Guía Metodológica-Lengua Extranjera II-Inglés-Primavera 2024

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Lengua Extranjera II: Inglés

Elaborada por:
Analco Panohaya Carolina Gabriela
Cruz Sánchez Esmeralda
Rodríguez Rosas Claudia
Doroteo Inés Magdalena
Academia General de Lengua Extranjera NMS-BUAP
Guía Metodológica
Lengua Extranjera II-Inglés
Comisión de elaboración:
Nombre ID Unidad Académica
Analco Panohaya Carolina
100302766 Preparatoria 2 de Octubre de 1968
Preparatoria Alfonso Calderón
Cruz Sánchez Esmeralda 100279277
Preparatoria Lic. Benito Juárez
Rodríguez Rosas Claudia 100319077
Preparatoria Enrique Cabrera
Doroteo Ines Magdalena 100442022
Barroso Regional
Primavera 2024

Propósito de la guía
Facilitar la comprensión de las diferentes habilidades requeridas en inglés como: leer,
escribir, escuchar y hablar, promoviendo el autoaprendizaje mediante diversas actividades
para lograr un aprendizaje significativo.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 2

BLOQUE 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Countables and uncountables ................................................................................................................... 5
GRAMMAR............................................................................................................................................. 5
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 10
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 12
WRITING ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Containers ............................................................................................................................................... 13
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 13
READING ............................................................................................................................................ 27
LISTENING ........................................................................................................................................... 30
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 31
Measures ................................................................................................................................................. 32
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 32
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 36
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 36
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 38
THERE IS/ THERE ARE .............................................................................................................................. 40
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 40
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 42
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 44
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 46
LIKES AND DISLIKES ................................................................................................................................. 46
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 49
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 51
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 52
OBJECT PRONOUNS ................................................................................................................................. 55
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 55
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 57
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 58
WRITING............................................................................................................................................ 59
BLOQUE II .................................................................................................................................................... 61

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 3

Demonstrative pronouns......................................................................................................................... 61
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 61
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 62
Verb Conjugation & Spelling .................................................................................................................... 62
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 63
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 65
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 66
Present Progressive Tense ....................................................................................................................... 67
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 67
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 69
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 72
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 73
BLOQUE III .................................................................................................................................................. 75
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE ......................................................................................................................... 75
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 75
LISTENING ........................................................................................................................................ 78
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 79
PRESENT SIMPLE VS. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE ......................................................................................... 80
GRAMMAR........................................................................................................................................... 80
READING .............................................................................................................................................. 84
LISTENING ............................................................................................................................................ 85
WRITING .............................................................................................................................................. 85
............................................................................................................................................................. 85
Bibliografía................................................................................................................................................... 87

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 4

Countables and uncountables
Countables: Uncountables:

Countable nouns are for things we can Uncountable nouns are for the things that
count using numbers. They have a singular we cannot count with numbers. They may
and a plural form. The singular form can be the names for abstract ideas or
use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want qualities or for physical objects that are
to ask about the quantity of a countable too small or too amorphous to be counted
noun, you ask "How many?" combined with (liquids, powders, gases, etc.).
the plural countable noun. Uncountable nouns are used with a
singular verb. They usually do not have a
plural form.

an egg eggs • tea

• sugar
a salad salads • water
• air
a vegetable vegetables • rice
• knowledge
a tomato tomatoes • beauty
• anger
a carrot carrots • fear
• love
a potato potatoes • money
• research
a mushroom mushrooms • safety
• evidence
a pea peas

an avocado avocados

an onion onions

a candy candies

a cookie cookies

a cupcake cupcakes

a strawberry strawberries

a pineapple pineapples

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 5

an orange oranges

a banana bananas

an apple apples


1. When do we use much and when many?

• much: uncountable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)

• many: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)


• How much money have you got?

• How many dollars have you got?
In informal English these questions are often answered with a lot of, lots of. There is not much
difference between the two phrases.

2. When do we use a little/little and when a few/few?

• a little: non countable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)
• a few: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
• He has a little money left.
• He has a few dollars left.
We use few and little without the article a to point out a more negative meaning.
• A few students at our school know this. (There are some students who know it.)
• Few students know this. (It is almost unknown.)
• Some/Any
• Utilizamos some y any, cuando queremos expresar una cantidad indeterminada
al referirnos a un sustantivo, pero no queremos decir exactamente cuál es esa cantidad.
Al usar some y any estamos expresando la idea de “algunos pero no muchos”. Tanto

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 6

some como any se utilizan acompañando a nombres contables en plural y nombres
• Some: se utiliza en frases afirmativas e interrogativas. Aunque en el caso de las
interrogativas se utiliza principalmente para pedir o para ofrecer algo.
– Some people in the office prefer to have lunch outside.
– Would you like some coffee?
• Any: aunque su sentido es igual al de some, any se usa principalmente en
oraciones interrogativas y negativas, aunque hay algunos casos en los que es posible
usar any en oraciones afirmativas.

• – I haven’t received any emails from my boss.

• – Do you have any questions for me?

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Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 9
Exercise 3. Complete with some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little,
a few

Choose the correct answer.

1. There aren't _____________car parks in the centre of Oxford.

2. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't_______________ cheap restaurants.
3. Liverpool has____________ of great nightclubs.
4. Hurry up! We only have__________ time before the coach leaves.
5. We saw__________ beautiful scenery when we went to Austria.
6. There are____________ shops near the university.
7. It's very quiet. There aren't__________ people here today.
8. There are_________ expensive new flats next to the river.

Read the passage below and answer the questions on
the next page.

Food is an essential part of our lives. We all need food to survive as it provides us with
energy and nutrients for healthy growth and development. Eating a well-balanced diet can
also help us stay fit and strong.
There are many different types of foods that we can choose from when choosing what to
eat. Fruits and vegetables are great for providing vitamins, minerals, and fiber to our diets.
Grains such as rice, oats, and wheat provide carbohydrates which give us energy. Protein-
rich foods like eggs, beans, fish, and meat help with growth and repair of tissues in the
body. Dairy products contain calcium which is needed for strong bones. Eating a variety
of foods is important to get all the essential nutrients that our bodies need. The Dietary
Guidelines for Americans recommend filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables, one-
fourth of your plate with grains, and one-fourth with lean protein sources like fish or poultry.
Eating a diverse selection of foods also provides us with different flavors and textures,
which can make eating more enjoyable. It is important to remember that food choices
should be based on moderation and variety. Too much of any one type of food can lead
to health problems like obesity or malnutrition. Eating in moderation and making healthy
choices helps us stay healthy and happy. Making sure to eat a balanced diet and get
regular physical activity will help us stay fit and healthy.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 10

In conclusion, food is an essential part of our lives, and we should make sure to eat a
variety of nutritious foods in moderation for optimal health. Eating well-balanced meals
can help us feel energized, stay strong, and keep our bodies functioning properly.
1) What different types of food are mentioned in the passage?
2) What should fill half your plate according to the Dietary guidelines For Americans?
3) According to the text, how can eating a variety of foods help us?

4) What are some examples of protein-rich foods?

5) What can happen if we eat too much of any one type of food?

Reading 2. Read and write the correct word: many /some/ few/Most/
Sweden is practically a cash-free society. ________people do not carry any coins or cash.
Most Swedes say that there are_____ disadvantages to being cashless. However,
_________people say that credit cards and contactless payment don’t offer enough
security. A few people say that they are unhappy because there are too few possibilities
to use cash. There are not ______Swedish businesses that still use cash, because most
of them believe it has little benefit.
Most Swedish people say that they have a lot of flexibility thanks to this new system, and
they think that lots of other countries will follow this trend.

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A doctor is talking to her patients about nutrition. What advice does she give each
person? Listen and circle the correct answer.

1. a. eat fewer vegetables.

b. eat less cheese.
c. eat a lot of fat.

2. a. don’t eat fish.

b. eat more vegetables.
c. eat more fruit.

3. a. eat less meat.

b. eat less fruit.
c. eat more meat.

4. a. eat less bread.

b. eat more meat.
c. eat less fruit.

5. a. eat more eggs and cheese.

b. don’t eat cheese.
c. eat more vegetables.

6. a. eat less meat.

b. don’t eat chocolate.
c. eat more vegetables.

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Imagine that you go to the supermarket. Make a list and write the countble and
uncountable things that you need.
Shopping list
Countable Uncountable

Containers and Quantities Vocabulary with Pictures


• A large cup with a handle, is often used for drinking hot beverages such as coffee
or tea.
• Example: The student drank her morning coffee from a mug.


• A small container used for drinking, often made of glass, ceramic, or plastic.

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• Example: The child drank his milk from a cup.


• A container made of glass, often used for drinking, or serving beverages.

• Example: The waiter poured the water into a glass.


• A large container with a handle and spout, often used for pouring liquids such as
water or juice.
• Example: The hostess poured the lemonade into a jug and served it to her guests.


• A cylindrical container with a lid, is often used for storing food such as jam or
• Example: The student opened the jar of peanut butter to make a sandwich.

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Tin (U.K) – Tin can (U.S)

• A metal container with a lid, is often used for storing food such as canned
vegetables or soup.
• Example: The chef opened a tin of tomatoes to use in the sauce.


• A container made of metal or plastic, often used for storing food or beverages.
• Example: The student opened a can of soda to drink with his lunch.


• A container made of glass or plastic, often used for storing and serving beverages
such as water or soda.
• Example: The student drank his water from a bottle during class.

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• A small container or envelope is used for storing and transporting small items such
as sugar or salt.
• Example: The student opened a packet of ketchup to put on his fries.


• A container made of cardboard, is often used for storing and transporting items
such as eggs or milk.
• Example: The student poured the milk from the carton into his cereal bowl.


• A metric unit of measurement for volume, equivalent to 1,000 milliliters.

• Example: The recipe called for 2 liters of water to make the soup.

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• A container made of paper, plastic, or fabric, is often used for carrying items such
as groceries or books.
• Example: The student carried his textbooks in a bag.


• A quantity of 12 items, is often used for measuring eggs or baked goods.

• Example: The baker bought a dozen of eggs for the recipe.


• A cylindrical container with a nozzle, is often used for storing and dispensing
products such as toothpaste or lotion.
• Example: The student squeezed the toothpaste from the tube onto his toothbrush.

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Spray can

• A container with a nozzle that dispenses a spray of liquid or gas, often used for
products such as paint or insect repellent.
• Example: The student used a spray can to paint his project.

Spray bottle

• A container with a nozzle that dispenses a spray of liquid, often used for products
such as cleaning solutions or perfume.
• Example: The student used a spray bottle to clean the windows.


• A quantity of bread baked in a single piece, often sliced for sandwiches or toast.
• Example: The student made a sandwich with a slice of bread from the loaf.

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• A thin piece of food is often cut from a larger item such as bread or cheese.
• Example: The student ate a slice of pizza for lunch.


• A rectangular block of food, often made of chocolate or soap.

• Example: The student ate a bar of chocolate for dessert.


• A portion of food is often cut or broken from a larger item such as cake or pie.
• Example: The student ate a piece of cake at the party.


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• A container with a lid, is often used for storing food such as butter or ice cream.
• Example: The student scooped some ice cream from the tub.


• A group of items wrapped or packaged together, often used for products such as
cigarettes or gum.
• Example: The student bought a pack of gum at the store.


• A group of items such as flowers or bananas, is often tied together.

• Example: The student bought a bunch of flowers for his mother.


• A round container is used for serving food, often made of ceramic or plastic.
• Example: The student ate his soup from a bowl.

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• A metric unit of measurement for weight, equivalent to 1,000 grams.

• Example: The recipe called for 1 kilo of flour to make the bread.


• A container made of cardboard or plastic, is often used for storing and transporting
items such as shoes or toys.
• Example: The student put his toys back in the box after playing with them.


• A flat container with raised edges, often used for serving or carrying food or drinks.
• Example: The waiter brought the drinks to the table on a tray.


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• A cylindrical item such as bread or paper, is often used for food or wrapping.
• Example: The student ate a roll with his dinner.


• A group of six items packaged together, often used for products such as beer or
• Example: The student bought a six-pack of soda for the party.

Blister pack

• A package with individual compartments, often used for medication or small items
such as batteries.
• Example: The student took a pill from the blister pack.


• A container or wrapping used for storing and transporting items.

• Example: The student received a package in the mail from his grandmother.

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• A container made of woven material, often used for carrying items such as fruit or
• Example: The student picked some apples from the orchard and put them in
a basket.

Exercise 1: Use the following words: bag, bar, bottle, bowl, can,
carton, cup, jar, piece, slide.

a _________ of wine.

a _________ of lemon.

a _________ of jam.

a _________ of soup.

a _________ of food.

a _________ of chocolate.

A _________ of milk.

a _________ of tea.

A _________ of beer.

a _________ of cake.

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Look at the menu and do the exercises to practise your reading skills. Preparation
Write the name of the food or drinkin the boxes below the picture.
mushroom fruit cake salad pizza
ice cream cheeseburger coffee seafood macaroni
cheese tea chicken curry

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Write the foods in the correct group.
water macaroni cheese custard fruit pie
coffee ice cream cheeseburger tea apple juice
banana cake seafood salad cake fish

Main courses Desserts Drinks


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Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. You can eat salad in this restaurant. True False
2. This restaurant sells seafood. True False
3. There are four different types of pizza. True False
4. They don't have desserts in this restaurant. True False
5. The water is free in this restaurant. True False
What food do you like on this menu?

Write the best word to complete the sentence.
1. We keep liquids, such as water or wine, in a _______________.
2. We keep jam in a _______________.
3. We keep food like beans or tuna in a _______________ and it is made of metal.
4. We can find sugar or sweetener in a small _______________.
5. We use a _______________ to pour drinks for other people.
6. We keep milk or juice in a _______________. It is made of cardboard.
7. A _______________ can come in different sizes. You need many of these when
you move house.
8. You can find cold drinks in a _______________. It is made of metal.
9. You squeeze a _______________ to get your toothpaste out.
10. You can find butter or ice cream in a _______________.

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Before listening.
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.
Preparation task Put the times in the correct group.
Half past eight Half eight Eight Eight thirty
Eight o’clock Seven thirty

7.30 8.00 8.30

Listen and choose the best answer.
1. When is the table booked for?
a. Tonight b. Tomorrow morning c. Tomorrow night
2. When the woman says, ‘About eight, eight thirty’, what does she mean?
a. At eight o’clock b. At half past eight c. Between eight o’clock and half past eight
3. What time is the first booking?
a. 7.30 b. 8.30 c. 9.00
4. How do you spell the person’s name?
a. Jamei b. Jamie c. Janie
5. Where will the table be now?
a. By the door
b. Close to the kitchen
c. In the corner
6. What time is the new booking?
a. 6.00

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b. 7.30
c. 8.00
Write a number (1–6) to put the questions in the same order as the telephone
_________Is it possible to change the time?
_________What time would you like?
_________How many people is it for?
_________Can I make it for six people?
_________Can I book a table for tomorrow night?
_________Is eight OK for you?

Look around the room where you are now.
Which containers can you see?
What’s in these containers?

Which containers do you have in your kitchen? What’s in them? (20 at least)

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Measure is a standard unit used to express the size, amount, or degree of


Liquid measures of capacity (UK)

• 1 gill = 0,142 l

• 1 pint (pt) = 4 gills = 0,568 l

• 1 quart (qt) = 2 pints = 1,136 l

• 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts = 4,564 l

• 1 barrel = 35 gallons = 159,106 l

• 1 barrel = 36 gallons (beer) = 163,656 l

Liquid measures of capacity (US)

• 1 gill 0,118 l

• 1 pint = 4 gills = 0,473 l

• 1 quart = 2 pints = 0,946 l

• 1 gallon = 4 quarts = 3,785 l

• 1 barrel = 42 gallons = 159,106 l

Avoirdupois weights

• 1 grain (gr) = 0,065 g

• 1 dram (dr) = 27,3438 grains = 1,772 g

• 1 ounce (oz) = 16 drams = 28,35 g

• 1 pounds (pound - lb) = 16 ounces = 453,59 g

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• 1 stone = 14 pounds = 6,348 kg

• 1 quarter = 28 pounds = 12,701 kg

• 1 hundredweight (cwt) = 112 pounds (UK) = 50,8 kg = 100 pounds (US) = 45,36 kg

• 1 ton = 20 cwt (UK) = 1016 kg = 2000 pounds (US) = 907,185 kg

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Exercise 1. Read the possible options per each container and tick the
word that does not correspond.
The odd word...
(Portal-Academico, s.f.)

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Read the text about nutrition.
Food supplies you with energy, and with the materials your body needs for growing,
repairing wounds, and staying healthy. Energy is needed for everything that goes on
in the body. Your muscles use energy when you move, and your brain uses energy
when you think. You use energy even when you are completely relaxed or asleep.
This energy keeps your body warm. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy.
They are in sugary food such as sweets, honey, jam and in starchy food such as
bread, potatoes, and rice. The other 13 energy-rich nutrients are fats. Fatty foods
include butter and cream, which come from animals, and oils from plants such as
olive oil, sunflower oil, or maize seed oil. Fats can supply twice as much energy as
carbohydrates. But instead of using them directly, the body keeps fats as energy
store. Fat is mostly stored under the skin. Oxford Children´s Encyclopedia Vol 3.
Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. This text is about ______ __________________________________
2. Food is ____ ____________________________________________
3. Energy is necessary for __________________________________
4. Muscles use energy ____ ______________________ ____________
5. Brain uses energy ________ ____________________ __________
6. There are two kinds of carbohydrates _____________________
7. One example of carbohydrate is ________________ _________
8. Fatty food come from ______________________________

ELLLO Views #512 At the Restaurant

1) What does she request?

a) Table for one in smoking
b) Table for one in non-smoking

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c) Table for two in non-smoking

2) What will she have to drink?

a) A glass of red wine

b) A bottle of red wine
c) Just a glass of water

3) What will she have for an appetizer?

a) The melon
b) The onion rings
c) The fries

4) What will she have with the goulash?

a) Potatoes
b) Rice
c) Bread

5) What will she have with the cake?

a) Ice cream
b) Whipped cream
c) Custard

6) How much is the bill?

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a) 13 dollars
b) 30 dollars
c) 33 dollars

Look at each picture and answer the questions. Use there is/ there are, the specific
amount of each food or drink, and the container. Follow the example and write the
quantities in letters.
Containers, specific measures, currency

How many cartons of orange juice are there?


How many spoons of chocolate powder are there?


How many dollars are there?


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How many bunches of grapes are there?

How many glasses of wine are there?


How many boxes of cookies are there?


How many slices of bread are there?


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We use there is, and there are to specify that something “exist” or “ doesn´t exist”,
or that something is in a specific location.

There is used for the singular nouns, and There are used for plural nouns.



There is + singular noun There are + plural nouns

There is a bed in my bedroom. There are some books on the shelf.

There is + not There are + not

There is not a library in my There are not any plants in my living room.

Is there …? Are there … ?

Is there a computer in your house? Yes, Are there students in the school now? Yes,
there is/ No, there isn´t. there are/ No, there aren´t.

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Exercise 1.Write the correct number next to the words.

Exercise 2. Look at the picture and complete the following sentences with:
there is, there are, there isn´t, there aren´t.

1. _____________________ a chandelier next to the bed.

2. _____________________ a parrot in the cage.
3. _____________________toys on the shelves.
4. _____________________ a sofa next to the bed.
5. _____________________an aquarium on the shelf.
6. _____________________ any books in the shelf.
7. _____________________a lamp on the bedside.
8. _____________________slippers in front of the bedside.
9. _____________________ a poster behind the bed.
10. _____________________ a computer in the bedroom.

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Exercise 3. Look at the previous picture and answer the questions.

1. Is there a window in the room? ______________________________

2. Are there any cameras on the table? ______________________________
3. Are there any fish on the Aquarium? ______________________________
4. Is the any cage on the bedside? ______________________________
5. Is the any globe on the shelf? ______________________________

What is your house like?


Exercise 1.Match the words and pictures of furniture that you have in your

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Exercise 2. Listen to Andy´s house and choose TRUE or FALSE.

There are three armchairs in the living room. TRUE FALSE

There is a lamp and a chair in the living room. TRUE FALSE

He and his wife like to sit there to watch television. TRUE FALSE

The kitchen is used as a dining room too. TRUE FALSE

There is a big table, a windwow and two chairs. TRUE FALSE

The kitchen is his favorite place. TRUE FALSE

He is a lawyer. TRUE FALSE

There is a big desk, a computer and there are shelves in the study. TRUE FALSE

There aren´t any mirrors in the bedroom. TRUE FALSE

There is a big wardrobe in the bedroom TRUE FALSE

Exercise 3. Cross out the picture(s) where there are lamps, armchairs, and

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Read carefully the following text.


My family and I live on the tenth floor in an apartment building downtown. The
building is next to a supermarket and across from a bank. There are two small
bedrooms in our home and there is a large living room. I really like our living room
because you can see all the city from our window. Also, there is a comfortable sofa
and two chairs where we can watch TV together. There is a coffee table in front of
the sofa and there are some flowers on it. There aren’t any windows in our kitchen,
but it’s clean and modern. This is great because sometimes I like to cook dinner for
my family. Our home is located downtown, so it’s a little noisy, but I like it.


I live outside the city in a large house with my family. There aren’t many buildings
near our home, but there is a small store across the street. We’re lucky because we
have a large yard behind our house, and so we also have a small garden and a few
pet rabbits that we keep. I like my bedroom because it’s large and it has a large
window, but I have to share it with my younger brother. We have three bedrooms in
our home. In the living room, there is a lot of furniture – there are three big
bookshelves and there are several chairs, so when friends come to visit everyone
has a place to sit. I think our home is great!

Exercise 1. Choose the best option according to the text.

1. In Jeniffer´s house, there are… 2. In her living room, there are…

a) two small bedrooms and a big living a) a window, a sofa, two chairs, a coffee
room and a kitchen. table, and a television.
b) a garden, three bedrooms and a b) two sofas and a television, and some
kitchen. flowers.
c) a big bedroom, a small living room c) a big window, some chairs, and a
and a small kitchen. table.

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3. Eduard´s house… 4. In Eduard´s house, there are …
a) Is small and it has a window. a) Two small bedrooms.
b) Is big and it has a window. b) Three bedrooms.
c) Is big, but there are not windows. c) One bedroom.

5.In Eduard´s living room, there are…

a) Many chairs, books and shelves.
b) Two sofas and three shelves.
c)Chairs and books.

Exercise 2. Choose TRUE or FALSE according to the description.

6.Eduard lives in a small house outside the city. TRUE FALSE

7.Jennifer lives in a small house with her family downtown. TRUE FALSE
8.Eduard shares room with his brother. TRUE FALSE
9. There is a big yard and a garden behind Eduard´s house. TRUE FALSE
10.There are many books and chairs in Eduard´s living TRUE FALSE

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 45

Exercise 1. Now, it´s your turn. Tell us about your house. Write a 5
a short paragraph (about 4 to 6 sentences) where you describe your
favorite place in your house.

Use the following example:

• In bedroom, there is a big bed, but there isn´t a television …



Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 46

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 47
Exercise 1. Look at the chart and complete the sentences with the
information given. Use the following: LOVE, LIKE, ENJOY, HATE,
DISLIKE, DON´T LIKE. Be careful with the 3rd person.

My friends I My family My

1. My Friends ________________________ watching television.

2. They ____________________ eating fruit, but they
____________________ Instagram.
3. I _________________________television, but I
__________________eating fruit and I
4. My family ______________watching movies and eating fruit, but they
_______________ using Instagram.
5. My classmates____________ television and Instagram, but they
____________eating fruit.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 48

Exercise 2. Complete the questions and answers according to the
information given.

1. _________ Fernando like soccer? _________.

2. _________ Martha hate dancing? _________.
3. _________ they enjoy reading? _________.
4. _________ Martha like using Twitter? _________.
5. _________you like Twitter? _________
6. _________you like Twitter? _________

Look at the pictures. Who are they? What do you know about their life?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 49

Exercise 1. Read carefully the text and and complete the sentences with the
correct name.
George Clooney
He loves playing basketball. He started playing in High School and he feels it´s a
good way to relax. He also likes this game because he loves working in team. He
dislikes watching boxing and he thinks this is a very aggressive sport.
On the other hand, he enjoys watching fooball and hockey, especially female teams
because he thinks they have the opportunity to show they´re also equal to men,
when it comes to sports.
Angelina Jolie
She starred in Tom Raider as Lara Croft. She felt pleased as she had the opportunity
to try challenging sports. She loves jogging, gymnastics and water skiing. In fact, the
image she has of herself is a tomboy, but she doesn´t like team sports.
Tom Cruise
He is a big Hollywood star. He´s quite fit and in his films, he does many of his stunts
specialy when it involves climbing. In his real life he loves practicing extreme sports.
Actually, he thinks sky surfing and motorcycling are very exciting. On the other hand,
he hates golf because he thinks it´s too calm.
Paula Garizo (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre del 2023 de

1. _______________________ doesn´t like agressive sports.

2. _______________________likes individual sports.
3. _______________________ enjoys practicing extreme sports.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 50

4. _______________________hates calm sports.
5. _______________________loves team sports.

1.What do you like doing the most?
2.What do you hate doing?

Eslflow (sf) Recuperado el 8 de

diciembre del 2023 de mp3

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 51

Exercise 1. Listen to the descriptions and tick ☑ the activities each person like and
cross out ☒ the ones they dislike.

Noah Liam

Swimming ☐ Having dinner with Friends ☐

Washing the dishes ☐ Going to the stadium to watch

football. ☐
Getting up early ☐

Hip-Hop and Rap ☐ Work meetings ☐

Singing with Friends ☐
Geeting bad grades ☐
Shopping ☐
Reading fantasy stories ☐
Washing clothes ☐
Travelling ☐
Saving money ☐
WRITING Noisy neighbors ☐
Spending money ☐ Exercise

Now, it´s your turn. Write a short paragraph where you mention the activities
or things you like or dislike. Use the verbs, vocabulary, and structure you
have aready checked.

Use the following example as a guide.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 52

What I like and dislike

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 53


Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 54


✔ Subject pronouns are used in the subject of a sentence.

✔ Object pronouns take place of the object in a sentence.

✔ Object pronouns go after a verb.

✔ We never use them as a subject.

Coordinación de universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia, UNAM (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre del 2023 de

I have special Friends in my school. I love them a lot.

My house is small, but I like it very much.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 55

Exercise 1. Write S is the underlined Word is a subject pronoun. Write
O is the Word is an object pronoun.

1. Some kids don´t know what to think about him. ______

2. They can´t understand someone who is different from them. ______
3. She praised his Project for its originality. ______
4. Rainelle and I invited him to sit with us. ______
5. He has become a valued friend to her and me. ______

Exercise 2. Write the pronoun that replaces the underlined Word.

me you him her us it them

0. John called Sarah to invite her over to her house.

1. Mrs. Lopez spoke to Charls about using table manners.

2. My mom called Peter and me in for dinner.

3. We got the new iPhone as birthday present.

4. We had fun with my Friends in the party.

5. I lost my keys in the school yesterday.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 56

Exercise 3. Write C if the sentence is correct and I if it is incorrect.
1. My mother talked to me because of my bad grades.
2. Did you see him?
3. Benjamin is my boyfriend. Him loves I so much.
4. I always have coffee and bread for breakfast.
5. Give the books to them.


What is your family like? Do you have brothers or sisters?

My name is Bob. I am eleven years old. I am in grade five now. I have one brother
and one sister. They are Matthew and Rebecca. I like them
a lot. My brother and I love animals. We have a very cute
puppy. We call it Doggie. My sister also has a pet, a
hamster. She loves it very much. My faher is Mr. Kennedy.
He is a hardworking businessman. We are proud of him. My
mother is Mrs. Kennedy. She is an English teacher. She
teaches many students. They like her very much. She is
also a great mother. We love her very much because she
takes good care about us.

Every Sunday my parents, my brother, my sister and I go for a picnic together. After
tha, we usually have lunch at a restaurant. My faher and my mother often take my
brother, my sister, and me to a seafood restaurant because we like seafood very
much. We always have a great time on Sundays.

Eslprintables (sf) Recuperao el 8 de diciembre del 2023 de

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 57

Exercise 1. Read the text and correct the false statements.

1. Bob´s family doesn´t have any pets.

2. Mrs. Kennedy isn´t a good teacher.

3. The family doesn´t go out a the weekend.

4. Bob is has two sisters.

5. His father is an English teacher.

Exercise 2. Read the sentences and choose TRUE or FALSE.

1. Bob has a brother and a sister, but he doesn´t like them TRUE FALSE
very much.
2. Bob´s pet is a dog, and her sister has a hamster. They TRUE FALSE
love them
3. They don´t like Sundays because they always stay at TRUE FALSE
4. His family and He think her mother is a great teacher. TRUE FALSE

5. They admire their father because he is a great person. TRUE FALSE

Exercise 1:
Listen carefully and choose the best option.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 58

1. What will the man do? 2. What time will the man piche her
a) Take her to school
b) Pick her up a) At midday
b) At 10

3. Who is his best friend? 4. Where does she see Sue?

a) Mr. Wilson a) She sees her at school

b) Sue b) She sees her at her work.

5. What is Sue like? 6. Who likes Mr. Wilson?

a) She is funny a) No one likes him

b) She is kind b) Everyone likes him.

7. What´s the teacher like? 8. Where are his keys?

a) He is funny a) on the table

b) He is nice b) on the counter

9. What did he do with his wallet?

a) He put it on the counter.

b) He lost it.

Exercise 1. Now, it´s your turn. Write a short paragraph (about 40
words) where you tell us about your family or friends, their names
occupations, pets, etc. Use the previous reading as a guide.

It´s vey importante that you use subject and object pronouns properly. Use a creative

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 59

“Important people in my life”


Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 60

Demonstrative pronouns


Exercise 1.Fill in the blanks with this/that/those/these.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 61

Present simple
The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is
regular,true, or normal.

Verb Conjugation & Spelling

• For verbs that end in o, ch, sh, ss, or x, you need to add es.
• When the verb ends in consonant + y, we drop y and add ies.

I / you/ we / they speak English at

He/ she/it speaks English at

I / you/ we / they do not speak English at

He/ she/it does not English at
speak home.

Do I / you/ we / they speak English at

Does He/ she/it speak English at

Exercise 1. Complete the paragraph in simple present. Use the

verbs in the box.
have- be - study -like -help- live -play

1.My name is Bart Simpson, and I am 10 years old and I Springfield in
the United States and I .............. two sisters Lisa and Maggie. I ..............on the 4th
year. I am not very fan school because I do not like to............... My sister Lisa
................. Math and Science. She sometimes .................... me to study.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 62

Exercise 2. Complete the paragraph in simple present. Use the verbs in the
spend-check-go-run-take -prepare-wake up

2.Janet is an athlete, and she 4:30 am every weekday morning.

She.................. the first 30 minutes reading and then 15 minutes meditating. At 5:15
am Janet.................. her email for only 30 minutes and then ..................on her first
run of the day. She .................. for an hour and a half along the lake near her house.
After running, Janet .............a shower and then.............. breakfast, which is usually
cereal and fruit.



Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Evelyn lives in Houston, Texas. She is eleven and studies at

Theodore Roosevelt School. She is in sixth grade. Every morning
she gets up at 6:00 a.m., takes a shower and has breakfast. At
noon, she usually has lunch with her mother. She is a housewife
and a web designer too. She designs nice web sites. Her father is
a mechanic. In the afternoon, she goes to school, and she comes
back at 6:00 p.m. Then she does her homework, she has dinner,
and she helps her mother wash the dishes. She doesn’t watch TV
on weekdays. She goes to bed at about 10:00 p.m. On weekends,
she usually plays with her friends, listens to music, and goes to the

Answer the following questions according to the reading.

Yes-No Questions

1. Does Evelyn study at George Town School?

2. Is she twelve years old?
3. Does she watch TV on weekdays?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 63

4. Does she help her mother wash the dishes after dinner?
5. Is her father a mechanic?

Information Questions

1. Where does Evelyn live?

2. What does she do after she gets up?
3. When does she usually play with her friends?
4. What does she do at noon?
5. Where does she usually go on weekends?

Exercise 2. Read the text and answer the questions.

Tom’s Job
Tom works at a bank. He is the manager. He starts work every day at 8:00 am. He
finishes work every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to
work every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank. But they do not live
close to the bank. They drive cars to work. They start to work at 9:00 am. In the
bank, Tom is the boss. He helps all the workers and tells them what to do. He likes
his job. He is also very good at his job. Many customers like Tom, and they say
hello to him when they come to the bank. Tom likes to talk to the customers and
make them feel happy. Tom likes his job.

1. What time does Tom start to work?

2. Does Tom drive a car to work?
3. Who is the boss in the bank?
4. How does Tom feel about his job?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 64


Exercise 1. Watch the video and answer the questions.

Present simple | LearnEnglish Teens (

1.What does Daisy do on Mondays?

2.What does Daisy do on Tuesday?

3.What does Daisy do on Thursday?

4.What does Jack do on Wednesday?

5.What does Jack do on weekends?

Exercise 1. Watch the video and answer the


1.What does she do when she gets up?

2.How much time does she stretch?

3. What does she do when she finishes stretching?

4.When does she take a shower?

5.What does she prepare in the morning?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 65


Exercise 1. Write a small paragraph about Tom´s daily routine.


Exercise 2. Write a small paragraph about Sara´s bedtime routine.


Present Simple Quiz | Grammar | EnglishClub

Simple Present – Free Exercise (

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 66

Present Progressive Tense

We use this tense to talk about actions that are in progress at the time of speaking and
temporary actions.

Exercise 1. Change the verb into the correct form: (present

1. We ................................................ (renovate) our house this week.
2. She ................................................(paint) her room today.
3. I...................................................... (write) a book these days.
4. They ...............................................(try) to sell their car now.
5. You .................................................(look) good today.
6. He ................................................. (study) to be a lawyer.
7. This table ........................................ (break) apart.
8. Oliver ...............................................(help) me with my homework now
9. Luke ................................................ (fly ) a nice kite.
10. I ......................................................(work) on my English accent.
11. You ................................................ (change) your workplace.
12. She ..................................................(have) a hard time at school.
13. we ....................................................(stay) with my sister now
14. Eva ...................................................(look) for a roommate.
15. They ..................................................(study) Spanish right now.

Exercise 2. Complete the following dialogues. Use present continuous.

Dialogue 1.

Teacher: Good morning, class! Today, we're going to talk about our weekend plans.
Who would like to start?

Student 1: I'll go first. Right now, I.....................(study) for my upcoming exams.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 67

Student 2: Oh, that sounds intense! While you're studying, I .....................(hang) out
with friends at the park.

Student 3: Nice! I........................... not (do) much this weekend. Currently,

I.....................................(watch) a new TV series.

Teacher: That sounds like a relaxing weekend plan. And what about you, Sarah?

Sarah: Well, now, I .........................................(work) on a project for my art class.

I......................................... (create) a sculpture.

Teacher: That's fantastic, Sarah! Remember, everyone, we're using the present
progressive to talk about actions happening right now. Keep it up!

Dialogue 2.

Teacher: Hello, class! Let's practice asking questions in the present continuous tense.
Who would like to start?

Student 1: I have a question for Maria. What ..........................(do) right now?

Maria: Currently, I .........................................(write) an email to my cousin.

Student 2: That's interesting. What ............... your cousin................... (do) these days?

Maria: He ...............................(work) on a new project for his job.

Student 3: Cool! What kind of project ..................... he (work)...........................on?

Maria: He .............................(design) a website for a client in the fashion industry.

Teacher: Great questions, everyone! Now, who else has a question?

Student 4: I have one for Tom. Where is he going after school today?

Tom: After school, I am heading to the gym for a workout.

Student 5: Nice! Why are you going to the gym today?

Tom: I am trying to stay fit and healthy, so I go to the gym three times a week.

Teacher: Excellent use of questions, class! Keep practicing improving your

conversational skills.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 68

Exercise 1. Read the small paragraph and answer the questions.

James is travelling around Australia. He is staying at a youth hostel in a

little Australian town. The town is becoming more and more popular
because of its beautiful beaches. James is meeting his friend Brad in town tonight. Brad is
working there as a tour guide over the summer. James is in the town center now. because
he is taking some pictures.

1.Where is James staying?

2. What is James doing?

Exercise 2. Read the small paragraph and answer the questions.

Hello. My name is Sheena, and I am at the Central Park with my family. We are eating a
delicious lunch; my father is drinking a cold orange juice because the
sun is shinning brightly in the sky. My mom is eating a delicious apple
salad, and my brother is running in the park. My dog is also running
with my brother, and I am picking some flowers because there are a
lot of them. We are enjoying this beautiful day together.

What is Sheena doing?

What is Sheena´s father doing?
What is Sheena´s dog doing?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 69

Exercise 3. Alice is on holidays in Alanya with her parents. Read the postcard and fill in
the missing sentence. Two sentences do not fit.

A) I miss you! See you in two weeks.

B) Alanya is a wonderful place for a holiday.
C) I am in the mountains.
D) Right now, I am sitting on a beautiful beach.
E) It is rainy all the time.
F) I am having a fantastic time here.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 70

Exercise 4. Read the letter and complete in present continuous.

Dear Rebecca,

I.......................................................(write) to you from Canada! I...................(be)

on holiday with my sister. We...............................................(visit) our uncle in
Montreal. It...........................................................(snow) in Montreal right now and
I ...........................(wear) a coat and a scarf. My dad ............................(take) some
pictures because we .................................(visit) the Archeology Museum, this is
an amazing place. My mom .........................................(look) at some pictures, well
I must go now. Write me soon.

See you soon!


Exercise 5. Read the letter and complete it use present continuous.

Dear Sara,

How are you doing? How is everything in Cancun. What are you doing?
I......................................(write) to you from Acapulco. Right now, I
........................(make) sandcastle with my little sister. She............. (collect) some
shells and my mom .......................(sunbath) near to the beach. The weather is so
nice, but I


Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 71

Listen to the conversations and complete the dialogues.

ELLLO - Beginner English - A2-03 - Present


Conversation 1
Man: Where are you?
Woman: I ..................... inside. I ...............a
letter to my friend. I am telling him about my life
and my new job.
Man: Are you using the computer?
Woman: I ..........................the computer
because I like to hand-write letters. My hand is
getting tired though.

Conversation 2
Man: Where is Mary?
Woman: Mary ......................... in the kitchen. She is chopping up some vegetables
because she .......................................a vegetable soup.
Man: How is she making it?
Woman: She ......................... a recipe and following the instructions inside. She is
enjoying herself.

Conversation 3
Man: What is Bob doing?
Woman: Bob ......................... on his car. He ............................. it a tune up. He is
changing the oil and checking all the parts of the cars.
Man: But he is not working? He is just standing there!
Woman: He is taking his time because he wants to do the job right. He
.................................. to the radio as he works.

Conversation 4
Man: Where are the twins?
Woman: They .......................... outside. They ........................ soccer with their friends.
They are using the front lawn as a soccer pitch.
Man: Are they having fun?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 72

Woman: They ................................. a lot of fun. They ............................... so they are
burning lots of energy. I think they are trying to lose weight.

Exercise 1. Describe the picture. Use present continuous.


Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 73

Exercise 2. Describe the picture. Use present continuous.

English Test on Present Progressive (Level 1) (

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 74


A preposition of place indicates where something or someone is located. When placed

before the noun or pronoun, they help us be specific about where a certain object or
person is in relation to that noun.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 75

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of

1.-There is a TV________ the desk.

2.-There is a toy car_______the two socks.
3.-There is a ball_____ the red chair.
4.-There are three pencils_____the green table.
5.-There is a teddy bear_______ the bed.
6.-There is a lamp______the bedside table.
7.-There is a cat_______the bed.
8.-There is a green toy box_____the desk.
9.-There is picture of a red robot______the wall.
10.-There are some notebooks________ the trophy.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 76

Exercise 2. Look at the picture and complete with the correct preposition.

1.-There is a cat__________ the table.

2.-The woman is sleeping___________ the books.
3.-There are some clouds___________the building.
4.-The woman is sitting________to the man.
5.-There is a cat________ the dogs.
6.- The woman is sitting________to the man.
7.-The woman with the brown hair is sitting ___________a blond woman.
8.-The woman is sitting__________two men.
9.-The ball is__________the net.
10.-The dog is standing__________ to the cat.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 77

Listen, answer the questions and finally write the preposition in the correct

1.-______________ 2.-______________ 3.-_____________

4.-______________ 5.-______________ 6.-_____________

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 78


Write 5 sentences using the prepositions of place according with the picture.






Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 79

We use the present simple for things that are permanent or are in general and
the present progressive for things that may change or are temporary.

Permanent Temporary

Simon lives in Birmingham. Simon is living with his friends for now.
James works at a bank. James is working at home today.
We walk to work. We're walking in the park.
I speak English. I am speaking English right now.

Verbs that we don't use in the Progressive Tense

Another difference is that there are some verbs in English that we don't use in the
progressive tense. These include:
Belong - Cost - Hate - Have (possession) - Hear - Know - Like - Love - Need - Own -
Remember - Seem - Smell - Understand – Want

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 80

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 81
Exercise 1. Complete Andrea’s letter to Sue. Put the verbs into the correct
Present tense: Simple or Continuous.

Dear Amy,

I ___________________________ 1 (hope) you had a good journey back to Oxford. I started at

the language school on Monday. I ______________________ 2 (go) every day. Henry usually

________________________ 3 (take) me in the car, because he _______________________ 4 (go) to work

at the same time. But today he _________________________ 5 (not bring) me home, because he

______________________________ 6 (finish) later than me. So I ___________________________ 7 (get) the


Our first lesson __________________________ 8 (start) at quarter past nine and we

_______________________________ 9 (finish) at 0ne o’clock for lunch. We

_____________________________ 10 (get) a lot of homework. I _________________________________ 11

(do) it at the moment. Well, I ______________________________ 12 (not do) it precisely at this moment,

because I __________________________________ 13 (write) this letter to you, but you

____________________________________ 14 (know) what I ___________________________ 15 (mean).

I met the members of Henry’s band the other day. I ______________________ 16 (like) Linda,

but I _______________________ 17 (not know) about Fran and Tania. I _______________________ 18

(think) Tania’s a bit jealous, because I ____________________________ 19 (stay) with your family while

I’m in England. Actually they’re all in Henry’s bedroom at the moment. They

_________________________ 20 (practice) some songs. They _________________________ 21 (make) a lot

of noise, but it ________________________ 22 (sound) good. Your mum and dad are well. Your dad

_________________________________________ 23 (mend) the car outside and your mum

__________________________________ 24 (watch) TV.

Well, I _____________________________ 25 (suppose) I should finish my homework.

Bye for now. ☺


Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 82

Exercise 2. Find the vocabulary in the word soup.

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 83


Brian’s day.

Brian is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at 6:00

O´clock. Today he is late, it is 6:30and he is still in bed. He usually goes to
work by train but today he is driving to work. He arrives at work at 6:30
every morning but it is 7:30 now and he is driving.
It´s 12:00 O´clock now. He always has his lunch at 12:00 but today he isn´t having lunch
at 12:00, he is looking after his sick patients, he is visiting his patients at their room. It is
half past seven now, Brian is watching TV. He usually watches TV at half past seven
because his favorite programme starts at half past seven. Brian has dinner at 8:30
everyday and he is having dinner now, he is eating roast beef and a salad, and he is
drinking a coke.
It is 24:00 now Brian is going to bed. He always goes to bed at 24:00.

Answer the following questions according with the reading.

1.-What does Brian do?
2.-What time does he usually get up?
3.-How does he usually go to work?
4.- Why is he driving to work today?
5.-What is he doing at 12:00 today?
6.-Wha is he having for dinner?
7.-What time does he go to bed?
8.- What time is he going to bed now?

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 84


Listen, answer the questions and finally write the answers in the correct order.
1.-_____________ 2.-____________ 3.-_______________
4.-_____________ 5.-____________ 6.-_______________
7.-_____________ 8.-____________ 9.-_______________


Write five sentences using the present simple or present progressive according with the






Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 85

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 86


AgendaWEb. (11 de 12 de 2023). Containers / quantity. Obtenido de

Allthingstopic (sf) (sf) recuperado el 8 de diciembre de 2023 de

British, C. (11 de 12 de 2023). LearnEnglish Teens. Obtenido de
British, C. (11 de 12 de 2023). Vocabulary: Containers. Obtenido de chrome-
English First, p. (5 de 12 de 2023). Countabla and uncountable. Obtenido de
Coordinación de universidad Abierta y Educación a Distancia, UNAM (sf)
Recuperado el 8 de diciembre del 2023 de

Eslflow (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre del 2023 de


ESL. (11 de 12 de 2023). Types of Containers: Containers and Quantities

Vocabulary. Obtenido de
Liveworksheets. (2023 de 12 de 11). Containers quiz. Obtenido de

Linguahouse (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre de 2023 de

Oxford, U. P. (2023 de 12 de 11). some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few.
Obtenido de

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 87

Paula Garizo (2009 de febrero de 2009).Recuperado el 8 de diciembre del 2023

Portal Academicó, U. (5 de 12 de 2023). COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE

NOUNS. Obtenido de
Obtenido de

Perfectenglishgrammar (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre de 2023 de
Issuu (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre de 2023 de

Soundgrammar (sf) Recuperado el 8 de diciembre de 2023 de

Guía Metodológica-Primavera 2024 88

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