging us as harshly as we might judge the early history of Criteria for Identifying Goiter
prevention and control of IDDs.
As per available evidence, the issues related to IDDs can Estimation of breadth, volume, palpability or visibility of
be classified into four main groups: 1) magnitude of the a thyroid gland is subjective as it depends on many factors:
problem and evidence for multicausality, 2) evidence for certain characteristic of subjects (shape of neck, thickness
benefit of iodized salt, 3) assessment of intervention, and of subcutaneous fat, disposition of SCM muscle, etc.); in-
4) harmful effects of iodine. vestigators approach (interpretation of classification crite-
ria, experience, fatigue, etc); and on the circumstances of
examination (illumination of the subject’s neck, position
of neck in relation to investigators eye, time devoted to
Methodology of the Review
examination, etc.). Furthermore, goiter measurements are
More than 120 studies (1906 to the present) from various hampered by the fact that soft glands are fairly common
parts of the world were reviewed. These included published and any estimate will depend on the finger pressure (11).
as well as unpublished works from various journals, inter- The most important factors affecting the accuracy of
net sites, institutions/organizations and governmental sour- estimation of goiter frequency are intra- and inter-observer
ces. We searched the following from inception to May variability, and studies have shown different levels of con-
2005: MedLine, EMBASE, Index Medicus, Cochrane con- cordance or discordance among observers and in an
trolled trials register, and the Nursing and Allied Health observer over-repeated measurements. It has been shown

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders 3

that observation variation is greatest in deciding whether Mean

a thyroid that is palpable but not visible is normal or en- 95% CI Upper
70 95% CI Lower
larged (12). There was also considerable overlap between
Total Goiter Prevalence
the various grades when compared with thyroid volume es-
timated by ultrasonography (USG), which increased the 60
sensitivity of the test because 30% of individuals were
found positive by USG but only 14.6% by conventional
methods (13,14). USG also increased the correlation and
agreement between observers (15); however, USG has not
been extensively used in field studies. It is therefore impor- 40

tant to know the estimates of variability before embarking

on any tests of statistical significance. 30
Classifications have also changed over a period of time
with each one having its characteristics, e.g., difficulty in 20
Perez et al. classification was in defining at which degree
of enlargement one considers a sufficient pathological alter-
ation of the gland in order to classify as goiter (16,17). Even
after modification, the distinction between grade 0 and I was
unsettled for a long time. The Caracas, WHO/FAO group 0
tried to resolve some of the issues and concluded that some l1 l2 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 ar1 ar2 h1 ri1 ri2 ild
of the small thyroid hypertrophies do not have sufficient path- De De Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu H H Ma O O Ch
o tal
ological significance to be classified as goiter but should also T
Area of study
not be classified as normal. Thus, two subgrades, 0a and 0b,
were defined, creating more confusion during community Figure 2. Total goiter prevalence: pre-iodization studies among children in
surveys and when comparing historical data. various states of India. Del, Delhi; Guj, Gujarat; Har, Haryana; Mah,
Figures 1 and 2 depict the total goiter prevalence (TGP) Maharashtra; Ori, Orissa.
along with 95% confidence intervals as per few of the In-
dian studies carried out in various states of India prior to biases as discussed earlier. Figure 3 depicts a few of the
the USI (18e28). Most of these studies reported a high pro- studies from other countries (29e33).
portion of goiter in lower categories that are subject to
Criteria for Identifying Regions Endemic
for Iodine-Deficiency Disorders
The classification of endemias according to severity has
95% CI Upper been done with the premise that goiter is physiological in
95% CI Lower about 5% of young girls at puberty. Therefore, arbitrarily
Total Goiter Prevalence a population having a prevalence of 10% of any grade is
60 considered endemic (34). It has been estimated that goiter
and endemic cretinism prevalence in India have been over-
estimated by a multiplicatory factor somewhere between 3
and 6 due to bias in the mathematical model used (35).

Etiology of Goiter and Other IDDs

Etiology of endemic goiter is complex and not fully eluci-
dated. The fact that goiter persists in many areas despite io-
dine supplementation for prolonged periods reiterates the
importance of doing so. After studying goiter in Chitral
0 and Gilgit valleys in the then undivided India, McCarrison
showed the association of goiter prevalence with contami-
Assam Guj1 Guj2 Guj3 Guj4 Guj5 Mah1 Mah2 Mah3 Total nated water supplies in a trial in Himachal Pradesh (one of
adults the Northern states of India) where prevalence of goiter
Area of study among school children decreased by changing the water sup-
Figure 1. Total goiter prevalence: pre-iodization studies among adults in ply from contaminated to uncontaminated, the other factors
various states of India. Guj, Gujarat; Mah, Maharashtra. (iodine content of water, soil, etc.) being unchanged (1,2).

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
4 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

Mean goiter with socioeconomic and life style factors has also
95% CI Upper been demonstrated in Denmark (44).
70 95% CI Lower
Total Goiter Prevalence
There are innumerable descriptions of goiter attributed to
drinking water. Microorganisms contaminating water sup-
plies have been implicated as a causative factor in few ende-
mias. Studies supporting similar findings were done in India
50 in the 1970s and 1980s but were not given due recognition
and thus were not repeated later. Antithyroid activity has
40 been shown in cultures of E. coli isolated from polluted
streams of highly endemic areas. Organic compounds with
antithyroid activity have also been isolated from water. A
similar association of goiter with contaminated drinking wa-
ter, low literacy and socioeconomic levels was found in many
studies in different geographic areas across India
(18,19,21e23,26). Few of these areas were free of goiter until
10 about 10 years prior to the study period. An important change
during this period was the introduction of new water sources
0 in the form of tube wells and other types of wells. The role of
pollutants in water has also been demonstrated in the U.S.
l1 l2 j1 j2 j3 j4 j5 ar1 ar2 h1 ri1 ri2 ild
De De Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu H H Ma O O Ch where goiter prevalence was higher in children whose homes
o tal
T obtained water from dug wells as compared to children
Area of study whose homes were served by piped water supply ( p
Figure 3. Total goiter prevalence: studies from a few countries. Del, Delhi; !0.025). The majority of the dug wells were polluted and
Guj, Gujarat; Har, Haryana; Mah, Maharashtra; Ori, Orissa. the iodine content was adequate in both populations (45).
Worldwide, there are several endemias attributed to
A majority of the initial studies tried to assess the issue of environmental goitrogens—Tasmania, Finland, Nigeria,
causality along with assessing the extent of the problem. Chile, West Virginia, etc. The vehicle for goitrogens in
A few hospital/community-based studies on causality the majority was water and milk. Environmental factors
are shown in Table 2 (4,5,36e42), whereas others have other than nutritional iodine deficiency are responsible for
been described in text. A high TGP, with a high proportion the persistence and development of new cases in certain
of grade 0b goiter (subject to classification bias), was found endemias and also for the differences observed in goiter
among a tribal population in a coastal area on the Eastern prevalence among communities with similar iodine intake.
coast of India, which either shatters the myth of iodine Iodine deficiency must act in conjunction with other goitro-
deficiency as a causal factor in goiter as marine fauna is genic factors to produce a goiter endemia. Environmental
rich in iodine or it is an inflated figure due to lack of inter- goitrogens when low in concentration may normally be in-
nal validity of the study (43). Similar results have also been effective but may become significant when iodine supply is
found from other coastal areas, pointing to some effect restricted. In other situations they may be sufficiently po-
modifier or confounder in the entire issue of iodine as tent in themselves to cause goiter despite an abundance
a causal factor of goiter. This lack of correlation between of iodine. Adequate iodine intake of 75e300 mg/day does
iodine and goiter was also found in a study where a majority not always eradicate goiter because 6e40% prevalence
of the children with growth failure had dysgenetic thyroid existed in certain areas despite these intakes (46). The goi-
gland, showing that factors other than pure iodine defi- trogenic action of calcium has been well established under
ciency are at play in goitrogenesis and hypothyroidism experimental conditions but the evidence for calcium in
(36). Another study found no correlation between grade drinking water and food having practical importance for
of goiter and urinary iodine in pregnant women (37). the development of endemic goiter is conflicting (47).
Goiter was found to be more prevalent among the poor- The increase in prevalence of goiter in Papua New Guinea,
est, field laborers and cultivators, after rains, after food fam- subsequent to economic recession despite a well-imple-
ines, and among those consuming water with high levels of mented intervention by iodized oil (48), shows that multi-
calcium in the then United Provinces of India, and no asso- causality has been ignored for IDDs. Similar studies on
ciation was found between goiter and diet and iodine con- multicausality have also been reported from Denmark
tent of water (3). In other goiter prevalence studies in (49,50). Studies are also available showing high goiter rates
different areas, no association was found with iodine intake. despite lack of iodine deficiency (51,52).
The researchers also did not find any association of goiter A survey in the U.S. in Tecumseh, MI indicated relatively
with cretinism, deaf mutism, and other aspects of physical high goiter prevalence without convincing evidence of iodine
and mental growth retardation (19,22). This association of deficiency. Similar results were obtained during studies in

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Table 2. Results and comments on studies regarding causal linkages of goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders
Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.

Serial no. Ref (year) Study area Study population and design n Results Remarks

1 4 (1961) Punjab (I) Ie12e16 PBI uptake Overinterpretation of causality

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based on a cross-sectional study

Bihar (II) IIe8e12 Ie33 Ie62.5%
Bihar (III) IIIe12e15 IIe43 IIe62.9%
India All goitrous in I and II IIIe18 IIIe39.05%
Non-goitrous in III
All euthyroid
2 5 (1973) UP, India Goitrous controls 26 TSHebetween grades p !0.05; linear relation with grade Wide and overlapping 95% CI,
(case-control) of goiter p !0.02; compared with controls p !0.001 invalid controls

A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders

3 36 (1989) Delhi, India Patients of thyroid Hypo 117 Hypo Hyper Euthy No correlation found with iodine
clinic from 1983e88 deficiency
(case series)
Hyper 10 Goiterþ 19 10 30
Euthy 30 Goiter 98 0 0
Iodine 3 0 19
4 37 (1990) Municipal Pregnant women of 479 Goiterþ Goiter No association between goiter
Hospitals, low socioeconomic and iodized salt; urinary iodine
Maharashtra, strata attending ANC excretion and iodized salt
India in a 3-month period
Iodized saltþ 9 17
Iodized salt 106 347
Odds ratio 5 1.73 (0.69e4.26)
Cross-sectional Goitrous 27.3% p 5 0.193
UI !50 UI O50
Iodized saltþ 3 23
Iodized salt 30 423
Odds ratio 5 1.84 (0.41e6.97)
p 5 0.411
5 38 (1977) Delhi, India Goitrous and I TCR I RCR PII UI AIU Number of cases and
nongoitrous children controls not provided
Cases 88.39 23.33 0.0695 20.0 2.532
Controls 22.2 21.675 0.1372 76.4 1.646
p5 0.001 0.7 0.01 0.001 0.05
6 39 (1982) Neonates TSH mIU/L T4 mg/dl T3 ng/dl rT3 ng/dl No correlation found between
goiter and cretinism
UP 20 14.6 4.28 96.34 168.42
UP, India Delhi 89 9.8 6.41 59.78 174.3
Delhi, India p5 0.01 NS 0.001 NS
7 40 (1984) UP, Delhi, Neonates TSH T4 Hypo T4 T4 higher in Kerala, rT3 not used
UP 646 15.5 5.75 5 6.09

6 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

et al. but 0.4 per thousand after

I TCR, radioactive iodine thyroidal clearance rate (mL/min); I RCR, radioactive iodine renal clearance rate (mL/min); PII, plasma inorganic iodide levels (mg%); AIU, absolute iodine uptake rates (mg/h);
UI, urinary iodine (mg/g); CH, congenital hypothyroidism; WI, iodine content of watermg/L; T3, in nmol/L; T4, in nmol/L; TSH, mIU/L; TGP, total goiter prevalence; CI, 95% confidence interval; PBI,
Kentucky. Dietary iodine deficiency (corrected for age and

Incidence 28/1000 as per TSH

gender, as well as analysis of iodine in daily food samples)

values used by Kochupillai

Mild hypothyroidism in CH
could not be implicated. Goiter was found even in those

difference in IQ levels
showed no significant
households that had been consuming iodized salt for more

than 20 years. All water samples were polluted and there

were no goitrogens in the diet (53). Many other studies in dif-
ferent areas of the U.S. yielded similar results. In Mexico,
studies concluded that iodine deficiency may be the main
but not the only cause of goiter. Also, no correlation was
found between the average iodine intake and prevalence of
goiter (54). The prevalence of goiter in Greece was
40e60% in 1966 and 21% in 1996. This decrease was despite
not having a program of IDD control and was due to changes

in food habits, etc. An interesting observation was that




increased urinary iodine levels were associated with antithy-

roid antibodies in children, which may lead to autoimmune
thyroiditis. This might be the reason for residual goiter espe-
cially among children with sufficient iodine intake (55). Even

Mean IQ



experimental and clinical studies have suggested a link



between the level of iodine intake and the development of


autoimmune thyroid disease (56).

In India, a nationwide survey was conducted to assess the




problem before Universal Salt Iodization (57). Thus, the goal

Mean IQ



of universal iodization was already formulated a priori. The


states and districts were purposely selected, i.e., those where

information was already available about high prevalence of
goiter. The results thus might have been valid for the partic-
Cases !42.8
Cases O42.8
TSH !30

ular districts but neither generalizable to the states from



which the districts were selected nor to other parts of the


country. The question raised is why probability sampling

techniques were not used in a nationwide survey. Despite this
purposeful sampling, overall total prevalence was only


21.1%. The report mentions probable underreporting of 0b,


thus accepting an observer or other bias at play, raising the is-

sue that there could have been an overreporting of 0b. Many
0a were classified as 0b due to the ultimate goal of USI being
Study population and design

National register of children

with CH compared with

validated by the survey. Water samples were also drawn with-

out any sampling procedure and were tested only for iodine
but not for other pollutants (organic and inorganic) or other
Matching controls

possible goitrogens. Urine samples were collected but not

All neonates

analyzed (possibly due to transportation problems or other

administrative challenges), which reflects operational failure

of the survey. These failures also might have affected other

areas like training, quality assurance, etc., thus questioning
the internal validity of the survey. Whatever the possible
Study area


London, UK

flaws, the survey clearly shows that goiter and cretinism were

not correlated, e.g., prevalence of goiter in two of the north-

east states of India (65.8 and 19.8%, respectively) did not
correlate with prevalence of cretinism (2.2 and 6.1%, respec-
Serial no. Ref (year)

41 (1987)

42 (1994)

protein bound iodine.

tively). Cretinism also was not apparent in areas where iodine

Table 2. Continued

deficiency was supposedly more prevalent.

Many researchers have compared different aspects of
endemic and nonendemic areas. In one such study, higher
uptake of iodine was shown in school children with visible
goiter. However, the sample size was small in each group,

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Table 3. Details of studies on assessment of intervention for control of goiter and other iodine deficiency disorders
Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.

Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Population studied; study design; year; class used n Present study

Serial Ref. Area/region/ year
no. (year) of iodination Previous study Present study Previous Present Previous study (TGP%) TGP (%) UI !10 (%) IS !15 (%)

1 84 (1987) Northeastern General population; General population; CS 5573 3248 68.6 72.5 (cretinism 3%)
state 1978 CS; 1978
2 85 (1993) Northeastern General population; General population NA 4375 17 38.38
state 1987 CS; 1970 CS; WHO
3 86 (1994) Northeastern General population; General population; CS; NA 11523 TGP
state 1987 CS; 1970 Perez (Iae75.9,

A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders

Ib-20.5, IIe3.0,
City A 7.3 20.4
City B 7.3 20.3
City C 13.2 20.8
4 90 (1998) Coastal area Children 6e11 years NA 2065 NA 2.6l 24.1 69
age; CS
5 91 (1998) Island group Children 7e18 years; CS NA 900 NA 16.5 81.9 7.5
in Bay of Bengal
6 95 (1995) Northern state General population; CS General population: CS NA NA
Dist A 1966 1930 1988 40.0 21.9
Dist B 1966 1930 1966 3.7 18.7
Dist C 1960 1860 1969 23.2 23.6
Dist D 1966 1965 1969 39.7 16.3
Dist E 1986 1973 1989 65.0 31.2
Dist F 1966 1930 1989 3.7 19.1
Dist G 1966 1930 1974 40.0 24.3
7 96 (1996) Northern General population; General population; CS NA 5000 60 50.3
state 1980 CS; 1980
8 97 (1997) Eastern General population Children 6e12 years NA
state 1976 age; CS
Dist A 662 57.2 12.8 49.3 26.7
Dist B 666 64.5 10.4 48.8 34.2
9 98 (1998) Northern state Children 5e15 years Children 8e10 years age; NA 6897 41.2 8.8 32.8 10.8
1976 age; CS; 1956
10 99 (1997) Northern state General population; School children NA 1358 41.2 5.8 23.7 23.4
1976 CS; 1954 8e10 years age;
11 100 (1997) Delhi School children School children, 3200 1684 55.0 20.5 24.9
10e21 years; CS; 10e14 years; CS;

CS, cross-sectional; UI, urinary iodine (mg/gm); IS !15eproportion of salt samples having !15 ppm of iodine; TGP, total goiter prevalence; Dist, District.

8 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

increasing the possibility of chance error. Moreover, cretinism is conflicting. Some studies have shown more
goitrous children from endemic areas were compared with stillbirths, infant deaths and endemic cretinism among off-
adults from non-endemic areas. They also found lower pro- spring of women showing biochemical evidence of iodine
tein-bound iodine (PBI) in goitrous children as compared to deficiency (decreased T4 and T3, increased TSH) but with-
nongoitrous children. Contrasting results of no difference in out clinical evidence of hypothyroidism (64). Against
ankle jerk reflex as well as PBI in goitrous as compared to the maternal hypothyroidism hypothesis is the fact that
nongoitrous children were found by another group (58). thyroid hormone transfer across the placenta is minimal and
Higher TSH levels were actually compared with controls thyroidepituitary feedback mechanisms are autonomous in
in England. However, when T4 levels were found to be mother and fetus. A literature review of pregnancies in
higher in Indian cases as compared to English controls, this hypothyroid women indicated an excess of congenital
was dismissed as controls being from a different country. anomalies but no case in which deaf mutism, diplegia or
Moreover, the higher value of T3 in cases was not assigned congenital hypothyroidism (CH) was present (65,66).
any importance. The subgroup analysis with small numbers A group of researchers found pockets of endemic cretin-
in each group increased the chance error in the estimates. ism in Himalayas with prevalence of 1e4% (67), but another
Thus, an inference of convenience was drawn and many study found prevalence to be !1% in many areas of the Hi-
studies in later years quoted this study as a milestone and malayas (68). In the newer areas of goiter endemias, e.g.,
a basis for the problem of goiter in the Himalayas (5). Delhi (India) (25), endemic cretinism is not seen at all but ref-
Another study found decreased iodine excretion, increased erence is made to subclinical cretinism. The methodology
TSH values, decreased T4 and increased T3 in endemic as adopted for proving this new hypothesis involves develop-
compared to non-endemic areas (29). However, both areas ment and intelligence testing. In one such study, children of
differed in many other factors like geophysical characteris- goitrous mothers and controls were compared by Gessel de-
tics, dietary patterns, etc. A conclusion of cretinism in Zaire velopment score. It was concluded that development quotient
due to severe iodine and selenium deficiency was made based (DQ) and language development were lower in children of
only on cross-sectional data in a study dealing with neonatal goitrous mothers (69). The mean DQ for controls was 98.4
hypothyroidism and comparing biochemical parameters as compared to 94.4 in other groups; this small difference
between neonates from Zaire and Malawi. The results of was shown as statistically significant and profound conclu-
Zaire neonates were compared with Belgian neonates, whose sions were drawn. This approach is highly controversial
number is also not provided. However, the authors somehow and has been riddled with a priori assumptions, conscious
conclude that etiopathogenesis of goiter is multifactorial (59). fraud and politics, so that its very value and scientific
A hospital-based case-control study presumed hospital objectivity have been questioned (9).
and home diets to be similar. An interesting finding was Studies assessing causality and studying other factors like
a positive iodine balance among all cases. Despite this, CH have used statistical significance on an as-required basis
iodine deficiency was being reported as a major cause of apparently to fit into their hypothesis and taking very low cut-
goiter. The researchers mention this towards the end of their off values for CH. No statistically significant difference in
discussion but do not give due recognition to this important rT3 and T4 in cord blood samples among neonates in one
finding (38). Multiple regression analysis in two studies of the endemic districts of Bihar (India) and Delhi (India)
(r2 5 0.57 and 0.51, respectively) showed that goiter size was found, but inference was still drawn that all values in
depends on iodine uptake, age and vitamin A and thus children of endemic areas were several fold higher as com-
inferred that vitamin A nutrition is as important as iodine pared to Delhi children (nonendemic area) (39). Incidence
status. Decreased vitamin A stores play a causal role in goi- of CH is another area of dispute. By using TSH as a marker,
trogenesis, and iodine itself contributes to goiter formation one group found incidence of CH as 4% in endemic areas and
due to indiscrete iodine intake (60,61). 0.1% in nonendemic areas and tried to find a correlation be-
Experimental studies have consistently shown the role of tween goiter prevalence and congenital hypothyroidism (40).
other factors in the causality. Experiments on rats showed However, studies by the same researchers showed that en-
that environmental goitrogens (thiocyanates, etc.) might demic areas had a goiter prevalence of 64% as compared to
be significant determinants in the etiology/prevalence of en- 52% in nonendemic areas. The authors discussed the impor-
demic goiters (62). In another study, it was shown that apart tance of rT3 in their previous study in the same areas and in-
from or along with iodine deficiency the goitrogens present ferred that rT3 levels faithfully reflect thyroid status of
in staple foods may be important contributory factors (63). newborns in endemic area (53) but did not use that in this
study. Although prevalence of goiter was shown to be much
less in Kerala (India) as compared to other areas, the mean
Goiter, Congenital Hypothyroidism and
value of T4 was less in Kerala as compared to Delhi, thus rais-
Endemic Cretinism
ing doubts on the validity of using biochemical parameters in
Despite the well-researched and accepted linkage, the these studies. In Bangladesh as well, no association was
evidence in favor of maternal hypothyroidism and infantile found between cretinism (0.5%) and goiter (47%), despite

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders 9

a high prevalence of the latter. This is contrary to assumptions with iodized salt showed decreased prevalence in all groups
by researchers in India, as per which the cretinism prevalence as compared to the third community. However, the assess-
in that area would be O2% (30). ment was not blinded and inter- and intra-observer variability
Hospital-based studies in a coastal city in India showed in classification of goiter was neither commented upon nor
that positive predictive value of using 50 mIU/L of TSH as shown in the results. Thus, subjective interpretation might
cut-off for CH was quite low and leads to overestimation of have affected grade b of the classification used in the study,
the problem. A 2.81% incidence of CH was initially found, with more in this grade before iodization and less after iod-
which dropped considerably (0.000403% or 1:2481) after 2 ization in the intervention areas. Moreover, only those partic-
years of follow-up with neonates having TSH O250, only ipants were studied who were available at home during the
eventually developing hypothyroidism. The study also raised time of the survey. The prevalence of goiter among the gen-
another important issue of some other factors responsible for eral population at baseline was higher in the control area as
TSH surge in newborns (41). Thus, previous studies (52,53) compared to both intervention areas and this was statistically
did not take transient neonatal hypothyroidism into account significant. The difference among school children after 12
while studying TSH values for CH. The same authors years of follow-up was reduced significantly (74). The resid-
referred to transient neonatal hypothyroidism in one of their ual difference was in grade b goiter, which suffers from
later papers and mentioned that it could be an important issue subjective classification.
in iodine-deficient areas (70). However, starting thyroxine In a trial in one of the southern states of India, the blocks
for babies based on a single result of a high TSH is unethical, were provided with double-fortified (iodine and iron) or only
as European as well as Indian studies have shown this phe- iron-fortified salt or only iodized salt. However, the blocks
nomenon of transient neonatal hypothyroidism (29). Well- were not comparable at baseline. The results of the third
designed follow-up studies need to be carried out in areas arm of the intervention group, which was supplied with
already studied to determine the real incidence of CH. iodized salt, have not been provided in the paper for reasons
Work has been done in this direction by a few groups of best known to the investigators. The question that needs to be
scientists who have shown evidence for the role of maternal answered is whether these showed any negative effects or did
thyroid hormone on early brain development (71,72). How- not show any benefit. Although urinary iodine excretion in-
ever, the entire issue needs to be revisited because the find- creased among the double-fortified salt (DFS) group as well
ings of one study question the benefit of screening and as the iodized salt group, the mean hemoglobin levels de-
early treatment as screening reduces but does not eliminate creased in both groups. A significantly higher proportion of
neurological impairment (42). To sum it up, lack of an exper- girls ( p !0.001) showed a decrease in hemoglobin levels
imental model, lack of a similar clinical picture in children of in the iodized salt group as compared to the DFS group
hypothyroid mothers in non-iodine deficient countries, and (75). In another trial, iodine supplementation alone was
lack of a similar clinical picture in syndromes of resistance shown to raise levels of urinary iodine, T4 and iron status,
to thyroid hormones are paradoxical and require further in- whereas iron and iodine supplementation in combination
vestigation to understand the mechanism of neurological did not lead to any significant changes in these parameters
cretinism using a holistic approach. Until that time, present (76). These results raise an important issue of whether
efforts need to continue to prevent CH. iodized salt is hampering, in any manner, the absorption or
utilization of iron. Could the present high prevalence of iron-
deficiency anemia in India be contributed to by iodine in salt?
Evidence for Benefits of Iodized Salt
The issue needs to be understood well before any changes are
Even in this area the evidence from trials and other studies implemented in the programs for correction of these defi-
is conflicting as most of the studies showed only a marginal ciencies, especially in countries with high levels of iron-
decrease in prevalence of goiter despite so-called universal deficiency anemia. Decreased incidence of CH in one of
salt iodization. Some of the possible reasons for this lack of the northern states of India post-iodization was concluded
effectiveness were commented by some researchers but to demonstrate the effectiveness of USI (77) despite surveys
studied by none. These included poor implementation of in UP in the 1990s, showing a high continued usage of non-
the program, iodine losses during cooking, increased goi- iodized salt. Was it iodized salt, iodine from other sources
trogens in environment/diet/water, decrease in goiter due (improved nutrition/dietary practices), or increased iodine
to economic development, iatrogenic goiter/anemia, etc. availability due to lack of goitrogens (improved water supply,
There is a definite lack of cohort studies at present. dietary) that played a role in decreased CH?
There have been very few community-based intervention
studies and two of these were conducted in the present Hima-
chal Pradesh (India) (2,73). The first one showed no evidence
Assessment of Intervention
of the role of iodine in goiter whereas the other has provided
the only evidence of effectiveness of iodized salt in the pre- As with other aspects, assessment of intervention, i.e.,
vention and control of goiter. The two communities provided iodized salt/oil also suffers from various drawbacks. We

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
10 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

highlight a few: lack of temporal comparability due to use classification of only two categories (0 and 1) was also
of different classifications, methodologies, techniques and seen. The other major drawbacks noticed were different
study population; confounders not studied adequately in age groups being studied and piecemeal evaluation of the
available cohort studies; inadequate data on other factors program. In India, salt and goiter are being targeted during
affecting absorption/utilization of iodine; and inadequate evaluations. No effort is being made to study the changes in
studies on lack of correlation between iodine nutrition diets, etc. to correlate with the present prevalence. Many of
and TGP. the studies have only looked at the process, i.e., proportion
In the U.S., a high prevalence was found in 1924, but of salt sample having adequate amount of iodine with utter
subsequent surveys in 1951 (consequent to iodization of ta- disregard to outcome, thus conducting a biased exercise
ble salt in 1924) found a low prevalence of goiter, from with predetermined notion of efficacy and effectiveness of
38.6% to 1.4%. Whereas 20% were still using uniodized salt the intervention (80e83).
only, 75% of households were using iodized salt only and Increase in goiter post-iodination has been shown in
4% were using both. Thus, the decrease in goiter prevalence some northeastern states of India (84e87). However, none
was largely due to iodization of table salt but changes in the of these studied possible reasons for this high prevalence
processing and distribution of food as well as in food habits, despite IDD control program. Was it failure of the program
which also occurred during the same period of time, con- or other factors affecting the absorption and utilization of
tributed to this decrease. However, from 1955 onwards, iodine provided by salt? A high prevalence was found
the iodine intake increased tremendously (O600% of among adolescents in slums of a coastal city despite iodin-
U.S. RDA) due to other sources like greater utilization of ation of salt. Another important finding was that difference
iodine in food technology, sanitation and in the chemical in urinary iodine excretion levels was statistically nonsig-
industry. Still the goiter persisted! Thus a hypothesis was nificant among various grades of goiter (88,89). Thus, rais-
generated that this persistent goiter was not related to ing the issue whether this high prevalence is due to excess
iodine deficiency (53). iodine as shown by studies from China (31,32) or some
The decision of the Indian government to implement goitrogens in water/diet are behind this high prevalence?
USI by 1990, 20 years after inception of NGCP, was se- In another coastal area, where no survey was done ear-
verely criticized by researchers presently spearheading the lier or there was a ban on noniodized salt, survey preva-
campaign of USI (78,79). According to these researchers, lence included children of 6e11 years of age, whereas
iodine deficiency was a place-specific problem and hence the same researchers had been studying children of only
necessitated area-specific solutions. They clearly stated that 8e10 years of age for evaluation surveys in other areas.
‘‘USI besides introducing a fresh economic burden would Without any explanation being given for this differential
also magnify the already extensive chain of participating methodological choice, one is left wondering whether a de-
agencies out of proportion. All this might lead to a delay liberate effort is being made towards some unstated objec-
in the supply of iodated salt to hyperendemic areas. Thus, tive. Even then, TGP was only 2.6%, which clearly pointed
priority should be to consolidate the existing infrastructure, to the fact of non-existence of goiter even in the absence of
strengthen weak links and prioritize the distribution of salt. iodized salt. In fact, no further attempt was evident from
Only after meeting the needs of endemic areas, one may discussion to evaluate any reasons for this low prevalence
subsequently plan for USI’’. They also commented on the of goiter (90). A similar study in Andaman and Nicobar is-
methodological issues like classification of goiter, need lands (Bay of Bengal) found TGP of 16.5% despite 93%
for uniform sampling procedures and use of median for uri- salt samples having O15 ppm of iodine (91). The tribal
nary iodine excretion instead of mean values due to skewed population of these islands was found to consume a great
values. amount of seafood, which is rich in iodine. However,
However, as the available evidence indicates, none of the iodized salt was introduced to this island, which most
subsequent studies/surveys addressed these issues satisfac- probably resulted in iodine excess goiter.
torily. Even when the prevalence was shown to have in- Iodine is a volatile substance and how much iodine in
creased after a period of iodization and banning plain salt salt is lost during cooking? In India, substantial losses of io-
in a particular area, only salt iodization was being targeted dine during cooking have been shown (92). Countries like
for review without making any attempt to study the situa- the U.S. introduced iodine only in table salt (added to
tion in its entirety. None of the researchers ever thought cooked food) but as per the current Indian policy, iodine
about whether the problem was with the program imple- is added to all types of salt, thus wasting a lot of iodine
mentation or with the entire concept of salt iodization or due to the addition of salt prior to cooking. It has been
were there other factors operating/interfering with avail- shown that iodine content of raw food was significantly
ability/assimilation of iodine? A detailed analysis of avail- higher than that of a mixed cooked diet due to appreciable
able studies reveals that various researchers have used iodine losses during cooking (range 37.4e69.7% loss) (93).
different classifications. Some have used Perez, some However, iodine losses during cooking have not been
WHO, others Stanbury and in one paper a new improvised adequately studied.

Descargado para Gabriel Moreno Roca (a_morenor@yahoo.es) en Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en octubre 15, 2020.
Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders 11

Low levels of TGP were found 7 years after the Delhi ism. Many researchers have commented on toxicity of
government banned sale of non-iodized salt despite 41% iodine but other harmful effects, e.g., hypothyroidism, auto-
of families consuming salt with !15 ppm (94). However, immune thyroiditis, etc. at smaller dosage have not been
only 8- to 10-year-old children were studied instead of all studied adequately. None of the researchers have studied this
children. This kind of variance makes comparison difficult problem, especially among the higher socioeconomic group,
with other studies that included children 5e15 years of age. and what level of iodine is optimal to avoid the conse-
Moreover, during prevalence surveys that formed the basis quences of iodine deficiency while preventing side effects.
of USI, all children (especially 5e15 years old) were stud- Studies in China showed that goiter might be caused by
ied, including adolescents with a high probability of having excess iodine intake. All subjects were clinically euthyroid
a physiological goiter, but in evaluation surveys the major- but biochemical tests suggested a spectrum of thyroid dys-
ity of studies include only children between 8 and 10 years function from subclinical to overt hypothyroidism (31).
of age! Other studies regarding evaluation are depicted in Studies showing similar results have been done in Japan
Table 3 (84e86,90,91,95e100). (103) and China (32,104,105). In one of these commu-
In a well-designed multicentric study to assess iodine- nity-based surveys in China (32) among people from all
deficiency disorders, children (6e!12 years old) from 15 ages in two villages, it was found that goiter due to iodine
districts of ten states in India were studied during excess affected all ages in different geographical locations.
1997e2000. What the results show is really quite disturb- These findings strengthen the association between iodine
ing. The prevalence of goiter in one of the districts of UP excess and goiter and hypothyroidism probably due to some
was maximum (31.02%), though median urinary iodine ex- autoimmune mechanism and have also been corroborated
cretion (UIE) value was sufficient (127 mg/L), and O82% by pioneers of research in goiter and IDDs (106).
salt samples had adequate iodine content. The next in order Studies done in a few countries to analyze the current sta-
of prevalence of goiter (12.95%) was another district with tus of morphological and functional thyroid abnormalities in
adequate median UIE value (115 mg/L) but adequate iodine a previously iodine-deficient area have shown a number of
content in only 4.7% of the salt samples. A district in Bihar, thyroid disorders in previously iodine-deficient regions. This
with insufficient median UIE value of 90 mg/L and only clearly points to the need for further studies to investigate the
2.9% of the salt samples having adequate iodine content, change of thyroid disorders during iodine supplementation
showed prevalence of only 0.2% goiter. The investigators programs. A study in Laos to assess the impact of salt iodin-
just cursorily mentioned this lack of correlation between ation program found a higher median value of urinary iodine
the three parameters of iodine deficiency at the end of their but almost similar goiter prevalence after introduction of io-
paper, without giving it due importance (101). In fact, the dized salt as compared to an earlier period (107). A review of
findings clearly call for a revisit of the entire debate of IDD found that in areas with relatively high iodine intake, the
iodine-deficiency disorders—magnitude of the problem, incidence rate of hypothyroidism is several fold higher than
causality and control strategy. A similar lack of correlation that of hyperthyroidism (108). Even experimental studies
between adequate iodine nutrition and TGP has also been show that iodine appeared to have a direct toxic effect on thy-
shown by WHO in many countries worldwide, to mention roid epithelial cells of rats by showing that a high intake of
a few: Bangladesh (49.9%) and Australia (19.4%) with dif- iodine accelerated the development of lymphocytic thyroid-
ferent TGPs but classified as having mild iodine deficiency, itis in BB/W rats (109,110).
and Eritrea (36.7%) and India (17.9) both shown as having
optimal iodine nutrition (8).
Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Similar results of ineffectiveness of iodized salt in the
reduction of goiter were available since 1980, raising the Evidence from this scientific, systematic review of empiri-
hypothesis that after a certain level the prevalence of goiter cal studies provides enough basis to question the current
does not decrease by iodination alone due to the role of dominant paradigm and reveals that opposing research find-
other factors such as goitrogens in food, pollutants in water, ings were ignored. The studies available provide enough
etc. Definite identification of the active agents and knowl- evidence to start a fresh debate on evidence about iodine
edge of their biological and physicochemical properties as the sole factor in causality; magnitude of the problem
may permit public health officials to develop procedures as a major public health problem universally; effectiveness
for eliminating these compounds at the community level of universal iodization of salt as a measure that leads to
and eradicating goiter from endemic areas (102). decreasing goiter and other IDDs by itself; and possible
negative impacts on health itself like increase in hyperthy-
roidism, goiter and interaction with other minerals like iron.
The problem of IDDs has increased in many parts of the
Harmful Effects of Iodine
world (refer to Table1), and the use of iodization as a strategy
Studies are available on the possible link of increased iodine can at best claim to prevent further increase than present
intake leading to increased hypothyroidism/hyperthyroid- prevalence. This review shows that wherever endemic IDD

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
12 Kotwal et al./ Archives of Medical Research 38 (2007) 1e14

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
A Systematic Review of Goiter and Other Iodine Deficiency Disorders 13

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