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College of business and economics

Department of management

Internship report of Commercial bank of Ethiopian

• Organized by Seife Shimeles
• I'd no. 0031

Submitted to Fayisa

0/0/2016 E.C


I Seife Shimeles hereby declare that this internship report is original and has never been
presented in any other institutions. To the best of my knowledge, I greatly believe that sources
used in this paper have been duly acknowledged. I am here by submitting my Internship Report
entitled “General Banking activities of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Yosef Branch which was
assigned to me as a requirement for the completion of the BA degree Program. I have
discovered this study very interesting, beneficial and insightful. The entire report is based on
my practical experience in CBE. I expect this report to be informative as well as
comprehensive. This Internship program and preparation of report has given me the
opportunity to gather knowledge about banking system and will help me a lot in my future
career life.

Declarer :

Name: Seife Shimeles Sign___________________

Mattu university department of Management

Advisor: ___________________ Signature:________ Date:_______

CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................................................................3
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the report ...............................................................................................................3
1.2 Origin of the report ........................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objective of the study ....................................................................................................................3
1.4 Methodology of the report .............................................................................................................3
a) Primary data sources ................................................................................................................3
b) Secondary data sources ............................................................................................................4
1.5 Scope of the report .........................................................................................................................4
1.6 Limitation of the report..................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................5
2. The Organization of commercial Bank of Ethiopia .........................................................................5
2.1 History of commercial Bank of Ethiopia .......................................................................................5
A. Scope of the Policy .....................................................................................................................5
B. Objectives....................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Vision of CBE................................................................................................................................7
2.3 Mission ..........................................................................................................................................7
2.4 Network Overview.........................................................................................................................7
2.5 Service and Product of Commercial Bank Ethiopia ......................................................................7
2.6 Major Markets and Customers.......................................................................................................7
2.7 a Organizational structure ..............................................................................................................8
2.7.1 Board of Directors (general structure) ....................................................................................8
2.7.2 Senior Executive Committee (SEC) .......................................................................................8
2.7.3 Management team (middle level managers) ...........................................................................8
2.7.4 Employee ................................................................................................................................8
2.7 .1b Existing levels of Management at Yosef branch .................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE ...............................................................................................................................9
3. ACTIVITY REPORT ..........................................................................................................................9
3.1 Over all internship experience gained ...........................................................................................9
3.1.1 Job description ............................................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Working Experience at CBE at Yosef Branch............................................................................9
3.2.1 Assignments and responsibilities of the students. ..................................................................9
A. Account Opening / Closing ...................................................................................................10
B. Handle Grievances of Customers and fill forms....................................................................11
C. Know your customer(KYC) update .......................................................................................11

3.1.2 Credit and LC Department....................................................................................................11
3.3 work flow at CBE YB..................................................................................................................12
3.3.1 General banking department .................................................................................................12
3.3.2 Credit and advance department ............................................................................................13
3.3.3 Foreign exchange department ...............................................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................................14
4.1 INTERN SHIP EVALUATION ..................................................................................................14
4.2 Details of related learning process and new knowledge received ...............................................14
I Practical implication of theoretical knowledge .....................................................................14
II Communication skills ............................................................................................................14
III Behavioral skills ................................................................................................................15
IV Technical skills ..................................................................................................................15
4.3 Key attitudes learned .............................................................................................................15
4.4 CHALLENGE FACED DURING INTERNSHPERIOD .....................................................16
4.5 Indicating how successfully solved the problem ...................................................................17
CHAPTER .............................................................................................................................................17
5 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................17

I want to thank to my monitor at the CBE bank Mr. Zeritu Ibrahim for providing me all the
necessary information as well as helping me in preparation of report for completion of intern
ship in my stay at the hosting company. The internship opportunity I had with commercial bank
of Ethiopia Yosef branch was a great chance for learning and professional development. I
consider myself as a very lucky individual as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part
of it. I am also grateful for having a chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals
who led me through this internship period. I would like to thank Mr. Getachew Degefu
Manager of my host company and all staff of bank to help me with all their capabilities and
affections. And last but not the least; thanks to all the personnel working at of Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia Yosef Branch.

List of abbreviation


BOD: Boards of Directors

CBE: commercial Bank of Ethiopia

CSD: Customer service department

FDR: Fixed Deposit Receipt

KYC: Know Your Customer

LC: letter of credit

MT: management team

SEC: Senior Executive Committee

Executive Summary
This Internship report is aimed at providing different areas of service of commercial bank of
Ethiopia at Addis Abeba Yosef branch. The report has been divided into five parts. The first
chapter Introduction Second chapter is the organizational report(an overview of commercial
Bank of Ethiopia discussing its mission, vision, features and managerial hierarchy); Third
chapter deals with an activity which happened during my stay at the host company, The
Fourth chapter the overall evaluation of internship; Chapter five over all conclusion of the


1.1 Background of the report

As a student of management, I was went to Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Addis Abeba Yosef
Branch to conduct a practical apparent ship of 4 weeks. The main purpose of the program is to
expose the students to real world situation. The goal of this analysis is to apply classroom
learning in practice /changing the theoretical knowledge in to practical skills/.

1.2 Origin of the report

This report is the result of four weeks internship program conducted at Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia Yosef Branch. Internship is the best learning process to know about the organization
and cope up the environment in such a way like professional employees. The experience that I
got by working as an intern will help me in professional life in future .

1.3 Objective of the study

Main objective of the report is to fulfill the requirement of BA degree program.

The secondary objectives are

❖ To understand and analyze the overall activities of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

❖ To evaluate the existing activities and techniques of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
❖ To relate the theoretical learning with the real life situation

1.4 Methodology of the report

The report is descriptive in nature. The information was collected from both primary and
secondary sources of data.

a) Primary data sources

As the name or word primary indicate that the data gathering mechanisms is the first hand
information which never been published or used before. The primary data collection method
can be in various ways. Among these observation, interviewing, recording (audio, video) by
preparing formal and informal questioner and asking the respective respondents.

Among all the above method I used the following the technique

✓ Observation (Practical desk work)

✓ Questioner (Face to face conversation with the respective officers and clients)

b) Secondary data sources

The secondary data are the data’s that can be observed from different published and
unpublished source of data that the organization have been stored for several years.

i.e. books ,journals websites and other documented files

Among all the above method I used the following the technique

✓ Website of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

✓ Various publications on banking operation

1.5 Scope of the report

This report covers Standard bank's products and services, organizational overview,
management and organizational structural functions performed by Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia. It also covers overview of the general banking division, processes and other

1.6 Limitation of the report

This report might be limited with some constraints. Details of many aspects of the services of
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia have been skipped in this report due to various constraints,
including time and space. Moreover, one of the main barriers in writing of this report was the
confidentiality of data. Beside this there are some limitations, such as-

✓ Due to time limitation many of the aspects could not be discussed in the present report.
Learning all the functions within just four weeks is really tough.
✓ The bankers are very busy with their job which lead little time to consult with
✓ In many cases, up to date information was not published
✓ Non-availability of reference books is another limitation


2. The Organization of commercial Bank of Ethiopia

2.1 History of commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) is one of the oldest public banks established in 1942 as a
State Bank. Since then, CBE has gone through different reforms and mergers coming out as
one of the most reputable and biggest commercial banks in the country. It has more than 37.9
million account holders in its 1900 plus branches stretching throughout the country. Its
outreach to individual depositors, small and medium scale businesses and private and public
mega investment projects has made it the largest single bank in the country to have a significant
impact on the economy of the country. CBE played a significant role as both the engine of the
country’s economic growth and mobilizing savings for further investment. In its effort in being
part of the solution for the environmental degradation and its subsequent impact on individual
citizens and businesses, CBE has the capacity to reach out to millions in both increasing
awareness and building adaptive capacity through providing environmentally friendly credit
lines. Furthermore, as a responsible corporate institute, CBE has the mandate to formulate
Environmental and Social internal policies that reflect the current local and global climate
change realities and its subsequent impacts particularly on its business customers and partners
throughout the country

A. Scope of the Policy

The scope of Environmental and Social Policy of CBE is outlined on the basis of the bank’s
Environmental and Social issues. These activities could be seen from two angles, where CBE
itself has a direct impact on the environment it operates and the usage of resources such as
electricity, oil, lighting, paper, toners, logistics, own waste treatment and others. The other
angle can be considered as indirect impacts related to all kinds of activities through which CBE
can secondarily have influence on the society and environment through its business
interactions. Environmental and Social Policy of CBE also implies the incorporation of

Environmental and Social indicators in the risk assessment and control process of its credit
lines. Incorporated within this policy, requires the creation of an appropriate environmental
risk management procedure

where the following important guidelines will be defined:

✓ Environmental and Social risk assessment procedures and strategies;

✓ Importance of Environmental and Social risk assessment outcome for the loan
✓ Environmental and Social risk follow-up upon loan disbursement;
✓ Measures that are going to be taken by the bank in case the client proves to fall out of
compliance with the Environmental and Social requirements of the bank related to the
risk performance;
✓ Roles and responsibilities related to Environmental and Social risk management in the
bank; and
✓ Reporting to the top management on the exposure of the loan portfolio has to this risk
and etc.

B. Objectives
The main objectives of Environmental and Social Policy of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia are
the followings:

(i) To be the avant-garde of Environmental and Social issues among financial institutions
in East African region implementing environmental treaties and conventions and
leading by example;
(ii) To understand its entire carbon footprint and create an internal mechanism and external
auditing system to significantly reduce it;
(iii) To create an environmental department that looks after the bank’s direct and indirect
Environmental and Social management systems;
(iv) To evaluate businesses and projects for their Environmental and Social compliance
with its own internal experts and give equal weight for financial, Environmental and
Social sustainability;

(v) To enhance the Environmental and Social awareness and understanding of its
employees to help them make an informed decision in relation to internal
environmental footprints and external customer dealings
(vi) To ensure the different levels of CBE’s management and staffs are taking appropriate
responsibility for the implementation of the policy through making an informed

2.2 Vision of CBE

The main vision of commercial bank is that to become world class commercial bank with
reduced environmental footprint, leading by example in 2025 by setting the objectives

2.3 Mission
The bank are committed to best realize stakeholders’ needs without compromising the
wellbeing of the environment and society through Enhanced financial intermediation globally,
supporting national development priorities, deploying highly motivated, skilled and disciplined
employees as well as state-of-the-art technology. CBE strongly believe that winning the public
confidence and developing sustainable business model are the basis of our success.

2.4 Network Overview

Network Overview CBE has been presently providing banking services through its branch
offices within very different locations of the country. With its head and all over the country,
the bank has 1500 plus branches. After using a software called P24.It has continuously targeted
on introducing technology and new products and services. In fact, it had been the first bank in
Ethiopia to start out ATM and tele-banking (tell-birr) services. Currently it’s been giving some
innovation product and services like Premium banking account, CBE proprietary card, have
deposit them, small business loan, enterprises loan, pre-paid VISA card, national and
International travelers all over the world selling of tickets for traveler and on-line payment
system. Payment facilities (school fee, utilities like electric water…).

2.5 Service and Product of Commercial Bank Ethiopia

❖ Deposit ❖ account for women’s

❖ Money transfer ❖ account for youth

❖ Mobile banking ❖ Foreign currency exchange
❖ Interest free banking service ❖ Investment loan and micro finance
❖ ATM and Pos loan
❖ Foreign remittance

2.6 Major Markets and Customers

The Major Markets and Customers CBE encompasses a diversified client base within the entire
country. It understands that the customers are one among the foremost necessary the one who
demand the services and use the provided services by the Bank. Thus, CBE is invariably
specialize in providing the most effective of the best services to them. A number of key
customers of CBE differs from Company houses, businesses, import export agencies, etc.
Aside from this, conjointly provides special priority for WOMEN, KIDS, interest free
account…with special benefits

2.7 a Organizational structure

The organizational structure and Work flow at CBE Commercial Bank of Ethiopia has the
following organizational structure and work flow

2.7.1 Board of Directors (general structure)

Boards of Directors (BOD) are the group of individuals that has been elected as the
representatives of the shareholders to formulate corporate important management policies and
make decisions on their behalf.

2.7.2 Senior Executive Committee (SEC)

The senior executive committee is the highest level of management of the bank. Their main
responsibility involves making operational decisions, formulating operational policies, keeping
the board educated and informed along with bringing well-documented recommendations and
information to the board.

2.7.3 Management team (middle level managers)

The management team is the middle management of the bank. Who are working in different
branches of the bank as a branch manager in different levels .their responsibilities are

implementing the policies which has been already formulated and approved in the operation

2.7.4 Employee
The employees are group of people who are working all over the nation in commercial bank of

2.7 .1b Existing levels of Management at Yosef branch

Existing levels of Management at Yosef branch The total number of employee in Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia Yosef branch are 57 including management and all working stuff and also
the internee.

✓ Branch Manager(1)
✓ Operational manager(1)
✓ Internal controller(1)
✓ Casher(senior customer officer) (1)
✓ Cash head (1)
✓ Customer service officer (2)
✓ Casher(tailors) (14)
✓ Human resource (1)
✓ Security (9)
✓ Cleaning(3)
✓ Graduate trainee (1)


3.1 Over all internship experience gained

As a student of accounting and finance, I went to do my internship project in largest financial

institute called Commercial bank of Ethiopia at Oromiya region Bushoftu Ququra Branch to
conduct a practical apparent ship of duration of 4 weeks. The main purpose of the program

(internship) is to expose the students to real world situation. The goal of this analysis is to apply
classroom theoretical learning in practice or real world.

3.1.1 Job description

3.1.1 Working Experience at CBE at Yosef Branch

As of any internship student I applied for two different location of CBE at Addis Abeba Yosef
branch to take me as of one interns. I had a chance to choose one branch from two different
branch because I got an acceptance from both branch of CBE at the same time I decided to start
work at Yosef branch under all staff of the bank I worked there for entire four weeks. I did not
have any previous experience of working in a bank or in any business organization and I was
pretty much worried about the working environment. But now, when I am writing about my
work experience CBE at Yosef Branch, it feels me really good remembering the days I had
worked there. During the four weeks of my internship at Bank. I enjoyed the working
environment of this office. The work experience gave me a good idea of the overall banking
system of Ethiopia and taught me professionalism at work place.

3.2.1 Assignments and responsibilities of the students.

Job profile is very important for a person who works under any organization. Job profile is the
details of all the responsibilities and activities of a job in detail that expected to help one
understand their position better. It usually includes all the information like position reports, job
specification, description, qualification or the skills that are required to perform the job. In
addition to this, it also includes the salary range of the position one is in. In the case CBE at
Yosef branch the job profile of staffs is categorized according to the position they hold.
Similarly, the delegation of authority is also conducted as per the hierarchy of the authority and
position. While the Branch manager and assistant manager supervise the department heads, the
department heads are responsible for supervising and managing the staffs of their respective
departments. Thus, in this way, CBE perfectly has been maintaining the coordination,
cooperation and scalar chain inside the bank. During the 4 weeks internship period with CBE,
I was placed in different departments on rotate basis. At first I was in General banking
department for two weeks and finally in the Cash section for two weeks. In General banking
department, I did different jobs as per official’s requirement. Though I was not assigned for

specific responsibilities, but I did basically customer management related jobs. My job
descriptions are mentioned below:

✓ Helping clients to fill up account opening form and pay order form
✓ Writing pay order instrument
✓ Provide customer’s product related information
✓ Registering the inward letter in the register
✓ Registering the cheque book requisition
✓ Registering the return cheque
✓ File upping different documents in suitable file

Cash Section Most important section of CBE is the cash section as it deals with all kinds of
cash transactions. I did different type of work there as per instruction, they are:

• Giving seal on every bill and stamp to bills.

• Data entry of electricity bills
• Separately counting and bundling of different note
• Checking the total amount received in cash and excel data concedes or not
• Compiling and checking credit and debit vouchers
• File-upping documents
• Making phone call to clients when necessary
I was assigned the following task and responsibilities in the different departments:

(i) Activities Performed in customer service department CSD Customer service is one of
the most important departments of every organization as it is the department that
mainly interacts with the customers. In the case of banking sector, the image and
reputation of the bank depends on the way CSD deals with the customers effectively
and efficiently. The CSD is responsible in providing various information and services
to the customers like opening new accounts, closing existing accounts, transferring
accounts to other branches, balance statements, issuing debit cards, cheques etc.

Following are the details of the activities that I performed in CSD:

A. Account Opening / Closing

Account opening is the initial step in the deposit collection. As mentioned earlier, there
are several types of accounts options that are provided by CBE. Customers who want
to open a new account are requested to fill up the form like account opening, Know
Your Customer (KYC) forms and SMS banking, ATM card, mobile banking forms as
per their requirements. They are also asked to provide certain documents such as
citizenship, utility bill etc. As for closing the accounts, it is done as per the request of

the customers. For closing the account, customers are firstly given the form and as per
the rule of the bank, the customer is required to provide all the cards and cheques that
have been issued in his/her name. Only after this, a certain balance is deducted as
closing charge and the remaining amount is refunded to the customers.
B. Handle Grievances of Customers and fill forms
Handle Complaints of Customers and fill forms. This was another activity that I
performed when I was in CSD. As mentioned earlier, one of the major responsibilities
of CSD is to handle and solve queries of the customers. As an intern, I was asked to
deal with customers and help them come up with the best solution that can reduce or
ultimately solve their problems. Problems related to captured cards, incomplete
documents, replacement of cards and lost cheques & cards were handled. Likewise,
helping customers with filling up the necessary forms were also one of the key activities
that I performed during my internship. Along with opening and closing forms, I was
also responsible to look after KYC update.
C. Know your customer(KYC) update
KYC update was made mandatory by the central banks where the entire customers of
the bank were asked to fill and submit the forms along with documents like utility bills,
latest photographs and citizenship certificates. Therefore, I was responsible for going
through all the files of the customers and inform them about the documents that were
missing in their files.

3.1.2 Credit and LC Department

The credit department is responsible for providing a range of services to facilitate
import/export business along with providing various types of loans to support its customers.
It is one of the most important departments in an organization as it is very important from
the bank’s viewpoint that it must be able to invest its deposits in loan that do not end up
being default. In this department and got an opportunity to learn about the various activities
that are conducted in this department. However, I was more involved with activities related
to letter of credit. Following are the details of some of the activities that I performed:

a. Providing forms, there are different forms that customers need to fill as per their
type of work to be done. One of my major responsibilities was to provide customers
with different forms on their request along with helping them fill in case they do

not understand what is to be done. Some of the forms were of LC application forms,
guarantee forms, mobile banking tele transfer forms and loan application forms etc.
b. Checking documents there are several documents that applicants need to submit
before opening L/C in the bank. Hence, my responsibility was to provide the
interested applicants with the LC application form, help them fill and check all the
documents that they are required to submit. Some of the documents that applicants
were required to submit were application form, permanent account number
registration certificate, Company Registration Certificate, Profroma Invoice,
c. Filling several documents are received and dispatched every single day from the
credit department. These documents are very important, as they are the vital source
and proof of transactions. Thus, it becomes increasingly important to properly store
them away so that it can be retrieved as and when required in the future. Thus, I
was responsible for filling of the different documents in their respective drawers
and folders.

3.3 work flow at CBE YB

Basically the working department in CBE is divided based on the service they provide
in department wise. These divisions are

3.3.1 General banking department

General banking is the starting point of all the banking operations of Bank. It is the
department, which provides day-to-day services to the customers and develops banker
customer relationship by opening different types of account and by providing quick
services to the customers. Officers of this department have to perform the task given

➢ Opening new account

➢ Account closing
➢ Pay Order issue
➢ Mobile banking
➢ Deposit collection
➢ Credit
➢ Transfer
➢ WithdrawAdministrate
ATM Machine

General banking department is divided into four sub sections to perform its work properly Account
Opening Section: To establish a banker and customer relationship account opening is the first step.
Opening of an account binds the Banker and customer into contractual relationship. But selection of
customer for opening an account is very crucial for a Bank. Indeed, fraud and forgery of all kinds
start by opening account. So, the Bank takes extremely cautious measure in its selection of
customers. A customer can open different types of accounts through this department such as-

✓ Savings account
✓ Current account
✓ Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) account
Savings account: This type of account is opened generally on the name of individual person rather
than company. Some Important Points are as follows

Minimum opening deposit is required, valid identification of customer, Photo identification for
all concerned, filled in application form, Know Your Customer (KYC) profile.

3.3.2 Credit and advance department

Bank’s basic work is to create a channel through depositing money from the surplus unit and provide
funding to borrowers. Thus the necessity of credit department in bank occurs. The credit department
is a very important department of a bank. The money mobilized from ultimate surplus units are
allocated through this department to the ultimate deficit unit (borrower). The success of this
department keeps a great influence over the profit of a bank. Failure of this department may lead the
bank to huge losses or even to bankruptcy. They are Loan, Statement, Bank Guarantee.

3.3.3 Foreign exchange department

Foreign Exchange Department is an international department of the bank. It deals globally and
facilitates international trade through its various modes of services. It bridges between importers and
exporters. If the branch is authorized dealer in foreign exchange market, it can remit foreign
exchange from local country to foreign country. This department mainly deals with foreign currency.
This is why this department is called foreign exchange department. Mainly transactions with
overseas countries are respects of import; export and foreign remittance come under the preview of
foreign exchange transactions. International trade demands a flow of goods from seller to buyer and
of payment from buyer to seller.

It was a great experience of working for the first time and this report has been prepared on the basis
of experience gathered during the period of internship. The bank did not fix internee in any specific
area any responsibilities for interns. Mainly I have done many pending works of the account opening
section beside that I have done different tasks.

4.2 Details of related learning process and new knowledge received

Apart from understanding the core banking activities, I also believe that all the activities that were
undertaken by me in these 4 weeks have helped me develop my overall cognitive, analytical and
professional skills. It has taught me to deal with different people differently. In addition, it helped
me view things from several angles and not from only one point. Thus, this actually helped to
improve my analytical skills. Similarly, I also have developed my ability to create and sustain a
network of important clients. Following are the details of some of the key skills and knowledge learnt
during my internship period

I Practical implication of theoretical knowledge

One thing I realized is that most of theoretical knowledge; like for instance, accounting, finance,
marketing, communication, statistics, economics, operational management, human resource
management along with computer applications, all were very much being applied in the banking
sector. Even though not all these concepts were applied in every department, these concepts however,
helped me gain a better understanding of the responsibilities I was assigned with

II Communication skills

Communication is probably one of the most important factors for smooth functioning of every
organization. Banking sector is no different. In fact, communication is the most powerful tool that
can be used to convince the customers to use the products and services. As major part of my

internship period required dealing with customers coming from different background, my
communication and interpersonal skills has definitely improved a great deal. In addition to this, I
also learned to be patient and quiet while dealing with difficult customers.

III Behavioral skills

Another skill that I got an opportunity to learn and improve on is the behavioral skills one needs in
their personal and professional life. After carefully observing the way the employees of CBEYB
dealt with the customers and among their colleagues, I too learnt the proper way to behave in the
workplace. To be specific, I learnt to behave well i.e. friendly, cordially and respectfully with
customers, employees

IV Technical skills

During the internship I had to use different technical devices like printers, scanners, photocopy
machines, computers etc. However, after the internship I learned some basic technical skills to work
with such devices. In short, some of the key skills and knowledge that I learnt during the internship
are as follows:

• Understood how to show respect to employers and customers.

• I am now able to demonstrate interpersonal skills better after the internship.
• Leading skills was develop while controlling the customers in rush hour especially Friday and
Saturday that was rush day for bank.
• Negotiating and arriving at a decision
• Working with diversity/diverse populations.
• Identifying, understanding and working with professional standards.
• Acquiring and evaluating information.
• Improving problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
• The need and use of organizational commitment and job involvement is learnt
• Improved communicating and convincing skills after having to deal with customers in rush hours
and difficult situation.
• Confidence was developed. As an intern in bank facing with rush customer boost up the
confidence level when we need to interact with them regarding their queries and problems.
4.3 Key attitudes learned

Apart from key skills and knowledge, I also learned to have a correct form of attitude towards
the people and organization in professional level. Following are the details of some of the key
attitude learnt during my internship period:

A. Towards the organizational environment and work culture I personally found the working
environment of the bank very friendly, comfortable and easy going. Everyone was friendly
with everyone, and always ready to help each other despite being burdened with their own
B. Team work another Attitude I learnt during my internship period is that everyone has their
own responsibilities and working in a team helps in improving the overall productivity and
performance of the employees.
C. Towards management Throughout the internship period, I put in a lot of to work and do
justice to the responsibilities I was assigned with. After seeing the friendly and dedicated
management who always wanted good for the employees, it made me commit fully towards
the organization. I always tried to be obedient, punctual and complete my work with full
D. Towards customers Despite having to face lot customers who were rude and impatient, I
understood the importance of being calm and composed when having to deal with such
customers. I made sure I heard them out completely, greeted them and happily helped them
when they asked for it. Throughout the internship period I had to deal with customers on a
daily basis.
E. Towards employees All the employees in CBEYB were very friendly and helpful. They
would not leave any stone unturned to teach me new things every day. Hence, I strongly feel
that whatever I was able to learn during the internship period is because of the employees
who were always ready to guide me in every situation and helped me clear my doubts. This
behavior of theirs automatically made me develop and show a positive attitude towards them.

Every organization faces several challenge (problems) on a day-to-day basis. Similarly, in CBEYB
too, I realized that there were several problems that would arise on a day-to-day basis. Most of these
challenge (problems) were of the repetitive in nature. During the 4 weeks internship, I found the
following types of challenges that were frequently faced by the bank and me as an intern

❖ Due to time limitation many of the aspects could not be discussed in the present report.
Learning all the functions within just four weeks is really tough.
❖ The bankers are very busy with their job which lead little time to consult with internee In
many cases, up to date information was not published( for specific branch)
❖ Non-availability of reference books is another limitation
❖ Most of the departments are understaffed due to which there is a huge responsibility on the
staff. Due to this, the customers have to wait longer for their work to be done.
❖ The computer system due to intranet problem, Due to this, the customers usually had to wait
longer for their work to be completed because of this.
❖ Rude, impatient and customers who are unwilling to listen to the staffs were another problem
faced by everyone, including the interns. Due to this, there were frequent complaints made
by them to the higher authority.

4.5 Indicating how successfully solved the problem

It is difficult sometimes to solve particular problems in some situations. During my internship, I

tried my best to face and solve the arising problems. Following are the ways I tried to solve the
above-mentioned problems:

✓ To get sufficient knowledge and improvising

✓ When a particular department was understaffed, the staff use to divide the work among
each other to complete the work on time. I used to get a portion of the work and tried my
best to complete the given work on time.
✓ In case of facing to rude and impatient customers, I use to simply tell them to concern
with my supervisor or higher authority rather than keep arguing with them.

5 Conclusion
As it mentioned in the earlier chapters, internship is probably one of the best ways to provide the
students and graduates with the practical exposure so that they get an opportunity to understand the

working culture, systems, structure, strategy, operation and methodologies that are carry out in
different departments in an organization. Internships also help one to test their skills, competencies
along with helping them to identify the knowledge gap between the theoretical principles and the
practical work setting. It can be said that it provides students and graduates a platform to know how
an organization actually work in the real life setting with the help of personal interaction. Throughout
the internship period, I got a chance to deal and work with people with different quantum of
experience and qualification in various departments I worked in. Having spent so much time with
these qualified and experienced people gave me a good exposure to work culture. It helped me to
develop professional skills such as; communication skills, behaBankal skill, technical skill and
how to work as a team player. In addition to this, the overall course structure of Mattu University
and its implementation via CBEYB further helped me have better knowledge of workplace ethics.




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