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Valdez Moreno Jorge Geovanny


Dra. Daniela Coria Perez

Ingles Competente lll-A

Lic. Terapia Fisica y Rehabilitacion

2do Partial exam
“The Best Vacation I Had”

The best vacation of my life happened approximately 2 years ago and then that year
we had gone to Mazatlan, one of my favorite places when traveling although I would
also like to visit some other state. On this vacation we went to the golden zone, we
went to such restaurants We went to many food places in the morning, my dad and
I got up in the morning to go exercise, we walked along all the possible paths there
were, we went to the market, we also explored places that we had not even seen
before, the The truth is that it was a beautiful and at the same time happy experience,
adding that I went either with the family, in my case I told my mother that I would like
to go apart from the aquatic paraue to go and visit if there are sports fields, be it
tennis, paddle tennis , soccer, volleyball etc. To be able to play with the family and
have fun, from there we went to the glass bridge which is quite beautiful apart from
the fact that at the same time you feel that it would break and that type of sensations
And of course if you jump too hard it can break, And from there we also went to have
dinner in the golden zone, a place where they sell food like Burgers, Bonless,
Shakes, etc. The truth is that I miss reliving those moments again but time no longer
returns and you always have to keep that in mind. Of course, as well as, for example,
what I liked about Mace is that adding to what we live together as a family, is the
happiness of knowing that they will always be united no matter what happens. And
to add something else In itself about the vacation, Also apart from bathing on the
beach, we met nine people because we helped them either to push a car that had
broken down and from that moment we all started to know each other and get along
very well Because even those people are from Guadalajara who had also previously
visited it and I recommend going to that really beautiful place. And so this concludes
this beautiful vacation that one day I hope to repeat.

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