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STRUCTURE: Defining Relative Clauses, using:

THAT / Where/WHO/WHEN/WHICH, or ______ (NOTHING).

If you could wish to meet a famous person? Who would you meet?
If I could meet a famous person,I ‘d meet Someone Who’s a singer.

That’s the Pick pocket. He pick pocketed my wallet yesterday.

That’s the Pick pocket who pick pocketed my wallet yesterday.

I’d wish for some place. Somewhere they could

practise activities.
I’d wish for some place where they (could) practise
I want to buy that I-phone. That’s the one! It has a Perfect
I want to buy that I-phone. That’s the one WHICH has a Perfect

He’s the one. He ordered the murder of 003.

= he’s the one WHO ordered the murder of 003.
He’s the one. He planned the highjacking.
=He’s the one who planned the highjacking.
He’s the one. He organised the drug-smuggling operation.
=He’s the one who organised the drug-smuggling operation.
He’s the one. He wants to control the world.
= He’s the one who wants to control the world.
Now look at this situation:
He’s the one. We’ve been after Him for years.
= He’s the one we’ve been after for years.
Otto is the name. He uses that name.
= Otto is the name he uses!
Otto is the name. He uses that name in Florida.
= Otto is the name. He uses in Florida.
That’s the signature. He left it on a hotel register.
= That’s the signature He left on a hotel register.
That’s the man. We have to stop him.
= That’s the man We have to stop.
They’re the people. We’re looking for them.
= They’re the people We’re looking for.
He was arrested for:
He was accused of: Arson (set fire s’where) / Murder / Terrorrism
/ Pick pocketING / ShopliftING/ Robbery / Smuggling /
Swindling/burglaring (BREAKING INTO) / kidnap (adults=highjack)
Two thieves Broke into (burgled) a house downtown last night.
Verbs and Person (CRIMINAL).
SO, he was judged as a/an: Pick pocket / Shoplifter/ Robber /
Smuggler / Swindler/ Thief/ Burgle(burglar) / Arsonist / Murderer
/ Terrorrise (terrorrist)
Kidnapper (highjacker)
He was guilty of the crime. He was a Dangerous criminal.
I’m only human, after all. Don’t put the Blame (culpa)on me!
General Vocabulary:
Bodyguard = Segurança Pessoal (guarda-costas)
Bouncer = Segurança de balada/banco/bares etc
Infrastructure = infraestrutura
Oil Company = empresas de petroleo
Offshore Oil Platform=plataformas de petróleo (ficam no oceano)
Seaside/Seashore = litoral.
Ex: Will (VONTADE) (I’m willing to go to the seaside next
weekend)= Estou com vontade de.../estou disposto à ...
Oil / Blood Spot/Stain= Mancha de Petróleo. / de sangue
Drill = Furar/Perfurar (treinamento militar/pesado/específico)
Military drill / Pronunciation Drill (treinamento pesado de
Drilling leases = Emprestimos Bancarios (lease bancário) para
perfuração de petróleo.
Drills = brocas / Drilling rig = maquinas perfuradoras/Perfuratriz
Oil Rig = Perfuratriz / rig (em geral = SONDA).
Blackmail = chantagear = They’re trying to blackmail me.
Conceal / hide = esconder
Pipeline = canos/dutos , also: IN THE PIPELINE
Fuel = combustível (petrol./gas)
Launching pad = heliponto/plataforma de lançamento
Shuttle / rocket = Foguete
Helicopter / Heli / (rescue) Chopper(de resgate) = helicóptero.
Vanish = desaparecer
Scenery= cenário
The Situation takes place at a Mansion where peope are planning
an Operation at a seashore Oil Platform .
Plot = enredo (a estória em si).
Suspect = suspeito.
Crime syndicate = facção criminosa
“after” = Atrás (go after s’one = ir atrás de alguem).
We’re after that man! Estamos “atrás” daquele homem.
Go after your dreams (vá atrás de seus sonhos).
Let’s get in the house. AFTER YOU, mate ! (Voce primeiro ( ladies
SLOWJOB = Braço curto / Marcha lenta (que trabalha pouco).
Blowjob = sexo oral.
Blow = soprar (the wind was blowing through the leaves).
A Blow = uma porrada (um soco na cara).
I threw him a blow!
Trust = confiar
Feed – fed – fed = alimentar
ODD = Strange/weird = estranha/esquisita.
Defect(ED) = Fugir (de perguição policial)
Perfect (adj) = perfeito!
Perfect (V.) = Aperfeiçoar.

The plane is AT GATE 12.

The Bus is ON TRACK (pista) 10.
I’s like to Track my object. (rastrear).

He’s the one who’s A Millionaire / AN expert assassin.

He’s the one who’s A black belt Karate / a Defector from Moldania.
He’s the one who’s THE Leader of SMASH / THE inventor
He’s the one who’s THE killer of 004.
SHe’s the one who KILLED 004 / married Krugerand.
SHe’s the one who met 006 IN Singapore.

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