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Science 1 – SSES, Week 7

Name Date
Grade/Section Rating
I. Introductory Concept
Have you seen a seed planted and has grown into a plant?
Have you seen how it became bigger and taller? Do plants look
similar or different when they grow?
Come and let’s have fun reading and studying this module
to learn more of the changes in plants as they grow. 😊

II. Learning Competencies

At the end of this learning packet, you should be able to:
-Compare changes in plants as they grow
-Interpret observations of changes in plants as they grow.

III. Activities:
Directions: Write  if the statement is correct and X if not.

1. Some plants grow from seed.

2. A young plant can bear fruit.

3. Growth of a tree begins from being tall and big.

4. A mature plant has more leaves than a young plant.

5. A young plant has fewer roots than a mature plant.

RO_Science_Grade 1_Q2_LP7 1
Directions: Fill in the blanks.

plants seeds fruit

Seeds grow into ____________.

Some plants make__________.

The fruit has more____________ inside.

Find and color the seeds.

Directions: Interpret observations of changes in plants as they

Problem: What are the changes in plants as they grow?

What You Need: Picture of a tomato plant
What to Do: Examine each picture.
What have you find out?
1. What have you noticed to color of the tomato fruit?



RO_Science_Grade 1_Q2_LP7 2
2. Which color shows a fully ripe tomato? __________ How
about the unripe one? ________________.
3. Observe and interpret the picture below. This is a
tomato plant. What changes have you observed to the
tomato plant? (mention one)



Conclusion: Put a  on the correct statement.

Plants change as they grow.

Plants do not change as they grow.

Remember This!
Compare changes in plants they grow
Human baings and animals undergo changes when they
grow and so are the plants.

RO_Science_Grade 1_Q2_LP7 3
Figure 1. The growth of plants from seed into a matured plant.

Most of the plants flowering and fruit bearing plants undergo

same process of development or growth change. Every stage
contributes a lot of factors to help them to be more productive in
bearing fruits for us to eat. Let’s compare the changes in plants
development as they grow.

Plant stages of growth development:

1. Seed – It is the condition or stage of bearing seed. It is now

ready to grow into a new plant.

Figure 2. Tomato seeds

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Figure 3. Seeds becoming new plants Figure 3.1 Seeds of tomato

2. Seedling – It is a young plant grown from seed. Once

germination occurs, the new plant will gradually begin to
appear. The root, which anchors the plant to the soil, grows
downward. The sprout will eventually take on a green color
(chlorophyll) upon developing its first leaves, at which time
the plant becomes a seedling.

Figure 4. Tomato seedling

3. Mature Plant – A plant having completed natural growth
and development. Some plants have flowers. Some plants
are now ready bear fruits.

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Figure 5 Tomato with flowers and ready to bear fruits

Have you noticed the changes happened to plants as it

develops as a grown plant? It starts from a seed, which becomes a
seedling and later becomes a mature plant. Most of the plants like
the tomato undergo these changes. You can compare all the
changes that a plant goes through. It also gives you a guide to tell
whether plants are growing healthy or not.

Directions: The following pictures and statement describe the
changes of plants as they grow. Write YES if the statement is correct
and NO if not.

1. The fruit is already ripe and ready to eat. _______

2. A young plant grew from a seed. _______

RO_Science_Grade 1_Q2_LP7 6
3. This will become a tree after 3 days. _______

4. The plant is now ready to bear fruit after

several days. _______

5. This is a mature plant.______

IV. Answer Key

1.  plants
A. B. Analysis 1. Change of color
2. X 2. Red, green
3. X 3. Varied answers
4.  seeds
5.  Conclusion:  1st box
1. Yes, 2. Yes, 3. No, 4. Yes and 5. No

RO_Science_Grade 1_Q2_LP7 7
V. Reflection
Wow! Congratulations for finishing this module! Draw and
color on the board, the plant you like to plant in your garden.

VI. References:
Google cliparts website

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Development Team of the Module
Writer: G.J. Leslie A. Rifareal
Editors: Rochelle M. Labrador/Ma. Belen Q. Lurcha
Reviewers: Jemnah A. Macabe, EPS-1, Science, Masbate City
Chozara P. Duroy EPS-II, Science, RO V

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