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3 188_AFO al 35

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FD-302 (Rev. 5-8-10)


Date of entry 07/12/2021

(Protect Identity), date of birth (DOB) 10/05/1984, was

interviewed at 119 D Street NE, Washington, DC. Present for the interview
via telephone was Lisa N. Walters, Senior Counsel for the Office of the
General Counsel for United States Capitol Police. After being advised of the
identities of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview,
provided the following information:

On January 6, 2021, there was a point when - h a d to move injured

United States Capitol Police (USCP) officers out of the
decontamination/triage area because he heard over the radio that rioters
were breaching the windows of the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building.
This information was relayed over the radio by Lieutenant JOHNSON.

- recalled a large crowd approached the crypt area from the Senate
side. There were approximately 15 to 20 officers versus hundreds of rioters.
A fire extinguished was launched at USCP officers. That was "the point that
marked when all hell broke loose" in the crypt area. Rioters began punching
and shoving USCP officers. There was also gas exposure in the crypt area.

At some point, the garage doors were coming down and - felt as if he
was going to end up on the wrong side of the doors. The rioters were
prohibiting the doors from closing. Agents showed - three videos from
January 6, 2021. The first video was a video posted to the social media
platform Parler. - i d e n t i f i e d himself in the video. The second video was
CCTV video footage obtained from USCP. identified himself running down
the stairs into the visitors center. said that the third video, also
CCTV video footage obtained from USCP, showed the elevator right next where
the garage doors were coming down. Copies of the three videos are attached
hereto and will be maintained in the lA section of the case file.

- r e c a l l e d being the last USCP officer down the stairs into the

Investigationon 05/14/2021 at Washington, District Of Columbia, United States (In Person)

File# 89B-WF-33682 93-188_AFO Datedrafted 06/04/2021

by Bridgit DePietto, John W. Tinning
This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not
to be distributed outside your agency.

FD-302a (Rev. 5-8-10) 3 188_AFO al 35

89B-WF-3368293-188 AFO
(U) Interview of USCP Officer
ContinuationofFD-302of (Protect Identity)

visitor center. - was hit by the chairs thrown by the rioters on his
way down the stairs. From there, ■■-teamed up with the attending
physicians team. MARY Last Name Unknown, who worked on the House side, told
- to check with OAP (known to writer as the Office of the Attending
Physician, U.S. Congress) to seek medical attention for his bruises. -
was sent to MedStar Hospital.


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