Methylene Blue and Light Therapy For Herpes Simplex

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of repository penicillin G benzathine was 6.

Lochner JC, Pomeranz JR: Lichenoid sec-

ticular, the posterior occipital, the axillary, ondary syphilis. Arch Dermatol 109:81-83, 1974.
and inguinal lymph nodes. The physical ex¬ administered intramuscularly in doses of 7. Miller RL: Pustular secondary syphilis. Bull
amination findings were otherwise normal. 2.4 million units/week. The patient related Assoc Milit Dermatol 21:24-27, 1973.
Blood pressure was 120/70 mm Hg, and the that she experienced "fever and chills" 8. Mikhail GR, Chapel TA: Follicular papulo-
temperature, 37.3 C (99.1 F). A biopsy within a few hours of the first injection. pustular syphilid. Arch Dermatol 100:471-473,
specimen of a lesion of the right forearm When the patient was seen a month later, 9. Van Dersarb JV: Granulomatous secondary
showed a characteristic picture of second¬ the skin lesions had completely resolved, syphilis. Bull Assoc Milit Dermatol 19:25-27,
ary syphilis (Fig 2 and 3). The VDRL test the VDRL was reactive at eight dilutions, 1971.
for syphilis was reactive with a titer of and the FTA-ABS was reactive. The pa¬ 10. Sing R, Kaur D, Parameswaran M: Sarcoi-
dal reaction of the skin in syphilis. Br J Vener
1:16, and the FTA-ABS was also reactive tient failed to complete further pulmonary Dis 47:209-211, 1971.
on June 15,1974. A total of 7.2 million units studies. One year later, she returned; at 11. Stillians AW: Sarcoid and syphilis. JAMA
this time, the chest x-ray films continued 77:1615-1618, 1921.
shows massive granulo- to show the nodular densities, which were 12. Frazier CN, Ch'uan-k'uei H: Isolation of
Fig 2.—Section
matous infiltrate involving upper dermis again interpreted as compatible with sar¬ treponema pallidum from a subcutaneous sar-
coid. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 30:898-901, 1933.
(hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification coidosis in both lungs. On June 20, 1974, 13. Berstein ET, Leider M: Cutaneous sarcoi-
X105). the VDRL test for syphilis, undiluted, and dosis as an expression of syphilis. J Invest Der-
the FTA-ABS were reactive. Further stud¬ matol 15:75-79, 1950.
ies were not done.
Comment—Secondary syphilis has Neurotic Excoriations
a wide variety of clinical signs and
symptoms.12 The wide spectrum of To the Editor.\p=m-\Ireceived a letter
histological features of this disease is from a patient with neurotic excoria-
well-recorded.38 The sarcoidal reac¬ tions, asking for a prescription refill.
tion of secondary syphilis is well- She is 75 years old, retired, and was
recognized,910 and the implication one of the first members of her sex to
was once made that syphilis could be become an architect in this country.
a cause of sarcoidosis.1113 To our The insight and clarity with which
knowledge, our case is unusual in that she described her problem was most
it was labeled sarcoidosis, while the striking, and I now quote her:
patient also had secondary syphilis, as I believe the habit comes from the state
proven by a positive sérologie test for of worry, apprehension and tension, in
syphilis, a skin biopsy, a Herxheimer which circumstances have placed me. The
reaction, and complete resolution of sincere wish that I were not here encum-
the patient's skin lesions with anti- bering the earth, now that my years of
syphilitic therapy. The pulmonary usefulness are over, also colors an impulse
sarcoidal infiltrate remains un¬ toward self destruction which perhaps un-
changed. This case shows that syphi¬ consciously expresses itself in this way.
lis, the ubiquitous fellow traveler, can Our texts do not express it better,
be found in association with any dis¬ if as well.
ease and that it might well have been Henry R. Corwin, MD
missed if this papular eruption had Norwalk, Conn
been assumed to be caused by the pri¬
Fig 3.—Higher magnification shows infil¬ mary disease process, in this case, Methylene Blue and Light Therapy
trate mainly composed of plasma cells and sarcoidosis. for Herpes Simplex
histocytes with marked perivascular local¬ Gary L. McMillan, MD
ization (hematoxylin-eosin, original magni¬ Robert E. Burns, MD To the Editor.\p=m-\Photodynamicinac-
fication x 1,235). Detroit tivation of herpesvirus by methylene
blue was demonstrated in our labora-
George R. Mikhail, MD, interpreted the sec¬ tory. About 70% of freshly isolated
tions removed for histopathologic study. strains of herpesvirus was found to be
highly photosensitive after appli-
1. Lomholt G: Syphilis, in Rook A, Wilkinson cation of methylene blue at concen-
DS, Ebling FG (eds): Textbook of Dermatology. tration of 10 5M. Strains resistant to
Oxford, England, Blackwell Scientific Publica- methylene blue were also resistant to
tions, 1972, pp 634-638. neutral red, but were sensitive to
2. O'Lansky S, Norins LC: Syphilis and other
treponematoses, in Fitzpatrick TB, Arndt KA, proflavine, and vice versa.
Clark WH Jr, et al (eds): Dermatology in General Our initial clinical trial on patients
Medicine. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co Inc, with recurrent genital herpes indi-
1971, pp 1955-1978. cated that about 70% of 36 individuals
3. Lever WH: Histopathology of the Skin.
Philadelphia, JB Lippincott Co, 1967. treated with methylene blue and light
4. Pinkus H, Mehregan AH: A Guide to Der- improved: symptoms subsided in 48
matopathology. New York, Appleton-Century\x=req-\ hours, and the duration of the illness
Crofts, 1969. shortened appreciably. However, the
5. Jeerapaet P, Ackerman AB: Histological
patterns of secondary syphilis. Arch Dermatol relapse rate was not substantially re-

104:373-377, 1973. duced.

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Treatment consisted of application .025% betamethasone benzoate gel previous skin disease or allergy. A pheno-
of 0.1% methylene blue and, 20 min- preparation to be used six times daily, barbital-belladonna mixture and thiamine
utes later, exposure to either fluores- with 4 mg of chlorpheniramine hydrochloride capsules were the drugs he
cent light at a close distance or to (Chlortrimeton) to be applied every received orally recently. He had for the
sunlight whenever possible. The lat- six hours. first time 2% lidocaine hydrochloride with
ter gave a better result. Treatment After two days of this program, the epinephrine, 1:50,000, injections as a dental
was carried out at home by the pa- patient felt symptomatically much anesthetic the previous month.
tient. This made treatment possible improved. Appearance of new vesicles Three days after the second injection, he
at the earliest stage of the disease ceased, but his hand felt dry. He con¬ developed a papular pruritic eruption on
when response was the best. Early tinued to use the gel six times a day. his arms. A flare-up occurred one day after
treatment could abort the develop¬ Eleven days later, examination of the the third injection. This eruption became
ment of vesiculation and stop the dis¬ hand disclosed a remarkable finding, generalized the following week, but spared
ease at the erythematous stage. namely, a krinkled type of macerated the palms and soles. He had a blood eosino-
Te-Wen Chang, MD skin such as is seen in immersion syn¬ philia of 21%. Because of malaise and this
Nicholas Fiumara, MD dromes. The underlying skin was dermatitis he was hospitalized and treated
Louis Weinstein, MD pink. There was no vesiculation. The with topically applied and systemically
Boston patient was pleased, but noted that administered corticosteroids and anti-
the hand felt "tight" and slightly ten¬ histamines. His skin cleared. Despite the
der. It was as if the gel had sealed order not to give any drugs, he received
Krinkle Finger Syndrome moisture in the hand, as is seen with another lidocaine hydrochloride injection
To the Editor.\p=m-\Ihave recently en- the current-day fad of occlusive ther¬ for dental anesthesia. Eight hours later, he
countered an unusual reaction to apy with plastic wrapping. developed periorbital edema and a papu-
treatment with betamethasone ben-
We stopped the use of the gel and lovesicular rash on his arms similar to the
zoate gel (Benisone Gel) that may be
started treatment with .05% fluoran- rash he developed in the first episode. At
drenolide cream applied four times a that time, he was still under systemic cor¬
worth noting.
A 29-year-old package dealer had a day, which abated the dry, tight sen¬ ticosteroid treatment. The dermatitis
dermatitis of the right hand that ap- sation. The maceration "krinkling" spread to his legs the following day, but
reaction decreased. The patient com¬ did not lead to generalized exfoliation.
peared as small, discrete vesicles on plained of dryness especially in the Skin tests were performed as follows: (1)
the sides of the fingers and the dorsal
surfaces, but spared the palmar as- webs, which showed a fine branny Patch test with 20% lidocaine hydrochloride
pect (Figure). The eruption occurred scaling. Petrolatum was added to his in petrolatum; the results were negative at
regimen. He made a rapid recovery to 72 and 96 hours after the test. (2) Intrader¬
an "eczema craquelé" type of skin mal test with 2% lidocaine was negative to
and finally to mild scaling erythema. 45 minutes. (3) Epinephrine showed normal
I thought that the probable mecha¬ blanching only. (4) Sterile physiologic sa¬
nism of the eruption was the drying line was negative. (5) Paraben mixture
of the gel that sealed a hyperhidrotic (15% in petrolatum) was negative at 72 and
palm in a patient with mild xerosis 96 hours. However, eight hours after intra¬
type. The clinical picture was dra¬ dermal and patch testing, a papular prurit¬
matic but did not bother the patient ic rash appeared on his upper extremities
who was amused by my consternation and shoulders.
and the notoriety his dermatitis pro¬ One week later, the phenobarbital-bella-
duced. donna mixture was given orally; no reac¬
Howard S. Yaffee, MD tion was observed.
Cambridge, Mass Comment—The inadvertent drug
challenge test when lidocaine was in¬
jected a fourth time and the flare-up
noted after intradermal testing (even
Presumed Generalized Exfoliative
without a visible local reaction) make
Dermatitis to Lidocaine
it likely that the exfoliative derma¬
To the Editor.\p=m-\Sinceits introduc- titis was caused by hypersensitivity
two days after the patient had tion in 1948, lidocaine hydrochloride, response to lidocaine hydrochloride.
worked in the garden pulling up an acetanilide derivative, has become In this instance, a careful medical
weeds with the affected hand. a widely used local anesthetic because history, an alert patient historian, in¬
Past history disclosed that 15 years of the rarity of toxic effects. Only 11 advertent dental drug challenge, and
ago, after working on his mother's cases of presumed hypersensitivity the flare-up after skin testing led to
lawn, the patient had developed a ve- reactions, such as urticaria, anaphy- the presumptive diagnosis. Is it pos¬
sicular eruption over the hands and lactoid reactions, and convulsions sible that other patients exist without
face. He notes itching and conjuncti- have been published. We report a pa- the cause being suspected because the
vitis when cutting grass at present, tient with generalized papulovesicu- patient and physician did not specifi¬
but no dermatitis. Until five years lar lesions leading to exfoliative der- cally make this relationship?
ago, he took pills during August for matitis. Heidelore Hofmann, MD
hay fever. Report of a Case.\p=m-\A21-year-old man Howard I. Maibach, MD
Believing that this was a probable was referred because of generalized papu- Eugene Prout, MD
contact dermatitis, I prescribed a lovesicular eruption. He had no history of Davis and San Francisco, Calif

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