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1. Setting Goals
2. Diseases of attitude

Winter is coming. Always. It is regular.

See, before I understand what it is winter, I used to wish it was summer.

Key phrases:
• Life and business is like the changing seasons.
• You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself.

Four major lessons in life

1. Learn how to handle the winters.
2. Learn how to take advantage of the spring.
3. Learn how to protect and nourish your crop during summer.
◦ All good will be attacked.
◦ All values must be defended.
4. Learn how to harvest in the fall, without complaint.
◦ It is one of the highest forms of human maturity: accept full responsibility. The day
that you passed from childhood to adulthood.

It's not what happens, but rather it's what you do. (Acta)
Merfy's Law → if anything can go wrong, it will.

Life change.
• Major step to human progress: discipline. Actions change the life. The key: start with little
discipline, get excited over the little and then, get right on those because those will lead to
the big ones. Sic parvis magna.
• Self motivation.
3 steps to life change (style, personality, everything):
1. Find out how things work. To change life you need ideas. There is nothing an idea cannot
solve. So, the major problem is the lack of ideas. To get ideas you need a constant study of
finding out. Capture your ideas in the journal.
You may not be able to do all you find out. But you have to find out all you can do.
Be a child:
Childish curiosity.
Childish excitement.
Childish faith.
Childish Trust.
If you are curious, here is three ways to change everything: (a) read – learn except of your
own experience through others'. One book might save you five years. (b) learn life's “setup”
to keep for getting hurt (you don't have to like the setup) and to get on the good side of the
way things work.

The 2 laws from the Bible

1. The law of use (whatever you don't use, you loose. You loose automatically, when you quit –
parable of talents).
2. The law of sowing and reaping
The 7 key points to this law:
1. The law is negative.
2. The law is positive (if you are so good, you reap good).
3. More (you do not reap what you sow, but rather you always reap more than what you
4. Do not let negativity sow a seed.
5. The best part: anyone can sow.
6. You can loose.
7. If you don't sow, you won't have any chance to reap.

Setting Goals
Make a living or designing life? It's easy to get trapped from economic necessities and settle for
A formula for setting goals → long range goals (the dreams) and the short range goals (confidence
builders). Goals = 1. Economic 2. Things (Have a list because part of the fun of having a list is
checking it off. When you accomplish majorthings, celebrate it. Self-congratulation is a sign of
maturity. Seeking for congratulation is a sign of immaturity) 3. Personal Development
The formula → 1. Work hard on your goals and make plan (very important – plan like an adult and
believe it like a child). 2. Write down your goals. 3. Check the size and the kind of the goals. Your
goals affect you.

A Bible philosophy about how to get what you want → Ask. Two ways to ask. Ask with
intelligence. Ask with faith (the childish part of the parameter). Yoy won't get everything you want.

4 Emotions:
• Disgust
• Decision
• Desire (Welcome every human experience)
• Resolve (Nothing can resist the human will – promising yourself you will never give up)
Action. You must do something about how you feel.

Overcaution is a disease. Don't ask for security. Ask for adventure.

Pessimism → a deadly disease.
Everyday stand guard at the door of your mind.
Complainting → the worst disease.

The war is on. Win it.

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