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MOD001120- Organisational Behaviour

Assignment guideline for component 010 – Short essay

Date of Submission: 10/11/19 ( subject to turnitin creation)

Drawing on relevant academic literature, critically discuss the impact of culture on
organisational behaviour and performance

a) Introduction: Should brief on the significance of the topic of essay and propose what
would be the major focus of analysis. ( 100-150 words)

b) Body of analysis: Should focus on Culture that influence Employee/Organisational

performance.( 600-700 words)

c) Conclusion: Should provide a short summary of analysis done that reflect your
opinion on the influence.( 100-150 words)

Points to note
 Do not write definitions in the essay
 Organisational/Employee performance should be considered as a resultant
factor of Culture
 Do not write any direct theories in your essay
 The essay was 100% a literature review hence no cases or working
examples needed.
 Provide citations wherever you can and try to use it in your reference list

For body of analysis :

You can write your answer based on any one of these choices-
1) You can go by the cultural models/theories (or)
2) You can choose strong and weak cultures (or)
3) You can choose cultural types ( Any three in this case) (or)
4) You can review the impact of cultural based on cultural characteristics

When you search for literature on this you have to look for papers that look into any
of these:

Impact of culture on – Organisational performance (or) employee performance (or)

employee behaviour (or) employee motivation (or) employee engagement (or) employee
commitment (or) employee loyalty (or) employee productivity etc…

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