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Guide to Making a Business Plan Evidence Document

A. Market Research:

Surveys and questionnaires are currently being carried out by the team in order
to determine whether the idea will be successful within the target market. These
surveys are not yet finished, so it is not possible to post the results yet. Below are
the questions and possible answers of the survey.

Do you live in Chihuahua?


1. What is the most important 1. How often do you visit

thing for you in a place to stay? Chihuahua?
a. ROOM a. 1-3
b. SERVICE b. 4-5
c. FOOD c. 6-9
2. Would you be willing to stay in a 2. What is your reason for
hotel service space in contact visiting the city?
with nature? a. FAMILY
a. YES b. WORK
3. Why? d. PLEASURE
4. Do you think that a stay in a e. OTHER....
place located at the top of the 3. What is most important to you
city would be a major tourist in a place to stay?
attraction for the area? a. ROOM
b. NO c. FOOD
6. How do you celebrate special ACTIVITIES
events? e. OTHER…
a. HOUSE 4. Would you be willing to stay in
b. EVENT HALL a hotel service space in
c. RESTAURANT contact with nature?
e. OTHER… b. NO
7. When you travel, do you prefer 5. Why?
to stay in conventional hotels or 6. Do you think that a stay in a
in different options? place located at the top of the
a. CONVENTIONAL HOTELS city would be an important
b. DIFFERENT OPTIONS tourist attraction for the area?
d. OTHER… b. NO
8. Would you be interested in 7. Why?
packages that include specific 8. How do you celebrate special
activities such as: museums, events?
vineyards, sotol fields, a. AT HOME
restaurants, historic sites,etc? b. IN AN EVENT HALL
9. Why? e. OTHERS...
10. Would you like to consume food 9. Do you prefer to stay in
from the best restaurants in conventional hotels or in more
town in your room? different options?
11. Why? c. CABINS
12. Please rank these recreational d. AIRBNB
activities according to your e. OTHER...
preference, from 4 the one you 10. Are you familiar with the
like the most to 1 the one you glamping experience?
like the least. a. YES
b. BONFIRE WITH 11. Would you be interested in
CHOCOLATES packages that include specific
c. STARGAZING WITH A activities in the Chihuahua
TELESCOPE environment?
12. Why?
13. Please rank these recreational
activities according to your
preference as 4 most preferred
to 1 least preferred?

● Demographic data and relevant statistics.

● Interviews with industry experts.

A. Competitive Analysis:
● Detailed Competitor Profiles:

Competitor: Hotel Boutique: Positioned in downtown Chihuahua, it offers a

high-end boutique hotel experience characterized by opulent
accommodations, fine dining options, trendy atmosphere, and vibrant
social spaces. With chic decor and modern amenities, they cater to a
younger, more cosmopolitan demographic seeking a stylish and energetic
hotel experience.

● Comparative Analysis:

Areas of Competitive Advantage: As a geodesic dome glamping site, our

offering provides a unique and immersive nature experience that sets us
apart from traditional boutique hotels. Unlike Competitor A and Competitor
B, which focus on urban luxury, our glamping site offers guests the
opportunity to reconnect with nature while enjoying upscale amenities and
personalized service. Our secluded hilltop location and panoramic views
offer a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, appealing to
travelers seeking a serene and unforgettable getaway.
● Opportunities for Improvement: While our geodesic dome glamping
concept offers a distinctive experience, there are opportunities to enhance
our offerings further. By incorporating experiential elements such as
guided nature walks, stargazing sessions, and local culinary experiences,
we can create a more immersive and memorable stay for our guests.
Additionally, investing in sustainable practices and eco-friendly amenities
aligns with the growing demand for responsible tourism and enhances our
appeal to environmentally conscious travelers. By continuously innovating
and refining our offerings, we can maintain a competitive edge in the
boutique accommodation market.

B. Value Proposition:
● At Ocaso Geodesic Dome Glamping, we prioritize delivering an
extraordinary retreat experience that seamlessly harmonizes luxury,
comfort, and immersion in nature. Our value proposition revolves around
the following core elements:
● Immersive Nature Experience: Guests are transported to a serene haven
atop a secluded hill, where they can reconnect with nature while
luxuriating in contemporary comforts. Our geodesic domes provide
sweeping vistas of the surrounding landscape, fostering an atmosphere of
tranquility and rejuvenation amidst Chihuahua's natural beauty.
● Luxurious Amenities: Each dome is meticulously crafted and furnished to
serve as a sanctuary of opulence for our guests. From sumptuous bedding
and eco-conscious toiletries to secluded jacuzzis and hammocks, every
detail is thoughtfully curated to elevate relaxation and serenity.
● Personalized Service: Our dedicated team is committed to surpassing
guest expectations at every turn. Whether arranging bespoke
experiences, accommodating special requests, or offering insider
guidance on local exploration, we strive to create indelible memories
through tailored attention and unparalleled hospitality.
● Sustainable Hospitality: Environmental responsibility is integral to our
ethos, guiding our efforts to minimize ecological impact while maximizing
guest satisfaction. From employing eco-friendly construction materials to
implementing energy-efficient amenities and waste reduction initiatives,
we uphold sustainability across all facets of our operation.

Customer Feedback on Perceived Value:

To continually refine and enhance our value proposition, we actively seek

and consider customer feedback gathered through various channels,

● Post-stay surveys emailed to guests after their departure, soliciting input

on their overall experience, perceived value, and suggestions for
● Direct conversations with guests during their stay, providing opportunities
for real-time feedback on amenities, services, and overall satisfaction.
● Reviews and comments shared on online platforms such as social media,
travel review websites, and booking platforms, offering insights into
guests' perceptions and experiences.
● In-person focus groups or feedback sessions held periodically, inviting
guests to share their thoughts, preferences, and expectations for future
● By leveraging these feedback mechanisms, we continuously refine our
offerings and tailor our services to better meet the discerning needs and
desires of our valued guests.

C. Marketing Strategy:
● Examples of marketing materials (brochures, ads, social media


● Results from test campaigns.

○ Increased Website Traffic: A 20% increase in website visits during
the campaign period compared to the previous month, indicating
successful marketing outreach.
○ Social Media Engagement: A 30% increase in social media
engagement (likes, comments, shares) on glamping-related posts
during the campaign, indicating heightened interest and interaction
from the target audience.
○ Brand Awareness: A 40% increase in brand mentions or tags on
social media platforms during the campaign, suggesting improved
brand visibility and recognition within the target audience.

D. Operations Plan:

Suppliers and Supply Agreements:

● Food and Beverage: We have established agreements with local farmers

and suppliers to procure fresh, organic produce, artisanal cheeses, and
high-quality wines for our dining experiences. These agreements ensure
consistent access to premium ingredients while supporting local
businesses and promoting sustainability.
● Cleaning and Maintenance: Our cleaning supplies, linens, and
maintenance equipment are sourced from environmentally conscious
suppliers committed to eco-friendly practices. By securing supply
agreements, we maintain a steady inventory of essential items, ensuring
seamless operations and guest satisfaction.
● Tour Operators and Activity Providers: Collaborative agreements with tour
operators and activity providers enable us to offer diverse and engaging
experiences to our guests. These agreements outline terms for scheduling
tours, coordinating transportation, and delivering exceptional service,
enhancing the overall guest experience.
Production and Distribution Schedules:

● Food and Beverage Service: Production schedules for our dining

experiences are meticulously planned to align with guest reservations and
dietary preferences. Fresh ingredients are sourced according to seasonal
availability and delivered on predetermined schedules to maintain quality
and freshness.
● Cleaning and Housekeeping: Cleaning and housekeeping schedules are
tailored to guest occupancy levels, with daily servicing of domes and
communal areas. Linens and cleaning supplies are distributed as needed,
ensuring sufficient inventory to meet demand and uphold cleanliness
● Guest Activities and Tours: Distribution schedules for guest activities and
tours are coordinated with partner operators to accommodate guest
preferences and availability. Timely communication ensures seamless
planning and execution, enhancing guest satisfaction and fostering
memorable experiences.

E. Financial Plan:
a. Income Statement:
i. Projected revenues broken down by sources.
ii. Estimated costs of goods sold (COGS).
iii. Gross profit.

b. Cash Flow Statement:

i. Operating cash inflows and outflows.
ii. Investment and financing activities.

c. Balance Sheet:
i. Assets, liabilities, and equity.

d. Break-even Analysis:
i. Identify the point at which revenue equals total costs.

F. Estimated Costs and Expenses:

a. Startup Costs:
i. Land acquisition or lease.
ii. Dome construction and setup.
iii. Outdoor amenities (jacuzzi, terrace, campfire).
iv. Interior furnishings.
v. Licensing and permits.

G. Operating Expenses.
a. Staff salaries.
b. Marketing and advertising.
c. Utilities and maintenance.
d. Insurance.
e. Contingency fund.

H. Management Team:
I. Technical Feasibility:
a. Technology Description:
i. Geodesic Dome Construction:
1. Description: Ocaso Glamping utilizes state-of-the-art
geodesic dome technology for its accommodations. These
domes are constructed using lightweight and durable
materials, providing a unique and environmentally friendly
living space. The domes are designed to withstand various
weather conditions while offering a luxurious and immersive
experience. Attach engineering reports and studies
supporting the feasibility of the chosen geodesic dome
construction technology. Include details on materials,
structural integrity, and environmental impact assessments.
ii. Smart Home Integration:
1. Description: Each dome is equipped with smart home
technology to enhance guest comfort and experience. This
includes automated climate control, lighting, and
entertainment systems. Guests can control these features
through a user-friendly mobile app. Provide technical
documentation and case studies showcasing the successful
implementation of smart home integration in similar
hospitality settings. Include any partnerships with reputable
technology providers.
iii. Online Booking Platform:
1. Description: Ocaso Glamping employs a user-friendly and
secure online booking platform. The platform allows guests
to easily browse accommodation options, select packages,
and make reservations. It is integrated with a secure
payment gateway for seamless transactions. Present the
technical specifications of the online booking platform,
highlighting security measures, user interface design, and
integration capabilities. Include any successful testing or
pilot programs.

b. Relevant Certifications or Patents:

i. Environmental Certifications:
1. Ocaso Glamping is committed to sustainability. The geodesic
domes are designed and constructed with eco-friendly
materials, aiming for certification from recognized
environmental organizations. Provide documentation
indicating compliance with or progress toward certifications
such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design) or other relevant environmental certifications.
ii. Smart Home Integration Patents:
1. The smart home integration system developed for Ocaso
Glamping includes proprietary technology that enhances
energy efficiency and guest experience. Include
documentation of any patents or intellectual property related
to the smart home integration system. Highlight how this
technology provides a competitive advantage.
iii. Safety and Building Standards Compliance:
1. The geodesic domes adhere to local and international safety
and building standards. Certifications from relevant
authorities ensure the safety and structural integrity of the
accommodations. Attach certificates or documentation
demonstrating compliance with building codes, safety
standards, and any relevant regulations.

J. Risk Assessment:
a. Market and Competition Risks:
i. Risk: Intense competition or fluctuating market demand.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Conduct thorough market research to
understand trends and customer preferences. Differentiate services
through unique offerings. Implement dynamic pricing strategies and
stay agile in response to market changes.

b. Economic and Financial Risks:

i. Risk: Economic downturn impacting consumer spending.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Maintain a robust financial plan with
contingency reserves. Diversify revenue streams to reduce
dependency on a specific market segment. Monitor economic
indicators and adjust pricing and marketing strategies accordingly.
c. Operational Risks:
i. Risk: Technical failures, power outages, or other operational
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Implement regular maintenance schedules for
technology systems. Invest in backup power solutions. Develop and
regularly test contingency plans for various operational scenarios.
d. Regulatory and Compliance Risks
i. Risk: Changes in local regulations affecting land use, environmental
policies, or safety standards.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Stay informed about local regulations and
proactively adapt to changes. Work closely with regulatory bodies
and seek legal advice to ensure ongoing compliance.
e. Environmental Risks:
i. Risk: Natural disasters or extreme weather impacting the geodesic
domes or outdoor amenities.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Conduct thorough environmental assessments
before construction. Invest in robust and weather-resistant
materials. Develop emergency response plans and evacuation
procedures for guests.
f. Reputation Risks:
i. Risk: Negative reviews, customer complaints, or public relations
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Prioritize customer satisfaction and proactive
communication. Implement a responsive customer service system.
Monitor online reviews and address concerns promptly. Invest in
marketing strategies that enhance the brand image.
g. Human Resources Risks:
i. Risk: High turnover, staff shortages, or labor disputes.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Develop a comprehensive HR strategy focused
on employee satisfaction, training, and retention. Offer competitive
salaries and benefits. Establish clear communication channels to
address employee concerns.
h. Technological Risks:
i. Risk: Technical glitches, cybersecurity threats, or system failures.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Regularly update and maintain technology
systems. Implement robust cybersecurity measures. Train staff on
technology use and security protocols. Have contingency plans in
place for technical issues.
i. Health and Safety Risks:
i. Risk: Accidents or health emergencies among guests or staff.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Implement thorough safety protocols and staff
training. Have emergency response plans in place. Provide guests
with clear safety guidelines. Regularly inspect and maintain all
facilities for safety compliance.
j. Brand Image Risks:
i. Risk: Negative publicity or damage to brand reputation.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Invest in marketing and communication
strategies that highlight the unique and positive aspects of Ocaso
Glamping. Address any issues promptly and transparently. Foster
positive relationships with the local community.
k. Force Majeure Events:
i. Risk: Unforeseen events such as pandemics, political instability, or
global crises.
ii. Mitigation Strategy: Develop a comprehensive risk management
plan that includes contingencies for force majeure events. Diversify
revenue streams to withstand disruptions in specific markets.

K. Implementation Plan:
a. Project Initiation:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 1-2
ii. Activities:
1. Finalize business plan.
2. Assemble the management team.
3. Secure initial funding.
4. Obtain necessary permits and licenses.
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Business plan.
2. Resumes and commitment letters from the management
3. Funding agreement.
4. Copies of permits and licenses.
b. Site Development:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 3-6
ii. Activities:
1. Land preparation and acquisition.
2. Geodesic dome construction.
3. Installation of outdoor amenities.
4. Testing and quality assurance of facilities.
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Contracts with construction companies.
2. Engineering reports for geodesic dome construction.
3. Quality assurance certificates.
c. Technology Integration:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 7-9
ii. Activities:
1. Implement smart home technology.
2. Develop and launch the online booking platform.
3. Conduct staff training on technology systems.
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Technical specifications for smart home integration.
2. Online booking platform documentation.
3. Training materials and attendance records.
d. Marketing and Branding:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 10-12
ii. Activities:
1. Develop marketing strategies.
2. Launch advertising campaigns.
3. Establish partnerships with local businesses and tourism
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Marketing plan.
2. Advertising campaign materials.
3. Partnership agreements.
e. Staffing and Training:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 13-14
ii. Activities:
1. Hire and onboard staff.
2. Provide training on guest services, sustainability practices,
and safety protocols.
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Staffing plan.
2. Training materials and attendance records.
f. Ongoing Operations:
i. Timeline:
1. Month 17 onward
ii. Activities:
1. Monitor and evaluate ongoing operations.
2. Implement marketing and promotional activities.
3. Regularly review and update risk assessments.}
iii. Supporting Documents:
1. Monitoring and evaluation reports.
2. Marketing and promotional materials.
3. Updated risk assessment documents.

1. Appendices and Attachments:

Additional information supporting the claims made in the plan.

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