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Assessment Grades For Attainment And Approach To Learning

The following sets out the grades used for Brentwood School Reports and Interim Assessments.
Pupils are graded for each of the following:
Behaviour in Class: The extent to which the pupil's manner in class promotes a positive learning environment and is conducive to enabling good progress to be
(Years 7 to 11 only): made by all. This includes maintaining good concentration, listening carefully and respectfully to instructions and advice from the teacher
and the ideas of others.
Approach to Learning in Class: The extent to which the pupil actively participates in class discussions and engages with all tasks set. This includes showing willingness to
answer questions and to contribute ideas to the whole class and when working in groups. It also includes the pupil actively seeking
assistance from the class teacher when necessary.
Approach to Learning Outside The extent to, and care with which homework is completed. This includes fully addressing the objectives of the task, persevering where
Class: pupils’ find work challenging and answering each question to the best of their ability. (Where students are not set homework such as in First
Year Music, this should be recorded as “N/A”)

For Sixth Form students this must also reflect the student’s expected engagement in independent study over and above routine homework
tasks set by teachers. This could include wider reading for consolidation or interest, asking further questions outside of class, private
revision, learning vocabulary, or participating in other opportunities to broaden their understanding of the subject. For Sixth Form, such
independence must be evident to award a grade better than “Good”.
Organisation and Deadlines: The extent to which the pupil arrives at the lesson ready to learn and is able to meet deadlines set by the class teacher. This includes
arriving punctually with necessary equipment and reflects the pupil’s ability to manage their time effectively.
These criteria are graded as follows: ‘Very good’ ‘Good’ ‘Room For improvement’ ‘Urgent Action Required’

• A fifth ‘Exceptional’ grade is available only for “Participation/Approach to Learning in Class” and “Approach to Learning Outside Class” and indicates where a pupil has
significantly exceeded the expectations of someone in that year group.
• Room for improvement communicates that a pupil is occasionally failing to meet their teacher’s expectations in that area of that subject.
• Urgent action required signals that the pupil is frequently failing to meet those expectations.
Teachers award attainment grades based on the quality of work and contribution seen in class, work completed outside class, tests and examination results. The grades should
be based on all aspects of a student’s work during the period since the last tracking grades.
YEARS 7, 8 and 9
These grades are not based on likely performance at GCSE / IGCSE level
rather on Students’ attainment grades in Years 7, 8 and 9 are based on their
position within their cohort. This includes checking at a departmental level to
ensure distributions are accurate and fair.

Pupils in Year 10 and above receive two attainment grades at each tracking grade cycle:
- A “currently working at” grade to reflect their current performance [since the last communication with parents].
- A “likely final” grade to reflect their teacher’s most realistic estimate of how the student will do in their final exam.
It is reasonable that likely final grades will be more difficult to generate at the start of a two year course.

For example, a student awarded a grade 4 or 5 for their work in recent weeks may still have a grade 7 for their likely final grade. It is also possible that they may be awarded a
higher attainment grade than their likely final grade.
YEARS 10 and 11
All subjects will grade Year 10 and 11 students’ attainment from 9-4 for study towards their GCSEs/IGCSEs. Where students fall short of the passing standard in their subject
this will be recorded as “Below 4”.
All subjects will grade A-Level students’ attainment from A*-E taking into account current performance and likely outcomes in examinations. This also applies for the Extended
Project Qualification (EPQ).
BTEC attainment grades take into account current performance and likely
outcomes in examinations and are awarded in accordance with the table below.
In L6th students work towards a foundation diploma qualification in which each
individual unit of the course is marked as a single grade: Distinction (D), Merit,
(M) or Pass (P). When moving into U6th, those previous grades contribute
towards the triple grade awarded for the extended diploma (shown below).
Additionally, BTEC students study for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
which uses the A-Level grading system.


All subjects will grade IB students’ attainment from 7-1 taking into account current performance and likely outcomes in examinations. No attainment grades are awarded for
Theory of Knowledge or CAS.
Assessment Grade Descriptors – September 2023
Dan Endlar – Academic Director (Director of Studies)
2023 Y10 October Tracking Grades

Name : Oliver Brooks

House : Hartswood Form : 10GMK
Subject Currently Likely Final Behaviour in Class Approach to Learning Approach to Learning Organisation and Teacher
Working At Grade in Class Outside Class Deadlines

Biology 9 9 Good Very Good Very Good Good Dr J M Wells

Chemistry 9 9 Good Very Good Good Good Mr L R Schramm

English (Language) 7 8 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Mr S E Levien

English (Literature) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mr S E Levien

Food and Nutrition 6 6 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Miss C Hargreaves

Geography 8 8 Very Good Very Good Exceptional Very Good Mr D J Wright

History 7 9 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Mr M F Clark

Human Universe N/A N/A Very Good Very Good N/A N/A Dr S J Gascoyne

Mandarin 8 9 Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Miss Y Hou

Maths 9 9 Good Good Good Good Mrs T Kehinde

Physical Education N/A N/A Good Very Good N/A N/A Mr N D Gamester

Physics 9 9 Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Mr D H Golinski

Should you have any concerns with regards to this assessment please contact Mr Kiff at

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