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33 120_AFO 3

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FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-10)


Date of entry 01/23/2021

PHUSON NGUYEN (NGUYEN), date of birth (DOB) March 15, 1979, cellular
telephone number , Detective at Metropolitan Police Department
(MPD), was interviewed at his office, MPD Traffic Safety and Specialized
Enforcement Branch, 501 New York Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20001. After
being advised of the identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of
the interview, NGUYEN provided the following information:

NGUYEN was an MPD Detective assigned to the Major Crash Unit.

NGUYEN's Badge number was D2-1479. On January 6, 2021, NGUYEN was assigned
to a Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) platoon under Sergeant Terry
THORNE. NGUYEN's unit also consisted of his partner, Victor LNU, three male
Detectives from NGUYEN's unit, and one female Detective from NGUYEN's unit.
NGUYEN's unit received a call to assist at the United States Capitol
Building (the CAPITOL). NGUYEN suited up and arrived at the CAPITOL around
12:00PM or 1:00PM.

When NGUYEN and his platoon arrived at the CAPITOL, a line had already
formed outside around the front of the building. NGUYEN went around back to
the West Terrace and fell in with other law enforcement to hold the line.
Law enforcement on scene consisted of mostly MPD and some United States
Capitol Police (USCP). While they were holding the line, an unidentified
male protestor got onto a ledge near the stage, grabbed a twenty-foot two-
by-four and attempted to strike NGUYEN with it. NGUYEN wrestled the two-by-
four away from the male. Shortly after, protesters broke through the line
and advanced toward the CAPITOL.

As the crowd advanced toward the CAPITOL, NGUYEN went inside the CAPITOL
through the West Terrace door. NGUYEN attempted to hold the door closed to
prevent protestors from getting inside the building. Protesters started
shoving ladders, flag poles, and other items through the windows. At some
point, NGUYEN was sprayed. NGUYEN walked away from the area to


Investigationon 01/22/2021 at Washington, District Of Columbia, United States (In Person)

File# 89B-WF-33682 93-120_AFO Date drafted 0 1/23/2021

by Emily Shay Cahill, ECKERT EMILY THERESA

This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency.

FD-302a (Rev. 5-8-10) 33 120_AFO 3

89B-WF-3368293-120 AFO
(U) Interview of MPD Detective PHUSON
ContinuationofFD-302of NGUYEN ,On 01/22/2021 ,Page 2 of 2

decontaminate. NGUYEN then returned to the West Terrace entrance. At that

time, an unknown male protestor grabbed NGUYEN's face mask to pull it off,
while another male sprayed him. NGUYEN was wearing a black cloth mask to
prevent COVID-19. After this second spray, NGUYEN could not see and felt
like he would pass out. NGUYEN pushed an MPD officer thinking it was a
protestor, and only realized the individual was MPD from the arm patch.

NGUYEN retreated to decontaminate again and as he returned to the West

Terrace entrance, Virginia State Police arrived and helped push the
protestors out of the CAPITOL. This occurred around 4:30PM or 5:00PM,
because it was starting to get dark. NGUYEN estimated he and his platoon
were inside the CAPITOL for about three hours.

NGUYEN was inside the CAPITOL each time he was sprayed by protestors. The
wind was blowing in the direction of law enforcement and the air was filled
with spray. NGUYEN was not sure if he was sprayed with bear spray or another

[Agent Note: SA Eckert showed NGUYEN an image of two law enforcement

officers at the CAPITOL, enclosed in digital lA]

NGUYEN did not recognize either of the officers in the image.

NGUYEN believed, based on their uniforms, one was MPD and the other
was USCP. NGUYEN was wearing a yellow jacket at the CAPITOL on January 6,
2021. NGUYEN also wore a helmet with his badge number on it. NGUYEN did not
have a body worn camera.

[Agent Note: SA Eckert showed NGUYEN a portion of a YouTube video obtained

from, from
approximately 48:00 - 52:00, which depicted a line of law enforcement
officers and an individual spraying their faces with orange liquid. Only the
spraying individual's arm was visible, clothed in a yellow and blue checked
long sleeve shirt.]

NGUYEN identified himself in the video [See digital lA]. NGUYEN knew it
was him because NGUYEN wears an orange whistle on his vest. NGUYEN believed
the events in the video occurred after the line had broken and while he and
his platoon were being pushed back to the West Terrace doorway.



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